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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.cpp/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/cpp/gen/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 576 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.cpp/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/cpp/gen/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.cpp/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/cpp/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index 55cd24062..000000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.cpp/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/cpp/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Juergen Haug
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Juergen Haug
- * Peter Karlitschek
- */
-package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.cpp.gen;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.ActorInstance;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.InstanceBase;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.InterfaceItemInstance;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.IDataConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.cpp.gen.CppExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ProcedureHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.RoomExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.TypeHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Conversions;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Extension;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.StringExtensions;
-public class ConfigGenAddon {
- @Inject
- @Extension
- private CppExtensions stdExt;
- @Inject
- @Extension
- private TypeHelpers typeHelpers;
- @Inject
- @Extension
- private ProcedureHelpers helpers;
- @Inject
- private IDataConfiguration dataConfigExt;
- @Inject
- @Extension
- private RoomHelpers _roomHelpers;
- @Inject
- @Extension
- private RoomExtensions _roomExtensions;
- public CharSequence genActorInstanceConfig(final ActorInstance ai, final String aiVariableName) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
- List<Attribute> _allAttributes = this._roomHelpers.getAllAttributes(_actorClass);
- for(final Attribute a : _allAttributes) {
- ArrayList<Attribute> _arrayList = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
- List<Attribute> _union = this._roomExtensions.<Attribute>union(_arrayList, a);
- String _applyInstanceConfig = this.applyInstanceConfig(ai, aiVariableName, _union);
- _builder.append(_applyInstanceConfig, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances = ai.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
- for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi : _orderedIfItemInstances) {
- InterfaceItem _interfaceItem = pi.getInterfaceItem();
- PortClass _portClass = this._roomHelpers.getPortClass(_interfaceItem);
- EList<Attribute> _attributes = null;
- if (_portClass!=null) {
- _attributes=_portClass.getAttributes();
- }
- EList<Attribute> attribs = _attributes;
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(attribs, null));
- if (_notEquals) {
- {
- for(final Attribute a_1 : attribs) {
- String _name = pi.getName();
- CharSequence _invokeGetter = this.helpers.invokeGetter(_name, null);
- String _plus = ((aiVariableName + ".") + _invokeGetter);
- ArrayList<Attribute> _arrayList_1 = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
- List<Attribute> _union_1 = this._roomExtensions.<Attribute>union(_arrayList_1, a_1);
- String _applyInstanceConfig_1 = this.applyInstanceConfig(pi, _plus, _union_1);
- _builder.append(_applyInstanceConfig_1, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- private String applyInstanceConfig(final InstanceBase instance, final String invokes, final List<Attribute> path) {
- String _xblockexpression = null;
- {
- Attribute a = IterableExtensions.<Attribute>last(path);
- RefableType _type = a.getType();
- DataType aType = _type.getType();
- String _xifexpression = null;
- boolean _isPrimitive = this.typeHelpers.isPrimitive(aType);
- if (_isPrimitive) {
- String _xblockexpression_1 = null;
- {
- String value = this.typeHelpers.getAttrInstanceConfigValue(path, instance);
- String _xifexpression_1 = null;
- boolean _equals = Objects.equal(value, null);
- if (_equals) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _xifexpression_1 = _builder.toString();
- } else {
- String _xifexpression_2 = null;
- if (((a.getSize() == 0) || this.typeHelpers.isCharacterType(aType))) {
- StringConcatenation _builder_1 = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder_1.append(invokes, "");
- _builder_1.append(".");
- String _name = a.getName();
- String _valueLiteral = this.stdExt.toValueLiteral(((PrimitiveType) aType), value);
