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authortjung2012-09-11 18:37:16 +0000
committertjung2012-09-11 18:37:16 +0000
commita3ca92b32966152a29d025b0fc54c8c89e7453b4 (patch)
tree28a7c0d3145db56e48c116346e28dd7f1ca84d57 /plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c
parentc419d0001190244c0b9120510d6c768fdbdc6447 (diff)
[generator.c] SubSysClass_shutdown
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c')
2 files changed, 1675 insertions, 1681 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend
index 33e8f8df8..8225f13dd 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/src/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/SubSystemClassGen.xtend
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class SubSystemClassGen {
void «»_stop(void); /* lifecycle stop */
void «»_destroy(void); /* lifecycle destroy */
- void «»_shutdown(void); /* shutdown the dispatcher loop */
+ void SubSysClass_shutdown(void); /* shutdown the dispatcher loop */
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class SubSystemClassGen {
- void «»_shutdown(void){
+ void SubSysClass_shutdown(void){
ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "shutdown")
etLogger_logInfoF("%s_shutdown", «»;
«»Inst.shutdownRequest = 1;
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/
index 77eba5fbc..78ce3de22 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c/xtend-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/generator/c/gen/
@@ -1,1679 +1,1673 @@
-package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.gen;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.base.ILogger;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.ActorInstance;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.ExpandedActorClass;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.InterfaceItemInstance;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.PortInstance;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.Root;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.SubSystemInstance;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.gen.CExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ILanguageExtension;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ProcedureHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.RoomExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.TypeHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.JavaIoFileSystemAccess;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ListExtensions;
-public class SubSystemClassGen {
- @Inject
- private JavaIoFileSystemAccess fileAccess;
- @Inject
- private CExtensions stdExt;
- @Inject
- private RoomExtensions roomExt;
- @Inject
- private ProcedureHelpers helpers;
- @Inject
- private TypeHelpers _typeHelpers;
- @Inject
- private ILanguageExtension languageExt;
- @Inject
- private ILogger logger;
- public void doGenerate(final Root root) {
- EList<SubSystemInstance> _subSystemInstances = root.getSubSystemInstances();
- for (final SubSystemInstance ssi : _subSystemInstances) {
- {
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- String _generationTargetPath = this.roomExt.getGenerationTargetPath(_subSystemClass);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_1 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- String _path = this.roomExt.getPath(_subSystemClass_1);
- String path = (_generationTargetPath + _path);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_2 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- String file = this.stdExt.getCHeaderFileName(_subSystemClass_2);
- String _plus = ("generating SubSystemClass declaration: \'" + file);
- String _plus_1 = (_plus + "\' in \'");
- String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + path);
- String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + "\'");
- this.logger.logInfo(_plus_3);
- this.fileAccess.setOutputPath(path);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_3 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- CharSequence _generateHeaderFile = this.generateHeaderFile(root, ssi, _subSystemClass_3);
- this.fileAccess.generateFile(file, _generateHeaderFile);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_4 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- String _cSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getCSourceFileName(_subSystemClass_4);
- file = _cSourceFileName;
- String _plus_4 = ("generating SubSystemClass implementation: \'" + file);
- String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + "\' in \'");
- String _plus_6 = (_plus_5 + path);
- String _plus_7 = (_plus_6 + "\'");
- this.logger.logInfo(_plus_7);
- this.fileAccess.setOutputPath(path);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_5 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- CharSequence _generateSourceFile = this.generateSourceFile(root, ssi, _subSystemClass_5);
- this.fileAccess.generateFile(file, _generateSourceFile);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_6 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- String _instSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getInstSourceFileName(_subSystemClass_6);
- file = _instSourceFileName;
- String _plus_8 = ("generating SubSystemClass instance file: \'" + file);
- String _plus_9 = (_plus_8 + "\' in \'");
- String _plus_10 = (_plus_9 + path);
- String _plus_11 = (_plus_10 + "\'");
- this.logger.logInfo(_plus_11);
- this.fileAccess.setOutputPath(path);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_7 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- CharSequence _generateInstanceFile = this.generateInstanceFile(root, ssi, _subSystemClass_7);
- this.fileAccess.generateFile(file, _generateInstanceFile);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_8 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- String _dispSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getDispSourceFileName(_subSystemClass_8);
- file = _dispSourceFileName;
- String _plus_12 = ("generating SubSystemClass dispatcher file: \'" + file);
- String _plus_13 = (_plus_12 + "\' in \'");
- String _plus_14 = (_plus_13 + path);
- String _plus_15 = (_plus_14 + "\'");
- this.logger.logInfo(_plus_15);
- this.fileAccess.setOutputPath(path);
- SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_9 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
- CharSequence _generateDispatcherFile = this.generateDispatcherFile(root, ssi, _subSystemClass_9);
- this.fileAccess.generateFile(file, _generateDispatcherFile);
- }
- }
- }
- private CharSequence generateHeaderFile(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi, final SubSystemClass ssc) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("/**");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* @author generated by eTrice");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* Header File of SubSystemClass ");
- String _name = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* ");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*/");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- String _name_1 = ssc.getName();
- CharSequence _generateIncludeGuardBegin = this.stdExt.generateIncludeGuardBegin(_name_1);
- _builder.append(_generateIncludeGuardBegin, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- DetailCode _userCode1 = ssc.getUserCode1();
- CharSequence _userCode = this.helpers.userCode(_userCode1);
- _builder.append(_userCode, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* lifecycle functions");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* init -> start -> run (loop) -> stop -> destroy");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*/");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_2 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_2, "");
- _builder.append("_init(void);\t\t/* lifecycle init \t */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_3 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_3, "");
- _builder.append("_start(void);\t/* lifecycle start \t */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_4 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_4, "");
- _builder.append("_run(void);\t\t/* lifecycle run \t */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_5 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_5, "");
- _builder.append("_stop(void); \t/* lifecycle stop\t */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_6 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_6, "");
- _builder.append("_destroy(void); \t/* lifecycle destroy */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_7 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_7, "");
- _builder.append("_shutdown(void); /* shutdown the dispatcher loop */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- DetailCode _userCode2 = ssc.getUserCode2();
- CharSequence _userCode_1 = this.helpers.userCode(_userCode2);
- _builder.append(_userCode_1, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- String _name_8 = ssc.getName();
- CharSequence _generateIncludeGuardEnd = this.stdExt.generateIncludeGuardEnd(_name_8);
- _builder.append(_generateIncludeGuardEnd, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- return _builder;
- }
- private CharSequence generateSourceFile(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi, final SubSystemClass ssc) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("/**");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* @author generated by eTrice");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* Source File of SubSystemClass ");
- String _name = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* ");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*/");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"");
- String _cHeaderFileName = this.stdExt.getCHeaderFileName(ssc);
- _builder.append(_cHeaderFileName, "");
- _builder.append("\"");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* include instances for all classes */");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"");
- String _instSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getInstSourceFileName(ssc);
- _builder.append(_instSourceFileName, "");
- _builder.append("\"");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("#include \"");
- String _dispSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getDispSourceFileName(ssc);
- _builder.append(_dispSourceFileName, "");
- _builder.append("\"");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"debugging/etLogger.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"debugging/etMSCLogger.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"platform/etTimer.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"etRuntimeConfig.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- DetailCode _userCode3 = ssc.getUserCode3();
- CharSequence _userCode = this.helpers.userCode(_userCode3);
- _builder.append(_userCode, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* data for SubSysten ");
- String _name_1 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, "");
- _builder.append(" */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("typedef struct ");
- String _name_2 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_2, "");
- _builder.append(" {");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("char *name;");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("volatile int shutdownRequest;");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("} ");
- String _name_3 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_3, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("static ");
- String _name_4 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_4, "");
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _name_5 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_5, "");
- _builder.append("Inst = {\"");
- String _name_6 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_6, "");
- _builder.append("\",0};");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_7 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_7, "");
- _builder.append("_initActorInstances(void);");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_8 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_8, "");
- _builder.append("_constructActorInstances(void);");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_9 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_9, "");
- _builder.append("_init(void){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"init\")");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_init\", ");
- String _name_10 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_10, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("/* construct all actors */");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- String _name_11 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_11, " ");
- _builder.append("_constructActorInstances();");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("/* initialization of all message services */");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("etMessageService_init(&msgService_Thread1, msgBuffer_Thread1, MESSAGE_POOL_MAX, MESSAGE_BLOCK_SIZE, MsgDispatcher_Thread1_receiveMessage);");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("/* init all actors */");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- String _name_12 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_12, " ");
- _builder.append("_initActorInstances();");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_13 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_13, "");
- _builder.append("_start(void){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"start\")");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_start\", ");
- String _name_14 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_14, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_15 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_15, "");
- _builder.append("_run(void){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"run\")");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("#ifdef ET_RUNTIME_ENDLESS");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("while(!(");
- String _name_16 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_16, " ");
- _builder.append("Inst.shutdownRequest)){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("if (etTimer_executeNeeded()){");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("etMessageService_execute(&msgService_Thread1);");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
