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1 files changed, 4864 insertions, 4846 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
index d4d40f809..bf30acaf2 100644
--- a/plugins/
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] {
- "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "RULE_ID", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_INT", "RULE_HEX", "RULE_EXP", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'RoomModel'", "'{'", "'}'", "':'", "'ref'", "'PrimitiveType'", "'->'", "'('", "')'", "'default'", "'Enumeration'", "'of'", "','", "'='", "'ExternalType'", "'DataClass'", "'extends'", "'usercode1'", "'usercode2'", "'usercode3'", "'Attribute'", "'['", "']'", "'Operation'", "'~'", "'void'", "'sends'", "'ProtocolClass'", "'incoming'", "'outgoing'", "'regular'", "'PortClass'", "'conjugated'", "'CompoundProtocolClass'", "'SubProtocol'", "'private'", "'Message'", "'usercode'", "'handle'", "'semantics'", "'in'", "'out'", "'abstract'", "'ActorClass'", "'Interface'", "'Structure'", "'Behavior'", "'Port'", "'external'", "'SAP'", "'SPP'", "'ServiceImplementation'", "'LogicalSystem'", "'SubSystemRef'", "'SubSystemClass'", "'LogicalThread'", "'ActorInstanceMapping'", "'/'", "'Binding'", "'and'", "'.'", "'sub'", "'LayerConnection'", "'satisfied_by'", "'relay_sap'", "'ActorRef'", "'*'", "'ActorBehavior'", "'StateMachine'", "'State'", "'entry'", "'exit'", "'do'", "'subgraph'", "'RefinedState'", "'handler'", "'TransitionPoint'", "'EntryPoint'", "'ExitPoint'", "'ChoicePoint'", "'Transition'", "'initial'", "'action'", "'triggers'", "'or'", "'guard'", "'cond'", "'RefinedTransition'", "'my'", "'cp'", "'<'", "'|'", "'>'", "'@'", "'AnnotationType'", "'target'", "'optional'", "'mandatory'", "'attribute'", "'import'", "'from'", "'model'", "'.*'", "'false'", "'true'", "'+'", "'-'", "'eventdriven'", "'datadriven'", "'sync'", "'fixed'", "'async'", "'ptBoolean'", "'ptInteger'", "'ptReal'", "'ptCharacter'"
+ "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "RULE_ID", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_INT", "RULE_HEX", "RULE_EXP", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'RoomModel'", "'{'", "'}'", "':'", "'ref'", "'PrimitiveType'", "'->'", "'('", "')'", "'default'", "'Enumeration'", "'of'", "','", "'='", "'ExternalType'", "'DataClass'", "'extends'", "'usercode1'", "'usercode2'", "'usercode3'", "'Attribute'", "'['", "']'", "'Operation'", "'~'", "'void'", "'sends'", "'ProtocolClass'", "'incoming'", "'outgoing'", "'regular'", "'PortClass'", "'conjugated'", "'CompoundProtocolClass'", "'SubProtocol'", "'private'", "'Message'", "'usercode'", "'handle'", "'abstract'", "'ActorClass'", "'Interface'", "'Structure'", "'Behavior'", "'Port'", "'external'", "'SAP'", "'SPP'", "'ServiceImplementation'", "'LogicalSystem'", "'SubSystemRef'", "'SubSystemClass'", "'LogicalThread'", "'ActorInstanceMapping'", "'/'", "'Binding'", "'and'", "'.'", "'sub'", "'LayerConnection'", "'satisfied_by'", "'relay_sap'", "'ActorRef'", "'*'", "'ActorBehavior'", "'StateMachine'", "'State'", "'entry'", "'exit'", "'do'", "'subgraph'", "'RefinedState'", "'handler'", "'TransitionPoint'", "'EntryPoint'", "'ExitPoint'", "'ChoicePoint'", "'Transition'", "'initial'", "'action'", "'triggers'", "'or'", "'guard'", "'cond'", "'RefinedTransition'", "'my'", "'cp'", "'<'", "'|'", "'>'", "'semantics'", "'in'", "'out'", "'@'", "'AnnotationType'", "'target'", "'optional'", "'mandatory'", "'attribute'", "'import'", "'from'", "'model'", "'.*'", "'false'", "'true'", "'+'", "'-'", "'eventdriven'", "'datadriven'", "'sync'", "'fixed'", "'async'", "'ptBoolean'", "'ptInteger'", "'ptReal'", "'ptCharacter'"
public static final int RULE_ID=4;
public static final int T__29=29;
@@ -822,10 +822,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
int alt4=2;
int LA4_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA4_0>=55 && LA4_0<=56)||LA4_0==67||(LA4_0>=120 && LA4_0<=122)||LA4_0==124) ) {
+ if ( ((LA4_0>=52 && LA4_0<=53)||LA4_0==64||(LA4_0>=120 && LA4_0<=122)||LA4_0==124) ) {
- else if ( (LA4_0==65) ) {
+ else if ( (LA4_0==62) ) {
else {
@@ -947,10 +947,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
int alt5=2;
int LA5_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA5_0>=55 && LA5_0<=56)||(LA5_0>=120 && LA5_0<=122)||LA5_0==124) ) {
+ if ( ((LA5_0>=52 && LA5_0<=53)||(LA5_0>=120 && LA5_0<=122)||LA5_0==124) ) {
- else if ( (LA5_0==67) ) {
+ else if ( (LA5_0==64) ) {
else {
@@ -5123,7 +5123,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
int alt54=2;
int LA54_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA54_0==52) ) {
+ if ( (LA54_0==103) ) {
switch (alt54) {
@@ -6516,893 +6516,8 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR end "ruleOutMessageHandler"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleProtocolSemantics"
- // ../ entryRuleProtocolSemantics returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleProtocolSemantics= ruleProtocolSemantics EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleProtocolSemantics() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleProtocolSemantics = null;
- try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleProtocolSemantics= ruleProtocolSemantics EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleProtocolSemantics= ruleProtocolSemantics EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleProtocolSemantics_in_entryRuleProtocolSemantics5205);
- iv_ruleProtocolSemantics=ruleProtocolSemantics();
- state._fsp--;
- current =iv_ruleProtocolSemantics;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleProtocolSemantics5215);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleProtocolSemantics"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleProtocolSemantics"
- // ../ ruleProtocolSemantics returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}' ) ;
- public final EObject ruleProtocolSemantics() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1=null;
- Token otherlv_2=null;
- Token otherlv_4=null;
- EObject lv_rules_3_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}' ) )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}' )
- {
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}' )
- // ../ () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}'
- {
- // ../ ()
- // ../
- {
- current = forceCreateModelElement(
- grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getProtocolSemanticsAction_0(),
- current);
- }
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,52,FOLLOW_52_in_ruleProtocolSemantics5261);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getSemanticsKeyword_1());
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleProtocolSemantics5273);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )*
- loop64:
- do {
- int alt64=2;
- int LA64_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA64_0>=53 && LA64_0<=54)) ) {
- alt64=1;
- }
- switch (alt64) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- {
- // ../ (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- // ../ lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getRulesSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleProtocolSemantics5294);
- lv_rules_3_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "rules",
- lv_rules_3_0,
- "SemanticsRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- default :
- break loop64;
- }
- } while (true);
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolSemantics5307);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_4());
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleProtocolSemantics"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSemanticsRule"
- // ../ entryRuleSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSemanticsRule= ruleSemanticsRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleSemanticsRule = null;
- try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSemanticsRule= ruleSemanticsRule EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSemanticsRule= ruleSemanticsRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSemanticsRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleSemanticsRule5343);
- iv_ruleSemanticsRule=ruleSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current =iv_ruleSemanticsRule;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSemanticsRule5353);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSemanticsRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleSemanticsRule"
- // ../ ruleSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : (this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule | this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule ) ;
- public final EObject ruleSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject this_InSemanticsRule_0 = null;
- EObject this_OutSemanticsRule_1 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../ ( (this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule | this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule ) )
- // ../ (this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule | this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule )
- {
- // ../ (this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule | this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule )
- int alt65=2;
- int LA65_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA65_0==53) ) {
- alt65=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA65_0==54) ) {
- alt65=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 65, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt65) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSemanticsRuleAccess().getInSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInSemanticsRule_in_ruleSemanticsRule5400);
- this_InSemanticsRule_0=ruleInSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_InSemanticsRule_0;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSemanticsRuleAccess().getOutSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleOutSemanticsRule_in_ruleSemanticsRule5427);
- this_OutSemanticsRule_1=ruleOutSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_OutSemanticsRule_1;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleSemanticsRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleInSemanticsRule"
- // ../ entryRuleInSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleInSemanticsRule= ruleInSemanticsRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleInSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleInSemanticsRule = null;
- try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleInSemanticsRule= ruleInSemanticsRule EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleInSemanticsRule= ruleInSemanticsRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleInSemanticsRule5462);
- iv_ruleInSemanticsRule=ruleInSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current =iv_ruleInSemanticsRule;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInSemanticsRule5472);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleInSemanticsRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleInSemanticsRule"
- // ../ ruleInSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? ) ;
- public final EObject ruleInSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0=null;
- Token otherlv_1=null;
- Token otherlv_2=null;
- Token otherlv_3=null;
- Token otherlv_5=null;
- Token otherlv_7=null;
- Token otherlv_9=null;
- EObject lv_followUps_4_0 = null;
- EObject lv_followUps_6_0 = null;
- EObject lv_followUps_8_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? )
- {
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )?
- {
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,53,FOLLOW_53_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5509);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getInKeyword_0());
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5521);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
- }
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5541);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getMsgMessageCrossReference_2_0());
- }
- }
- // ../ (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )?
- int alt68=2;
- int LA68_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA68_0==19) ) {
- alt68=1;
- }
- switch (alt68) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) )
- {
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5554);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3_0());
- // ../ ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) )
- int alt67=2;
- int LA67_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA67_0>=53 && LA67_0<=54)) ) {
- alt67=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA67_0==20) ) {
- alt67=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 67, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt67) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- {
- // ../ ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- // ../ (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- {
- // ../ (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- // ../ lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5576);
- lv_followUps_4_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "followUps",
- lv_followUps_4_0,
- "SemanticsRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' )
- {
- // ../ (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' )
- // ../ otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')'
- {
- otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5595);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- // ../ (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- {
- // ../ (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- // ../ lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5616);
- lv_followUps_6_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "followUps",
- lv_followUps_6_0,
- "SemanticsRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../ (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+
- int cnt66=0;
- loop66:
- do {
- int alt66=2;
- int LA66_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA66_0==25) ) {
- alt66=1;
- }
- switch (alt66) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- {
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5629);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_1_1_2_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- // ../ (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- {
- // ../ (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- // ../ lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_1_2_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5650);
- lv_followUps_8_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "followUps",
- lv_followUps_8_0,
- "SemanticsRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default :
- if ( cnt66 >= 1 ) break loop66;
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(66, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt66++;
- } while (true);
- otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5664);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1_3());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleInSemanticsRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleOutSemanticsRule"
- // ../ entryRuleOutSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule= ruleOutSemanticsRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleOutSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule = null;
- try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule= ruleOutSemanticsRule EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule= ruleOutSemanticsRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleOutSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleOutSemanticsRule5704);
- iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule=ruleOutSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current =iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleOutSemanticsRule5714);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleOutSemanticsRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleOutSemanticsRule"
- // ../ ruleOutSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? ) ;
- public final EObject ruleOutSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0=null;
- Token otherlv_1=null;
- Token otherlv_2=null;
- Token otherlv_3=null;
- Token otherlv_5=null;
- Token otherlv_7=null;
- Token otherlv_9=null;
- EObject lv_followUps_4_0 = null;
- EObject lv_followUps_6_0 = null;
- EObject lv_followUps_8_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? )
- {
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )?
- {
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,54,FOLLOW_54_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5751);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getOutKeyword_0());
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5763);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
- }
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5783);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getMsgMessageCrossReference_2_0());
- }
- }
- // ../ (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )?
- int alt71=2;
- int LA71_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA71_0==19) ) {
- alt71=1;
- }
- switch (alt71) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) )
- {
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5796);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3_0());
- // ../ ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) )
- int alt70=2;
- int LA70_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA70_0>=53 && LA70_0<=54)) ) {
- alt70=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA70_0==20) ) {
- alt70=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 70, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt70) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- {
- // ../ ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- // ../ (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- {
- // ../ (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- // ../ lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5818);
- lv_followUps_4_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "followUps",
- lv_followUps_4_0,
- "SemanticsRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' )
- {
- // ../ (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' )
- // ../ otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')'
- {
- otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5837);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- // ../ (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- {
- // ../ (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- // ../ lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5858);
- lv_followUps_6_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "followUps",
- lv_followUps_6_0,
- "SemanticsRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../ (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+
- int cnt69=0;
- loop69:
- do {
- int alt69=2;
- int LA69_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA69_0==25) ) {
- alt69=1;
- }
- switch (alt69) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- {
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5871);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_1_1_2_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
- // ../ (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- {
- // ../ (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
- // ../ lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_1_2_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5892);
- lv_followUps_8_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current==null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "followUps",
- lv_followUps_8_0,
- "SemanticsRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default :
- if ( cnt69 >= 1 ) break loop69;
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(69, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt69++;
- } while (true);
- otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5906);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1_3());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleOutSemanticsRule"
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleModelComponent"
- // ../ entryRuleModelComponent returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleModelComponent= ruleModelComponent EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleModelComponent returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleModelComponent= ruleModelComponent EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleModelComponent() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -7410,17 +6525,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleModelComponent= ruleModelComponent EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleModelComponent= ruleModelComponent EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleModelComponent= ruleModelComponent EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleModelComponent= ruleModelComponent EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleModelComponent_in_entryRuleModelComponent5946);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleModelComponent_in_entryRuleModelComponent5205);
current =iv_ruleModelComponent;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleModelComponent5956);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleModelComponent5215);
@@ -7438,7 +6553,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleModelComponent"
- // ../ ruleModelComponent returns [EObject current=null] : this_ActorClass_0= ruleActorClass ;
+ // ../ ruleModelComponent returns [EObject current=null] : this_ActorClass_0= ruleActorClass ;
public final EObject ruleModelComponent() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -7448,13 +6563,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (this_ActorClass_0= ruleActorClass )
- // ../ this_ActorClass_0= ruleActorClass
+ // ../ (this_ActorClass_0= ruleActorClass )
+ // ../ this_ActorClass_0= ruleActorClass
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_ruleModelComponent6002);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_ruleModelComponent5261);
@@ -7481,7 +6596,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleActorClass"
- // ../ entryRuleActorClass returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleActorClass= ruleActorClass EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleActorClass returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleActorClass= ruleActorClass EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleActorClass() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -7489,17 +6604,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleActorClass= ruleActorClass EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleActorClass= ruleActorClass EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleActorClass= ruleActorClass EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleActorClass= ruleActorClass EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_entryRuleActorClass6036);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_entryRuleActorClass5295);
current =iv_ruleActorClass;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorClass6046);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorClass5305);
@@ -7517,7 +6632,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleActorClass"
- // ../ ruleActorClass returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleActorClass returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleActorClass() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -7585,67 +6700,67 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}' ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}' )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}' ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}' )
- // ../ ( ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}' )
- // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}'
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}' )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_3= 'ActorClass' ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )? otherlv_8= '{' ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )? (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )? (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )? otherlv_41= '}'
- // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )*
+ // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )*
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )*
- loop72:
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) ) )*
+ loop64:
do {
- int alt72=3;
- int LA72_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt64=3;
+ int LA64_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( LA72_0 ==55 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 0) ) {
- alt72=1;
+ if ( LA64_0 ==52 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 0) ) {
+ alt64=1;
- else if ( ( LA72_0 >=120 && LA72_0<=122 ||LA72_0==124 ) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 1) ) {
- alt72=2;
+ else if ( ( LA64_0 >=120 && LA64_0<=122 ||LA64_0==124 ) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 1) ) {
+ alt64=2;
- switch (alt72) {
+ switch (alt64) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 0) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 0)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) )
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 0);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) )
- // ../ (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' )
+ // ../ ( (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' ) )
+ // ../ (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' )
- // ../ (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' )
- // ../ lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract'
+ // ../ (lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract' )
+ // ../ lv_abstract_1_0= 'abstract'
- lv_abstract_1_0=(Token)match(input,55,FOLLOW_55_in_ruleActorClass6134);
+ lv_abstract_1_0=(Token)match(input,52,FOLLOW_52_in_ruleActorClass5393);
newLeafNode(lv_abstract_1_0, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getAbstractAbstractKeyword_0_0_0());
@@ -7677,36 +6792,36 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 1) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 1)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) )
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_0(), 1);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) )
- // ../ (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType )
+ // ../ ( (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType ) )
+ // ../ (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType )
- // ../ (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType )
- // ../ lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType
+ // ../ (lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType )
+ // ../ lv_commType_2_0= ruleComponentCommunicationType
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleComponentCommunicationType_in_ruleActorClass6222);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleComponentCommunicationType_in_ruleActorClass5481);
@@ -7745,7 +6860,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop72;
+ break loop64;
} while (true);
@@ -7761,17 +6876,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,56,FOLLOW_56_in_ruleActorClass6274);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,53,FOLLOW_53_in_ruleActorClass5533);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getActorClassKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_4_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_4_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorClass6291);
+ lv_name_4_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorClass5550);
newLeafNode(lv_name_4_0, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -7791,24 +6906,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt73=2;
- int LA73_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt65=2;
+ int LA65_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA73_0==34) ) {
- alt73=1;
+ if ( (LA65_0==34) ) {
+ alt65=1;
- switch (alt73) {
+ switch (alt65) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_5_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass6317);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass5576);
@@ -7833,26 +6948,26 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )?
- int alt74=2;
- int LA74_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )?
+ int alt66=2;
+ int LA66_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA74_0==29) ) {
- alt74=1;
+ if ( (LA66_0==29) ) {
+ alt66=1;
- switch (alt74) {
+ switch (alt66) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_6= 'extends' ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_ruleActorClass6331);
+ otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_ruleActorClass5590);
newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getExtendsKeyword_4_0());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -7862,7 +6977,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleActorClass6354);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleActorClass5613);
@@ -7882,32 +6997,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass6368);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass5627);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_5());
- // ../ ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )*
- loop75:
+ // ../ ( (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation ) )*
+ loop67:
do {
- int alt75=2;
- int LA75_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt67=2;
+ int LA67_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA75_0==106) ) {
- alt75=1;
+ if ( (LA67_0==106) ) {
+ alt67=1;
- switch (alt75) {
+ switch (alt67) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation )
+ // ../ (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation )
- // ../ (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation )
- // ../ lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation
+ // ../ (lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation )
+ // ../ lv_annotations_9_0= ruleAnnotation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleActorClass6389);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleActorClass5648);
@@ -7931,51 +7046,51 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop75;
+ break loop67;
} while (true);
- // ../ (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )?
- int alt78=2;
- int LA78_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )?
+ int alt70=2;
+ int LA70_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA78_0==57) ) {
- alt78=1;
+ if ( (LA70_0==54) ) {
+ alt70=1;
- switch (alt78) {
+ switch (alt70) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}'
+ // ../ otherlv_10= 'Interface' otherlv_11= '{' ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )* ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )* otherlv_14= '}'
- otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,57,FOLLOW_57_in_ruleActorClass6403);
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,54,FOLLOW_54_in_ruleActorClass5662);
newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getInterfaceKeyword_7_0());
- otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass6415);
+ otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass5674);
newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_7_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )*
- loop76:
+ // ../ ( (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort ) )*
+ loop68:
do {
- int alt76=2;
- int LA76_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt68=2;
+ int LA68_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA76_0==45||LA76_0==60) ) {
- alt76=1;
+ if ( (LA68_0==45||LA68_0==57) ) {
+ alt68=1;
- switch (alt76) {
+ switch (alt68) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort )
+ // ../ (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort )
- // ../ (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort )
- // ../ lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort
+ // ../ (lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort )
+ // ../ lv_interfacePorts_12_0= rulePort
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleActorClass6436);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleActorClass5695);
@@ -7999,32 +7114,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop76;
+ break loop68;
} while (true);
- // ../ ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )*
- loop77:
+ // ../ ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )*
+ loop69:
do {
- int alt77=2;
- int LA77_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt69=2;
+ int LA69_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA77_0==63) ) {
- alt77=1;
+ if ( (LA69_0==60) ) {
+ alt69=1;
- switch (alt77) {
+ switch (alt69) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP )
+ // ../ (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP )
- // ../ (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP )
- // ../ lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP
+ // ../ (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP )
+ // ../ lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleActorClass6458);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleActorClass5717);
@@ -8048,11 +7163,11 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop77;
+ break loop69;
} while (true);
- otherlv_14=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass6471);
+ otherlv_14=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass5730);
newLeafNode(otherlv_14, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_7_4());
@@ -8062,39 +7177,39 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )?
- int alt92=2;
- int LA92_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}' )?
+ int alt84=2;
+ int LA84_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA92_0==58) ) {
- alt92=1;
+ if ( (LA84_0==55) ) {
+ alt84=1;
- switch (alt92) {
+ switch (alt84) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}'
+ // ../ otherlv_15= 'Structure' ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_17= '{' (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_33= '}'
- otherlv_15=(Token)match(input,58,FOLLOW_58_in_ruleActorClass6486);
+ otherlv_15=(Token)match(input,55,FOLLOW_55_in_ruleActorClass5745);
newLeafNode(otherlv_15, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getStructureKeyword_8_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt79=2;
- int LA79_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt71=2;
+ int LA71_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA79_0==34) ) {
- alt79=1;
+ if ( (LA71_0==34) ) {
+ alt71=1;
- switch (alt79) {
+ switch (alt71) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_structureDocu_16_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass6507);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass5766);
@@ -8119,35 +7234,35 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_17=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass6520);
+ otherlv_17=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass5779);
newLeafNode(otherlv_17, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_8_2());
- // ../ (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt80=2;
- int LA80_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt72=2;
+ int LA72_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA80_0==30) ) {
- alt80=1;
+ if ( (LA72_0==30) ) {
+ alt72=1;
- switch (alt80) {
+ switch (alt72) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_18= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_18=(Token)match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_ruleActorClass6533);
+ otherlv_18=(Token)match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_ruleActorClass5792);
newLeafNode(otherlv_18, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUsercode1Keyword_8_3_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_userCode1_19_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass6554);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass5813);
@@ -8175,31 +7290,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt81=2;
- int LA81_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt73=2;
+ int LA73_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA81_0==31) ) {
- alt81=1;
+ if ( (LA73_0==31) ) {
+ alt73=1;
- switch (alt81) {
+ switch (alt73) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_20= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_20=(Token)match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_ruleActorClass6569);
+ otherlv_20=(Token)match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_ruleActorClass5828);
newLeafNode(otherlv_20, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUsercode2Keyword_8_4_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_userCode2_21_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass6590);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass5849);
@@ -8227,31 +7342,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt82=2;
- int LA82_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt74=2;
+ int LA74_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA82_0==32) ) {
- alt82=1;
+ if ( (LA74_0==32) ) {
+ alt74=1;
- switch (alt82) {
+ switch (alt74) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_22= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_22=(Token)match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_ruleActorClass6605);
+ otherlv_22=(Token)match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_ruleActorClass5864);
newLeafNode(otherlv_22, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUsercode3Keyword_8_5_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_userCode3_23_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass6626);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass5885);
@@ -8279,97 +7394,97 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )*
+ // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )*
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )*
- loop91:
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) ) )*
+ loop83:
do {
- int alt91=8;
- int LA91_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt83=8;
+ int LA83_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA91_0==45|| LA91_0 >=60 && LA91_0<=61) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 0) ) {
- alt91=1;
+ if ( (LA83_0==45|| LA83_0 >=57 && LA83_0<=58) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 0) ) {
+ alt83=1;
- else if ( (LA91_0==78||LA91_0==109||LA91_0==123) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 1) ) {
- alt91=2;
+ else if ( (LA83_0==75||LA83_0==109||LA83_0==123) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 1) ) {
+ alt83=2;
- else if ( LA91_0 ==64 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 2) ) {
- alt91=3;
+ else if ( LA83_0 ==61 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 2) ) {
+ alt83=3;
- else if ( LA91_0 ==62 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 3) ) {
- alt91=4;
+ else if ( LA83_0 ==59 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 3) ) {
+ alt83=4;
- else if ( LA91_0 ==71 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 4) ) {
- alt91=5;
+ else if ( LA83_0 ==68 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 4) ) {
+ alt83=5;
- else if ( LA91_0 ==75 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 5) ) {
- alt91=6;
+ else if ( LA83_0 ==72 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 5) ) {
+ alt83=6;
- else if ( LA91_0 ==33 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 6) ) {
- alt91=7;
+ else if ( LA83_0 ==33 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 6) ) {
+ alt83=7;
- switch (alt91) {
+ switch (alt83) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 0) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 0)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 0);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+
- int cnt84=0;
- loop84:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) ) )+
+ int cnt76=0;
+ loop76:
do {
- int alt84=2;
+ int alt76=2;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 45:
- int LA84_2 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA76_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt84=1;
+ alt76=1;
- case 60:
+ case 57:
- int LA84_3 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA76_3 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt84=1;
+ alt76=1;
- case 61:
+ case 58:
- int LA84_4 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA76_4 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt84=1;
+ alt76=1;
@@ -8378,43 +7493,43 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- switch (alt84) {
+ switch (alt76) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) )
- int alt83=2;
- int LA83_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) ) | ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) ) )
+ int alt75=2;
+ int LA75_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA83_0==45||LA83_0==60) ) {
- alt83=1;
+ if ( (LA75_0==45||LA75_0==57) ) {
+ alt75=1;
- else if ( (LA83_0==61) ) {
- alt83=2;
+ else if ( (LA75_0==58) ) {
+ alt75=2;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 83, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 75, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt83) {
+ switch (alt75) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) )
- // ../ (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort )
+ // ../ ( (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort ) )
+ // ../ (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort )
- // ../ (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort )
- // ../ lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort
+ // ../ (lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort )
+ // ../ lv_internalPorts_25_0= rulePort
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleActorClass6695);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleActorClass5954);
@@ -8440,18 +7555,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) )
- // ../ (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort )
+ // ../ ( (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort ) )
+ // ../ (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort )
- // ../ (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort )
- // ../ lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort
+ // ../ (lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort )
+ // ../ lv_externalPorts_26_0= ruleExternalPort
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExternalPort_in_ruleActorClass6722);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExternalPort_in_ruleActorClass5981);
@@ -8484,12 +7599,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt84 >= 1 ) break loop84;
+ if ( cnt76 >= 1 ) break loop76;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(84, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(76, input);
throw eee;
- cnt84++;
+ cnt76++;
} while (true);
@@ -8505,32 +7620,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 1) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 1)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 1);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+
- int cnt85=0;
- loop85:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+
+ int cnt77=0;
+ loop77:
do {
- int alt85=2;
+ int alt77=2;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 123:
- int LA85_2 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA77_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt85=1;
+ alt77=1;
@@ -8538,21 +7653,21 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 109:
- int LA85_3 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA77_3 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt85=1;
+ alt77=1;
- case 78:
+ case 75:
- int LA85_4 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA77_4 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt85=1;
+ alt77=1;
@@ -8561,23 +7676,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- switch (alt85) {
+ switch (alt77) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) )
- // ../ (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef )
+ // ../ ( (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef ) )
+ // ../ (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef )
- // ../ (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef )
- // ../ lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef
+ // ../ (lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef )
+ // ../ lv_actorRefs_27_0= ruleActorRef
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_ruleActorClass6799);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_ruleActorClass6058);
@@ -8604,12 +7719,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt85 >= 1 ) break loop85;
+ if ( cnt77 >= 1 ) break loop77;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(85, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(77, input);
throw eee;
- cnt85++;
+ cnt77++;
} while (true);
@@ -8625,55 +7740,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 2) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 2)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 2);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+
- int cnt86=0;
- loop86:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) ) )+
+ int cnt78=0;
+ loop78:
do {
- int alt86=2;
- int LA86_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt78=2;
+ int LA78_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA86_0==64) ) {
- int LA86_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA78_0==61) ) {
+ int LA78_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt86=1;
+ alt78=1;
- switch (alt86) {
+ switch (alt78) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) )
- // ../ (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation )
+ // ../ ( (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation ) )
+ // ../ (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation )
- // ../ (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation )
- // ../ lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation
+ // ../ (lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation )
+ // ../ lv_serviceImplementations_28_0= ruleServiceImplementation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleServiceImplementation_in_ruleActorClass6875);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleServiceImplementation_in_ruleActorClass6134);
@@ -8700,12 +7815,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt86 >= 1 ) break loop86;
+ if ( cnt78 >= 1 ) break loop78;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(86, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(78, input);
throw eee;
- cnt86++;
+ cnt78++;
} while (true);
@@ -8721,55 +7836,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 3) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 3)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 3);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+
- int cnt87=0;
- loop87:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) ) )+
+ int cnt79=0;
+ loop79:
do {
- int alt87=2;
- int LA87_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt79=2;
+ int LA79_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA87_0==62) ) {
- int LA87_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA79_0==59) ) {
+ int LA79_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt87=1;
+ alt79=1;
- switch (alt87) {
+ switch (alt79) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) )
- // ../ (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP )
+ // ../ ( (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP ) )
+ // ../ (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP )
- // ../ (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP )
- // ../ lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP
+ // ../ (lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP )
+ // ../ lv_serviceAccessPoints_29_0= ruleSAP
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_ruleActorClass6951);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_ruleActorClass6210);
@@ -8796,12 +7911,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt87 >= 1 ) break loop87;
+ if ( cnt79 >= 1 ) break loop79;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(87, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(79, input);
throw eee;
- cnt87++;
+ cnt79++;
} while (true);
@@ -8817,55 +7932,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 5 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 4) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 4)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 4);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
- int cnt88=0;
- loop88:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
+ int cnt80=0;
+ loop80:
do {
- int alt88=2;
- int LA88_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt80=2;
+ int LA80_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA88_0==71) ) {
- int LA88_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA80_0==68) ) {
+ int LA80_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt88=1;
+ alt80=1;
- switch (alt88) {
+ switch (alt80) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) )
- // ../ (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding )
+ // ../ ( (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding ) )
+ // ../ (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding )
- // ../ (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding )
- // ../ lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding
+ // ../ (lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding )
+ // ../ lv_bindings_30_0= ruleBinding
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleActorClass7027);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleActorClass6286);
@@ -8892,12 +8007,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt88 >= 1 ) break loop88;
+ if ( cnt80 >= 1 ) break loop80;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(88, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(80, input);
throw eee;
- cnt88++;
+ cnt80++;
} while (true);
@@ -8913,55 +8028,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 6 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 5) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 5)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 5);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
- int cnt89=0;
- loop89:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
+ int cnt81=0;
+ loop81:
do {
- int alt89=2;
- int LA89_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt81=2;
+ int LA81_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA89_0==75) ) {
- int LA89_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA81_0==72) ) {
+ int LA81_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt89=1;
+ alt81=1;
- switch (alt89) {
+ switch (alt81) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
- // ../ (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection )
+ // ../ ( (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
+ // ../ (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection )
- // ../ (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection )
- // ../ lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection
+ // ../ (lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection )
+ // ../ lv_connections_31_0= ruleLayerConnection
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleActorClass7103);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleActorClass6362);
@@ -8988,12 +8103,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt89 >= 1 ) break loop89;
+ if ( cnt81 >= 1 ) break loop81;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(89, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(81, input);
throw eee;
- cnt89++;
+ cnt81++;
} while (true);
@@ -9009,55 +8124,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 7 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 6) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 6)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8_6(), 6);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+
- int cnt90=0;
- loop90:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) ) )+
+ int cnt82=0;
+ loop82:
do {
- int alt90=2;
- int LA90_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt82=2;
+ int LA82_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA90_0==33) ) {
- int LA90_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA82_0==33) ) {
+ int LA82_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt90=1;
+ alt82=1;
- switch (alt90) {
+ switch (alt82) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleActorClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) )
- // ../ (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute )
+ // ../ ( (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute ) )
+ // ../ (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute )
- // ../ (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute )
- // ../ lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute
+ // ../ (lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute )
+ // ../ lv_attributes_32_0= ruleAttribute
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAttribute_in_ruleActorClass7179);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAttribute_in_ruleActorClass6438);
@@ -9084,12 +8199,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt90 >= 1 ) break loop90;
+ if ( cnt82 >= 1 ) break loop82;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(90, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(82, input);
throw eee;
- cnt90++;
+ cnt82++;
} while (true);
@@ -9106,7 +8221,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop91;
+ break loop83;
} while (true);
@@ -9122,7 +8237,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_33=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass7232);
+ otherlv_33=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass6491);
newLeafNode(otherlv_33, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_8_7());
@@ -9132,39 +8247,39 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )?
- int alt97=2;
- int LA97_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}' )?
+ int alt89=2;
+ int LA89_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA97_0==59) ) {
- alt97=1;
+ if ( (LA89_0==56) ) {
+ alt89=1;
- switch (alt97) {
+ switch (alt89) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}'
+ // ../ otherlv_34= 'Behavior' ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_36= '{' ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )* ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )? otherlv_40= '}'
- otherlv_34=(Token)match(input,59,FOLLOW_59_in_ruleActorClass7247);
+ otherlv_34=(Token)match(input,56,FOLLOW_56_in_ruleActorClass6506);
newLeafNode(otherlv_34, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getBehaviorKeyword_9_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt93=2;
- int LA93_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt85=2;
+ int LA85_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA93_0==34) ) {
- alt93=1;
+ if ( (LA85_0==34) ) {
+ alt85=1;
- switch (alt93) {
+ switch (alt85) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_behaviorDocu_35_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass7268);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass6527);
@@ -9189,32 +8304,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_36=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass7281);
+ otherlv_36=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass6540);
newLeafNode(otherlv_36, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_9_2());
- // ../ ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )*
- loop94:
+ // ../ ( (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation ) )*
+ loop86:
do {
- int alt94=2;
- int LA94_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt86=2;
+ int LA86_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA94_0==106) ) {
- alt94=1;
+ if ( (LA86_0==106) ) {
+ alt86=1;
- switch (alt94) {
+ switch (alt86) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation )
+ // ../ (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation )
- // ../ (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation )
- // ../ lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation
+ // ../ (lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation )
+ // ../ lv_behaviorAnnotations_37_0= ruleAnnotation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleActorClass7302);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleActorClass6561);
@@ -9238,32 +8353,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop94;
+ break loop86;
} while (true);
- // ../ ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )*
- loop95:
+ // ../ ( (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation ) )*
+ loop87:
do {
- int alt95=2;
- int LA95_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt87=2;
+ int LA87_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA95_0==36) ) {
- alt95=1;
+ if ( (LA87_0==36) ) {
+ alt87=1;
- switch (alt95) {
+ switch (alt87) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation )
+ // ../ (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation )
- // ../ (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation )
- // ../ lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation
+ // ../ (lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation )
+ // ../ lv_operations_38_0= ruleStandardOperation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStandardOperation_in_ruleActorClass7324);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStandardOperation_in_ruleActorClass6583);
@@ -9287,28 +8402,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop95;
+ break loop87;
} while (true);
- // ../ ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )?
