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1 files changed, 803 insertions, 803 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
index 048f418f4..02a3085eb 100644
--- a/plugins/
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -1,803 +1,803 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 protos software gmbh (
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Thomas Schuetz and Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.etrice.core.scoping;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.EObjectDescription;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScope;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.impl.AbstractDeclarativeScopeProvider;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.impl.SimpleScope;
- * This class contains custom scoping description.
- *
- * see :
- * on how and when to use it
- *
- */
-public class RoomScopeProvider extends AbstractDeclarativeScopeProvider {
- public static final String STATE_PATH_DELIMITER = ".";
- /**
- * first container of type {@link StateGraph} ({@link State}, {@link StateMachine})
- * @param obj
- * @return StateGraph Container
- */
- private StateGraph getStateGraph(EObject obj) {
- EObject ctx = obj.eContainer();
- while (!(ctx instanceof StateGraph) && ctx.eContainer()!=null)
- ctx = ctx.eContainer();
- if (ctx instanceof StateGraph)
- return (StateGraph) ctx;
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * first container of type {@link ActorClass}
- * @param obj
- * @return ActorClass container
- */
- private ActorClass getActorClass(EObject obj) {
- EObject ctx = obj.eContainer();
- while (!(ctx instanceof ActorClass) && ctx.eContainer()!=null)
- ctx = ctx.eContainer();
- if (ctx instanceof ActorClass)
- return (ActorClass) ctx;
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * first container of type {@link ActorClass}
- * @param obj
- * @return ActorClass container
- */
- private ActorContainerClass getActorContainerClass(EObject obj) {
- EObject ctx = obj.eContainer();
- while (!(ctx instanceof ActorContainerClass) && ctx.eContainer()!=null)
- ctx = ctx.eContainer();
- if (ctx instanceof ActorContainerClass)
- return (ActorContainerClass) ctx;
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * first container of type {@link ProtocolClass}
- * @param obj
- * @return ActorClass container
- */
- private ProtocolClass getProtocolClass(EObject obj) {
- EObject ctx = obj.eContainer();
- while (!(ctx instanceof ProtocolClass) && ctx.eContainer()!=null)
- ctx = ctx.eContainer();
- if (ctx instanceof ProtocolClass)
- return (ProtocolClass) ctx;
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * check whether port is referenced by external port
- * @param p - port to be checked
- * @param ports - list of external ports
- * @return true if contained
- */
- private boolean isContained(Port p, EList<ExternalPort> ports) {
- for (ExternalPort port : ports) {
- if (port.getIfport()==p)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * recursively collect all {@link BaseState}s of an actor class in a list
- * @param ac
- * @param states
- */
- private void collectAllStates(ActorClass ac,
- LinkedList<BaseState> states) {
- while (ac!=null) {
- collectStates(ac.getStateMachine(), states);
- ac = ac.getBase();
- }
- }
- private void collectStates(StateGraph sg,
- LinkedList<BaseState> states) {
- if (sg==null)
- return;
- for (State s : sg.getStates()) {
- if (s instanceof BaseState)
- states.add((BaseState) s);
- }
- for (State s : sg.getStates()) {
- collectStates(s.getSubgraph(), states);
- }
- }
- /**
- * compute the path of a {@link BaseState}
- * @param bs
- * @return the path
- */
- private String getStatePath(BaseState bs) {
- EObject parent = bs.eContainer().eContainer();
- if (parent instanceof BaseState)
- return getStatePath((BaseState) parent)+STATE_PATH_DELIMITER+bs.getName();
- else if (parent instanceof RefinedState) {
- BaseState base = ((RefinedState) parent).getBase();
- if (base!=null)
- return getStatePath(base)+STATE_PATH_DELIMITER+bs.getName();
- }
- return bs.getName();
- }
- /**
- * return a list of base classes of an {@link ActorClass}, parent classes first.
- * The list includes the class itself
- * @param ac
- * @return
- */
- private LinkedList<ActorClass> getBaseClasses(ActorClass ac) {
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = new LinkedList<ActorClass>();
- if (ac!=null) {
- classes.addFirst(ac);
- while (ac.getBase()!=null) {
- ac = ac.getBase();
- classes.addFirst(ac);
- }
- }
- return classes;
- }
- /**
- * return a list of base classes of an {@link ProtocolClass}, parent classes first.
