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authorPhilipe Mulet2001-10-15 17:53:46 +0000
committerPhilipe Mulet2001-10-15 17:53:46 +0000
commit7b4bc6991a970c369d1a37f5f0a247cbda9d82c5 (patch)
parent88010cd4ab41b9242fedefe4ae79811aaa56f87f (diff)
Revision of Friday Oct. 12, 2001
-rw-r--r--org.eclipse.jdt.core/notes/r2.0/output folder/output-folder.html582
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+ <title>JDT - Java Output Folder</title>
+Java Output Folder</h2>
+Last revised 15:45 Friday October 12, 2001
+<p>Work item: "Support for dealing with class files generated by external
+Java compilers like javac and jikes from an Ant script."
+<p>Here's the crux of one problem (from WSAD, via John W.):
+<p>In some environments the client has limited flexibility in how they
+structure their Java projects. Sources must go here; resource files here;
+mixed resource and class files here; etc.
+There are situations where the client needs to place additional class files
+and resource files in the output directory.</li>
+There are situations where the client needs to generate class files into
+an existing folder filled with their class files and resource files (e.g.,
+an exploded WAR file).</li>
+When clients attempts either, they discover that (a) the Java model and
+builder ignore any class files in the output folder, and (b) from time
+to time these files in the output folder get deleted without warning.
+<p>The Java builder was designed under the assumption that it "owns" the
+output folder. The work item, therefore, is to change the Java builder
+to give clients and users more flexiblility as to where they place their
+source, resource, library class, and generated class files.
+Current Functionality</h3>
+Eclipse 1.0 Java builder has the following characteristics (and inconsistencies):
+The class files generated by the Java builder go in a single output folder.
+Java source files go in one or more source folders. Any other kind of files
+can be included in the source folder too; this includes pre-compiled class
+files. All these other files will be automatically mirrored to the binary
+output directory when a build is done. The mirror is maintained as the
+source folder changes; damage made directly to the output folder gets repaired
+no later than the next full build.</li>
+The output folder belongs to the Java builder. It summarily deletes files
+from the output folder that it does not think belong there. It is not possible
+to get away with adding files directly to the output folder. So you cannot
+even mate the extra resource files with the class files manually.</li>
+When the project source and output folder coincide (perhaps at the project
+itself), the builder behaves differently. It grants that source files belong
+there, so it never deletes them. It also grants that non-class files belong
+there, so it never deletes them either. But it assumes that all class files
+are generated, and so it summarily deletes them on every full build, including
+class files that were explicitly put there. This is inconsistent with the
+way things work out when the output folder and the source folder do not
+coincide. And it is not what you want if you need to mate other class files
+with the generated ones.</li>
+The Java model has 2 primitive kinds of inputs: Java source files, and
+Java library class files. The Java builder produces one primary output:
+generated Java class files. Each Java project has a build classpath listing
+what kinds of inputs it has and where they can be found, and a designated
+output folder where generated class files are to be placed. The runtime
+classpath is computed from the build classpath by substituting the output
+folder in place of the source folders.
+<p>Java "resource" files, defined to be files other than Java sources and
+class files, are of no particular interest to the Java model for compiling
+purposes. However, these resource files are very important to the user,
+and to the program when it runs. Resource files are routinely co-located
+with library class files. But it is also convenient for the user if resource
+files can be either co-located with source code, or segregated in a separate
+<p>Ideally, the Java model should not introduce constraints on where inputs
+and outputs are located. This would give clients and users maximum flexibility
+with where they locate their files.
+<p>The proposal here has 4 separate parts. Taken in conjunction they remove
+the current constraints that make it difficult for some clients to place
+their files where they need to be.
+<a href="#Java Builder Attitude Adjustment">Change the Java builder's attitude
+towards the output folder.</a></li>
+<a href="#Allowing Folders to Play Multiple Roles">Allow folders to play
+multiple roles on the same build classpath.</a></li>
+<a href="#Completely eliminate resource file copying behavior">Completely
+eliminate the resource copying behavior of current Java builder.</a></li>
+<a href="#Minimize the opportunity for obsolete class files to have bad effects">Minimize
+the opportunity for obsolete class files to have bad effects.</a></li>
+[Revised proposal: Rather than write a completely new proposal, I've added
+a note like to the end of each subsequent section describing a revised
+<a NAME="Java Builder Attitude Adjustment"></a>Java Builder Attitude Adjustment</h3>
+To appreciate the difficulties inherent with the Java builder sharing its
+output folder with other folk, consider the following workspace containing
+a Java project. Assume that this project has not been built in quite a
+while, and the user has been manually inserting and deleting class files
+in the project's output folder.
