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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/generic/')
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 538 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/generic/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/generic/
index 7cba20a99..d6c354193 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/generic/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/generic/
@@ -1,538 +1,538 @@
-package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.ILogger;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ILanguageExtension;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.TypeHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ComparableExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Conversions;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IntegerExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ObjectExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.StringExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation;
-public class ProcedureHelpers {
- @Inject
- private ILanguageExtension languageExt;
- @Inject
- private TypeHelpers _typeHelpers;
- @Inject
- private ILogger logger;
- public StringConcatenation UserCode(final DetailCode dc) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(dc, null);
- if (_operator_notEquals) {
- _builder.append("//--------------------- begin user code");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- EList<String> _commands = dc.getCommands();
- for(final String command : _commands) {
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append(command, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("//--------------------- end user code");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- /**
- * TODO: add ref type
- */
- public StringConcatenation Attributes(final List<Attribute> attribs) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("//--------------------- attributes");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- for(final Attribute attribute : attribs) {
- {
- int _size = attribute.getSize();
- boolean _operator_equals = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)0));
- if (_operator_equals) {
- String _accessLevelProtected = this.languageExt.accessLevelProtected();
- _builder.append(_accessLevelProtected, "");
- RefableType _refType = attribute.getRefType();
- DataType _type = _refType.getType();
- String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
- _builder.append(_typeName, "");
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _name = attribute.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- } else {
- String _accessLevelProtected_1 = this.languageExt.accessLevelProtected();
- _builder.append(_accessLevelProtected_1, "");
- RefableType _refType_1 = attribute.getRefType();
- DataType _type_1 = _refType_1.getType();
- String _typeName_1 = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type_1);
- _builder.append(_typeName_1, "");
- _builder.append("[] ");
- String _name_1 = attribute.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- public String arrayInitializer(final Attribute att) {
- String _xifexpression = null;
- String _defaultValueLiteral = att.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(_defaultValueLiteral, null);
- if (_operator_notEquals) {
- String _defaultValueLiteral_1 = att.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- _xifexpression = _defaultValueLiteral_1;
- } else {
- RefableType _refType = att.getRefType();
- DataType _type = _refType.getType();
- String _defaultValue = this._typeHelpers.defaultValue(_type);
- _xifexpression = _defaultValue;
- }
- String dflt = _xifexpression;
- boolean _startsWith = dflt.startsWith("{");
- if (_startsWith) {
- {
- String[] _split = dflt.split(",");
- int _size = ((List<String>)Conversions.doWrapArray(_split)).size();
- int _size_1 = att.getSize();
- boolean _operator_notEquals_1 = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)_size_1));
- if (_operator_notEquals_1) {
- String _name = att.getName();
- String _operator_plus = StringExtensions.operator_plus("WARNING: array size determined by initializer differs from attribute size (", _name);
- String _operator_plus_1 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus, "[");
- int _size_2 = att.getSize();
- String _operator_plus_2 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus_1, ((Integer)_size_2));
- String _operator_plus_3 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus_2, "] <-> ");
- String _operator_plus_4 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus_3, dflt);
- String _operator_plus_5 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus_4, ")");
- this.logger.logInfo(_operator_plus_5);
- }
- return dflt;
- }
- }
- String result = "{";
- int i = 0;
- int _size_3 = att.getSize();
- boolean _operator_lessThan = ComparableExtensions.<Integer>operator_lessThan(((Integer)i), ((Integer)_size_3));
- Boolean _xwhileexpression = _operator_lessThan;
- while (_xwhileexpression) {
- {
- String _operator_plus_6 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(result, dflt);
- result = _operator_plus_6;
- int _operator_plus_7 = IntegerExtensions.operator_plus(((Integer)i), ((Integer)1));
- i = _operator_plus_7;
- int _size_4 = att.getSize();