- CharSequence _invokeSetter = this.helpers.invokeSetter(_name, null, _valueLiteral);
- _builder_1.append(_invokeSetter, "");
- _builder_1.append(";");
- _xifexpression_2 = _builder_1.toString();
- } else {
- String _xifexpression_3 = null;
- int _size = a.getSize();
- String[] _split = value.split(",");
- int _size_1 = ((List<String>)Conversions.doWrapArray(_split)).size();
- boolean _equals_1 = (_size == _size_1);
- if (_equals_1) {
- String _xblockexpression_2 = null;
- {
- StringConcatenation _builder_2 = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder_2.append("{ ");
- {
- String[] _split_1 = value.split(",");
- boolean _hasElements = false;
- for(final String s : _split_1) {
- if (!_hasElements) {
- _hasElements = true;
- } else {
- _builder_2.appendImmediate(", ", "");
- }
- String _trim = s.trim();
- String _valueLiteral_1 = this.stdExt.toValueLiteral(((PrimitiveType) aType), _trim);
- _builder_2.append(_valueLiteral_1, "");
- }
- }
- _builder_2.append(" }");
- String arrayExpr = _builder_2.toString();
- StringConcatenation _builder_3 = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder_3.append(invokes, "");
- _builder_3.append(".");
- String _name_1 = a.getName();
- StringConcatenation _builder_4 = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder_4.append("new ");
- String _typeName = this.typeHelpers.typeName(aType);
- _builder_4.append(_typeName, "");
- _builder_4.append("[] ");
- _builder_4.append(arrayExpr, "");
- String _string = _builder_4.toString();
- CharSequence _invokeSetter_1 = this.helpers.invokeSetter(_name_1, null, _string);
- _builder_3.append(_invokeSetter_1, "");
- _builder_3.append(";");
- _xblockexpression_2 = _builder_3.toString();
- }
- _xifexpression_3 = _xblockexpression_2;
- } else {
- StringConcatenation _builder_2 = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder_2.append("{");
- _builder_2.newLine();
- _builder_2.append("\t");
- String _typeName = this.typeHelpers.typeName(aType);
- _builder_2.append(_typeName, "\t");
- _builder_2.append("[] array = ");
- _builder_2.append(invokes, "\t");
- _builder_2.append(".");
- String _name_1 = a.getName();
- CharSequence _invokeGetter = this.helpers.invokeGetter(_name_1, null);
- _builder_2.append(_invokeGetter, "\t");
- _builder_2.append(";");
- _builder_2.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder_2.append("\t");
- _builder_2.append("for (int i=0;i<");
- int _size_2 = a.getSize();
- _builder_2.append(_size_2, "\t");
- _builder_2.append(";i++){");
- _builder_2.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder_2.append("\t\t");
- _builder_2.append("array[i] = ");
- String _valueLiteral_1 = this.stdExt.toValueLiteral(((PrimitiveType) aType), value);
- _builder_2.append(_valueLiteral_1, "\t\t");
- _builder_2.append(";");
- _builder_2.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder_2.append("}");
- _xifexpression_3 = _builder_2.toString();
- }
- _xifexpression_2 = _xifexpression_3;
- }
- _xifexpression_1 = _xifexpression_2;
- }
- _xblockexpression_1 = _xifexpression_1;
- }
- _xifexpression = _xblockexpression_1;
- } else {
- String _xifexpression_1 = null;
- boolean _isDataClass = this.typeHelpers.isDataClass(aType);
- if (_isDataClass) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- EList<Attribute> _attributes = ((DataClass) aType).getAttributes();
- for(final Attribute e : _attributes) {
- String _name = a.getName();
- CharSequence _invokeGetter = this.helpers.invokeGetter(_name, null);
- String _plus = ((invokes + ".") + _invokeGetter);
- List<Attribute> _union = this._roomExtensions.<Attribute>union(path, e);
- String _applyInstanceConfig = this.applyInstanceConfig(instance, _plus, _union);
- _builder.append(_applyInstanceConfig, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _xifexpression_1 = _builder.toString();
- }
- _xifexpression = _xifexpression_1;
- }
- _xblockexpression = _xifexpression;
- }
- return _xblockexpression;
- }
- public CharSequence genDynConfigGetterSetter(final ActorClass ac) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- List<Attribute> _dynConfigReadAttributes = this.dataConfigExt.getDynConfigReadAttributes(ac);
- for(final Attribute a : _dynConfigReadAttributes) {
- _builder.append("public ");
- RefableType _type = a.getType();
- DataType _type_1 = _type.getType();
- String _typeName = this.typeHelpers.typeName(_type_1);
- _builder.append(_typeName, "");
- {
- int _size = a.getSize();
- boolean _greaterThan = (_size > 0);
- if (_greaterThan) {
- _builder.append("[]");
- }
- }
- _builder.append(" get");
- String _name = a.getName();
- String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name);
- _builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
- _builder.append("(){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("if(lock_");
