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-<h1 xmlns:l="">Reduction of Complexity</h1>
-<div class="section" title="Reduction of Complexity">
-<div class="titlepage">
-<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
-<a name="ReductionofComplexity"></a>Reduction of Complexity</h2>
-<p>eTrice is all about the reduction of complexity:</p>
-<div class="itemizedlist">
-<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>structural complexity</p>
-<div class="itemizedlist">
-<ul class="itemizedlist" type="circle">
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>by explicit modeling of hierarchical Actor containment, layering and inheritance</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>behavioral complexity</p>
-<div class="itemizedlist">
-<ul class="itemizedlist" type="circle">
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>by hierachical statemachines with inheritance</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>teamwork complexity</p>
-<div class="itemizedlist">
-<ul class="itemizedlist" type="circle">
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>because loosely coupled Actors provide a natural way to structure team work</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>since textual model notation allows simple branching and merging</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>complexity of concurrent &amp; distributed systems</p>
-<div class="itemizedlist">
-<ul class="itemizedlist" type="circle">
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>because loosely coupled Actors are deployable to threads, processes, nodes</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>complexity of variant handling and reuse (e.g. for product lines)</p>
-<div class="itemizedlist">
-<ul class="itemizedlist" type="circle">
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>by composition of existing Actors to new structures</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>since Protocols and Ports make Actors replaceable</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>by inheritance for structure, behavior and Protocols</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>by making use of model level libraries</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>complexity of debugging</p>
-<div class="itemizedlist">
-<ul class="itemizedlist" type="circle">
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>model level debugging: state machine animation, data inspection and manipulation, message injection, generated message sequence charts</p>
-<li class="listitem">
-<p>model checking easier for model than for code (detect errors before they occur)</p>

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