- boolean _operator_lessThan_1 = ComparableExtensions.<Integer>operator_lessThan(((Integer)i), ((Integer)_size_4));
- if (_operator_lessThan_1) {
- String _operator_plus_8 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(result, ", ");
- result = _operator_plus_8;
- }
- }
- int _size_5 = att.getSize();
- boolean _operator_lessThan_2 = ComparableExtensions.<Integer>operator_lessThan(((Integer)i), ((Integer)_size_5));
- _xwhileexpression = _operator_lessThan_2;
- }
- String _operator_plus_9 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(result, "}");
- return _operator_plus_9;
- }
- public StringConcatenation attributeInitialization(final List<Attribute> attribs) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("// initialize attributes");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- for(final Attribute a : attribs) {
- {
- String _defaultValueLiteral = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(_defaultValueLiteral, null);
- if (_operator_notEquals) {
- {
- int _size = a.getSize();
- boolean _operator_equals = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)0));
- if (_operator_equals) {
- String _name = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, "");
- _builder.append(" = ");
- String _defaultValueLiteral_1 = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- _builder.append(_defaultValueLiteral_1, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- } else {
- String _defaultValueLiteral_2 = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- boolean _startsWith = _defaultValueLiteral_2.startsWith("{");
- if (_startsWith) {
- String _name_1 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, "");
- _builder.append(" = new ");
- RefableType _refType = a.getRefType();
- DataType _type = _refType.getType();
- String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
- _builder.append(_typeName, "");
- _builder.append("[] ");
- String _defaultValueLiteral_3 = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- _builder.append(_defaultValueLiteral_3, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- } else {
- String _name_2 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_2, "");
- _builder.append(" = new ");
- RefableType _refType_1 = a.getRefType();
- DataType _type_1 = _refType_1.getType();
- String _typeName_1 = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type_1);
- _builder.append(_typeName_1, "");
- _builder.append("[");
- int _size_1 = a.getSize();
- _builder.append(_size_1, "");
- _builder.append("];");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("for (int i=0;i<");
- int _size_2 = a.getSize();
- _builder.append(_size_2, "");
- _builder.append(";i++){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- String _name_3 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_3, " ");
- _builder.append("[i] = ");
- String _defaultValueLiteral_4 = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- _builder.append(_defaultValueLiteral_4, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- {
- int _size_3 = a.getSize();
- boolean _operator_equals_1 = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(((Integer)_size_3), ((Integer)0));
- if (_operator_equals_1) {
- String _name_4 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_4, "");
- _builder.append(" = ");
- RefableType _refType_2 = a.getRefType();
- DataType _type_2 = _refType_2.getType();
- String _defaultValue = this._typeHelpers.defaultValue(_type_2);
- _builder.append(_defaultValue, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- } else {
- String _name_5 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_5, "");
- _builder.append(" = new ");
- RefableType _refType_3 = a.getRefType();
- DataType _type_3 = _refType_3.getType();
- String _typeName_2 = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type_3);
- _builder.append(_typeName_2, "");
- _builder.append("[");
- int _size_4 = a.getSize();
- _builder.append(_size_4, "");
- _builder.append("];");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("for (int i=0;i<");
- int _size_5 = a.getSize();
- _builder.append(_size_5, "");
- _builder.append(";i++){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- String _name_6 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_6, " ");
- _builder.append("[i] = ");
- RefableType _refType_4 = a.getRefType();
- DataType _type_4 = _refType_4.getType();
- String _defaultValue_1 = this._typeHelpers.defaultValue(_type_4);
- _builder.append(_defaultValue_1, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- public StringConcatenation AttributeSettersGettersDeclaration(final List<Attribute> attribs, final String classname) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("//--------------------- attribute setters and getters");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- for(final Attribute attribute : attribs) {
- StringConcatenation _SetterHeader = this.SetterHeader(attribute, classname);
- _builder.append(_SetterHeader, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- StringConcatenation _GetterHeader = this.GetterHeader(attribute, classname);
- _builder.append(_GetterHeader, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- public StringConcatenation AttributeSettersGettersImplementation(final List<Attribute> attribs, final String classname) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("//--------------------- attribute setters and getters");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- for(final Attribute attribute : attribs) {
