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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend
index 85e6a6dd0..fcbda3217 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend
@@ -1,249 +1,356 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
- * Thomas Schuetz (changed for C code generator)
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.gen
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.ILogger
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.etricegen.Root
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.etricegen.ServiceImplInstance
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.etricegen.SubSystemInstance
-import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.JavaIoFileSystemAccess
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.extensions.RoomExtensions
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ProcedureHelpers
-import static extension org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.Indexed.*
-class SubSystemClassGen {
- @Inject extension JavaIoFileSystemAccess fileAccess
- @Inject extension CExtensions stdExt
- @Inject extension RoomExtensions roomExt
- @Inject extension ProcedureHelpers helpers
- @Inject ILogger logger
- def doGenerate(Root root) {
- for (ssi: root.subSystemInstances) {
- var path = ssi.subSystemClass.generationTargetPath+ssi.subSystemClass.getPath
- var file = ssi.subSystemClass.getCHeaderFileName
- logger.logInfo("generating SubSystemClass declaration: '"+file+"' in '"+path+"'")
- fileAccess.setOutputPath(path)
- fileAccess.generateFile(file, root.generateHeaderFile(ssi, ssi.subSystemClass))
- file = ssi.subSystemClass.getCSourceFileName
- logger.logInfo("generating SubSystemClass implementation: '"+file+"' in '"+path+"'")
- fileAccess.setOutputPath(path)
- fileAccess.generateFile(file, root.generateSourceFile(ssi, ssi.subSystemClass))
- }
- }
- def generateHeaderFile(Root root, SubSystemInstance ssi, SubSystemClass ssc) {'''
- /**
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Header File of SubSystemClass «»
- *
- */
- «generateIncludeGuardBegin(»
- /* lifecycle functions
- * init -> start -> run (loop) -> stop -> destroy
- */
- void «»_init(void); // lifecycle init
- void «»_start(void); // lifecycle start
- void «»_run(void);
- void «»_stop(void); // lifecycle stop
- void «»_destroy(void); // lifecycle destroy
- «generateIncludeGuardEnd(»
- '''
- }
- def generateSourceFile(Root root, SubSystemInstance ssi, SubSystemClass ssc) {'''
- /**
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Source File of SubSystemClass «»
- *
- */
- #include "«ssc.getCHeaderFileName»"
- #include "etLogger.h"
- /* data for SubSysten «» */
- typedef struct «» {
- char *name;
- } «»;
- static «» «»Inst = {"«»"};
- void «»_init(void){
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s_init", «»;
- }
- void «»_start(void){
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s_start", «»;
- }
- void «»_run(void){
- int32 i;
- for (i=0; i<100; i++){
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s Scheduler tick %d", «», i);
- }
- }
- void «»_stop(void){
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s_stop", «»;
- }
- void «»_destroy(void){
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s_destroy", «»;
- }
- '''
- }
-// «var models = root.getReferencedModels(ssc)»
-// «FOR model : models»import «».*;«ENDFOR»
-// «helpers.UserCode(ssc.userCode1)»
-// public class «» extends SubSystemClassBase{
-// «helpers.UserCode(ssc.userCode2)»
-// public «»(IRTObject parent, String name) {
-// super(parent, name);
-// }
-// @Override
-// public void receiveEvent(InterfaceItemBase ifitem, int evt, Object data){
-// }
-// @Override
-// public void instantiateMessageServices(){
-// RTServices.getInstance().getMsgSvcCtrl().addMsgSvc(new MessageService(this, new Address(0, 0, 0),"MessageService_Main"));
-// «FOR thread : ssc.threads»
-// RTServices.getInstance().getMsgSvcCtrl().addMsgSvc(new MessageService(this, new Address(0, «ssc.threads.indexOf(thread)+1», 0),"MessageService_«»", «thread.prio»));
-// «ENDFOR»
-// }
-// @Override
-// public void instantiateActors(){
-// // all addresses
-// // Addresses for the Subsystem Systemport
-// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances.indexed(ssi.maxObjId)»
-// Address addr_item_SystemPort_«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai.value)» = new Address(0,0,«ai.index1»);
-// «ENDFOR»
-// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances»
-// // actor instance «ai.path» itself => Systemport Address
-// // TODOTJ: For each Actor, multiple addresses should be generated (actor?, systemport, debugport)
-// Address addr_item_«ai.path.getPathName()» = new Address(0,«ai.threadId»,«ai.objId»);
-// // interface items of «ai.path»
-// «FOR pi : ai.orderedIfItemInstances»
-// «IF pi instanceof ServiceImplInstance || pi.peers.size>1»
-// «FOR peer : pi.peers»
-// «var i = pi.peers.indexOf(peer)»
-// Address addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()»_«i» = new Address(0,«pi.threadId»,«pi.objId+i»);
-// «ENDFOR»
-// «ELSE»
-// Address addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()» = new Address(0,«ai.threadId»,«pi.objId»);
-// «ENDIF»
-// «ENDFOR»
-// «ENDFOR»
-// // instantiate all actor instances
-// instances = new ActorClassBase[«ssi.allContainedInstances.size»];
-// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances»
-// instances[«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai)»] = new «»(
-// «IF ai.eContainer instanceof SubSystemInstance»
-// this,
-// «ELSE»
-// instances[«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai.eContainer)»],
-// «ENDIF»
-// "«»",
-// // own interface item addresses
-// new Address[][] {{addr_item_«ai.path.getPathName()»}«IF !ai.orderedIfItemInstances.empty»,«ENDIF»
-// «FOR pi : ai.orderedIfItemInstances SEPARATOR ","»
-// {
-// «IF pi instanceof ServiceImplInstance || pi.peers.size>1»
-// «FOR peer : pi.peers SEPARATOR ","»
-// addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()»_«pi.peers.indexOf(peer)»
-// «ENDFOR»
-// «ELSE»
-// addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()»
-// «ENDIF»
-// }
-// «ENDFOR»
-// },
-// // peer interface item addresses
-// new Address[][] {{addr_item_SystemPort_«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai)»}«IF !ai.orderedIfItemInstances.empty»,«ENDIF»
-// «FOR pi : ai.orderedIfItemInstances SEPARATOR ","»
-// {
-// «IF !(pi instanceof ServiceImplInstance) && pi.peers.isEmpty»
-// null
-// «ELSE»
-// «FOR pp : pi.peers SEPARATOR ","»
-// «IF pp instanceof ServiceImplInstance || pp.peers.size>1»
-// addr_item_«pp.path.getPathName()»_«pp.peers.indexOf(pi)»
-// «ELSE»
-// addr_item_«pp.path.getPathName()»
-// «ENDIF»
-// «ENDFOR»
-// «ENDIF»
-// }
-// «ENDFOR»
-// }
-// );
-// «ENDFOR»
-// // create the subsystem system port
-// RTSystemPort = new RTSystemServicesProtocolConjPortRepl(this, "RTSystemPort",
-// 0, //local ID
-// // own addresses
-// new Address[]{
-// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances SEPARATOR ","»
-// addr_item_SystemPort_«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai)»
-// «ENDFOR»
-// },
-// // peer addresses
-// new Address[]{
-// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances SEPARATOR ","»
-// addr_item_«ai.path.getPathName()»
-// «ENDFOR»
-// });
-// }
-// };
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
+ * Thomas Schuetz (changed for C code generator)
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.gen
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.ILogger
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.etricegen.Root
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.etricegen.ServiceImplInstance
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.etricegen.SubSystemInstance
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.JavaIoFileSystemAccess
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.extensions.RoomExtensions
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ProcedureHelpers
+import static extension org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.Indexed.*
+class SubSystemClassGen {
+ @Inject extension JavaIoFileSystemAccess fileAccess
+ @Inject extension CExtensions stdExt
+ @Inject extension RoomExtensions roomExt
+ @Inject extension ProcedureHelpers helpers
+ @Inject ILogger logger
+ def doGenerate(Root root) {
+ for (ssi: root.subSystemInstances) {
+ var path = ssi.subSystemClass.generationTargetPath+ssi.subSystemClass.getPath
+ var file = ssi.subSystemClass.getCHeaderFileName
+ logger.logInfo("generating SubSystemClass declaration: '"+file+"' in '"+path+"'")
+ fileAccess.setOutputPath(path)
+ fileAccess.generateFile(file, root.generateHeaderFile(ssi, ssi.subSystemClass))
+ file = ssi.subSystemClass.getCSourceFileName
+ logger.logInfo("generating SubSystemClass implementation: '"+file+"' in '"+path+"'")