- int alt96=2;
- int LA96_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine ) )?
+ int alt88=2;
+ int LA88_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA96_0==81) ) {
- alt96=1;
+ if ( (LA88_0==78) ) {
+ alt88=1;
- switch (alt96) {
+ switch (alt88) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine )
+ // ../ (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine )
- // ../ (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine )
- // ../ lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine
+ // ../ (lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine )
+ // ../ lv_stateMachine_39_0= ruleStateMachine
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateMachine_in_ruleActorClass7346);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateMachine_in_ruleActorClass6605);
@@ -9333,7 +8448,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_40=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass7359);
+ otherlv_40=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass6618);
newLeafNode(otherlv_40, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_9_6());
@@ -9343,7 +8458,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_41=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass7373);
+ otherlv_41=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass6632);
newLeafNode(otherlv_41, grammarAccess.getActorClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_10());
@@ -9368,7 +8483,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleInterfaceItem"
- // ../ entryRuleInterfaceItem returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleInterfaceItem= ruleInterfaceItem EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleInterfaceItem returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleInterfaceItem= ruleInterfaceItem EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleInterfaceItem() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -9376,17 +8491,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleInterfaceItem= ruleInterfaceItem EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleInterfaceItem= ruleInterfaceItem EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleInterfaceItem= ruleInterfaceItem EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleInterfaceItem= ruleInterfaceItem EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInterfaceItem_in_entryRuleInterfaceItem7409);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInterfaceItem_in_entryRuleInterfaceItem6668);
current =iv_ruleInterfaceItem;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInterfaceItem7419);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInterfaceItem6678);
@@ -9404,7 +8519,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleInterfaceItem"
- // ../ ruleInterfaceItem returns [EObject current=null] : (this_Port_0= rulePort | this_SAP_1= ruleSAP | this_SPP_2= ruleSPP ) ;
+ // ../ ruleInterfaceItem returns [EObject current=null] : (this_Port_0= rulePort | this_SAP_1= ruleSAP | this_SPP_2= ruleSPP ) ;
public final EObject ruleInterfaceItem() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -9418,43 +8533,43 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_Port_0= rulePort | this_SAP_1= ruleSAP | this_SPP_2= ruleSPP ) )
- // ../ (this_Port_0= rulePort | this_SAP_1= ruleSAP | this_SPP_2= ruleSPP )
+ // ../ ( (this_Port_0= rulePort | this_SAP_1= ruleSAP | this_SPP_2= ruleSPP ) )
+ // ../ (this_Port_0= rulePort | this_SAP_1= ruleSAP | this_SPP_2= ruleSPP )
- // ../ (this_Port_0= rulePort | this_SAP_1= ruleSAP | this_SPP_2= ruleSPP )
- int alt98=3;
+ // ../ (this_Port_0= rulePort | this_SAP_1= ruleSAP | this_SPP_2= ruleSPP )
+ int alt90=3;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 45:
- case 60:
+ case 57:
- alt98=1;
+ alt90=1;
- case 62:
+ case 59:
- alt98=2;
+ alt90=2;
- case 63:
+ case 60:
- alt98=3;
+ alt90=3;
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 98, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 90, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt98) {
+ switch (alt90) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_Port_0= rulePort
+ // ../ this_Port_0= rulePort
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleInterfaceItem7466);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleInterfaceItem6725);
@@ -9467,12 +8582,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_SAP_1= ruleSAP
+ // ../ this_SAP_1= ruleSAP
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_ruleInterfaceItem7493);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_ruleInterfaceItem6752);
@@ -9485,12 +8600,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ this_SPP_2= ruleSPP
+ // ../ this_SPP_2= ruleSPP
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleInterfaceItem7520);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleInterfaceItem6779);
@@ -9523,7 +8638,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRulePort"
- // ../ entryRulePort returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulePort= rulePort EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRulePort returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulePort= rulePort EOF ;
public final EObject entryRulePort() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -9531,17 +8646,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_rulePort= rulePort EOF )
- // ../ iv_rulePort= rulePort EOF
+ // ../ (iv_rulePort= rulePort EOF )
+ // ../ iv_rulePort= rulePort EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_entryRulePort7555);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_entryRulePort6814);
current =iv_rulePort;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePort7565);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePort6824);
@@ -9559,7 +8674,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "rulePort"
- // ../ rulePort returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
+ // ../ rulePort returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
public final EObject rulePort() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -9575,27 +8690,27 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
- // ../ ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../ ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )? otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- // ../ ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )?
- int alt99=2;
- int LA99_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' ) )?
+ int alt91=2;
+ int LA91_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA99_0==45) ) {
- alt99=1;
+ if ( (LA91_0==45) ) {
+ alt91=1;
- switch (alt99) {
+ switch (alt91) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' )
+ // ../ (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' )
- // ../ (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' )
- // ../ lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated'
+ // ../ (lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated' )
+ // ../ lv_conjugated_0_0= 'conjugated'
- lv_conjugated_0_0=(Token)match(input,45,FOLLOW_45_in_rulePort7608);
+ lv_conjugated_0_0=(Token)match(input,45,FOLLOW_45_in_rulePort6867);
newLeafNode(lv_conjugated_0_0, grammarAccess.getPortAccess().getConjugatedConjugatedKeyword_0_0());
@@ -9614,17 +8729,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_rulePort7634);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,57,FOLLOW_57_in_rulePort6893);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPortAccess().getPortKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePort7651);
+ lv_name_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePort6910);
newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getPortAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -9644,24 +8759,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )?
- int alt100=2;
- int LA100_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )?
+ int alt92=2;
+ int LA92_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA100_0==34) ) {
- alt100=1;
+ if ( (LA92_0==34) ) {
+ alt92=1;
- switch (alt100) {
+ switch (alt92) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY )
+ // ../ (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY )
- // ../ (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY )
- // ../ lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY
+ // ../ (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY )
+ // ../ lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_rulePort7677);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_rulePort6936);
@@ -9686,15 +8801,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_rulePort7690);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_rulePort6949);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getPortAccess().getColonKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -9704,7 +8819,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_rulePort7713);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_rulePort6972);
@@ -9718,24 +8833,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt101=2;
- int LA101_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt93=2;
+ int LA93_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA101_0==34) ) {
- alt101=1;
+ if ( (LA93_0==34) ) {
+ alt93=1;
- switch (alt101) {
+ switch (alt93) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_rulePort7734);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_rulePort6993);
@@ -9781,7 +8896,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleExternalPort"
- // ../ entryRuleExternalPort returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleExternalPort= ruleExternalPort EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleExternalPort returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleExternalPort= ruleExternalPort EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleExternalPort() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -9789,17 +8904,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleExternalPort= ruleExternalPort EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleExternalPort= ruleExternalPort EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleExternalPort= ruleExternalPort EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleExternalPort= ruleExternalPort EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExternalPort_in_entryRuleExternalPort7771);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExternalPort_in_entryRuleExternalPort7030);
current =iv_ruleExternalPort;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExternalPort7781);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExternalPort7040);
@@ -9817,7 +8932,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleExternalPort"
- // ../ ruleExternalPort returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleExternalPort returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleExternalPort() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -9828,32 +8943,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'external' otherlv_1= 'Port' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,61,FOLLOW_61_in_ruleExternalPort7818);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,58,FOLLOW_58_in_ruleExternalPort7077);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getExternalPortAccess().getExternalKeyword_0());
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_ruleExternalPort7830);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,57,FOLLOW_57_in_ruleExternalPort7089);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getExternalPortAccess().getPortKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getExternalPortRule());
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleExternalPort7850);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleExternalPort7109);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getExternalPortAccess().getInterfacePortPortCrossReference_2_0());
@@ -9884,7 +8999,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSAP"
- // ../ entryRuleSAP returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSAP= ruleSAP EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSAP returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSAP= ruleSAP EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSAP() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -9892,17 +9007,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSAP= ruleSAP EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSAP= ruleSAP EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSAP= ruleSAP EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSAP= ruleSAP EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_entryRuleSAP7886);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_entryRuleSAP7145);
current =iv_ruleSAP;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSAP7896);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSAP7155);
@@ -9920,7 +9035,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSAP"
- // ../ ruleSAP returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSAP returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleSAP() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -9931,23 +9046,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'SAP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,62,FOLLOW_62_in_ruleSAP7933);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,59,FOLLOW_59_in_ruleSAP7192);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSAPAccess().getSAPKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSAP7950);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSAP7209);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getSAPAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -9967,15 +9082,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSAP7967);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSAP7226);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSAPAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -9985,7 +9100,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSAP7990);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSAP7249);
@@ -10020,7 +9135,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSPP"
- // ../ entryRuleSPP returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSPP= ruleSPP EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSPP returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSPP= ruleSPP EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSPP() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10028,17 +9143,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSPP= ruleSPP EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSPP= ruleSPP EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSPP= ruleSPP EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSPP= ruleSPP EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_entryRuleSPP8026);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_entryRuleSPP7285);
current =iv_ruleSPP;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSPP8036);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSPP7295);
@@ -10056,7 +9171,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSPP"
- // ../ ruleSPP returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSPP returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleSPP() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10067,23 +9182,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'SPP' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,63,FOLLOW_63_in_ruleSPP8073);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_ruleSPP7332);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSPPAccess().getSPPKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPP8090);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPP7349);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getSPPAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -10103,15 +9218,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSPP8107);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSPP7366);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSPPAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -10121,7 +9236,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSPP8130);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSPP7389);
@@ -10156,7 +9271,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleServiceImplementation"
- // ../ entryRuleServiceImplementation returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleServiceImplementation= ruleServiceImplementation EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleServiceImplementation returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleServiceImplementation= ruleServiceImplementation EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleServiceImplementation() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10164,17 +9279,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleServiceImplementation= ruleServiceImplementation EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleServiceImplementation= ruleServiceImplementation EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleServiceImplementation= ruleServiceImplementation EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleServiceImplementation= ruleServiceImplementation EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleServiceImplementation_in_entryRuleServiceImplementation8166);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleServiceImplementation_in_entryRuleServiceImplementation7425);
current =iv_ruleServiceImplementation;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleServiceImplementation8176);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleServiceImplementation7435);
@@ -10192,7 +9307,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleServiceImplementation"
- // ../ ruleServiceImplementation returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleServiceImplementation returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleServiceImplementation() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10203,32 +9318,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'ServiceImplementation' otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,64,FOLLOW_64_in_ruleServiceImplementation8213);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,61,FOLLOW_61_in_ruleServiceImplementation7472);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getServiceImplementationAccess().getServiceImplementationKeyword_0());
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,24,FOLLOW_24_in_ruleServiceImplementation8225);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,24,FOLLOW_24_in_ruleServiceImplementation7484);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getServiceImplementationAccess().getOfKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getServiceImplementationRule());
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleServiceImplementation8245);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleServiceImplementation7504);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getServiceImplementationAccess().getSppSPPCrossReference_2_0());
@@ -10259,7 +9374,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleLogicalSystem"
- // ../ entryRuleLogicalSystem returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLogicalSystem= ruleLogicalSystem EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleLogicalSystem returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLogicalSystem= ruleLogicalSystem EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleLogicalSystem() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10267,17 +9382,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleLogicalSystem= ruleLogicalSystem EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleLogicalSystem= ruleLogicalSystem EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleLogicalSystem= ruleLogicalSystem EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleLogicalSystem= ruleLogicalSystem EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLogicalSystem_in_entryRuleLogicalSystem8281);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLogicalSystem_in_entryRuleLogicalSystem7540);
current =iv_ruleLogicalSystem;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLogicalSystem8291);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLogicalSystem7550);
@@ -10295,7 +9410,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleLogicalSystem"
- // ../ ruleLogicalSystem returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleLogicalSystem returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleLogicalSystem() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10317,23 +9432,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'LogicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_9= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,65,FOLLOW_65_in_ruleLogicalSystem8328);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,62,FOLLOW_62_in_ruleLogicalSystem7587);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getLogicalSystemKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleLogicalSystem8345);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleLogicalSystem7604);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -10353,24 +9468,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt102=2;
- int LA102_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt94=2;
+ int LA94_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA102_0==34) ) {
- alt102=1;
+ if ( (LA94_0==34) ) {
+ alt94=1;
- switch (alt102) {
+ switch (alt94) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleLogicalSystem8371);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleLogicalSystem7630);
@@ -10395,32 +9510,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleLogicalSystem8384);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleLogicalSystem7643);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
- // ../ ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )*
- loop103:
+ // ../ ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )*
+ loop95:
do {
- int alt103=2;
- int LA103_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt95=2;
+ int LA95_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA103_0==106) ) {
- alt103=1;
+ if ( (LA95_0==106) ) {
+ alt95=1;
- switch (alt103) {
+ switch (alt95) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation )
+ // ../ (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation )
- // ../ (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation )
- // ../ lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation
+ // ../ (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation )
+ // ../ lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleLogicalSystem8405);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleLogicalSystem7664);
@@ -10444,90 +9559,90 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop103;
+ break loop95;
} while (true);
- // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )*
+ // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )*
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )*
- loop107:
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) )*
+ loop99:
do {
- int alt107=4;
- int LA107_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt99=4;
+ int LA99_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( LA107_0 ==66 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 0) ) {
- alt107=1;
+ if ( LA99_0 ==63 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 0) ) {
+ alt99=1;
- else if ( LA107_0 ==71 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 1) ) {
- alt107=2;
+ else if ( LA99_0 ==68 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 1) ) {
+ alt99=2;
- else if ( LA107_0 ==75 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 2) ) {
- alt107=3;
+ else if ( LA99_0 ==72 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 2) ) {
+ alt99=3;
- switch (alt107) {
+ switch (alt99) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 0) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleLogicalSystem", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 0)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 0);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+
- int cnt104=0;
- loop104:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) ) )+
+ int cnt96=0;
+ loop96:
do {
- int alt104=2;
- int LA104_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt96=2;
+ int LA96_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA104_0==66) ) {
- int LA104_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA96_0==63) ) {
+ int LA96_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt104=1;
+ alt96=1;
- switch (alt104) {
+ switch (alt96) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleLogicalSystem", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) )
- // ../ (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef )
+ // ../ ( (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef ) )
+ // ../ (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef )
- // ../ (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef )
- // ../ lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef
+ // ../ (lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef )
+ // ../ lv_subSystems_6_0= ruleSubSystemRef
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemRef_in_ruleLogicalSystem8472);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemRef_in_ruleLogicalSystem7731);
@@ -10554,12 +9669,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt104 >= 1 ) break loop104;
+ if ( cnt96 >= 1 ) break loop96;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(104, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(96, input);
throw eee;
- cnt104++;
+ cnt96++;
} while (true);
@@ -10575,55 +9690,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 1) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleLogicalSystem", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 1)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 1);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
- int cnt105=0;
- loop105:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
+ int cnt97=0;
+ loop97:
do {
- int alt105=2;
- int LA105_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt97=2;
+ int LA97_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA105_0==71) ) {
- int LA105_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA97_0==68) ) {
+ int LA97_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt105=1;
+ alt97=1;
- switch (alt105) {
+ switch (alt97) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleLogicalSystem", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) )
- // ../ (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding )
+ // ../ ( (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding ) )
+ // ../ (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding )
- // ../ (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding )
- // ../ lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding
+ // ../ (lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding )
+ // ../ lv_bindings_7_0= ruleBinding
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleLogicalSystem8548);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleLogicalSystem7807);
@@ -10650,12 +9765,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt105 >= 1 ) break loop105;
+ if ( cnt97 >= 1 ) break loop97;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(105, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(97, input);
throw eee;
- cnt105++;
+ cnt97++;
} while (true);
@@ -10671,55 +9786,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 2) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleLogicalSystem", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 2)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getUnorderedGroup_5(), 2);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
- int cnt106=0;
- loop106:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
+ int cnt98=0;
+ loop98:
do {
- int alt106=2;
- int LA106_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt98=2;
+ int LA98_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA106_0==75) ) {
- int LA106_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA98_0==72) ) {
+ int LA98_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt106=1;
+ alt98=1;
- switch (alt106) {
+ switch (alt98) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleLogicalSystem", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
- // ../ (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection )
+ // ../ ( (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
+ // ../ (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection )
- // ../ (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection )
- // ../ lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection
+ // ../ (lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection )
+ // ../ lv_connections_8_0= ruleLayerConnection
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleLogicalSystem8624);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleLogicalSystem7883);
@@ -10746,12 +9861,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt106 >= 1 ) break loop106;
+ if ( cnt98 >= 1 ) break loop98;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(106, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(98, input);
throw eee;
- cnt106++;
+ cnt98++;
} while (true);
@@ -10768,7 +9883,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop107;
+ break loop99;
} while (true);
@@ -10784,7 +9899,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleLogicalSystem8677);
+ otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleLogicalSystem7936);
newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getLogicalSystemAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_6());
@@ -10809,7 +9924,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSubSystemRef"
- // ../ entryRuleSubSystemRef returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSubSystemRef= ruleSubSystemRef EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSubSystemRef returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSubSystemRef= ruleSubSystemRef EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSubSystemRef() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10817,17 +9932,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSubSystemRef= ruleSubSystemRef EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSubSystemRef= ruleSubSystemRef EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSubSystemRef= ruleSubSystemRef EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSubSystemRef= ruleSubSystemRef EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemRef_in_entryRuleSubSystemRef8715);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemRef_in_entryRuleSubSystemRef7974);
current =iv_ruleSubSystemRef;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubSystemRef8725);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubSystemRef7984);
@@ -10845,7 +9960,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSubSystemRef"
- // ../ ruleSubSystemRef returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSubSystemRef returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleSubSystemRef() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10858,23 +9973,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'SubSystemRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,66,FOLLOW_66_in_ruleSubSystemRef8762);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,63,FOLLOW_63_in_ruleSubSystemRef8021);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSubSystemRefAccess().getSubSystemRefKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubSystemRef8779);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubSystemRef8038);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getSubSystemRefAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -10894,15 +10009,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSubSystemRef8796);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSubSystemRef8055);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSubSystemRefAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -10912,7 +10027,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSubSystemRef8819);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSubSystemRef8078);
@@ -10926,24 +10041,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt108=2;
- int LA108_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt100=2;
+ int LA100_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA108_0==34) ) {
- alt108=1;
+ if ( (LA100_0==34) ) {
+ alt100=1;
- switch (alt108) {
+ switch (alt100) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSubSystemRef8840);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSubSystemRef8099);
@@ -10989,7 +10104,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSubSystemClass"
- // ../ entryRuleSubSystemClass returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSubSystemClass= ruleSubSystemClass EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSubSystemClass returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSubSystemClass= ruleSubSystemClass EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSubSystemClass() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -10997,17 +10112,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSubSystemClass= ruleSubSystemClass EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSubSystemClass= ruleSubSystemClass EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSubSystemClass= ruleSubSystemClass EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSubSystemClass= ruleSubSystemClass EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemClass_in_entryRuleSubSystemClass8877);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemClass_in_entryRuleSubSystemClass8136);
current =iv_ruleSubSystemClass;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubSystemClass8887);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubSystemClass8146);
@@ -11025,7 +10140,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSubSystemClass"
- // ../ ruleSubSystemClass returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSubSystemClass returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleSubSystemClass() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -11064,23 +10179,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'SubSystemClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )* (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_19= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,67,FOLLOW_67_in_ruleSubSystemClass8924);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,64,FOLLOW_64_in_ruleSubSystemClass8183);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getSubSystemClassKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubSystemClass8941);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubSystemClass8200);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -11100,24 +10215,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt109=2;
- int LA109_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt101=2;
+ int LA101_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA109_0==34) ) {
- alt109=1;
+ if ( (LA101_0==34) ) {
+ alt101=1;
- switch (alt109) {
+ switch (alt101) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSubSystemClass8967);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSubSystemClass8226);
@@ -11142,32 +10257,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleSubSystemClass8980);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleSubSystemClass8239);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
- // ../ ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )*
- loop110:
+ // ../ ( (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation ) )*
+ loop102:
do {
- int alt110=2;
- int LA110_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt102=2;
+ int LA102_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA110_0==106) ) {
- alt110=1;
+ if ( (LA102_0==106) ) {
+ alt102=1;
- switch (alt110) {
+ switch (alt102) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation )
+ // ../ (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation )
- // ../ (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation )
- // ../ lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation
+ // ../ (lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation )
+ // ../ lv_annotations_4_0= ruleAnnotation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleSubSystemClass9001);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleSubSystemClass8260);
@@ -11191,35 +10306,35 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop110;
+ break loop102;
} while (true);
- // ../ (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt111=2;
- int LA111_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt103=2;
+ int LA103_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA111_0==30) ) {
- alt111=1;
+ if ( (LA103_0==30) ) {
+ alt103=1;
- switch (alt111) {
+ switch (alt103) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_5= 'usercode1' ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_ruleSubSystemClass9015);
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_ruleSubSystemClass8274);
newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUsercode1Keyword_5_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_userCode1_6_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass9036);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass8295);
@@ -11247,31 +10362,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt112=2;
- int LA112_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt104=2;
+ int LA104_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA112_0==31) ) {
- alt112=1;
+ if ( (LA104_0==31) ) {
+ alt104=1;
- switch (alt112) {
+ switch (alt104) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_7= 'usercode2' ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_ruleSubSystemClass9051);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_ruleSubSystemClass8310);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUsercode2Keyword_6_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_userCode2_8_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass9072);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass8331);
@@ -11299,31 +10414,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt113=2;
- int LA113_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt105=2;
+ int LA105_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA113_0==32) ) {
- alt113=1;
+ if ( (LA105_0==32) ) {
+ alt105=1;
- switch (alt113) {
+ switch (alt105) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_9= 'usercode3' ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_ruleSubSystemClass9087);
+ otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_ruleSubSystemClass8346);
newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUsercode3Keyword_7_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_userCode3_10_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass9108);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass8367);
@@ -11351,107 +10466,107 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )*
+ // ../ ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )*
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )*
- loop121:
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) ) )*
+ loop113:
do {
- int alt121=8;
- int LA121_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt113=8;
+ int LA113_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA121_0==45||LA121_0==60) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 0) ) {
- alt121=1;
+ if ( (LA113_0==45||LA113_0==57) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 0) ) {
+ alt113=1;
- else if ( LA121_0 ==63 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 1) ) {
- alt121=2;
+ else if ( LA113_0 ==60 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 1) ) {
+ alt113=2;
- else if ( (LA121_0==78||LA121_0==109||LA121_0==123) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 2) ) {
- alt121=3;
+ else if ( (LA113_0==75||LA113_0==109||LA113_0==123) && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 2) ) {
+ alt113=3;
- else if ( LA121_0 ==71 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 3) ) {
- alt121=4;
+ else if ( LA113_0 ==68 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 3) ) {
+ alt113=4;
- else if ( LA121_0 ==75 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 4) ) {
- alt121=5;
+ else if ( LA113_0 ==72 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 4) ) {
+ alt113=5;
- else if ( LA121_0 ==68 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 5) ) {
- alt121=6;
+ else if ( LA113_0 ==65 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 5) ) {
+ alt113=6;
- else if ( LA121_0 ==69 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 6) ) {
- alt121=7;
+ else if ( LA113_0 ==66 && getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 6) ) {
+ alt113=7;
- switch (alt121) {
+ switch (alt113) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 0) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 0)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 0);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+
- int cnt114=0;
- loop114:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) ) )+
+ int cnt106=0;
+ loop106:
do {
- int alt114=2;
- int LA114_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt106=2;
+ int LA106_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA114_0==45) ) {
- int LA114_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA106_0==45) ) {
+ int LA106_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt114=1;
+ alt106=1;
- else if ( (LA114_0==60) ) {
- int LA114_3 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA106_0==57) ) {
+ int LA106_3 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt114=1;
+ alt106=1;
- switch (alt114) {
+ switch (alt106) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) )
- // ../ (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort )
+ // ../ ( (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort ) )
+ // ../ (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort )
- // ../ (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort )
- // ../ lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort
+ // ../ (lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort )
+ // ../ lv_relayPorts_12_0= rulePort
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleSubSystemClass9176);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleSubSystemClass8435);
@@ -11478,12 +10593,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt114 >= 1 ) break loop114;
+ if ( cnt106 >= 1 ) break loop106;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(114, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(106, input);
throw eee;
- cnt114++;
+ cnt106++;
} while (true);
@@ -11499,55 +10614,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 1) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 1)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 1);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+
- int cnt115=0;
- loop115:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) ) )+
+ int cnt107=0;
+ loop107:
do {
- int alt115=2;
- int LA115_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt107=2;
+ int LA107_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA115_0==63) ) {
- int LA115_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA107_0==60) ) {
+ int LA107_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt115=1;
+ alt107=1;
- switch (alt115) {
+ switch (alt107) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )
- // ../ (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP )
+ // ../ ( (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP ) )
+ // ../ (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP )
- // ../ (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP )
- // ../ lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP
+ // ../ (lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP )
+ // ../ lv_serviceProvisionPoints_13_0= ruleSPP
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleSubSystemClass9252);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleSubSystemClass8511);
@@ -11574,12 +10689,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt115 >= 1 ) break loop115;
+ if ( cnt107 >= 1 ) break loop107;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(115, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(107, input);
throw eee;
- cnt115++;
+ cnt107++;
} while (true);
@@ -11595,32 +10710,32 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 2) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 2)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 2);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+
- int cnt116=0;
- loop116:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) ) )+
+ int cnt108=0;
+ loop108:
do {
- int alt116=2;
+ int alt108=2;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 123:
- int LA116_2 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA108_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt116=1;
+ alt108=1;
@@ -11628,21 +10743,21 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 109:
- int LA116_3 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA108_3 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt116=1;
+ alt108=1;
- case 78:
+ case 75:
- int LA116_4 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA108_4 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt116=1;
+ alt108=1;
@@ -11651,23 +10766,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- switch (alt116) {
+ switch (alt108) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) )
- // ../ (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef )
+ // ../ ( (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef ) )
+ // ../ (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef )
- // ../ (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef )
- // ../ lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef
+ // ../ (lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef )
+ // ../ lv_actorRefs_14_0= ruleActorRef
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_ruleSubSystemClass9328);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_ruleSubSystemClass8587);
@@ -11694,12 +10809,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt116 >= 1 ) break loop116;
+ if ( cnt108 >= 1 ) break loop108;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(116, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(108, input);
throw eee;
- cnt116++;
+ cnt108++;
} while (true);
@@ -11715,55 +10830,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 3) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 3)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 3);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
- int cnt117=0;
- loop117:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) ) )+
+ int cnt109=0;
+ loop109:
do {
- int alt117=2;
- int LA117_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt109=2;
+ int LA109_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA117_0==71) ) {
- int LA117_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA109_0==68) ) {
+ int LA109_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt117=1;
+ alt109=1;
- switch (alt117) {
+ switch (alt109) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) )
- // ../ (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding )
+ // ../ ( (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding ) )
+ // ../ (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding )
- // ../ (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding )
- // ../ lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding
+ // ../ (lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding )
+ // ../ lv_bindings_15_0= ruleBinding
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleSubSystemClass9404);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleSubSystemClass8663);
@@ -11790,12 +10905,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt117 >= 1 ) break loop117;
+ if ( cnt109 >= 1 ) break loop109;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(117, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(109, input);
throw eee;
- cnt117++;
+ cnt109++;
} while (true);
@@ -11811,55 +10926,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 5 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 4) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 4)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 4);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
- int cnt118=0;
- loop118:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) ) )+
+ int cnt110=0;
+ loop110:
do {
- int alt118=2;
- int LA118_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt110=2;
+ int LA110_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA118_0==75) ) {
- int LA118_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA110_0==72) ) {
+ int LA110_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt118=1;
+ alt110=1;
- switch (alt118) {
+ switch (alt110) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
- // ../ (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection )
+ // ../ ( (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection ) )
+ // ../ (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection )
- // ../ (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection )
- // ../ lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection
+ // ../ (lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection )
+ // ../ lv_connections_16_0= ruleLayerConnection
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleSubSystemClass9480);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleSubSystemClass8739);
@@ -11886,12 +11001,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt118 >= 1 ) break loop118;
+ if ( cnt110 >= 1 ) break loop110;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(118, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(110, input);
throw eee;
- cnt118++;
+ cnt110++;
} while (true);
@@ -11907,55 +11022,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 6 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 5) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 5)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 5);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+
- int cnt119=0;
- loop119:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) ) )+
+ int cnt111=0;
+ loop111:
do {
- int alt119=2;
- int LA119_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt111=2;
+ int LA111_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA119_0==68) ) {
- int LA119_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA111_0==65) ) {
+ int LA111_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt119=1;
+ alt111=1;
- switch (alt119) {
+ switch (alt111) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) )
- // ../ (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread )
+ // ../ ( (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread ) )
+ // ../ (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread )
- // ../ (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread )
- // ../ lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread
+ // ../ (lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread )
+ // ../ lv_threads_17_0= ruleLogicalThread
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLogicalThread_in_ruleSubSystemClass9556);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLogicalThread_in_ruleSubSystemClass8815);
@@ -11982,12 +11097,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt119 >= 1 ) break loop119;
+ if ( cnt111 >= 1 ) break loop111;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(119, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(111, input);
throw eee;
- cnt119++;
+ cnt111++;
} while (true);
@@ -12003,55 +11118,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 7 :
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) )
- // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ )
if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 6) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 6)");
- // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ )
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+
+ // ../ ( ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+ )
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+
getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getUnorderedGroup_8(), 6);
- // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+
- int cnt120=0;
- loop120:
+ // ../ ({...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) ) )+
+ int cnt112=0;
+ loop112:
do {
- int alt120=2;
- int LA120_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt112=2;
+ int LA112_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA120_0==69) ) {
- int LA120_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA112_0==66) ) {
+ int LA112_2 = input.LA(2);
if ( ((true)) ) {
- alt120=1;
+ alt112=1;
- switch (alt120) {
+ switch (alt112) {
case 1 :
- // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )
+ // ../ {...}? => ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )
if ( !((true)) ) {
throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleSubSystemClass", "true");
- // ../ ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )
- // ../ (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping )
+ // ../ ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )
+ // ../ (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping )
- // ../ (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping )
- // ../ lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping
+ // ../ (lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping )
+ // ../ lv_actorInstanceMappings_18_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_ruleSubSystemClass9632);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_ruleSubSystemClass8891);
@@ -12078,12 +11193,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- if ( cnt120 >= 1 ) break loop120;
+ if ( cnt112 >= 1 ) break loop112;
EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(120, input);
+ new EarlyExitException(112, input);
throw eee;
- cnt120++;
+ cnt112++;
} while (true);
@@ -12100,7 +11215,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop121;
+ break loop113;
} while (true);
@@ -12116,7 +11231,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_19=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleSubSystemClass9685);
+ otherlv_19=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleSubSystemClass8944);
newLeafNode(otherlv_19, grammarAccess.getSubSystemClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_9());
@@ -12141,7 +11256,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleLogicalThread"
- // ../ entryRuleLogicalThread returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLogicalThread= ruleLogicalThread EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleLogicalThread returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLogicalThread= ruleLogicalThread EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleLogicalThread() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12149,17 +11264,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleLogicalThread= ruleLogicalThread EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleLogicalThread= ruleLogicalThread EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleLogicalThread= ruleLogicalThread EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleLogicalThread= ruleLogicalThread EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLogicalThread_in_entryRuleLogicalThread9721);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLogicalThread_in_entryRuleLogicalThread8980);
current =iv_ruleLogicalThread;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLogicalThread9731);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLogicalThread8990);
@@ -12177,7 +11292,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleLogicalThread"
- // ../ ruleLogicalThread returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleLogicalThread returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleLogicalThread() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12187,23 +11302,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'LogicalThread' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,68,FOLLOW_68_in_ruleLogicalThread9768);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,65,FOLLOW_65_in_ruleLogicalThread9027);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getLogicalThreadAccess().getLogicalThreadKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleLogicalThread9785);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleLogicalThread9044);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getLogicalThreadAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -12244,7 +11359,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleActorInstanceMapping"
- // ../ entryRuleActorInstanceMapping returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleActorInstanceMapping= ruleActorInstanceMapping EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleActorInstanceMapping returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleActorInstanceMapping= ruleActorInstanceMapping EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleActorInstanceMapping() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12252,17 +11367,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleActorInstanceMapping= ruleActorInstanceMapping EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleActorInstanceMapping= ruleActorInstanceMapping EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleActorInstanceMapping= ruleActorInstanceMapping EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleActorInstanceMapping= ruleActorInstanceMapping EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_entryRuleActorInstanceMapping9826);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_entryRuleActorInstanceMapping9085);
current =iv_ruleActorInstanceMapping;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorInstanceMapping9836);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorInstanceMapping9095);
@@ -12280,7 +11395,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleActorInstanceMapping"
- // ../ ruleActorInstanceMapping returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleActorInstanceMapping returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleActorInstanceMapping() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12297,26 +11412,26 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )? ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )? )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )? ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )? )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )? )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )?
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )? )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'ActorInstanceMapping' ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) ) otherlv_2= '->' ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )?