- StringConcatenation _SetterHeader = this.SetterHeader(attribute, classname);
- _builder.append(_SetterHeader, "");
- _builder.append(" {");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t ");
- String _memberAccess = this.languageExt.memberAccess();
- _builder.append(_memberAccess, " ");
- String _name = attribute.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, " ");
- _builder.append(" = ");
- String _name_1 = attribute.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- StringConcatenation _GetterHeader = this.GetterHeader(attribute, classname);
- _builder.append(_GetterHeader, "");
- _builder.append(" {");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("return ");
- String _memberAccess_1 = this.languageExt.memberAccess();
- _builder.append(_memberAccess_1, " ");
- String _name_2 = attribute.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_2, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- private StringConcatenation SetterHeader(final Attribute attribute, final String classname) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
- _builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
- _builder.append("void set");
- String _name = attribute.getName();
- String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name);
- _builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
- _builder.append(" (");
- String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, 1);
- _builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
- RefableType _refType = attribute.getRefType();
- DataType _type = _refType.getType();
- String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
- _builder.append(_typeName, "");
- {
- int _size = attribute.getSize();
- boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)0));
- if (_operator_notEquals) {
- _builder.append("[]");
- }
- }
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _name_1 = attribute.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, "");
- _builder.append(")");
- return _builder;
- }
- private StringConcatenation GetterHeader(final Attribute attribute, final String classname) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
- _builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
- RefableType _refType = attribute.getRefType();
- DataType _type = _refType.getType();
- String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
- _builder.append(_typeName, "");
- {
- int _size = attribute.getSize();
- boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)0));
- if (_operator_notEquals) {
- _builder.append("[]");
- }
- }
- _builder.append(" get");
- String _name = attribute.getName();
- String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name);
- _builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
- _builder.append(" (");
- String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, 0);
- _builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
- _builder.append(")");
- return _builder;
- }
- public StringConcatenation argList(final List<Attribute> attributes) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- boolean hasAnyElements = false;
- for(final Attribute a : attributes) {
- if (!hasAnyElements) {
- hasAnyElements = true;
- } else {
- _builder.appendImmediate(", ", "");
- }
- RefableType _refType = a.getRefType();
- DataType _type = _refType.getType();
- String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
- _builder.append(_typeName, "");
- {
- int _size = a.getSize();
- boolean _operator_greaterThan = ComparableExtensions.<Integer>operator_greaterThan(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)1));
- if (_operator_greaterThan) {
- _builder.append("[]");
- }
- }
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _name = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, "");
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- public StringConcatenation OperationsDeclaration(final List<? extends Operation> operations, final String classname) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("//--------------------- operations");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- for(final Operation operation : operations) {
- StringConcatenation _OperationSignature = this.OperationSignature(operation, classname, true);
- _builder.append(_OperationSignature, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- public StringConcatenation OperationsImplementation(final List<? extends Operation> operations, final String classname) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("//--------------------- operations");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- for(final Operation operation : operations) {
- StringConcatenation _OperationSignature = this.OperationSignature(operation, classname, false);
- _builder.append(_OperationSignature, "");
- _builder.append(" {");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- DetailCode _detailCode = operation.getDetailCode();
- EList<String> _commands = _detailCode.getCommands();
- for(final String command : _commands) {
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append(command, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- private StringConcatenation OperationSignature(final Operation operation, final String classname, final boolean isDeclaration) {
