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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm2/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/genmodel/fsm/')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm2/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/genmodel/fsm/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm2/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/genmodel/fsm/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bd0f2d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm2/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/genmodel/fsm/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 protos software gmbh (
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
+ */
+package org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.ChoicePoint;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.ChoicepointTerminal;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.ModelComponent;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.NonInitialTransition;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.RefinedState;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.RefinedTransition;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.SimpleState;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.State;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.StateGraph;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.StateGraphNode;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.StateTerminal;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.SubStateTrPointTerminal;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.TrPoint;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.TrPointTerminal;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.Transition;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.TransitionTerminal;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.util.FSMHelpers;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.FsmGenFactory;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.Graph;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.GraphContainer;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.Link;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.Node;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.CollectionLiterals;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Extension;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ListExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures.Procedure1;
+public class FsmGenBuilder {
+ @Inject
+ @Extension
+ private FSMHelpers fsmHelpers;
+ private final FsmGenFactory factory = FsmGenFactory.eINSTANCE;
+ public FsmGenBuilder(final Injector injector) {
+ injector.injectMembers(this);
+ }
+ public GraphContainer createTransformedModel(final ModelComponent mc) {
+ return this.createContainer(mc);
+ }
+ private GraphContainer createContainer(final ModelComponent mc) {
+ final ArrayList<?> _cacheKey = CollectionLiterals.newArrayList(mc);
+ final GraphContainer _result;
+ synchronized (_createCache_createContainer) {
+ if (_createCache_createContainer.containsKey(_cacheKey)) {
+ return _createCache_createContainer.get(_cacheKey);
+ }
+ GraphContainer _createGraphContainer = this.factory.createGraphContainer();
+ _result = _createGraphContainer;
+ _createCache_createContainer.put(_cacheKey, _result);
+ }
+ _init_createContainer(_result, mc);
+ return _result;
+ }
+ private final HashMap<ArrayList<?>, GraphContainer> _createCache_createContainer = CollectionLiterals.newHashMap();
+ private void _init_createContainer(final GraphContainer it, final ModelComponent mc) {
+ it.setComponent(mc);
+ Graph _createStateMachine = this.createStateMachine(mc);
+ it.setGraph(_createStateMachine);
+ }
+ private Graph createStateMachine(final ModelComponent mc) {
+ Graph _xblockexpression = null;
+ {
+ final StateGraph superFSM = this.fsmHelpers.getSuperStateMachine(mc);
+ Graph _xifexpression = null;
+ boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(superFSM, null));
+ if (_notEquals) {
+ Graph _xblockexpression_1 = null;
+ {
+ ModelComponent _modelComponent = this.fsmHelpers.getModelComponent(superFSM);
+ final Graph baseGraph = this.createStateMachine(_modelComponent);
+ StateGraph _actualStateMachine = this.fsmHelpers.getActualStateMachine(mc);
