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1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2126f7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 protos software gmbh (
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Thomas Schuetz and Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ * @author Henrik Rentz-Reichert and Thomas Schuetz
+ *
+ * XText Grammar for ROOM models
+ * this grammar is the base for the ROOM tool eTrice
+ *
+ */
+grammar org.eclipse.etrice.core.Room with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
+generate room ""
+RoomModel :
+'RoomModel' name=FQN '{'
+ (imports+=Import)*
+ (
+ dataClasses+=DataClass |
+ protocolClasses+=ProtocolClass |
+ actorClasses+=ActorClass |
+ subSystemClasses+=SubSystemClass |
+ systems+=LogicalSystem
+ )+
+ '}'
+RoomClass: DataClass | ProtocolClass | StructureClass;
+StructureClass: ActorContainerClass | LogicalSystem;
+ActorContainerClass: ActorClass | SubSystemClass;
+// **************************************************************
+// data class
+// cf. decision DSL2: fixed size data types
+// convert appropriately for Java and issue an error if size not available
+enum PrimitiveType:
+ void = 'void' |
+ int8 = 'int8' |
+ int16 = 'int16' |
+ int32 = 'int32' |
+ uint8 = 'uint8' |
+ uint16 = 'uint16' |
+ uint32 = 'uint32' |
+ float32 = 'float32' |
+ float64 = 'float64' |
+ boolean = 'boolean' |
+ string = 'string' |
+ char = 'char';
+ name=ID ':' type=Type;
+ name=ID ':' type=FreeType;
+Type: prim=PrimitiveType | type=[DataClass|FQN];
+FreeType: prim=PrimitiveType | type=ID;
+// TODOHRR: define detail level language?
+ 'DataClass' name=ID ('extends' base=[DataClass|FQN])? '{'
+ (imports+=Import)*
+ attributes+=Attribute+
+ operations+=Operation*
+ '}';
+ 'Attribute' name=ID ('[' size=INT ']')? ':' type=Type;
+// TODOHRR: pass arguments and return value by value/reference
+ 'Operation' name=ID '(' (arguments+=FreeTypedID (',' arguments+=FreeTypedID)*)? ')' (':' returntype=FreeType)?
+ detailCode=DetailCode
+ ;
+// **************************************************************
+// protocol class
+ 'ProtocolClass' name=ID ('extends' base=[ProtocolClass|FQN])? '{'
+ ('usercode1' userCode1=DetailCode)?
+ ('usercode2' userCode2=DetailCode)?
+ 'incoming' '{' incomingMessages+=Message* '}'
+ 'outgoing' '{' outgoingMessages+=Message* '}'
+ ('regular' 'PortClass' regular=PortClass)?
+ ('conjugate' 'PortClass' conjugate=PortClass)?
+ (semantics=ProtocolSemantics)?
+ '}';
+ 'Message' name=ID '(' (arguments+=TypedID (',' arguments+=TypedID)*)? ')';
+ '{'
+ ('usercode' userCode=DetailCode)?
+ (attributes+=Attribute |
+ operations+=Operation |
+ msgHandlers+=MessageHandler)+
+ '}';
+ 'handle' msg=[Message|ID]
+ detailCode=DetailCode
+ ;
+ 'semantics' '{'
+ rules+=SemanticsRule+
+ '}';
+SemanticsRule: SemanticsInRule | SemanticsOutRule;
+SemanticsInRule: 'in' msg=[Message|ID] '->' '{'
+ followUps+=SemanticsRule*
+ '}';
+SemanticsOutRule: 'out' msg=[Message|ID] '->' '{'
+ followUps+=SemanticsRule*
+ '}';
+// **************************************************************
+// actor class
+// some notes on ports
+// in ROOM ports can be contained in the structure and/or the interface
+// p in s ==> internal end port
+// p in i ==> relay port
+// p in i and p in s ==> external end port
+// since double containment is not supported we decided to define external ports as reference to interface ports
+ (abstract?='abstract')? 'ActorClass' name=ID ('extends' base=[ActorClass|FQN])? '{'
+ ('Interface' '{'
+ ifPorts+=Port*
+ ifSPPs+=SPPRef*
+ '}')?
+ ('Structure' '{'
+ ('usercode1' userCode1=DetailCode)?
+ ('usercode2' userCode2=DetailCode)?
+ (intPorts+=Port |
+ extPorts+=ExternalPort)*
+ serviceImplementations+=ServiceImplementation*
+ strSAPs+=SAPRef*
+ attributes+=Attribute*
+ actorRefs+=ActorRef*
+ bindings+=Binding*
+ connections+=LayerConnection*
+ '}')?
+ ('Behavior' '{'
+ operations+=Operation*
+ (stateMachine=StateMachine)?
+ '}')?