- String _name_1 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, "\t");
- _builder.append(" == null)");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("return ");
- String _name_2 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_2, "\t\t");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("else");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("synchronized(lock_");
- String _name_3 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_3, "\t\t");
- _builder.append("){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("return ");
- String _name_4 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_4, "\t\t\t");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("public void set");
- String _name_5 = a.getName();
- String _firstUpper_1 = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name_5);
- _builder.append(_firstUpper_1, "");
- _builder.append("(");
- RefableType _type_2 = a.getType();
- DataType _type_3 = _type_2.getType();
- String _typeName_1 = this.typeHelpers.typeName(_type_3);
- _builder.append(_typeName_1, "");
- {
- int _size_1 = a.getSize();
- boolean _greaterThan_1 = (_size_1 > 0);
- if (_greaterThan_1) {
- _builder.append("[]");
- }
- }
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _name_6 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_6, "");
- _builder.append("){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("if(lock_");
- String _name_7 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_7, "\t");
- _builder.append(" == null)");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("this.");
- String _name_8 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_8, "\t\t");
- _builder.append(" = ");
- String _name_9 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_9, "\t\t");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("else");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("synchronized(lock_");
- String _name_10 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_10, "\t\t");
- _builder.append("){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("this.");
- String _name_11 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_11, "\t\t\t");
- _builder.append(" = ");
- String _name_12 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_12, "\t\t\t");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("public DynConfigLock get");
- String _name_13 = a.getName();
- String _firstUpper_2 = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name_13);
- _builder.append(_firstUpper_2, "");
- _builder.append("Lock(){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("return lock_");
- String _name_14 = a.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_14, "\t");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("}\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- {
- List<Attribute> _dynConfigWriteAttributes = this.dataConfigExt.getDynConfigWriteAttributes(ac);
- for(final Attribute a_1 : _dynConfigWriteAttributes) {
- _builder.append("public void setAndWrite");
- String _name_15 = a_1.getName();
- String _firstUpper_3 = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name_15);
- _builder.append(_firstUpper_3, "");
- _builder.append("(");
- RefableType _type_4 = a_1.getType();
- DataType _type_5 = _type_4.getType();
- String _typeName_2 = this.typeHelpers.typeName(_type_5);
- _builder.append(_typeName_2, "");
- {
- int _size_2 = a_1.getSize();
- boolean _greaterThan_2 = (_size_2 > 0);
- if (_greaterThan_2) {
- _builder.append("[]");
- }
- }
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _name_16 = a_1.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_16, "");
- _builder.append("){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("set");
- String _name_17 = a_1.getName();
- String _firstUpper_4 = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name_17);
- _builder.append(_firstUpper_4, "\t\t");
- _builder.append("(");
- String _name_18 = a_1.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_18, "\t\t");
- _builder.append(");");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("variableService.write(this.getInstancePath()+\"/");
- String _name_19 = a_1.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_19, "\t\t");
- _builder.append("\", ");
- String _name_20 = a_1.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_20, "\t\t");
- _builder.append(");");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- public String genMinMaxConstants(final ActorClass ac) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- EList<Attribute> _attributes = ac.getAttributes();
- for(final Attribute a : _attributes) {
- String _name = a.getName();
- ArrayList<Attribute> _arrayList = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
- List<Attribute> _union = this._roomExtensions.<Attribute>union(_arrayList, a);
