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authorHenrik Rentz-Reichert2013-07-05 06:18:13 +0000
committerHenrik Rentz-Reichert2013-07-05 06:18:13 +0000
commitf1d5a795ebe225ef5c0bbc59bf5464e885d2656d (patch)
parent4a9a41f3bd8b713cbbf55e6e01af2ac615b5d3f2 (diff)
[generator.c.tests.old] deleted tests
(completely contained in generator.common.tests)
39 files changed, 0 insertions, 3457 deletions
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/.cproject b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/.cproject
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ebe77f97..000000000
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-<booleanAttribute key="Lib" value="false"/>
-<listAttribute key="ModelFiles">
-<listEntry value="${workspace_loc:/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests/model/}"/>
-<booleanAttribute key="SaveGenModel" value="false"/>
-<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.debug.core.ATTR_REFRESH_SCOPE" value="${workspace}"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/ b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index c079c05ea..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-RoomModel room.basic.types.c {
- PrimitiveType boolean: ptBoolean -> boolean default "FALSE"
- PrimitiveType char: ptCharacter -> char default "0"
- PrimitiveType int8: ptInteger -> int8 default "0"
- PrimitiveType int16: ptInteger -> int16 default "0"
- PrimitiveType int32: ptInteger -> int32 default "0"
- PrimitiveType int64: ptInteger -> int64 default "0"
- PrimitiveType uint8: ptInteger -> uint8 default "0"
- PrimitiveType uint16: ptInteger -> uint16 default "0"
- PrimitiveType uint32: ptInteger -> uint32 default "0"
- PrimitiveType uint64: ptInteger -> uint64 default "0"
- PrimitiveType float32:ptReal -> float32 default "0"
- PrimitiveType float64:ptReal -> float64 default "0"
- // TODO: define strings for C
- PrimitiveType charPtr:ptCharacter -> charPtr default "0"
- PrimitiveType string:ptCharacter -> charPtr default "0"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/ b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ab19904d..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-RoomModel ChoicePointTest {
- import room.basic.types.c.* from ""
- LogicalSystem System_HandlerTest {
- SubSystemRef SubSystem_CPTest: SubSystem_CPTest
- }
- SubSystemClass SubSystem_CPTest {
- ActorRef HandlerTest_Top: CPTest_Top
- }
- ActorClass CPTest_Top {
- Structure {
- ActorRef cp_tester: CPTester
- ActorRef cp_user: CPUser
- Binding cp_tester.TestPort1 and cp_user.TestPort1
- }
- Behavior { }
- }
- ActorClass CPUser {
- Interface {
- Port TestPort1: TestProtocol
- }
- Structure {
- usercode3 {
- "#include \"etUnit/etUnit.h\""
- "#include \"SubSystem_CPTest.h\""
- }
- external Port TestPort1
- Attribute counter: int32
- }
- Behavior {
- StateMachine {
- Transition init: initial -> cp cp0 {
- action {
- "counter = 0;"
- "etUnit_openAll(\"tmp/testlog\",\"ChoicePointTest\", \"ChoicePointTest\", \"ChoicePointTest\");"
- "static etInt16 resultlist[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,3,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,9,16,3,4,5,17,8,13,15,11,19,12,9,18,20};"
- "EXPECT_ORDER_START(resultlist, 29);"
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 1);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr4: cp cp0 -> ENTRY3_EXIT4 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 0);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT2: cp cp0 -> ENTRY3_EXIT4 {
- cond {
- "counter == 0"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 2);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT5: ENTRY3_EXIT4 -> cp cp1 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 5);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT6: cp cp1 -> ENTRY3_EXIT4 {
- action {
- "counter=3;"
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 6);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT17: cp cp1 -> tp0 of ENTRY8_EXIT9 {
- cond {
- "counter == 4"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 17);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT7: cp cp1 -> ENTRY8_EXIT9 {
- cond {
- "counter == 3"
- }
- action {
- "counter = 1;"
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 7);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT16: ENTRY8_EXIT9 -> ENTRY3_EXIT4 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1 guard {
- "counter==1"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "counter=4;"
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 16);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPEXT19: my tp0 -> my tp0 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1>
- }
- action {
- "counter = 2;"
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 19);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT18: ENTRY8_EXIT9 -> testOk {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1 guard {
- "counter==2"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 18);"
- }
- }
- ChoicePoint cp0
- ChoicePoint cp1
- handler TransitionPoint tp0
- State ENTRY3_EXIT4 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 3);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 4);"
- }
- }
- State ENTRY8_EXIT9 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 8);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 9);"
- }
- subgraph {
- Transition EXPECT13: my tp0 -> cp cp0 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 13);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT14: cp cp0 -> ENTRY11_EXIT12 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 14);"