- String _name = operation.getName();
- EList<VarDecl> _arguments = operation.getArguments();
- StringConcatenation _BuildArgumentList = this.BuildArgumentList(_arguments);
- String _string = _BuildArgumentList.toString();
- RefableType _returntype = operation.getReturntype();
- String _DataTypeToString = this.DataTypeToString(_returntype);
- StringConcatenation _ClassOperationSignature = this.ClassOperationSignature(classname, _name, _string, _DataTypeToString, isDeclaration);
- return _ClassOperationSignature;
- }
- private String DataTypeToString(final RefableType type) {
- boolean _operator_equals = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(type, null);
- if (_operator_equals) {
- return "void";
- } else {
- DataType _type = type.getType();
- String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
- return _typeName;
- }
- }
- /**
- * builds comma separated argument list as string from EList<VarDecl> arguments
- */
- private StringConcatenation BuildArgumentList(final EList<VarDecl> arguments) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- boolean hasAnyElements = false;
- for(final VarDecl argument : arguments) {
- if (!hasAnyElements) {
- hasAnyElements = true;
- } else {
- _builder.appendImmediate(", ", "");
- }
- RefableType _refType = argument.getRefType();
- DataType _type = _refType.getType();
- String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
- _builder.append(_typeName, "");
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _name = argument.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, "");
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- public StringConcatenation ClassOperationSignature(final String classname, final String operationname, final String argumentList, final String returnType, final boolean isDeclaration) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
- _builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
- {
- boolean _operator_equals = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(returnType, "");
- if (_operator_equals) {
- _builder.append("void");
- } else {
- _builder.append(returnType, "");
- }
- }
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _operationScope = this.languageExt.operationScope(classname, isDeclaration);
- _builder.append(_operationScope, "");
- _builder.append(operationname, "");
- _builder.append("(");
- int _length = argumentList.length();
- String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, _length);
- _builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
- _builder.append(argumentList, "");
- _builder.append(")");
- return _builder;
- }
+package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.ILogger;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ILanguageExtension;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.TypeHelpers;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ComparableExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Conversions;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IntegerExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ObjectExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.StringExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation;
+public class ProcedureHelpers {
+ @Inject
+ private ILanguageExtension languageExt;
+ @Inject
+ private TypeHelpers _typeHelpers;
+ @Inject
+ private ILogger logger;
+ public StringConcatenation UserCode(final DetailCode dc) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ {
+ boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(dc, null);
+ if (_operator_notEquals) {
+ _builder.append("//--------------------- begin user code");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ EList<String> _commands = dc.getCommands();
+ for(final String command : _commands) {
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append(command, "");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("//--------------------- end user code");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ /**
+ * TODO: add ref type
+ */
+ public StringConcatenation Attributes(final List<Attribute> attribs) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("//--------------------- attributes");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ for(final Attribute attribute : attribs) {
+ {
+ int _size = attribute.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_equals = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)0));
+ if (_operator_equals) {
+ String _accessLevelProtected = this.languageExt.accessLevelProtected();
+ _builder.append(_accessLevelProtected, "");
+ RefableType _refType = attribute.getRefType();
+ DataType _type = _refType.getType();
+ String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
+ _builder.append(_typeName, "");
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ String _name = attribute.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ } else {
+ String _accessLevelProtected_1 = this.languageExt.accessLevelProtected();
+ _builder.append(_accessLevelProtected_1, "");
+ RefableType _refType_1 = attribute.getRefType();
+ DataType _type_1 = _refType_1.getType();
+ String _typeName_1 = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type_1);
+ _builder.append(_typeName_1, "");
+ _builder.append("[] ");