- CharSequence _generateDatadrivenExecutes = this.generateDatadrivenExecutes(root, ssi);
- _builder.append(_generateDatadrivenExecutes, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("#else");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("uint32 loopCounter = 0;");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("while(!(");
- String _name_17 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_17, " ");
- _builder.append("Inst.shutdownRequest)){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("if (etTimer_executeNeeded()){");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("etMessageService_execute(&msgService_Thread1);");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
- CharSequence _generateDatadrivenExecutes_1 = this.generateDatadrivenExecutes(root, ssi);
- _builder.append(_generateDatadrivenExecutes_1, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("etLogger_logInfo(\"Execute\");");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("if (loopCounter++ > ET_RUNTIME_MAXLOOP){");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("break;");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("#endif");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_18 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_18, "");
- _builder.append("_stop(void){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"stop\")");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_stop\", ");
- String _name_19 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_19, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_20 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_20, "");
- _builder.append("_destroy(void){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"destroy\")");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_destroy\", ");
- String _name_21 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_21, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
- List<ActorInstance> _reverseView = ListExtensions.<ActorInstance>reverseView(_allContainedInstances);
- for(final ActorInstance ai : _reverseView) {
- {
- ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
- EList<StandardOperation> _operations = _actorClass.getOperations();
- final Function1<StandardOperation,Boolean> _function = new Function1<StandardOperation,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final StandardOperation op) {
- boolean _isDestructor = op.isDestructor();
- return Boolean.valueOf(_isDestructor);
- }
- };
- Iterable<StandardOperation> _filter = IterableExtensions.<StandardOperation>filter(_operations, _function);
- boolean _isEmpty = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(_filter);
- boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
- if (_not) {
- _builder.append("\t");
- ActorClass _actorClass_1 = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_22 = _actorClass_1.getName();
- String _destructorName = this.languageExt.destructorName(_name_22);
- _builder.append(_destructorName, " ");
- _builder.append("(&");
- String _path = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
- _builder.append(_pathName, " ");
- _builder.append(");");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_23 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_23, "");
- _builder.append("_shutdown(void){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"shutdown\")");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_shutdown\", ");
- String _name_24 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_24, " ");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- String _name_25 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_25, " ");
- _builder.append("Inst.shutdownRequest = 1;");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_26 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_26, "");
- _builder.append("_constructActorInstances(void){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"");
- String _name_27 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_27, " ");
- _builder.append("\", \"constructActorInstances\")");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances_1 = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
- for(final ActorInstance ai_1 : _allContainedInstances_1) {
- {
- ActorClass _actorClass_2 = ai_1.getActorClass();
- EList<StandardOperation> _operations_1 = _actorClass_2.getOperations();
- final Function1<StandardOperation,Boolean> _function_1 = new Function1<StandardOperation,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final StandardOperation op) {
- boolean _isConstructor = RoomHelpers.isConstructor(op);
- return Boolean.valueOf(_isConstructor);
- }
- };
- Iterable<StandardOperation> _filter_1 = IterableExtensions.<StandardOperation>filter(_operations_1, _function_1);
- boolean _isEmpty_1 = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(_filter_1);
- boolean _not_1 = (!_isEmpty_1);
- if (_not_1) {
- _builder.append("\t");
- ActorClass _actorClass_3 = ai_1.getActorClass();
- String _name_28 = _actorClass_3.getName();
- String _constructorName = this.languageExt.constructorName(_name_28);
- _builder.append(_constructorName, " ");
- _builder.append("(&");
- String _path_1 = ai_1.getPath();
- String _pathName_1 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_1);
- _builder.append(_pathName_1, " ");
- _builder.append(");");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("void ");
- String _name_29 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_29, "");
- _builder.append("_initActorInstances(void){");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"");
- String _name_30 = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_30, " ");
- _builder.append("\", \"initActorInstances\")");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances_2 = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
- for(final ActorInstance ai_2 : _allContainedInstances_2) {
- _builder.append("\t");
- ActorClass _actorClass_4 = ai_2.getActorClass();
- String _name_31 = _actorClass_4.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_31, " ");
- _builder.append("_init(&");
- String _path_2 = ai_2.getPath();
- String _pathName_2 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_2);
- _builder.append(_pathName_2, " ");
- _builder.append(");");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- return _builder;
- }
- private CharSequence generateInstanceFile(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi, final SubSystemClass ssc) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("/**");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* @author generated by eTrice");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* Instance File of SubSystemClass ");
- String _name = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* - instantiation of all actor instances and port instances");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* - configuration of data and connection of ports");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*/");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"messaging/etMessageService.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"platform/etMemory.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* instantiation of message services */");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* MessageService for Thread1 */");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("static uint8 msgBuffer_Thread1[MESSAGE_POOL_MAX*MESSAGE_BLOCK_SIZE];");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("static etMessageService msgService_Thread1;");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* include all used ActorClasses */");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- EList<ActorClass> _usedActorClasses = root.getUsedActorClasses();
- for(final ActorClass actorClass : _usedActorClasses) {
- _builder.append("#include \"");
- String _name_1 = actorClass.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, "");
- _builder.append(".h\"");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* include all used ProtcolClasses */");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- EList<ProtocolClass> _usedProtocolClasses = root.getUsedProtocolClasses();
- for(final ProtocolClass protocolClass : _usedProtocolClasses) {
- _builder.append("#include \"");
- String _name_2 = protocolClass.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_2, "");
- _builder.append(".h\"");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* declarations of all ActorClass instances (const and variable structs) */");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* forward declaration of variable actor structs */");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
- for(final ActorInstance ai : _allContainedInstances) {
- _builder.append("static ");
- ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_3 = _actorClass.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_3, "");
- _builder.append(" ");
- String _path = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
- _builder.append(_pathName, "");
- _builder.append(";");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* forward declaration of variable port structs */\t\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances_1 = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
- for(final ActorInstance ai_1 : _allContainedInstances_1) {
- {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances = ai_1.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
- boolean _isEmpty = _orderedIfItemInstances.isEmpty();
- if (_isEmpty) {
- _builder.append("/*nothing to do */");
- _builder.newLine();
- } else {
- {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances_1 = ai_1.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
- for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi : _orderedIfItemInstances_1) {
- {
- ProtocolClass _protocol = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- PortClass _portClass = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol, _isConjugated);
- boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_portClass, null));
- if (_notEquals) {
- {
- ProtocolClass _protocol_1 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_1 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- PortClass _portClass_1 = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol_1, _isConjugated_1);
- EList<Attribute> _attributes = _portClass_1.getAttributes();
- boolean _isEmpty_1 = _attributes.isEmpty();
- boolean _not = (!_isEmpty_1);
- if (_not) {
- {
- boolean _isReplicated = pi.isReplicated();
- if (_isReplicated) {
- _builder.append("static ");
- ProtocolClass _protocol_2 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_2 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- String _portClassName = this.roomExt.getPortClassName(_protocol_2, _isConjugated_2);
- _builder.append(_portClassName, "");
- _builder.append("_var ");
- String _path_1 = pi.getPath();
- String _pathName_1 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_1);
- _builder.append(_pathName_1, "");
- _builder.append("_var[");
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
- int _size = _peers.size();
- _builder.append(_size, "");
- _builder.append("]={");
- String _genReplPortAttributeInitializer = this.genReplPortAttributeInitializer(pi);
- _builder.append(_genReplPortAttributeInitializer, "");
- _builder.append("};");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- } else {
- _builder.append("static ");
- ProtocolClass _protocol_3 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_3 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- String _portClassName_1 = this.roomExt.getPortClassName(_protocol_3, _isConjugated_3);
- _builder.append(_portClassName_1, "");
- _builder.append("_var ");
- String _path_2 = pi.getPath();
- String _pathName_2 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_2);
- _builder.append(_pathName_2, "");
- _builder.append("_var={");
- CharSequence _genPortAttributeInitializer = this.genPortAttributeInitializer(pi);
- _builder.append(_genPortAttributeInitializer, "");
- _builder.append("};");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances_2 = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
- for(final ActorInstance ai_2 : _allContainedInstances_2) {
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("/* instance ");
- String _path_3 = ai_2.getPath();
- String _pathName_3 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_3);
- _builder.append(_pathName_3, "");
- _builder.append(" */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances_2 = ai_2.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
- boolean _isEmpty_2 = _orderedIfItemInstances_2.isEmpty();
- if (_isEmpty_2) {
- _builder.append("/* no ports/saps/services - nothing to initialize statically */");
- _builder.newLine();
- } else {
- CharSequence _genActorInstanceInitializer = this.genActorInstanceInitializer(root, ai_2);
- _builder.append(_genActorInstanceInitializer, "");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _builder.newLine();
- return _builder;
- }
- private String genReplPortAttributeInitializer(final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
- int i = 0;
- String retval = "";
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
- int _size = _peers.size();
- i = _size;
- boolean _greaterThan = (i > 0);
- boolean _while = _greaterThan;
- while (_while) {
- {
- String _plus = (retval + "\r\n\t\t\t{");
- CharSequence _genPortAttributeInitializer = this.genPortAttributeInitializer(pi);
- String _plus_1 = (_plus + _genPortAttributeInitializer);
- String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + "}");
- retval = _plus_2;
- int _minus = (i - 1);
- i = _minus;
- boolean _greaterThan_1 = (i > 0);
- if (_greaterThan_1) {
- String _plus_3 = (retval + ",");
- retval = _plus_3;
- }
- }
- boolean _greaterThan_1 = (i > 0);
- _while = _greaterThan_1;
- }
- return retval;
- }
- private CharSequence genPortAttributeInitializer(final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- ProtocolClass _protocol = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- PortClass _portClass = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol, _isConjugated);
- EList<Attribute> _attributes = _portClass.getAttributes();
- boolean _hasElements = false;
- for(final Attribute attr : _attributes) {
- if (!_hasElements) {
- _hasElements = true;
- } else {