- }
- }
- Transition EXPECT15: cp cp0 -> ENTRY11_EXIT12 {
- cond {
- "counter == 4"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 15);"
- }
- }
- Transition init: initial -> ENTRY11_EXIT12 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 10);"
- }
- }
- ChoicePoint cp0
- EntryPoint tp0
- State ENTRY11_EXIT12 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 11);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 12);"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- State testOk {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER_END(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 20);"
- "etUnit_closeAll();"
- " SubSysClass_shutdown();"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ActorClass CPTester {
- Interface {
- conjugated Port TestPort1: TestProtocol
- }
- Structure {
- external Port TestPort1
- }
- Behavior {
- StateMachine {
- Transition init: initial -> state0 {
- action {
- "TestPort1.msg1();"
- "TestPort1.msg1();"
- "TestPort1.msg1();"
- "TestPort1.msg1();"
- "TestPort1.msg1();"
- "TestPort1.msg1();"
- }
- }
- State state0
- }
- }
- }
- ProtocolClass TestProtocol {
- incoming {
- Message msg1()
- Message msg2()
- Message msg3()
- Message msg4()
- Message msg5()
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/ b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index a163a3cc6..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-RoomModel GeneratorTest1 {
- import room.basic.types.c.* from ""
- SubSystemClass SS {
- ActorRef tester: Tester
- ActorRef testee: Testee
- Binding testee.tester and tester.testee
- }
- ActorClass Tester{
- Interface {
- conjugated Port testee: PTestTrigger
- }
- Structure {
- external Port testee
- }
- Behavior {
- StateMachine {
- Transition init: initial -> State1 { }
- Transition tr0: State1 -> Done {
- triggers {
- <done: testee>
- }
- }
- State State1 {
- entry {
- "testee.trigger();"
- }
- }
- State Done
- }
- }
- }
- ActorClass Testee{
- Interface {
- Port tester: PTestTrigger
- }
- Structure {
- usercode3 {
- "#include \"etUnit/etUnit.h\""
- }
- external Port tester
- Attribute testcaseID : int16
- }
- Behavior {
- StateMachine {
- Transition init: initial -> tp0 of State1 {
- action {
- "testcaseID = etUnit_openAll(\"tmp/testlog\",\"GeneratorTest1\", \"GeneratorTest1\", \"GeneratorTest1\");"
- "static etInt16 resultlist[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};"
- "EXPECT_ORDER_START(testcaseID, resultlist, 7);"
- "EXPECT_ORDER(testcaseID, \"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 1);"
- }
- }
- State State1 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(testcaseID, \"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 2);"
- }
- subgraph {
- Transition tr0: my tp0 -> State1 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(testcaseID, \"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 3);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr1: State1 -> Done {
- triggers {
- <trigger: tester>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(testcaseID, \"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 6);"
- "tester.done();"
- }
- }
- EntryPoint tp0
- State State1 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(testcaseID, \"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 4);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(testcaseID, \"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 5);"
- }
- }
- State Done {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER_END(testcaseID, \"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 7);"
- "etUnit_closeAll(testcaseID);"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ProtocolClass PTestTrigger{
- incoming {
- Message trigger()
- }
- outgoing {
- Message done()
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/ b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d215d60b..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-RoomModel HandlerTest {
- import room.basic.types.c.* from ""
- LogicalSystem System_HandlerTest {
- SubSystemRef SubSystem_HandlerTest: SubSystem_HandlerTest
- }
- SubSystemClass SubSystem_HandlerTest {
- ActorRef HandlerTest_Top: HandlerTest_Top
-// LogicalThread t1 prio=5 {HandlerTest_Top.tester}
-// LogicalThread t2 prio=5 {HandlerTest_Top.handlerUser}
- }
- ActorClass HandlerTest_Top {
- Structure {
- ActorRef tester: Tester
- ActorRef handlerUser: HandlerUser
- Binding tester.TestPort1 and handlerUser.TestPort1
- }
- Behavior { }
- }
- ActorClass HandlerUser {
- Interface {
- Port TestPort1: TestProtocol
- }
- Structure {
- usercode3 {
- "#include \"etUnit/etUnit.h\""
- "#include \"SubSystem_HandlerTest.h\""
- }
- external Port TestPort1
- Attribute counter: int32
- }
- Behavior {
- StateMachine {
- Transition E22: my tp0 -> my tp0 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 22);"
- }
- }
- Transition E30: my tp1 -> my tp1 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==3"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 30);"
- }
- }
- Transition init: initial -> tp2 of E2_E3 {
- action {
- "etUnit_openAll(\"tmp/testlog\",\"GeneratorTest1\", \"GeneratorTest1\", \"GeneratorTest1\");"
- "static etInt16 resultlist[] = {1,2,17,14,18,19,22,20,15,3,30,2,14,19,24,20,15,3,25,27,28,22,24,20,15,12,14,19,20,15,10,5,6,7,5,9,6,11,5,6,7,5,6,3,32,50};"
- "EXPECT_ORDER_START(resultlist, 46);"
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 1);"
- }
- }
- Transition E25: E2_E3 -> cp cp1 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==4"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 25);"