+<p>Java project p1/
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; src/com/example/&nbsp; (source folder on build classpath)
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; bin/com/example/ (output folder)
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bar.class {SourceFile=""}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Foo.class {SourceFile=""}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Foo$1.class {SourceFile=""}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Internal.class {SourceFile=""}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Main.class {SourceFile=""}
+<p>From this arrangement of files (and looking at the SourceFile attributed
+embedded in class files), we can infer that:
+Bar.class came from compiling a source file named "".</li>
+Foo.class, Foo$1.class, and Internal.class all came from compiling a "".
+(A single source file will compile to multiple separate class files if
+it has nested classes or secondary non-public classes.)</li>
+There are no existing class files corresponding to "".</li>
+Main.class came from compiling a source file named "", which the
+workspace does't have.</li>
+Java Builder - Obsolete Class File Deletion</h4>
+If the user was to request a full build of this project, how would the
+Java builder proceed? Before it compile any source files, it begins by
+deleting existing class files that correspond to source files it is about
+to recompile. Why? Because obsolete class files left around (a) waste storage
+and (b) would be available at runtime where they could cause the program
+to run incorrectly.
+<p>In this situation, the Java builder deletes the class files corresponding
+to (i.e., Bar.class), to (i.e., Foo.class, Foo$1.class,
+and Internal.class), and to (none, in this case). The remaining
+class files (Main.class) must be retained because it is irreplaceable.
+<p>The Java builder takes responsibility for deleting obsolete class files
+in order to support automated incremental recompilation of entire folders
+of source files. Note that standard Java compilers like javac never ever
+delete class files; they simply write (or overwrite) class files to the
+output folder for the source files that they are given to compile. Standard
+Java compilers do not support incremental recompilation: the user is responsible
+for deleting any obsolete class files that they bring about.
+<p>If the Java builder is free to assume that all class files in the output
+folder are ones that correspond to source files, then it can simply delete
+all class files in the output folder at the start of a full build. If it
+cannot assume this, the builder is forced to look at class files in the
+output folder to determine whether it has source code for them. This is
+clearly more expensive that not having to do so. By declaring that it "owns"
+the output folder, the current builder is able to makes this simplifying
+assumption. Allowing users and clients to place additional class files
+in the output folder requires throwing out this assumption.
+<p>If the user or client is free to manipulate class files in the output
+folder without the Java builder's involvement, then the builder cannot
+perform full or incremental builds without looking at and deleting the
+obsolete class files from the output folder corresponding to source files
+being compiling.
