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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-10-06bug 391288: Publish IVY and Maven artifacts with "org.gemini"Violeta Georgieva1-3/+3
2012-10-06bug 391297: Update virgo-build to 2.32 version and VBT to 1.4.1.RELEASEVioleta Georgieva2-37/+36
2012-08-24bug 377022: Provide test for @Resource annotation usage.Violeta Georgieva2-6/+35
2012-08-23bug 377020: Update to Apache Tomcat 7.0.29Violeta Georgieva1-6/+6
2012-08-01bug 386392: Format the source code. There are no functional changes.Violeta Georgieva3-12/+8
2012-07-29bug 386207: Use Tomcat dependencies from the Eclipse Orbit (org.eclipse.virgo...Violeta Georgieva2-15/+15
2012-07-21bug 385660: Update versions forVioleta Georgieva3-7/+6
2012-07-20bug 384774, 385583: Update Virgo Utils to 3.5.0.RELEASE. Update SLF4J to 1.6.4.Violeta Georgieva3-13/+13
2012-06-07bug 375645: Gemini Web artifacts are published now with an organization 'org....Violeta Georgieva1-3/+3
2012-06-07bug 381828: Fixed the Bundle-Classpath generation when installing web applica...Violeta Georgieva1-7/+38
2012-06-05bug 380770: Update Virgo utils version.Violeta Georgieva2-4/+8
2012-05-16bug 379665: Update JDT compiler to 3.7.0.M20120208-0800 version.Violeta Georgieva1-1/+1
2012-04-18bug 373202: Provide test for JarScannerCustomizer.Violeta Georgieva1-0/+21
2012-04-09bug 376310: Fixed ClassNotFoundException when adding Tomcat's filters to the ...Violeta Georgieva1-24/+28
2012-03-20bug 374486: Fixed NPE, thrown by BundleEntryAttributes.getBundleEntryURLConne...Violeta Georgieva1-0/+50
2012-03-12bug 367731: Upgrade to Apache Tomcat 7.0.26. Update global web.xml in order t...Violeta Georgieva1-6/+6
2012-02-19bug 371988: Add test for web application that uses Servlet 3.0 annotations.Violeta Georgieva1-10/+27
2011-10-24bug 359008: Remove Spring dependencies from the GW package artifact.Violeta Georgieva2-10/+0
2011-10-10359962 Using a variable for the bundle versionChristopher Frost1-1/+1
2011-10-07bug 352987: Update code to make use of generics.Violeta Georgieva2-43/+46
2011-09-28bug358707 - Consume the new util.osgi bundles from VirgoBorislav Kapukaranov3-3/+6
2011-09-26bug 357493: Update Tomcat version.Violeta Georgieva1-12/+12
2011-08-01353119 upgrading to the indigo version of equinoxChristopher Frost1-1/+1
2011-07-28bug 353295: Upgrade javax.servlet.jsp.jstl to v1.2 tagGlyn Normington1-2/+2
2011-07-19bug 351030: When one is using DefaultServlet of Tomcat to browse directory, o...Violeta Georgieva1-6/+23
2011-05-18bug 332042: Upgrade from Tomcat 6.0.29 to Tomcat 7.0.12.Violeta Georgieva4-40/+42
2011-05-13Moving tests up to JDT compiler 3.6.1Christopher Frost1-1/+1
2011-03-16[RELEASELOR] Updated versionsHristo Iliev1-6/+6
2011-02-28[RELEASELOR] Updated versionsChristopher Frost1-7/+7
2011-02-09New Jasper version to allow the build to work with the new equinox 3.5M5Christopher Frost3-40/+14
2011-02-09333071 Upgrading to equinox 3.7M5Christopher Frost2-6/+33
2011-01-27310219 removing felix code and updating some versionsChristopher Frost3-2/+4
2011-01-04bug 332190: Support for providing custom default web.xml.Violeta Georgieva1-0/+33
2010-12-30bug 333314: Three additional packages are added to Import-Package header for ...Violeta Georgieva3-5/+8
2010-11-26bug 329979: integration test for supplying web.xml in a fragmentVioleta Georgieva1-0/+22
2010-11-11Bug 329566: HttpServlet.getRealPath fixedVioleta Georgieva1-1/+3
2010-11-03fix bundlor prefsGlyn Normington1-1/+1
2010-11-02upgrade Virgo dependencies to 2.2.0.M01Glyn Normington1-5/+5
2010-11-02remove (incubation) from bundle namesGlyn Normington2-2/+2
2010-09-24fix test profileGlyn Normington1-1/+5
2010-09-23bug 325572: remove dependencies on java.xml.wsGlyn Normington2-32/+44
2010-09-23Get test profile up to date with that from the kernelGlyn Normington1-9/+46
2010-09-23add missing dependencyGlyn Normington1-1/+2
2010-09-22313760 confirming the PackageInWarScannerTests work as intended and improving...Christopher Frost1-1/+1
2010-09-10bug 307393: integration test improvementsVioleta Georgieva1-3/+7
2010-09-09Merge branch 'master' into bug307393Glyn Normington1-2/+2
2010-09-07bug 322983: avoid starting new ha and tribes bundlesGlyn Normington1-2/+2
2010-09-07bug 307393: web application extraction supportVioleta Georgieva1-0/+23
2010-09-03Deploy org.eclipse.jdt.core at 3.3.0 level.Steve Powell2-1/+1
2010-09-03Fix Eclipse classpath dependencies.Steve Powell1-2/+2

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