- _builder.appendImmediate(",", "");
- }
- {
- String _defaultValueLiteral = attr.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_defaultValueLiteral, null));
- if (_notEquals) {
- String _defaultValueLiteral_1 = attr.getDefaultValueLiteral();
- _builder.append(_defaultValueLiteral_1, "");
- } else {
- RefableType _refType = attr.getRefType();
- DataType _type = _refType.getType();
- String _defaultValue = this._typeHelpers.defaultValue(_type);
- _builder.append(_defaultValue, "");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
- private CharSequence genActorInstanceInitializer(final Root root, final ActorInstance ai) {
- CharSequence _xblockexpression = null;
- {
- String _path = ai.getPath();
- String instName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
- ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance> _arrayList = new ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance>();
- ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance> replPorts = _arrayList;
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances = ai.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
- final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance e) {
- boolean _isReplicated = e.isReplicated();
- return Boolean.valueOf(_isReplicated);
- }
- };
- Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _filter = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(_orderedIfItemInstances, _function);
- Iterables.<InterfaceItemInstance>addAll(replPorts, _filter);
- final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_1 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance e) {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = e.getPeers();
- boolean _isEmpty = _peers.isEmpty();
- boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
- return Boolean.valueOf(_not);
- }
- };
- InterfaceItemInstance _findFirst = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>findFirst(replPorts, _function_1);
- boolean haveReplSubPorts = (!Objects.equal(_findFirst, null));
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances_1 = ai.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
- final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_2 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance e) {
- boolean _isSimple = e.isSimple();
- return Boolean.valueOf(_isSimple);
- }
- };
- Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> simplePorts = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(_orderedIfItemInstances_1, _function_2);
- ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance> _arrayList_1 = new ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance>();
- ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance> eventPorts = _arrayList_1;
- final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_3 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance p) {
- ProtocolClass _protocol = p.getProtocol();
- CommunicationType _commType = _protocol.getCommType();
- boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_commType, CommunicationType.EVENT_DRIVEN);
- return Boolean.valueOf(_equals);
- }
- };
- Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _filter_1 = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(simplePorts, _function_3);
- Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _union = this.roomExt.<InterfaceItemInstance>union(_filter_1, replPorts);
- Iterables.<InterfaceItemInstance>addAll(eventPorts, _union);
- final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_4 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance p) {
- ProtocolClass _protocol = p.getProtocol();
- CommunicationType _commType = _protocol.getCommType();
- boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_commType, CommunicationType.DATA_DRIVEN);
- return Boolean.valueOf(_equals);
- }
- };
- Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> dataPorts = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(simplePorts, _function_4);
- final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_5 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance p) {
- boolean _and = false;
- if (!(p instanceof PortInstance)) {
- _and = false;
- } else {
- Port _port = ((PortInstance) p).getPort();
- boolean _isConjugated = _port.isConjugated();
- boolean _not = (!_isConjugated);
- _and = ((p instanceof PortInstance) && _not);
- }
- return Boolean.valueOf(_and);
- }
- };
- Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> recvPorts = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(dataPorts, _function_5);
- HashMap<InterfaceItemInstance,Integer> _hashMap = new HashMap<InterfaceItemInstance,Integer>();
- HashMap<InterfaceItemInstance,Integer> offsets = _hashMap;
- int offset = 0;
- for (final InterfaceItemInstance p : replPorts) {
- {
- offsets.put(p, Integer.valueOf(offset));
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = p.getPeers();
- int _size = _peers.size();
- int _plus = (offset + _size);
- offset = _plus;
- }
- }
- String _xifexpression = null;
- if (haveReplSubPorts) {
- String _plus = (instName + "_repl_sub_ports");
- _xifexpression = _plus;
- } else {
- _xifexpression = "NULL";
- }
- String replSubPortsArray = _xifexpression;
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- if (haveReplSubPorts) {
- _builder.append("static const etReplSubPort ");
- _builder.append(replSubPortsArray, "");
- _builder.append("[");
- _builder.append(offset, "");
- _builder.append("] = {");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("/* Replicated Sub Ports: {varData, msgService, peerAddress, localId, index} */");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_6 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance e) {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = e.getPeers();
- boolean _isEmpty = _peers.isEmpty();
- boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
- return Boolean.valueOf(_not);
- }
- };
- Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _filter_2 = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(replPorts, _function_6);
- boolean _hasElements = false;
- for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi : _filter_2) {
- if (!_hasElements) {
- _hasElements = true;
- } else {
- _builder.appendImmediate(",", " ");
- }
- _builder.append("\t");
- String _genReplSubPortInitializers = this.genReplSubPortInitializers(root, ai, pi);
- _builder.append(_genReplSubPortInitializers, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("};");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- {
- boolean _and = false;
- boolean _isEmpty = eventPorts.isEmpty();
- if (!_isEmpty) {
- _and = false;
- } else {
- boolean _isEmpty_1 = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(recvPorts);
- _and = (_isEmpty && _isEmpty_1);
- }
- boolean _not = (!_and);
- if (_not) {
- _builder.append("static const ");
- ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name = _actorClass.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, "");
- _builder.append("_const ");
- _builder.append(instName, "");
- _builder.append("_const = {");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("/* Ports: {varData, msgService, peerAddress, localId} */");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- boolean _hasElements_1 = false;
- for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi_1 : eventPorts) {
- if (!_hasElements_1) {
- _hasElements_1 = true;
- } else {
- _builder.appendImmediate(",", " ");
- }
- {
- boolean _isSimple = pi_1.isSimple();
- if (_isSimple) {
- _builder.append("\t");
- String _genPortInitializer = this.genPortInitializer(root, ai, pi_1);
- _builder.append(_genPortInitializer, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- } else {
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("{");
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi_1.getPeers();
- int _size = _peers.size();
- _builder.append(_size, " ");
- _builder.append(", ");
- _builder.append(replSubPortsArray, " ");
- _builder.append("+");
- Integer _get = offsets.get(pi_1);
- _builder.append(_get, " ");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _builder.append("\t");
- {
- boolean _and_1 = false;
- boolean _isEmpty_2 = eventPorts.isEmpty();
- boolean _not_1 = (!_isEmpty_2);
- if (!_not_1) {
- _and_1 = false;
- } else {
- boolean _isEmpty_3 = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(recvPorts);
- boolean _not_2 = (!_isEmpty_3);
- _and_1 = (_not_1 && _not_2);
- }
- if (_and_1) {
- _builder.append(",");
- }
- }
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("/* data receive ports */");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- boolean _hasElements_2 = false;
- for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi_2 : recvPorts) {
- if (!_hasElements_2) {
- _hasElements_2 = true;
- } else {
- _builder.appendImmediate(",", " ");
- }
- _builder.append("\t");
- String _genRecvPortInitializer = this.genRecvPortInitializer(root, ai, pi_2);
- _builder.append(_genRecvPortInitializer, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("};");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("static ");
- ActorClass _actorClass_1 = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_1 = _actorClass_1.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, "");
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append(instName, "");
- _builder.append(" = {&");
- _builder.append(instName, "");
- _builder.append("_const};");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _xblockexpression = (_builder);
- }
- return _xblockexpression;
- }
- private String genPortInitializer(final Root root, final ActorInstance ai, final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
- String _xblockexpression = null;
- {
- int _xifexpression = (int) 0;
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
- boolean _isEmpty = _peers.isEmpty();
- if (_isEmpty) {
- _xifexpression = 0;
- } else {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_1 = pi.getPeers();
- InterfaceItemInstance _get = _peers_1.get(0);
- int _objId = _get.getObjId();
- _xifexpression = _objId;
- }
- int objId = _xifexpression;
- int _xifexpression_1 = (int) 0;
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_2 = pi.getPeers();
- boolean _isEmpty_1 = _peers_2.isEmpty();
- if (_isEmpty_1) {
- _xifexpression_1 = 0;
- } else {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_3 = pi.getPeers();
- InterfaceItemInstance _get_1 = _peers_3.get(0);
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_4 = _get_1.getPeers();
- int _indexOf = _peers_4.indexOf(pi);
- _xifexpression_1 = _indexOf;
- }
- int idx = _xifexpression_1;
- String _interfaceItemInstanceData = this.getInterfaceItemInstanceData(pi);
- String _plus = ("{" + _interfaceItemInstanceData);
- String _plus_1 = (_plus + ",");
- String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + "&msgService_Thread1, ");
- int _plus_3 = (objId + idx);
- String _plus_4 = (_plus_2 + Integer.valueOf(_plus_3));
- String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + ", ");
- ExpandedActorClass _expandedActorClass = root.getExpandedActorClass(ai);
- InterfaceItem _interfaceItem = pi.getInterfaceItem();
- int _interfaceItemLocalId = _expandedActorClass.getInterfaceItemLocalId(_interfaceItem);
- int _plus_6 = (_interfaceItemLocalId + 1);
- String _plus_7 = (_plus_5 + Integer.valueOf(_plus_6));
- String _plus_8 = (_plus_7 + "} /* Port ");
- String _name = pi.getName();
- String _plus_9 = (_plus_8 + _name);
- String _plus_10 = (_plus_9 + " */");
- _xblockexpression = (_plus_10);
- }
- return _xblockexpression;
- }
- private String getInterfaceItemInstanceData(final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
- ProtocolClass _protocol = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- PortClass _portClass = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol, _isConjugated);
- boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_portClass, null);
- if (_equals) {
- return "0";
- }
- ProtocolClass _protocol_1 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_1 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- PortClass _portClass_1 = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol_1, _isConjugated_1);
- EList<Attribute> _attributes = _portClass_1.getAttributes();
- boolean _isEmpty = _attributes.isEmpty();
- if (_isEmpty) {
- return "0";
- } else {
- String _path = pi.getPath();
- String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
- String _plus = ("&" + _pathName);
- return (_plus + "_var");
- }
- }
- private String genRecvPortInitializer(final Root root, final ActorInstance ai, final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
- String _xblockexpression = null;
- {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
- boolean _isEmpty = _peers.isEmpty();
- if (_isEmpty) {
- return "{NULL}";
- }
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_1 = pi.getPeers();
- InterfaceItemInstance peer = _peers_1.get(0);
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_2 = pi.getPeers();
- InterfaceItemInstance _get = _peers_2.get(0);
- EObject _eContainer = _get.eContainer();
- ActorInstance peerInst = ((ActorInstance) _eContainer);
- String _path = peerInst.getPath();
- String instName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
- String _plus = ("{&" + instName);
- String _plus_1 = (_plus + ".");
- String _name = peer.getName();
- String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + _name);
- String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + "}");
- _xblockexpression = (_plus_3);
- }
- return _xblockexpression;
- }
- private String genReplSubPortInitializers(final Root root, final ActorInstance ai, final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
- String result = "";
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
- for (final InterfaceItemInstance p : _peers) {
- {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_1 = pi.getPeers();
- int idx = _peers_1.indexOf(p);
- String _xifexpression = null;
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_2 = pi.getPeers();
- int _size = _peers_2.size();
- int _minus = (_size - 1);
- boolean _lessThan = (idx < _minus);
- if (_lessThan) {
- _xifexpression = ",";
- } else {
- _xifexpression = "";
- }
- String comma = _xifexpression;
- String iiiD = this.getInterfaceItemInstanceData(pi);
- String _xifexpression_1 = null;
- boolean _equals = iiiD.equals("0");
- if (_equals) {
- String _plus = (iiiD + ",");
- _xifexpression_1 = _plus;
