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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm/src/org/eclipse/etrice/core/fsm/GenerateFSM.mwe2')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm/src/org/eclipse/etrice/core/fsm/GenerateFSM.mwe2 b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm/src/org/eclipse/etrice/core/fsm/GenerateFSM.mwe2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aecba1b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm/src/org/eclipse/etrice/core/fsm/GenerateFSM.mwe2
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 protos software gmbh (
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Thomas Schuetz and Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
+ * Eyrak Paen
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+module org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.GenerateFSM
+import org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.*
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.*
+import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.generator.*
+var grammarURI = "classpath:/org/eclipse/etrice/core/fsm/FSM.xtext"
+var fileExtensions = "fsm"
+var projectName = "org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm"
+var runtimeProject = "../${projectName}"
+var generateXtendStub = true
+var encoding = "UTF-8"
+Workflow {
+ bean = StandaloneSetup {
+ scanClassPath = true
+ platformUri = "${runtimeProject}/.."
+ registerGenModelFile = "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.etrice.core.common/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/common/Base.genmodel"
+ registerGeneratedEPackage = "org.eclipse.etrice.core.common.base.BasePackage"
+ }
+ component = DirectoryCleaner {
+ directory = "${runtimeProject}/src-gen"
+ }
+ component = DirectoryCleaner {
+ directory = "${runtimeProject}/model/generated"
+ }
+ component = DirectoryCleaner {
+ directory = "${runtimeProject}.ui/src-gen"
+ }
+ component = DirectoryCleaner {
+ directory = "../../tests/${projectName}.tests/src-gen"
+ }
+ component = Generator {
+ pathRtProject = runtimeProject
+ pathUiProject = "${runtimeProject}.ui"
+ pathTestProject = "../../tests/${projectName}.tests"
+ projectNameRt = projectName
+ projectNameUi = "${projectName}.ui"
+ encoding = encoding
+ language = auto-inject {
+ uri = grammarURI
+ // Java API to access grammar elements (required by several other fragments)
+ fragment = grammarAccess.GrammarAccessFragment auto-inject {}
+ // generates Java API for the generated EPackages
+ fragment = ecore.EMFGeneratorFragment auto-inject {}
+ // the old serialization component
+ // fragment = parseTreeConstructor.ParseTreeConstructorFragment auto-inject {}
+ // serializer 2.0
+ fragment = serializer.SerializerFragment auto-inject {
+ generateStub = false
+ }
+ // a custom ResourceFactory for use with EMF
+ fragment = resourceFactory.ResourceFactoryFragment auto-inject {}
+ // The antlr parser generator fragment.
+ fragment = parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment auto-inject {
+ // options = {
+ // backtrack = true
+ // }
+ }
+ // Xtend-based API for validation
+ // Added for compatibility with existing eTrice subgrammars
+ fragment = validation.JavaValidatorFragment auto-inject {
+ composedCheck = "org.eclipse.xtext.validation.ImportUriValidator"
+ composedCheck = "org.eclipse.xtext.validation.NamesAreUniqueValidator"
+ }
+ // old scoping and exporting API
+ // fragment = scoping.ImportURIScopingFragment auto-inject {}
+ // fragment = exporting.SimpleNamesFragment auto-inject {}
+ // scoping and exporting API
+ fragment = scoping.ImportURIScopingFragment auto-inject {}
+ fragment = exporting.QualifiedNamesFragment auto-inject {}
+ fragment = builder.BuilderIntegrationFragment auto-inject {}
+ // generator API
+ fragment = generator.GeneratorFragment auto-inject {}
+ // formatter API
+ fragment = formatting.FormatterFragment auto-inject {}
+ // labeling API
+ fragment = labeling.LabelProviderFragment auto-inject {}
+ // outline API
+ fragment = outline.OutlineTreeProviderFragment auto-inject {}
+ fragment = outline.QuickOutlineFragment auto-inject {}
+ // quickfix API
+ fragment = quickfix.QuickfixProviderFragment auto-inject {}
+ // content assist API
+ fragment = contentAssist.ContentAssistFragment auto-inject {}
+ // generates a more lightweight Antlr parser and lexer tailored for content assist
+ fragment = parser.antlr.XtextAntlrUiGeneratorFragment auto-inject {}
+ // generates junit test support classes into Generator#pathTestProject
+ fragment = junit.Junit4Fragment auto-inject {}
+ // rename refactoring
+ fragment = refactoring.RefactorElementNameFragment auto-inject {}
+ // provides the necessary bindings for java types integration
+// fragment = types.TypesGeneratorFragment auto-inject {}
+ // generates the required bindings only if the grammar inherits from Xbase
+// fragment = xbase.XbaseGeneratorFragment auto-inject {}
+ // generates the required bindings only if the grammar inherits from Xtype
+// fragment = xbase.XtypeGeneratorFragment auto-inject {}
+ // provides a preference page for template proposals
+ fragment = templates.CodetemplatesGeneratorFragment auto-inject {}
+ // provides a compare view
+ fragment = compare.CompareFragment auto-inject {}
+ }
+ }

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