- * The list includes the class itself
- * @param pc
- * @return
- */
- private LinkedList<ProtocolClass> getBaseClasses(ProtocolClass pc) {
- LinkedList<ProtocolClass> classes = new LinkedList<ProtocolClass>();
- classes.addFirst(pc);
- while (pc.getBase()!=null) {
- pc = pc.getBase();
- classes.addFirst(pc);
- }
- return classes;
- }
- /**
- * return the {@link BaseState} of a {@link State}
- * @param s
- * @return the state itself if a BaseState or the BaseState for a {@link RefinedState}
- */
- private BaseState getBaseState(State s) {
- if (s instanceof BaseState)
- return (BaseState) s;
- else if (s instanceof RefinedState)
- return ((RefinedState) s).getBase();
- else
- return null;
- }
- private IScope getStateScopes(EObject obj) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- // first state in container hierarchy
- StateGraph parent = getStateGraph(obj);
- // collect states of my parent
- if (parent!=null) {
- for (State s : parent.getStates()) {
- BaseState bs = getBaseState(s);
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(bs.getName(), bs));
- }
- // if my parent is a refined state we also add its base state contents
- if (parent.eContainer() instanceof RefinedState) {
- parent = ((RefinedState) parent.eContainer()).getBase().getSubgraph();
- if (parent!=null)
- for (State s : parent.getStates()) {
- BaseState bs = getBaseState(s);
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(bs.getName(), bs));
- }
- }
- else if (parent.eContainer() instanceof ActorClass) {
- ActorClass ac = (ActorClass) parent.eContainer();
- if (ac.getBase()!=null) {
- for (State s : ac.getBase().getStateMachine().getStates()) {
- BaseState bs = getBaseState(s);
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(bs.getName(), bs));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of State scopes for a {@link StateTerminal}
- * @param st - the transition endpoint or terminal
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_StateTerminal_state(StateTerminal st, EReference ref) {
- return getStateScopes(st);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of TransitionPoint scopes for a {@link TrPointTerminal}
- * @param ep - the transition endpoint or terminal
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_TrPointTerminal_trPoint(TrPointTerminal ep, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- StateGraph parent = getStateGraph(ep);
- StateGraph targetStateGraph = parent;
- getTrPointScopes(scopes, targetStateGraph);
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of TransitionPoint scopes for a {@link SubStateTrPointTerminal}
- * @param ep - the transition endpoint or terminal
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_SubStateTrPointTerminal_trPoint(SubStateTrPointTerminal ep, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- StateGraph parent = getStateGraph(ep);
- StateGraph targetStateGraph = parent;
- if (ep.getState()!=null) {
- targetStateGraph = ep.getState().getSubgraph(); // always a BaseState
- // if one of our siblings is a RefinedState of our target we take that as target
- for (State sibling : parent.getStates()) {
- if (sibling instanceof RefinedState) {
- if (((RefinedState)sibling).getBase()==ep.getState())
- targetStateGraph = sibling.getSubgraph();
- }
- }
- }
- getTrPointScopes(scopes, targetStateGraph);
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- private void getTrPointScopes(final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes,
- StateGraph sg) {
- // collect transition points of this state
- for (TrPoint tp : sg.getTrPoints()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(tp.getName(), tp));
- }
- // if this state is a refined state we also add its base state transition points
- if (sg.eContainer() instanceof RefinedState) {
- sg = ((RefinedState) sg.eContainer()).getBase().getSubgraph();
- if (sg!=null)
- for (TrPoint tp : sg.getTrPoints()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(tp.getName(), tp));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of State scopes for a {@link SubStateTrPointTerminal}
- * @param st - the transition endpoint or terminal
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_SubStateTrPointTerminal_state(SubStateTrPointTerminal st, EReference ref) {
- return getStateScopes(st);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of Choicepoint scopes for a {@link SubStateTrPointTerminal}
- * @param ct - the transition endpoint or terminal
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_ChoicepointTerminal_cp(ChoicepointTerminal ct, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- // first state in container hierarchy
- StateGraph parent = getStateGraph(ct);
- // collect choicepoints of my parent
- if (parent!=null)
- for (ChoicePoint cp : parent.getChPoints()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(cp.getName(), cp));
- }
- // if my parent is a refined state we also add its base state contents
- if (parent.eContainer() instanceof RefinedState) {
- parent = ((RefinedState) parent.eContainer()).getBase().getSubgraph();
- if (parent!=null)
- for (ChoicePoint cp : parent.getChPoints()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(cp.getName(), cp));
- }
- }
- else if (parent.eContainer() instanceof ActorClass) {
- ActorClass ac = (ActorClass) parent.eContainer();
- if (ac.getBase()!=null) {
- for (ChoicePoint cp : ac.getBase().getStateMachine().getChPoints()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(cp.getName(), cp));
- }
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of Message scopes for a {@link MessageFromIf}
- * @param mfi - the message from interface