- }
- }
- Transition E31: my tp1 -> my tp1 {
- triggers {
- <msg2: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==4"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 31);"
- }
- }
- Transition E24: my tp0 -> E2_E3 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==7"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 24);"
- }
- }
- Transition E23: my tp0 -> my tp0 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==12"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 23);"
- }
- }
- Transition E27: cp cp1 -> E28_E29 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 27);"
- }
- }
- Transition E26: cp cp1 -> E2_E3 {
- cond {
- "p1!=4"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 26);"
- }
- }
- Transition E32: my tp1 -> testFinished {
- triggers {
- <msg6: TestPort1>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 32);"
- }
- }
- ChoicePoint cp1
- handler TransitionPoint tp0
- TransitionPoint tp1
- State E2_E3 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 2);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 3);"
- }
- subgraph {
- Transition E13: E14_E15 -> E5_E6 {
- triggers {
- <msg5: TestPort1>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 13);"
- }
- }
- Transition E9: my tp0 -> my tp0 {
- triggers {
- <msg3: TestPort1>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 9);"
- }
- }
- Transition E11: my tp1 -> my tp1 {
- triggers {
- <msg4: TestPort1>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 11);"
- }
- }
- Transition E7: E5_E6 -> E5_E6 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 7);"
- }
- }
- Transition E17: my tp2 -> tp0 of E14_E15 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 17);"
- }
- }
- Transition E8: my tp0 -> my tp0 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==5"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 8);"
- }
- }
- Transition init: initial -> E5_E6 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 4);"
- }
- }
- Transition E16: E14_E15 -> E14_E15 {
- triggers {
- <msg1: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==8"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 16);"
- }
- }
- Transition E12: my tp1 -> E14_E15 {
- triggers {
- <msg2: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==5"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 12);"
- }
- }
- Transition E10: my tp1 -> E5_E6 {
- triggers {
- <msg2: TestPort1 guard {
- "p1==6"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 10);"
- }
- }
- handler TransitionPoint tp0
- TransitionPoint tp1
- EntryPoint tp2
- State E14_E15 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 14);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 15);"
- }
- subgraph {
- Transition E18: my tp0 -> E19_E20 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 18);"
- }
- }
- Transition init: initial -> E19_E20 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 21);"
- }
- }
- EntryPoint tp0
- State E19_E20 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 19);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 20);"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- State E5_E6 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 5);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 6);"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- State testFinished {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER_END(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 50);"
- "etUnit_closeAll();"
- " SubSysClass_shutdown();"
- }
- }
- State E28_E29 {
- entry {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 28);"
- }
- exit {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 29);"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ActorClass Tester {
- Interface {
- conjugated Port TestPort1: TestProtocol
- }
- Structure {
- external Port TestPort1
- }
- Behavior {
- StateMachine {
- Transition init: initial -> state0 {
- action {
- "TestPort1.msg1(2);"
- "TestPort1.msg1(3);"
- "TestPort1.msg1(7);"
- "TestPort1.msg1(4);"
- "TestPort1.msg1(5);"
- "TestPort1.msg1(7);"
- "TestPort1.msg2(5);"
- "TestPort1.msg2(6);"
- ""
- "TestPort1.msg1(5);"
- "TestPort1.msg3();"
- "TestPort1.msg4();"
- "TestPort1.msg1(8);"
- "TestPort1.msg6(12);"
- }
- }
- State state0
- }
- }
- }
- ProtocolClass TestProtocol {
- incoming {
- Message msg1(p1:int32)
- Message msg2(p1:int32)
- Message msg3()
- Message msg4()
- Message msg5(p1:int32)
- Message msg6(p1:int32)
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/ b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a6bedc7f..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-RoomModel SendingDataTest {
- import room.basic.types.c.* from ""
- LogicalSystem LogSys_SendingData {
- SubSystemRef application: SubSys_SendingData
- }
- SubSystemClass SubSys_SendingData {
- ActorRef top: SendingDataTop
- }
- ActorClass SendingDataTop {
- Structure {
- ActorRef mrPong: MrPong
- ActorRef ref0: MrPing
- Binding ref0.PingPongPort and mrPong.PingPongPort
- }
- Behavior { }
- }
- ActorClass MrPong {
- Interface {
- Port PingPongPort: PingPongProtocol
- }
- Structure {
- external Port PingPongPort
- }
- Behavior {
- StateMachine {
- Transition tr0: reply -> reply {
- triggers {
- <pingInt16: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongInt16(d);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr1: reply -> reply {
- triggers {
- <pingInt8: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongInt8(d);"
- }
- }
- Transition init: initial -> reply { }