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,69,FOLLOW_69_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9873);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,66,FOLLOW_66_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9132);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getActorInstanceMappingAccess().getActorInstanceMappingKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) )
- // ../ (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath )
+ // ../ ( (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath ) )
+ // ../ (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath )
- // ../ (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath )
- // ../ lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath
+ // ../ (lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath )
+ // ../ lv_path_1_0= ruleRefPath
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefPath_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9894);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefPath_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9153);
@@ -12338,22 +11453,22 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9906);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9165);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getActorInstanceMappingAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_3= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_3= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_3= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_3= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_3= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_3= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_3= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getActorInstanceMappingRule());
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9926);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9185);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getActorInstanceMappingAccess().getThreadLogicalThreadCrossReference_3_0());
@@ -12363,43 +11478,43 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )?
- int alt123=2;
- int LA123_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}' )?
+ int alt115=2;
+ int LA115_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA123_0==14) ) {
- alt123=1;
+ if ( (LA115_0==14) ) {
+ alt115=1;
- switch (alt123) {
+ switch (alt115) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}'
+ // ../ otherlv_4= '{' ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )* otherlv_6= '}'
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9939);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9198);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getActorInstanceMappingAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_4_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )*
- loop122:
+ // ../ ( (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping ) )*
+ loop114:
do {
- int alt122=2;
- int LA122_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt114=2;
+ int LA114_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA122_0==69) ) {
- alt122=1;
+ if ( (LA114_0==66) ) {
+ alt114=1;
- switch (alt122) {
+ switch (alt114) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping )
+ // ../ (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping )
- // ../ (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping )
- // ../ lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping
+ // ../ (lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping )
+ // ../ lv_actorInstanceMappings_5_0= ruleActorInstanceMapping
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9960);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9219);
@@ -12423,11 +11538,11 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop122;
+ break loop114;
} while (true);
- otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9973);
+ otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9232);
newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getActorInstanceMappingAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_4_2());
@@ -12458,7 +11573,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleRefPath"
- // ../ entryRuleRefPath returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefPath= ruleRefPath EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleRefPath returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefPath= ruleRefPath EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleRefPath() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12466,17 +11581,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleRefPath= ruleRefPath EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleRefPath= ruleRefPath EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleRefPath= ruleRefPath EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleRefPath= ruleRefPath EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefPath_in_entryRuleRefPath10011);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefPath_in_entryRuleRefPath9270);
current =iv_ruleRefPath;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefPath10021);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefPath9280);
@@ -12494,7 +11609,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleRefPath"
- // ../ ruleRefPath returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )* ) ;
+ // ../ ruleRefPath returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )* ) ;
public final EObject ruleRefPath() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12507,22 +11622,22 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )* ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )* )
- // ../ ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )*
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )* )
+ // ../ ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )*
- // ../ ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) )
- // ../ (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment )
+ // ../ ( (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment ) )
+ // ../ (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment )
- // ../ (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment )
- // ../ lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment
+ // ../ (lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment )
+ // ../ lv_refs_0_0= ruleRefSegment
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_ruleRefPath10067);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_ruleRefPath9326);
@@ -12544,35 +11659,35 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )*
- loop124:
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) ) )*
+ loop116:
do {
- int alt124=2;
- int LA124_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt116=2;
+ int LA116_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA124_0==70) ) {
- alt124=1;
+ if ( (LA116_0==67) ) {
+ alt116=1;
- switch (alt124) {
+ switch (alt116) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_1= '/' ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) )
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_ruleRefPath10080);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,67,FOLLOW_67_in_ruleRefPath9339);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getRefPathAccess().getSolidusKeyword_1_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) )
- // ../ (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment )
+ // ../ ( (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment ) )
+ // ../ (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment )
- // ../ (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment )
- // ../ lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment
+ // ../ (lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment )
+ // ../ lv_refs_2_0= ruleRefSegment
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_ruleRefPath10101);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_ruleRefPath9360);
@@ -12599,7 +11714,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop124;
+ break loop116;
} while (true);
@@ -12624,7 +11739,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleRefSegment"
- // ../ entryRuleRefSegment returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefSegment= ruleRefSegment EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleRefSegment returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefSegment= ruleRefSegment EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleRefSegment() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12632,17 +11747,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleRefSegment= ruleRefSegment EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleRefSegment= ruleRefSegment EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleRefSegment= ruleRefSegment EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleRefSegment= ruleRefSegment EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_entryRuleRefSegment10139);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_entryRuleRefSegment9398);
current =iv_ruleRefSegment;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefSegment10149);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefSegment9408);
@@ -12660,7 +11775,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleRefSegment"
- // ../ ruleRefSegment returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleRefSegment returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleRefSegment() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12671,19 +11786,19 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )? )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )? ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )? )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )? )
- // ../ ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )?
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )? )
+ // ../ ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )?
- // ../ ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_ref_0_0= RULE_ID
- lv_ref_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRefSegment10191);
+ lv_ref_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRefSegment9450);
newLeafNode(lv_ref_0_0, grammarAccess.getRefSegmentAccess().getRefIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0());
@@ -12703,28 +11818,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )?
- int alt125=2;
- int LA125_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) ) )?
+ int alt117=2;
+ int LA117_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA125_0==16) ) {
- alt125=1;
+ if ( (LA117_0==16) ) {
+ alt117=1;
- switch (alt125) {
+ switch (alt117) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_1= ':' ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) )
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleRefSegment10209);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleRefSegment9468);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getRefSegmentAccess().getColonKeyword_1_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT )
+ // ../ ( (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../ (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT )
- // ../ (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT )
- // ../ lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT
+ // ../ (lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT )
+ // ../ lv_idx_2_0= RULE_INT
- lv_idx_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleRefSegment10226);
+ lv_idx_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleRefSegment9485);
newLeafNode(lv_idx_2_0, grammarAccess.getRefSegmentAccess().getIdxINTTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0());
@@ -12771,7 +11886,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleBinding"
- // ../ entryRuleBinding returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBinding= ruleBinding EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleBinding returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBinding= ruleBinding EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleBinding() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12779,17 +11894,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleBinding= ruleBinding EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleBinding= ruleBinding EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleBinding= ruleBinding EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleBinding= ruleBinding EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_entryRuleBinding10269);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_entryRuleBinding9528);
current =iv_ruleBinding;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBinding10279);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBinding9538);
@@ -12807,7 +11922,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleBinding"
- // ../ ruleBinding returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleBinding returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleBinding() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12821,26 +11936,26 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'Binding' ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,71,FOLLOW_71_in_ruleBinding10316);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,68,FOLLOW_68_in_ruleBinding9575);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getBindingAccess().getBindingKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) )
- // ../ (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint )
+ // ../ ( (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) )
+ // ../ (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint )
- // ../ (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint )
- // ../ lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint
+ // ../ (lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint )
+ // ../ lv_endpoint1_1_0= ruleBindingEndPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_ruleBinding10337);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_ruleBinding9596);
@@ -12862,20 +11977,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,72,FOLLOW_72_in_ruleBinding10349);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,69,FOLLOW_69_in_ruleBinding9608);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getBindingAccess().getAndKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) )
- // ../ (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint )
+ // ../ ( (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint ) )
+ // ../ (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint )
- // ../ (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint )
- // ../ lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint
+ // ../ (lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint )
+ // ../ lv_endpoint2_3_0= ruleBindingEndPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_ruleBinding10370);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_ruleBinding9629);
@@ -12918,7 +12033,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleBindingEndPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleBindingEndPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBindingEndPoint= ruleBindingEndPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleBindingEndPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBindingEndPoint= ruleBindingEndPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleBindingEndPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12926,17 +12041,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleBindingEndPoint= ruleBindingEndPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleBindingEndPoint= ruleBindingEndPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleBindingEndPoint= ruleBindingEndPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleBindingEndPoint= ruleBindingEndPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_entryRuleBindingEndPoint10406);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_entryRuleBindingEndPoint9665);
current =iv_ruleBindingEndPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBindingEndPoint10416);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBindingEndPoint9675);
@@ -12954,7 +12069,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleBindingEndPoint"
- // ../ ruleBindingEndPoint returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleBindingEndPoint returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleBindingEndPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -12967,39 +12082,39 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )? )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )? ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )? )
- // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )? )
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )?
+ // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )? )
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )? ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )?
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )?
- int alt126=2;
- int LA126_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' )?
+ int alt118=2;
+ int LA118_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA126_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- int LA126_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA118_0==RULE_ID) ) {
+ int LA118_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA126_1==73) ) {
- alt126=1;
+ if ( (LA118_1==70) ) {
+ alt118=1;
- switch (alt126) {
+ switch (alt118) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.'
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.'
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getBindingEndPointRule());
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10462);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9721);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getBindingEndPointAccess().getActorRefActorContainerRefCrossReference_0_0_0());
@@ -13009,7 +12124,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10474);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9733);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getBindingEndPointAccess().getFullStopKeyword_0_1());
@@ -13019,18 +12134,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getBindingEndPointRule());
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10496);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9755);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getBindingEndPointAccess().getPortPortCrossReference_1_0());
@@ -13040,33 +12155,33 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )?
- int alt127=2;
- int LA127_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) ) )?
+ int alt119=2;
+ int LA119_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA127_0==74) ) {
- alt127=1;
+ if ( (LA119_0==71) ) {
+ alt119=1;
- switch (alt127) {
+ switch (alt119) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_3= 'sub' ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,74,FOLLOW_74_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10509);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,71,FOLLOW_71_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9768);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getBindingEndPointAccess().getSubKeyword_2_0());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_4= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_4= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_4= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_4= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_4= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_4= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_4= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getBindingEndPointRule());
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10529);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9788);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getBindingEndPointAccess().getSubSubProtocolCrossReference_2_1_0());
@@ -13103,7 +12218,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleLayerConnection"
- // ../ entryRuleLayerConnection returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLayerConnection= ruleLayerConnection EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleLayerConnection returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLayerConnection= ruleLayerConnection EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleLayerConnection() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13111,17 +12226,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleLayerConnection= ruleLayerConnection EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleLayerConnection= ruleLayerConnection EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleLayerConnection= ruleLayerConnection EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleLayerConnection= ruleLayerConnection EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_entryRuleLayerConnection10567);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_entryRuleLayerConnection9826);
current =iv_ruleLayerConnection;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLayerConnection10577);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLayerConnection9836);
@@ -13139,7 +12254,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleLayerConnection"
- // ../ ruleLayerConnection returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleLayerConnection returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleLayerConnection() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13153,26 +12268,26 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'LayerConnection' ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) ) otherlv_2= 'satisfied_by' ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,75,FOLLOW_75_in_ruleLayerConnection10614);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,72,FOLLOW_72_in_ruleLayerConnection9873);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getLayerConnectionAccess().getLayerConnectionKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) )
- // ../ (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint )
+ // ../ ( (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint ) )
+ // ../ (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint )
- // ../ (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint )
- // ../ lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint
+ // ../ (lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint )
+ // ../ lv_from_1_0= ruleSAPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAPoint_in_ruleLayerConnection10635);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAPoint_in_ruleLayerConnection9894);
@@ -13194,20 +12309,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,76,FOLLOW_76_in_ruleLayerConnection10647);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_ruleLayerConnection9906);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getLayerConnectionAccess().getSatisfied_byKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) )
- // ../ (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint )
+ // ../ ( (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint ) )
+ // ../ (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint )
- // ../ (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint )
- // ../ lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint
+ // ../ (lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint )
+ // ../ lv_to_3_0= ruleSPPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPPoint_in_ruleLayerConnection10668);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPPoint_in_ruleLayerConnection9927);
@@ -13250,7 +12365,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSAPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleSAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSAPoint= ruleSAPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSAPoint= ruleSAPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSAPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13258,17 +12373,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSAPoint= ruleSAPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSAPoint= ruleSAPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSAPoint= ruleSAPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSAPoint= ruleSAPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAPoint_in_entryRuleSAPoint10704);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSAPoint_in_entryRuleSAPoint9963);
current =iv_ruleSAPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSAPoint10714);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSAPoint9973);
@@ -13286,7 +12401,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSAPoint"
- // ../ ruleSAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint | this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint | this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint ) ;
public final EObject ruleSAPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13298,33 +12413,33 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint | this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint ) )
- // ../ (this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint | this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint )
+ // ../ ( (this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint | this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint ) )
+ // ../ (this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint | this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint )
- // ../ (this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint | this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint )
- int alt128=2;
- int LA128_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint | this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint )
+ int alt120=2;
+ int LA120_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA128_0==17) ) {
- alt128=1;
+ if ( (LA120_0==17) ) {
+ alt120=1;
- else if ( (LA128_0==77) ) {
- alt128=2;
+ else if ( (LA120_0==74) ) {
+ alt120=2;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 128, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 120, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt128) {
+ switch (alt120) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint
+ // ../ this_RefSAPoint_0= ruleRefSAPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSAPoint_in_ruleSAPoint10761);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSAPoint_in_ruleSAPoint10020);
@@ -13337,12 +12452,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint
+ // ../ this_RelaySAPoint_1= ruleRelaySAPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRelaySAPoint_in_ruleSAPoint10788);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRelaySAPoint_in_ruleSAPoint10047);
@@ -13375,7 +12490,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleRefSAPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleRefSAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefSAPoint= ruleRefSAPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleRefSAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefSAPoint= ruleRefSAPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleRefSAPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13383,17 +12498,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleRefSAPoint= ruleRefSAPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleRefSAPoint= ruleRefSAPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleRefSAPoint= ruleRefSAPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleRefSAPoint= ruleRefSAPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSAPoint_in_entryRuleRefSAPoint10823);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefSAPoint_in_entryRuleRefSAPoint10082);
current =iv_ruleRefSAPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefSAPoint10833);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefSAPoint10092);
@@ -13411,7 +12526,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleRefSAPoint"
- // ../ ruleRefSAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleRefSAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleRefSAPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13421,28 +12536,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'ref' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,17,FOLLOW_17_in_ruleRefSAPoint10870);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,17,FOLLOW_17_in_ruleRefSAPoint10129);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRefSAPointAccess().getRefKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_1= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_1= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRefSAPointRule());
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRefSAPoint10890);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRefSAPoint10149);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getRefSAPointAccess().getRefActorContainerRefCrossReference_1_0());
@@ -13473,7 +12588,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleRelaySAPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleRelaySAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRelaySAPoint= ruleRelaySAPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleRelaySAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRelaySAPoint= ruleRelaySAPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleRelaySAPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13481,17 +12596,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleRelaySAPoint= ruleRelaySAPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleRelaySAPoint= ruleRelaySAPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleRelaySAPoint= ruleRelaySAPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleRelaySAPoint= ruleRelaySAPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRelaySAPoint_in_entryRuleRelaySAPoint10926);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRelaySAPoint_in_entryRuleRelaySAPoint10185);
current =iv_ruleRelaySAPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRelaySAPoint10936);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRelaySAPoint10195);
@@ -13509,7 +12624,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleRelaySAPoint"
- // ../ ruleRelaySAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleRelaySAPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleRelaySAPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13519,28 +12634,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'relay_sap' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,77,FOLLOW_77_in_ruleRelaySAPoint10973);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,74,FOLLOW_74_in_ruleRelaySAPoint10232);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRelaySAPointAccess().getRelay_sapKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_1= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_1= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelaySAPointRule());
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRelaySAPoint10993);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRelaySAPoint10252);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getRelaySAPointAccess().getRelaySPPCrossReference_1_0());
@@ -13571,7 +12686,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSPPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleSPPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSPPoint= ruleSPPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSPPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSPPoint= ruleSPPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSPPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13579,17 +12694,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSPPoint= ruleSPPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSPPoint= ruleSPPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSPPoint= ruleSPPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSPPoint= ruleSPPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPPoint_in_entryRuleSPPoint11029);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSPPoint_in_entryRuleSPPoint10288);
current =iv_ruleSPPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSPPoint11039);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSPPoint10298);
@@ -13607,7 +12722,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSPPoint"
- // ../ ruleSPPoint returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSPPoint returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleSPPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13618,24 +12733,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '.' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getSPPointRule());
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPPoint11084);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPPoint10343);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSPPointAccess().getRefActorContainerRefCrossReference_0_0());
@@ -13645,22 +12760,22 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_ruleSPPoint11096);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_ruleSPPoint10355);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getSPPointAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getSPPointRule());
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPPoint11116);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPPoint10375);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSPPointAccess().getServiceSPPCrossReference_2_0());
@@ -13691,7 +12806,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleActorRef"
- // ../ entryRuleActorRef returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleActorRef= ruleActorRef EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleActorRef returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleActorRef= ruleActorRef EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleActorRef() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13699,17 +12814,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleActorRef= ruleActorRef EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleActorRef= ruleActorRef EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleActorRef= ruleActorRef EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleActorRef= ruleActorRef EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_entryRuleActorRef11152);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_entryRuleActorRef10411);
current =iv_ruleActorRef;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorRef11162);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorRef10421);
@@ -13727,7 +12842,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleActorRef"
- // ../ ruleActorRef returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleActorRef returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleActorRef() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -13744,30 +12859,30 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
- // ../ ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../ ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )? otherlv_1= 'ActorRef' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )? otherlv_4= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- // ../ ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )?
- int alt129=2;
- int LA129_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType ) )?
+ int alt121=2;
+ int LA121_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA129_0==109||LA129_0==123) ) {
- alt129=1;
+ if ( (LA121_0==109||LA121_0==123) ) {
+ alt121=1;
- switch (alt129) {
+ switch (alt121) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType )
+ // ../ (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType )
- // ../ (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType )
- // ../ lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType
+ // ../ (lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType )
+ // ../ lv_refType_0_0= ruleReferenceType
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleReferenceType_in_ruleActorRef11208);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleReferenceType_in_ruleActorRef10467);
@@ -13792,17 +12907,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_ruleActorRef11221);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,75,FOLLOW_75_in_ruleActorRef10480);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getActorRefAccess().getActorRefKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorRef11238);
+ lv_name_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorRef10497);
newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getActorRefAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -13822,24 +12937,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )?
- int alt130=2;
- int LA130_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY ) )?
+ int alt122=2;
+ int LA122_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA130_0==34) ) {
- alt130=1;
+ if ( (LA122_0==34) ) {
+ alt122=1;
- switch (alt130) {
+ switch (alt122) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY )
+ // ../ (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY )
- // ../ (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY )
- // ../ lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY
+ // ../ (lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY )
+ // ../ lv_multiplicity_3_0= ruleMULTIPLICITY
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_ruleActorRef11264);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_ruleActorRef10523);
@@ -13864,15 +12979,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleActorRef11277);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleActorRef10536);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getActorRefAccess().getColonKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -13882,7 +12997,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleActorRef11300);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleActorRef10559);
@@ -13896,24 +13011,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt131=2;
- int LA131_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt123=2;
+ int LA123_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA131_0==34) ) {
- alt131=1;
+ if ( (LA123_0==34) ) {
+ alt123=1;
- switch (alt131) {
+ switch (alt123) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorRef11321);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorRef10580);
@@ -13959,7 +13074,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleMULTIPLICITY"
- // ../ entryRuleMULTIPLICITY returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleMULTIPLICITY= ruleMULTIPLICITY EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleMULTIPLICITY returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleMULTIPLICITY= ruleMULTIPLICITY EOF ;
public final String entryRuleMULTIPLICITY() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -13967,17 +13082,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_entryRuleMULTIPLICITY11363);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_entryRuleMULTIPLICITY10622);
current =iv_ruleMULTIPLICITY.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMULTIPLICITY11374);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMULTIPLICITY10633);
@@ -13995,7 +13110,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleMULTIPLICITY"
- // ../ ruleMULTIPLICITY returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleMULTIPLICITY returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']' ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleMULTIPLICITY() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -14005,38 +13120,38 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']' ) )
- // ../ (kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']' )
+ // ../ ( (kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']' ) )
+ // ../ (kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']' )
- // ../ (kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']' )
- // ../ kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']'
+ // ../ (kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']' )
+ // ../ kw= '[' (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) kw= ']'
- kw=(Token)match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY11412);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY10671);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getMULTIPLICITYAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
- // ../ (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT )
- int alt132=2;
- int LA132_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (kw= '*' | this_INT_2= RULE_INT )
+ int alt124=2;
+ int LA124_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA132_0==79) ) {
- alt132=1;
+ if ( (LA124_0==76) ) {
+ alt124=1;
- else if ( (LA132_0==RULE_INT) ) {
- alt132=2;
+ else if ( (LA124_0==RULE_INT) ) {
+ alt124=2;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 132, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 124, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt132) {
+ switch (alt124) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= '*'
+ // ../ kw= '*'
- kw=(Token)match(input,79,FOLLOW_79_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY11426);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,76,FOLLOW_76_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY10685);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getMULTIPLICITYAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1_0());
@@ -14045,9 +13160,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_INT_2= RULE_INT
+ // ../ this_INT_2= RULE_INT
- this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY11447);
+ this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY10706);
@@ -14060,7 +13175,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- kw=(Token)match(input,35,FOLLOW_35_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY11466);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,35,FOLLOW_35_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY10725);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getMULTIPLICITYAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_2());
@@ -14086,7 +13201,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleAnnotationTargetType"
- // ../ entryRuleAnnotationTargetType returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleAnnotationTargetType= ruleAnnotationTargetType EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleAnnotationTargetType returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleAnnotationTargetType= ruleAnnotationTargetType EOF ;
public final String entryRuleAnnotationTargetType() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -14094,17 +13209,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleAnnotationTargetType= ruleAnnotationTargetType EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleAnnotationTargetType= ruleAnnotationTargetType EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleAnnotationTargetType= ruleAnnotationTargetType EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleAnnotationTargetType= ruleAnnotationTargetType EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_entryRuleAnnotationTargetType11507);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_entryRuleAnnotationTargetType10766);
current =iv_ruleAnnotationTargetType.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationTargetType11518);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationTargetType10777);
@@ -14122,7 +13237,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleAnnotationTargetType"
- // ../ ruleAnnotationTargetType returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (kw= 'DataClass' | kw= 'ActorClass' | kw= 'ActorBehavior' | kw= 'ProtocolClass' | kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass' | kw= 'SubSystemClass' | kw= 'LogicalSystem' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleAnnotationTargetType returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (kw= 'DataClass' | kw= 'ActorClass' | kw= 'ActorBehavior' | kw= 'ProtocolClass' | kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass' | kw= 'SubSystemClass' | kw= 'LogicalSystem' ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleAnnotationTargetType() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -14131,59 +13246,59 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (kw= 'DataClass' | kw= 'ActorClass' | kw= 'ActorBehavior' | kw= 'ProtocolClass' | kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass' | kw= 'SubSystemClass' | kw= 'LogicalSystem' ) )
- // ../ (kw= 'DataClass' | kw= 'ActorClass' | kw= 'ActorBehavior' | kw= 'ProtocolClass' | kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass' | kw= 'SubSystemClass' | kw= 'LogicalSystem' )
+ // ../ ( (kw= 'DataClass' | kw= 'ActorClass' | kw= 'ActorBehavior' | kw= 'ProtocolClass' | kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass' | kw= 'SubSystemClass' | kw= 'LogicalSystem' ) )
+ // ../ (kw= 'DataClass' | kw= 'ActorClass' | kw= 'ActorBehavior' | kw= 'ProtocolClass' | kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass' | kw= 'SubSystemClass' | kw= 'LogicalSystem' )
- // ../ (kw= 'DataClass' | kw= 'ActorClass' | kw= 'ActorBehavior' | kw= 'ProtocolClass' | kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass' | kw= 'SubSystemClass' | kw= 'LogicalSystem' )
- int alt133=7;
+ // ../ (kw= 'DataClass' | kw= 'ActorClass' | kw= 'ActorBehavior' | kw= 'ProtocolClass' | kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass' | kw= 'SubSystemClass' | kw= 'LogicalSystem' )
+ int alt125=7;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 28:
- alt133=1;
+ alt125=1;
- case 56:
+ case 53:
- alt133=2;
+ alt125=2;
- case 80:
+ case 77:
- alt133=3;
+ alt125=3;
case 40:
- alt133=4;
+ alt125=4;
case 46:
- alt133=5;
+ alt125=5;
- case 67:
+ case 64:
- alt133=6;
+ alt125=6;
- case 65:
+ case 62:
- alt133=7;
+ alt125=7;
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 133, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 125, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt133) {
+ switch (alt125) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= 'DataClass'
+ // ../ kw= 'DataClass'
- kw=(Token)match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11556);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10815);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTargetTypeAccess().getDataClassKeyword_0());
@@ -14192,9 +13307,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ kw= 'ActorClass'
+ // ../ kw= 'ActorClass'
- kw=(Token)match(input,56,FOLLOW_56_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11575);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,53,FOLLOW_53_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10834);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTargetTypeAccess().getActorClassKeyword_1());
@@ -14203,9 +13318,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ kw= 'ActorBehavior'
+ // ../ kw= 'ActorBehavior'
- kw=(Token)match(input,80,FOLLOW_80_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11594);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,77,FOLLOW_77_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10853);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTargetTypeAccess().getActorBehaviorKeyword_2());
@@ -14214,9 +13329,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ kw= 'ProtocolClass'
+ // ../ kw= 'ProtocolClass'
- kw=(Token)match(input,40,FOLLOW_40_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11613);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,40,FOLLOW_40_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10872);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTargetTypeAccess().getProtocolClassKeyword_3());
@@ -14225,9 +13340,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 5 :
- // ../ kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass'
+ // ../ kw= 'CompoundProtocolClass'
- kw=(Token)match(input,46,FOLLOW_46_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11632);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,46,FOLLOW_46_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10891);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTargetTypeAccess().getCompoundProtocolClassKeyword_4());
@@ -14236,9 +13351,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 6 :
- // ../ kw= 'SubSystemClass'
+ // ../ kw= 'SubSystemClass'
- kw=(Token)match(input,67,FOLLOW_67_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11651);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,64,FOLLOW_64_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10910);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTargetTypeAccess().getSubSystemClassKeyword_5());
@@ -14247,9 +13362,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 7 :
- // ../ kw= 'LogicalSystem'
+ // ../ kw= 'LogicalSystem'
- kw=(Token)match(input,65,FOLLOW_65_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11670);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,62,FOLLOW_62_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10929);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTargetTypeAccess().getLogicalSystemKeyword_6());
@@ -14278,7 +13393,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleStateGraphNode"
- // ../ entryRuleStateGraphNode returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStateGraphNode= ruleStateGraphNode EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleStateGraphNode returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStateGraphNode= ruleStateGraphNode EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleStateGraphNode() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -14286,17 +13401,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleStateGraphNode= ruleStateGraphNode EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleStateGraphNode= ruleStateGraphNode EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleStateGraphNode= ruleStateGraphNode EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleStateGraphNode= ruleStateGraphNode EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateGraphNode_in_entryRuleStateGraphNode11712);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateGraphNode_in_entryRuleStateGraphNode10971);
current =iv_ruleStateGraphNode;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateGraphNode11722);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateGraphNode10981);
@@ -14314,7 +13429,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleStateGraphNode"
- // ../ ruleStateGraphNode returns [EObject current=null] : (this_State_0= ruleState | this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint | this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint ) ;
+ // ../ ruleStateGraphNode returns [EObject current=null] : (this_State_0= ruleState | this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint | this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint ) ;
public final EObject ruleStateGraphNode() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -14328,46 +13443,46 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_State_0= ruleState | this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint | this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint ) )
- // ../ (this_State_0= ruleState | this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint | this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint )
+ // ../ ( (this_State_0= ruleState | this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint | this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint ) )
+ // ../ (this_State_0= ruleState | this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint | this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint )
- // ../ (this_State_0= ruleState | this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint | this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint )
- int alt134=3;
+ // ../ (this_State_0= ruleState | this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint | this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint )
+ int alt126=3;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 82:
- case 87:
+ case 79:
+ case 84:
- alt134=1;
+ alt126=1;
- case 92:
+ case 89:
- alt134=2;
+ alt126=2;
+ case 85:
+ case 86:
+ case 87:
case 88:
- case 89:
- case 90:
- case 91:
- alt134=3;
+ alt126=3;
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 134, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 126, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt134) {
+ switch (alt126) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_State_0= ruleState
+ // ../ this_State_0= ruleState
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateGraphNode11769);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateGraphNode11028);
@@ -14380,12 +13495,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint
+ // ../ this_ChoicePoint_1= ruleChoicePoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateGraphNode11796);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateGraphNode11055);
@@ -14398,12 +13513,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint
+ // ../ this_TrPoint_2= ruleTrPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateGraphNode11823);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateGraphNode11082);
@@ -14435,133 +13550,8 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR end "ruleStateGraphNode"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleState"
- // ../ entryRuleState returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleState= ruleState EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleState() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleState = null;
- try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleState= ruleState EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleState= ruleState EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStateRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleState_in_entryRuleState11860);
- iv_ruleState=ruleState();
- state._fsp--;
- current =iv_ruleState;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleState11870);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleState"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleState"
- // ../ ruleState returns [EObject current=null] : (this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState | this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState ) ;
- public final EObject ruleState() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject this_SimpleState_0 = null;
- EObject this_RefinedState_1 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../ ( (this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState | this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState ) )
- // ../ (this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState | this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState )
- {
- // ../ (this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState | this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState )
- int alt135=2;
- int LA135_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA135_0==82) ) {
- alt135=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA135_0==87) ) {
- alt135=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 135, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt135) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStateAccess().getSimpleStateParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSimpleState_in_ruleState11917);
- this_SimpleState_0=ruleSimpleState();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_SimpleState_0;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStateAccess().getRefinedStateParserRuleCall_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedState_in_ruleState11944);
- this_RefinedState_1=ruleRefinedState();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_RefinedState_1;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
- finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleState"
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleStateGraph"
- // ../ entryRuleStateGraph returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStateGraph= ruleStateGraph EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleStateGraph returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStateGraph= ruleStateGraph EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleStateGraph() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -14569,17 +13559,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleStateGraph= ruleStateGraph EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleStateGraph= ruleStateGraph EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleStateGraph= ruleStateGraph EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleStateGraph= ruleStateGraph EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_entryRuleStateGraph11979);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_entryRuleStateGraph11119);
current =iv_ruleStateGraph;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateGraph11989);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateGraph11129);
@@ -14597,7 +13587,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleStateGraph"
- // ../ ruleStateGraph returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleStateGraph returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleStateGraph() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -14617,14 +13607,14 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' ) )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' )
+ // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' ) )
+ // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' )
- // ../ () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}'
+ // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' )
+ // ../ () otherlv_1= '{' ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}'
- // ../ ()
- // ../
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
current = forceCreateModelElement(
@@ -14634,61 +13624,61 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleStateGraph12035);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleStateGraph11175);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getStateGraphAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )*
- loop136:
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )*
+ loop127:
do {
- int alt136=6;
+ int alt127=6;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 82:
- case 87:
+ case 79:
+ case 84:
- alt136=1;
+ alt127=1;
+ case 85:
+ case 86:
+ case 87:
case 88:
- case 89:
- case 90:
- case 91:
- alt136=2;
+ alt127=2;
- case 92:
+ case 89:
- alt136=3;
+ alt127=3;
- case 93:
+ case 90:
- alt136=4;
+ alt127=4;
- case 100:
+ case 97:
- alt136=5;
+ alt127=5;
- switch (alt136) {
+ switch (alt127) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) )
- // ../ (lv_states_2_0= ruleState )
+ // ../ ( (lv_states_2_0= ruleState ) )
+ // ../ (lv_states_2_0= ruleState )
- // ../ (lv_states_2_0= ruleState )
- // ../ lv_states_2_0= ruleState
+ // ../ (lv_states_2_0= ruleState )
+ // ../ lv_states_2_0= ruleState
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateGraph12057);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateGraph11197);
@@ -14714,18 +13704,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) )
- // ../ (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint )
+ // ../ ( (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint ) )
+ // ../ (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint )
- // ../ (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint )
- // ../ lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint
+ // ../ (lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint )
+ // ../ lv_trPoints_3_0= ruleTrPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateGraph12084);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateGraph11224);
@@ -14751,18 +13741,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) )
- // ../ (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint )
+ // ../ ( (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint ) )
+ // ../ (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint )
- // ../ (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint )
- // ../ lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint
+ // ../ (lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint )
+ // ../ lv_chPoints_4_0= ruleChoicePoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateGraph12111);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateGraph11251);
@@ -14788,18 +13778,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) )
- // ../ (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition )
+ // ../ ( (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition ) )
+ // ../ (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition )
- // ../ (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition )
- // ../ lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition
+ // ../ (lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition )
+ // ../ lv_transitions_5_0= ruleTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_ruleStateGraph12138);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_ruleStateGraph11278);
@@ -14825,18 +13815,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 5 :
- // ../ ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) )
- // ../ (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition )
+ // ../ ( (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) )
+ // ../ (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition )
- // ../ (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition )
- // ../ lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition
+ // ../ (lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition )
+ // ../ lv_refinedTransitions_6_0= ruleRefinedTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_ruleStateGraph12165);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_ruleStateGraph11305);
@@ -14863,11 +13853,11 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop136;
+ break loop127;
} while (true);
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleStateGraph12179);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleStateGraph11319);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getStateGraphAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
@@ -14892,7 +13882,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleStateMachine"
- // ../ entryRuleStateMachine returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStateMachine= ruleStateMachine EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleStateMachine returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStateMachine= ruleStateMachine EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleStateMachine() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -14900,17 +13890,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleStateMachine= ruleStateMachine EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleStateMachine= ruleStateMachine EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleStateMachine= ruleStateMachine EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleStateMachine= ruleStateMachine EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateMachine_in_entryRuleStateMachine12215);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateMachine_in_entryRuleStateMachine11355);
current =iv_ruleStateMachine;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateMachine12225);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateMachine11365);
@@ -14928,7 +13918,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleStateMachine"
- // ../ ruleStateMachine returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleStateMachine returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleStateMachine() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -14949,14 +13939,14 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}' ) )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}' )
+ // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}' ) )
+ // ../ ( () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}' )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}' )
- // ../ () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}'
+ // ../ ( () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}' )
+ // ../ () otherlv_1= 'StateMachine' otherlv_2= '{' ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )* otherlv_8= '}'
- // ../ ()
- // ../
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
current = forceCreateModelElement(
@@ -14966,65 +13956,65 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,81,FOLLOW_81_in_ruleStateMachine12271);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_ruleStateMachine11411);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getStateMachineAccess().getStateMachineKeyword_1());
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleStateMachine12283);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleStateMachine11423);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getStateMachineAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )*
- loop137:
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) ) | ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) ) | ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) ) | ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) ) | ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) ) )*
+ loop128:
do {
- int alt137=6;
+ int alt128=6;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 82:
- case 87:
+ case 79:
+ case 84:
- alt137=1;
+ alt128=1;
+ case 85:
+ case 86:
+ case 87:
case 88:
- case 89:
- case 90:
- case 91:
- alt137=2;
+ alt128=2;
- case 92:
+ case 89:
- alt137=3;
+ alt128=3;
- case 93:
+ case 90:
- alt137=4;
+ alt128=4;
- case 100:
+ case 97:
- alt137=5;
+ alt128=5;
- switch (alt137) {
+ switch (alt128) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) )
- // ../ (lv_states_3_0= ruleState )
+ // ../ ( (lv_states_3_0= ruleState ) )
+ // ../ (lv_states_3_0= ruleState )
- // ../ (lv_states_3_0= ruleState )
- // ../ lv_states_3_0= ruleState
+ // ../ (lv_states_3_0= ruleState )
+ // ../ lv_states_3_0= ruleState
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateMachine12305);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateMachine11445);
@@ -15050,18 +14040,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) )
- // ../ (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint )
+ // ../ ( (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint ) )
+ // ../ (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint )
- // ../ (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint )
- // ../ lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint
+ // ../ (lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint )
+ // ../ lv_trPoints_4_0= ruleTrPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateMachine12332);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateMachine11472);
@@ -15087,18 +14077,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) )
- // ../ (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint )
+ // ../ ( (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint ) )
+ // ../ (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint )
- // ../ (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint )
- // ../ lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint
+ // ../ (lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint )
+ // ../ lv_chPoints_5_0= ruleChoicePoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateMachine12359);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateMachine11499);
@@ -15124,18 +14114,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) )
- // ../ (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition )
+ // ../ ( (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition ) )
+ // ../ (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition )
- // ../ (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition )
- // ../ lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition
+ // ../ (lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition )
+ // ../ lv_transitions_6_0= ruleTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_ruleStateMachine12386);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_ruleStateMachine11526);
@@ -15161,18 +14151,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 5 :
- // ../ ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) )
- // ../ (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition )
+ // ../ ( (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition ) )
+ // ../ (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition )
- // ../ (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition )
- // ../ lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition
+ // ../ (lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition )
+ // ../ lv_refinedTransitions_7_0= ruleRefinedTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_ruleStateMachine12413);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_ruleStateMachine11553);
@@ -15199,11 +14189,11 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop137;
+ break loop128;
} while (true);
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleStateMachine12427);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleStateMachine11567);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getStateMachineAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_4());
@@ -15227,8 +14217,133 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR end "ruleStateMachine"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleState"
+ // ../ entryRuleState returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleState= ruleState EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleState() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleState = null;
+ try {
+ // ../ (iv_ruleState= ruleState EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleState= ruleState EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStateRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleState_in_entryRuleState11603);
+ iv_ruleState=ruleState();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleState;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleState11613);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleState"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleState"
+ // ../ ruleState returns [EObject current=null] : (this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState | this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleState() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject this_SimpleState_0 = null;
+ EObject this_RefinedState_1 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../ ( (this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState | this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState ) )
+ // ../ (this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState | this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState )
+ {
+ // ../ (this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState | this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState )
+ int alt129=2;
+ int LA129_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA129_0==79) ) {
+ alt129=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA129_0==84) ) {
+ alt129=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 129, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt129) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ this_SimpleState_0= ruleSimpleState
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStateAccess().getSimpleStateParserRuleCall_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSimpleState_in_ruleState11660);
+ this_SimpleState_0=ruleSimpleState();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current = this_SimpleState_0;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../ this_RefinedState_1= ruleRefinedState
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStateAccess().getRefinedStateParserRuleCall_1());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedState_in_ruleState11687);
+ this_RefinedState_1=ruleRefinedState();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current = this_RefinedState_1;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleState"
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSimpleState"
- // ../ entryRuleSimpleState returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSimpleState= ruleSimpleState EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSimpleState returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSimpleState= ruleSimpleState EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSimpleState() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -15236,17 +14351,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSimpleState= ruleSimpleState EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSimpleState= ruleSimpleState EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSimpleState= ruleSimpleState EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSimpleState= ruleSimpleState EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSimpleState_in_entryRuleSimpleState12463);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSimpleState_in_entryRuleSimpleState11722);
current =iv_ruleSimpleState;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSimpleState12473);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSimpleState11732);
@@ -15264,7 +14379,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSimpleState"
- // ../ ruleSimpleState returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSimpleState returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleSimpleState() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -15290,23 +14405,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )? ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )? )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )? ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )? )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )? )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )?
