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diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f22cf33df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+/*removed comments and whitespace from detail code*/RoomModel room.basic.service.timing {
+ import room.basic.types.* from ""
+ async ActorClass ATimingService {
+ Interface {
+ SPP timer: PTimer
+ }
+ Structure {
+ usercode1 {
+ "#include\"osal/etTime.h\""
+ "#define ET_NB_OF_TCBS 30"
+ "typedef struct etTCB etTimerControlBlock;"
+ "struct etTCB{"
+ "etTime expTime;"
+ "etTime pTime;"
+ "int32 portIdx;"
+ "etTimerControlBlock*next;"
+ " };"
+ }
+ usercode2 {
+ "/*uc2*/"
+ }
+ usercode3 {
+ "/*uc3*/"
+ }
+ ServiceImplementation of timer
+ Attribute tcbs [30]: tcb
+ Attribute usedTcbsRoot: tcb ref
+ Attribute freeTcbsRoot: tcb ref
+ }
+ Behavior {
+ Operation getTcb(): tcb ref {
+ "etTimerControlBlock*temp=freeTcbsRoot;"
+ ""
+ "if(freeTcbsRoot!=0){"
+ "freeTcbsRoot=freeTcbsRoot->next;"
+ "temp->next=0;"
+ " }"
+ "return temp;"
+ }
+ Operation returnTcb(block: tcb ref) {
+ "block->next=freeTcbsRoot;"
+ "freeTcbsRoot=block;"
+ }
+ Operation removeTcbFromUsedList(idx: int32) {
+ "etTimerControlBlock*temp=usedTcbsRoot;"
+ "etTimerControlBlock*temp2=usedTcbsRoot;"
+ ""
+ "if(temp==0)return;"
+ ""
+ "if(usedTcbsRoot->portIdx==idx){"
+ " /*element found,the first one*/"
+ "usedTcbsRoot=usedTcbsRoot->next;"
+ "returnTcb(temp);"
+ "return;"
+ "}"
+ ""
+ "temp=temp->next;"
+ "while(temp!=0){"
+ "if(temp->portIdx==idx){"
+ "temp2->next=temp->next;"
+ "returnTcb(temp);"
+ "return;"
+ "}else{"
+ " /*try next*/"
+ "temp2=temp;"
+ "temp=temp->next;"
+ " }"
+ "}"
+ }
+ Operation putTcbToUsedList(block: tcb ref) {
+ "etTimerControlBlock*temp=usedTcbsRoot;"
+ "etTimerControlBlock*temp2=usedTcbsRoot;"
+ ""
+ "if(temp==0){"
+ " /*list empty put new block to root*/"
+ "block->next=0;"
+ "usedTcbsRoot=block;"
+ "return;"
+ " }"
+ ""
+ "while(1){"
+ "if(temp!=0){"
+ "if(isTimeGreater(&block->expTime,&temp->expTime)){"
+ " /*try next position*/"
+ "temp2=temp;"
+ "temp=temp->next;"
+ " }else{"
+ " /*right position found*/"
+ "block->next=temp;"
+ "if(temp==usedTcbsRoot){"
+ "usedTcbsRoot=block;"
+ " }else{"
+ "temp2->next=block;"
+ " }"
+ "return;"
+ " }"
+ " }else{"
+ " /*end of list reached*/"
+ "block->next=0;"
+ "temp2->next=block;"
+ "return;"
+ " }"
+ "}"
+ }
+ Operation isTimeGreater(t1: targetTime ref, t2: targetTime ref): boolean {
+ "if(t1->sec>t2->sec)return ET_TRUE;"
+ "if(t1->sec<t2->sec)return ET_FALSE;"
+ "if(t1->nSec>t2->nSec)return ET_TRUE;"
+ "return ET_FALSE;"
+ }
+ Operation addTime(t1: targetTime ref, t2: targetTime ref) {
+ "t1->sec+=t2->sec;"
+ "t1->nSec+=t2->nSec;"
+ "while(t1->nSec>=1000000000L){"
+ "t1->sec++;"
+ "t1->nSec-=1000000000L;"
+ "}"
+ }
+ StateMachine {
+ Transition tr0: initial -> Operational {
+ action {
+ "int i;"
+ "usedTcbsRoot=0;"
+ "freeTcbsRoot=&tcbs[0];"
+ "tcbs[ET_NB_OF_TCBS-1].next=0;"
+ "for(i=0;i<ET_NB_OF_TCBS-1;i++){"
+ "\ttcbs[i].next=&tcbs[i+1];"
+ "\t}"
+ }
+ }