+ '}';
+InterfaceItem: Port | SAPRef | SPPRef;
+ (conjugated?='conjugated')? 'Port' name=ID ('[' multiplicity=INT ']')? ':' protocol=[ProtocolClass|FQN] ;
+ 'external' 'Port' ifport=[Port|ID] ;
+ // we omitted the SAP type (Timing/Frame/Exception)
+ 'SAP' name=ID ':' protocol=[ProtocolClass|FQN] ;
+ 'SPP' name=ID ':' protocol=[ProtocolClass|FQN] ;
+ 'ServiceImplementation' 'of' spp=[SPPRef|ID];
+ 'LogicalSystem' name=ID '{'
+ subSystems+=SubSystemRef+
+ bindings+=Binding*
+ connections+=LayerConnection*
+ '}';
+ActorContainerRef: SubSystemRef | ActorRef;
+ 'SubSystemRef' name=ID ':' type=[SubSystemClass|FQN];
+ 'SubSystemClass' name=ID '{'
+ relayPorts+=Port*
+ ifSPPs+=SPPRef*
+ actorRefs+=ActorRef+
+ bindings+=Binding*
+ connections+=LayerConnection*
+ threads+=LogicalThread*
+ '}';
+ 'LogicalThread' name=ID '{'
+ instances+=ActorInstancePath (',' instances+=ActorInstancePath)*
+ '}';
+ segments+=ID ('.' segments+=ID)*;
+// TODOHRR: bindings for replicated ports
+// (1) declare several bindings
+// (2) use a notation with 1 to n bindings
+ 'Binding' endpoint1=BindingEndPoint 'and' endpoint2=BindingEndPoint ;
+ (actorRef=[ActorContainerRef|ID]'.')? port=[Port|ID];
+ 'LayerConnection' from=SAPoint 'satisfied_by' to=SPPoint
+SAPoint: RefSAPoint | RelaySAPoint;
+ // satisfies a sub actor
+ 'ref' ref=[ActorContainerRef|ID];
+ // relays from own interface
+ 'relay_sap' relay=[SPPRef|ID];
+ ref=[ActorContainerRef|ID] '.' service=[SPPRef|ID]
+// TODOHRR: support replicated actors
+ 'ActorRef' name=ID ':' type=[ActorClass|FQN];
+// **************************************************************
+// state machine
+StateGraphNode: State | ChoicePoint | TrPoint;
+StateGraphItem: StateGraphNode | Transition;
+State: BaseState | RefinedState;
+ '{'
+ (
+ states+=State |
+ trPoints+=TrPoint |
+ chPoints+=ChoicePoint |
+ transitions+=Transition
+ )+
+ '}';
+StateMachine returns StateGraph:
+ 'StateMachine' '{'
+ (
+ states+=State |
+ trPoints+=TrPoint |
+ chPoints+=ChoicePoint |
+ transitions+=Transition
+ )+
+ '}';
+// entry and exit code have multiplicity many: in BaseState to be able to add derived class codes here,
+// in RefinedState to still have both features in the common base class State
+ 'State' name=ID '{'
+ ('entry' entryCode=DetailCode)?
+ ('exit' exitCode=DetailCode)?
+ ('subgraph' subgraph=StateGraph)?
+ '}';
+ 'RefinedState' base=[BaseState|FQN] '{'
+ ('entry' entryCode=DetailCode)?
+ ('exit' exitCode=DetailCode)?
+ ('subgraph' subgraph=StateGraph)?
+ '}';
+// TODOHRR: provide a means to call super class code (cf. ROOM p. 310f)
+// super() keyword or flag like in Trice
+ '{'
+ commands+=STRING+
+ '}';
+TrPoint: TransitionPoint | EntryPoint | ExitPoint;
+ (handler?='handler')? 'TransitionPoint' name=ID;
+ 'EntryPoint' name=ID;
+ 'ExitPoint' name=ID;
+ 'ChoicePoint' name=ID;
+Transition: InitialTransition | NonInitialTransition;
+NonInitialTransition: TriggeredTransition | ContinuationTransition | CPBranchTransition;
+ 'Transition' (name=ID)? ':' 'initial' '->' to=TransitionTerminal '{'
+ ('action' action=DetailCode)?
+ '}';
+ 'Transition' (name=ID)? ':' from=TransitionTerminal '->' to=TransitionTerminal '{'
+ ('action' action=DetailCode)?
+ '}';
+ 'Transition' (name=ID)? ':' from=TransitionTerminal '->' to=TransitionTerminal '{'
+ 'triggers' '{'
+ triggers+=Trigger ('or' triggers+=Trigger)*
+ '}'
+ ('action' action=DetailCode)?
+ '}';
+ 'Transition' (name=ID)? ':' from=TransitionTerminal '->' to=TransitionTerminal '{'
+ 'cond' condition=DetailCode
+ ('action' action=DetailCode)?
+ '}';
+TransitionTerminal: StateTerminal | TrPointTerminal | SubStateTrPointTerminal | ChoicepointTerminal;
+ state=[BaseState|ID];
+ 'my' trPoint=[TrPoint|ID];
+ trPoint=[TrPoint|ID] 'of' state=[BaseState|ID];
+ 'cp' cp=[ChoicePoint|ID];
+//TransitionSource: TransitionTerminal|ChoicePointCaseRef|ChoicePointDefaultRef;
+//TransitionSource: TransitionTerminal|ChoicePointRef;
+//TransitionDest: TransitionTerminal|ChoicePointRef;
+//ChoicePointCaseRef: 'cp' cp=[ChoicePoint|ID] 'case' case=[ChoicePointCase|ID];
+//ChoicePointDefaultRef: 'cp' cp=[ChoicePoint|ID] 'default';
+//ChoicePointRef: 'cp' cp=[ChoicePoint|ID];
+ '<' msgFromIfPairs+=MessageFromIf ('|' msgFromIfPairs+=MessageFromIf)*
+ (guard=Guard)? '>'
+ message=[Message|ID] ':' from=[InterfaceItem|ID]
+ 'guard' guard=DetailCode;
+// **************************************************************
+// general
+Import :
+ 'import' importedNamespace=ImportedFQN;
+ FQN ('.' '*')?;
+ ID ('.' ID)*;

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