+ String _name_1 = attribute.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_1, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ public String arrayInitializer(final Attribute att) {
+ String _xifexpression = null;
+ String _defaultValueLiteral = att.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(_defaultValueLiteral, null);
+ if (_operator_notEquals) {
+ String _defaultValueLiteral_1 = att.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ _xifexpression = _defaultValueLiteral_1;
+ } else {
+ RefableType _refType = att.getRefType();
+ DataType _type = _refType.getType();
+ String _defaultValue = this._typeHelpers.defaultValue(_type);
+ _xifexpression = _defaultValue;
+ }
+ String dflt = _xifexpression;
+ boolean _startsWith = dflt.startsWith("{");
+ if (_startsWith) {
+ {
+ String[] _split = dflt.split(",");
+ int _size = ((List<String>)Conversions.doWrapArray(_split)).size();
+ int _size_1 = att.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_notEquals_1 = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)_size_1));
+ if (_operator_notEquals_1) {
+ String _name = att.getName();
+ String _operator_plus = StringExtensions.operator_plus("WARNING: array size determined by initializer differs from attribute size (", _name);
+ String _operator_plus_1 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus, "[");
+ int _size_2 = att.getSize();
+ String _operator_plus_2 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus_1, ((Integer)_size_2));
+ String _operator_plus_3 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus_2, "] <-> ");
+ String _operator_plus_4 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus_3, dflt);
+ String _operator_plus_5 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(_operator_plus_4, ")");
+ this.logger.logInfo(_operator_plus_5);
+ }
+ return dflt;
+ }
+ }
+ String result = "{";
+ int i = 0;
+ int _size_3 = att.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_lessThan = ComparableExtensions.<Integer>operator_lessThan(((Integer)i), ((Integer)_size_3));
+ Boolean _xwhileexpression = _operator_lessThan;
+ while (_xwhileexpression) {
+ {
+ String _operator_plus_6 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(result, dflt);
+ result = _operator_plus_6;
+ int _operator_plus_7 = IntegerExtensions.operator_plus(((Integer)i), ((Integer)1));
+ i = _operator_plus_7;
+ int _size_4 = att.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_lessThan_1 = ComparableExtensions.<Integer>operator_lessThan(((Integer)i), ((Integer)_size_4));
+ if (_operator_lessThan_1) {
+ String _operator_plus_8 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(result, ", ");
+ result = _operator_plus_8;
+ }
+ }
+ int _size_5 = att.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_lessThan_2 = ComparableExtensions.<Integer>operator_lessThan(((Integer)i), ((Integer)_size_5));
+ _xwhileexpression = _operator_lessThan_2;
+ }
+ String _operator_plus_9 = StringExtensions.operator_plus(result, "}");
+ return _operator_plus_9;
+ }
+ public StringConcatenation attributeInitialization(final List<Attribute> attribs) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("// initialize attributes");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ for(final Attribute a : attribs) {
+ {
+ String _defaultValueLiteral = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(_defaultValueLiteral, null);
+ if (_operator_notEquals) {
+ {
+ int _size = a.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_equals = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)0));
+ if (_operator_equals) {
+ String _name = a.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, "");
+ _builder.append(" = ");
+ String _defaultValueLiteral_1 = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ _builder.append(_defaultValueLiteral_1, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ } else {
+ String _defaultValueLiteral_2 = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ boolean _startsWith = _defaultValueLiteral_2.startsWith("{");
+ if (_startsWith) {
+ String _name_1 = a.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_1, "");
+ _builder.append(" = new ");
+ RefableType _refType = a.getRefType();
+ DataType _type = _refType.getType();
+ String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
+ _builder.append(_typeName, "");
+ _builder.append("[] ");
+ String _defaultValueLiteral_3 = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ _builder.append(_defaultValueLiteral_3, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ } else {
+ String _name_2 = a.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_2, "");
+ _builder.append(" = new ");
+ RefableType _refType_1 = a.getRefType();
+ DataType _type_1 = _refType_1.getType();
+ String _typeName_1 = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type_1);
+ _builder.append(_typeName_1, "");
+ _builder.append("[");
+ int _size_1 = a.getSize();
+ _builder.append(_size_1, "");
+ _builder.append("];");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("for (int i=0;i<");
+ int _size_2 = a.getSize();
+ _builder.append(_size_2, "");
+ _builder.append(";i++){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ String _name_3 = a.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_3, " ");
+ _builder.append("[i] = ");