+ fileAccess.setOutputPath(path)
+ fileAccess.generateFile(file, root.generateSourceFile(ssi, ssi.subSystemClass))
+ file = ssi.subSystemClass.getInstSourceFileName
+ logger.logInfo("generating SubSystemClass instance file: '"+file+"' in '"+path+"'")
+ fileAccess.setOutputPath(path)
+ fileAccess.generateFile(file, root.generateInstanceFile(ssi, ssi.subSystemClass))
+ }
+ }
+ def generateHeaderFile(Root root, SubSystemInstance ssi, SubSystemClass ssc) {'''
+ /**
+ * @author generated by eTrice
+ *
+ * Header File of SubSystemClass «»
+ *
+ */
+ «generateIncludeGuardBegin(»
+ /* lifecycle functions
+ * init -> start -> run (loop) -> stop -> destroy
+ */
+ void «»_init(void); /* lifecycle init */
+ void «»_start(void); /* lifecycle start */
+ void «»_run(void); /* lifecycle run */
+ void «»_stop(void); /* lifecycle stop */
+ void «»_destroy(void); /* lifecycle destroy */
+ «generateIncludeGuardEnd(»
+ '''
+ }
+ def generateSourceFile(Root root, SubSystemInstance ssi, SubSystemClass ssc) {'''
+ /**
+ * @author generated by eTrice
+ *
+ * Source File of SubSystemClass «»
+ *
+ */
+ #include "«ssc.getCHeaderFileName»"
+ /* include instances for all classes */
+ #include "«ssc.getInstSourceFileName»"
+ #include "etLogger.h"
+ #include "etMSCLogger.h"
+ /* data for SubSysten «» */
+ typedef struct «» {
+ char *name;
+ } «»;
+ static «» «»Inst = {"«»"};
+ void «»_initActorInstances(void);
+ void «»_init(void){
+ ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "init")
+ etLogger_logInfoF("%s_init", «»;
+ /* initialization of all message services */
+ etMessageService_init(&msgService_Thread1, msgBuffer_Thread1, MESSAGE_POOL_MAX, MESSAGE_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ /* init all actors */
+ «»_initActorInstances();
+ }
+ void «»_start(void){
+ ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "start")
+ etLogger_logInfoF("%s_start", «»;
+ }
+ void «»_run(void){
+ int32 i;
+ for (i=0; i<100; i++){
+ etLogger_logInfoF("%s Scheduler tick %d", «», i);
+ etMessageService_execute(&msgService_Thread1);
+ }
+ }
+ void «»_stop(void){
+ ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "stop")
+ etLogger_logInfoF("%s_stop", «»;
+ }
+ void «»_destroy(void){
+ ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "destroy")
+ etLogger_logInfoF("%s_destroy", «»;
+ }
+ void «»_initActorInstances(void){
+ ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("«»", "initActorInstances")
+ «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances»
+ «»_init(&«ai.path.getPathName()»);
+ }
+ '''
+ }
+ def generateInstanceFile(Root root, SubSystemInstance ssi, SubSystemClass ssc) {'''
+ /**
+ * @author generated by eTrice
+ *
+ * Instance File of SubSystemClass «»
+ * - instantiation of all actor instances and port instances
+ * - configuration of data and connection of ports
+ */
+ #include "etMessageService.h"
+ /* instantiation of message services */
+ #define MESSAGE_POOL_MAX 10
+ /* MessageService for Thread1 */
+ etMessageService msgService_Thread1;
+ /* include all used ActorClasses */
+ /* TODO: only include used Actor Classes for current SubSystem */
+ «FOR actorClass : root.getUsedActorClasses()»#include "«».h"
+ /* include all used ProtcolClasses */
+ «FOR protocolClass : root.getUsedProtocolClasses()»#include "«».h"
+ /* declarations of all ActorClass instances (const and variable structs) */
+ /* forward declaration of varible actor structs */
+ «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances»
+ static «» «ai.path.getPathName()»;
+ «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances»
+ /* instance «ai.path.getPathName()» */
+ static const «»_const «ai.path.getPathName()»_const = {
+ &«ai.path.getPathName()»,
+ /* Ports: {myActor, etReceiveMessage, msgService, peerAddress, localId} */
+ «FOR port : ai.actorClass.endPorts»
+ {&«ai.path.getPathName()», «»_ReceiveMessage, &msgService_Thread1, 1, 123} /* Port «» */
+ };
+ static «» «ai.path.getPathName()» = {&«ai.path.getPathName()»_const};
+««« «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances»
+««« // actor instance «ai.path» itself => Systemport Address
+««« // TODOTJ: For each Actor, multiple addresses should be generated (actor?, systemport, debugport)
+««« Address addr_item_«ai.path.getPathName()» = new Address(0,«ai.threadId»,«ai.objId»);
+««« // interface items of «ai.path»
+««« «FOR pi : ai.orderedIfItemInstances»
+««« «IF pi instanceof ServiceImplInstance || pi.peers.size>1»
+««« «FOR peer : pi.peers»