- Transition tr2: reply -> reply {
- triggers {
- <pingInt32: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongInt32(d);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr3: reply -> reply {
- triggers {
- <pingFloat32: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongFloat32(d);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr4: reply -> reply {
- triggers {
- <pingFloat64: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongFloat64(d);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr7: reply -> cp cp0 {
- triggers {
- <pingInt32Ref: PingPongPort guard {
- "d!=0"
- }>
- }
- }
- Transition tr8: cp cp0 -> reply {
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongInt32(d+1);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr6: cp cp0 -> reply {
- cond {
- "d!=5"
- }
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongInt32(d);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr9: reply -> reply {
- triggers {
- <pingComplex: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongComplex(d);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr11: reply -> cp cp1 {
- triggers {
- <pingComplexRef: PingPongPort>
- }
- }
- Transition tr10: cp cp1 -> reply {
- action {
- "d->i8Val++;"
- "PingPongPort.pongComplex(d);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr12: cp cp1 -> reply {
- cond {
- "(*d).i8Val!=0"
- }
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pongComplex(d);"
- }
- }
- ChoicePoint cp0
- ChoicePoint cp1
- State reply
- }
- }
- }
- ActorClass MrPing {
- Interface {
- conjugated Port PingPongPort: PingPongProtocol
- }
- Structure {
- usercode3 {
- "#include \"etUnit/etUnit.h\""
- "#include \"SubSys_SendingData.h\""
- }
- external Port PingPongPort
- Attribute i32Array [ 10 ]: int32
- Attribute i32Val: int32
- Attribute i8ValAC:int8
- Attribute data: PingPongData
- Attribute lastError: int32 = "0"
- }
- Behavior {
- Operation checkData(d:PingPongData, mode:int8):int8{
- "
- int8 result = 1;
- if (mode == 0){
- if (d.i8Val != 10) result = 0;
- if (*(d.i8ValRef) != 9) result = 0;
- i8ValAC = 27;
- if (d.i8Array[0] != 1) result = 0;
- if (d.i8Array[1] != 2) result = 0;
- if (d.i8Array[2] != 3) result = 0;
- if (*(d.i8ArrayRef[0]) != 27) result = 0;
- if (*(d.i8ArrayRef[1]) != 27) result = 0;
- if (d.complexVal.i32Val1 != 127) result = 0;
- if (d.complexVal.i32Val2 != 130) result = 0;
- }else{
- if (d.i8Val != 50) result = 0;
- if (*(d.i8ValRef) != 12) result = 0;
- i8ValAC = 52;
- if (d.i8Array[0] != 10) result = 0;
- if (d.i8Array[1] != 20) result = 0;
- if (d.i8Array[2] != 30) result = 0;
- if (*(d.i8ArrayRef[0]) != 52) result = 0;
- if (*(d.i8ArrayRef[1]) != 10) result = 0;
- if (d.complexVal.i32Val1 != 150) result = 0;
- if (d.complexVal.i32Val2 != 170) result = 0;
- }
- return result;
- "
- }
- StateMachine {
- Transition init: initial -> tp0 of waitForPong {
- action {
- "etUnit_openAll(\"tmp/testlog\",\"GeneratorTest1\", \"GeneratorTest1\", \"GeneratorTest1\");"
- "static etInt16 resultlist[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,50};"
- "EXPECT_ORDER_START(resultlist, 11);"
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 1);"
- "PingPongPort.pingInt8(8);"
- "PingPongPort.pingInt16(16);"
- "PingPongPort.pingInt32(32);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr7: tp1 of waitForPong -> tp0 of waitForPongFloat {
- action {
- "PingPongPort.pingFloat32(32.76453653f);"
- "PingPongPort.pingFloat64(64.12344354364533);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr0: tp1 of waitForPongFloat -> tp0 of waitForPongRef
- Transition tr4: tp1 of waitForComplex -> TestFinished
- Transition tr2: tp1 of waitForPongRef -> tp0 of waitForComplex
- State waitForPong {
- subgraph {
- Transition tr0: my tp0 -> state0
- Transition tr1: state0 -> cp cp0 {
- triggers {
- <pongInt8: PingPongPort>
- }
- }
- Transition tr2: cp cp0 -> state1 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 0xFF);"
- }
- }
- Transition E2: cp cp0 -> state1 {
- cond {
- "d==8"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\",2);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr3: state2 -> cp cp1 {
- triggers {
- <pongInt32: PingPongPort>
- }
- }
- Transition E4: cp cp1 -> my tp1 {
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 4);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr4: cp cp1 -> my tp1 {
- cond {
- "d != 32"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 0xFF);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr5: state1 -> state2 {
- triggers {
- <pongInt16: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 0xFF);"
- }
- }
- Transition E3: state1 -> state2 {
- triggers {
- <pongInt16: PingPongPort guard {
- "d==16"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\", 3);"
- }
- }
- ChoicePoint cp0
- ChoicePoint cp1
- EntryPoint tp0
- ExitPoint tp1
- State state0
- State state1
- State state2
- }
- }
- State TestFinished {
- entry {
- "etUnit_closeAll();"
- " SubSysClass_shutdown();"
- }
- }
- State waitForPongFloat {
- subgraph {
- Transition tr0: my tp0 -> state0
- Transition tr1: state0 -> cp cp0 {
- triggers {
- <pongFloat32: PingPongPort>
- }
- }
- Transition tr2: cp cp0 -> state1 {
- action {
- }
- }
- Transition E5: cp cp0 -> state1 {
- cond {
- "((d>32)&&(d<33))"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\",5);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr3: state1 -> cp cp1 {
- triggers {
- <pongFloat64: PingPongPort>
- }
- }
- Transition tr4: cp cp1 -> my tp1 {
- action {
- }
- }
- Transition E6: cp cp1 -> my tp1 {
- cond {