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_MessageFromIf_message(MessageFromIf mfi, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- InterfaceItem item = mfi.getFrom();
- if (item!=null) {
- ProtocolClass protocol = item.getProtocol();
- boolean conjugated = false;
- if (item instanceof Port)
- conjugated = ((Port)item).isConjugated();
- else if (item instanceof SAPRef)
- conjugated = true;
- for (Message msg : conjugated?protocol.getOutgoingMessages():protocol.getIncomingMessages()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(msg.getName(), msg));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of Port scopes for a {@link MessageFromIf}
- * @param mfi - the message from interface
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_MessageFromIf_port(MessageFromIf mfi, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorClass ac = getActorClass(mfi);
- for (Port p : ac.getIntPorts()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
- }
- for (ExternalPort p : ac.getExtPorts()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getIfport().getName(), p.getIfport()));
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of InterfaceItem scopes for a {@link MessageFromIf}
- * @param mfi - the message from interface
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_MessageFromIf_from(MessageFromIf mfi, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorClass ac = getActorClass(mfi);
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
- LinkedList<InterfaceItem> items = new LinkedList<InterfaceItem>();
- // for all base classes
- for (ActorClass a : classes) {
- // add internal ports
- items.addAll(a.getIntPorts());
- // add service implementations and saps
- for (ServiceImplementation ispp : a.getServiceImplementations()) {
- items.add(ispp.getSpp());
- }
- items.addAll(a.getStrSAPs());
- // add external end ports
- for (ExternalPort p : a.getExtPorts()) {
- items.add(p.getIfport());
- }
- }
- for (InterfaceItem item : items) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(item.getName(), item));
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of ActorRef scopes for a {@link BindingEndPoint}
- * @param ep - the endpoint
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_BindingEndPoint_actorRef(BindingEndPoint ep, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorContainerClass sc = getActorContainerClass(ep);
- if (sc instanceof ActorClass) {
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses((ActorClass)sc);
- for (ActorClass a : classes) {
- for (ActorRef ar : a.getActorRefs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for (ActorRef ar : sc.getActorRefs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of Port scopes for a {@link BindingEndPoint}
- * @param ep - the endpoint
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_BindingEndPoint_port(BindingEndPoint ep, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorContainerClass acc = getActorContainerClass(ep);
- if (ep.getActorRef() == null){
- if (acc instanceof ActorClass) {
- ActorClass ac = (ActorClass) acc;
- // for all super classes (including this class)
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
- for (ActorClass a : classes) {
- // collect internal and relay ports, i.e.
- // structure ports not in interface (internal)
- for (Port p : a.getIntPorts()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
- }
- // interface ports not in structure (relay)
- for (Port p : a.getIfPorts()) {
- if (!isContained(p, a.getExtPorts()))
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // SubSystemClass has no internal end ports
- }
- }
- else {
- // all ports in the sub actor's interface
- if (ep.getActorRef() instanceof ActorRef) {
- ActorClass ac = ((ActorRef)ep.getActorRef()).getType();
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
- for (ActorClass a : classes) {
- for (Port p : a.getIfPorts()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- SubSystemClass ssc = ((SubSystemRef)ep.getActorRef()).getType();
- for (Port p : ssc.getRelayPorts()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
- }
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of BaseState scopes for a {@link RefinedState}
- * @param rs - the refined state
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_RefinedState_base(RefinedState rs, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorClass ac = getActorClass(rs);
- LinkedList<BaseState> states = new LinkedList<BaseState>();
- collectAllStates(ac.getBase(), states);
- for (BaseState bs : states) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(getStatePath(bs), bs));
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of Message scopes for a {@link SemanticsInRule}
- * @param sr - the semantics rule for incoming messages
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_SemanticsInRule_msg(SemanticsInRule sr, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ProtocolClass pc = getProtocolClass(sr);
- LinkedList<ProtocolClass> classes = getBaseClasses(pc);
- for (ProtocolClass bpc : classes) {
- for (Message m : bpc.getIncomingMessages()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(m.getName(), m));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of Message scopes for a {@link SemanticsInRule}
- * @param sr - the semantics rule for incoming messages
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_SemanticsOutRule_msg(SemanticsOutRule sr, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ProtocolClass pc = getProtocolClass(sr);
- LinkedList<ProtocolClass> classes = getBaseClasses(pc);
- for (ProtocolClass bpc : classes) {
- for (Message m : bpc.getOutgoingMessages()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(m.getName(), m));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of ActorRef scopes for a {@link SubActorSAPoint}