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )? )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'State' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )?
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,82,FOLLOW_82_in_ruleSimpleState12510);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,79,FOLLOW_79_in_ruleSimpleState11769);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSimpleStateAccess().getStateKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSimpleState12527);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSimpleState11786);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getSimpleStateAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -15326,24 +14441,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt138=2;
- int LA138_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt130=2;
+ int LA130_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA138_0==34) ) {
- alt138=1;
+ if ( (LA130_0==34) ) {
+ alt130=1;
- switch (alt138) {
+ switch (alt130) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSimpleState12553);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSimpleState11812);
@@ -15368,46 +14483,46 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )?
- int alt143=2;
- int LA143_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )?
+ int alt135=2;
+ int LA135_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA143_0==14) ) {
- alt143=1;
+ if ( (LA135_0==14) ) {
+ alt135=1;
- switch (alt143) {
+ switch (alt135) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}'
+ // ../ otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}'
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleSimpleState12567);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleSimpleState11826);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getSimpleStateAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3_0());
- // ../ (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt139=2;
- int LA139_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt131=2;
+ int LA131_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA139_0==83) ) {
- alt139=1;
+ if ( (LA131_0==80) ) {
+ alt131=1;
- switch (alt139) {
+ switch (alt131) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,83,FOLLOW_83_in_ruleSimpleState12580);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,80,FOLLOW_80_in_ruleSimpleState11839);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getSimpleStateAccess().getEntryKeyword_3_1_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState12601);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState11860);
@@ -15435,31 +14550,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt140=2;
- int LA140_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt132=2;
+ int LA132_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA140_0==84) ) {
- alt140=1;
+ if ( (LA132_0==81) ) {
+ alt132=1;
- switch (alt140) {
+ switch (alt132) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,84,FOLLOW_84_in_ruleSimpleState12616);
+ otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,81,FOLLOW_81_in_ruleSimpleState11875);
newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getSimpleStateAccess().getExitKeyword_3_2_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState12637);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState11896);
@@ -15487,31 +14602,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt141=2;
- int LA141_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt133=2;
+ int LA133_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA141_0==85) ) {
- alt141=1;
+ if ( (LA133_0==82) ) {
+ alt133=1;
- switch (alt141) {
+ switch (alt133) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,85,FOLLOW_85_in_ruleSimpleState12652);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,82,FOLLOW_82_in_ruleSimpleState11911);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getSimpleStateAccess().getDoKeyword_3_3_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState12673);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState11932);
@@ -15539,31 +14654,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )?
- int alt142=2;
- int LA142_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )?
+ int alt134=2;
+ int LA134_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA142_0==86) ) {
- alt142=1;
+ if ( (LA134_0==83) ) {
+ alt134=1;
- switch (alt142) {
+ switch (alt134) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) )
- otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,86,FOLLOW_86_in_ruleSimpleState12688);
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,83,FOLLOW_83_in_ruleSimpleState11947);
newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getSimpleStateAccess().getSubgraphKeyword_3_4_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) )
- // ../ (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph )
+ // ../ ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) )
+ // ../ (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph )
- // ../ (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph )
- // ../ lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph
+ // ../ (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph )
+ // ../ lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_ruleSimpleState12709);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_ruleSimpleState11968);
@@ -15591,7 +14706,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_12=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleSimpleState12723);
+ otherlv_12=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleSimpleState11982);
newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getSimpleStateAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3_5());
@@ -15622,7 +14737,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleRefinedState"
- // ../ entryRuleRefinedState returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefinedState= ruleRefinedState EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleRefinedState returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefinedState= ruleRefinedState EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleRefinedState() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -15630,17 +14745,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleRefinedState= ruleRefinedState EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleRefinedState= ruleRefinedState EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleRefinedState= ruleRefinedState EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleRefinedState= ruleRefinedState EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedState_in_entryRuleRefinedState12761);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedState_in_entryRuleRefinedState12020);
current =iv_ruleRefinedState;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefinedState12771);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefinedState12030);
@@ -15658,7 +14773,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleRefinedState"
- // ../ ruleRefinedState returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleRefinedState returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleRefinedState() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -15683,21 +14798,21 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'RefinedState' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,87,FOLLOW_87_in_ruleRefinedState12808);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,84,FOLLOW_84_in_ruleRefinedState12067);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRefinedStateAccess().getRefinedStateKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -15707,7 +14822,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRefinedState12831);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRefinedState12090);
@@ -15721,24 +14836,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt144=2;
- int LA144_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt136=2;
+ int LA136_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA144_0==34) ) {
- alt144=1;
+ if ( (LA136_0==34) ) {
+ alt136=1;
- switch (alt144) {
+ switch (alt136) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRefinedState12852);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRefinedState12111);
@@ -15763,35 +14878,35 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRefinedState12865);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRefinedState12124);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getRefinedStateAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
- // ../ (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt145=2;
- int LA145_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt137=2;
+ int LA137_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA145_0==83) ) {
- alt145=1;
+ if ( (LA137_0==80) ) {
+ alt137=1;
- switch (alt145) {
+ switch (alt137) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_4= 'entry' ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,83,FOLLOW_83_in_ruleRefinedState12878);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,80,FOLLOW_80_in_ruleRefinedState12137);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getRefinedStateAccess().getEntryKeyword_4_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_entryCode_5_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12899);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12158);
@@ -15819,31 +14934,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt146=2;
- int LA146_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt138=2;
+ int LA138_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA146_0==84) ) {
- alt146=1;
+ if ( (LA138_0==81) ) {
+ alt138=1;
- switch (alt146) {
+ switch (alt138) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_6= 'exit' ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,84,FOLLOW_84_in_ruleRefinedState12914);
+ otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,81,FOLLOW_81_in_ruleRefinedState12173);
newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getRefinedStateAccess().getExitKeyword_5_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_exitCode_7_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12935);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12194);
@@ -15871,31 +14986,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt147=2;
- int LA147_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt139=2;
+ int LA139_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA147_0==85) ) {
- alt147=1;
+ if ( (LA139_0==82) ) {
+ alt139=1;
- switch (alt147) {
+ switch (alt139) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_8= 'do' ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,85,FOLLOW_85_in_ruleRefinedState12950);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,82,FOLLOW_82_in_ruleRefinedState12209);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getRefinedStateAccess().getDoKeyword_6_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_doCode_9_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12971);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12230);
@@ -15923,31 +15038,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )?
- int alt148=2;
- int LA148_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) ) )?
+ int alt140=2;
+ int LA140_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA148_0==86) ) {
- alt148=1;
+ if ( (LA140_0==83) ) {
+ alt140=1;
- switch (alt148) {
+ switch (alt140) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_10= 'subgraph' ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) )
- otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,86,FOLLOW_86_in_ruleRefinedState12986);
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,83,FOLLOW_83_in_ruleRefinedState12245);
newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getRefinedStateAccess().getSubgraphKeyword_7_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) )
- // ../ (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph )
+ // ../ ( (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph ) )
+ // ../ (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph )
- // ../ (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph )
- // ../ lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph
+ // ../ (lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph )
+ // ../ lv_subgraph_11_0= ruleStateGraph
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_ruleRefinedState13007);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_ruleRefinedState12266);
@@ -15975,7 +15090,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_12=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRefinedState13021);
+ otherlv_12=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRefinedState12280);
newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getRefinedStateAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_8());
@@ -16000,7 +15115,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleDetailCode"
- // ../ entryRuleDetailCode returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleDetailCode= ruleDetailCode EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleDetailCode returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleDetailCode= ruleDetailCode EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleDetailCode() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16008,17 +15123,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleDetailCode= ruleDetailCode EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleDetailCode= ruleDetailCode EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleDetailCode= ruleDetailCode EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleDetailCode= ruleDetailCode EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_entryRuleDetailCode13057);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_entryRuleDetailCode12316);
current =iv_ruleDetailCode;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDetailCode13067);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDetailCode12326);
@@ -16036,25 +15151,25 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleDetailCode"
- // ../ ruleDetailCode returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleDetailCode returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( (lv_used_1_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleDetailCode() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1=null;
+ Token lv_used_1_0=null;
Token lv_lines_2_0=null;
Token otherlv_3=null;
try {
- // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}' ) )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}' )
+ // ../ ( ( () ( (lv_used_1_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}' ) )
+ // ../ ( () ( (lv_used_1_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}' )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '{' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}' )
- // ../ () otherlv_1= '{' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}'
+ // ../ ( () ( (lv_used_1_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}' )
+ // ../ () ( (lv_used_1_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= '}'
- // ../ ()
- // ../
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
current = forceCreateModelElement(
@@ -16064,29 +15179,47 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleDetailCode13113);
+ // ../ ( (lv_used_1_0= '{' ) )
+ // ../ (lv_used_1_0= '{' )
+ {
+ // ../ (lv_used_1_0= '{' )
+ // ../ lv_used_1_0= '{'
+ {
+ lv_used_1_0=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleDetailCode12378);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getDetailCodeAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1());
+ newLeafNode(lv_used_1_0, grammarAccess.getDetailCodeAccess().getUsedLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )*
- loop149:
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDetailCodeRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(current, "used", true, "{");
+ }
+ }
+ // ../ ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )*
+ loop141:
do {
- int alt149=2;
- int LA149_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt141=2;
+ int LA141_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA149_0==RULE_STRING) ) {
- alt149=1;
+ if ( (LA141_0==RULE_STRING) ) {
+ alt141=1;
- switch (alt149) {
+ switch (alt141) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING
+ // ../ (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING
- lv_lines_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDetailCode13130);
+ lv_lines_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDetailCode12408);
newLeafNode(lv_lines_2_0, grammarAccess.getDetailCodeAccess().getLinesSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -16108,11 +15241,11 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop149;
+ break loop141;
} while (true);
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleDetailCode13148);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleDetailCode12426);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getDetailCodeAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
@@ -16137,7 +15270,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleTrPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleTrPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTrPoint= ruleTrPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleTrPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTrPoint= ruleTrPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleTrPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16145,17 +15278,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleTrPoint= ruleTrPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleTrPoint= ruleTrPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleTrPoint= ruleTrPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleTrPoint= ruleTrPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_entryRuleTrPoint13184);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_entryRuleTrPoint12462);
current =iv_ruleTrPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrPoint13194);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrPoint12472);
@@ -16173,7 +15306,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleTrPoint"
- // ../ ruleTrPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint | this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint | this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint ) ;
+ // ../ ruleTrPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint | this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint | this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint ) ;
public final EObject ruleTrPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16187,43 +15320,43 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint | this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint | this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint ) )
- // ../ (this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint | this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint | this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint )
+ // ../ ( (this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint | this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint | this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint ) )
+ // ../ (this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint | this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint | this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint )
- // ../ (this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint | this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint | this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint )
- int alt150=3;
+ // ../ (this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint | this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint | this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint )
+ int alt142=3;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 88:
- case 89:
+ case 85:
+ case 86:
- alt150=1;
+ alt142=1;
- case 90:
+ case 87:
- alt150=2;
+ alt142=2;
- case 91:
+ case 88:
- alt150=3;
+ alt142=3;
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 150, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 142, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt150) {
+ switch (alt142) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint
+ // ../ this_TransitionPoint_0= ruleTransitionPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionPoint_in_ruleTrPoint13241);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionPoint_in_ruleTrPoint12519);
@@ -16236,12 +15369,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint
+ // ../ this_EntryPoint_1= ruleEntryPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEntryPoint_in_ruleTrPoint13268);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEntryPoint_in_ruleTrPoint12546);
@@ -16254,12 +15387,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint
+ // ../ this_ExitPoint_2= ruleExitPoint
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExitPoint_in_ruleTrPoint13295);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExitPoint_in_ruleTrPoint12573);
@@ -16292,7 +15425,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleTransitionPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleTransitionPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTransitionPoint= ruleTransitionPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleTransitionPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTransitionPoint= ruleTransitionPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleTransitionPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16300,17 +15433,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleTransitionPoint= ruleTransitionPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleTransitionPoint= ruleTransitionPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleTransitionPoint= ruleTransitionPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleTransitionPoint= ruleTransitionPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionPoint_in_entryRuleTransitionPoint13330);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionPoint_in_entryRuleTransitionPoint12608);
current =iv_ruleTransitionPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionPoint13340);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionPoint12618);
@@ -16328,7 +15461,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleTransitionPoint"
- // ../ ruleTransitionPoint returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleTransitionPoint returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleTransitionPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16339,27 +15472,27 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )? otherlv_1= 'TransitionPoint' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )?
- int alt151=2;
- int LA151_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' ) )?
+ int alt143=2;
+ int LA143_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA151_0==88) ) {
- alt151=1;
+ if ( (LA143_0==85) ) {
+ alt143=1;
- switch (alt151) {
+ switch (alt143) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' )
+ // ../ (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' )
- // ../ (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' )
- // ../ lv_handler_0_0= 'handler'
+ // ../ (lv_handler_0_0= 'handler' )
+ // ../ lv_handler_0_0= 'handler'
- lv_handler_0_0=(Token)match(input,88,FOLLOW_88_in_ruleTransitionPoint13383);
+ lv_handler_0_0=(Token)match(input,85,FOLLOW_85_in_ruleTransitionPoint12661);
newLeafNode(lv_handler_0_0, grammarAccess.getTransitionPointAccess().getHandlerHandlerKeyword_0_0());
@@ -16378,17 +15511,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,89,FOLLOW_89_in_ruleTransitionPoint13409);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,86,FOLLOW_86_in_ruleTransitionPoint12687);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getTransitionPointAccess().getTransitionPointKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTransitionPoint13426);
+ lv_name_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTransitionPoint12704);
newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getTransitionPointAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -16429,7 +15562,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleEntryPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleEntryPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleEntryPoint= ruleEntryPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleEntryPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleEntryPoint= ruleEntryPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleEntryPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16437,17 +15570,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleEntryPoint= ruleEntryPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleEntryPoint= ruleEntryPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleEntryPoint= ruleEntryPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleEntryPoint= ruleEntryPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEntryPoint_in_entryRuleEntryPoint13467);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEntryPoint_in_entryRuleEntryPoint12745);
current =iv_ruleEntryPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEntryPoint13477);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEntryPoint12755);
@@ -16465,7 +15598,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleEntryPoint"
- // ../ ruleEntryPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleEntryPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleEntryPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16475,23 +15608,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'EntryPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,90,FOLLOW_90_in_ruleEntryPoint13514);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,87,FOLLOW_87_in_ruleEntryPoint12792);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getEntryPointAccess().getEntryPointKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleEntryPoint13531);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleEntryPoint12809);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getEntryPointAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -16532,7 +15665,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleExitPoint"
- // ../ entryRuleExitPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleExitPoint= ruleExitPoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleExitPoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleExitPoint= ruleExitPoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleExitPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16540,17 +15673,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleExitPoint= ruleExitPoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleExitPoint= ruleExitPoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleExitPoint= ruleExitPoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleExitPoint= ruleExitPoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExitPoint_in_entryRuleExitPoint13572);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExitPoint_in_entryRuleExitPoint12850);
current =iv_ruleExitPoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExitPoint13582);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExitPoint12860);
@@ -16568,7 +15701,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleExitPoint"
- // ../ ruleExitPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleExitPoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleExitPoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16578,23 +15711,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'ExitPoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,91,FOLLOW_91_in_ruleExitPoint13619);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,88,FOLLOW_88_in_ruleExitPoint12897);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getExitPointAccess().getExitPointKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleExitPoint13636);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleExitPoint12914);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getExitPointAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -16635,7 +15768,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleChoicePoint"
- // ../ entryRuleChoicePoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleChoicePoint= ruleChoicePoint EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleChoicePoint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleChoicePoint= ruleChoicePoint EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleChoicePoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16643,17 +15776,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleChoicePoint= ruleChoicePoint EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleChoicePoint= ruleChoicePoint EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleChoicePoint= ruleChoicePoint EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleChoicePoint= ruleChoicePoint EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_entryRuleChoicePoint13677);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_entryRuleChoicePoint12955);
current =iv_ruleChoicePoint;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleChoicePoint13687);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleChoicePoint12965);
@@ -16671,7 +15804,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleChoicePoint"
- // ../ ruleChoicePoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleChoicePoint returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleChoicePoint() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16683,23 +15816,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'ChoicePoint' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_ruleChoicePoint13724);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,89,FOLLOW_89_in_ruleChoicePoint13002);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getChoicePointAccess().getChoicePointKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleChoicePoint13741);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleChoicePoint13019);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getChoicePointAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -16719,24 +15852,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt152=2;
- int LA152_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt144=2;
+ int LA144_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA152_0==34) ) {
- alt152=1;
+ if ( (LA144_0==34) ) {
+ alt144=1;
- switch (alt152) {
+ switch (alt144) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleChoicePoint13767);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleChoicePoint13045);
@@ -16782,7 +15915,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTransition= ruleTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTransition= ruleTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16790,17 +15923,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleTransition= ruleTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleTransition= ruleTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleTransition= ruleTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleTransition= ruleTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_entryRuleTransition13804);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_entryRuleTransition13082);
current =iv_ruleTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransition13814);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransition13092);
@@ -16818,7 +15951,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleTransition"
- // ../ ruleTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition | this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition ) ;
+ // ../ ruleTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition | this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition ) ;
public final EObject ruleTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16830,79 +15963,79 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition | this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition ) )
- // ../ (this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition | this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition )
+ // ../ ( (this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition | this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition ) )
+ // ../ (this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition | this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition )
- // ../ (this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition | this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition )
- int alt153=2;
- int LA153_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition | this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition )
+ int alt145=2;
+ int LA145_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA153_0==93) ) {
- int LA153_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA145_0==90) ) {
+ int LA145_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA153_1==RULE_ID) ) {
- int LA153_2 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA145_1==RULE_ID) ) {
+ int LA145_2 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA153_2==16) ) {
- int LA153_3 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA145_2==16) ) {
+ int LA145_3 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA153_3==94) ) {
- alt153=1;
+ if ( (LA145_3==RULE_ID||(LA145_3>=98 && LA145_3<=99)) ) {
+ alt145=2;
- else if ( (LA153_3==RULE_ID||(LA153_3>=101 && LA153_3<=102)) ) {
- alt153=2;
+ else if ( (LA145_3==91) ) {
+ alt145=1;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 153, 3, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 145, 3, input);
throw nvae;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 153, 2, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 145, 2, input);
throw nvae;
- else if ( (LA153_1==16) ) {
- int LA153_3 = input.LA(3);
+ else if ( (LA145_1==16) ) {
+ int LA145_3 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA153_3==94) ) {
- alt153=1;
+ if ( (LA145_3==RULE_ID||(LA145_3>=98 && LA145_3<=99)) ) {
+ alt145=2;
- else if ( (LA153_3==RULE_ID||(LA153_3>=101 && LA153_3<=102)) ) {
- alt153=2;
+ else if ( (LA145_3==91) ) {
+ alt145=1;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 153, 3, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 145, 3, input);
throw nvae;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 153, 1, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 145, 1, input);
throw nvae;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 153, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 145, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt153) {
+ switch (alt145) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition
+ // ../ this_InitialTransition_0= ruleInitialTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInitialTransition_in_ruleTransition13861);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInitialTransition_in_ruleTransition13139);
@@ -16915,12 +16048,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition
+ // ../ this_NonInitialTransition_1= ruleNonInitialTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNonInitialTransition_in_ruleTransition13888);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNonInitialTransition_in_ruleTransition13166);
@@ -16953,7 +16086,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleNonInitialTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleNonInitialTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleNonInitialTransition= ruleNonInitialTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleNonInitialTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleNonInitialTransition= ruleNonInitialTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleNonInitialTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -16961,17 +16094,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleNonInitialTransition= ruleNonInitialTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleNonInitialTransition= ruleNonInitialTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleNonInitialTransition= ruleNonInitialTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleNonInitialTransition= ruleNonInitialTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNonInitialTransition_in_entryRuleNonInitialTransition13923);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNonInitialTransition_in_entryRuleNonInitialTransition13201);
current =iv_ruleNonInitialTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNonInitialTransition13933);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNonInitialTransition13211);
@@ -16989,7 +16122,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleNonInitialTransition"
- // ../ ruleNonInitialTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition ) ;
+ // ../ ruleNonInitialTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition ) ;
public final EObject ruleNonInitialTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17003,20 +16136,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition ) )
- // ../ (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition )
+ // ../ ( (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition ) )
+ // ../ (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition )
- // ../ (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition )
- int alt154=3;
- alt154 = dfa154.predict(input);
- switch (alt154) {
+ // ../ (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition )
+ int alt146=3;
+ alt146 = dfa146.predict(input);
+ switch (alt146) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition
+ // ../ this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition13980);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition13258);
@@ -17029,12 +16162,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition
+ // ../ this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleContinuationTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition14007);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleContinuationTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition13285);
@@ -17047,12 +16180,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition
+ // ../ this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleCPBranchTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition14034);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleCPBranchTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition13312);
@@ -17085,7 +16218,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17093,17 +16226,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition_in_entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition14069);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition_in_entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition13347);
current =iv_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition14079);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition13357);
@@ -17121,7 +16254,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleTransitionChainStartTransition"
- // ../ ruleTransitionChainStartTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition ) ;
+ // ../ ruleTransitionChainStartTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition ) ;
public final EObject ruleTransitionChainStartTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17133,20 +16266,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition ) )
- // ../ (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition )
+ // ../ ( (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition ) )
+ // ../ (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition )
- // ../ (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition )
- int alt155=2;
- alt155 = dfa155.predict(input);
- switch (alt155) {
+ // ../ (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition )
+ int alt147=2;
+ alt147 = dfa147.predict(input);
+ switch (alt147) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition
+ // ../ this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTriggeredTransition_in_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition14126);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTriggeredTransition_in_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition13404);
@@ -17159,12 +16292,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition
+ // ../ this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleGuardedTransition_in_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition14153);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleGuardedTransition_in_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition13431);
@@ -17197,7 +16330,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleInitialTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleInitialTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleInitialTransition= ruleInitialTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleInitialTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleInitialTransition= ruleInitialTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleInitialTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17205,17 +16338,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleInitialTransition= ruleInitialTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleInitialTransition= ruleInitialTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleInitialTransition= ruleInitialTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleInitialTransition= ruleInitialTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInitialTransition_in_entryRuleInitialTransition14188);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInitialTransition_in_entryRuleInitialTransition13466);
current =iv_ruleInitialTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInitialTransition14198);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInitialTransition13476);
@@ -17233,7 +16366,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleInitialTransition"
- // ../ ruleInitialTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleInitialTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleInitialTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17255,31 +16388,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' otherlv_3= 'initial' otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,93,FOLLOW_93_in_ruleInitialTransition14235);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,90,FOLLOW_90_in_ruleInitialTransition13513);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getInitialTransitionAccess().getTransitionKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
- int alt156=2;
- int LA156_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
+ int alt148=2;
+ int LA148_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA156_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- alt156=1;
+ if ( (LA148_0==RULE_ID) ) {
+ alt148=1;
- switch (alt156) {
+ switch (alt148) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInitialTransition14252);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInitialTransition13530);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getInitialTransitionAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -17302,28 +16435,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleInitialTransition14270);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleInitialTransition13548);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getInitialTransitionAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,94,FOLLOW_94_in_ruleInitialTransition14282);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,91,FOLLOW_91_in_ruleInitialTransition13560);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getInitialTransitionAccess().getInitialKeyword_3());
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleInitialTransition14294);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleInitialTransition13572);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getInitialTransitionAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleInitialTransition14315);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleInitialTransition13593);
@@ -17345,24 +16478,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt157=2;
- int LA157_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt149=2;
+ int LA149_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA157_0==34) ) {
- alt157=1;
+ if ( (LA149_0==34) ) {
+ alt149=1;
- switch (alt157) {
+ switch (alt149) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleInitialTransition14336);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleInitialTransition13614);
@@ -17387,35 +16520,35 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleInitialTransition14349);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleInitialTransition13627);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getInitialTransitionAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_7());
- // ../ (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt158=2;
- int LA158_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt150=2;
+ int LA150_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA158_0==95) ) {
- alt158=1;
+ if ( (LA150_0==92) ) {
+ alt150=1;
- switch (alt158) {
+ switch (alt150) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_ruleInitialTransition14362);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_ruleInitialTransition13640);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getInitialTransitionAccess().getActionKeyword_8_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleInitialTransition14383);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleInitialTransition13661);
@@ -17443,7 +16576,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleInitialTransition14397);
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleInitialTransition13675);
newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getInitialTransitionAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_9());
@@ -17468,7 +16601,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleContinuationTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleContinuationTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleContinuationTransition= ruleContinuationTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleContinuationTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleContinuationTransition= ruleContinuationTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleContinuationTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17476,17 +16609,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleContinuationTransition= ruleContinuationTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleContinuationTransition= ruleContinuationTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleContinuationTransition= ruleContinuationTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleContinuationTransition= ruleContinuationTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleContinuationTransition_in_entryRuleContinuationTransition14433);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleContinuationTransition_in_entryRuleContinuationTransition13711);
current =iv_ruleContinuationTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleContinuationTransition14443);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleContinuationTransition13721);
@@ -17504,7 +16637,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleContinuationTransition"
- // ../ ruleContinuationTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleContinuationTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleContinuationTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17527,31 +16660,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )? ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )? )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )? ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )? )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )? )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )?
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )? )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )?
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,93,FOLLOW_93_in_ruleContinuationTransition14480);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,90,FOLLOW_90_in_ruleContinuationTransition13758);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getContinuationTransitionAccess().getTransitionKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
- int alt159=2;
- int LA159_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
+ int alt151=2;
+ int LA151_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA159_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- alt159=1;
+ if ( (LA151_0==RULE_ID) ) {
+ alt151=1;
- switch (alt159) {
+ switch (alt151) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleContinuationTransition14497);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleContinuationTransition13775);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getContinuationTransitionAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -17574,20 +16707,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleContinuationTransition14515);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleContinuationTransition13793);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getContinuationTransitionAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleContinuationTransition14536);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleContinuationTransition13814);
@@ -17609,20 +16742,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleContinuationTransition14548);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleContinuationTransition13826);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getContinuationTransitionAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleContinuationTransition14569);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleContinuationTransition13847);
@@ -17644,24 +16777,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt160=2;
- int LA160_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt152=2;
+ int LA152_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA160_0==34) ) {
- alt160=1;
+ if ( (LA152_0==34) ) {
+ alt152=1;
- switch (alt160) {
+ switch (alt152) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleContinuationTransition14590);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleContinuationTransition13868);
@@ -17686,46 +16819,46 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )?
- int alt162=2;
- int LA162_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}' )?