+<p>Under the proposed change, the Java builder would need to look at the
+class files in the output folder to determine whether it should delete
+them. <i>The only files in the output folder that the Java builder would
+be entitled to overwrite or delete are class files which the Java builder
+would reasonably generate, or did generate, while compiling that project.</i>
+The Java builder is entitled to overwrite class files in the output folder
+that correspond to current source files. Any class file at such a path
+is the Java builder's. Even when the actual contents of the class file
+came from elsewhere, the builder is always entitled to delete them or overwrite
+them with its contents.</li>
+The only files in the output folder that the Java model/builder would be
+entitled to delete outright are ones that had been generated by the Java
+builder when compiling this project but which no longer correspond to a
+current source file. This permits the Java builder to clean up obsolete
+class files that it knows it generated, or would have generated, on an
+earlier build. It does not have the right to delete other class files,
+even ones which do not correspond to a current source file. (Otherwise
+the Java builder could justify deleting any class file that it does not
+have corresponding source for.) Even for a full build, the Java builder
+is not allowed to scrub all class files from the output folder (unless
+it happens to know for a fact that the only class files in there ones it
+The source file is an optional attribute of class files that is not generated
+when debug info is suppressed (javac -g:none). Class files in the output
+folder without the SourceFile attribute should be treated as if there was
+no corresponding source file. This means they never get deleted outright,
+although they may still be overwritten as required.</li>
+Note: changing a project to give it a different output folder should absolve
+the Java builder of responsibility for any generated class files in the
+former output folder. This means the Java builder does not need to perform
+cleanup or track anything outside the current output folder.</li>
+Note: adding a source entry to the build classpath causes a bunch of new
+source files to enter the frame. Some of the existing class files in the
+output folder might now map to these source files, possibly in preference
+to where they mapped before. Removing a source entry from the build classpath
+causes a bunch of source files to leave the picture. Some of the existing
+class files in the output folder might now map to other source files, or
+not map to any soure file at all. [We need to decide whether obsolete class
+files need to be tracked across the additional and/or removal of source
+entries from the build classpath.]</li>
+This change is not a breaking API change. The old spec said that the Java
+model/builder owned the output folder, but didn't further specify what
+all that entailed. The new spec will modify this position to allow clients
+to store files in the output folder; it will promise that these files are
+perfectly safe unless they are in the Java builder's direct line of fire.
+Java Model - Obsolete Class File Deletion</h4>
+There is another facet of the obsolete class file problem that the Java
+builder is not in a position to help with.
+<p>If the source file were to be deleted, its three class files
+become obsolete and need to be deleted <i>immediately</i>. Why immediately?
+Consider what happens if the class files are not deleted immediately. If
+the user requests a full build, the Java builder is presented with the
+following workspace:
+<p>Java project p1/
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; src/com/example/&nbsp; (source folder on build classpath)
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; bin/com/example/ (output folder)
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bar.class {SourceFile=""}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Foo.class {SourceFile=""}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Foo$1.class {SourceFile=""}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Internal.class {SourceFile=""}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Main.class {SourceFile=""}
+<p>Since a full build is requested, the Java builder is not passed a resource
+delta tree for the project. This means that the Java builder has no way
+of knowing that was just deleted. The Java builder has no choice
+but to retain the three class files Foo.class, Foo$1.class, and Internal.class,
+just as it retains Main.class. This too is a consequence of allowing the
+Java builder to share the output folder with the user's class files.
+<p>If the obsolete class files are not deleted in response to the deletion
+of a source file, these class files will linger around. The Java builder
+will be unable to get rid of them.
+<p>The proposal is to have the Java model monitor source file deletions
+on an ongoing basis and identify and delete any corresponding obsolete
+class files in the output folder. This clean up activity must handle the
+case of source files that disappear while the Java Core plug-in is not
+activated (this entails registering a Core save participant).
+<p>Since deleting (including renaming and moving) a source file is a relatively
+uncommon thing for a developer to do, the implementation should bet it
+does not have to do this very often. When a source file in deleted, its
+package name gives us exactly which subfolder of the output folder might
+contain corresponding class files that might now be obsolete. In the worst
+case, the implementation would need to access all class files in that subfolder
+to determine whether any of them have become obsolete. In cases where there
+is more than one source folder on the builder classpath, and there is therefore
+the possibility of one source file hiding another by the same name, it
+is necessary to consult the build classpath to see whether the deleted
+source file was exposed or buried.
+Implementation Tricks</h4>
+Some observations and implementation tricks that should help reduce the
+space and time impact of doing this.
+When one or more source files are deleted from a single source folder,
+their position under the source package fragment root gives us the package
+name. This package name tells us exactly which subfolder of the output
+folder might contain corresponding class files that might now be obsolete.
+In the worst case, the implementation would need to access all class files
+in that subfolder to determine whether any of them have become obsolete.