- * @param pt
- * @param ref
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_RefSAPoint_ref(RefSAPoint pt, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorContainerClass acc = getActorContainerClass(pt);
- if (acc instanceof ActorClass) {
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses((ActorClass) acc);
- for (ActorClass a : classes) {
- for (ActorRef ar : a.getActorRefs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for (ActorRef ar : acc.getActorRefs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of SPPRef scopes for a {@link RelaySAPoint}
- * @param pt
- * @param ref
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_RelaySAPoint_relay(RelaySAPoint pt, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorClass ac = getActorClass(pt);
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
- for (ActorClass a : classes) {
- for (SPPRef spp : a.getIfSPPs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(spp.getName(), spp));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of ActorRef scopes for a {@link SPPoint}
- * @param pt
- * @param ref
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_SPPoint_actorRef(SPPoint pt, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorContainerClass acc = getActorContainerClass(pt);
- if (acc instanceof ActorClass) {
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses((ActorClass)acc);
- for (ActorClass a : classes) {
- for (ActorRef ar : a.getActorRefs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for (ActorRef ar : acc.getActorRefs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of SPPRef scopes for a {@link SPPoint}
- * @param pt
- * @param ref
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_SPPoint_service(SPPoint pt, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- if (pt.getRef()!=null) {
- if (pt.getRef() instanceof ActorRef) {
- ActorClass ac = ((ActorRef)pt.getRef()).getType();
- LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
- for (ActorClass a : classes) {
- for (SPPRef spp : a.getIfSPPs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(spp.getName(), spp));
- }
- }
- }
- else if (pt.getRef() instanceof SubSystemRef) {
- SubSystemClass ssc = ((SubSystemRef)pt.getRef()).getType();
- for (SPPRef spp : ssc.getIfSPPs()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(spp.getName(), spp));
- }
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- public IScope scope_MessageHandler_msg(MessageHandler handler, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ProtocolClass pc = getProtocolClass(handler);
- if (pc!=null) {
- for (Message m : pc.getIncomingMessages()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(m.getName(), m));
- }
- for (Message m : pc.getOutgoingMessages()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(m.getName(), m));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /*
- * we prefer loose scoping here and rely on validation for meaningful error messages
- *
- * returns a flat list of ActorClass scopes for a {@link ActorRef}
- * @param ar - the actor reference
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
-// public IScope scope_ActorRef_type(ActorRef ar, EReference ref) {
-// ActorClass ac = getActorClass(ar);
-// IScope scope = delegateGetScope(ar, ref);
-// return new FilteringScope(scope, new ActorRefFilter(ac));
-// }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of Port scopes for a {@link ExternalPort}
- * @param ar - the external port
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
- public IScope scope_ExternalPort_ifport(ExternalPort ep, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- ActorClass ac = getActorClass(ep);
- for (Port ip : ac.getIfPorts()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ip.getName(), ip));
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }
- /**
- * returns a flat list of Port scopes for a {@link ExternalPort}
- * @param ar - the external port
- * @param ref - not used
- * @return a list of scopes
- */
-// public IScope scope_ActorInstance_segments(ActorInstance ai, EReference ref) {
-// final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
-// if (ai.getSegments().isEmpty()) {
-// // context is my ActorContainerClass
-// ActorContainerClass acc = getActorContainerClass(ai);
-// for (ActorRef ar : acc.getActorRefs()) {
-// scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
-// }
-// }
-// else {
-// // context is actor class of last segment
-// ActorClass ac = ai.getSegments().get(ai.getSegments().size()-1).getType();
-// for (ActorRef ar : ac.getActorRefs()) {
-// scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
-// }
-// }
-// return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
-// }
- /*
- public IScope scope_ChoicePointCaseRef_case(ChoicePointCaseRef cr, EReference ref) {
- final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
- if (cr.getCp()!=null) {
- for (ChoicePointCase cas : cr.getCp().getCases()) {
- scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(cas.getName(), cas));
- }
- }
- return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
- }*/
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 protos software gmbh (
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Thomas Schuetz and Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.etrice.core.scoping;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.EObjectDescription;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScope;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.impl.AbstractDeclarativeScopeProvider;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.impl.SimpleScope;
+ * This class contains custom scoping description.