- } else {
- String _plus_1 = (iiiD + "[");
- String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + Integer.valueOf(idx));
- String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + "],");
- _xifexpression_1 = _plus_3;
- }
- iiiD = _xifexpression_1;
- String _plus_4 = (result +
- "{");
- String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + iiiD);
- String _plus_6 = (_plus_5 + "&msgService_Thread1, ");
- int _objId = p.getObjId();
- String _plus_7 = (_plus_6 + Integer.valueOf(_objId));
- String _plus_8 = (_plus_7 + ", ");
- ExpandedActorClass _expandedActorClass = root.getExpandedActorClass(ai);
- InterfaceItem _interfaceItem = pi.getInterfaceItem();
- int _interfaceItemLocalId = _expandedActorClass.getInterfaceItemLocalId(_interfaceItem);
- int _plus_9 = (_interfaceItemLocalId + 1);
- String _plus_10 = (_plus_8 + Integer.valueOf(_plus_9));
- String _plus_11 = (_plus_10 + ", ");
- String _plus_12 = (_plus_11 + Integer.valueOf(idx));
- String _plus_13 = (_plus_12 + "}");
- String _plus_14 = (_plus_13 + comma);
- String _plus_15 = (_plus_14 + " /* Repl Sub Port ");
- String _name = pi.getName();
- String _plus_16 = (_plus_15 + _name);
- String _plus_17 = (_plus_16 + " idx +");
- String _plus_18 = (_plus_17 + Integer.valueOf(idx));
- String _plus_19 = (_plus_18 + "*/\n");
- result = _plus_19;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- private CharSequence generateDispatcherFile(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi, final SubSystemClass ssc) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- _builder.append("/**");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* @author generated by eTrice");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* Dispatcher File of SubSystemClass ");
- String _name = ssc.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, " ");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("* - one generated dispatcher for each MessageService (Thread)");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append(" ");
- _builder.append("*/");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"messaging/etMessageReceiver.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"debugging/etLogger.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("#include \"debugging/etMSCLogger.h\"");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("static void MsgDispatcher_Thread1_receiveMessage(const etMessage* msg){");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"MsgDispatcher_Thread1\", \"receiveMessage\")");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("switch(msg->address){");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
- for(final ActorInstance ai : _allContainedInstances) {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("/* interface items of ");
- String _path = ai.getPath();
- _builder.append(_path, " ");
- _builder.append(" */");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances = ai.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
- final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
- public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance p) {
- ProtocolClass _protocol = p.getProtocol();
- CommunicationType _commType = _protocol.getCommType();
- boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_commType, CommunicationType.EVENT_DRIVEN);
- return Boolean.valueOf(_equals);
- }
- };
- Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _filter = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(_orderedIfItemInstances, _function);
- for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi : _filter) {
- {
- boolean _isReplicated = pi.isReplicated();
- if (_isReplicated) {
- {
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
- for(final InterfaceItemInstance peer : _peers) {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("case ");
- int _objId = pi.getObjId();
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_1 = pi.getPeers();
- int _indexOf = _peers_1.indexOf(peer);
- int _plus = (_objId + _indexOf);
- _builder.append(_plus, " ");
- _builder.append(":");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- ProtocolClass _protocol = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- boolean _handlesReceive = this.roomExt.handlesReceive(_protocol, _isConjugated);
- if (_handlesReceive) {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("switch (msg->evtID){");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- ProtocolClass _protocol_1 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_1 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- List<MessageHandler> _receiveHandlers = this.roomExt.getReceiveHandlers(_protocol_1, _isConjugated_1);
- for(final MessageHandler h : _receiveHandlers) {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("case ");
- ProtocolClass _protocol_2 = pi.getProtocol();
- String _name_1 = _protocol_2.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_1, " ");
- _builder.append("_");
- Message _msg = h.getMsg();
- String _codeName = this.roomExt.getCodeName(_msg);
- _builder.append(_codeName, " ");
- _builder.append(":");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("\t");
- ProtocolClass _protocol_3 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_2 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- String _portClassName = this.roomExt.getPortClassName(_protocol_3, _isConjugated_2);
- _builder.append(_portClassName, " ");
- _builder.append("_");
- Message _msg_1 = h.getMsg();
- String _name_2 = _msg_1.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_2, " ");
- _builder.append("_receiveHandler((etPort *)&");
- String _path_1 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_1);
- _builder.append(_pathName, " ");
- _builder.append("_const.");
- String _name_3 = pi.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_3, " ");
- _builder.append(".ports[");
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_2 = pi.getPeers();
- int _indexOf_1 = _peers_2.indexOf(peer);
- _builder.append(_indexOf_1, " ");
- _builder.append("],msg,(void*)&");
- String _path_2 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_1 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_2);
- _builder.append(_pathName_1, " ");
- _builder.append(",");
- ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_4 = _actorClass.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_4, " ");
- _builder.append("_receiveMessage);");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("break;");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("default: ");
- ActorClass _actorClass_1 = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_5 = _actorClass_1.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_5, " ");
- _builder.append("_receiveMessage((void*)&");
- String _path_3 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_2 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_3);
- _builder.append(_pathName_2, " ");
- _builder.append(",(etPort*)&");
- String _path_4 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_3 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_4);
- _builder.append(_pathName_3, " ");
- _builder.append("_const.");
- String _name_6 = pi.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_6, " ");
- _builder.append(".ports[");
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_3 = pi.getPeers();
- int _indexOf_2 = _peers_3.indexOf(peer);
- _builder.append(_indexOf_2, " ");
- _builder.append("], msg);");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("break;");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("}\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t");
- _builder.newLine();
- } else {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- ActorClass _actorClass_2 = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_7 = _actorClass_2.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_7, " ");
- _builder.append("_receiveMessage((void*)&");
- String _path_5 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_4 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_5);
- _builder.append(_pathName_4, " ");
- _builder.append(",(etPort*)&");
- String _path_6 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_5 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_6);
- _builder.append(_pathName_5, " ");
- _builder.append("_const.");
- String _name_8 = pi.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_8, " ");
- _builder.append(".ports[");
- EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_4 = pi.getPeers();
- int _indexOf_3 = _peers_4.indexOf(peer);
- _builder.append(_indexOf_3, " ");
- _builder.append("], msg);");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("break;");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- } else {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("case ");
- int _objId_1 = pi.getObjId();
- _builder.append(_objId_1, " ");
- _builder.append(":");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- {
- ProtocolClass _protocol_4 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_3 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- boolean _handlesReceive_1 = this.roomExt.handlesReceive(_protocol_4, _isConjugated_3);
- if (_handlesReceive_1) {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("switch (msg->evtID){");
- _builder.newLine();
- {
- ProtocolClass _protocol_5 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_4 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- List<MessageHandler> _receiveHandlers_1 = this.roomExt.getReceiveHandlers(_protocol_5, _isConjugated_4);
- for(final MessageHandler h_1 : _receiveHandlers_1) {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("case ");
- ProtocolClass _protocol_6 = pi.getProtocol();
- String _name_9 = _protocol_6.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_9, " ");
- _builder.append("_");
- Message _msg_2 = h_1.getMsg();
- String _codeName_1 = this.roomExt.getCodeName(_msg_2);
- _builder.append(_codeName_1, " ");
- _builder.append(":");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("\t");
- ProtocolClass _protocol_7 = pi.getProtocol();
- boolean _isConjugated_5 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
- String _portClassName_1 = this.roomExt.getPortClassName(_protocol_7, _isConjugated_5);
- _builder.append(_portClassName_1, " ");
- _builder.append("_");
- Message _msg_3 = h_1.getMsg();
- String _name_10 = _msg_3.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_10, " ");
- _builder.append("_receiveHandler((etPort *)&");
- String _path_7 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_6 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_7);
- _builder.append(_pathName_6, " ");
- _builder.append("_const.");
- String _name_11 = pi.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_11, " ");
- _builder.append(",msg,(void*)&");
- String _path_8 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_7 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_8);
- _builder.append(_pathName_7, " ");
- _builder.append(",");
- ActorClass _actorClass_3 = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_12 = _actorClass_3.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_12, " ");
- _builder.append("_receiveMessage);");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("break;");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("default: ");
- ActorClass _actorClass_4 = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_13 = _actorClass_4.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_13, " ");
- _builder.append("_receiveMessage((void*)&");
- String _path_9 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_8 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_9);
- _builder.append(_pathName_8, " ");
- _builder.append(",(etPort*)&");
- String _path_10 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_9 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_10);
- _builder.append(_pathName_9, " ");
- _builder.append("_const.");
- String _name_14 = pi.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_14, " ");
- _builder.append(", msg);");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("break;");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- } else {
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- ActorClass _actorClass_5 = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name_15 = _actorClass_5.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_15, " ");
- _builder.append("_receiveMessage((void*)&");
- String _path_11 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_10 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_11);
- _builder.append(_pathName_10, " ");
- _builder.append(",(etPort*)&");
- String _path_12 = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName_11 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_12);
- _builder.append(_pathName_11, " ");
- _builder.append("_const.");
- String _name_16 = pi.getName();
- _builder.append(_name_16, " ");
- _builder.append(", msg);");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("break;");
- _builder.newLine();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("default:");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t\t");
- _builder.append("etLogger_logErrorF(\"MessageService_Thread1_receiveMessage: address %d does not exist \", msg->address);");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t\t");
- _builder.append("break;");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("\t");
- _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
- _builder.newLine();
- _builder.append("}");
- _builder.newLine();
- return _builder;
- }
- private CharSequence generateDatadrivenExecutes(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi) {
- StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
- {
- EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
- for(final ActorInstance ai : _allContainedInstances) {
- {
- boolean _or = false;
- ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
- ActorCommunicationType _commType = _actorClass.getCommType();
- boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_commType, ActorCommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS);
- if (_equals) {
- _or = true;
- } else {
- ActorClass _actorClass_1 = ai.getActorClass();
- ActorCommunicationType _commType_1 = _actorClass_1.getCommType();
- boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(_commType_1, ActorCommunicationType.DATA_DRIVEN);
- _or = (_equals || _equals_1);