+This shows that you only need information about a small portion of the
+output folder in order to process one or more deletions within a single
+source folder.</li>
+A source file named typically compiles to a single class file
+named Foo.class. There might be more class files (for nested classes and/or
+secondary non-public types); and there might be less (when the source file
+contains only non-public types with names other than "Foo"). When recording
+the extracted source file name information, only the exceptional cases
+need to be represented explicitly. For example, only Foo$1.class (derived
+from and Internal.class (derived from are unusual;
+Bar.class, Foo.class, and Main.class are all derived from source files
+with the expected name. This means you can store the information extracted
+from class files much more compactly that a simple class file name to SourceFile
+string mapping.</li>
+There is often only one source folder on the builder classpath. In this
+case, all source files in the source folder get compiled; there is no possibility
+of one source file "hiding" another by the same name. This observation
+can be used to avoid checking for source file hiding.</li>
+When all else fails</h3>
+A special concern is that the user must be able to recover from crashes
+or other problems that result in obsolete class files being left behind
+in the output folder. It can be very bad when this kind of thing happens
+(and it does happen, despite our best efforts), and can undercut the user's
+confidence in the Java compiler and IDE. In a large output folder that
+contains important user files, the user can't just delete the output folder
+and do a full build. The user has no easy way to distinguish class files
+with corresponding source from ones without. A simple way to address this
+need would be to have a command (somewhere in the UI) that would delete
+all class files in the output folder for which source code is available
+("Delete Generated Class Files"). This would at least give the user some
+help in recovering from these minor disasters.
+<p>[Revised proposal: The Java builder remembers the names of the class
+files it has generated. On full builds, it cleans out all class files that
+it has on record as having generated; all other class files are left in
+place. On incremental builds, it selectively cleans out the class files
+that it has on record as having generated corresponding to the source files
+that it is going to recompile. There is no need to monitor source file
+deletions: corresponding generated class files will be deleted on the next
+full build (because it nukes them all) or next incremental build (because
+it sees the source file deletion in the delta). The Java builder never
+looks at class files for their SourceFile attributes. A full build always
+deletes generated class files, so there's no need to a special UI action.]
+<a NAME="Allowing Folders to Play Multiple Roles"></a>Allowing Folders
+to Play Multiple Roles</h3>
+The proposed change is to consistently allow the same folder to be used
+in multiple ways on the same build classpath.
+As source folder and as output folder.</li>
+N.B. This is currently supported (e.g., when folder is the project root).</li>
+Allows generated class files to be co-located with Java source files.</li>
+Since output folder is automatically included on runtime classpath, this
+arrangement would automatically make any class files or resource files
+available at runtime.</li>
+However, these class files would not be seen at compile time library folder.</li>
+Recommendation: when class files or resources are present in a folder,
+there should always be a library folder entry on the build classpath for
+As source folder and as library folder.</li>
+N.B. This is currently disallowed.</li>
+Allows library class files to be co-located with Java source files.</li>
+Allows resource files to be co-located with Java source files.</li>
+In virtue of being a library entry on the build classpath, the folder is
+used at compile time for library class files and is included on the runtime
+As library folder and as output folder.</li>
+N.B. This is currently disallowed.</li>
+Allows library class files to be co-located with generated class files.</li>
+Allows resource files to be co-located with generated class files.</li>
+Remove duplicate entry when forming the runtime class path.</li>
+Note that the generated class files in this library folder are ignored
+by the builder because it has source for all these by definition.</li>
+As source folder and as output folder and as library folder.</li>
+This is just a combination of all of above.</li>
+Allows library class files, generated class files, and resource files to
+be co-located with Java source files.</li>
+Simple "one folder Java development" setup for someone with library class
+files and possibly resources.</li>
+This change is not a breaking change; it would simply allow some classpath
+configurations that are currently disallowed to be considered legitimate.
+The API would not need to change.
+<p>[Revised proposal: Many parts of the Java model assume that library
+folders are relatively quiet. Allow a library folder to coincide with the
+output folder would invalidate this assumption, which would tend to degrade
+performance. For instance, the indexer indexes libraries and source folders,
+but completely ignores the output folder. If the output folder was also
+a library, it would repeatedly extract indexes for class files generated
+by the builder.
+<p><i>N.B. This means that the original scenario of library class files
+in the output folder is unsupportable.</i>
+<p>Allowing source folder to coincide with a library folder would be allowed.]
+<a NAME="Completely eliminate resource file copying behavior"></a>Completely
+eliminate resource file copying behavior</h3>
+The current Java builder copies "resource" files from source folders to
+the output folder (provided that source and output do not coincide). Once
+in the output folder, the resource files are available at runtime because
+the output folder is always present on the runtime class path.