+ String _defaultValueLiteral_4 = a.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ _builder.append(_defaultValueLiteral_4, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ int _size_3 = a.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_equals_1 = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(((Integer)_size_3), ((Integer)0));
+ if (_operator_equals_1) {
+ String _name_4 = a.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_4, "");
+ _builder.append(" = ");
+ RefableType _refType_2 = a.getRefType();
+ DataType _type_2 = _refType_2.getType();
+ String _defaultValue = this._typeHelpers.defaultValue(_type_2);
+ _builder.append(_defaultValue, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ } else {
+ String _name_5 = a.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_5, "");
+ _builder.append(" = new ");
+ RefableType _refType_3 = a.getRefType();
+ DataType _type_3 = _refType_3.getType();
+ String _typeName_2 = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type_3);
+ _builder.append(_typeName_2, "");
+ _builder.append("[");
+ int _size_4 = a.getSize();
+ _builder.append(_size_4, "");
+ _builder.append("];");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("for (int i=0;i<");
+ int _size_5 = a.getSize();
+ _builder.append(_size_5, "");
+ _builder.append(";i++){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ String _name_6 = a.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_6, " ");
+ _builder.append("[i] = ");
+ RefableType _refType_4 = a.getRefType();
+ DataType _type_4 = _refType_4.getType();
+ String _defaultValue_1 = this._typeHelpers.defaultValue(_type_4);
+ _builder.append(_defaultValue_1, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ public StringConcatenation AttributeSettersGettersDeclaration(final List<Attribute> attribs, final String classname) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("//--------------------- attribute setters and getters");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ for(final Attribute attribute : attribs) {
+ StringConcatenation _SetterHeader = this.SetterHeader(attribute, classname);
+ _builder.append(_SetterHeader, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ StringConcatenation _GetterHeader = this.GetterHeader(attribute, classname);
+ _builder.append(_GetterHeader, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ public StringConcatenation AttributeSettersGettersImplementation(final List<Attribute> attribs, final String classname) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("//--------------------- attribute setters and getters");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ for(final Attribute attribute : attribs) {
+ StringConcatenation _SetterHeader = this.SetterHeader(attribute, classname);
+ _builder.append(_SetterHeader, "");
+ _builder.append(" {");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t ");
+ String _memberAccess = this.languageExt.memberAccess();
+ _builder.append(_memberAccess, " ");
+ String _name = attribute.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, " ");
+ _builder.append(" = ");
+ String _name_1 = attribute.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_1, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ StringConcatenation _GetterHeader = this.GetterHeader(attribute, classname);
+ _builder.append(_GetterHeader, "");
+ _builder.append(" {");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("return ");
+ String _memberAccess_1 = this.languageExt.memberAccess();
+ _builder.append(_memberAccess_1, " ");
+ String _name_2 = attribute.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_2, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ private StringConcatenation SetterHeader(final Attribute attribute, final String classname) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
+ _builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
+ _builder.append("void set");
+ String _name = attribute.getName();
+ String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name);
+ _builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
+ _builder.append(" (");
+ String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, 1);
+ _builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
+ RefableType _refType = attribute.getRefType();
+ DataType _type = _refType.getType();
+ String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
+ _builder.append(_typeName, "");
+ {
+ int _size = attribute.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)0));
+ if (_operator_notEquals) {
+ _builder.append("[]");
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ String _name_1 = attribute.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_1, "");
+ _builder.append(")");
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ private StringConcatenation GetterHeader(final Attribute attribute, final String classname) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
+ _builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
+ RefableType _refType = attribute.getRefType();
+ DataType _type = _refType.getType();
+ String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
+ _builder.append(_typeName, "");
+ {
+ int _size = attribute.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_notEquals = ObjectExtensions.operator_notEquals(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)0));
+ if (_operator_notEquals) {
+ _builder.append("[]");
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append(" get");
+ String _name = attribute.getName();