- String _genMinMaxConstantsRec = this.genMinMaxConstantsRec(ac, _name, _union);
- _builder.append(_genMinMaxConstantsRec, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- String result = _builder.toString();
- int _length = result.length();
- boolean _notEquals = (_length != 0);
- if (_notEquals) {
- StringConcatenation _builder_1 = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder_1.append("//--------------------- Attribute Specifications");
- String _plus = (result + _builder_1);
- result = _plus;
- }
- return result;
- }
- private String genMinMaxConstantsRec(final ActorClass ac, final String varNamePath, final List<Attribute> path) {
- String _xblockexpression = null;
- {
- String temp = ((String) null);
- String _xifexpression = null;
- Attribute _last = IterableExtensions.<Attribute>last(path);
- RefableType _type = _last.getType();
- DataType _type_1 = _type.getType();
- boolean _isDataClass = this.typeHelpers.isDataClass(_type_1);
- if (_isDataClass) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- Attribute _last_1 = IterableExtensions.<Attribute>last(path);
- RefableType _type_2 = _last_1.getType();
- DataType _type_3 = _type_2.getType();
- List<Attribute> _allAttributes = this._roomHelpers.getAllAttributes(((DataClass) _type_3));
- for(final Attribute e : _allAttributes) {
- String _name = e.getName();
- String _plus = ((varNamePath + "_") + _name);
- List<Attribute> _union = this._roomExtensions.<Attribute>union(path, e);
- String _genMinMaxConstantsRec = this.genMinMaxConstantsRec(ac, _plus, _union);
- _builder.append(_genMinMaxConstantsRec, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _xifexpression = _builder.toString();
- } else {
- String _xifexpression_1 = null;
- Attribute _last_2 = IterableExtensions.<Attribute>last(path);
- RefableType _type_4 = _last_2.getType();
- DataType _type_5 = _type_4.getType();
- if ((_type_5 instanceof ExternalType)) {
- _xifexpression_1 = null;
- } else {
- String _xifexpression_2 = null;
- Attribute _last_3 = IterableExtensions.<Attribute>last(path);
- RefableType _type_6 = _last_3.getType();
- DataType _type_7 = _type_6.getType();
- if ((_type_7 instanceof EnumerationType)) {
- _xifexpression_2 = null;
- } else {
- String _xblockexpression_1 = null;
- {
- Attribute _last_4 = IterableExtensions.<Attribute>last(path);
- RefableType _type_8 = _last_4.getType();
- DataType _type_9 = _type_8.getType();
- PrimitiveType aType = ((PrimitiveType) _type_9);
- StringConcatenation _builder_1 = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- String _attrClassConfigMinValue = this.dataConfigExt.getAttrClassConfigMinValue(ac, path);
- String _temp = (temp = _attrClassConfigMinValue);
- boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_temp, null));
- if (_notEquals) {
- _builder_1.append("public static ");
- String _minMaxType = this.getMinMaxType(aType);
- _builder_1.append(_minMaxType, "");
- _builder_1.append(" MIN_");
- _builder_1.append(varNamePath, "");
- _builder_1.append(" = ");
- String _valueLiteral = this.stdExt.toValueLiteral(aType, temp);
- _builder_1.append(_valueLiteral, "");
- _builder_1.append(";");
- _builder_1.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- {
- String _attrClassConfigMaxValue = this.dataConfigExt.getAttrClassConfigMaxValue(ac, path);
- String _temp_1 = (temp = _attrClassConfigMaxValue);
- boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(_temp_1, null));
- if (_notEquals_1) {
- _builder_1.append("public static ");
- String _minMaxType_1 = this.getMinMaxType(aType);
- _builder_1.append(_minMaxType_1, "");
- _builder_1.append(" MAX_");
- _builder_1.append(varNamePath, "");
- _builder_1.append(" = ");
- String _valueLiteral_1 = this.stdExt.toValueLiteral(aType, temp);
- _builder_1.append(_valueLiteral_1, "");
- _builder_1.append(";");
- _builder_1.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _xblockexpression_1 = _builder_1.toString();
- }
- _xifexpression_2 = _xblockexpression_1;
- }
- _xifexpression_1 = _xifexpression_2;
- }
- _xifexpression = _xifexpression_1;
- }
- _xblockexpression = _xifexpression;
- }
- return _xblockexpression;
- }
- private String getMinMaxType(final PrimitiveType type) {
- String _switchResult = null;
- String _typeName = this.typeHelpers.typeName(type);
- boolean _matched = false;
- if (Objects.equal(_typeName, "byte")) {
- _matched=true;
- _switchResult = "int";
- }
- if (!_matched) {
- if (Objects.equal(_typeName, "short")) {
- _matched=true;
- _switchResult = "int";
- }
- }
- if (!_matched) {
- if (Objects.equal(_typeName, "float")) {
- _matched=true;
- _switchResult = "double";
- }
- }
- if (!_matched) {
- _switchResult = this.typeHelpers.typeName(type);
- }
- return _switchResult;
- }

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