+<p>This copying is problematic:
+Copying creates duplicates of resource files.</li>
+Takes up extra disk space.</li>
+Copying resources takes extra time.</li>
+Increases risk of user confusion (modify the copy).</li>
+Copying is out of character for Java builder.</li>
+Java builder should compile Java source files to binary class files.</li>
+Copying behavior is quirky.</li>
+Resources are never copied from a source folder that coincides with the
+output folder.</li>
+Resources are copied from a source folder that does not coincide with the
+output folder, even if the output folder happens to be another source folder.</li>
+Modifying the copy and building causes the file to be deleted (!); it is
+replaced by a fresh copy on the next full build.</li>
+When there are several resource files with same name, it is impossible
+to reliably control which one ends up in the output folder.</li>
+When the project source is the project itself, and the output is in a folder
+under the project, the builder copies the .classpath file into the output
+folder too.</li>
+The proposal is to eliminate this copying behavior. The proper way to handle
+this is to include an additional library entry on the build classpath for
+any source folders that contain resources. Since library entries are also
+included on the runtime classpath, the resource files contained therein
+will be available at runtime.
+<p>We would beef up the API specification to explain how the build classpath
+and the runtime classpath are related, and suggests that one deals with
+resource files in source folders using library entries. This would be a
+breaking change for clients or users that rely on the current resource
+file copying behavior.
+<p>The clients that would be most affected are ones that co-locate their
+resource files with their source files in a folder separate from their
+output folder. This is a fairly large base of customers that would need
+to add an additional library entry for their source folder.
+<p>It would be simple to write a plug-in that detected and fixed up the
+Java projects in the workspace as required. By the same token, the same
+mechanism could be built in to the Java UI. If the user introduces a resource
+files into a source folder that had none and there is no library entry
+for that folder on the build classpath, ask the user whether they intend
+this resource file to be available at runtime.
+<p>(JW believes that WSAD will be able to roll with this punch.)
+<p>[Revised proposal: Retain copying from source to output folder where
+Source folder different from output folder, no additional source folders:
+copy resources from source folder to output folder (current behavior).</li>
+Source folder different from output folder, additional source folders:
+copy resources from all source folders to output folder honoring build
+classpath ordering (current behavior).</li>
+Source folder same as output folder, and no additional source folders:
+no copying (current behavior).</li>
+Source folder same as output folder, and additional source folders: error
+(new behavior).</li>
+This eliminates the screw case where resources get copied from one source
+folder into another source folder, possibly overwriting client data.]
+<a NAME="Minimize the opportunity for obsolete class files to have bad effects"></a>Minimize
+the opportunity for obsolete class files to have bad effects</h3>
+The Java compiler should minimize the opportunity for obsolete class files
+to have bad effects.
+<p>Consider the following workspace:
+<p>Java project p1/
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; src/com/example/&nbsp; (source folder on build classpath)
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {package com.example;
+public class C1 {}}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {package com.example;
+public class C2 extends Secondary {})
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; lib/com/example/ (library folder on build classpath)
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; C1.class {from compiling
+an old version of
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; that read
+package com.example; public class C1 {}; class Secondary {}}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; C2.class {from compiling
+an old but unchanged version of}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary.class {from compiling
+an old but unchanged version of}
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Quux.class {from compiling}
+<p>Assume the source folder precedes the library folder on the build classpath
+(sources should always precede libraries).
+<p>When the compiler is compiling both and, it should not
+satisfy the reference to the class com.example.Secondary using the existing
+Secondary.class because the SourceFile attributes shows that Secondary.class
+is clearly an output from compiling, not an input. In general,
+the compiler should ignore library class files that correspond to source
+files which are in the process of being recompiled. (In this case, only
+Quux.class is available to satisfy references.) The Java builder does not
+do this.
+<p>Arguably, the current behavior should be considered a bug. (javac 1.4
+(beta) has this bug too.) Fixing this bug should not be a breaking change.
+<p>When the SourceFile attribute is not present in a class file, there
+is no choice but to use it.
+<p>[Revised proposal: Maintain current behavior.]

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