+ _xblockexpression_1 = this.mergeGraph(baseGraph, _actualStateMachine);
+ }
+ _xifexpression = _xblockexpression_1;
+ } else {
+ StateGraph _actualStateMachine = this.fsmHelpers.getActualStateMachine(mc);
+ _xifexpression = this.createGraph(_actualStateMachine);
+ }
+ _xblockexpression = _xifexpression;
+ }
+ return _xblockexpression;
+ }
+ private Graph mergeGraph(final Graph graph, final StateGraph sg) {
+ EList<Node> _nodes = graph.getNodes();
+ final Procedure1<Node> _function = new Procedure1<Node>() {
+ @Override
+ public void apply(final Node it) {
+ it.setInherited(true);
+ }
+ };
+ IterableExtensions.<Node>forEach(_nodes, _function);
+ EList<Link> _links = graph.getLinks();
+ final Procedure1<Link> _function_1 = new Procedure1<Link>() {
+ @Override
+ public void apply(final Link it) {
+ it.setInherited(true);
+ }
+ };
+ IterableExtensions.<Link>forEach(_links, _function_1);
+ this.createContents(graph, sg);
+ graph.setStateGraph(sg);
+ return graph;
+ }
+ private Graph createGraph(final StateGraph sg) {
+ final ArrayList<?> _cacheKey = CollectionLiterals.newArrayList(sg);
+ final Graph _result;
+ synchronized (_createCache_createGraph) {
+ if (_createCache_createGraph.containsKey(_cacheKey)) {
+ return _createCache_createGraph.get(_cacheKey);
+ }
+ Graph _createGraph = this.factory.createGraph();
+ _result = _createGraph;
+ _createCache_createGraph.put(_cacheKey, _result);
+ }
+ _init_createGraph(_result, sg);
+ return _result;
+ }
+ private final HashMap<ArrayList<?>, Graph> _createCache_createGraph = CollectionLiterals.newHashMap();
+ private void _init_createGraph(final Graph it, final StateGraph sg) {
+ it.setStateGraph(sg);
+ this.createContents(it, sg);
+ }
+ private void createContents(final Graph graph, final StateGraph sg) {
+ EList<Node> _nodes = graph.getNodes();
+ EList<ChoicePoint> _chPoints = sg.getChPoints();
+ final Function1<ChoicePoint, Node> _function = new Function1<ChoicePoint, Node>() {
+ @Override
+ public Node apply(final ChoicePoint it) {
+ return FsmGenBuilder.this.createNode(it);
+ }
+ };
+ List<Node> _map = ListExtensions.<ChoicePoint, Node>map(_chPoints, _function);
+ _nodes.addAll(_map);
+ EList<Node> _nodes_1 = graph.getNodes();
+ EList<TrPoint> _trPoints = sg.getTrPoints();
+ final Function1<TrPoint, Node> _function_1 = new Function1<TrPoint, Node>() {
+ @Override
+ public Node apply(final TrPoint it) {
+ return FsmGenBuilder.this.createNode(it);
+ }
+ };
+ List<Node> _map_1 = ListExtensions.<TrPoint, Node>map(_trPoints, _function_1);
+ _nodes_1.addAll(_map_1);
+ EList<Node> _nodes_2 = graph.getNodes();
+ EList<State> _states = sg.getStates();
+ Iterable<SimpleState> _filter = Iterables.<SimpleState>filter(_states, SimpleState.class);
+ final Function1<SimpleState, Node> _function_2 = new Function1<SimpleState, Node>() {
+ @Override
+ public Node apply(final SimpleState it) {
+ return FsmGenBuilder.this.createNode(it);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<Node> _map_2 = IterableExtensions.<SimpleState, Node>map(_filter, _function_2);
+ Iterables.<Node>addAll(_nodes_2, _map_2);
+ EList<Link> _links = graph.getLinks();
+ EList<Transition> _transitions = sg.getTransitions();
+ final Function1<Transition, Link> _function_3 = new Function1<Transition, Link>() {
+ @Override
+ public Link apply(final Transition it) {
+ return FsmGenBuilder.this.createLink(it);
+ }
+ };
+ List<Link> _map_3 = ListExtensions.<Transition, Link>map(_transitions, _function_3);
+ _links.addAll(_map_3);
+ EList<State> _states_1 = sg.getStates();
+ Iterable<RefinedState> _filter_1 = Iterables.<RefinedState>filter(_states_1, RefinedState.class);
+ final Procedure1<RefinedState> _function_4 = new Procedure1<RefinedState>() {
+ @Override
+ public void apply(final RefinedState it) {
+ FsmGenBuilder.this.handleRefinedState(it);
+ }
+ };
+ IterableExtensions.<RefinedState>forEach(_filter_1, _function_4);
+ EList<RefinedTransition> _refinedTransitions = sg.getRefinedTransitions();
+ final Procedure1<RefinedTransition> _function_5 = new Procedure1<RefinedTransition>() {
+ @Override
+ public void apply(final RefinedTransition it) {
+ FsmGenBuilder.this.handleRefinedTransition(it);
+ }
+ };
+ IterableExtensions.<RefinedTransition>forEach(_refinedTransitions, _function_5);
+ }
+ private void handleRefinedState(final RefinedState s) {