- }
- if (_or) {
- ActorClass _actorClass_2 = ai.getActorClass();
- String _name = _actorClass_2.getName();
- _builder.append(_name, "");
- _builder.append("_execute(&");
- String _path = ai.getPath();
- String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
- _builder.append(_pathName, "");
- _builder.append(");");
- _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return _builder;
- }
+package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.gen;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.base.ILogger;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.ActorInstance;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.ExpandedActorClass;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.InterfaceItemInstance;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.PortInstance;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.Root;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.SubSystemInstance;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.gen.CExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ILanguageExtension;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ProcedureHelpers;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.RoomExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.TypeHelpers;
+import org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.JavaIoFileSystemAccess;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ListExtensions;
+public class SubSystemClassGen {
+ @Inject
+ private JavaIoFileSystemAccess fileAccess;
+ @Inject
+ private CExtensions stdExt;
+ @Inject
+ private RoomExtensions roomExt;
+ @Inject
+ private ProcedureHelpers helpers;
+ @Inject
+ private TypeHelpers _typeHelpers;
+ @Inject
+ private ILanguageExtension languageExt;
+ @Inject
+ private ILogger logger;
+ public void doGenerate(final Root root) {
+ EList<SubSystemInstance> _subSystemInstances = root.getSubSystemInstances();
+ for (final SubSystemInstance ssi : _subSystemInstances) {
+ {
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ String _generationTargetPath = this.roomExt.getGenerationTargetPath(_subSystemClass);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_1 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ String _path = this.roomExt.getPath(_subSystemClass_1);
+ String path = (_generationTargetPath + _path);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_2 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ String file = this.stdExt.getCHeaderFileName(_subSystemClass_2);
+ String _plus = ("generating SubSystemClass declaration: \'" + file);
+ String _plus_1 = (_plus + "\' in \'");
+ String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + path);
+ String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + "\'");
+ this.logger.logInfo(_plus_3);
+ this.fileAccess.setOutputPath(path);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_3 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ CharSequence _generateHeaderFile = this.generateHeaderFile(root, ssi, _subSystemClass_3);
+ this.fileAccess.generateFile(file, _generateHeaderFile);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_4 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ String _cSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getCSourceFileName(_subSystemClass_4);
+ file = _cSourceFileName;
+ String _plus_4 = ("generating SubSystemClass implementation: \'" + file);
+ String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + "\' in \'");
+ String _plus_6 = (_plus_5 + path);
+ String _plus_7 = (_plus_6 + "\'");
+ this.logger.logInfo(_plus_7);
+ this.fileAccess.setOutputPath(path);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_5 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ CharSequence _generateSourceFile = this.generateSourceFile(root, ssi, _subSystemClass_5);
+ this.fileAccess.generateFile(file, _generateSourceFile);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_6 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ String _instSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getInstSourceFileName(_subSystemClass_6);
+ file = _instSourceFileName;
+ String _plus_8 = ("generating SubSystemClass instance file: \'" + file);
+ String _plus_9 = (_plus_8 + "\' in \'");
+ String _plus_10 = (_plus_9 + path);
+ String _plus_11 = (_plus_10 + "\'");
+ this.logger.logInfo(_plus_11);
+ this.fileAccess.setOutputPath(path);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_7 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ CharSequence _generateInstanceFile = this.generateInstanceFile(root, ssi, _subSystemClass_7);
+ this.fileAccess.generateFile(file, _generateInstanceFile);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_8 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ String _dispSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getDispSourceFileName(_subSystemClass_8);
+ file = _dispSourceFileName;
+ String _plus_12 = ("generating SubSystemClass dispatcher file: \'" + file);
+ String _plus_13 = (_plus_12 + "\' in \'");
+ String _plus_14 = (_plus_13 + path);
+ String _plus_15 = (_plus_14 + "\'");
+ this.logger.logInfo(_plus_15);
+ this.fileAccess.setOutputPath(path);
+ SubSystemClass _subSystemClass_9 = ssi.getSubSystemClass();
+ CharSequence _generateDispatcherFile = this.generateDispatcherFile(root, ssi, _subSystemClass_9);
+ this.fileAccess.generateFile(file, _generateDispatcherFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private CharSequence generateHeaderFile(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi, final SubSystemClass ssc) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("/**");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* @author generated by eTrice");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* Header File of SubSystemClass ");
+ String _name = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* ");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*/");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ String _name_1 = ssc.getName();
+ CharSequence _generateIncludeGuardBegin = this.stdExt.generateIncludeGuardBegin(_name_1);
+ _builder.append(_generateIncludeGuardBegin, "");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ DetailCode _userCode1 = ssc.getUserCode1();
+ CharSequence _userCode = this.helpers.userCode(_userCode1);
+ _builder.append(_userCode, "");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* lifecycle functions");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* init -> start -> run (loop) -> stop -> destroy");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*/");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_2 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_2, "");
+ _builder.append("_init(void);\t\t/* lifecycle init \t */");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_3 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_3, "");
+ _builder.append("_start(void);\t/* lifecycle start \t */");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_4 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_4, "");
+ _builder.append("_run(void);\t\t/* lifecycle run \t */");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_5 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_5, "");
+ _builder.append("_stop(void); \t/* lifecycle stop\t */");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_6 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_6, "");
+ _builder.append("_destroy(void); \t/* lifecycle destroy */");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void SubSysClass_shutdown(void); /* shutdown the dispatcher loop */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ DetailCode _userCode2 = ssc.getUserCode2();
+ CharSequence _userCode_1 = this.helpers.userCode(_userCode2);
+ _builder.append(_userCode_1, "");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ String _name_7 = ssc.getName();
+ CharSequence _generateIncludeGuardEnd = this.stdExt.generateIncludeGuardEnd(_name_7);
+ _builder.append(_generateIncludeGuardEnd, "");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ private CharSequence generateSourceFile(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi, final SubSystemClass ssc) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("/**");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* @author generated by eTrice");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* Source File of SubSystemClass ");
+ String _name = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* ");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*/");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"");
+ String _cHeaderFileName = this.stdExt.getCHeaderFileName(ssc);
+ _builder.append(_cHeaderFileName, "");
+ _builder.append("\"");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* include instances for all classes */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"");
+ String _instSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getInstSourceFileName(ssc);
+ _builder.append(_instSourceFileName, "");
+ _builder.append("\"");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("#include \"");
+ String _dispSourceFileName = this.stdExt.getDispSourceFileName(ssc);
+ _builder.append(_dispSourceFileName, "");
+ _builder.append("\"");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"debugging/etLogger.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"debugging/etMSCLogger.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"platform/etTimer.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"etRuntimeConfig.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ DetailCode _userCode3 = ssc.getUserCode3();
+ CharSequence _userCode = this.helpers.userCode(_userCode3);
+ _builder.append(_userCode, "");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* data for SubSysten ");
+ String _name_1 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_1, "");
+ _builder.append(" */");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("typedef struct ");
+ String _name_2 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_2, "");
+ _builder.append(" {");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("char *name;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("volatile int shutdownRequest;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("} ");
+ String _name_3 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_3, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("static ");
+ String _name_4 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_4, "");
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ String _name_5 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_5, "");
+ _builder.append("Inst = {\"");
+ String _name_6 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_6, "");
+ _builder.append("\",0};");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_7 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_7, "");
+ _builder.append("_initActorInstances(void);");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_8 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_8, "");
+ _builder.append("_constructActorInstances(void);");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_9 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_9, "");
+ _builder.append("_init(void){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"init\")");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_init\", ");
+ String _name_10 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_10, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("/* construct all actors */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ String _name_11 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_11, " ");
+ _builder.append("_constructActorInstances();");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("/* initialization of all message services */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("etMessageService_init(&msgService_Thread1, msgBuffer_Thread1, MESSAGE_POOL_MAX, MESSAGE_BLOCK_SIZE, MsgDispatcher_Thread1_receiveMessage);");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("/* init all actors */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ String _name_12 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_12, " ");
+ _builder.append("_initActorInstances();");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_13 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_13, "");
+ _builder.append("_start(void){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"start\")");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_start\", ");
+ String _name_14 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_14, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_15 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_15, "");
+ _builder.append("_run(void){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"run\")");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("#ifdef ET_RUNTIME_ENDLESS");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("while(!(");
+ String _name_16 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_16, " ");
+ _builder.append("Inst.shutdownRequest)){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("if (etTimer_executeNeeded()){");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("etMessageService_execute(&msgService_Thread1);");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
+ CharSequence _generateDatadrivenExecutes = this.generateDatadrivenExecutes(root, ssi);
+ _builder.append(_generateDatadrivenExecutes, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("#else");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("uint32 loopCounter = 0;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("while(!(");
+ String _name_17 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_17, " ");
+ _builder.append("Inst.shutdownRequest)){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("if (etTimer_executeNeeded()){");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("etMessageService_execute(&msgService_Thread1);");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
+ CharSequence _generateDatadrivenExecutes_1 = this.generateDatadrivenExecutes(root, ssi);
+ _builder.append(_generateDatadrivenExecutes_1, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("etLogger_logInfo(\"Execute\");");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("if (loopCounter++ > ET_RUNTIME_MAXLOOP){");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("break;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("#endif");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_18 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_18, "");