+««« «var i = pi.peers.indexOf(peer)»
+««« Address addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()»_«i» = new Address(0,«pi.threadId»,«pi.objId+i»);
+««« «ENDFOR»
+««« «ELSE»
+««« Address addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()» = new Address(0,«ai.threadId»,«pi.objId»);
+««« «ENDIF»
+««« «ENDFOR»
+««« «ENDFOR»
+ '''
+ }
+// «var models = root.getReferencedModels(ssc)»
+// «FOR model : models»import «».*;«ENDFOR»
+// «helpers.UserCode(ssc.userCode1)»
+// public class «» extends SubSystemClassBase{
+// «helpers.UserCode(ssc.userCode2)»
+// public «»(IRTObject parent, String name) {
+// super(parent, name);
+// }
+// @Override
+// public void receiveEvent(InterfaceItemBase ifitem, int evt, Object data){
+// }
+// @Override
+// public void instantiateMessageServices(){
+// RTServices.getInstance().getMsgSvcCtrl().addMsgSvc(new MessageService(this, new Address(0, 0, 0),"MessageService_Main"));
+// «FOR thread : ssc.threads»
+// RTServices.getInstance().getMsgSvcCtrl().addMsgSvc(new MessageService(this, new Address(0, «ssc.threads.indexOf(thread)+1», 0),"MessageService_«»", «thread.prio»));
+// «ENDFOR»
+// }
+// @Override
+// public void instantiateActors(){
+// // all addresses
+// // Addresses for the Subsystem Systemport
+// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances.indexed(ssi.maxObjId)»
+// Address addr_item_SystemPort_«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai.value)» = new Address(0,0,«ai.index1»);
+// «ENDFOR»
+// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances»
+// // actor instance «ai.path» itself => Systemport Address
+// // TODOTJ: For each Actor, multiple addresses should be generated (actor?, systemport, debugport)
+// Address addr_item_«ai.path.getPathName()» = new Address(0,«ai.threadId»,«ai.objId»);
+// // interface items of «ai.path»
+// «FOR pi : ai.orderedIfItemInstances»
+// «IF pi instanceof ServiceImplInstance || pi.peers.size>1»
+// «FOR peer : pi.peers»
+// «var i = pi.peers.indexOf(peer)»
+// Address addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()»_«i» = new Address(0,«pi.threadId»,«pi.objId+i»);
+// «ENDFOR»
+// «ELSE»
+// Address addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()» = new Address(0,«ai.threadId»,«pi.objId»);
+// «ENDIF»
+// «ENDFOR»
+// «ENDFOR»
+// // instantiate all actor instances
+// instances = new ActorClassBase[«ssi.allContainedInstances.size»];
+// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances»
+// instances[«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai)»] = new «»(
+// «IF ai.eContainer instanceof SubSystemInstance»
+// this,
+// «ELSE»
+// instances[«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai.eContainer)»],
+// «ENDIF»
+// "«»",
+// // own interface item addresses
+// new Address[][] {{addr_item_«ai.path.getPathName()»}«IF !ai.orderedIfItemInstances.empty»,«ENDIF»
+// «FOR pi : ai.orderedIfItemInstances SEPARATOR ","»
+// {
+// «IF pi instanceof ServiceImplInstance || pi.peers.size>1»
+// «FOR peer : pi.peers SEPARATOR ","»
+// addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()»_«pi.peers.indexOf(peer)»
+// «ENDFOR»
+// «ELSE»
+// addr_item_«pi.path.getPathName()»
+// «ENDIF»
+// }
+// «ENDFOR»
+// },
+// // peer interface item addresses
+// new Address[][] {{addr_item_SystemPort_«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai)»}«IF !ai.orderedIfItemInstances.empty»,«ENDIF»
+// «FOR pi : ai.orderedIfItemInstances SEPARATOR ","»
+// {
+// «IF !(pi instanceof ServiceImplInstance) && pi.peers.isEmpty»
+// null
+// «ELSE»
+// «FOR pp : pi.peers SEPARATOR ","»
+// «IF pp instanceof ServiceImplInstance || pp.peers.size>1»
+// addr_item_«pp.path.getPathName()»_«pp.peers.indexOf(pi)»
+// «ELSE»
+// addr_item_«pp.path.getPathName()»
+// «ENDIF»
+// «ENDFOR»
+// «ENDIF»
+// }
+// «ENDFOR»
+// }
+// );
+// «ENDFOR»
+// // create the subsystem system port
+// RTSystemPort = new RTSystemServicesProtocolConjPortRepl(this, "RTSystemPort",
+// 0, //local ID
+// // own addresses
+// new Address[]{
+// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances SEPARATOR ","»
+// addr_item_SystemPort_«ssi.allContainedInstances.indexOf(ai)»
+// «ENDFOR»
+// },
+// // peer addresses
+// new Address[]{
+// «FOR ai : ssi.allContainedInstances SEPARATOR ","»
+// addr_item_«ai.path.getPathName()»
+// «ENDFOR»
+// });
+// }
+// };
} \ No newline at end of file

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