- "((d>64)&&(d<65))"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\",6);"
- }
- }
- ChoicePoint cp0
- ChoicePoint cp1
- EntryPoint tp0
- ExitPoint tp1
- State state0
- State state1
- }
- }
- State waitForPongRef {
- subgraph {
- Transition tr0: my tp0 -> state0 {
- action {
- "i32Val=5;"
- "PingPongPort.pingInt32Ref(&i32Val);"
- "i32Val=10;"
- "PingPongPort.pingInt32Ref(&i32Val);"
- }
- }
- Transition E7: state0 -> state1 {
- triggers {
- <pongInt32: PingPongPort guard {
- "d==10"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\",7);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr2: state0 -> state1 {
- triggers {
- <pongInt32: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- }
- }
- Transition E8: state1 -> my tp1 {
- triggers {
- <pongInt32: PingPongPort guard {
- "d==10"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\",8);"
- }
- }
- Transition tr4: state1 -> my tp1 {
- triggers {
- <pongInt32: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- }
- }
- EntryPoint tp0
- ExitPoint tp1
- State state0
- State state1
- }
- }
- State waitForComplex {
- subgraph {
- Transition tr0: my tp0 -> state0 {
- action {
- "i8ValAC=7;"
- "data.i8Val=10;"
- "data.i8Array[0]=1;"
- "data.i8Array[1]=2;"
- "data.i8Array[2]=3;"
- "data.i8ArrayRef[0]=&i8ValAC;"
- "data.i8ArrayRef[1]=&i8ValAC;"
- "data.i8ValRef=&i8ValAC;"
- "data.complexVal.i32Val1=127;"
- "data.complexVal.i32Val2=130;"
- "PingPongPort.pingComplex(&data);"
- "i8ValAC=9;"
- "data.i8Val=12;"
- }
- }
- Transition tr2: state0 -> cp cp0 {
- triggers {
- <pongComplex: PingPongPort>
- }
- }
- Transition tr1: cp cp0 -> state1 {
- action {
- }
- }
- Transition E9: cp cp0 -> state1 {
- cond {
- "checkData(*d,0)"
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\",9);"
- ""
- "PingPongPort.pingComplexRef(&data);"
- ""
- "i8ValAC=12;"
- "data.i8Val=50;"
- "data.i8Array[0]=10;"
- "data.i8Array[1]=20;"
- "data.i8Array[2]=30;"
- "data.i8ArrayRef[0]=&i8ValAC;"
- "data.i8ArrayRef[1]=&(data.i8Array[0]);"
- "data.i8ValRef=&i8ValAC;"
- "data.complexVal.i32Val1=150;"
- "data.complexVal.i32Val2=170;"
- }
- }
- Transition tr3: state1 -> my tp1 {
- triggers {
- <pongComplex: PingPongPort>
- }
- action {
- }
- }
- Transition E10: state1 -> my tp1 {
- triggers {
- <pongComplex: PingPongPort guard {
- "checkData(*d,1)"
- }>
- }
- action {
- "EXPECT_ORDER(\"<|MODEL_LOCATION|>\\\\n\",10);"
- }
- }
- ChoicePoint cp0
- EntryPoint tp0
- ExitPoint tp1
- State state0
- State state1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ProtocolClass PingPongProtocol {
- incoming {
- Message pingInt8(d: int8)
- Message pingInt16(d: int16)
- Message pingInt32(d: int32)
- Message pingFloat32(d: float32)
- Message pingFloat64(d: float64)
- Message pingInt32Ref(d: int32 ref)
- Message pingComplex (d:PingPongData)
- Message pingComplexRef (d:PingPongData ref)
- }
- outgoing {
- Message pongInt8(d: int8)
- Message pongInt16(d: int16)
- Message pongInt32(d: int32)
- Message pongFloat32(d: float32)
- Message pongFloat64(d: float64)
- Message pongComplex(d:PingPongData)
- }
- }
- DataClass PingPongData {
- Attribute i8Val:int8
- Attribute i8ValRef:int8 ref
- Attribute i8Array [3] :int8
- Attribute i8ArrayRef [2] : int8 ref
- Attribute complexVal: PingPongDataDeep
- }
- DataClass PingPongDataDeep {
- Attribute i32Val1:int32
- Attribute i32Val2:int32
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/ b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 76163d933..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-RoomModel room.basic.service.timingC {
- import room.basic.types.c.* from ""
- async ActorClass ATimingService {
- Interface {
- SPP timer: PTimer
- }
- Structure {
- usercode1 {
- "
- #include \"platform/etTimer.h\"
- #define ET_NB_OF_TCBS 10
- typedef struct etTCB etTimerControlBlock;
- struct etTCB {
- etTargetTime_t expTime;
- etTargetTime_t pTime;
- int32 portIdx;
- etTimerControlBlock* next;
- };
- "
- }
- usercode2 {
- "//uc2"
- }
- usercode3{
- "//etTimerControlBlock tcbs[ET_NB_OF_TCBS];"
- }
- ServiceImplementation of timer
- Attribute tcbs[10]:tcb
- Attribute usedTcbsRoot : tcb ref
- Attribute freeTcbsRoot : tcb ref
- }
- Behavior {
- Operation getTcb():tcb ref{"
- etTimerControlBlock* temp = freeTcbsRoot;
- if(freeTcbsRoot!=0) {
- freeTcbsRoot=freeTcbsRoot->next;
- temp->next=0;
- }
- return temp;
- "}
- Operation returnTcb(block:tcb ref){"
- block->next=freeTcbsRoot;
- freeTcbsRoot=block;
- "}
- Operation removeTcbFromUsedList(idx:int32){"
- etTimerControlBlock* temp=usedTcbsRoot;
- etTimerControlBlock* temp2=usedTcbsRoot;
- if (temp==0) return;
- if (usedTcbsRoot->portIdx == idx){
- // element found, the first one
- usedTcbsRoot = usedTcbsRoot->next;
- returnTcb(temp);
- return;
- }
- temp=temp->next;
- while(temp!=0){
- if(temp->portIdx==idx){
- temp2->next=temp->next;
- returnTcb(temp);
- return;
- }else{
- // try next
- temp2=temp;
- temp=temp->next;
- }
- }
- "}
- Operation putTcbToUsedList(block:tcb ref){"
- etTimerControlBlock* temp=usedTcbsRoot;
- etTimerControlBlock* temp2=usedTcbsRoot;
- if (temp==0){
- // list empty put new block to root
- block->next=0;
- usedTcbsRoot=block;
- return;
- }
- while(1){
- if (temp != 0){
- if (isTimeGreater(&block->expTime,&temp->expTime)){
- //try next position
- temp2=temp;
- temp=temp->next;
- }else{
- // right position found
- block->next=temp;
- if(temp==usedTcbsRoot){
- usedTcbsRoot=block;
- }else{
- temp2->next=block;
- }
- return;
- }
- }else{
- // end of list reached
- block->next=0;
- temp2->next=block;
- return;
- }
- }
- "}
- Operation isTimeGreater(t1:targetTime ref, t2 :targetTime ref):boolean{"