+ _builder.append("_stop(void){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"stop\")");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_stop\", ");
+ String _name_19 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_19, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_20 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_20, "");
+ _builder.append("_destroy(void){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"destroy\")");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_destroy\", ");
+ String _name_21 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_21, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ {
+ EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
+ List<ActorInstance> _reverseView = ListExtensions.<ActorInstance>reverseView(_allContainedInstances);
+ for(final ActorInstance ai : _reverseView) {
+ {
+ ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
+ EList<StandardOperation> _operations = _actorClass.getOperations();
+ final Function1<StandardOperation,Boolean> _function = new Function1<StandardOperation,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final StandardOperation op) {
+ boolean _isDestructor = op.isDestructor();
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_isDestructor);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<StandardOperation> _filter = IterableExtensions.<StandardOperation>filter(_operations, _function);
+ boolean _isEmpty = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(_filter);
+ boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
+ if (_not) {
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_1 = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_22 = _actorClass_1.getName();
+ String _destructorName = this.languageExt.destructorName(_name_22);
+ _builder.append(_destructorName, " ");
+ _builder.append("(&");
+ String _path = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
+ _builder.append(_pathName, " ");
+ _builder.append(");");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void SubSysClass_shutdown(void){");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"SubSys\", \"shutdown\")");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("etLogger_logInfoF(\"%s_shutdown\", ");
+ String _name_23 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_23, " ");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ String _name_24 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_24, " ");
+ _builder.append("Inst.shutdownRequest = 1;");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_25 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_25, "");
+ _builder.append("_constructActorInstances(void){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"");
+ String _name_26 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_26, " ");
+ _builder.append("\", \"constructActorInstances\")");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ {
+ EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances_1 = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
+ for(final ActorInstance ai_1 : _allContainedInstances_1) {
+ {
+ ActorClass _actorClass_2 = ai_1.getActorClass();
+ EList<StandardOperation> _operations_1 = _actorClass_2.getOperations();
+ final Function1<StandardOperation,Boolean> _function_1 = new Function1<StandardOperation,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final StandardOperation op) {
+ boolean _isConstructor = RoomHelpers.isConstructor(op);
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_isConstructor);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<StandardOperation> _filter_1 = IterableExtensions.<StandardOperation>filter(_operations_1, _function_1);
+ boolean _isEmpty_1 = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(_filter_1);
+ boolean _not_1 = (!_isEmpty_1);
+ if (_not_1) {
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_3 = ai_1.getActorClass();
+ String _name_27 = _actorClass_3.getName();
+ String _constructorName = this.languageExt.constructorName(_name_27);
+ _builder.append(_constructorName, " ");
+ _builder.append("(&");
+ String _path_1 = ai_1.getPath();
+ String _pathName_1 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_1);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_1, " ");
+ _builder.append(");");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("void ");
+ String _name_28 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_28, "");
+ _builder.append("_initActorInstances(void){");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"");
+ String _name_29 = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_29, " ");
+ _builder.append("\", \"initActorInstances\")");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ {
+ EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances_2 = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
+ for(final ActorInstance ai_2 : _allContainedInstances_2) {
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_4 = ai_2.getActorClass();
+ String _name_30 = _actorClass_4.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_30, " ");
+ _builder.append("_init(&");
+ String _path_2 = ai_2.getPath();
+ String _pathName_2 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_2);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_2, " ");
+ _builder.append(");");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ private CharSequence generateInstanceFile(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi, final SubSystemClass ssc) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("/**");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* @author generated by eTrice");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* Instance File of SubSystemClass ");
+ String _name = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* - instantiation of all actor instances and port instances");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* - configuration of data and connection of ports");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*/");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"messaging/etMessageService.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"platform/etMemory.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* instantiation of message services */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* MessageService for Thread1 */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("static uint8 msgBuffer_Thread1[MESSAGE_POOL_MAX*MESSAGE_BLOCK_SIZE];");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("static etMessageService msgService_Thread1;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* include all used ActorClasses */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ EList<ActorClass> _usedActorClasses = root.getUsedActorClasses();
+ for(final ActorClass actorClass : _usedActorClasses) {
+ _builder.append("#include \"");
+ String _name_1 = actorClass.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_1, "");
+ _builder.append(".h\"");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* include all used ProtcolClasses */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ EList<ProtocolClass> _usedProtocolClasses = root.getUsedProtocolClasses();
+ for(final ProtocolClass protocolClass : _usedProtocolClasses) {
+ _builder.append("#include \"");
+ String _name_2 = protocolClass.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_2, "");
+ _builder.append(".h\"");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* declarations of all ActorClass instances (const and variable structs) */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* forward declaration of variable actor structs */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
+ for(final ActorInstance ai : _allContainedInstances) {
+ _builder.append("static ");
+ ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_3 = _actorClass.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_3, "");
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ String _path = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
+ _builder.append(_pathName, "");
+ _builder.append(";");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* forward declaration of variable port structs */\t\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances_1 = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
+ for(final ActorInstance ai_1 : _allContainedInstances_1) {
+ {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances = ai_1.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
+ boolean _isEmpty = _orderedIfItemInstances.isEmpty();
+ if (_isEmpty) {
+ _builder.append("/*nothing to do */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ } else {
+ {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances_1 = ai_1.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
+ for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi : _orderedIfItemInstances_1) {
+ {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ PortClass _portClass = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol, _isConjugated);
+ boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_portClass, null));
+ if (_notEquals) {
+ {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_1 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_1 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ PortClass _portClass_1 = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol_1, _isConjugated_1);
+ EList<Attribute> _attributes = _portClass_1.getAttributes();
+ boolean _isEmpty_1 = _attributes.isEmpty();
+ boolean _not = (!_isEmpty_1);
+ if (_not) {
+ {
+ boolean _isReplicated = pi.isReplicated();
+ if (_isReplicated) {
+ _builder.append("static ");
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_2 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_2 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ String _portClassName = this.roomExt.getPortClassName(_protocol_2, _isConjugated_2);
+ _builder.append(_portClassName, "");
+ _builder.append("_var ");
+ String _path_1 = pi.getPath();
+ String _pathName_1 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_1);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_1, "");
+ _builder.append("_var[");
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
+ int _size = _peers.size();
+ _builder.append(_size, "");
+ _builder.append("]={");
+ String _genReplPortAttributeInitializer = this.genReplPortAttributeInitializer(pi);
+ _builder.append(_genReplPortAttributeInitializer, "");
+ _builder.append("};");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ } else {
+ _builder.append("static ");
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_3 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_3 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ String _portClassName_1 = this.roomExt.getPortClassName(_protocol_3, _isConjugated_3);
+ _builder.append(_portClassName_1, "");
+ _builder.append("_var ");
+ String _path_2 = pi.getPath();
+ String _pathName_2 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_2);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_2, "");
+ _builder.append("_var={");
+ CharSequence _genPortAttributeInitializer = this.genPortAttributeInitializer(pi);
+ _builder.append(_genPortAttributeInitializer, "");
+ _builder.append("};");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances_2 = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
+ for(final ActorInstance ai_2 : _allContainedInstances_2) {
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("/* instance ");
+ String _path_3 = ai_2.getPath();
+ String _pathName_3 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_3);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_3, "");
+ _builder.append(" */");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances_2 = ai_2.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
+ boolean _isEmpty_2 = _orderedIfItemInstances_2.isEmpty();
+ if (_isEmpty_2) {
+ _builder.append("/* no ports/saps/services - nothing to initialize statically */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ } else {
+ CharSequence _genActorInstanceInitializer = this.genActorInstanceInitializer(root, ai_2);
+ _builder.append(_genActorInstanceInitializer, "");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.newLine();
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ private String genReplPortAttributeInitializer(final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
+ int i = 0;
+ String retval = "";
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
+ int _size = _peers.size();
+ i = _size;
+ boolean _greaterThan = (i > 0);
+ boolean _while = _greaterThan;
+ while (_while) {
+ {
+ String _plus = (retval + "\r\n\t\t\t{");
+ CharSequence _genPortAttributeInitializer = this.genPortAttributeInitializer(pi);
+ String _plus_1 = (_plus + _genPortAttributeInitializer);
+ String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + "}");
+ retval = _plus_2;
+ int _minus = (i - 1);
+ i = _minus;
+ boolean _greaterThan_1 = (i > 0);
+ if (_greaterThan_1) {
+ String _plus_3 = (retval + ",");
+ retval = _plus_3;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean _greaterThan_1 = (i > 0);
+ _while = _greaterThan_1;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ private CharSequence genPortAttributeInitializer(final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ PortClass _portClass = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol, _isConjugated);
+ EList<Attribute> _attributes = _portClass.getAttributes();
+ boolean _hasElements = false;
+ for(final Attribute attr : _attributes) {
+ if (!_hasElements) {
+ _hasElements = true;
+ } else {
+ _builder.appendImmediate(",", "");
+ }
+ {
+ String _defaultValueLiteral = attr.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_defaultValueLiteral, null));
+ if (_notEquals) {
+ String _defaultValueLiteral_1 = attr.getDefaultValueLiteral();
+ _builder.append(_defaultValueLiteral_1, "");
+ } else {
+ RefableType _refType = attr.getRefType();
+ DataType _type = _refType.getType();
+ String _defaultValue = this._typeHelpers.defaultValue(_type);
+ _builder.append(_defaultValue, "");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ private CharSequence genActorInstanceInitializer(final Root root, final ActorInstance ai) {
+ CharSequence _xblockexpression = null;