+ *
+ * see :
+ * on how and when to use it
+ *
+ */
+public class RoomScopeProvider extends AbstractDeclarativeScopeProvider {
+ public static final String STATE_PATH_DELIMITER = ".";
+ /**
+ * first container of type {@link StateGraph} ({@link State}, {@link StateMachine})
+ * @param obj
+ * @return StateGraph Container
+ */
+ private StateGraph getStateGraph(EObject obj) {
+ EObject ctx = obj.eContainer();
+ while (!(ctx instanceof StateGraph) && ctx.eContainer()!=null)
+ ctx = ctx.eContainer();
+ if (ctx instanceof StateGraph)
+ return (StateGraph) ctx;
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * first container of type {@link ActorClass}
+ * @param obj
+ * @return ActorClass container
+ */
+ private ActorClass getActorClass(EObject obj) {
+ EObject ctx = obj.eContainer();
+ while (!(ctx instanceof ActorClass) && ctx.eContainer()!=null)
+ ctx = ctx.eContainer();
+ if (ctx instanceof ActorClass)
+ return (ActorClass) ctx;
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * first container of type {@link ActorClass}
+ * @param obj
+ * @return ActorClass container
+ */
+ private ActorContainerClass getActorContainerClass(EObject obj) {
+ EObject ctx = obj.eContainer();
+ while (!(ctx instanceof ActorContainerClass) && ctx.eContainer()!=null)
+ ctx = ctx.eContainer();
+ if (ctx instanceof ActorContainerClass)
+ return (ActorContainerClass) ctx;
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * first container of type {@link ProtocolClass}
+ * @param obj
+ * @return ActorClass container
+ */
+ private ProtocolClass getProtocolClass(EObject obj) {
+ EObject ctx = obj.eContainer();
+ while (!(ctx instanceof ProtocolClass) && ctx.eContainer()!=null)
+ ctx = ctx.eContainer();
+ if (ctx instanceof ProtocolClass)
+ return (ProtocolClass) ctx;
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * check whether port is referenced by external port
+ * @param p - port to be checked
+ * @param ports - list of external ports
+ * @return true if contained
+ */
+ private boolean isContained(Port p, EList<ExternalPort> ports) {
+ for (ExternalPort port : ports) {
+ if (port.getIfport()==p)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * recursively collect all {@link BaseState}s of an actor class in a list
+ * @param ac
+ * @param states
+ */
+ private void collectAllStates(ActorClass ac,
+ LinkedList<BaseState> states) {
+ while (ac!=null) {
+ collectStates(ac.getStateMachine(), states);
+ ac = ac.getBase();
+ }
+ }
+ private void collectStates(StateGraph sg,
+ LinkedList<BaseState> states) {
+ if (sg==null)
+ return;
+ for (State s : sg.getStates()) {
+ if (s instanceof BaseState)
+ states.add((BaseState) s);
+ }
+ for (State s : sg.getStates()) {
+ collectStates(s.getSubgraph(), states);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * compute the path of a {@link BaseState}
+ * @param bs
+ * @return the path
+ */
+ private String getStatePath(BaseState bs) {
+ EObject parent = bs.eContainer().eContainer();
+ if (parent instanceof BaseState)
+ return getStatePath((BaseState) parent)+STATE_PATH_DELIMITER+bs.getName();
+ else if (parent instanceof RefinedState) {
+ BaseState base = ((RefinedState) parent).getBase();
+ if (base!=null)
+ return getStatePath(base)+STATE_PATH_DELIMITER+bs.getName();
+ }
+ return bs.getName();
+ }
+ /**
+ * return a list of base classes of an {@link ActorClass}, parent classes first.
+ * The list includes the class itself
+ * @param ac
+ * @return
+ */
+ private LinkedList<ActorClass> getBaseClasses(ActorClass ac) {
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = new LinkedList<ActorClass>();
+ if (ac!=null) {
+ classes.addFirst(ac);
+ while (ac.getBase()!=null) {
+ ac = ac.getBase();
+ classes.addFirst(ac);
+ }
+ }
+ return classes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * return a list of base classes of an {@link ProtocolClass}, parent classes first.