- if (t1->sec > t2->sec) return TRUE;
- if (t1->sec < t2->sec) return FALSE;
- if (t1->nSec > t2->nSec) return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- "}
- Operation addTime(t1:targetTime ref, t2:targetTime ref){"
- t1->sec += t2->sec;
- t1->nSec += t2->nSec;
- while(t1->nSec >= 1000000000L){
- t1->sec++;
- t1->nSec-=1000000000L;
- }
- "}
- Operation printList(){"
- etTimerControlBlock* temp=usedTcbsRoot;
- printf(\"list: \");
- while (temp!=0){
- printf(\"(%d,%d),\",temp->expTime.sec,temp->expTime.nSec);
- temp=temp->next;
- }
- printf(\"\\n\");
- "}
- StateMachine {
- Transition tr0: initial -> Operational {
- action {
- "int i;"
- "usedTcbsRoot=0;"
- "freeTcbsRoot=&tcbs[0];"
- "tcbs[ET_NB_OF_TCBS-1].next=0;"
- "for (i=0;i<ET_NB_OF_TCBS-1;i++){"
- "\ttcbs[i].next=&tcbs[i+1];"
- "\t}"
- }
- }
- Transition tr1: Operational -> Operational {
- triggers {
- <startTimeout: timer>
- }
- action {
- "etTimerControlBlock* timer = getTcb();"
- "etTargetTime_t t;"
- "if (timer!= 0){"
- "\tt.sec=time/1000;"
- "\tt.nSec=(time%1000)*1000000L;"
- "\ttimer->pTime.sec = 0;"
- "\ttimer->pTime.nSec = 0;"
- "\ttimer->portIdx=((etReplSubPort*)ifitem)->index;"
- "\tgetTimeFromTarget(&(timer->expTime));"
- "\taddTime(&(timer->expTime),&t);"
- "\tputTcbToUsedList(timer);"
- "\t}"
- }
- }
- Transition tr3: Operational -> Operational {
- triggers {
- <startTimer: timer>
- }
- action {
- "etTimerControlBlock* timer = getTcb();"
- "etTargetTime_t t;"
- "if (timer!= 0){"
- "\tt.sec=time/1000;"
- "\tt.nSec=(time%1000)*1000000L;"
- "\ttimer->pTime = t;"
- "\ttimer->portIdx=((etReplSubPort*)ifitem)->index;"
- "\tgetTimeFromTarget(&(timer->expTime));"
- "\taddTime(&(timer->expTime),&t);"
- "\tputTcbToUsedList(timer);"
- "\t}"
- }
- }
- Transition tr4: Operational -> Operational {
- triggers {
- <kill: timer>
- }
- action {
- "removeTcbFromUsedList(((etReplSubPort*)ifitem)->index);"
- }
- }
- State Operational {
- entry {
- "// prepare"
- } do {
- "// maintain timers"
- "etTimerControlBlock* temp;"
- "etTargetTime_t t;"
- ""
- "getTimeFromTarget(&t);"
- "while (usedTcbsRoot !=0 ){"
- "\tif (isTimeGreater(&t,&(usedTcbsRoot->expTime))){"
- "\t\ttimer[self->usedTcbsRoot->portIdx].timeout();"
- "\t\ttemp=usedTcbsRoot;"
- "\t\tusedTcbsRoot=usedTcbsRoot->next;"
- "\t\tif((temp->pTime.sec==0)&&(temp->pTime.nSec==0)){"
- "\t\t\t// single shot timer"
- "\t\t\treturnTcb(temp);"
- "\t\t}else{"
- "\t\t\t// periodic timer"
- "\t\t\taddTime(&temp->expTime,&temp->pTime);"
- "\t\t\tputTcbToUsedList(temp);"
- "\t\t\t}"
- "\t\t}else{"
- "\t\t\tbreak;"
- "\t\t\t}"
- "\t}"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ProtocolClass PTimer {
- usercode1 {"
- #define ET_TIMER_RUNNING 0x01
- #define ET_TIMER_PERIODIC 0x02
- "
- }
- usercode2 {
- "//uc2 "
- }
- incoming {
- Message startTimer(time: uint32)
- Message startTimeout(time: uint32)
- Message kill()
- }
- outgoing {
- Message timeout()
- }
- conjugate PortClass
- {
- handle incoming startTimer{
- "if (((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status==0){
- ((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status=ET_TIMER_RUNNING | ET_TIMER_PERIODIC;
- etPort_sendMessage(self, PTimer_IN_startTimer, sizeof(int32), &data);
- }
- "
- }
- handle incoming startTimeout{
- "if (((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status==0){
- ((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status = ET_TIMER_RUNNING;
- etPort_sendMessage(self, PTimer_IN_startTimeout, sizeof(int32), &data);
- }
- "
- }
- handle outgoing timeout{
- "//TODO: clear active bit in case of single shot timer
- if (((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status!=0){
- if (((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status==ET_TIMER_RUNNING){
- // single shot timer
- ((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status=0;
- }
- // msg to fsm
- (*receiveMessageFunc)(actor, self, msg);
- }
- "
- }
- handle incoming kill {
- "
- if (((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status!=0){
- ((PTimerConjPort_var*)(self->varData))->status=0;
- etPort_sendMessage(self, PTimer_IN_kill, 0,NULL);
- }
- "
- }
- Attribute status:int8="0"
- }
- }
- ExternalType tcb -> etTimerControlBlock
- ExternalType targetTime -> etTargetTime_t
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/diagrams/GeneratorTest1.SS.structure b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/diagrams/GeneratorTest1.SS.structure
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd297d50..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/diagrams/GeneratorTest1.SS.structure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/diagrams/GeneratorTest1.Tester.structure b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/diagrams/GeneratorTest1.Tester.structure
deleted file mode 100644
index 489ffba31..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/model/diagrams/GeneratorTest1.Tester.structure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/PTestTrigger.c b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/PTestTrigger.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bb73b8148..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/PTestTrigger.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Source File of ProtocolClass PTestTrigger
- *
- */
-#include "PTestTrigger.h"
-#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
-/*--------------------- port methods */
-void PTestTriggerPort_done(const PTestTriggerPort* self) {
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("PTestTriggerPort", "done")