+ StateGraph _subgraph = s.getSubgraph();
+ boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_subgraph, null));
+ if (_notEquals) {
+ State _target = s.getTarget();
+ StateGraph _subgraph_1 = _target.getSubgraph();
+ boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(_subgraph_1, null));
+ if (_notEquals_1) {
+ State _target_1 = s.getTarget();
+ StateGraph _subgraph_2 = _target_1.getSubgraph();
+ final Graph targetGraph = this.createGraph(_subgraph_2);
+ StateGraph _subgraph_3 = s.getSubgraph();
+ this.mergeGraph(targetGraph, _subgraph_3);
+ } else {
+ State _target_2 = s.getTarget();
+ Node _createNode = this.createNode(_target_2);
+ StateGraph _subgraph_4 = s.getSubgraph();
+ Graph _createGraph = this.createGraph(_subgraph_4);
+ _createNode.setSubgraph(_createGraph);
+ }
+ }
+ State _target_3 = s.getTarget();
+ final Node target = this.createNode(_target_3);
+ target.setStateGraphNode(s);
+ }
+ private void handleRefinedTransition(final RefinedTransition t) {
+ Transition _target = t.getTarget();
+ Link _createLink = this.createLink(_target);
+ _createLink.setTransition(t);
+ }
+ private Link createLink(final Transition tr) {
+ final ArrayList<?> _cacheKey = CollectionLiterals.newArrayList(tr);
+ final Link _result;
+ synchronized (_createCache_createLink) {
+ if (_createCache_createLink.containsKey(_cacheKey)) {
+ return _createCache_createLink.get(_cacheKey);
+ }
+ Link _createLink = this.factory.createLink();
+ _result = _createLink;
+ _createCache_createLink.put(_cacheKey, _result);
+ }
+ _init_createLink(_result, tr);
+ return _result;
+ }
+ private final HashMap<ArrayList<?>, Link> _createCache_createLink = CollectionLiterals.newHashMap();
+ private void _init_createLink(final Link it, final Transition tr) {
+ it.setTransition(tr);
+ Node _xifexpression = null;
+ if ((tr instanceof NonInitialTransition)) {
+ TransitionTerminal _from = ((NonInitialTransition)tr).getFrom();
+ _xifexpression = this.createNode(_from);
+ } else {
+ _xifexpression = null;
+ }
+ it.setSource(_xifexpression);
+ TransitionTerminal _to = tr.getTo();
+ Node _createNode = this.createNode(_to);
+ it.setTarget(_createNode);
+ }
+ private Node _createNode(final StateGraphNode s) {
+ final ArrayList<?> _cacheKey = CollectionLiterals.newArrayList(s);
+ final Node _result;
+ synchronized (_createCache_createNode) {
+ if (_createCache_createNode.containsKey(_cacheKey)) {
+ return _createCache_createNode.get(_cacheKey);
+ }
+ Node _createNode = this.factory.createNode();
+ _result = _createNode;
+ _createCache_createNode.put(_cacheKey, _result);
+ }
+ _init_createNode(_result, s);
+ return _result;
+ }
+ private final HashMap<ArrayList<?>, Node> _createCache_createNode = CollectionLiterals.newHashMap();
+ private void _init_createNode(final Node it, final StateGraphNode s) {
+ it.setStateGraphNode(s);
+ Graph _xifexpression = null;
+ if (((s instanceof State) && (!Objects.equal(((State) s).getSubgraph(), null)))) {
+ StateGraph _subgraph = ((State) s).getSubgraph();
+ _xifexpression = this.createGraph(_subgraph);
+ } else {
+ _xifexpression = null;
+ }
+ it.setSubgraph(_xifexpression);
+ }
+ private Node _createNode(final ChoicepointTerminal tt) {
+ ChoicePoint _cp = tt.getCp();
+ return this.createNode(_cp);
+ }
+ private Node _createNode(final TrPointTerminal tt) {
+ TrPoint _trPoint = tt.getTrPoint();
+ return this.createNode(_trPoint);
+ }
+ private Node _createNode(final StateTerminal tt) {
+ State _state = tt.getState();
+ return this.createNode(_state);
+ }
+ private Node _createNode(final SubStateTrPointTerminal tt) {
+ TrPoint _trPoint = tt.getTrPoint();
+ return this.createNode(_trPoint);
+ }
+ private Node createNode(final EObject tt) {
+ if (tt instanceof ChoicepointTerminal) {
+ return _createNode((ChoicepointTerminal)tt);
+ } else if (tt instanceof StateGraphNode) {
+ return _createNode((StateGraphNode)tt);
+ } else if (tt instanceof StateTerminal) {
+ return _createNode((StateTerminal)tt);
+ } else if (tt instanceof SubStateTrPointTerminal) {
+ return _createNode((SubStateTrPointTerminal)tt);
+ } else if (tt instanceof TrPointTerminal) {
+ return _createNode((TrPointTerminal)tt);
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " +
+ Arrays.<Object>asList(tt).toString());
+ }
+ }

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