+ * The list includes the class itself
+ * @param pc
+ * @return
+ */
+ private LinkedList<ProtocolClass> getBaseClasses(ProtocolClass pc) {
+ LinkedList<ProtocolClass> classes = new LinkedList<ProtocolClass>();
+ classes.addFirst(pc);
+ while (pc.getBase()!=null) {
+ pc = pc.getBase();
+ classes.addFirst(pc);
+ }
+ return classes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * return the {@link BaseState} of a {@link State}
+ * @param s
+ * @return the state itself if a BaseState or the BaseState for a {@link RefinedState}
+ */
+ private BaseState getBaseState(State s) {
+ if (s instanceof BaseState)
+ return (BaseState) s;
+ else if (s instanceof RefinedState)
+ return ((RefinedState) s).getBase();
+ else
+ return null;
+ }
+ private IScope getStateScopes(EObject obj) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ // first state in container hierarchy
+ StateGraph parent = getStateGraph(obj);
+ // collect states of my parent
+ if (parent!=null) {
+ for (State s : parent.getStates()) {
+ BaseState bs = getBaseState(s);
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(bs.getName(), bs));
+ }
+ // if my parent is a refined state we also add its base state contents
+ if (parent.eContainer() instanceof RefinedState) {
+ parent = ((RefinedState) parent.eContainer()).getBase().getSubgraph();
+ if (parent!=null)
+ for (State s : parent.getStates()) {
+ BaseState bs = getBaseState(s);
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(bs.getName(), bs));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (parent.eContainer() instanceof ActorClass) {
+ ActorClass ac = (ActorClass) parent.eContainer();
+ if (ac.getBase()!=null) {
+ for (State s : ac.getBase().getStateMachine().getStates()) {
+ BaseState bs = getBaseState(s);
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(bs.getName(), bs));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of State scopes for a {@link StateTerminal}
+ * @param st - the transition endpoint or terminal
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_StateTerminal_state(StateTerminal st, EReference ref) {
+ return getStateScopes(st);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of TransitionPoint scopes for a {@link TrPointTerminal}
+ * @param ep - the transition endpoint or terminal
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_TrPointTerminal_trPoint(TrPointTerminal ep, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ StateGraph parent = getStateGraph(ep);
+ StateGraph targetStateGraph = parent;
+ getTrPointScopes(scopes, targetStateGraph);
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of TransitionPoint scopes for a {@link SubStateTrPointTerminal}
+ * @param ep - the transition endpoint or terminal
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_SubStateTrPointTerminal_trPoint(SubStateTrPointTerminal ep, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ StateGraph parent = getStateGraph(ep);
+ StateGraph targetStateGraph = parent;
+ if (ep.getState()!=null) {
+ targetStateGraph = ep.getState().getSubgraph(); // always a BaseState
+ // if one of our siblings is a RefinedState of our target we take that as target
+ for (State sibling : parent.getStates()) {
+ if (sibling instanceof RefinedState) {
+ if (((RefinedState)sibling).getBase()==ep.getState())
+ targetStateGraph = sibling.getSubgraph();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getTrPointScopes(scopes, targetStateGraph);
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ private void getTrPointScopes(final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes,
+ StateGraph sg) {
+ // collect transition points of this state
+ for (TrPoint tp : sg.getTrPoints()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(tp.getName(), tp));
+ }
+ // if this state is a refined state we also add its base state transition points
+ if (sg.eContainer() instanceof RefinedState) {
+ sg = ((RefinedState) sg.eContainer()).getBase().getSubgraph();
+ if (sg!=null)
+ for (TrPoint tp : sg.getTrPoints()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(tp.getName(), tp));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of State scopes for a {@link SubStateTrPointTerminal}
+ * @param st - the transition endpoint or terminal
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_SubStateTrPointTerminal_state(SubStateTrPointTerminal st, EReference ref) {
+ return getStateScopes(st);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of Choicepoint scopes for a {@link SubStateTrPointTerminal}
+ * @param ct - the transition endpoint or terminal
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_ChoicepointTerminal_cp(ChoicepointTerminal ct, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ // first state in container hierarchy
+ StateGraph parent = getStateGraph(ct);
+ // collect choicepoints of my parent
+ if (parent!=null)
+ for (ChoicePoint cp : parent.getChPoints()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(cp.getName(), cp));
+ }
+ // if my parent is a refined state we also add its base state contents
+ if (parent.eContainer() instanceof RefinedState) {
+ parent = ((RefinedState) parent.eContainer()).getBase().getSubgraph();
+ if (parent!=null)
+ for (ChoicePoint cp : parent.getChPoints()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(cp.getName(), cp));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (parent.eContainer() instanceof ActorClass) {
+ ActorClass ac = (ActorClass) parent.eContainer();
+ if (ac.getBase()!=null) {
+ for (ChoicePoint cp : ac.getBase().getStateMachine().getChPoints()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(cp.getName(), cp));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of Message scopes for a {@link MessageFromIf}