+ {
+ String _path = ai.getPath();
+ String instName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
+ ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance> _arrayList = new ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance>();
+ ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance> replPorts = _arrayList;
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances = ai.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
+ final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance e) {
+ boolean _isReplicated = e.isReplicated();
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_isReplicated);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _filter = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(_orderedIfItemInstances, _function);
+ Iterables.<InterfaceItemInstance>addAll(replPorts, _filter);
+ final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_1 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance e) {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = e.getPeers();
+ boolean _isEmpty = _peers.isEmpty();
+ boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_not);
+ }
+ };
+ InterfaceItemInstance _findFirst = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>findFirst(replPorts, _function_1);
+ boolean haveReplSubPorts = (!Objects.equal(_findFirst, null));
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances_1 = ai.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
+ final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_2 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance e) {
+ boolean _isSimple = e.isSimple();
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_isSimple);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> simplePorts = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(_orderedIfItemInstances_1, _function_2);
+ ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance> _arrayList_1 = new ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance>();
+ ArrayList<InterfaceItemInstance> eventPorts = _arrayList_1;
+ final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_3 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance p) {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol = p.getProtocol();
+ CommunicationType _commType = _protocol.getCommType();
+ boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_commType, CommunicationType.EVENT_DRIVEN);
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_equals);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _filter_1 = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(simplePorts, _function_3);
+ Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _union = this.roomExt.<InterfaceItemInstance>union(_filter_1, replPorts);
+ Iterables.<InterfaceItemInstance>addAll(eventPorts, _union);
+ final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_4 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance p) {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol = p.getProtocol();
+ CommunicationType _commType = _protocol.getCommType();
+ boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_commType, CommunicationType.DATA_DRIVEN);
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_equals);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> dataPorts = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(simplePorts, _function_4);
+ final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_5 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance p) {
+ boolean _and = false;
+ if (!(p instanceof PortInstance)) {
+ _and = false;
+ } else {
+ Port _port = ((PortInstance) p).getPort();
+ boolean _isConjugated = _port.isConjugated();
+ boolean _not = (!_isConjugated);
+ _and = ((p instanceof PortInstance) && _not);
+ }
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_and);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> recvPorts = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(dataPorts, _function_5);
+ HashMap<InterfaceItemInstance,Integer> _hashMap = new HashMap<InterfaceItemInstance,Integer>();
+ HashMap<InterfaceItemInstance,Integer> offsets = _hashMap;
+ int offset = 0;
+ for (final InterfaceItemInstance p : replPorts) {
+ {
+ offsets.put(p, Integer.valueOf(offset));
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = p.getPeers();
+ int _size = _peers.size();
+ int _plus = (offset + _size);
+ offset = _plus;
+ }
+ }
+ String _xifexpression = null;
+ if (haveReplSubPorts) {
+ String _plus = (instName + "_repl_sub_ports");
+ _xifexpression = _plus;
+ } else {
+ _xifexpression = "NULL";
+ }
+ String replSubPortsArray = _xifexpression;
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ {
+ if (haveReplSubPorts) {
+ _builder.append("static const etReplSubPort ");
+ _builder.append(replSubPortsArray, "");
+ _builder.append("[");
+ _builder.append(offset, "");
+ _builder.append("] = {");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("/* Replicated Sub Ports: {varData, msgService, peerAddress, localId, index} */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function_6 = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance e) {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = e.getPeers();
+ boolean _isEmpty = _peers.isEmpty();
+ boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_not);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _filter_2 = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(replPorts, _function_6);
+ boolean _hasElements = false;
+ for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi : _filter_2) {
+ if (!_hasElements) {
+ _hasElements = true;
+ } else {
+ _builder.appendImmediate(",", " ");
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ String _genReplSubPortInitializers = this.genReplSubPortInitializers(root, ai, pi);
+ _builder.append(_genReplSubPortInitializers, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("};");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ boolean _and = false;
+ boolean _isEmpty = eventPorts.isEmpty();
+ if (!_isEmpty) {
+ _and = false;
+ } else {
+ boolean _isEmpty_1 = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(recvPorts);
+ _and = (_isEmpty && _isEmpty_1);
+ }
+ boolean _not = (!_and);
+ if (_not) {
+ _builder.append("static const ");
+ ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name = _actorClass.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, "");
+ _builder.append("_const ");
+ _builder.append(instName, "");
+ _builder.append("_const = {");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("/* Ports: {varData, msgService, peerAddress, localId} */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ boolean _hasElements_1 = false;
+ for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi_1 : eventPorts) {
+ if (!_hasElements_1) {
+ _hasElements_1 = true;
+ } else {
+ _builder.appendImmediate(",", " ");
+ }
+ {
+ boolean _isSimple = pi_1.isSimple();
+ if (_isSimple) {
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ String _genPortInitializer = this.genPortInitializer(root, ai, pi_1);
+ _builder.append(_genPortInitializer, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ } else {
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("{");
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi_1.getPeers();
+ int _size = _peers.size();
+ _builder.append(_size, " ");
+ _builder.append(", ");
+ _builder.append(replSubPortsArray, " ");
+ _builder.append("+");
+ Integer _get = offsets.get(pi_1);
+ _builder.append(_get, " ");
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ {
+ boolean _and_1 = false;
+ boolean _isEmpty_2 = eventPorts.isEmpty();
+ boolean _not_1 = (!_isEmpty_2);
+ if (!_not_1) {
+ _and_1 = false;
+ } else {
+ boolean _isEmpty_3 = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(recvPorts);
+ boolean _not_2 = (!_isEmpty_3);
+ _and_1 = (_not_1 && _not_2);
+ }
+ if (_and_1) {
+ _builder.append(",");
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("/* data receive ports */");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ boolean _hasElements_2 = false;
+ for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi_2 : recvPorts) {
+ if (!_hasElements_2) {
+ _hasElements_2 = true;
+ } else {
+ _builder.appendImmediate(",", " ");
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ String _genRecvPortInitializer = this.genRecvPortInitializer(root, ai, pi_2);
+ _builder.append(_genRecvPortInitializer, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("};");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("static ");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_1 = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_1 = _actorClass_1.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_1, "");
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append(instName, "");
+ _builder.append(" = {&");
+ _builder.append(instName, "");
+ _builder.append("_const};");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _xblockexpression = (_builder);
+ }
+ return _xblockexpression;
+ }
+ private String genPortInitializer(final Root root, final ActorInstance ai, final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
+ String _xblockexpression = null;
+ {
+ int _xifexpression = (int) 0;
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
+ boolean _isEmpty = _peers.isEmpty();
+ if (_isEmpty) {
+ _xifexpression = 0;
+ } else {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_1 = pi.getPeers();
+ InterfaceItemInstance _get = _peers_1.get(0);
+ int _objId = _get.getObjId();
+ _xifexpression = _objId;
+ }
+ int objId = _xifexpression;
+ int _xifexpression_1 = (int) 0;
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_2 = pi.getPeers();
+ boolean _isEmpty_1 = _peers_2.isEmpty();
+ if (_isEmpty_1) {
+ _xifexpression_1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_3 = pi.getPeers();
+ InterfaceItemInstance _get_1 = _peers_3.get(0);
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_4 = _get_1.getPeers();
+ int _indexOf = _peers_4.indexOf(pi);
+ _xifexpression_1 = _indexOf;
+ }
+ int idx = _xifexpression_1;
+ String _interfaceItemInstanceData = this.getInterfaceItemInstanceData(pi);
+ String _plus = ("{" + _interfaceItemInstanceData);
+ String _plus_1 = (_plus + ",");
+ String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + "&msgService_Thread1, ");
+ int _plus_3 = (objId + idx);
+ String _plus_4 = (_plus_2 + Integer.valueOf(_plus_3));
+ String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + ", ");
+ ExpandedActorClass _expandedActorClass = root.getExpandedActorClass(ai);
+ InterfaceItem _interfaceItem = pi.getInterfaceItem();
+ int _interfaceItemLocalId = _expandedActorClass.getInterfaceItemLocalId(_interfaceItem);
+ int _plus_6 = (_interfaceItemLocalId + 1);
+ String _plus_7 = (_plus_5 + Integer.valueOf(_plus_6));
+ String _plus_8 = (_plus_7 + "} /* Port ");
+ String _name = pi.getName();
+ String _plus_9 = (_plus_8 + _name);
+ String _plus_10 = (_plus_9 + " */");
+ _xblockexpression = (_plus_10);
+ }
+ return _xblockexpression;
+ }
+ private String getInterfaceItemInstanceData(final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ PortClass _portClass = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol, _isConjugated);
+ boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_portClass, null);
+ if (_equals) {
+ return "0";
+ }
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_1 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_1 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ PortClass _portClass_1 = this.roomExt.getPortClass(_protocol_1, _isConjugated_1);
+ EList<Attribute> _attributes = _portClass_1.getAttributes();
+ boolean _isEmpty = _attributes.isEmpty();
+ if (_isEmpty) {
+ return "0";
+ } else {
+ String _path = pi.getPath();
+ String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
+ String _plus = ("&" + _pathName);
+ return (_plus + "_var");
+ }
+ }
+ private String genRecvPortInitializer(final Root root, final ActorInstance ai, final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
+ String _xblockexpression = null;
+ {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
+ boolean _isEmpty = _peers.isEmpty();
+ if (_isEmpty) {
+ return "{NULL}";
+ }
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_1 = pi.getPeers();
+ InterfaceItemInstance peer = _peers_1.get(0);
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_2 = pi.getPeers();
+ InterfaceItemInstance _get = _peers_2.get(0);
+ EObject _eContainer = _get.eContainer();
+ ActorInstance peerInst = ((ActorInstance) _eContainer);
+ String _path = peerInst.getPath();
+ String instName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
+ String _plus = ("{&" + instName);
+ String _plus_1 = (_plus + ".");
+ String _name = peer.getName();
+ String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + _name);
+ String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + "}");
+ _xblockexpression = (_plus_3);
+ }
+ return _xblockexpression;
+ }
+ private String genReplSubPortInitializers(final Root root, final ActorInstance ai, final InterfaceItemInstance pi) {
+ String result = "";
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
+ for (final InterfaceItemInstance p : _peers) {
+ {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_1 = pi.getPeers();
+ int idx = _peers_1.indexOf(p);
+ String _xifexpression = null;
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_2 = pi.getPeers();
+ int _size = _peers_2.size();
+ int _minus = (_size - 1);
+ boolean _lessThan = (idx < _minus);
+ if (_lessThan) {
+ _xifexpression = ",";
+ } else {
+ _xifexpression = "";
+ }
+ String comma = _xifexpression;
+ String iiiD = this.getInterfaceItemInstanceData(pi);
+ String _xifexpression_1 = null;
+ boolean _equals = iiiD.equals("0");
+ if (_equals) {
+ String _plus = (iiiD + ",");
+ _xifexpression_1 = _plus;
+ } else {
+ String _plus_1 = (iiiD + "[");
+ String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + Integer.valueOf(idx));
+ String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + "],");
+ _xifexpression_1 = _plus_3;
+ }
+ iiiD = _xifexpression_1;
+ String _plus_4 = (result +
+ "{");
+ String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + iiiD);
+ String _plus_6 = (_plus_5 + "&msgService_Thread1, ");
+ int _objId = p.getObjId();
+ String _plus_7 = (_plus_6 + Integer.valueOf(_objId));
+ String _plus_8 = (_plus_7 + ", ");
+ ExpandedActorClass _expandedActorClass = root.getExpandedActorClass(ai);
+ InterfaceItem _interfaceItem = pi.getInterfaceItem();
