configurations { etrice_c etrice_cpp etrice_java modelpath_c modelpath_cpp modelpath_java } dependencies { etrice_c project(':plugins:org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c') etrice_cpp project(':plugins:org.eclipse.etrice.generator.cpp') etrice_java project('') } /** * Creates an eTrice generator task * @param name: The name of the new task * @param lang: One of the following languages 'c', 'cpp', 'java' * @param models: A list of models passed to the generator * @param genDir: The generation directory * @param options: The eTrice generator options */ ext.createGeneratorTask = { name, lang, models, genDir = 'src-gen', options = [] -> return tasks.create(name: name, type: JavaExec) { main = "org.eclipse.etrice.generator.${lang}.Main" classpath = configurations."etrice_$lang" args '-clean', '-msc_instr' args '-genDir', genDir args options def modelpath = configurations."modelpath_$lang" if(!modelpath.isEmpty()) { args '-modelpath', modelpath.asPath } args models } }