+ * @param mfi - the message from interface
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_MessageFromIf_message(MessageFromIf mfi, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ InterfaceItem item = mfi.getFrom();
+ if (item!=null) {
+ ProtocolClass protocol = item.getProtocol();
+ boolean conjugated = false;
+ if (item instanceof Port)
+ conjugated = ((Port)item).isConjugated();
+ else if (item instanceof SAPRef)
+ conjugated = true;
+ for (Message msg : conjugated?protocol.getOutgoingMessages():protocol.getIncomingMessages()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(msg.getName(), msg));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of Port scopes for a {@link MessageFromIf}
+ * @param mfi - the message from interface
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_MessageFromIf_port(MessageFromIf mfi, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorClass ac = getActorClass(mfi);
+ for (Port p : ac.getIntPorts()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
+ }
+ for (ExternalPort p : ac.getExtPorts()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getIfport().getName(), p.getIfport()));
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of InterfaceItem scopes for a {@link MessageFromIf}
+ * @param mfi - the message from interface
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_MessageFromIf_from(MessageFromIf mfi, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorClass ac = getActorClass(mfi);
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
+ LinkedList<InterfaceItem> items = new LinkedList<InterfaceItem>();
+ // for all base classes
+ for (ActorClass a : classes) {
+ // add internal ports
+ items.addAll(a.getIntPorts());
+ // add service implementations and saps
+ for (ServiceImplementation ispp : a.getServiceImplementations()) {
+ items.add(ispp.getSpp());
+ }
+ items.addAll(a.getStrSAPs());
+ // add external end ports
+ for (ExternalPort p : a.getExtPorts()) {
+ items.add(p.getIfport());
+ }
+ }
+ for (InterfaceItem item : items) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(item.getName(), item));
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of ActorRef scopes for a {@link BindingEndPoint}
+ * @param ep - the endpoint
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_BindingEndPoint_actorRef(BindingEndPoint ep, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorContainerClass sc = getActorContainerClass(ep);
+ if (sc instanceof ActorClass) {
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses((ActorClass)sc);
+ for (ActorClass a : classes) {
+ for (ActorRef ar : a.getActorRefs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (ActorRef ar : sc.getActorRefs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of Port scopes for a {@link BindingEndPoint}
+ * @param ep - the endpoint
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_BindingEndPoint_port(BindingEndPoint ep, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorContainerClass acc = getActorContainerClass(ep);
+ if (ep.getActorRef() == null){
+ if (acc instanceof ActorClass) {
+ ActorClass ac = (ActorClass) acc;
+ // for all super classes (including this class)
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
+ for (ActorClass a : classes) {
+ // collect internal and relay ports, i.e.
+ // structure ports not in interface (internal)
+ for (Port p : a.getIntPorts()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
+ }
+ // interface ports not in structure (relay)
+ for (Port p : a.getIfPorts()) {
+ if (!isContained(p, a.getExtPorts()))
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // SubSystemClass has no internal end ports
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // all ports in the sub actor's interface
+ if (ep.getActorRef() instanceof ActorRef) {
+ ActorClass ac = ((ActorRef)ep.getActorRef()).getType();
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
+ for (ActorClass a : classes) {
+ for (Port p : a.getIfPorts()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ SubSystemClass ssc = ((SubSystemRef)ep.getActorRef()).getType();
+ for (Port p : ssc.getRelayPorts()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(p.getName(), p));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of BaseState scopes for a {@link RefinedState}
+ * @param rs - the refined state
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_RefinedState_base(RefinedState rs, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorClass ac = getActorClass(rs);
+ LinkedList<BaseState> states = new LinkedList<BaseState>();
+ collectAllStates(ac.getBase(), states);
+ for (BaseState bs : states) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(getStatePath(bs), bs));
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of Message scopes for a {@link SemanticsInRule}
+ * @param sr - the semantics rule for incoming messages
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_SemanticsInRule_msg(SemanticsInRule sr, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ProtocolClass pc = getProtocolClass(sr);
+ LinkedList<ProtocolClass> classes = getBaseClasses(pc);
+ for (ProtocolClass bpc : classes) {
+ for (Message m : bpc.getIncomingMessages()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(m.getName(), m));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of Message scopes for a {@link SemanticsInRule}
+ * @param sr - the semantics rule for incoming messages