+ String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name);
+ _builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
+ _builder.append(" (");
+ String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, 0);
+ _builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
+ _builder.append(")");
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ public StringConcatenation argList(final List<Attribute> attributes) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ {
+ boolean hasAnyElements = false;
+ for(final Attribute a : attributes) {
+ if (!hasAnyElements) {
+ hasAnyElements = true;
+ } else {
+ _builder.appendImmediate(", ", "");
+ }
+ RefableType _refType = a.getRefType();
+ DataType _type = _refType.getType();
+ String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
+ _builder.append(_typeName, "");
+ {
+ int _size = a.getSize();
+ boolean _operator_greaterThan = ComparableExtensions.<Integer>operator_greaterThan(((Integer)_size), ((Integer)1));
+ if (_operator_greaterThan) {
+ _builder.append("[]");
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ String _name = a.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, "");
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ public StringConcatenation OperationsDeclaration(final List<? extends Operation> operations, final String classname) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("//--------------------- operations");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ for(final Operation operation : operations) {
+ StringConcatenation _OperationSignature = this.OperationSignature(operation, classname, true);
+ _builder.append(_OperationSignature, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ public StringConcatenation OperationsImplementation(final List<? extends Operation> operations, final String classname) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("//--------------------- operations");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ for(final Operation operation : operations) {
+ StringConcatenation _OperationSignature = this.OperationSignature(operation, classname, false);
+ _builder.append(_OperationSignature, "");
+ _builder.append(" {");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ {
+ DetailCode _detailCode = operation.getDetailCode();
+ EList<String> _commands = _detailCode.getCommands();
+ for(final String command : _commands) {
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append(command, "");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ private StringConcatenation OperationSignature(final Operation operation, final String classname, final boolean isDeclaration) {
+ String _name = operation.getName();
+ EList<VarDecl> _arguments = operation.getArguments();
+ StringConcatenation _BuildArgumentList = this.BuildArgumentList(_arguments);
+ String _string = _BuildArgumentList.toString();
+ RefableType _returntype = operation.getReturntype();
+ String _DataTypeToString = this.DataTypeToString(_returntype);
+ StringConcatenation _ClassOperationSignature = this.ClassOperationSignature(classname, _name, _string, _DataTypeToString, isDeclaration);
+ return _ClassOperationSignature;
+ }
+ private String DataTypeToString(final RefableType type) {
+ boolean _operator_equals = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(type, null);
+ if (_operator_equals) {
+ return "void";
+ } else {
+ DataType _type = type.getType();
+ String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
+ return _typeName;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * builds comma separated argument list as string from EList<VarDecl> arguments
+ */
+ private StringConcatenation BuildArgumentList(final EList<VarDecl> arguments) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ {
+ boolean hasAnyElements = false;
+ for(final VarDecl argument : arguments) {
+ if (!hasAnyElements) {
+ hasAnyElements = true;
+ } else {
+ _builder.appendImmediate(", ", "");
+ }
+ RefableType _refType = argument.getRefType();
+ DataType _type = _refType.getType();
+ String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
+ _builder.append(_typeName, "");
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ String _name = argument.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, "");
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ public StringConcatenation ClassOperationSignature(final String classname, final String operationname, final String argumentList, final String returnType, final boolean isDeclaration) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
+ _builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
+ {
+ boolean _operator_equals = ObjectExtensions.operator_equals(returnType, "");
+ if (_operator_equals) {
+ _builder.append("void");
+ } else {
+ _builder.append(returnType, "");
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ String _operationScope = this.languageExt.operationScope(classname, isDeclaration);
+ _builder.append(_operationScope, "");
+ _builder.append(operationname, "");
+ _builder.append("(");
+ int _length = argumentList.length();
+ String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, _length);
+ _builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
+ _builder.append(argumentList, "");
+ _builder.append(")");
+ return _builder;
+ }

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