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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.gnuplot/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/gnuplot/GnuplotScriptGenerator.xtend')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.gnuplot/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/gnuplot/GnuplotScriptGenerator.xtend b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.gnuplot/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/gnuplot/GnuplotScriptGenerator.xtend
deleted file mode 100644
index f878b1cdd..000000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.gnuplot/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/gnuplot/GnuplotScriptGenerator.xtend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
- *
- * Eyrak Pean (initial contribution)
- * Juergen Haug
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.gnuplot
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.common.base.Annotation
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.common.base.IntLiteral
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.common.base.KeyValue
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.common.base.RealLiteral
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.common.base.StringLiteral
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.Root
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.SubSystemInstance
-class GnuplotScriptGenerator {
- @Inject
- IGeneratorFileIO fileIo
- def doGenerate(Root root) {
- if (root.subSystemInstances.empty)
- return;
- // TODO: warning more than one ssi
- val ssi = root.subSystemInstances.head
- if(!ssi.subSystemClass.annotations.exists[a | == "Gnuplot"])
- return;
- try {
- fileIo.generateFile("Generating gnuplot script for subsystem " +, "/gnuplot/", ssi.generatePlotScript)
- fileIo.generateFile("Generating gnuplot launch configuration", "/gnuplot/create_gnuplot.launch", gnuPlotLaunchFile)
- } catch (Exception e) {
- //e.printStackTrace
- }
- }
- def protected gnuPlotLaunchFile() '''
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
- <launchConfiguration type="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ProgramLaunchConfigurationType">
- <stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_SCOPE" value="${none}"/>
- <stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_LOCATION" value="${system_path:gnuplot}"/>
- <stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_TOOL_ARGUMENTS" value="${project_loc}/src-gen/gnuplot/"/>
- <stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="${project_loc}"/>
- </launchConfiguration>
- '''
- def protected getAttribute(Annotation anno, String name) {
- anno.attributes.findFirst[attr|attr.key == name]
- }
- def protected asString(KeyValue kv) {
- if (kv.value instanceof StringLiteral)
- (kv.value as StringLiteral).value
- else
- null
- }
- def protected asReal(KeyValue kv) {
- if (kv.value instanceof RealLiteral)
- (kv.value as RealLiteral).value
- else if (kv.value instanceof IntLiteral)
- (kv.value as IntLiteral).value as double
- else
- null
- }
- def protected asInteger(KeyValue kv) {
- if (kv.value instanceof IntLiteral)
- (kv.value as IntLiteral).value
- else
- null
- }
- def protected generatePlotScript(SubSystemInstance ssi) {
- // TODO: warn if more than one GnuPlot annotation
-// val plotAnnotation = ssi.subSystemClass.annotations.filter [ a |
-// == "Gnuplot"
-// ].head
-// val defaultFontsize = 10
- // TODO: error checking
-// val format = plotAnnotation?.getAttribute("format")?.asString
-// val outputfile = plotAnnotation?.getAttribute("outputfile")?.asString
-// val width = plotAnnotation?.getAttribute("width")?.asInteger
-// val height = plotAnnotation?.getAttribute("height")?.asInteger
-// val fontsize = plotAnnotation?.getAttribute("fontsize")?.asInteger ?: defaultFontsize
-// val graphAnnotations = ssi.subSystemClass.annotations.filter [ a |
-// == "GnuplotGraph"
-// ].toList
- '''
- #!/gnuplot
- # Color Brewer set1 5-set
- set linetype 1 lc rgb '#e41a1c' lw 1
- set linetype 2 lc rgb '#377eb8' lw 1
- set linetype 3 lc rgb '#4daf4a' lw 1
- set linetype 4 lc rgb '#984ea3' lw 1
- set linetype 5 lc rgb '#ff7f00' lw 1
- set linetype cycle 5
- cd 'log'
- set datafile separator comma
- set terminal �format� size �width�,�height� font ",�fontsize�" background "white"
- set output '�outputfile�'
- set size 1,1
- set multiplot layout �graphAnnotations.size�,1
- set grid
- show grid
- set format y "% 5.3f"
- �var i = 0�
- �FOR a : graphAnnotations�
- �ssi.generateGraph(a, i++, graphAnnotations.size)�
- unset multiplot
- unset output
- '''
- }
- def protected generateGraph(SubSystemInstance ssi, Annotation graph, int index, int total) {
- // TODO: handle multiple paths in the same graph
-// val paths = graph.getAttribute("paths")?.asString
- // TODO: take interval from physical thread associated with actor instance instead of annotation attribute
-// val interval = graph.getAttribute("interval")?.asInteger ?: 20
-// val xtics = graph.getAttribute("xtics")?.asReal ?: 100
-// val mxtics = graph.getAttribute("mxtics")?.asInteger ?: 4
-// val ymin = graph.getAttribute("ymin")?.asReal
-// val ymax = graph.getAttribute("ymax")?.asReal
-// val vertOrigin = ((total - (index + 1)) as double) / total
-// val vertSize = 1.0F / total
- '''
- set yrange [�ymin ?: "*"� : �ymax ?: "*"�]
- set xtics rotate �xtics�
- set mxtics �mxtics�
- set ylabel
- set xlabel "time (ms)"
- timeInMs(x) = �interval� * x
- set origin 0,�vertOrigin�
- set size 1,�vertSize�
- plot '' using (timeInMs(column(1))):(column("�paths�")) with lines
- '''
- }

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