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_SemanticsOutRule_msg(SemanticsOutRule sr, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ProtocolClass pc = getProtocolClass(sr);
+ LinkedList<ProtocolClass> classes = getBaseClasses(pc);
+ for (ProtocolClass bpc : classes) {
+ for (Message m : bpc.getOutgoingMessages()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(m.getName(), m));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of ActorRef scopes for a {@link SubActorSAPoint}
+ * @param pt
+ * @param ref
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_RefSAPoint_ref(RefSAPoint pt, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorContainerClass acc = getActorContainerClass(pt);
+ if (acc instanceof ActorClass) {
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses((ActorClass) acc);
+ for (ActorClass a : classes) {
+ for (ActorRef ar : a.getActorRefs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (ActorRef ar : acc.getActorRefs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of SPPRef scopes for a {@link RelaySAPoint}
+ * @param pt
+ * @param ref
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_RelaySAPoint_relay(RelaySAPoint pt, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorClass ac = getActorClass(pt);
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
+ for (ActorClass a : classes) {
+ for (SPPRef spp : a.getIfSPPs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(spp.getName(), spp));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of ActorRef scopes for a {@link SPPoint}
+ * @param pt
+ * @param ref
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_SPPoint_actorRef(SPPoint pt, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorContainerClass acc = getActorContainerClass(pt);
+ if (acc instanceof ActorClass) {
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses((ActorClass)acc);
+ for (ActorClass a : classes) {
+ for (ActorRef ar : a.getActorRefs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (ActorRef ar : acc.getActorRefs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of SPPRef scopes for a {@link SPPoint}
+ * @param pt
+ * @param ref
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_SPPoint_service(SPPoint pt, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ if (pt.getRef()!=null) {
+ if (pt.getRef() instanceof ActorRef) {
+ ActorClass ac = ((ActorRef)pt.getRef()).getType();
+ LinkedList<ActorClass> classes = getBaseClasses(ac);
+ for (ActorClass a : classes) {
+ for (SPPRef spp : a.getIfSPPs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(spp.getName(), spp));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pt.getRef() instanceof SubSystemRef) {
+ SubSystemClass ssc = ((SubSystemRef)pt.getRef()).getType();
+ for (SPPRef spp : ssc.getIfSPPs()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(spp.getName(), spp));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ public IScope scope_MessageHandler_msg(MessageHandler handler, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ProtocolClass pc = getProtocolClass(handler);
+ if (pc!=null) {
+ for (Message m : pc.getIncomingMessages()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(m.getName(), m));
+ }
+ for (Message m : pc.getOutgoingMessages()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(m.getName(), m));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /*
+ * we prefer loose scoping here and rely on validation for meaningful error messages
+ *
+ * returns a flat list of ActorClass scopes for a {@link ActorRef}
+ * @param ar - the actor reference
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+// public IScope scope_ActorRef_type(ActorRef ar, EReference ref) {
+// ActorClass ac = getActorClass(ar);
+// IScope scope = delegateGetScope(ar, ref);
+// return new FilteringScope(scope, new ActorRefFilter(ac));
+// }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of Port scopes for a {@link ExternalPort}
+ * @param ar - the external port
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+ public IScope scope_ExternalPort_ifport(ExternalPort ep, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ ActorClass ac = getActorClass(ep);
+ for (Port ip : ac.getIfPorts()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ip.getName(), ip));
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a flat list of Port scopes for a {@link ExternalPort}
+ * @param ar - the external port
+ * @param ref - not used
+ * @return a list of scopes
+ */
+// public IScope scope_ActorInstance_segments(ActorInstance ai, EReference ref) {
+// final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+// if (ai.getSegments().isEmpty()) {
+// // context is my ActorContainerClass
+// ActorContainerClass acc = getActorContainerClass(ai);
+// for (ActorRef ar : acc.getActorRefs()) {
+// scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
+// }
+// }
+// else {
+// // context is actor class of last segment
+// ActorClass ac = ai.getSegments().get(ai.getSegments().size()-1).getType();
+// for (ActorRef ar : ac.getActorRefs()) {
+// scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(ar.getName(), ar));
+// }
+// }
+// return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+// }
+ /*
+ public IScope scope_ChoicePointCaseRef_case(ChoicePointCaseRef cr, EReference ref) {
+ final List<IEObjectDescription> scopes = new ArrayList<IEObjectDescription>();
+ if (cr.getCp()!=null) {
+ for (ChoicePointCase cas : cr.getCp().getCases()) {
+ scopes.add(EObjectDescription.create(cas.getName(), cas));
+ }
+ }
+ return new SimpleScope(IScope.NULLSCOPE, scopes);
+ }*/

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