RoomModel cGenRef { import room.basic.types.* from "" LogicalSystem LS { SubSystemRef sys1: SubSys // SubSystemRef sys2: SubSys } SubSystemClass SubSys { ActorRef Sender: Sender ActorRef Receiver: Receiver Binding Sender.dataOut and Receiver.dataIn LogicalThread dflt_thread LogicalThread other_thread ActorInstanceMapping Receiver -> dflt_thread ActorInstanceMapping Sender -> other_thread } // SubSystemClass SubSysSomewhatBigger { // ActorRef Receiver: Receiver // ActorRef Sender: Sender // ActorRef Broadcast: Broadcast // ActorRef Receiver2: Receiver // ActorRef ref0: Broadcast // ActorRef ref1: Broadcast // ActorRef ref2: Receiver // ActorRef ref3: Receiver // Binding Sender.dataOut and Broadcast.dataIn // Binding Broadcast.dataOut and ref0.dataIn // Binding Broadcast.dataOut and ref1.dataIn // Binding Receiver.dataIn and ref0.dataOut // Binding Receiver2.dataIn and ref0.dataOut // Binding ref2.dataIn and ref1.dataOut // Binding ref3.dataIn and ref1.dataOut // } async ActorClass Receiver { Interface { Port dataIn: CommunicationProtocol } Structure { external Port dataIn Attribute attr1: DataClass1 } Behavior { StateMachine { Transition init: initial -> Idle { } Transition tr0: Idle -> DataReceived { triggers { } action { "dataIn.receivedData();" } } Transition tr1: DataReceived -> DataReceived { triggers { } action { "dataIn.receivedData();" } } State Idle State DataReceived } } } ActorClass Broadcast { Interface { Port dataIn: CommunicationProtocol conjugated Port dataOut [2]: CommunicationProtocol } Structure { external Port dataIn external Port dataOut } Behavior { StateMachine { Transition init: initial -> Idle { } Transition tr0: Idle -> tp0 of Sending { triggers { } action { "dataOut.sendData();" } } Transition tr1: tp1 of Sending -> ReceivedBoth { action { "dataIn.receivedData();" } } State Idle State Sending { subgraph { Transition tr0: my tp0 -> WaitingForReceived Transition tr1: WaitingForReceived -> ReceivedOne { triggers { } action { "// Kommentar" } } Transition tr3: ReceivedOne -> my tp1 { triggers { } } EntryPoint tp0 ExitPoint tp1 State WaitingForReceived State ReceivedOne } } State ReceivedBoth } } } ActorClass SenderManual { Interface { conjugated Port dataOut: CommunicationProtocol } Structure { external Port dataOut Attribute attribute1: int32 Attribute attribute2: DataClass1 } Behavior { //@BehaviorManual Operation operation1(argument1:int32, argument2: DataClass1 ref){""} } } ActorClass ReceiverManual { Interface { Port dataIn: CommunicationProtocol } Structure { external Port dataIn } Behavior { //@BehaviorManual } } async ActorClass Sender { Interface { conjugated Port dataOut: CommunicationProtocol } Structure { external Port dataOut Attribute counter: int32 } Behavior { StateMachine { Transition init: initial -> SendingData { action { "counter=0;" } } Transition tr0: SendingData -> cp cp0 { triggers { } action { "counter++;" } } Transition tr1: cp cp0 -> Done Transition tr2: cp cp0 -> SendingData { cond { "counter<10" } } ChoicePoint cp0 State SendingData { entry { "dataOut.sendData();" } do { "etLogger_logInfo(\">>> sending tick\");" } } State Done { entry { "etLogger_logInfo(\"+++ Sender Done +++\");" } do { "etLogger_logInfo(\">>> done tick\");" "if (++counter>20) etUnit_testFinished();" } } } } } ProtocolClass CommunicationProtocol { incoming { Message sendData() } outgoing { Message receivedData() } } ProtocolClass etRTSystemServicesProtocol { incoming { Message poll() } } DataClass DataClass1 { usercode1 {"// usercode1"} usercode2 {"// usercode2"} usercode3 {"// usercode3"} Attribute Attr1: int32 Attribute ComplexAttr: DataClass2 Attribute Attr3: float32 Operation MultiplyWithAttr1(value: int32): int32 { "return Attr1*value;" } Operation MultiplyWithAttr3(value: float32): float32 { "return Attr3*value;" } } DataClass DataClass2 { Attribute Attr1: int32 Attribute Attr2: float32 Attribute Attr3: int32 Operation Operation1() {"/*nothing to do*/"} } }