+ int alt154=2;
+ int LA154_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA162_0==14) ) {
- alt162=1;
+ if ( (LA154_0==14) ) {
+ alt154=1;
- switch (alt162) {
+ switch (alt154) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}'
+ // ../ otherlv_7= '{' (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_10= '}'
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleContinuationTransition14604);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleContinuationTransition13882);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getContinuationTransitionAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_7_0());
- // ../ (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt161=2;
- int LA161_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt153=2;
+ int LA153_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA161_0==95) ) {
- alt161=1;
+ if ( (LA153_0==92) ) {
+ alt153=1;
- switch (alt161) {
+ switch (alt153) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_8= 'action' ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_ruleContinuationTransition14617);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_ruleContinuationTransition13895);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getContinuationTransitionAccess().getActionKeyword_7_1_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_action_9_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleContinuationTransition14638);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleContinuationTransition13916);
@@ -17753,7 +16886,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleContinuationTransition14652);
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleContinuationTransition13930);
newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getContinuationTransitionAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_7_2());
@@ -17784,7 +16917,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleTriggeredTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleTriggeredTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTriggeredTransition= ruleTriggeredTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleTriggeredTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTriggeredTransition= ruleTriggeredTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleTriggeredTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17792,17 +16925,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleTriggeredTransition= ruleTriggeredTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleTriggeredTransition= ruleTriggeredTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleTriggeredTransition= ruleTriggeredTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleTriggeredTransition= ruleTriggeredTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTriggeredTransition_in_entryRuleTriggeredTransition14690);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTriggeredTransition_in_entryRuleTriggeredTransition13968);
current =iv_ruleTriggeredTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTriggeredTransition14700);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTriggeredTransition13978);
@@ -17820,7 +16953,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleTriggeredTransition"
- // ../ ruleTriggeredTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleTriggeredTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleTriggeredTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -17851,31 +16984,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'triggers' otherlv_9= '{' ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) ) (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )* otherlv_13= '}' (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_16= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,93,FOLLOW_93_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14737);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,90,FOLLOW_90_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14015);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getTransitionKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
- int alt163=2;
- int LA163_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
+ int alt155=2;
+ int LA155_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA163_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- alt163=1;
+ if ( (LA155_0==RULE_ID) ) {
+ alt155=1;
- switch (alt163) {
+ switch (alt155) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14754);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14032);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -17898,20 +17031,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14772);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14050);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14793);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14071);
@@ -17933,20 +17066,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14805);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14083);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14826);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14104);
@@ -17968,24 +17101,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt164=2;
- int LA164_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt156=2;
+ int LA156_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA164_0==34) ) {
- alt164=1;
+ if ( (LA156_0==34) ) {
+ alt156=1;
- switch (alt164) {
+ switch (alt156) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14847);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14125);
@@ -18010,28 +17143,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14860);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14138);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_7());
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,96,FOLLOW_96_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14872);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,93,FOLLOW_93_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14150);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getTriggersKeyword_8());
- otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14884);
+ otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14162);
newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_9());
- // ../ ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) )
- // ../ (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger )
+ // ../ ( (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger ) )
+ // ../ (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger )
- // ../ (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger )
- // ../ lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger
+ // ../ (lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger )
+ // ../ lv_triggers_10_0= ruleTrigger
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14905);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14183);
@@ -18053,35 +17186,35 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )*
- loop165:
+ // ../ (otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) ) )*
+ loop157:
do {
- int alt165=2;
- int LA165_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt157=2;
+ int LA157_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA165_0==97) ) {
- alt165=1;
+ if ( (LA157_0==94) ) {
+ alt157=1;
- switch (alt165) {
+ switch (alt157) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_11= 'or' ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) )
- otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,97,FOLLOW_97_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14918);
+ otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,94,FOLLOW_94_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14196);
newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getOrKeyword_11_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) )
- // ../ (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger )
+ // ../ ( (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger ) )
+ // ../ (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger )
- // ../ (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger )
- // ../ lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger
+ // ../ (lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger )
+ // ../ lv_triggers_12_0= ruleTrigger
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14939);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14217);
@@ -18108,39 +17241,39 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop165;
+ break loop157;
} while (true);
- otherlv_13=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14953);
+ otherlv_13=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14231);
newLeafNode(otherlv_13, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_12());
- // ../ (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt166=2;
- int LA166_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt158=2;
+ int LA158_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA166_0==95) ) {
- alt166=1;
+ if ( (LA158_0==92) ) {
+ alt158=1;
- switch (alt166) {
+ switch (alt158) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_14= 'action' ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_14=(Token)match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14966);
+ otherlv_14=(Token)match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14244);
newLeafNode(otherlv_14, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getActionKeyword_13_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_action_15_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14987);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14265);
@@ -18168,7 +17301,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_16=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleTriggeredTransition15001);
+ otherlv_16=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14279);
newLeafNode(otherlv_16, grammarAccess.getTriggeredTransitionAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_14());
@@ -18193,7 +17326,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleGuardedTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleGuardedTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGuardedTransition= ruleGuardedTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleGuardedTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGuardedTransition= ruleGuardedTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleGuardedTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -18201,17 +17334,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleGuardedTransition= ruleGuardedTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleGuardedTransition= ruleGuardedTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleGuardedTransition= ruleGuardedTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleGuardedTransition= ruleGuardedTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleGuardedTransition_in_entryRuleGuardedTransition15037);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleGuardedTransition_in_entryRuleGuardedTransition14315);
current =iv_ruleGuardedTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleGuardedTransition15047);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleGuardedTransition14325);
@@ -18229,7 +17362,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleGuardedTransition"
- // ../ ruleGuardedTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleGuardedTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleGuardedTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -18255,31 +17388,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,93,FOLLOW_93_in_ruleGuardedTransition15084);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,90,FOLLOW_90_in_ruleGuardedTransition14362);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getGuardedTransitionAccess().getTransitionKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
- int alt167=2;
- int LA167_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
+ int alt159=2;
+ int LA159_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA167_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- alt167=1;
+ if ( (LA159_0==RULE_ID) ) {
+ alt159=1;
- switch (alt167) {
+ switch (alt159) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleGuardedTransition15101);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleGuardedTransition14379);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getGuardedTransitionAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -18302,20 +17435,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleGuardedTransition15119);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleGuardedTransition14397);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getGuardedTransitionAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleGuardedTransition15140);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleGuardedTransition14418);
@@ -18337,20 +17470,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleGuardedTransition15152);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleGuardedTransition14430);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getGuardedTransitionAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleGuardedTransition15173);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleGuardedTransition14451);
@@ -18372,24 +17505,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt168=2;
- int LA168_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt160=2;
+ int LA160_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA168_0==34) ) {
- alt168=1;
+ if ( (LA160_0==34) ) {
+ alt160=1;
- switch (alt168) {
+ switch (alt160) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleGuardedTransition15194);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleGuardedTransition14472);
@@ -18414,24 +17547,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleGuardedTransition15207);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleGuardedTransition14485);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getGuardedTransitionAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_7());
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,98,FOLLOW_98_in_ruleGuardedTransition15219);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_ruleGuardedTransition14497);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getGuardedTransitionAccess().getGuardKeyword_8());
- // ../ ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_guard_9_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuardedTransition15240);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuardedTransition14518);
@@ -18453,31 +17586,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt169=2;
- int LA169_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt161=2;
+ int LA161_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA169_0==95) ) {
- alt169=1;
+ if ( (LA161_0==92) ) {
+ alt161=1;
- switch (alt169) {
+ switch (alt161) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_ruleGuardedTransition15253);
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_ruleGuardedTransition14531);
newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getGuardedTransitionAccess().getActionKeyword_10_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuardedTransition15274);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuardedTransition14552);
@@ -18505,7 +17638,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_12=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleGuardedTransition15288);
+ otherlv_12=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleGuardedTransition14566);
newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getGuardedTransitionAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_11());
@@ -18530,7 +17663,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleCPBranchTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleCPBranchTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleCPBranchTransition= ruleCPBranchTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleCPBranchTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleCPBranchTransition= ruleCPBranchTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleCPBranchTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -18538,17 +17671,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleCPBranchTransition= ruleCPBranchTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleCPBranchTransition= ruleCPBranchTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleCPBranchTransition= ruleCPBranchTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleCPBranchTransition= ruleCPBranchTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleCPBranchTransition_in_entryRuleCPBranchTransition15324);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleCPBranchTransition_in_entryRuleCPBranchTransition14602);
current =iv_ruleCPBranchTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleCPBranchTransition15334);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleCPBranchTransition14612);
@@ -18566,7 +17699,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleCPBranchTransition"
- // ../ ruleCPBranchTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleCPBranchTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleCPBranchTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -18592,31 +17725,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'Transition' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )? otherlv_2= ':' ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) otherlv_4= '->' ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) ) ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_7= '{' otherlv_8= 'cond' ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )? otherlv_12= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,93,FOLLOW_93_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15371);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,90,FOLLOW_90_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14649);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getCPBranchTransitionAccess().getTransitionKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
- int alt170=2;
- int LA170_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )?
+ int alt162=2;
+ int LA162_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA170_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- alt170=1;
+ if ( (LA162_0==RULE_ID) ) {
+ alt162=1;
- switch (alt170) {
+ switch (alt162) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15388);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14666);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getCPBranchTransitionAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -18639,20 +17772,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15406);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14684);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getCPBranchTransitionAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
- // ../ ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_from_3_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15427);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14705);
@@ -18674,20 +17807,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15439);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14717);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getCPBranchTransitionAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
- // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
+ // ../ (lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal )
+ // ../ lv_to_5_0= ruleTransitionTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15460);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14738);
@@ -18709,24 +17842,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt171=2;
- int LA171_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt163=2;
+ int LA163_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA171_0==34) ) {
- alt171=1;
+ if ( (LA163_0==34) ) {
+ alt163=1;
- switch (alt171) {
+ switch (alt163) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_6_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15481);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14759);
@@ -18751,24 +17884,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15494);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14772);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getCPBranchTransitionAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_7());
- otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,99,FOLLOW_99_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15506);
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,96,FOLLOW_96_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14784);
newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getCPBranchTransitionAccess().getCondKeyword_8());
- // ../ ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_condition_9_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15527);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14805);
@@ -18790,31 +17923,31 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
- int alt172=2;
- int LA172_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ (otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )?
+ int alt164=2;
+ int LA164_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA172_0==95) ) {
- alt172=1;
+ if ( (LA164_0==92) ) {
+ alt164=1;
- switch (alt172) {
+ switch (alt164) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_10= 'action' ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15540);
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14818);
newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getCPBranchTransitionAccess().getActionKeyword_10_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_action_11_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15561);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14839);
@@ -18842,7 +17975,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_12=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15575);
+ otherlv_12=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14853);
newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getCPBranchTransitionAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_11());
@@ -18867,7 +18000,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleRefinedTransition"
- // ../ entryRuleRefinedTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefinedTransition= ruleRefinedTransition EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleRefinedTransition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRefinedTransition= ruleRefinedTransition EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleRefinedTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -18875,17 +18008,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleRefinedTransition= ruleRefinedTransition EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleRefinedTransition= ruleRefinedTransition EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleRefinedTransition= ruleRefinedTransition EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleRefinedTransition= ruleRefinedTransition EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_entryRuleRefinedTransition15611);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_entryRuleRefinedTransition14889);
current =iv_ruleRefinedTransition;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefinedTransition15621);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefinedTransition14899);
@@ -18903,7 +18036,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleRefinedTransition"
- // ../ ruleRefinedTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleRefinedTransition returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleRefinedTransition() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -18919,21 +18052,21 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'RefinedTransition' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'action' ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) otherlv_6= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,100,FOLLOW_100_in_ruleRefinedTransition15658);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,97,FOLLOW_97_in_ruleRefinedTransition14936);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRefinedTransitionAccess().getRefinedTransitionKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -18943,7 +18076,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRefinedTransition15681);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRefinedTransition14959);
@@ -18957,24 +18090,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
- int alt173=2;
- int LA173_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt165=2;
+ int LA165_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA173_0==34) ) {
- alt173=1;
+ if ( (LA165_0==34) ) {
+ alt165=1;
- switch (alt173) {
+ switch (alt165) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRefinedTransition15702);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRefinedTransition14980);
@@ -18999,24 +18132,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRefinedTransition15715);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRefinedTransition14993);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getRefinedTransitionAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_ruleRefinedTransition15727);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_ruleRefinedTransition15005);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getRefinedTransitionAccess().getActionKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_action_5_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedTransition15748);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedTransition15026);
@@ -19038,7 +18171,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRefinedTransition15760);
+ otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRefinedTransition15038);
newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getRefinedTransitionAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_6());
@@ -19063,7 +18196,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleTransitionTerminal"
- // ../ entryRuleTransitionTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTransitionTerminal= ruleTransitionTerminal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleTransitionTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTransitionTerminal= ruleTransitionTerminal EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleTransitionTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19071,17 +18204,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleTransitionTerminal= ruleTransitionTerminal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleTransitionTerminal= ruleTransitionTerminal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleTransitionTerminal= ruleTransitionTerminal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleTransitionTerminal= ruleTransitionTerminal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_entryRuleTransitionTerminal15796);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_entryRuleTransitionTerminal15074);
current =iv_ruleTransitionTerminal;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionTerminal15806);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionTerminal15084);
@@ -19099,7 +18232,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleTransitionTerminal"
- // ../ ruleTransitionTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : (this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal | this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal | this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal | this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal ) ;
+ // ../ ruleTransitionTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : (this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal | this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal | this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal | this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal ) ;
public final EObject ruleTransitionTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19115,55 +18248,55 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal | this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal | this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal | this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal ) )
- // ../ (this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal | this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal | this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal | this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal )
+ // ../ ( (this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal | this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal | this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal | this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal ) )
+ // ../ (this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal | this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal | this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal | this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal )
- // ../ (this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal | this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal | this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal | this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal )
- int alt174=4;
+ // ../ (this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal | this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal | this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal | this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal )
+ int alt166=4;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case RULE_ID:
- int LA174_1 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA166_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA174_1==EOF||(LA174_1>=14 && LA174_1<=15)||LA174_1==19||LA174_1==34||LA174_1==82||(LA174_1>=87 && LA174_1<=93)||LA174_1==100) ) {
- alt174=1;
+ if ( (LA166_1==24) ) {
+ alt166=3;
- else if ( (LA174_1==24) ) {
- alt174=3;
+ else if ( (LA166_1==EOF||(LA166_1>=14 && LA166_1<=15)||LA166_1==19||LA166_1==34||LA166_1==79||(LA166_1>=84 && LA166_1<=90)||LA166_1==97) ) {
+ alt166=1;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 174, 1, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 166, 1, input);
throw nvae;
- case 101:
+ case 98:
- alt174=2;
+ alt166=2;
- case 102:
+ case 99:
- alt174=4;
+ alt166=4;
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 174, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("", 166, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt174) {
+ switch (alt166) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal
+ // ../ this_StateTerminal_0= ruleStateTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15853);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15131);
@@ -19176,12 +18309,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal
+ // ../ this_TrPointTerminal_1= ruleTrPointTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15880);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15158);
@@ -19194,12 +18327,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal
+ // ../ this_SubStateTrPointTerminal_2= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15907);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15185);
@@ -19212,12 +18345,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal
+ // ../ this_ChoicepointTerminal_3= ruleChoicepointTerminal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicepointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15934);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicepointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15212);
@@ -19250,7 +18383,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleStateTerminal"
- // ../ entryRuleStateTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStateTerminal= ruleStateTerminal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleStateTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStateTerminal= ruleStateTerminal EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleStateTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19258,17 +18391,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleStateTerminal= ruleStateTerminal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleStateTerminal= ruleStateTerminal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleStateTerminal= ruleStateTerminal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleStateTerminal= ruleStateTerminal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateTerminal_in_entryRuleStateTerminal15969);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStateTerminal_in_entryRuleStateTerminal15247);
current =iv_ruleStateTerminal;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateTerminal15979);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateTerminal15257);
@@ -19286,7 +18419,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleStateTerminal"
- // ../ ruleStateTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleStateTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleStateTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19295,21 +18428,21 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getStateTerminalRule());
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleStateTerminal16023);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleStateTerminal15301);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getStateTerminalAccess().getStateStateCrossReference_0());
@@ -19337,7 +18470,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleTrPointTerminal"
- // ../ entryRuleTrPointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTrPointTerminal= ruleTrPointTerminal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleTrPointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTrPointTerminal= ruleTrPointTerminal EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleTrPointTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19345,17 +18478,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleTrPointTerminal= ruleTrPointTerminal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleTrPointTerminal= ruleTrPointTerminal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleTrPointTerminal= ruleTrPointTerminal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleTrPointTerminal= ruleTrPointTerminal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPointTerminal_in_entryRuleTrPointTerminal16058);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrPointTerminal_in_entryRuleTrPointTerminal15336);
current =iv_ruleTrPointTerminal;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrPointTerminal16068);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrPointTerminal15346);
@@ -19373,7 +18506,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleTrPointTerminal"
- // ../ ruleTrPointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleTrPointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleTrPointTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19383,28 +18516,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'my' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,101,FOLLOW_101_in_ruleTrPointTerminal16105);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,98,FOLLOW_98_in_ruleTrPointTerminal15383);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getTrPointTerminalAccess().getMyKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_1= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_1= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getTrPointTerminalRule());
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTrPointTerminal16125);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTrPointTerminal15403);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getTrPointTerminalAccess().getTrPointTrPointCrossReference_1_0());
@@ -19435,7 +18568,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal"
- // ../ entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19443,17 +18576,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal= ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal_in_entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal16161);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal_in_entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal15439);
current =iv_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal16171);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal15449);
@@ -19471,7 +18604,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal"
- // ../ ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19482,24 +18615,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= 'of' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getSubStateTrPointTerminalRule());
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal16216);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal15494);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSubStateTrPointTerminalAccess().getTrPointTrPointCrossReference_0_0());
@@ -19509,22 +18642,22 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,24,FOLLOW_24_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal16228);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,24,FOLLOW_24_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal15506);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getSubStateTrPointTerminalAccess().getOfKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getSubStateTrPointTerminalRule());
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal16248);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal15526);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSubStateTrPointTerminalAccess().getStateStateCrossReference_2_0());
@@ -19555,7 +18688,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleChoicepointTerminal"
- // ../ entryRuleChoicepointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleChoicepointTerminal= ruleChoicepointTerminal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleChoicepointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleChoicepointTerminal= ruleChoicepointTerminal EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleChoicepointTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19563,17 +18696,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleChoicepointTerminal= ruleChoicepointTerminal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleChoicepointTerminal= ruleChoicepointTerminal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleChoicepointTerminal= ruleChoicepointTerminal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleChoicepointTerminal= ruleChoicepointTerminal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicepointTerminal_in_entryRuleChoicepointTerminal16284);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleChoicepointTerminal_in_entryRuleChoicepointTerminal15562);
current =iv_ruleChoicepointTerminal;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleChoicepointTerminal16294);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleChoicepointTerminal15572);
@@ -19591,7 +18724,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleChoicepointTerminal"
- // ../ ruleChoicepointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleChoicepointTerminal returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleChoicepointTerminal() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19601,28 +18734,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'cp' ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,102,FOLLOW_102_in_ruleChoicepointTerminal16331);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,99,FOLLOW_99_in_ruleChoicepointTerminal15609);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getChoicepointTerminalAccess().getCpKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_1= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_1= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getChoicepointTerminalRule());
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleChoicepointTerminal16351);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleChoicepointTerminal15629);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getChoicepointTerminalAccess().getCpChoicePointCrossReference_1_0());
@@ -19653,7 +18786,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleTrigger"
- // ../ entryRuleTrigger returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTrigger= ruleTrigger EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleTrigger returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTrigger= ruleTrigger EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleTrigger() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19661,17 +18794,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleTrigger= ruleTrigger EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleTrigger= ruleTrigger EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleTrigger= ruleTrigger EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleTrigger= ruleTrigger EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_entryRuleTrigger16387);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_entryRuleTrigger15665);
current =iv_ruleTrigger;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrigger16397);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrigger15675);
@@ -19689,7 +18822,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleTrigger"
- // ../ ruleTrigger returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleTrigger returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>' ) ;
public final EObject ruleTrigger() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19706,26 +18839,26 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= '<' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )* ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )? otherlv_5= '>'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,103,FOLLOW_103_in_ruleTrigger16434);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,100,FOLLOW_100_in_ruleTrigger15712);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getTriggerAccess().getLessThanSignKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) )
- // ../ (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf )
+ // ../ ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) )
+ // ../ (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf )
- // ../ (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf )
- // ../ lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf
+ // ../ (lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf )
+ // ../ lv_msgFromIfPairs_1_0= ruleMessageFromIf
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_ruleTrigger16455);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_ruleTrigger15733);
@@ -19747,35 +18880,35 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )*
- loop175:
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) ) )*
+ loop167:
do {
- int alt175=2;
- int LA175_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt167=2;
+ int LA167_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA175_0==104) ) {
- alt175=1;
+ if ( (LA167_0==101) ) {
+ alt167=1;
- switch (alt175) {
+ switch (alt167) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= '|' ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) )
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,104,FOLLOW_104_in_ruleTrigger16468);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,101,FOLLOW_101_in_ruleTrigger15746);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getTriggerAccess().getVerticalLineKeyword_2_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) )
- // ../ (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf )
+ // ../ ( (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf ) )
+ // ../ (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf )
- // ../ (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf )
- // ../ lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf
+ // ../ (lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf )
+ // ../ lv_msgFromIfPairs_3_0= ruleMessageFromIf
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_ruleTrigger16489);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_ruleTrigger15767);
@@ -19802,28 +18935,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
default :
- break loop175;
+ break loop167;
} while (true);
- // ../ ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )?
- int alt176=2;
- int LA176_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // ../ ( (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard ) )?
+ int alt168=2;
+ int LA168_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA176_0==98) ) {
- alt176=1;
+ if ( (LA168_0==95) ) {
+ alt168=1;
- switch (alt176) {
+ switch (alt168) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard )
+ // ../ (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard )
- // ../ (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard )
- // ../ lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard
+ // ../ (lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard )
+ // ../ lv_guard_4_0= ruleGuard
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleGuard_in_ruleTrigger16512);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleGuard_in_ruleTrigger15790);
@@ -19848,7 +18981,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,105,FOLLOW_105_in_ruleTrigger16525);
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,102,FOLLOW_102_in_ruleTrigger15803);
newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getTriggerAccess().getGreaterThanSignKeyword_4());
@@ -19873,7 +19006,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleMessageFromIf"
- // ../ entryRuleMessageFromIf returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleMessageFromIf= ruleMessageFromIf EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleMessageFromIf returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleMessageFromIf= ruleMessageFromIf EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleMessageFromIf() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19881,17 +19014,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleMessageFromIf= ruleMessageFromIf EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleMessageFromIf= ruleMessageFromIf EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleMessageFromIf= ruleMessageFromIf EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleMessageFromIf= ruleMessageFromIf EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_entryRuleMessageFromIf16561);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_entryRuleMessageFromIf15839);
current =iv_ruleMessageFromIf;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMessageFromIf16571);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMessageFromIf15849);
@@ -19909,7 +19042,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleMessageFromIf"
- // ../ ruleMessageFromIf returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleMessageFromIf returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleMessageFromIf() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -19920,24 +19053,24 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getMessageFromIfRule());
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleMessageFromIf16616);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleMessageFromIf15894);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getMessageFromIfAccess().getMessageAbstractMessageCrossReference_0_0());
@@ -19947,22 +19080,22 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleMessageFromIf16628);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleMessageFromIf15906);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getMessageFromIfAccess().getColonKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
- // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
if (current==null) {
current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getMessageFromIfRule());
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleMessageFromIf16648);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleMessageFromIf15926);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getMessageFromIfAccess().getFromAbstractInterfaceItemCrossReference_2_0());
@@ -19993,7 +19126,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleGuard"
- // ../ entryRuleGuard returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGuard= ruleGuard EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleGuard returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGuard= ruleGuard EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleGuard() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20001,17 +19134,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleGuard= ruleGuard EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleGuard= ruleGuard EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleGuard= ruleGuard EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleGuard= ruleGuard EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleGuard_in_entryRuleGuard16684);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleGuard_in_entryRuleGuard15962);
current =iv_ruleGuard;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleGuard16694);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleGuard15972);
@@ -20029,7 +19162,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleGuard"
- // ../ ruleGuard returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleGuard returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleGuard() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20040,26 +19173,26 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'guard' ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,98,FOLLOW_98_in_ruleGuard16731);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_ruleGuard16009);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getGuardAccess().getGuardKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
- // ../ (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ ( (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode ) )
+ // ../ (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode )
- // ../ lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode
+ // ../ (lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode )
+ // ../ lv_guard_1_0= ruleDetailCode
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuard16752);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuard16030);
@@ -20101,8 +19234,893 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR end "ruleGuard"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleProtocolSemantics"
+ // ../ entryRuleProtocolSemantics returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleProtocolSemantics= ruleProtocolSemantics EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleProtocolSemantics() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleProtocolSemantics = null;
+ try {
+ // ../ (iv_ruleProtocolSemantics= ruleProtocolSemantics EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleProtocolSemantics= ruleProtocolSemantics EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleProtocolSemantics_in_entryRuleProtocolSemantics16066);
+ iv_ruleProtocolSemantics=ruleProtocolSemantics();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleProtocolSemantics;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleProtocolSemantics16076);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleProtocolSemantics"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleProtocolSemantics"
+ // ../ ruleProtocolSemantics returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}' ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleProtocolSemantics() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_1=null;
+ Token otherlv_2=null;
+ Token otherlv_4=null;
+ EObject lv_rules_3_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}' ) )
+ // ../ ( () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}' )
+ {
+ // ../ ( () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}' )
+ // ../ () otherlv_1= 'semantics' otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )* otherlv_4= '}'
+ {
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
+ {
+ current = forceCreateModelElement(
+ grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getProtocolSemanticsAction_0(),
+ current);
+ }
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,103,FOLLOW_103_in_ruleProtocolSemantics16122);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getSemanticsKeyword_1());
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleProtocolSemantics16134);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
+ // ../ ( (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )*
+ loop169:
+ do {
+ int alt169=2;
+ int LA169_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA169_0>=104 && LA169_0<=105)) ) {
+ alt169=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt169) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ {
+ // ../ (lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ // ../ lv_rules_3_0= ruleSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getRulesSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleProtocolSemantics16155);
+ lv_rules_3_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "rules",
+ lv_rules_3_0,
+ "SemanticsRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop169;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolSemantics16168);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getProtocolSemanticsAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_4());
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleProtocolSemantics"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSemanticsRule"
+ // ../ entryRuleSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSemanticsRule= ruleSemanticsRule EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleSemanticsRule = null;
+ try {
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSemanticsRule= ruleSemanticsRule EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSemanticsRule= ruleSemanticsRule EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSemanticsRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleSemanticsRule16204);
+ iv_ruleSemanticsRule=ruleSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleSemanticsRule;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSemanticsRule16214);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSemanticsRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleSemanticsRule"
+ // ../ ruleSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : (this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule | this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject this_InSemanticsRule_0 = null;
+ EObject this_OutSemanticsRule_1 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../ ( (this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule | this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule ) )
+ // ../ (this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule | this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule )
+ {
+ // ../ (this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule | this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule )
+ int alt170=2;
+ int LA170_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA170_0==104) ) {
+ alt170=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA170_0==105) ) {
+ alt170=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 170, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt170) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ this_InSemanticsRule_0= ruleInSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSemanticsRuleAccess().getInSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInSemanticsRule_in_ruleSemanticsRule16261);
+ this_InSemanticsRule_0=ruleInSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current = this_InSemanticsRule_0;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../ this_OutSemanticsRule_1= ruleOutSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSemanticsRuleAccess().getOutSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_1());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleOutSemanticsRule_in_ruleSemanticsRule16288);
+ this_OutSemanticsRule_1=ruleOutSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current = this_OutSemanticsRule_1;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleSemanticsRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleInSemanticsRule"
+ // ../ entryRuleInSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleInSemanticsRule= ruleInSemanticsRule EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleInSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleInSemanticsRule = null;
+ try {
+ // ../ (iv_ruleInSemanticsRule= ruleInSemanticsRule EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleInSemanticsRule= ruleInSemanticsRule EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleInSemanticsRule16323);
+ iv_ruleInSemanticsRule=ruleInSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleInSemanticsRule;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInSemanticsRule16333);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleInSemanticsRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleInSemanticsRule"
+ // ../ ruleInSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleInSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_1=null;
+ Token otherlv_2=null;
+ Token otherlv_3=null;
+ Token otherlv_5=null;
+ Token otherlv_7=null;
+ Token otherlv_9=null;
+ EObject lv_followUps_4_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_followUps_6_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_followUps_8_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? )
+ {
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'in' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )?
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,104,FOLLOW_104_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16370);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getInKeyword_0());
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16382);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_1());
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ {
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
+ {
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
+ }
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16402);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getMsgAbstractMessageCrossReference_2_0());
+ }
+ }
+ // ../ (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )?
+ int alt173=2;
+ int LA173_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA173_0==19) ) {
+ alt173=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt173) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) )
+ {
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16415);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3_0());
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) )
+ int alt172=2;
+ int LA172_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA172_0>=104 && LA172_0<=105)) ) {
+ alt172=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA172_0==20) ) {
+ alt172=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 172, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt172) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ {
+ // ../ ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ {
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ // ../ lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16437);
+ lv_followUps_4_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "followUps",
+ lv_followUps_4_0,
+ "SemanticsRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../ (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' )
+ {
+ // ../ (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' )
+ // ../ otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')'
+ {
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16456);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1_0());
+ // ../ ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ {
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ // ../ lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_1_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16477);
+ lv_followUps_6_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "followUps",
+ lv_followUps_6_0,
+ "SemanticsRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ // ../ (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+
+ int cnt171=0;
+ loop171:
+ do {
+ int alt171=2;
+ int LA171_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA171_0==25) ) {
+ alt171=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt171) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ {
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16490);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_1_1_2_0());
+ // ../ ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ {
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ // ../ lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_1_2_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16511);
+ lv_followUps_8_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "followUps",
+ lv_followUps_8_0,
+ "SemanticsRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ if ( cnt171 >= 1 ) break loop171;
+ EarlyExitException eee =
+ new EarlyExitException(171, input);
+ throw eee;
+ }
+ cnt171++;
+ } while (true);
+ otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16525);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getInSemanticsRuleAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1_3());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleInSemanticsRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleOutSemanticsRule"
+ // ../ entryRuleOutSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule= ruleOutSemanticsRule EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleOutSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule = null;
+ try {
+ // ../ (iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule= ruleOutSemanticsRule EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule= ruleOutSemanticsRule EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleOutSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleOutSemanticsRule16565);
+ iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule=ruleOutSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleOutSemanticsRule;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleOutSemanticsRule16575);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleOutSemanticsRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleOutSemanticsRule"
+ // ../ ruleOutSemanticsRule returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleOutSemanticsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_1=null;
+ Token otherlv_2=null;
+ Token otherlv_3=null;
+ Token otherlv_5=null;
+ Token otherlv_7=null;
+ Token otherlv_9=null;
+ EObject lv_followUps_4_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_followUps_6_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_followUps_8_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? )
+ {
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )? )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'out' otherlv_1= ':' ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )?
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,105,FOLLOW_105_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16612);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getOutKeyword_0());
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16624);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_1());
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_2= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ {
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ otherlv_2= RULE_ID
+ {
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
+ }
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16644);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getMsgAbstractMessageCrossReference_2_0());
+ }
+ }
+ // ../ (otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )?
+ int alt176=2;
+ int LA176_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA176_0==19) ) {
+ alt176=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt176) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ otherlv_3= '->' ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) )
+ {
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16657);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getHyphenMinusGreaterThanSignKeyword_3_0());
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) | (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' ) )
+ int alt175=2;
+ int LA175_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA175_0>=104 && LA175_0<=105)) ) {
+ alt175=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA175_0==20) ) {
+ alt175=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 175, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt175) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ {
+ // ../ ( (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ {
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ // ../ lv_followUps_4_0= ruleSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16679);
+ lv_followUps_4_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "followUps",
+ lv_followUps_4_0,
+ "SemanticsRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../ (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' )
+ {
+ // ../ (otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')' )
+ // ../ otherlv_5= '(' ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+ otherlv_9= ')'
+ {
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16698);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1_0());
+ // ../ ( (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ {
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ // ../ lv_followUps_6_0= ruleSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_1_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16719);
+ lv_followUps_6_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "followUps",
+ lv_followUps_6_0,
+ "SemanticsRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ // ../ (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) ) )+
+ int cnt174=0;
+ loop174:
+ do {
+ int alt174=2;
+ int LA174_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA174_0==25) ) {
+ alt174=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt174) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../ otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ {
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16732);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_1_1_2_0());
+ // ../ ( (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule ) )
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ {
+ // ../ (lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule )
+ // ../ lv_followUps_8_0= ruleSemanticsRule
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getFollowUpsSemanticsRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_1_2_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16753);
+ lv_followUps_8_0=ruleSemanticsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "followUps",
+ lv_followUps_8_0,
+ "SemanticsRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ if ( cnt174 >= 1 ) break loop174;
+ EarlyExitException eee =
+ new EarlyExitException(174, input);
+ throw eee;
+ }
+ cnt174++;
+ } while (true);
+ otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16767);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getOutSemanticsRuleAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1_3());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleOutSemanticsRule"
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleAnnotation"
- // ../ entryRuleAnnotation returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAnnotation= ruleAnnotation EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleAnnotation returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAnnotation= ruleAnnotation EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleAnnotation() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20110,17 +20128,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleAnnotation= ruleAnnotation EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleAnnotation= ruleAnnotation EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleAnnotation= ruleAnnotation EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleAnnotation= ruleAnnotation EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_entryRuleAnnotation16788);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_entryRuleAnnotation16807);
current =iv_ruleAnnotation;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotation16798);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotation16817);
@@ -20138,7 +20156,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleAnnotation"
- // ../ ruleAnnotation returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleAnnotation returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )? ) ;
public final EObject ruleAnnotation() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20154,21 +20172,21 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )? ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )? )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )? ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )? )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )? )
- // ../ otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )?
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )? )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= '@' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )?
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,106,FOLLOW_106_in_ruleAnnotation16835);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,106,FOLLOW_106_in_ruleAnnotation16854);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getAnnotationAccess().getCommercialAtKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ( ruleFQN )
- // ../ ruleFQN
+ // ../ ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../ ruleFQN
if (current==null) {
@@ -20178,7 +20196,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleAnnotation16858);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleAnnotation16877);
@@ -20192,7 +20210,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )?