+ int _interfaceItemLocalId = _expandedActorClass.getInterfaceItemLocalId(_interfaceItem);
+ int _plus_9 = (_interfaceItemLocalId + 1);
+ String _plus_10 = (_plus_8 + Integer.valueOf(_plus_9));
+ String _plus_11 = (_plus_10 + ", ");
+ String _plus_12 = (_plus_11 + Integer.valueOf(idx));
+ String _plus_13 = (_plus_12 + "}");
+ String _plus_14 = (_plus_13 + comma);
+ String _plus_15 = (_plus_14 + " /* Repl Sub Port ");
+ String _name = pi.getName();
+ String _plus_16 = (_plus_15 + _name);
+ String _plus_17 = (_plus_16 + " idx +");
+ String _plus_18 = (_plus_17 + Integer.valueOf(idx));
+ String _plus_19 = (_plus_18 + "*/\n");
+ result = _plus_19;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private CharSequence generateDispatcherFile(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi, final SubSystemClass ssc) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ _builder.append("/**");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* @author generated by eTrice");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* Dispatcher File of SubSystemClass ");
+ String _name = ssc.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, " ");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("* - one generated dispatcher for each MessageService (Thread)");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append(" ");
+ _builder.append("*/");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"messaging/etMessageReceiver.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"debugging/etLogger.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("#include \"debugging/etMSCLogger.h\"");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("static void MsgDispatcher_Thread1_receiveMessage(const etMessage* msg){");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY(\"MsgDispatcher_Thread1\", \"receiveMessage\")");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("switch(msg->address){");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
+ for(final ActorInstance ai : _allContainedInstances) {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("/* interface items of ");
+ String _path = ai.getPath();
+ _builder.append(_path, " ");
+ _builder.append(" */");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _orderedIfItemInstances = ai.getOrderedIfItemInstances();
+ final Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean> _function = new Function1<InterfaceItemInstance,Boolean>() {
+ public Boolean apply(final InterfaceItemInstance p) {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol = p.getProtocol();
+ CommunicationType _commType = _protocol.getCommType();
+ boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_commType, CommunicationType.EVENT_DRIVEN);
+ return Boolean.valueOf(_equals);
+ }
+ };
+ Iterable<InterfaceItemInstance> _filter = IterableExtensions.<InterfaceItemInstance>filter(_orderedIfItemInstances, _function);
+ for(final InterfaceItemInstance pi : _filter) {
+ {
+ boolean _isReplicated = pi.isReplicated();
+ if (_isReplicated) {
+ {
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers = pi.getPeers();
+ for(final InterfaceItemInstance peer : _peers) {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("case ");
+ int _objId = pi.getObjId();
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_1 = pi.getPeers();
+ int _indexOf = _peers_1.indexOf(peer);
+ int _plus = (_objId + _indexOf);
+ _builder.append(_plus, " ");
+ _builder.append(":");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ boolean _handlesReceive = this.roomExt.handlesReceive(_protocol, _isConjugated);
+ if (_handlesReceive) {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("switch (msg->evtID){");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_1 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_1 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ List<MessageHandler> _receiveHandlers = this.roomExt.getReceiveHandlers(_protocol_1, _isConjugated_1);
+ for(final MessageHandler h : _receiveHandlers) {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("case ");
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_2 = pi.getProtocol();
+ String _name_1 = _protocol_2.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_1, " ");
+ _builder.append("_");
+ Message _msg = h.getMsg();
+ String _codeName = this.roomExt.getCodeName(_msg);
+ _builder.append(_codeName, " ");
+ _builder.append(":");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_3 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_2 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ String _portClassName = this.roomExt.getPortClassName(_protocol_3, _isConjugated_2);
+ _builder.append(_portClassName, " ");
+ _builder.append("_");
+ Message _msg_1 = h.getMsg();
+ String _name_2 = _msg_1.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_2, " ");
+ _builder.append("_receiveHandler((etPort *)&");
+ String _path_1 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_1);
+ _builder.append(_pathName, " ");
+ _builder.append("_const.");
+ String _name_3 = pi.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_3, " ");
+ _builder.append(".ports[");
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_2 = pi.getPeers();
+ int _indexOf_1 = _peers_2.indexOf(peer);
+ _builder.append(_indexOf_1, " ");
+ _builder.append("],msg,(void*)&");
+ String _path_2 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_1 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_2);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_1, " ");
+ _builder.append(",");
+ ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_4 = _actorClass.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_4, " ");
+ _builder.append("_receiveMessage);");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("break;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("default: ");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_1 = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_5 = _actorClass_1.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_5, " ");
+ _builder.append("_receiveMessage((void*)&");
+ String _path_3 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_2 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_3);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_2, " ");
+ _builder.append(",(etPort*)&");
+ String _path_4 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_3 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_4);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_3, " ");
+ _builder.append("_const.");
+ String _name_6 = pi.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_6, " ");
+ _builder.append(".ports[");
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_3 = pi.getPeers();
+ int _indexOf_2 = _peers_3.indexOf(peer);
+ _builder.append(_indexOf_2, " ");
+ _builder.append("], msg);");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("break;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("}\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ } else {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_2 = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_7 = _actorClass_2.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_7, " ");
+ _builder.append("_receiveMessage((void*)&");
+ String _path_5 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_4 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_5);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_4, " ");
+ _builder.append(",(etPort*)&");
+ String _path_6 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_5 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_6);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_5, " ");
+ _builder.append("_const.");
+ String _name_8 = pi.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_8, " ");
+ _builder.append(".ports[");
+ EList<InterfaceItemInstance> _peers_4 = pi.getPeers();
+ int _indexOf_3 = _peers_4.indexOf(peer);
+ _builder.append(_indexOf_3, " ");
+ _builder.append("], msg);");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("break;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("case ");
+ int _objId_1 = pi.getObjId();
+ _builder.append(_objId_1, " ");
+ _builder.append(":");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_4 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_3 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ boolean _handlesReceive_1 = this.roomExt.handlesReceive(_protocol_4, _isConjugated_3);
+ if (_handlesReceive_1) {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("switch (msg->evtID){");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ {
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_5 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_4 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ List<MessageHandler> _receiveHandlers_1 = this.roomExt.getReceiveHandlers(_protocol_5, _isConjugated_4);
+ for(final MessageHandler h_1 : _receiveHandlers_1) {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("case ");
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_6 = pi.getProtocol();
+ String _name_9 = _protocol_6.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_9, " ");
+ _builder.append("_");
+ Message _msg_2 = h_1.getMsg();
+ String _codeName_1 = this.roomExt.getCodeName(_msg_2);
+ _builder.append(_codeName_1, " ");
+ _builder.append(":");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ ProtocolClass _protocol_7 = pi.getProtocol();
+ boolean _isConjugated_5 = this.roomExt.isConjugated(pi);
+ String _portClassName_1 = this.roomExt.getPortClassName(_protocol_7, _isConjugated_5);
+ _builder.append(_portClassName_1, " ");
+ _builder.append("_");
+ Message _msg_3 = h_1.getMsg();
+ String _name_10 = _msg_3.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_10, " ");
+ _builder.append("_receiveHandler((etPort *)&");
+ String _path_7 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_6 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_7);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_6, " ");
+ _builder.append("_const.");
+ String _name_11 = pi.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_11, " ");
+ _builder.append(",msg,(void*)&");
+ String _path_8 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_7 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_8);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_7, " ");
+ _builder.append(",");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_3 = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_12 = _actorClass_3.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_12, " ");
+ _builder.append("_receiveMessage);");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("break;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("default: ");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_4 = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_13 = _actorClass_4.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_13, " ");
+ _builder.append("_receiveMessage((void*)&");
+ String _path_9 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_8 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_9);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_8, " ");
+ _builder.append(",(etPort*)&");
+ String _path_10 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_9 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_10);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_9, " ");
+ _builder.append("_const.");
+ String _name_14 = pi.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_14, " ");
+ _builder.append(", msg);");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("break;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ } else {
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ ActorClass _actorClass_5 = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name_15 = _actorClass_5.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_15, " ");
+ _builder.append("_receiveMessage((void*)&");
+ String _path_11 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_10 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_11);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_10, " ");
+ _builder.append(",(etPort*)&");
+ String _path_12 = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName_11 = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path_12);
+ _builder.append(_pathName_11, " ");
+ _builder.append("_const.");
+ String _name_16 = pi.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name_16, " ");
+ _builder.append(", msg);");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("break;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("default:");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t\t");
+ _builder.append("etLogger_logErrorF(\"MessageService_Thread1_receiveMessage: address %d does not exist \", msg->address);");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t\t");
+ _builder.append("break;");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("\t");
+ _builder.append("ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_EXIT");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ _builder.append("}");
+ _builder.newLine();
+ return _builder;
+ }
+ private CharSequence generateDatadrivenExecutes(final Root root, final SubSystemInstance ssi) {
+ StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
+ {
+ EList<ActorInstance> _allContainedInstances = ssi.getAllContainedInstances();
+ for(final ActorInstance ai : _allContainedInstances) {
+ {
+ boolean _or = false;
+ ActorClass _actorClass = ai.getActorClass();
+ ActorCommunicationType _commType = _actorClass.getCommType();
+ boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_commType, ActorCommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS);
+ if (_equals) {
+ _or = true;
+ } else {
+ ActorClass _actorClass_1 = ai.getActorClass();
+ ActorCommunicationType _commType_1 = _actorClass_1.getCommType();
+ boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(_commType_1, ActorCommunicationType.DATA_DRIVEN);
+ _or = (_equals || _equals_1);
+ }
+ if (_or) {
+ ActorClass _actorClass_2 = ai.getActorClass();
+ String _name = _actorClass_2.getName();
+ _builder.append(_name, "");
+ _builder.append("_execute(&");
+ String _path = ai.getPath();
+ String _pathName = this.roomExt.getPathName(_path);
+ _builder.append(_pathName, "");
+ _builder.append(");");
+ _builder.newLineIfNotEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _builder;
+ }

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