- if (self->receiveMessageFunc!=NULL) {
- etPort_sendMessage(self, PTestTrigger_OUT_done, 0, NULL);
- }
-void PTestTriggerReplPort_done_broadcast(const PTestTriggerReplPort* self) {
- int i;
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("PTestTriggerReplPort", "done")
- for (i=0; i<self->size; ++i) {
- etPort_sendMessage((etPort*)(&self->ports[i]), PTestTrigger_OUT_done, 0, NULL);
- }
-void PTestTriggerReplPort_done(const PTestTriggerReplPort* self, int idx) {
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("PTestTriggerReplPort", "done")
- if (0<=idx && idx<self->size) {
- etPort_sendMessage((etPort*)(&self->ports[idx]), PTestTrigger_OUT_done, 0, NULL);
- }
-void PTestTriggerConjPort_trigger(const PTestTriggerConjPort* self) {
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("PTestTriggerConjPort", "trigger")
- if (self->receiveMessageFunc!=NULL) {
- etPort_sendMessage(self, PTestTrigger_IN_trigger, 0, NULL);
- }
-void PTestTriggerConjReplPort_trigger_broadcast(const PTestTriggerConjReplPort* self) {
- int i;
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("PTestTriggerConjReplPort", "trigger")
- for (i=0; i<self->size; ++i) {
- etPort_sendMessage((etPort*)(&self->ports[i]), PTestTrigger_IN_trigger, 0, NULL);
- }
-void PTestTriggerConjReplPort_trigger(const PTestTriggerConjReplPort* self, int idx) {
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("PTestTriggerConjReplPort", "trigger")
- if (0<=idx && idx<self->size) {
- etPort_sendMessage((etPort*)(&self->ports[idx]), PTestTrigger_IN_trigger, 0, NULL);
- }
-/*--------------------- debug helpers */
-/* message names as strings for debugging (generate MSC) */
-static const char* PTestTrigger_messageStrings[] = {"MIN", "done","trigger", "MAX"};
-const char* PTestTrigger_getMessageString(int msg_id) {
- if (msg_id<PTestTrigger_MSG_MIN || msg_id>PTestTrigger_MSG_MAX+1){
- /* id out of range */
- return "Message ID out of range";
- }
- else{
- return PTestTrigger_messageStrings[msg_id];
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/PTestTrigger.h b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/PTestTrigger.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8b9d0fd..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/PTestTrigger.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Header File of ProtocolClass PTestTrigger
- *
- */
-#include "etDatatypes.h"
-#include "modelbase/etPort.h"
-/* message IDs */
-enum PTestTrigger_msg_ids {
- PTestTrigger_MSG_MIN = 0,
- PTestTrigger_OUT_done = 1,
- PTestTrigger_IN_trigger = 2,
- PTestTrigger_MSG_MAX = 3
-/*--------------------- port structs and methods */
- typedef etPort PTestTriggerPort;
- typedef etReplPort PTestTriggerReplPort;
- void PTestTriggerPort_done(const PTestTriggerPort* self);
- void PTestTriggerReplPort_done_broadcast(const PTestTriggerReplPort* self);
- void PTestTriggerReplPort_done(const PTestTriggerReplPort* self, int idx);
- typedef etPort PTestTriggerConjPort;
- typedef etReplPort PTestTriggerConjReplPort;
- void PTestTriggerConjPort_trigger(const PTestTriggerConjPort* self);
- void PTestTriggerConjReplPort_trigger_broadcast(const PTestTriggerConjReplPort* self);
- void PTestTriggerConjReplPort_trigger(const PTestTriggerConjReplPort* self, int idx);
-/*--------------------- debug helpers */
-/* get message string for message id */
-const char* PTestTrigger_getMessageString(int msg_id);
-#endif /* _PTESTTRIGGER_H_ */
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS.c b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 112747436..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Source File of SubSystemClass SS
- *
- */
-#include "SS.h"
-/* include instances for all classes */
-#include "SS_Inst.h"
-#include "SS_Disp.h"
-#include "debugging/etLogger.h"
-#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
-#include "platform/etTimer.h"
-#include "etGlobalFlags.h"
-/* data for SubSysten SS */
-typedef struct SS {
- char *name;
-} SS;
-static SS SSInst = {"SS"};
-void SS_initActorInstances(void);
-void SS_init(void){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "init")
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s_init",;
- /* initialization of all message services */
- etMessageService_init(&msgService_Thread1, msgBuffer_Thread1, MESSAGE_POOL_MAX, MESSAGE_BLOCK_SIZE, MsgDispatcher_Thread1_receiveMessage);
- /* init all actors */
- SS_initActorInstances();
-void SS_start(void){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "start")
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s_start",;
-void SS_run(void){
- while(TRUE){
- if (etTimer_executeNeeded()){
- etMessageService_execute(&msgService_Thread1);
- }
- }
- #else
- uint32 loopCounter = 0;
- while(TRUE){
- if (etTimer_executeNeeded()){
- etMessageService_execute(&msgService_Thread1);
- etLogger_logInfo("Execute");
- if (loopCounter++ > ET_RUNTIME_MAXLOOP){
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
-void SS_stop(void){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "stop")
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s_stop",;
-void SS_destroy(void){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SubSys", "destroy")
- etLogger_logInfoF("%s_destroy",;
-void SS_initActorInstances(void){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("SS", "initActorInstances")
- Tester_init(&_SS_tester);
- Testee_init(&_SS_testee);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS.h b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 57fe6cce9..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Header File of SubSystemClass SS