+ // ../ (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')' )?
int alt178=2;
int LA178_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -20201,22 +20219,22 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt178) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')'
+ // ../ otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )* otherlv_6= ')'
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_ruleAnnotation16871);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_ruleAnnotation16890);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getAnnotationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) )
- // ../ (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue )
+ // ../ ( (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue ) )
+ // ../ (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue )
- // ../ (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue )
- // ../ lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue
+ // ../ (lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue )
+ // ../ lv_attributes_3_0= ruleKeyValue
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_ruleAnnotation16892);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_ruleAnnotation16911);
@@ -20238,7 +20256,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )*
+ // ../ (otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) ) )*
do {
int alt177=2;
@@ -20251,22 +20269,22 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt177) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_4= ',' ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) )
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleAnnotation16905);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleAnnotation16924);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getAnnotationAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_2_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) )
- // ../ (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue )
+ // ../ ( (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue ) )
+ // ../ (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue )
- // ../ (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue )
- // ../ lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue
+ // ../ (lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue )
+ // ../ lv_attributes_5_0= ruleKeyValue
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_ruleAnnotation16926);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_ruleAnnotation16945);
@@ -20297,7 +20315,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
} while (true);
- otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_ruleAnnotation16940);
+ otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_ruleAnnotation16959);
newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getAnnotationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_3());
@@ -20328,7 +20346,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleKeyValue"
- // ../ entryRuleKeyValue returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleKeyValue= ruleKeyValue EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleKeyValue returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleKeyValue= ruleKeyValue EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleKeyValue() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20336,17 +20354,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleKeyValue= ruleKeyValue EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleKeyValue= ruleKeyValue EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleKeyValue= ruleKeyValue EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleKeyValue= ruleKeyValue EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_entryRuleKeyValue16978);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_entryRuleKeyValue16997);
current =iv_ruleKeyValue;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleKeyValue16988);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleKeyValue17007);
@@ -20364,7 +20382,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleKeyValue"
- // ../ ruleKeyValue returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleKeyValue returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleKeyValue() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20376,19 +20394,19 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_key_0_0= RULE_ID
- lv_key_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleKeyValue17030);
+ lv_key_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleKeyValue17049);
newLeafNode(lv_key_0_0, grammarAccess.getKeyValueAccess().getKeyIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0());
@@ -20408,20 +20426,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_ruleKeyValue17047);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_ruleKeyValue17066);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getKeyValueAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) )
- // ../ (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral )
+ // ../ ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral ) )
+ // ../ (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral )
- // ../ (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral )
- // ../ lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral
+ // ../ (lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral )
+ // ../ lv_value_2_0= ruleLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_ruleKeyValue17068);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_ruleKeyValue17087);
@@ -20464,7 +20482,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleAnnotationType"
- // ../ entryRuleAnnotationType returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAnnotationType= ruleAnnotationType EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleAnnotationType returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAnnotationType= ruleAnnotationType EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleAnnotationType() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20472,17 +20490,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleAnnotationType= ruleAnnotationType EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleAnnotationType= ruleAnnotationType EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleAnnotationType= ruleAnnotationType EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleAnnotationType= ruleAnnotationType EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationType_in_entryRuleAnnotationType17104);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationType_in_entryRuleAnnotationType17123);
current =iv_ruleAnnotationType;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationType17114);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationType17133);
@@ -20500,7 +20518,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleAnnotationType"
- // ../ ruleAnnotationType returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleAnnotationType returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleAnnotationType() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20527,23 +20545,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}' ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}' )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}' ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'AnnotationType' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'target' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) ) ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )* otherlv_13= '}'
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,107,FOLLOW_107_in_ruleAnnotationType17151);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,107,FOLLOW_107_in_ruleAnnotationType17170);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getAnnotationTypeKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleAnnotationType17168);
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleAnnotationType17187);
newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -20563,7 +20581,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ // ../ ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
int alt179=2;
int LA179_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -20572,15 +20590,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt179) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
- // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ // ../ (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../ lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleAnnotationType17194);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleAnnotationType17213);
@@ -20605,23 +20623,23 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleAnnotationType17207);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleAnnotationType17226);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,108,FOLLOW_108_in_ruleAnnotationType17219);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,108,FOLLOW_108_in_ruleAnnotationType17238);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getTargetKeyword_4());
- otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_ruleAnnotationType17231);
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_ruleAnnotationType17250);
newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_5());
- // ../ ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) | (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' ) )
int alt181=2;
int LA181_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA181_0==28||LA181_0==40||LA181_0==46||LA181_0==56||LA181_0==65||LA181_0==67||LA181_0==80) ) {
+ if ( (LA181_0==28||LA181_0==40||LA181_0==46||LA181_0==53||LA181_0==62||LA181_0==64||LA181_0==77) ) {
else if ( (LA181_0==14) ) {
@@ -20635,18 +20653,18 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt181) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
- // ../ (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
+ // ../ ( (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
+ // ../ (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
- // ../ (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
- // ../ lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType
+ // ../ (lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
+ // ../ lv_targets_6_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17253);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17272);
@@ -20672,25 +20690,25 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' )
+ // ../ (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' )
- // ../ (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' )
- // ../ otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}'
+ // ../ (otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}' )
+ // ../ otherlv_7= '{' ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )* otherlv_11= '}'
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleAnnotationType17272);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleAnnotationType17291);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_6_1_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
- // ../ (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
+ // ../ ( (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
+ // ../ (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
- // ../ (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
- // ../ lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType
+ // ../ (lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
+ // ../ lv_targets_8_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17293);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17312);
@@ -20712,7 +20730,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )*
+ // ../ (otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) ) )*
do {
int alt180=2;
@@ -20725,22 +20743,22 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt180) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_9= ',' ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
- otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleAnnotationType17306);
+ otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleAnnotationType17325);
newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getCommaKeyword_6_1_2_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
- // ../ (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
+ // ../ ( (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType ) )
+ // ../ (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
- // ../ (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
- // ../ lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType
+ // ../ (lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType )
+ // ../ lv_targets_10_0= ruleAnnotationTargetType
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17327);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17346);
@@ -20771,7 +20789,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
} while (true);
- otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleAnnotationType17341);
+ otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleAnnotationType17360);
newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_6_1_3());
@@ -20784,7 +20802,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )*
+ // ../ ( (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute ) )*
do {
int alt182=2;
@@ -20797,15 +20815,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt182) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute )
+ // ../ (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute )
- // ../ (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute )
- // ../ lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute
+ // ../ (lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute )
+ // ../ lv_attributes_12_0= ruleAnnotationAttribute
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationType17364);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationType17383);
@@ -20833,7 +20851,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
} while (true);
- otherlv_13=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleAnnotationType17377);
+ otherlv_13=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleAnnotationType17396);
newLeafNode(otherlv_13, grammarAccess.getAnnotationTypeAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_8());
@@ -20858,7 +20876,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleAnnotationAttribute"
- // ../ entryRuleAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAnnotationAttribute= ruleAnnotationAttribute EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAnnotationAttribute= ruleAnnotationAttribute EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleAnnotationAttribute() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20866,17 +20884,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleAnnotationAttribute= ruleAnnotationAttribute EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleAnnotationAttribute= ruleAnnotationAttribute EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleAnnotationAttribute= ruleAnnotationAttribute EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleAnnotationAttribute= ruleAnnotationAttribute EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleAnnotationAttribute17413);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleAnnotationAttribute17432);
current =iv_ruleAnnotationAttribute;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationAttribute17423);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationAttribute17442);
@@ -20894,7 +20912,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleAnnotationAttribute"
- // ../ ruleAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : (this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute | this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute ) ;
+ // ../ ruleAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : (this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute | this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute ) ;
public final EObject ruleAnnotationAttribute() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -20906,10 +20924,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute | this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute ) )
- // ../ (this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute | this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute )
+ // ../ ( (this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute | this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute ) )
+ // ../ (this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute | this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute )
- // ../ (this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute | this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute )
+ // ../ (this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute | this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute )
int alt183=2;
int LA183_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -20925,12 +20943,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
if ( (LA183_4==16) ) {
int LA183_5 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA183_5==14) ) {
- alt183=2;
- }
- else if ( ((LA183_5>=125 && LA183_5<=128)) ) {
+ if ( ((LA183_5>=125 && LA183_5<=128)) ) {
+ else if ( (LA183_5==14) ) {
+ alt183=2;
+ }
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
new NoViableAltException("", 183, 5, input);
@@ -20971,12 +20989,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
if ( (LA183_4==16) ) {
int LA183_5 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA183_5==14) ) {
- alt183=2;
- }
- else if ( ((LA183_5>=125 && LA183_5<=128)) ) {
+ if ( ((LA183_5>=125 && LA183_5<=128)) ) {
+ else if ( (LA183_5==14) ) {
+ alt183=2;
+ }
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
new NoViableAltException("", 183, 5, input);
@@ -21013,12 +21031,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt183) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute
+ // ../ this_SimpleAnnotationAttribute_0= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationAttribute17470);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationAttribute17489);
@@ -21031,12 +21049,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute
+ // ../ this_EnumAnnotationAttribute_1= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationAttribute17497);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationAttribute17516);
@@ -21069,7 +21087,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute"
- // ../ entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21077,17 +21095,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute= ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17532);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17551);
current =iv_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17542);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17561);
@@ -21105,7 +21123,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute"
- // ../ ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21120,13 +21138,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' )
int alt184=2;
int LA184_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -21144,15 +21162,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt184) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) )
- // ../ (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' )
+ // ../ ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) )
+ // ../ (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' )
- // ../ (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' )
- // ../ lv_optional_0_0= 'optional'
+ // ../ (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' )
+ // ../ lv_optional_0_0= 'optional'
- lv_optional_0_0=(Token)match(input,109,FOLLOW_109_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17586);
+ lv_optional_0_0=(Token)match(input,109,FOLLOW_109_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17605);
newLeafNode(lv_optional_0_0, grammarAccess.getSimpleAnnotationAttributeAccess().getOptionalOptionalKeyword_0_0_0());
@@ -21172,9 +21190,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ otherlv_1= 'mandatory'
+ // ../ otherlv_1= 'mandatory'
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,110,FOLLOW_110_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17617);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,110,FOLLOW_110_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17636);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getSimpleAnnotationAttributeAccess().getMandatoryKeyword_0_1());
@@ -21184,17 +21202,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,111,FOLLOW_111_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17630);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,111,FOLLOW_111_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17649);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSimpleAnnotationAttributeAccess().getAttributeKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_3_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17647);
+ lv_name_3_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17666);
newLeafNode(lv_name_3_0, grammarAccess.getSimpleAnnotationAttributeAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -21214,20 +21232,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17664);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17683);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getSimpleAnnotationAttributeAccess().getColonKeyword_3());
- // ../ ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) )
- // ../ (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType )
+ // ../ ( (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType ) )
+ // ../ (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType )
- // ../ (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType )
- // ../ lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType
+ // ../ (lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType )
+ // ../ lv_type_5_0= ruleLiteralType
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLiteralType_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17685);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLiteralType_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17704);
@@ -21270,7 +21288,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute"
- // ../ entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21278,17 +21296,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute= ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute17721);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute17740);
current =iv_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute17731);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute17750);
@@ -21306,7 +21324,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute"
- // ../ ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}' ) ;
public final EObject ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21324,13 +21342,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}' ) )
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}' )
+ // ../ ( ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}' ) )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}' )
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}' )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}'
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}' )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' ) otherlv_2= 'attribute' ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_4= ':' otherlv_5= '{' ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) ) (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )* otherlv_9= '}'
- // ../ ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'mandatory' )
int alt185=2;
int LA185_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -21348,15 +21366,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt185) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) )
- // ../ (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' )
+ // ../ ( (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' ) )
+ // ../ (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' )
- // ../ (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' )
- // ../ lv_optional_0_0= 'optional'
+ // ../ (lv_optional_0_0= 'optional' )
+ // ../ lv_optional_0_0= 'optional'
- lv_optional_0_0=(Token)match(input,109,FOLLOW_109_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17775);
+ lv_optional_0_0=(Token)match(input,109,FOLLOW_109_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17794);
newLeafNode(lv_optional_0_0, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getOptionalOptionalKeyword_0_0_0());
@@ -21376,9 +21394,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ otherlv_1= 'mandatory'
+ // ../ otherlv_1= 'mandatory'
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,110,FOLLOW_110_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17806);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,110,FOLLOW_110_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17825);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getMandatoryKeyword_0_1());
@@ -21388,17 +21406,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,111,FOLLOW_111_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17819);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,111,FOLLOW_111_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17838);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getAttributeKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ ( (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../ (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../ lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID
+ // ../ (lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../ lv_name_3_0= RULE_ID
- lv_name_3_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17836);
+ lv_name_3_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17855);
newLeafNode(lv_name_3_0, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -21418,21 +21436,21 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17853);
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17872);
newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getColonKeyword_3());
- otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17865);
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17884);
newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_4());
- // ../ ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- // ../ (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ ( (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ // ../ (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING
+ // ../ (lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ lv_values_6_0= RULE_STRING
- lv_values_6_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17882);
+ lv_values_6_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17901);
newLeafNode(lv_values_6_0, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getValuesSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_5_0());
@@ -21452,7 +21470,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )*
+ // ../ (otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )*
do {
int alt186=2;
@@ -21465,19 +21483,19 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt186) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_7= ',' ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17900);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17919);
newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getCommaKeyword_6_0());
- // ../ ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- // ../ (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ ( (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ // ../ (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING
+ // ../ (lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ lv_values_8_0= RULE_STRING
- lv_values_8_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17917);
+ lv_values_8_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17936);
newLeafNode(lv_values_8_0, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getValuesSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_6_1_0());
@@ -21506,7 +21524,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
} while (true);
- otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17936);
+ otherlv_9=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17955);
newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getEnumAnnotationAttributeAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_7());
@@ -21531,7 +21549,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleImport"
- // ../ entryRuleImport returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleImport returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleImport() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21539,17 +21557,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_entryRuleImport17972);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_entryRuleImport17991);
current =iv_ruleImport;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImport17982);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImport18001);
@@ -21567,7 +21585,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleImport"
- // ../ ruleImport returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleImport returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleImport() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21581,17 +21599,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
- // ../ (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
- // ../ otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
+ // ../ otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,112,FOLLOW_112_in_ruleImport18019);
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,112,FOLLOW_112_in_ruleImport18038);
newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getImportKeyword_0());
- // ../ ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' )
+ // ../ ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' )
int alt187=2;
int LA187_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -21609,21 +21627,21 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt187) {
case 1 :
- // ../ ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' )
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' )
- // ../ ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' )
- // ../ ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from'
+ // ../ ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' )
+ // ../ ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from'
- // ../ ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) )
- // ../ (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN )
+ // ../ ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) )
+ // ../ (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN )
- // ../ (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN )
- // ../ lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN
+ // ../ (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN )
+ // ../ lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_ruleImport18042);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_ruleImport18061);
@@ -21645,7 +21663,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,113,FOLLOW_113_in_ruleImport18054);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,113,FOLLOW_113_in_ruleImport18073);
newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getFromKeyword_1_0_1());
@@ -21656,9 +21674,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ otherlv_3= 'model'
+ // ../ otherlv_3= 'model'
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,114,FOLLOW_114_in_ruleImport18073);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,114,FOLLOW_114_in_ruleImport18092);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getModelKeyword_1_1());
@@ -21668,13 +21686,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- // ../ (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ // ../ (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING
+ // ../ (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING
- lv_importURI_4_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleImport18091);
+ lv_importURI_4_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleImport18110);
newLeafNode(lv_importURI_4_0, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -21715,7 +21733,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleImportedFQN"
- // ../ entryRuleImportedFQN returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleImportedFQN returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF ;
public final String entryRuleImportedFQN() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -21723,17 +21741,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_entryRuleImportedFQN18133);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_entryRuleImportedFQN18152);
current =iv_ruleImportedFQN.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImportedFQN18144);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImportedFQN18163);
@@ -21751,7 +21769,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleImportedFQN"
- // ../ ruleImportedFQN returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? ) ;
+ // ../ ruleImportedFQN returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleImportedFQN() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -21762,16 +21780,16 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? ) )
- // ../ (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? )
+ // ../ ( (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? ) )
+ // ../ (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? )
- // ../ (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? )
- // ../ this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )?
+ // ../ (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? )
+ // ../ this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )?
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleImportedFQN18191);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleImportedFQN18210);
@@ -21782,7 +21800,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (kw= '.*' )?
+ // ../ (kw= '.*' )?
int alt188=2;
int LA188_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -21791,9 +21809,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt188) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= '.*'
+ // ../ kw= '.*'
- kw=(Token)match(input,115,FOLLOW_115_in_ruleImportedFQN18210);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,115,FOLLOW_115_in_ruleImportedFQN18229);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getImportedFQNAccess().getFullStopAsteriskKeyword_1());
@@ -21825,7 +21843,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleDocumentation"
- // ../ entryRuleDocumentation returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleDocumentation returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleDocumentation() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21833,17 +21851,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_entryRuleDocumentation18252);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_entryRuleDocumentation18271);
current =iv_ruleDocumentation;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDocumentation18262);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDocumentation18281);
@@ -21861,7 +21879,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleDocumentation"
- // ../ ruleDocumentation returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleDocumentation returns [EObject current=null] : ( () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']' ) ;
public final EObject ruleDocumentation() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21872,14 +21890,14 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']' ) )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']' )
+ // ../ ( ( () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']' ) )
+ // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']' )
- // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']' )
- // ../ () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']'
+ // ../ ( () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']' )
+ // ../ () otherlv_1= '[' ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )* otherlv_3= ']'
- // ../ ()
- // ../
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
current = forceCreateModelElement(
@@ -21889,11 +21907,11 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_ruleDocumentation18308);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_ruleDocumentation18327);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_1());
- // ../ ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )*
+ // ../ ( (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING ) )*
do {
int alt189=2;
@@ -21906,12 +21924,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt189) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING
+ // ../ (lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ lv_lines_2_0= RULE_STRING
- lv_lines_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDocumentation18325);
+ lv_lines_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDocumentation18344);
newLeafNode(lv_lines_2_0, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getLinesSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
@@ -21937,7 +21955,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
} while (true);
- otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,35,FOLLOW_35_in_ruleDocumentation18343);
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,35,FOLLOW_35_in_ruleDocumentation18362);
newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3());
@@ -21962,7 +21980,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleLiteral"
- // ../ entryRuleLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLiteral= ruleLiteral EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLiteral= ruleLiteral EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -21970,17 +21988,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleLiteral= ruleLiteral EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleLiteral= ruleLiteral EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleLiteral= ruleLiteral EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleLiteral= ruleLiteral EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_entryRuleLiteral18383);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_entryRuleLiteral18402);
current =iv_ruleLiteral;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLiteral18393);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLiteral18412);
@@ -21998,7 +22016,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleLiteral"
- // ../ ruleLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : (this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral | this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral | this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral ) ;
+ // ../ ruleLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : (this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral | this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral | this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral ) ;
public final EObject ruleLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22012,10 +22030,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral | this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral | this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral ) )
- // ../ (this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral | this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral | this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral )
+ // ../ ( (this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral | this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral | this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral ) )
+ // ../ (this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral | this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral | this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral )
- // ../ (this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral | this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral | this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral )
+ // ../ (this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral | this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral | this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral )
int alt190=3;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 116:
@@ -22026,7 +22044,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case RULE_INT:
case RULE_HEX:
- case 73:
+ case 70:
case 118:
case 119:
@@ -22047,12 +22065,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt190) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral
+ // ../ this_BooleanLiteral_0= ruleBooleanLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18440);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18459);
@@ -22065,12 +22083,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral
+ // ../ this_NumberLiteral_1= ruleNumberLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18467);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18486);
@@ -22083,12 +22101,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral
+ // ../ this_StringLiteral_2= ruleStringLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18494);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18513);
@@ -22121,7 +22139,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleBooleanLiteral"
- // ../ entryRuleBooleanLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBooleanLiteral= ruleBooleanLiteral EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleBooleanLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBooleanLiteral= ruleBooleanLiteral EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleBooleanLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22129,17 +22147,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleBooleanLiteral= ruleBooleanLiteral EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleBooleanLiteral= ruleBooleanLiteral EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleBooleanLiteral= ruleBooleanLiteral EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleBooleanLiteral= ruleBooleanLiteral EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteral_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteral18529);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteral_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteral18548);
current =iv_ruleBooleanLiteral;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteral18539);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteral18558);
@@ -22157,7 +22175,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleBooleanLiteral"
- // ../ ruleBooleanLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleBooleanLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleBooleanLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22167,14 +22185,14 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) ) )
- // ../ () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) )
+ // ../ ( () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) ) )
+ // ../ () (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) )
- // ../ ()
- // ../
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
current = forceCreateModelElement(
@@ -22184,7 +22202,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) )
+ // ../ (otherlv_1= 'false' | ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) ) )
int alt191=2;
int LA191_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -22202,9 +22220,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt191) {
case 1 :
- // ../ otherlv_1= 'false'
+ // ../ otherlv_1= 'false'
- otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,116,FOLLOW_116_in_ruleBooleanLiteral18586);
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,116,FOLLOW_116_in_ruleBooleanLiteral18605);
newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralAccess().getFalseKeyword_1_0());
@@ -22212,15 +22230,15 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) )
+ // ../ ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) )
- // ../ ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) )
- // ../ (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' )
+ // ../ ( (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' ) )
+ // ../ (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' )
- // ../ (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' )
- // ../ lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true'
+ // ../ (lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true' )
+ // ../ lv_isTrue_2_0= 'true'
- lv_isTrue_2_0=(Token)match(input,117,FOLLOW_117_in_ruleBooleanLiteral18610);
+ lv_isTrue_2_0=(Token)match(input,117,FOLLOW_117_in_ruleBooleanLiteral18629);
newLeafNode(lv_isTrue_2_0, grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralAccess().getIsTrueTrueKeyword_1_1_0());
@@ -22263,7 +22281,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleNumberLiteral"
- // ../ entryRuleNumberLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleNumberLiteral= ruleNumberLiteral EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleNumberLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleNumberLiteral= ruleNumberLiteral EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleNumberLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22271,17 +22289,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleNumberLiteral= ruleNumberLiteral EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleNumberLiteral= ruleNumberLiteral EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleNumberLiteral= ruleNumberLiteral EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleNumberLiteral= ruleNumberLiteral EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteral_in_entryRuleNumberLiteral18660);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteral_in_entryRuleNumberLiteral18679);
current =iv_ruleNumberLiteral;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNumberLiteral18670);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNumberLiteral18689);
@@ -22299,7 +22317,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleNumberLiteral"
- // ../ ruleNumberLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : (this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral | this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral ) ;
+ // ../ ruleNumberLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : (this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral | this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral ) ;
public final EObject ruleNumberLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22311,10 +22329,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral | this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral ) )
- // ../ (this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral | this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral )
+ // ../ ( (this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral | this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral ) )
+ // ../ (this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral | this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral )
- // ../ (this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral | this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral )
+ // ../ (this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral | this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral )
int alt192=2;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 118:
@@ -22324,7 +22342,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
if ( (LA192_1==RULE_INT) ) {
int LA192_3 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA192_3==73) ) {
+ if ( (LA192_3==70) ) {
else if ( (LA192_3==EOF||LA192_3==21||LA192_3==25) ) {
@@ -22337,7 +22355,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
throw nvae;
- else if ( (LA192_1==73) ) {
+ else if ( (LA192_1==70) ) {
else {
@@ -22355,7 +22373,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
if ( (LA192_2==RULE_INT) ) {
int LA192_3 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA192_3==73) ) {
+ if ( (LA192_3==70) ) {
else if ( (LA192_3==EOF||LA192_3==21||LA192_3==25) ) {
@@ -22368,7 +22386,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
throw nvae;
- else if ( (LA192_2==73) ) {
+ else if ( (LA192_2==70) ) {
else {
@@ -22383,7 +22401,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
int LA192_3 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA192_3==73) ) {
+ if ( (LA192_3==70) ) {
else if ( (LA192_3==EOF||LA192_3==21||LA192_3==25) ) {
@@ -22402,7 +22420,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- case 73:
+ case 70:
@@ -22416,12 +22434,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt192) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral
+ // ../ this_IntLiteral_0= ruleIntLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleIntLiteral_in_ruleNumberLiteral18717);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleIntLiteral_in_ruleNumberLiteral18736);
@@ -22434,12 +22452,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral
+ // ../ this_RealLiteral_1= ruleRealLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteral_in_ruleNumberLiteral18744);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteral_in_ruleNumberLiteral18763);
@@ -22472,7 +22490,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleRealLiteral"
- // ../ entryRuleRealLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRealLiteral= ruleRealLiteral EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleRealLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRealLiteral= ruleRealLiteral EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleRealLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22480,17 +22498,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleRealLiteral= ruleRealLiteral EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleRealLiteral= ruleRealLiteral EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleRealLiteral= ruleRealLiteral EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleRealLiteral= ruleRealLiteral EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteral_in_entryRuleRealLiteral18779);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteral_in_entryRuleRealLiteral18798);
current =iv_ruleRealLiteral;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRealLiteral18789);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRealLiteral18808);
@@ -22508,7 +22526,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleRealLiteral"
- // ../ ruleRealLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleRealLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleRealLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22518,14 +22536,14 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) ) )
- // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) ) )
- // ../ () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) )
+ // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) ) )
+ // ../ () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) )
- // ../ ()
- // ../
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
current = forceCreateModelElement(
@@ -22535,16 +22553,16 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) )
- // ../ (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal )
+ // ../ ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal ) )
+ // ../ (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal )
- // ../ (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal )
- // ../ lv_value_1_0= ruleReal
+ // ../ (lv_value_1_0= ruleReal )
+ // ../ lv_value_1_0= ruleReal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleReal_in_ruleRealLiteral18844);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleReal_in_ruleRealLiteral18863);
@@ -22587,7 +22605,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleIntLiteral"
- // ../ entryRuleIntLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleIntLiteral= ruleIntLiteral EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleIntLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleIntLiteral= ruleIntLiteral EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleIntLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22595,17 +22613,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleIntLiteral= ruleIntLiteral EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleIntLiteral= ruleIntLiteral EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleIntLiteral= ruleIntLiteral EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleIntLiteral= ruleIntLiteral EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleIntLiteral_in_entryRuleIntLiteral18880);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleIntLiteral_in_entryRuleIntLiteral18899);
current =iv_ruleIntLiteral;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleIntLiteral18890);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleIntLiteral18909);
@@ -22623,7 +22641,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleIntLiteral"
- // ../ ruleIntLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleIntLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleIntLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22633,14 +22651,14 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) ) )
- // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) ) )
- // ../ () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) )
+ // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) ) )
+ // ../ () ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) )
- // ../ ()
- // ../
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
current = forceCreateModelElement(
@@ -22650,16 +22668,16 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) )
- // ../ (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger )
+ // ../ ( (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger ) )
+ // ../ (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger )
- // ../ (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger )
- // ../ lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger
+ // ../ (lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger )
+ // ../ lv_value_1_0= ruleInteger
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInteger_in_ruleIntLiteral18945);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInteger_in_ruleIntLiteral18964);
@@ -22702,7 +22720,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleStringLiteral"
- // ../ entryRuleStringLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStringLiteral= ruleStringLiteral EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleStringLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStringLiteral= ruleStringLiteral EOF ;
public final EObject entryRuleStringLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22710,17 +22728,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleStringLiteral= ruleStringLiteral EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleStringLiteral= ruleStringLiteral EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleStringLiteral= ruleStringLiteral EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleStringLiteral= ruleStringLiteral EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_entryRuleStringLiteral18981);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_entryRuleStringLiteral19000);
current =iv_ruleStringLiteral;
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringLiteral18991);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringLiteral19010);
@@ -22738,7 +22756,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleStringLiteral"
- // ../ ruleStringLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleStringLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) ;
public final EObject ruleStringLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
EObject current = null;
@@ -22747,14 +22765,14 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) )
- // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
+ // ../ ( ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) )
+ // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
- // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
- // ../ () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ // ../ ( () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
+ // ../ () ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- // ../ ()
- // ../
+ // ../ ()
+ // ../
current = forceCreateModelElement(
@@ -22764,13 +22782,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- // ../ ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- // ../ (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ // ../ (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../ lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING
+ // ../ (lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../ lv_value_1_0= RULE_STRING
- lv_value_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleStringLiteral19042);
+ lv_value_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleStringLiteral19061);
newLeafNode(lv_value_1_0, grammarAccess.getStringLiteralAccess().getValueSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
@@ -22811,7 +22829,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleInteger"
- // ../ entryRuleInteger returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleInteger= ruleInteger EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleInteger returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleInteger= ruleInteger EOF ;
public final String entryRuleInteger() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -22819,17 +22837,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleInteger= ruleInteger EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleInteger= ruleInteger EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleInteger= ruleInteger EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleInteger= ruleInteger EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInteger_in_entryRuleInteger19084);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInteger_in_entryRuleInteger19103);
current =iv_ruleInteger.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInteger19095);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInteger19114);
@@ -22847,7 +22865,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleInteger"
- // ../ ruleInteger returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger | this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal ) ;
+ // ../ ruleInteger returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger | this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleInteger() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -22859,10 +22877,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger | this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal ) )
- // ../ (this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger | this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal )
+ // ../ ( (this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger | this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal ) )
+ // ../ (this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger | this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal )
- // ../ (this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger | this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal )
+ // ../ (this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger | this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal )
int alt193=2;
int LA193_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -22880,12 +22898,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt193) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger
+ // ../ this_SignedInteger_0= ruleSignedInteger
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSignedInteger_in_ruleInteger19142);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSignedInteger_in_ruleInteger19161);
@@ -22900,12 +22918,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal
+ // ../ this_Hexadecimal_1= ruleHexadecimal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleHexadecimal_in_ruleInteger19175);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleHexadecimal_in_ruleInteger19194);
@@ -22940,7 +22958,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleSignedInteger"
- // ../ entryRuleSignedInteger returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleSignedInteger= ruleSignedInteger EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleSignedInteger returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleSignedInteger= ruleSignedInteger EOF ;
public final String entryRuleSignedInteger() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -22951,17 +22969,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleSignedInteger= ruleSignedInteger EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleSignedInteger= ruleSignedInteger EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleSignedInteger= ruleSignedInteger EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleSignedInteger= ruleSignedInteger EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSignedInteger_in_entryRuleSignedInteger19227);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSignedInteger_in_entryRuleSignedInteger19246);
current =iv_ruleSignedInteger.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSignedInteger19238);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSignedInteger19257);
@@ -22982,7 +23000,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleSignedInteger"
- // ../ ruleSignedInteger returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) ;
+ // ../ ruleSignedInteger returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleSignedInteger() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -22993,13 +23011,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT )
+ // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT )
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT )
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
int alt194=3;
int LA194_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -23011,9 +23029,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt194) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= '+'
+ // ../ kw= '+'
- kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleSignedInteger19281);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleSignedInteger19300);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getSignedIntegerAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_0_0());
@@ -23022,9 +23040,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ kw= '-'
+ // ../ kw= '-'
- kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleSignedInteger19300);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleSignedInteger19319);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getSignedIntegerAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_0_1());
@@ -23035,7 +23053,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleSignedInteger19317);
+ this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleSignedInteger19336);
@@ -23066,7 +23084,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleHexadecimal"
- // ../ entryRuleHexadecimal returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleHexadecimal= ruleHexadecimal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleHexadecimal returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleHexadecimal= ruleHexadecimal EOF ;
public final String entryRuleHexadecimal() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -23077,17 +23095,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleHexadecimal= ruleHexadecimal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleHexadecimal= ruleHexadecimal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleHexadecimal= ruleHexadecimal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleHexadecimal= ruleHexadecimal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleHexadecimal_in_entryRuleHexadecimal19373);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleHexadecimal_in_entryRuleHexadecimal19392);
current =iv_ruleHexadecimal.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleHexadecimal19384);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleHexadecimal19403);
@@ -23108,7 +23126,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleHexadecimal"
- // ../ ruleHexadecimal returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : this_HEX_0= RULE_HEX ;
+ // ../ ruleHexadecimal returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : this_HEX_0= RULE_HEX ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleHexadecimal() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -23118,10 +23136,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ (this_HEX_0= RULE_HEX )
- // ../ this_HEX_0= RULE_HEX
+ // ../ (this_HEX_0= RULE_HEX )
+ // ../ this_HEX_0= RULE_HEX
- this_HEX_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_HEX,FOLLOW_RULE_HEX_in_ruleHexadecimal19427);
+ this_HEX_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_HEX,FOLLOW_RULE_HEX_in_ruleHexadecimal19446);
@@ -23149,7 +23167,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleReal"
- // ../ entryRuleReal returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleReal= ruleReal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleReal returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleReal= ruleReal EOF ;
public final String entryRuleReal() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -23157,17 +23175,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleReal= ruleReal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleReal= ruleReal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleReal= ruleReal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleReal= ruleReal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleReal_in_entryRuleReal19476);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleReal_in_entryRuleReal19495);
current =iv_ruleReal.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleReal19487);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleReal19506);
@@ -23185,7 +23203,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleReal"
- // ../ ruleReal returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp ) ;
+ // ../ ruleReal returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleReal() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -23201,20 +23219,20 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp ) )
- // ../ (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp )
+ // ../ ( (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp ) )
+ // ../ (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp )
- // ../ (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp )
+ // ../ (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp )
int alt195=4;
alt195 = dfa195.predict(input);
switch (alt195) {
case 1 :
- // ../ this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal
+ // ../ this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimal_in_ruleReal19534);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimal_in_ruleReal19553);
@@ -23229,12 +23247,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal
+ // ../ this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDotDecimal_in_ruleReal19567);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDotDecimal_in_ruleReal19586);
@@ -23249,12 +23267,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot
+ // ../ this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimalDot_in_ruleReal19600);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimalDot_in_ruleReal19619);
@@ -23269,12 +23287,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp
+ // ../ this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimalExp_in_ruleReal19633);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimalExp_in_ruleReal19652);
@@ -23309,7 +23327,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleDecimal"
- // ../ entryRuleDecimal returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleDecimal= ruleDecimal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleDecimal returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleDecimal= ruleDecimal EOF ;
public final String entryRuleDecimal() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -23320,17 +23338,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleDecimal= ruleDecimal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleDecimal= ruleDecimal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleDecimal= ruleDecimal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleDecimal= ruleDecimal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimal_in_entryRuleDecimal19685);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimal_in_entryRuleDecimal19704);
current =iv_ruleDecimal.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimal19696);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimal19715);
@@ -23351,7 +23369,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleDecimal"
- // ../ ruleDecimal returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT ) ;
+ // ../ ruleDecimal returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleDecimal() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -23363,13 +23381,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT )
+ // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT )
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT )
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
int alt196=3;
int LA196_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -23381,9 +23399,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt196) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= '+'
+ // ../ kw= '+'
- kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimal19739);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimal19758);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_0_0());
@@ -23392,9 +23410,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ kw= '-'
+ // ../ kw= '-'
- kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimal19758);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimal19777);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_0_1());
@@ -23405,19 +23423,19 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimal19775);
+ this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimal19794);
newLeafNode(this_INT_2, grammarAccess.getDecimalAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_1());
- kw=(Token)match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_ruleDecimal19793);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_ruleDecimal19812);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2());
- this_INT_4=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimal19808);
+ this_INT_4=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimal19827);
@@ -23448,7 +23466,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleDotDecimal"
- // ../ entryRuleDotDecimal returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleDotDecimal= ruleDotDecimal EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleDotDecimal returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleDotDecimal= ruleDotDecimal EOF ;
public final String entryRuleDotDecimal() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -23459,17 +23477,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleDotDecimal= ruleDotDecimal EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleDotDecimal= ruleDotDecimal EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleDotDecimal= ruleDotDecimal EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleDotDecimal= ruleDotDecimal EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDotDecimal_in_entryRuleDotDecimal19864);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDotDecimal_in_entryRuleDotDecimal19883);
current =iv_ruleDotDecimal.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDotDecimal19875);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDotDecimal19894);
@@ -23490,7 +23508,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleDotDecimal"
- // ../ ruleDotDecimal returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT ) ;
+ // ../ ruleDotDecimal returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleDotDecimal() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -23501,13 +23519,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT )
+ // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT )
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT )
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? kw= '.' this_INT_3= RULE_INT
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
int alt197=3;
int LA197_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -23519,9 +23537,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt197) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= '+'
+ // ../ kw= '+'
- kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDotDecimal19918);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDotDecimal19937);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDotDecimalAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_0_0());
@@ -23530,9 +23548,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ kw= '-'
+ // ../ kw= '-'
- kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDotDecimal19937);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDotDecimal19956);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDotDecimalAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_0_1());
@@ -23543,12 +23561,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- kw=(Token)match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_ruleDotDecimal19952);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_ruleDotDecimal19971);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDotDecimalAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1());
- this_INT_3=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDotDecimal19967);
+ this_INT_3=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDotDecimal19986);
@@ -23579,7 +23597,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleDecimalDot"
- // ../ entryRuleDecimalDot returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleDecimalDot= ruleDecimalDot EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleDecimalDot returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleDecimalDot= ruleDecimalDot EOF ;
public final String entryRuleDecimalDot() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -23590,17 +23608,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleDecimalDot= ruleDecimalDot EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleDecimalDot= ruleDecimalDot EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleDecimalDot= ruleDecimalDot EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleDecimalDot= ruleDecimalDot EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimalDot_in_entryRuleDecimalDot20023);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimalDot_in_entryRuleDecimalDot20042);
current =iv_ruleDecimalDot.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimalDot20034);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimalDot20053);
@@ -23621,7 +23639,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleDecimalDot"
- // ../ ruleDecimalDot returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' ) ;
+ // ../ ruleDecimalDot returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleDecimalDot() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -23632,13 +23650,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' ) )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' )
+ // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' ) )
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' )
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.'