+ Transition tr1: Operational -> Operational {
+ triggers {
+ <startTimeout: timer>
+ }
+ action {
+ "etTimerControlBlock*timer=getTcb();"
+ "etTime t;"
+ "if(timer!=0){"
+ "\tt.sec=time/1000;"
+ "\tt.nSec=(time%1000)*1000000L;"
+ "\ttimer->pTime.sec=0;"
+ "\ttimer->pTime.nSec=0;"
+ "\ttimer->portIdx=((etReplSubPort*)ifitem)->index;"
+ "\tgetTimeFromTarget(&(timer->expTime));"
+ "\taddTime(&(timer->expTime),&t);"
+ "\tputTcbToUsedList(timer);"
+ "\t}"
+ }
+ }
+ Transition tr3: Operational -> Operational {
+ triggers {
+ <startTimer: timer>
+ }
+ action {
+ "etTimerControlBlock*timer=getTcb();"
+ "etTime t;"
+ "if(timer!=0){"
+ "\tt.sec=time/1000;"
+ "\tt.nSec=(time%1000)*1000000L;"
+ "\ttimer->pTime=t;"
+ "\ttimer->portIdx=((etReplSubPort*)ifitem)->index;"
+ "\tgetTimeFromTarget(&(timer->expTime));"
+ "\taddTime(&(timer->expTime),&t);"
+ "\tputTcbToUsedList(timer);"
+ "\t}"
+ }
+ }
+ Transition tr4: Operational -> Operational {
+ triggers {
+ <kill: timer>
+ }
+ action {
+ "removeTcbFromUsedList(((etReplSubPort*)ifitem)->index);"
+ }
+ }
+ State Operational {
+ entry {
+ "/*prepare*/"
+ }
+ do {
+ "/*maintain timers*/"
+ "etTimerControlBlock*temp;"
+ "etTime t;"
+ ""
+ "getTimeFromTarget(&t);"
+ "while(usedTcbsRoot!=0){"
+ "\tif(isTimeGreater(&t,&(usedTcbsRoot->expTime))){"
+ "\t\ttimer[usedTcbsRoot->portIdx].timeout();"
+ "\t\ttemp=usedTcbsRoot;"
+ "\t\tusedTcbsRoot=usedTcbsRoot->next;"
+ "\t\tif((temp->pTime.sec==0)&&(temp->pTime.nSec==0)){"
+ "\t\t\t/*single shot timer*/"
+ "\t\t\treturnTcb(temp);"
+ "\t\t}else{"
+ "\t\t\t/*periodic timer*/"
+ "\t\t\taddTime(&temp->expTime,&temp->pTime);"
+ "\t\t\tputTcbToUsedList(temp);"
+ "\t\t\t}"
+ "\t\t}else{"
+ "\t\t\tbreak;"
+ "\t\t\t}"
+ "\t}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ProtocolClass PTimer {
+ usercode1 {
+ "#define ET_TIMER_RUNNING 0x01"
+ "#define ET_TIMER_PERIODIC 0x02"
+ }
+ usercode2 {
+ "/*uc2*/"
+ }
+ incoming {
+ Message startTimer(time: uint32)
+ Message startTimeout(time: uint32)
+ Message kill()
+ }
+ outgoing {
+ Message timeout()
+ }
+ conjugated PortClass
+ {
+ handle incoming startTimer {
+ "if(status==0){"
+ "etPort_sendMessage(self,PTimer_IN_startTimer,sizeof(int32),&data__et);"
+ "}"
+ }
+ handle incoming startTimeout {
+ "if(status==0){"
+ "status=ET_TIMER_RUNNING;"
+ "etPort_sendMessage(self,PTimer_IN_startTimeout,sizeof(int32),&data__et);"
+ "}"
+ }
+ handle outgoing timeout {
+ "/*TODO:clear active bit in case of single shot timer*/"
+ "if(status!=0){"
+ "if(status==ET_TIMER_RUNNING){"
+ " /*single shot timer*/"
+ "status=0;"
+ " }"
+ " /*msg to fsm*/"
+ " (*receiveMessageFunc)(actor,self,msg);"
+ "}"
+ }
+ handle incoming kill {
+ "if(status!=0){"
+ "status=0;"
+ "etPort_sendMessage(self,PTimer_IN_kill,0,NULL);"
+ "}"
+ }
+ Attribute status: int8 = "0"
+ }
+ }
+ ExternalType tcb -> "etTimerControlBlock" default "{{0,0},{0,0},0,NULL}"
+ ExternalType targetTime -> "etTime" default "{0,0}"
+} \ No newline at end of file

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