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' )
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.'
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
int alt198=3;
int LA198_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -23650,9 +23668,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt198) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= '+'
+ // ../ kw= '+'
- kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimalDot20077);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimalDot20096);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalDotAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_0_0());
@@ -23661,9 +23679,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ kw= '-'
+ // ../ kw= '-'
- kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimalDot20096);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimalDot20115);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalDotAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_0_1());
@@ -23674,14 +23692,14 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalDot20113);
+ this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalDot20132);
newLeafNode(this_INT_2, grammarAccess.getDecimalDotAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_1());
- kw=(Token)match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_ruleDecimalDot20131);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_ruleDecimalDot20150);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalDotAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2());
@@ -23710,7 +23728,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleDecimalExp"
- // ../ entryRuleDecimalExp returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleDecimalExp= ruleDecimalExp EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleDecimalExp returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleDecimalExp= ruleDecimalExp EOF ;
public final String entryRuleDecimalExp() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -23721,17 +23739,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleDecimalExp= ruleDecimalExp EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleDecimalExp= ruleDecimalExp EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleDecimalExp= ruleDecimalExp EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleDecimalExp= ruleDecimalExp EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimalExp_in_entryRuleDecimalExp20182);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDecimalExp_in_entryRuleDecimalExp20201);
current =iv_ruleDecimalExp.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimalExp20193);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimalExp20212);
@@ -23752,7 +23770,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleDecimalExp"
- // ../ ruleDecimalExp returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP ) ;
+ // ../ ruleDecimalExp returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleDecimalExp() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -23765,13 +23783,13 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
try {
- // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP ) )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP )
+ // ../ ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP ) )
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP )
- // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP )
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP
+ // ../ ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP )
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT kw= '.' this_INT_4= RULE_INT this_EXP_5= RULE_EXP
- // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
+ // ../ (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
int alt199=3;
int LA199_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -23783,9 +23801,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt199) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= '+'
+ // ../ kw= '+'
- kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimalExp20236);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimalExp20255);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalExpAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_0_0());
@@ -23794,9 +23812,9 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ kw= '-'
+ // ../ kw= '-'
- kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimalExp20255);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimalExp20274);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalExpAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_0_1());
@@ -23807,26 +23825,26 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalExp20272);
+ this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalExp20291);
newLeafNode(this_INT_2, grammarAccess.getDecimalExpAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_1());
- kw=(Token)match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_ruleDecimalExp20290);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_ruleDecimalExp20309);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getDecimalExpAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2());
- this_INT_4=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalExp20305);
+ this_INT_4=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalExp20324);
newLeafNode(this_INT_4, grammarAccess.getDecimalExpAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_3());
- this_EXP_5=(Token)match(input,RULE_EXP,FOLLOW_RULE_EXP_in_ruleDecimalExp20325);
+ this_EXP_5=(Token)match(input,RULE_EXP,FOLLOW_RULE_EXP_in_ruleDecimalExp20344);
@@ -23857,7 +23875,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "entryRuleFQN"
- // ../ entryRuleFQN returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF ;
+ // ../ entryRuleFQN returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF ;
public final String entryRuleFQN() throws RecognitionException {
String current = null;
@@ -23865,17 +23883,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ (iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF )
- // ../ iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF
+ // ../ (iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF )
+ // ../ iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_entryRuleFQN20375);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_entryRuleFQN20394);
current =iv_ruleFQN.getText();
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleFQN20386);
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleFQN20405);
@@ -23893,7 +23911,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleFQN"
- // ../ ruleFQN returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* ) ;
+ // ../ ruleFQN returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* ) ;
public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleFQN() throws RecognitionException {
AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
@@ -23904,40 +23922,40 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* ) )
- // ../ (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* )
+ // ../ ( (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* ) )
+ // ../ (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* )
- // ../ (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* )
- // ../ this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )*
+ // ../ (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* )
+ // ../ this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )*
- this_ID_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN20426);
+ this_ID_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN20445);
newLeafNode(this_ID_0, grammarAccess.getFQNAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_0());
- // ../ (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )*
+ // ../ (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )*
do {
int alt200=2;
int LA200_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA200_0==73) ) {
+ if ( (LA200_0==70) ) {
switch (alt200) {
case 1 :
- // ../ kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID
+ // ../ kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID
- kw=(Token)match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_ruleFQN20445);
+ kw=(Token)match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_ruleFQN20464);
newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getFQNAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
- this_ID_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN20460);
+ this_ID_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN20479);
@@ -23974,7 +23992,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleCommunicationType"
- // ../ ruleCommunicationType returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleCommunicationType returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' ) ) ;
public final Enumerator ruleCommunicationType() throws RecognitionException {
Enumerator current = null;
@@ -23984,10 +24002,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' ) ) )
- // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' ) )
- // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' ) )
+ // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' ) )
int alt201=3;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 120:
@@ -24014,12 +24032,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt201) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven'
- enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,120,FOLLOW_120_in_ruleCommunicationType20521);
+ enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,120,FOLLOW_120_in_ruleCommunicationType20540);
current = grammarAccess.getCommunicationTypeAccess().getEVENT_DRIVENEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getCommunicationTypeAccess().getEVENT_DRIVENEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
@@ -24031,12 +24049,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven'
- enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,121,FOLLOW_121_in_ruleCommunicationType20538);
+ enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,121,FOLLOW_121_in_ruleCommunicationType20557);
current = grammarAccess.getCommunicationTypeAccess().getDATA_DRIVENEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getCommunicationTypeAccess().getDATA_DRIVENEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
@@ -24048,12 +24066,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_2= 'sync'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'sync' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_2= 'sync'
- enumLiteral_2=(Token)match(input,122,FOLLOW_122_in_ruleCommunicationType20555);
+ enumLiteral_2=(Token)match(input,122,FOLLOW_122_in_ruleCommunicationType20574);
current = grammarAccess.getCommunicationTypeAccess().getSYNCHRONOUSEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getCommunicationTypeAccess().getSYNCHRONOUSEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
@@ -24085,7 +24103,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleReferenceType"
- // ../ ruleReferenceType returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleReferenceType returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' ) ) ;
public final Enumerator ruleReferenceType() throws RecognitionException {
Enumerator current = null;
@@ -24094,10 +24112,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' ) ) )
- // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' ) )
- // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' ) )
+ // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' ) )
int alt202=2;
int LA202_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -24115,12 +24133,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt202) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_0= 'fixed'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'fixed' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_0= 'fixed'
- enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,123,FOLLOW_123_in_ruleReferenceType20600);
+ enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,123,FOLLOW_123_in_ruleReferenceType20619);
current = grammarAccess.getReferenceTypeAccess().getFIXEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getReferenceTypeAccess().getFIXEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
@@ -24132,12 +24150,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_1= 'optional'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'optional' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_1= 'optional'
- enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,109,FOLLOW_109_in_ruleReferenceType20617);
+ enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,109,FOLLOW_109_in_ruleReferenceType20636);
current = grammarAccess.getReferenceTypeAccess().getOPTIONALEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getReferenceTypeAccess().getOPTIONALEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
@@ -24169,7 +24187,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleComponentCommunicationType"
- // ../ ruleComponentCommunicationType returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'async' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleComponentCommunicationType returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'async' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' ) ) ;
public final Enumerator ruleComponentCommunicationType() throws RecognitionException {
Enumerator current = null;
@@ -24180,10 +24198,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'async' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' ) ) )
- // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'async' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'async' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'async' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' ) )
- // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'async' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' ) )
+ // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'async' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' ) )
int alt203=4;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 120:
@@ -24215,12 +24233,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt203) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_0= 'eventdriven'
- enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,120,FOLLOW_120_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20664);
+ enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,120,FOLLOW_120_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20683);
current = grammarAccess.getComponentCommunicationTypeAccess().getEVENT_DRIVENEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getComponentCommunicationTypeAccess().getEVENT_DRIVENEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
@@ -24232,12 +24250,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_1= 'datadriven'
- enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,121,FOLLOW_121_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20681);
+ enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,121,FOLLOW_121_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20700);
current = grammarAccess.getComponentCommunicationTypeAccess().getDATA_DRIVENEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getComponentCommunicationTypeAccess().getDATA_DRIVENEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
@@ -24249,12 +24267,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'async' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'async' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'async' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_2= 'async'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'async' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_2= 'async'
- enumLiteral_2=(Token)match(input,124,FOLLOW_124_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20698);
+ enumLiteral_2=(Token)match(input,124,FOLLOW_124_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20717);
current = grammarAccess.getComponentCommunicationTypeAccess().getASYNCHRONOUSEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getComponentCommunicationTypeAccess().getASYNCHRONOUSEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
@@ -24266,12 +24284,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_3= 'sync'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_3= 'sync' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_3= 'sync'
- enumLiteral_3=(Token)match(input,122,FOLLOW_122_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20715);
+ enumLiteral_3=(Token)match(input,122,FOLLOW_122_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20734);
current = grammarAccess.getComponentCommunicationTypeAccess().getSYNCHRONOUSEnumLiteralDeclaration_3().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_3, grammarAccess.getComponentCommunicationTypeAccess().getSYNCHRONOUSEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
@@ -24303,7 +24321,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
// $ANTLR start "ruleLiteralType"
- // ../ ruleLiteralType returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' ) ) ;
+ // ../ ruleLiteralType returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' ) ) ;
public final Enumerator ruleLiteralType() throws RecognitionException {
Enumerator current = null;
@@ -24314,10 +24332,10 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
try {
- // ../ ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' ) ) )
- // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' ) )
+ // ../ ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' ) ) )
+ // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' ) )
- // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' ) )
+ // ../ ( (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' ) | (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' ) )
int alt204=4;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case 125:
@@ -24349,12 +24367,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
switch (alt204) {
case 1 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_0= 'ptBoolean'
- enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,125,FOLLOW_125_in_ruleLiteralType20760);
+ enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,125,FOLLOW_125_in_ruleLiteralType20779);
current = grammarAccess.getLiteralTypeAccess().getBOOLEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getLiteralTypeAccess().getBOOLEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
@@ -24366,12 +24384,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 2 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_1= 'ptInteger'
- enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,126,FOLLOW_126_in_ruleLiteralType20777);
+ enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,126,FOLLOW_126_in_ruleLiteralType20796);
current = grammarAccess.getLiteralTypeAccess().getINTEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getLiteralTypeAccess().getINTEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
@@ -24383,12 +24401,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 3 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_2= 'ptReal'
- enumLiteral_2=(Token)match(input,127,FOLLOW_127_in_ruleLiteralType20794);
+ enumLiteral_2=(Token)match(input,127,FOLLOW_127_in_ruleLiteralType20813);
current = grammarAccess.getLiteralTypeAccess().getREALEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getLiteralTypeAccess().getREALEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
@@ -24400,12 +24418,12 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
case 4 :
- // ../ (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' )
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' )
- // ../ (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' )
- // ../ enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter'
+ // ../ (enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter' )
+ // ../ enumLiteral_3= 'ptCharacter'
- enumLiteral_3=(Token)match(input,128,FOLLOW_128_in_ruleLiteralType20811);
+ enumLiteral_3=(Token)match(input,128,FOLLOW_128_in_ruleLiteralType20830);
current = grammarAccess.getLiteralTypeAccess().getCHAREnumLiteralDeclaration_3().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
newLeafNode(enumLiteral_3, grammarAccess.getLiteralTypeAccess().getCHAREnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
@@ -24439,8 +24457,8 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
protected DFA3 dfa3 = new DFA3(this);
- protected DFA154 dfa154 = new DFA154(this);
- protected DFA155 dfa155 = new DFA155(this);
+ protected DFA146 dfa146 = new DFA146(this);
+ protected DFA147 dfa147 = new DFA147(this);
protected DFA195 dfa195 = new DFA195(this);
static final String DFA3_eotS =
@@ -24456,16 +24474,16 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
static final String[] DFA3_transitionS = {
- "\5\uffff\1\11\10\uffff\2\12\10\uffff\1\14\1\uffff\1\13\47\uffff"+
+ "\5\uffff\1\11\5\uffff\2\12\10\uffff\1\14\1\uffff\1\13\52\uffff"+
- "\1\11\16\uffff\2\12\77\uffff\3\12\1\uffff\1\12",
- "\1\11\16\uffff\2\12\77\uffff\3\12\1\uffff\1\12",
- "\1\11\16\uffff\2\12\77\uffff\3\12\1\uffff\1\12",
+ "\1\11\13\uffff\2\12\102\uffff\3\12\1\uffff\1\12",
+ "\1\11\13\uffff\2\12\102\uffff\3\12\1\uffff\1\12",
+ "\1\11\13\uffff\2\12\102\uffff\3\12\1\uffff\1\12",
@@ -24506,181 +24524,181 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
return "()* loopback of 143:3: ( ( (lv_primitiveTypes_5_0= rulePrimitiveType ) ) | ( (lv_enumerationTypes_6_0= ruleEnumerationType ) ) | ( (lv_externalTypes_7_0= ruleExternalType ) ) | ( (lv_dataClasses_8_0= ruleDataClass ) ) | ( (lv_protocolClasses_9_0= ruleGeneralProtocolClass ) ) | ( (lv_actorClasses_10_0= ruleActorClass ) ) | ( (lv_subSystemClasses_11_0= ruleSubSystemClass ) ) | ( (lv_systems_12_0= ruleLogicalSystem ) ) | ( (lv_annotationTypes_13_0= ruleAnnotationType ) ) )*";
- static final String DFA154_eotS =
+ static final String DFA146_eotS =
- static final String DFA154_eofS =
- "\13\uffff\1\22\7\uffff\3\22\1\uffff\1\22\2\uffff";
- static final String DFA154_minS =
- "\1\135\1\4\1\20\1\4\1\23\4\4\2\23\1\16\2\4\1\23\1\4\1\5\1\17\1"+
- "\uffff\3\16\1\5\1\16\2\uffff";
- static final String DFA154_maxS =
- "\1\135\2\20\1\146\1\30\2\4\1\146\1\4\2\23\1\144\2\4\1\23\1\4\1"+
- "\43\1\143\1\uffff\3\144\1\43\1\144\2\uffff";
- static final String DFA154_acceptS =
- "\22\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\1\1\1\3";
- static final String DFA154_specialS =
+ static final String DFA146_eofS =
+ "\14\uffff\1\21\6\uffff\2\21\1\uffff\1\21\2\uffff\1\21";
+ static final String DFA146_minS =
+ "\1\132\1\4\1\20\1\4\1\23\4\4\3\23\1\16\2\4\1\5\1\17\1\uffff\1\4"+
+ "\2\16\1\5\1\16\2\uffff\1\16";
+ static final String DFA146_maxS =
+ "\1\132\2\20\1\143\1\30\3\4\1\143\3\23\1\141\2\4\1\43\1\140\1\uffff"+
+ "\1\4\2\141\1\43\1\141\2\uffff\1\141";
+ static final String DFA146_acceptS =
+ "\21\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\1\1\1\3\1\uffff";
+ static final String DFA146_specialS =
- static final String[] DFA154_transitionS = {
+ static final String[] DFA146_transitionS = {
- "\1\4\140\uffff\1\5\1\6",
- "\1\7\4\uffff\1\10",
+ "\1\4\135\uffff\1\5\1\6",
+ "\1\10\4\uffff\1\7",
- "\1\13\140\uffff\1\14\1\15",
- "\1\16",
- "\1\7",
- "\1\7",
- "\1\21\1\22\10\uffff\1\17\11\uffff\1\20\57\uffff\1\22\4\uffff"+
- "\7\22\6\uffff\1\22",
+ "\1\13",
+ "\1\14\135\uffff\1\15\1\16",
+ "\1\10",
+ "\1\10",
+ "\1\10",
+ "\1\20\1\21\10\uffff\1\22\11\uffff\1\17\54\uffff\1\21\4\uffff"+
+ "\7\21\6\uffff\1\21",
- "\1\7",
- "\1\25",
- "\1\26\35\uffff\1\27",
- "\1\22\117\uffff\1\22\1\30\1\uffff\1\30\1\31",
+ "\1\25\35\uffff\1\26",
+ "\1\21\114\uffff\1\21\1\27\1\uffff\1\27\1\30",
- "\1\21\1\22\22\uffff\1\20\57\uffff\1\22\4\uffff\7\22\6\uffff"+
- "\1\22",
- "\1\21\1\22\22\uffff\1\20\57\uffff\1\22\4\uffff\7\22\6\uffff"+
- "\1\22",
- "\1\21\1\22\22\uffff\1\20\57\uffff\1\22\4\uffff\7\22\6\uffff"+
- "\1\22",
- "\1\26\35\uffff\1\27",
- "\1\21\1\22\102\uffff\1\22\4\uffff\7\22\6\uffff\1\22",
+ "\1\31",
+ "\1\20\1\21\22\uffff\1\17\54\uffff\1\21\4\uffff\7\21\6\uffff"+
+ "\1\21",
+ "\1\20\1\21\22\uffff\1\17\54\uffff\1\21\4\uffff\7\21\6\uffff"+
+ "\1\21",
+ "\1\25\35\uffff\1\26",
+ "\1\20\1\21\77\uffff\1\21\4\uffff\7\21\6\uffff\1\21",
- ""
+ "",
+ "\1\20\1\21\22\uffff\1\17\54\uffff\1\21\4\uffff\7\21\6\uffff"+
+ "\1\21"
- static final short[] DFA154_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA154_eotS);
- static final short[] DFA154_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA154_eofS);
- static final char[] DFA154_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA154_minS);
- static final char[] DFA154_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA154_maxS);
- static final short[] DFA154_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA154_acceptS);
- static final short[] DFA154_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA154_specialS);
- static final short[][] DFA154_transition;
+ static final short[] DFA146_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA146_eotS);
+ static final short[] DFA146_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA146_eofS);
+ static final char[] DFA146_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA146_minS);
+ static final char[] DFA146_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA146_maxS);
+ static final short[] DFA146_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA146_acceptS);
+ static final short[] DFA146_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA146_specialS);
+ static final short[][] DFA146_transition;
static {
- int numStates = DFA154_transitionS.length;
- DFA154_transition = new short[numStates][];
+ int numStates = DFA146_transitionS.length;
+ DFA146_transition = new short[numStates][];
for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) {
- DFA154_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA154_transitionS[i]);
+ DFA146_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA146_transitionS[i]);
- class DFA154 extends DFA {
+ class DFA146 extends DFA {
- public DFA154(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
+ public DFA146(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
this.recognizer = recognizer;
- this.decisionNumber = 154;
- this.eot = DFA154_eot;
- this.eof = DFA154_eof;
- this.min = DFA154_min;
- this.max = DFA154_max;
- this.accept = DFA154_accept;
- this.special = DFA154_special;
- this.transition = DFA154_transition;
+ this.decisionNumber = 146;
+ this.eot = DFA146_eot;
+ this.eof = DFA146_eof;
+ this.min = DFA146_min;
+ this.max = DFA146_max;
+ this.accept = DFA146_accept;
+ this.special = DFA146_special;
+ this.transition = DFA146_transition;
public String getDescription() {
- return "6550:1: (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition )";
+ return "6238:1: (this_TransitionChainStartTransition_0= ruleTransitionChainStartTransition | this_ContinuationTransition_1= ruleContinuationTransition | this_CPBranchTransition_2= ruleCPBranchTransition )";
- static final String DFA155_eotS =
+ static final String DFA147_eotS =
- static final String DFA155_eofS =
+ static final String DFA147_eofS =
- static final String DFA155_minS =
- "\1\135\1\4\1\20\1\4\1\23\4\4\3\23\1\16\2\4\1\5\1\140\1\4\2\16\1"+
- "\5\1\16\2\uffff\1\16";
- static final String DFA155_maxS =
- "\1\135\2\20\1\146\1\30\3\4\1\146\3\23\1\42\2\4\1\43\1\142\1\4\2"+
- "\42\1\43\1\16\2\uffff\1\42";
- static final String DFA155_acceptS =
- "\26\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff";
- static final String DFA155_specialS =
+ static final String DFA147_minS =
+ "\1\132\1\4\1\20\1\4\1\23\4\4\3\23\1\16\3\4\1\5\1\135\3\16\1\5\1"+
+ "\16\2\uffff";
+ static final String DFA147_maxS =
+ "\1\132\2\20\1\143\1\30\3\4\1\143\3\23\1\42\3\4\1\43\1\137\3\42"+
+ "\1\43\1\16\2\uffff";
+ static final String DFA147_acceptS =
+ "\27\uffff\1\2\1\1";
+ static final String DFA147_specialS =
- static final String[] DFA155_transitionS = {
+ static final String[] DFA147_transitionS = {
- "\1\4\140\uffff\1\5\1\6",
+ "\1\4\135\uffff\1\5\1\6",
- "\1\14\140\uffff\1\15\1\16",
+ "\1\14\135\uffff\1\15\1\16",
- "\1\20\11\uffff\1\21\11\uffff\1\17",
+ "\1\21\11\uffff\1\17\11\uffff\1\20",
- "\1\24\35\uffff\1\25",
- "\1\27\1\uffff\1\26",
- "\1\30",
- "\1\20\23\uffff\1\17",
- "\1\20\23\uffff\1\17",
- "\1\24\35\uffff\1\25",
- "\1\20",
- "",
+ "\1\24",
+ "\1\25\35\uffff\1\26",
+ "\1\30\1\uffff\1\27",
+ "\1\21\23\uffff\1\20",
+ "\1\21\23\uffff\1\20",
+ "\1\21\23\uffff\1\20",
+ "\1\25\35\uffff\1\26",
+ "\1\21",
- "\1\20\23\uffff\1\17"
+ ""
- static final short[] DFA155_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA155_eotS);
- static final short[] DFA155_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA155_eofS);
- static final char[] DFA155_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA155_minS);
- static final char[] DFA155_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA155_maxS);
- static final short[] DFA155_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA155_acceptS);
- static final short[] DFA155_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA155_specialS);
- static final short[][] DFA155_transition;
+ static final short[] DFA147_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA147_eotS);
+ static final short[] DFA147_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA147_eofS);
+ static final char[] DFA147_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA147_minS);
+ static final char[] DFA147_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA147_maxS);
+ static final short[] DFA147_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA147_acceptS);
+ static final short[] DFA147_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA147_specialS);
+ static final short[][] DFA147_transition;
static {
- int numStates = DFA155_transitionS.length;
- DFA155_transition = new short[numStates][];
+ int numStates = DFA147_transitionS.length;
+ DFA147_transition = new short[numStates][];
for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) {
- DFA155_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA155_transitionS[i]);
+ DFA147_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA147_transitionS[i]);
- class DFA155 extends DFA {
+ class DFA147 extends DFA {
- public DFA155(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
+ public DFA147(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
this.recognizer = recognizer;
- this.decisionNumber = 155;
- this.eot = DFA155_eot;
- this.eof = DFA155_eof;
- this.min = DFA155_min;
- this.max = DFA155_max;
- this.accept = DFA155_accept;
- this.special = DFA155_special;
- this.transition = DFA155_transition;
+ this.decisionNumber = 147;
+ this.eot = DFA147_eot;
+ this.eof = DFA147_eof;
+ this.min = DFA147_min;
+ this.max = DFA147_max;
+ this.accept = DFA147_accept;
+ this.special = DFA147_special;
+ this.transition = DFA147_transition;
public String getDescription() {
- return "6600:1: (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition )";
+ return "6288:1: (this_TriggeredTransition_0= ruleTriggeredTransition | this_GuardedTransition_1= ruleGuardedTransition )";
static final String DFA195_eotS =
static final String DFA195_eofS =
- "\5\uffff\1\7\1\11\3\uffff";
+ "\5\uffff\1\7\1\10\3\uffff";
static final String DFA195_minS =
- "\3\6\1\111\1\uffff\1\6\1\10\3\uffff";
+ "\3\6\1\106\1\uffff\1\6\1\10\3\uffff";
static final String DFA195_maxS =
- "\1\167\3\111\1\uffff\2\31\3\uffff";
+ "\1\167\3\106\1\uffff\2\31\3\uffff";
static final String DFA195_acceptS =
- "\4\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\1\3\1\4\1\1";
+ "\4\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\1\3\1\1\1\4";
static final String DFA195_specialS =
static final String[] DFA195_transitionS = {
- "\1\3\102\uffff\1\4\54\uffff\1\1\1\2",
- "\1\3\102\uffff\1\4",
- "\1\3\102\uffff\1\4",
+ "\1\3\77\uffff\1\4\57\uffff\1\1\1\2",
+ "\1\3\77\uffff\1\4",
+ "\1\3\77\uffff\1\4",
- "\1\10\14\uffff\1\11\3\uffff\1\11",
+ "\1\11\14\uffff\1\10\3\uffff\1\10",
@@ -24716,7 +24734,7 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
this.transition = DFA195_transition;
public String getDescription() {
- return "9008:1: (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp )";
+ return "9019:1: (this_Decimal_0= ruleDecimal | this_DotDecimal_1= ruleDotDecimal | this_DecimalDot_2= ruleDecimalDot | this_DecimalExp_3= ruleDecimalExp )";
@@ -24726,17 +24744,17 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13_in_ruleRoomModel122 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRoomModel143 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRoomModel164 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRoomModel177 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170108000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_ruleRoomModel198 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170108000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePrimitiveType_in_ruleRoomModel221 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEnumerationType_in_ruleRoomModel248 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExternalType_in_ruleRoomModel275 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDataClass_in_ruleRoomModel302 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGeneralProtocolClass_in_ruleRoomModel329 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_ruleRoomModel356 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemClass_in_ruleRoomModel383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLogicalSystem_in_ruleRoomModel410 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationType_in_ruleRoomModel437 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180410018848000L,0x170008000000000AL});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRoomModel177 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1701080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_ruleRoomModel198 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1701080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePrimitiveType_in_ruleRoomModel221 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEnumerationType_in_ruleRoomModel248 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExternalType_in_ruleRoomModel275 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDataClass_in_ruleRoomModel302 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGeneralProtocolClass_in_ruleRoomModel329 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_ruleRoomModel356 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemClass_in_ruleRoomModel383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLogicalSystem_in_ruleRoomModel410 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationType_in_ruleRoomModel437 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4030410018848000L,0x1700080000000001L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRoomModel451 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStructureClass_in_entryRuleStructureClass489 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStructureClass499 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
@@ -24877,28 +24895,28 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleProtocolClass3587 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020004000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_ruleProtocolClass3601 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleProtocolClass3624 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleProtocolClass3638 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00102E01C0008000L,0x0000040000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleProtocolClass3659 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00102E01C0008000L,0x0000040000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleProtocolClass3638 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00002E01C0008000L,0x0000048000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleProtocolClass3659 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00002E01C0008000L,0x0000048000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleProtocolClass3673 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleProtocolClass3694 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00102E0180008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleProtocolClass3694 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00002E0180008000L,0x0000008000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_ruleProtocolClass3709 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleProtocolClass3730 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00102E0100008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleProtocolClass3730 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00002E0100008000L,0x0000008000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_ruleProtocolClass3745 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleProtocolClass3766 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00102E0000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleProtocolClass3766 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00002E0000008000L,0x0000008000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_41_in_ruleProtocolClass3781 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleProtocolClass3793 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0003000000008000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMessage_in_ruleProtocolClass3814 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0003000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolClass3827 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00102C0000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolClass3827 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00002C0000008000L,0x0000008000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42_in_ruleProtocolClass3842 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleProtocolClass3854 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0003000000008000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMessage_in_ruleProtocolClass3875 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0003000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolClass3888 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0010280000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolClass3888 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000280000008000L,0x0000008000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_43_in_ruleProtocolClass3903 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_44_in_ruleProtocolClass3915 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePortClass_in_ruleProtocolClass3936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0010200000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePortClass_in_ruleProtocolClass3936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000008000L,0x0000008000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_45_in_ruleProtocolClass3951 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_44_in_ruleProtocolClass3963 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePortClass_in_ruleProtocolClass3984 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0010000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePortClass_in_ruleProtocolClass3984 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000008000000000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleProtocolSemantics_in_ruleProtocolClass4007 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolClass4020 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleCompoundProtocolClass_in_entryRuleCompoundProtocolClass4056 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
@@ -24950,619 +24968,619 @@ public class InternalRoomParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42_in_ruleOutMessageHandler5128 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleOutMessageHandler5148 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleOutMessageHandler5169 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleProtocolSemantics_in_entryRuleProtocolSemantics5205 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleProtocolSemantics5215 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_52_in_ruleProtocolSemantics5261 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleProtocolSemantics5273 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0060000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleProtocolSemantics5294 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0060000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolSemantics5307 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleSemanticsRule5343 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSemanticsRule5353 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInSemanticsRule_in_ruleSemanticsRule5400 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleOutSemanticsRule_in_ruleSemanticsRule5427 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleInSemanticsRule5462 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInSemanticsRule5472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_53_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5509 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5521 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5541 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5554 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0060000000100000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5576 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5595 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0060000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5616 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5629 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0060000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5650 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_ruleInSemanticsRule5664 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleOutSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleOutSemanticsRule5704 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleOutSemanticsRule5714 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_54_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5751 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5763 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5783 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5796 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0060000000100000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5818 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5837 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0060000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5858 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5871 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0060000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5892 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule5906 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleModelComponent_in_entryRuleModelComponent5946 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleModelComponent5956 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_ruleModelComponent6002 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_entryRuleActorClass6036 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorClass6046 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_55_in_ruleActorClass6134 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180000000000000L,0x1700000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleComponentCommunicationType_in_ruleActorClass6222 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180000000000000L,0x1700000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_56_in_ruleActorClass6274 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorClass6291 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000420004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass6317 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_ruleActorClass6331 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleActorClass6354 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass6368 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0E00000000008000L,0x0000040000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleActorClass6389 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0E00000000008000L,0x0000040000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_57_in_ruleActorClass6403 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass6415 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleActorClass6436 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleActorClass6458 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass6471 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0C00000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_58_in_ruleActorClass6486 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass6507 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass6520 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x70002003C0008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleActorClass6533 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass6554 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200380008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_ruleActorClass6569 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass6590 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200300008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_ruleActorClass6605 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass6626 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleActorClass6695 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExternalPort_in_ruleActorClass6722 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_ruleActorClass6799 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleServiceImplementation_in_ruleActorClass6875 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_ruleActorClass6951 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleActorClass7027 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleActorClass7103 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAttribute_in_ruleActorClass7179 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x7000200200008000L,0x0800200000004881L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass7232 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0800000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_59_in_ruleActorClass7247 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass7268 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass7281 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000008000L,0x0000040000020000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleActorClass7302 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000008000L,0x0000040000020000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStandardOperation_in_ruleActorClass7324 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000008000L,0x0000000000020000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateMachine_in_ruleActorClass7346 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass7359 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass7373 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInterfaceItem_in_entryRuleInterfaceItem7409 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInterfaceItem7419 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleInterfaceItem7466 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_ruleInterfaceItem7493 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleInterfaceItem7520 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_entryRulePort7555 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePort7565 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_45_in_rulePort7608 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_rulePort7634 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePort7651 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_rulePort7677 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_rulePort7690 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_rulePort7713 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_rulePort7734 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExternalPort_in_entryRuleExternalPort7771 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExternalPort7781 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_61_in_ruleExternalPort7818 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_ruleExternalPort7830 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleExternalPort7850 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_entryRuleSAP7886 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSAP7896 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_62_in_ruleSAP7933 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSAP7950 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSAP7967 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSAP7990 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_entryRuleSPP8026 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSPP8036 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_63_in_ruleSPP8073 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPP8090 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSPP8107 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSPP8130 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleServiceImplementation_in_entryRuleServiceImplementation8166 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleServiceImplementation8176 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_64_in_ruleServiceImplementation8213 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24_in_ruleServiceImplementation8225 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleServiceImplementation8245 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLogicalSystem_in_entryRuleLogicalSystem8281 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLogicalSystem8291 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_65_in_ruleLogicalSystem8328 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleLogicalSystem8345 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleLogicalSystem8371 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleLogicalSystem8384 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000040000000884L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleLogicalSystem8405 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000040000000884L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemRef_in_ruleLogicalSystem8472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000000884L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleLogicalSystem8548 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000000884L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleLogicalSystem8624 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000000884L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleLogicalSystem8677 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemRef_in_entryRuleSubSystemRef8715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubSystemRef8725 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_66_in_ruleSubSystemRef8762 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubSystemRef8779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSubSystemRef8796 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSubSystemRef8819 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSubSystemRef8840 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemClass_in_entryRuleSubSystemClass8877 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubSystemClass8887 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_67_in_ruleSubSystemClass8924 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubSystemClass8941 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSubSystemClass8967 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleSubSystemClass8980 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x90002001C0008000L,0x08002400000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleSubSystemClass9001 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x90002001C0008000L,0x08002400000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleSubSystemClass9015 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass9036 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200180008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_ruleSubSystemClass9051 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass9072 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200100008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_ruleSubSystemClass9087 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass9108 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleSubSystemClass9176 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleSubSystemClass9252 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_ruleSubSystemClass9328 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleSubSystemClass9404 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleSubSystemClass9480 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLogicalThread_in_ruleSubSystemClass9556 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_ruleSubSystemClass9632 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleSubSystemClass9685 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLogicalThread_in_entryRuleLogicalThread9721 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLogicalThread9731 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_68_in_ruleLogicalThread9768 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleLogicalThread9785 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_entryRuleActorInstanceMapping9826 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorInstanceMapping9836 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_69_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9873 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefPath_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9894 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9906 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9926 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9939 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9960 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x9000200000008000L,0x08002000000048B0L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9973 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefPath_in_entryRuleRefPath10011 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefPath10021 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_ruleRefPath10067 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_ruleRefPath10080 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_ruleRefPath10101 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_entryRuleRefSegment10139 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefSegment10149 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRefSegment10191 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleRefSegment10209 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleRefSegment10226 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_entryRuleBinding10269 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBinding10279 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_71_in_ruleBinding10316 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_ruleBinding10337 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000100L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_72_in_ruleBinding10349 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_ruleBinding10370 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_entryRuleBindingEndPoint10406 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBindingEndPoint10416 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10462 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10474 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10496 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000400L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_74_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10509 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint10529 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_entryRuleLayerConnection10567 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLayerConnection10577 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_75_in_ruleLayerConnection10614 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000020000L,0x0000000000002000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAPoint_in_ruleLayerConnection10635 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000001000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_76_in_ruleLayerConnection10647 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPPoint_in_ruleLayerConnection10668 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAPoint_in_entryRuleSAPoint10704 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSAPoint10714 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSAPoint_in_ruleSAPoint10761 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRelaySAPoint_in_ruleSAPoint10788 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSAPoint_in_entryRuleRefSAPoint10823 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefSAPoint10833 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17_in_ruleRefSAPoint10870 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRefSAPoint10890 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRelaySAPoint_in_entryRuleRelaySAPoint10926 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRelaySAPoint10936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_77_in_ruleRelaySAPoint10973 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRelaySAPoint10993 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPPoint_in_entryRuleSPPoint11029 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSPPoint11039 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPPoint11084 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_ruleSPPoint11096 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPPoint11116 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_entryRuleActorRef11152 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorRef11162 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleReferenceType_in_ruleActorRef11208 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_ruleActorRef11221 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorRef11238 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_ruleActorRef11264 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleActorRef11277 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleActorRef11300 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorRef11321 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_entryRuleMULTIPLICITY11363 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMULTIPLICITY11374 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY11412 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L,0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_79_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY11426 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY11447 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY11466 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_entryRuleAnnotationTargetType11507 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationTargetType11518 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11556 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_56_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11575 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_80_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11594 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_40_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11613 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_46_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11632 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_67_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11651 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_65_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType11670 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateGraphNode_in_entryRuleStateGraphNode11712 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateGraphNode11722 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateGraphNode11769 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateGraphNode11796 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateGraphNode11823 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleState_in_entryRuleState11860 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleState11870 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSimpleState_in_ruleState11917 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedState_in_ruleState11944 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_entryRuleStateGraph11979 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateGraph11989 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleStateGraph12035 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateGraph12057 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateGraph12084 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateGraph12111 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_ruleStateGraph12138 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_ruleStateGraph12165 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleStateGraph12179 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateMachine_in_entryRuleStateMachine12215 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateMachine12225 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_81_in_ruleStateMachine12271 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleStateMachine12283 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateMachine12305 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateMachine12332 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateMachine12359 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_ruleStateMachine12386 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_ruleStateMachine12413 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x000000103F840000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleStateMachine12427 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSimpleState_in_entryRuleSimpleState12463 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSimpleState12473 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_82_in_ruleSimpleState12510 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSimpleState12527 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSimpleState12553 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleSimpleState12567 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000780000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_83_in_ruleSimpleState12580 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState12601 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000700000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_84_in_ruleSimpleState12616 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState12637 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000600000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_85_in_ruleSimpleState12652 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState12673 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000400000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_86_in_ruleSimpleState12688 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_ruleSimpleState12709 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleSimpleState12723 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedState_in_entryRuleRefinedState12761 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefinedState12771 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_87_in_ruleRefinedState12808 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRefinedState12831 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRefinedState12852 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRefinedState12865 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000780000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_83_in_ruleRefinedState12878 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12899 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000700000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_84_in_ruleRefinedState12914 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12935 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000600000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_85_in_ruleRefinedState12950 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12971 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000400000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_86_in_ruleRefinedState12986 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_ruleRefinedState13007 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRefinedState13021 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_entryRuleDetailCode13057 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDetailCode13067 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleDetailCode13113 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDetailCode13130 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleDetailCode13148 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_entryRuleTrPoint13184 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrPoint13194 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionPoint_in_ruleTrPoint13241 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEntryPoint_in_ruleTrPoint13268 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExitPoint_in_ruleTrPoint13295 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionPoint_in_entryRuleTransitionPoint13330 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionPoint13340 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_88_in_ruleTransitionPoint13383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000002000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_89_in_ruleTransitionPoint13409 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTransitionPoint13426 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEntryPoint_in_entryRuleEntryPoint13467 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEntryPoint13477 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_90_in_ruleEntryPoint13514 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleEntryPoint13531 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExitPoint_in_entryRuleExitPoint13572 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExitPoint13582 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_91_in_ruleExitPoint13619 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleExitPoint13636 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_entryRuleChoicePoint13677 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleChoicePoint13687 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_ruleChoicePoint13724 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleChoicePoint13741 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleChoicePoint13767 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_entryRuleTransition13804 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransition13814 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInitialTransition_in_ruleTransition13861 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNonInitialTransition_in_ruleTransition13888 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNonInitialTransition_in_entryRuleNonInitialTransition13923 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNonInitialTransition13933 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition13980 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleContinuationTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition14007 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleCPBranchTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition14034 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition_in_entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition14069 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition14079 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTriggeredTransition_in_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition14126 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGuardedTransition_in_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition14153 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInitialTransition_in_entryRuleInitialTransition14188 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInitialTransition14198 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_93_in_ruleInitialTransition14235 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInitialTransition14252 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleInitialTransition14270 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000040000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_94_in_ruleInitialTransition14282 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleInitialTransition14294 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleInitialTransition14315 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleInitialTransition14336 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleInitialTransition14349 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_ruleInitialTransition14362 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleInitialTransition14383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleInitialTransition14397 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleContinuationTransition_in_entryRuleContinuationTransition14433 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleContinuationTransition14443 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_93_in_ruleContinuationTransition14480 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleContinuationTransition14497 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleContinuationTransition14515 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleContinuationTransition14536 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleContinuationTransition14548 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleContinuationTransition14569 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleContinuationTransition14590 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleContinuationTransition14604 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_ruleContinuationTransition14617 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleContinuationTransition14638 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleContinuationTransition14652 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTriggeredTransition_in_entryRuleTriggeredTransition14690 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTriggeredTransition14700 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_93_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14737 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14754 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14772 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14793 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14805 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14826 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14847 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14860 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000100000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_96_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14872 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14884 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000008000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14905 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000200000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_97_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14918 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000008000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14939 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000200000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14953 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14966 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14987 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleTriggeredTransition15001 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGuardedTransition_in_entryRuleGuardedTransition15037 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleGuardedTransition15047 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_93_in_ruleGuardedTransition15084 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleGuardedTransition15101 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleGuardedTransition15119 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleGuardedTransition15140 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleGuardedTransition15152 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleGuardedTransition15173 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleGuardedTransition15194 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleGuardedTransition15207 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000400000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_98_in_ruleGuardedTransition15219 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuardedTransition15240 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_ruleGuardedTransition15253 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuardedTransition15274 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleGuardedTransition15288 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleCPBranchTransition_in_entryRuleCPBranchTransition15324 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleCPBranchTransition15334 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_93_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15371 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15388 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15406 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15427 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15439 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000006000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15481 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15494 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000800000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_99_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15506 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15527 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15561 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleCPBranchTransition15575 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_entryRuleRefinedTransition15611 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefinedTransition15621 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_100_in_ruleRefinedTransition15658 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRefinedTransition15681 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRefinedTransition15702 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRefinedTransition15715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_ruleRefinedTransition15727 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedTransition15748 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRefinedTransition15760 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_entryRuleTransitionTerminal15796 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionTerminal15806 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15853 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15880 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15907 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicepointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15934 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateTerminal_in_entryRuleStateTerminal15969 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateTerminal15979 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleStateTerminal16023 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPointTerminal_in_entryRuleTrPointTerminal16058 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrPointTerminal16068 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_101_in_ruleTrPointTerminal16105 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTrPointTerminal16125 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal_in_entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal16161 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal16171 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal16216 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal16228 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal16248 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicepointTerminal_in_entryRuleChoicepointTerminal16284 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleChoicepointTerminal16294 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_102_in_ruleChoicepointTerminal16331 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleChoicepointTerminal16351 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_entryRuleTrigger16387 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrigger16397 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_103_in_ruleTrigger16434 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_ruleTrigger16455 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000030400000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_104_in_ruleTrigger16468 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_ruleTrigger16489 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000030400000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGuard_in_ruleTrigger16512 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000020000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_105_in_ruleTrigger16525 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_entryRuleMessageFromIf16561 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMessageFromIf16571 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleMessageFromIf16616 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleMessageFromIf16628 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleMessageFromIf16648 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGuard_in_entryRuleGuard16684 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleGuard16694 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_98_in_ruleGuard16731 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuard16752 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_entryRuleAnnotation16788 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotation16798 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_106_in_ruleAnnotation16835 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleAnnotation16858 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_ruleAnnotation16871 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_ruleAnnotation16892 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleAnnotation16905 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_ruleAnnotation16926 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_ruleAnnotation16940 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_entryRuleKeyValue16978 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleKeyValue16988 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleKeyValue17030 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_ruleKeyValue17047 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000000000E0L,0x00F0000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_ruleKeyValue17068 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationType_in_entryRuleAnnotationType17104 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationType17114 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_107_in_ruleAnnotationType17151 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleAnnotationType17168 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleAnnotationType17194 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleAnnotationType17207 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000100000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_108_in_ruleAnnotationType17219 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_ruleAnnotationType17231 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0100410010004000L,0x000000000001000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17253 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000600000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleAnnotationType17272 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0100410010000000L,0x000000000001000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17293 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleAnnotationType17306 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0100410010000000L,0x000000000001000AL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17327 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleAnnotationType17341 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000600000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationType17364 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000600000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleAnnotationType17377 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleAnnotationAttribute17413 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationAttribute17423 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationAttribute17470 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationAttribute17497 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17532 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17542 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_109_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17586 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000800000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_110_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17617 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000800000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_111_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17630 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17647 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17664 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0xE000000000000000L,0x0000000000000001L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLiteralType_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17685 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute17721 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute17731 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_109_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17775 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000800000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_110_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17806 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000800000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_111_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17819 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17836 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17853 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17865 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17882 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17900 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17917 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002008000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_entryRuleImport17972 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImport17982 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_112_in_ruleImport18019 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0004000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_ruleImport18042 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0002000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_113_in_ruleImport18054 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_114_in_ruleImport18073 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleImport18091 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_entryRuleImportedFQN18133 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImportedFQN18144 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleImportedFQN18191 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0008000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_115_in_ruleImportedFQN18210 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_entryRuleDocumentation18252 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDocumentation18262 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleDocumentation18308 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDocumentation18325 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleDocumentation18343 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_entryRuleLiteral18383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLiteral18393 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18440 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18467 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18494 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteral_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteral18529 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteral18539 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_116_in_ruleBooleanLiteral18586 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_117_in_ruleBooleanLiteral18610 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteral_in_entryRuleNumberLiteral18660 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNumberLiteral18670 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleIntLiteral_in_ruleNumberLiteral18717 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteral_in_ruleNumberLiteral18744 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteral_in_entryRuleRealLiteral18779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRealLiteral18789 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleReal_in_ruleRealLiteral18844 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleIntLiteral_in_entryRuleIntLiteral18880 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleIntLiteral18890 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInteger_in_ruleIntLiteral18945 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_entryRuleStringLiteral18981 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringLiteral18991 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleStringLiteral19042 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInteger_in_entryRuleInteger19084 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInteger19095 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSignedInteger_in_ruleInteger19142 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleHexadecimal_in_ruleInteger19175 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSignedInteger_in_entryRuleSignedInteger19227 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSignedInteger19238 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleSignedInteger19281 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleSignedInteger19300 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleSignedInteger19317 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleHexadecimal_in_entryRuleHexadecimal19373 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleHexadecimal19384 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_HEX_in_ruleHexadecimal19427 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleReal_in_entryRuleReal19476 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleReal19487 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimal_in_ruleReal19534 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDotDecimal_in_ruleReal19567 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimalDot_in_ruleReal19600 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimalExp_in_ruleReal19633 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimal_in_entryRuleDecimal19685 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimal19696 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimal19739 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimal19758 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimal19775 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_ruleDecimal19793 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimal19808 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDotDecimal_in_entryRuleDotDecimal19864 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDotDecimal19875 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDotDecimal19918 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDotDecimal19937 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_ruleDotDecimal19952 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDotDecimal19967 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimalDot_in_entryRuleDecimalDot20023 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimalDot20034 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimalDot20077 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimalDot20096 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalDot20113 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_ruleDecimalDot20131 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimalExp_in_entryRuleDecimalExp20182 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimalExp20193 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimalExp20236 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimalExp20255 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalExp20272 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_ruleDecimalExp20290 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalExp20305 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_EXP_in_ruleDecimalExp20325 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_entryRuleFQN20375 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleFQN20386 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN20426 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_ruleFQN20445 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN20460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000200L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_120_in_ruleCommunicationType20521 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_121_in_ruleCommunicationType20538 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_122_in_ruleCommunicationType20555 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_123_in_ruleReferenceType20600 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_109_in_ruleReferenceType20617 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_120_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20664 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_121_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20681 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_124_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20698 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_122_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_125_in_ruleLiteralType20760 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_126_in_ruleLiteralType20777 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_127_in_ruleLiteralType20794 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_128_in_ruleLiteralType20811 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleModelComponent_in_entryRuleModelComponent5205 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleModelComponent5215 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_ruleModelComponent5261 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorClass_in_entryRuleActorClass5295 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorClass5305 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_52_in_ruleActorClass5393 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0030000000000000L,0x1700000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleComponentCommunicationType_in_ruleActorClass5481 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0030000000000000L,0x1700000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_53_in_ruleActorClass5533 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorClass5550 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000420004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass5576 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_ruleActorClass5590 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleActorClass5613 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass5627 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x01C0000000008000L,0x0000040000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleActorClass5648 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x01C0000000008000L,0x0000040000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_54_in_ruleActorClass5662 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass5674 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleActorClass5695 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleActorClass5717 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass5730 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0180000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_55_in_ruleActorClass5745 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass5766 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass5779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E002003C0008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleActorClass5792 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass5813 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200380008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_ruleActorClass5828 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass5849 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200300008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_ruleActorClass5864 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleActorClass5885 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleActorClass5954 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExternalPort_in_ruleActorClass5981 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_ruleActorClass6058 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleServiceImplementation_in_ruleActorClass6134 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_ruleActorClass6210 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleActorClass6286 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleActorClass6362 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAttribute_in_ruleActorClass6438 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2E00200200008000L,0x0800200000000910L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass6491 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0100000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_56_in_ruleActorClass6506 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorClass6527 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorClass6540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000008000L,0x0000040000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleActorClass6561 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000008000L,0x0000040000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStandardOperation_in_ruleActorClass6583 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000008000L,0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateMachine_in_ruleActorClass6605 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass6618 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorClass6632 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInterfaceItem_in_entryRuleInterfaceItem6668 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInterfaceItem6678 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleInterfaceItem6725 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_ruleInterfaceItem6752 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleInterfaceItem6779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_entryRulePort6814 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePort6824 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_45_in_rulePort6867 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_57_in_rulePort6893 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePort6910 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_rulePort6936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_rulePort6949 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_rulePort6972 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_rulePort6993 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExternalPort_in_entryRuleExternalPort7030 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExternalPort7040 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_58_in_ruleExternalPort7077 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_57_in_ruleExternalPort7089 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleExternalPort7109 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAP_in_entryRuleSAP7145 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSAP7155 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_59_in_ruleSAP7192 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSAP7209 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSAP7226 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSAP7249 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_entryRuleSPP7285 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSPP7295 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_ruleSPP7332 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPP7349 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSPP7366 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSPP7389 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleServiceImplementation_in_entryRuleServiceImplementation7425 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleServiceImplementation7435 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_61_in_ruleServiceImplementation7472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24_in_ruleServiceImplementation7484 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleServiceImplementation7504 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLogicalSystem_in_entryRuleLogicalSystem7540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLogicalSystem7550 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_62_in_ruleLogicalSystem7587 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleLogicalSystem7604 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleLogicalSystem7630 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleLogicalSystem7643 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000008000L,0x0000040000000110L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleLogicalSystem7664 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000008000L,0x0000040000000110L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemRef_in_ruleLogicalSystem7731 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000008000L,0x0000000000000110L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleLogicalSystem7807 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000008000L,0x0000000000000110L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleLogicalSystem7883 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000008000L,0x0000000000000110L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleLogicalSystem7936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemRef_in_entryRuleSubSystemRef7974 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubSystemRef7984 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_63_in_ruleSubSystemRef8021 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubSystemRef8038 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSubSystemRef8055 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleSubSystemRef8078 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSubSystemRef8099 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubSystemClass_in_entryRuleSubSystemClass8136 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubSystemClass8146 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_64_in_ruleSubSystemClass8183 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubSystemClass8200 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSubSystemClass8226 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleSubSystemClass8239 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x12002001C0008000L,0x0800240000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_ruleSubSystemClass8260 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x12002001C0008000L,0x0800240000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleSubSystemClass8274 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass8295 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200180008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_ruleSubSystemClass8310 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass8331 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200100008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_ruleSubSystemClass8346 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSubSystemClass8367 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePort_in_ruleSubSystemClass8435 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPP_in_ruleSubSystemClass8511 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_ruleSubSystemClass8587 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_ruleSubSystemClass8663 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_ruleSubSystemClass8739 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLogicalThread_in_ruleSubSystemClass8815 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_ruleSubSystemClass8891 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleSubSystemClass8944 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLogicalThread_in_entryRuleLogicalThread8980 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLogicalThread8990 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_65_in_ruleLogicalThread9027 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleLogicalThread9044 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_entryRuleActorInstanceMapping9085 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorInstanceMapping9095 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_66_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9132 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefPath_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9153 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9165 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9185 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9198 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorInstanceMapping_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9219 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1200200000008000L,0x0800200000000916L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleActorInstanceMapping9232 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefPath_in_entryRuleRefPath9270 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefPath9280 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_ruleRefPath9326 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_67_in_ruleRefPath9339 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_ruleRefPath9360 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSegment_in_entryRuleRefSegment9398 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefSegment9408 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRefSegment9450 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleRefSegment9468 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleRefSegment9485 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBinding_in_entryRuleBinding9528 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBinding9538 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_68_in_ruleBinding9575 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_ruleBinding9596 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_69_in_ruleBinding9608 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_ruleBinding9629 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBindingEndPoint_in_entryRuleBindingEndPoint9665 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBindingEndPoint9675 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9721 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9733 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9755 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000080L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_71_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9768 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleBindingEndPoint9788 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLayerConnection_in_entryRuleLayerConnection9826 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLayerConnection9836 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_72_in_ruleLayerConnection9873 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000020000L,0x0000000000000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAPoint_in_ruleLayerConnection9894 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000200L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_ruleLayerConnection9906 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPPoint_in_ruleLayerConnection9927 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSAPoint_in_entryRuleSAPoint9963 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSAPoint9973 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSAPoint_in_ruleSAPoint10020 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRelaySAPoint_in_ruleSAPoint10047 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefSAPoint_in_entryRuleRefSAPoint10082 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefSAPoint10092 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17_in_ruleRefSAPoint10129 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRefSAPoint10149 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRelaySAPoint_in_entryRuleRelaySAPoint10185 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRelaySAPoint10195 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_74_in_ruleRelaySAPoint10232 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRelaySAPoint10252 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSPPoint_in_entryRuleSPPoint10288 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSPPoint10298 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPPoint10343 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_ruleSPPoint10355 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSPPoint10375 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleActorRef_in_entryRuleActorRef10411 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleActorRef10421 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleReferenceType_in_ruleActorRef10467 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000800L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_75_in_ruleActorRef10480 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleActorRef10497 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_ruleActorRef10523 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleActorRef10536 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleActorRef10559 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleActorRef10580 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMULTIPLICITY_in_entryRuleMULTIPLICITY10622 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMULTIPLICITY10633 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY10671 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L,0x0000000000001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_76_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY10685 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY10706 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleMULTIPLICITY10725 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_entryRuleAnnotationTargetType10766 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationTargetType10777 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10815 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_53_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10834 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_77_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10853 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_40_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10872 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_46_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10891 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_64_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10910 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_62_in_ruleAnnotationTargetType10929 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateGraphNode_in_entryRuleStateGraphNode10971 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateGraphNode10981 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateGraphNode11028 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateGraphNode11055 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateGraphNode11082 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_entryRuleStateGraph11119 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateGraph11129 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleStateGraph11175 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateGraph11197 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateGraph11224 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateGraph11251 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_ruleStateGraph11278 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_ruleStateGraph11305 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleStateGraph11319 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateMachine_in_entryRuleStateMachine11355 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateMachine11365 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_ruleStateMachine11411 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleStateMachine11423 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleState_in_ruleStateMachine11445 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_ruleStateMachine11472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_ruleStateMachine11499 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_ruleStateMachine11526 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_ruleStateMachine11553 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000207F08000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleStateMachine11567 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleState_in_entryRuleState11603 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleState11613 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSimpleState_in_ruleState11660 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedState_in_ruleState11687 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSimpleState_in_entryRuleSimpleState11722 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSimpleState11732 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_79_in_ruleSimpleState11769 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSimpleState11786 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleSimpleState11812 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleSimpleState11826 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x00000000000F0000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_80_in_ruleSimpleState11839 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState11860 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x00000000000E0000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_81_in_ruleSimpleState11875 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState11896 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x00000000000C0000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_82_in_ruleSimpleState11911 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleSimpleState11932 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_83_in_ruleSimpleState11947 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_ruleSimpleState11968 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleSimpleState11982 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedState_in_entryRuleRefinedState12020 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefinedState12030 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_84_in_ruleRefinedState12067 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRefinedState12090 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRefinedState12111 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRefinedState12124 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x00000000000F0000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_80_in_ruleRefinedState12137 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12158 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x00000000000E0000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_81_in_ruleRefinedState12173 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12194 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x00000000000C0000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_82_in_ruleRefinedState12209 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedState12230 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_83_in_ruleRefinedState12245 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateGraph_in_ruleRefinedState12266 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRefinedState12280 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_entryRuleDetailCode12316 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDetailCode12326 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleDetailCode12378 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDetailCode12408 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleDetailCode12426 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPoint_in_entryRuleTrPoint12462 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrPoint12472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionPoint_in_ruleTrPoint12519 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEntryPoint_in_ruleTrPoint12546 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExitPoint_in_ruleTrPoint12573 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionPoint_in_entryRuleTransitionPoint12608 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionPoint12618 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_85_in_ruleTransitionPoint12661 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000400000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_86_in_ruleTransitionPoint12687 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTransitionPoint12704 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEntryPoint_in_entryRuleEntryPoint12745 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEntryPoint12755 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_87_in_ruleEntryPoint12792 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleEntryPoint12809 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExitPoint_in_entryRuleExitPoint12850 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExitPoint12860 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_88_in_ruleExitPoint12897 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleExitPoint12914 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicePoint_in_entryRuleChoicePoint12955 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleChoicePoint12965 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_89_in_ruleChoicePoint13002 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleChoicePoint13019 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleChoicePoint13045 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransition_in_entryRuleTransition13082 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransition13092 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInitialTransition_in_ruleTransition13139 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNonInitialTransition_in_ruleTransition13166 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNonInitialTransition_in_entryRuleNonInitialTransition13201 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNonInitialTransition13211 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition13258 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleContinuationTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition13285 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleCPBranchTransition_in_ruleNonInitialTransition13312 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition_in_entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition13347 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionChainStartTransition13357 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTriggeredTransition_in_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition13404 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGuardedTransition_in_ruleTransitionChainStartTransition13431 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInitialTransition_in_entryRuleInitialTransition13466 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInitialTransition13476 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_90_in_ruleInitialTransition13513 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInitialTransition13530 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleInitialTransition13548 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_91_in_ruleInitialTransition13560 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleInitialTransition13572 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleInitialTransition13593 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleInitialTransition13614 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleInitialTransition13627 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000010000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_ruleInitialTransition13640 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleInitialTransition13661 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleInitialTransition13675 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleContinuationTransition_in_entryRuleContinuationTransition13711 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleContinuationTransition13721 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_90_in_ruleContinuationTransition13758 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleContinuationTransition13775 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleContinuationTransition13793 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleContinuationTransition13814 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleContinuationTransition13826 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleContinuationTransition13847 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleContinuationTransition13868 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleContinuationTransition13882 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000010000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_ruleContinuationTransition13895 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleContinuationTransition13916 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleContinuationTransition13930 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTriggeredTransition_in_entryRuleTriggeredTransition13968 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTriggeredTransition13978 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_90_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14015 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14032 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14050 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14071 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14083 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14104 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14125 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14138 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000020000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_93_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14150 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14162 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000001000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14183 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_94_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14196 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000001000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14217 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14231 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000010000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14244 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14265 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleTriggeredTransition14279 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGuardedTransition_in_entryRuleGuardedTransition14315 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleGuardedTransition14325 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_90_in_ruleGuardedTransition14362 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleGuardedTransition14379 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleGuardedTransition14397 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleGuardedTransition14418 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleGuardedTransition14430 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleGuardedTransition14451 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleGuardedTransition14472 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleGuardedTransition14485 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000080000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_ruleGuardedTransition14497 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuardedTransition14518 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000010000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_ruleGuardedTransition14531 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuardedTransition14552 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleGuardedTransition14566 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleCPBranchTransition_in_entryRuleCPBranchTransition14602 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleCPBranchTransition14612 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_90_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14649 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14666 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14684 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14705 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14717 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0000000C00000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14738 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14759 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14772 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000100000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_96_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14784 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14805 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000000010000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14818 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14839 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleCPBranchTransition14853 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRefinedTransition_in_entryRuleRefinedTransition14889 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRefinedTransition14899 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_97_in_ruleRefinedTransition14936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleRefinedTransition14959 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRefinedTransition14980 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleRefinedTransition14993 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000010000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_ruleRefinedTransition15005 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleRefinedTransition15026 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleRefinedTransition15038 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTransitionTerminal_in_entryRuleTransitionTerminal15074 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTransitionTerminal15084 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15131 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15158 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15185 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicepointTerminal_in_ruleTransitionTerminal15212 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStateTerminal_in_entryRuleStateTerminal15247 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStateTerminal15257 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleStateTerminal15301 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrPointTerminal_in_entryRuleTrPointTerminal15336 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrPointTerminal15346 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_98_in_ruleTrPointTerminal15383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleTrPointTerminal15403 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal_in_entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal15439 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubStateTrPointTerminal15449 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal15494 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal15506 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSubStateTrPointTerminal15526 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleChoicepointTerminal_in_entryRuleChoicepointTerminal15562 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleChoicepointTerminal15572 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_99_in_ruleChoicepointTerminal15609 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleChoicepointTerminal15629 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTrigger_in_entryRuleTrigger15665 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTrigger15675 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_100_in_ruleTrigger15712 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_ruleTrigger15733 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000006080000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_101_in_ruleTrigger15746 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_ruleTrigger15767 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000006080000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGuard_in_ruleTrigger15790 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000004000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_102_in_ruleTrigger15803 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMessageFromIf_in_entryRuleMessageFromIf15839 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMessageFromIf15849 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleMessageFromIf15894 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleMessageFromIf15906 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleMessageFromIf15926 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleGuard_in_entryRuleGuard15962 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleGuard15972 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_ruleGuard16009 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDetailCode_in_ruleGuard16030 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleProtocolSemantics_in_entryRuleProtocolSemantics16066 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleProtocolSemantics16076 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_103_in_ruleProtocolSemantics16122 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleProtocolSemantics16134 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000030000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleProtocolSemantics16155 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000030000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleProtocolSemantics16168 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleSemanticsRule16204 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSemanticsRule16214 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInSemanticsRule_in_ruleSemanticsRule16261 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleOutSemanticsRule_in_ruleSemanticsRule16288 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleInSemanticsRule16323 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInSemanticsRule16333 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_104_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16370 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16382 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16402 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16415 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100000L,0x0000030000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16437 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16456 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000030000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16477 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16490 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000030000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16511 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_ruleInSemanticsRule16525 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleOutSemanticsRule_in_entryRuleOutSemanticsRule16565 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleOutSemanticsRule16575 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_105_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16612 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16624 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16644 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16657 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100000L,0x0000030000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16679 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16698 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000030000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16719 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16732 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000030000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSemanticsRule_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16753 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_ruleOutSemanticsRule16767 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotation_in_entryRuleAnnotation16807 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotation16817 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_106_in_ruleAnnotation16854 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleAnnotation16877 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_ruleAnnotation16890 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_ruleAnnotation16911 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleAnnotation16924 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_ruleAnnotation16945 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_ruleAnnotation16959 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleKeyValue_in_entryRuleKeyValue16997 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleKeyValue17007 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleKeyValue17049 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_ruleKeyValue17066 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000000000E0L,0x00F0000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_ruleKeyValue17087 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationType_in_entryRuleAnnotationType17123 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationType17133 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_107_in_ruleAnnotationType17170 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleAnnotationType17187 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleAnnotationType17213 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleAnnotationType17226 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000100000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_108_in_ruleAnnotationType17238 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_ruleAnnotationType17250 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4020410010004000L,0x0000000000002001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17272 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000600000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleAnnotationType17291 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4020410010000000L,0x0000000000002001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17312 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleAnnotationType17325 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4020410010000000L,0x0000000000002001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationTargetType_in_ruleAnnotationType17346 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleAnnotationType17360 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000600000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationType17383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000008000L,0x0000600000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleAnnotationType17396 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleAnnotationAttribute17432 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAnnotationAttribute17442 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationAttribute17489 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute_in_ruleAnnotationAttribute17516 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17551 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17561 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_109_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17605 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000800000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_110_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17636 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000800000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_111_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17649 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17666 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17683 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0xE000000000000000L,0x0000000000000001L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLiteralType_in_ruleSimpleAnnotationAttribute17704 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute_in_entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute17740 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEnumAnnotationAttribute17750 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_109_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17794 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000800000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_110_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17825 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000800000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_111_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17838 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17855 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17872 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17884 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17901 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17919 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleEnumAnnotationAttribute17955 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_entryRuleImport17991 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImport18001 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_112_in_ruleImport18038 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L,0x0004000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_ruleImport18061 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0002000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_113_in_ruleImport18073 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_114_in_ruleImport18092 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleImport18110 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_entryRuleImportedFQN18152 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImportedFQN18163 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleImportedFQN18210 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0008000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_115_in_ruleImportedFQN18229 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_entryRuleDocumentation18271 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDocumentation18281 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleDocumentation18327 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDocumentation18344 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleDocumentation18362 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_entryRuleLiteral18402 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLiteral18412 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18459 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18486 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_ruleLiteral18513 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteral_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteral18548 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteral18558 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_116_in_ruleBooleanLiteral18605 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_117_in_ruleBooleanLiteral18629 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteral_in_entryRuleNumberLiteral18679 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNumberLiteral18689 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleIntLiteral_in_ruleNumberLiteral18736 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteral_in_ruleNumberLiteral18763 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteral_in_entryRuleRealLiteral18798 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRealLiteral18808 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleReal_in_ruleRealLiteral18863 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleIntLiteral_in_entryRuleIntLiteral18899 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleIntLiteral18909 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInteger_in_ruleIntLiteral18964 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_entryRuleStringLiteral19000 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringLiteral19010 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleStringLiteral19061 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInteger_in_entryRuleInteger19103 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInteger19114 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSignedInteger_in_ruleInteger19161 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleHexadecimal_in_ruleInteger19194 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSignedInteger_in_entryRuleSignedInteger19246 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSignedInteger19257 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleSignedInteger19300 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleSignedInteger19319 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleSignedInteger19336 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleHexadecimal_in_entryRuleHexadecimal19392 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleHexadecimal19403 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_HEX_in_ruleHexadecimal19446 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleReal_in_entryRuleReal19495 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleReal19506 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimal_in_ruleReal19553 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDotDecimal_in_ruleReal19586 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimalDot_in_ruleReal19619 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimalExp_in_ruleReal19652 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimal_in_entryRuleDecimal19704 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimal19715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimal19758 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimal19777 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimal19794 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_ruleDecimal19812 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimal19827 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDotDecimal_in_entryRuleDotDecimal19883 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDotDecimal19894 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDotDecimal19937 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDotDecimal19956 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_ruleDotDecimal19971 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDotDecimal19986 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimalDot_in_entryRuleDecimalDot20042 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimalDot20053 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimalDot20096 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimalDot20115 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalDot20132 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_ruleDecimalDot20150 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDecimalExp_in_entryRuleDecimalExp20201 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDecimalExp20212 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ruleDecimalExp20255 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_ruleDecimalExp20274 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalExp20291 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_ruleDecimalExp20309 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_ruleDecimalExp20324 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_EXP_in_ruleDecimalExp20344 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_entryRuleFQN20394 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleFQN20405 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN20445 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_ruleFQN20464 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN20479 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_120_in_ruleCommunicationType20540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_121_in_ruleCommunicationType20557 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_122_in_ruleCommunicationType20574 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_123_in_ruleReferenceType20619 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_109_in_ruleReferenceType20636 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_120_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20683 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_121_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20700 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_124_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20717 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_122_in_ruleComponentCommunicationType20734 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_125_in_ruleLiteralType20779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_126_in_ruleLiteralType20796 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_127_in_ruleLiteralType20813 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_128_in_ruleLiteralType20830 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});

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