- *
- */
-#ifndef _SS_H_
-#define _SS_H_
-/* lifecycle functions
- * init -> start -> run (loop) -> stop -> destroy
- */
-void SS_init(void); /* lifecycle init */
-void SS_start(void); /* lifecycle start */
-void SS_run(void); /* lifecycle run */
-void SS_stop(void); /* lifecycle stop */
-void SS_destroy(void); /* lifecycle destroy */
-#endif /* _SS_H_ */
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Disp.h b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Disp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5531824fc..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Disp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Dispatcher File of SubSystemClass SS
- * - one generated dispatcher for each MessageService (Thread)
- */
-#include "messaging/etMessageReceiver.h"
-#include "debugging/etLogger.h"
-#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
-static void MsgDispatcher_Thread1_receiveMessage(const etMessage* msg){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("MsgDispatcher_Thread1", "receiveMessage")
- switch(msg->address){
- /* interface items of /SS/tester */
- case 102:
- etPort_receive(&_SS_tester_const.testee, msg);
- break;
- /* interface items of /SS/testee */
- case 104:
- etPort_receive(&_SS_testee_const.tester, msg);
- break;
- default:
- etLogger_logErrorF("MessageService_Thread1_ReceiveMessage: address %d does not exist ", msg->address);
- break;
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Inst.h b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Inst.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 11826c911..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Inst.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Instance File of SubSystemClass SS
- * - instantiation of all actor instances and port instances
- * - configuration of data and connection of ports
- */
-#include "messaging/etMessageService.h"
-#include "platform/etMemory.h"
-/* instantiation of message services */
-/* MessageService for Thread1 */
-static uint8 msgBuffer_Thread1[MESSAGE_POOL_MAX*MESSAGE_BLOCK_SIZE];
-static etMessageService msgService_Thread1;
-/* include all used ActorClasses */
-#include "Testee.h"
-#include "Tester.h"
-/* include all used ProtcolClasses */
-#include "PTestTrigger.h"
-/* declarations of all ActorClass instances (const and variable structs) */
-/* forward declaration of variable actor structs */
-static Tester _SS_tester;
-static Testee _SS_testee;
-/* instance _SS_tester */
-static const Tester_const _SS_tester_const = {
- /* Ports: {myActor, etReceiveMessage, msgService, peerAddress, localId} */
- {&_SS_tester, Tester_receiveMessage, &msgService_Thread1, 104, 1} /* Port testee */
- /* data receive ports */
-static Tester _SS_tester = {&_SS_tester_const};
-/* instance _SS_testee */
-static const Testee_const _SS_testee_const = {
- /* Ports: {myActor, etReceiveMessage, msgService, peerAddress, localId} */
- {&_SS_testee, Testee_receiveMessage, &msgService_Thread1, 102, 1} /* Port tester */
- /* data receive ports */
-static Testee _SS_testee = {&_SS_testee_const};
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Runner.c b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Runner.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 901f2e080..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/SS_Runner.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * this class contains the main function running component SS
- * it instantiates SS and starts and ends the lifecycle
- */
-#include "SS.h"
-#include "debugging/etLogger.h"
-#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
-#include "platform/etPlatform.h"
- * main function
- * creates component and starts and stops the lifecycle
- */
-int main(void) {
- etUserEntry(); /* platform specific */
- etLogger_logInfo("*** T H E B E G I N ***");
- /* startup sequence of lifecycle */
- SS_init(); /* lifecycle init */
- SS_start(); /* lifecycle start */
- etUserPreRun(); /* platform specific */
- /* run Scheduler */
- SS_run();
- etUserPostRun(); /* platform specific */
- /* shutdown sequence of lifecycle */
- SS_stop(); /* lifecycle stop */
- SS_destroy(); /* lifecycle destroy */
- etLogger_logInfo("*** T H E E N D ***");
- etUserExit(); /* platform specific */
- return 0;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Testee.c b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Testee.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06dd06b2f..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Testee.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Source File of ActorClass Testee
- *
- */
-#include "Testee.h"
-#include "modelbase/etActor.h"
-#include "debugging/etLogger.h"
-#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
-#include "platform/etMemory.h"
-#include "PTestTrigger.h"
-/*--------------------- begin user code ---------------------*/
- #include "etUnit/etUnit.h"
-/*--------------------- end user code ---------------------*/
-/* interface item IDs */
-enum interface_items {
- IFITEM_tester = 1
-/* state IDs */
-enum state_ids {
- NO_STATE = 0,
- STATE_TOP = 1,
- STATE_State1 = 2,
- STATE_State1_State1 = 3,
- STATE_State1_Done = 4
-/* transition chains */
-enum chain_ids {
- CHAIN_TRANS_INITIAL_TO__State1_tp0 = 1,
- CHAIN_State1_TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_triggertester = 2
-/* triggers */
-enum triggers {
- POLLING = 0,
- TRIG_tester__trigger = IFITEM_tester + EVT_SHIFT*PTestTrigger_IN_trigger
-static void setState(Testee* self, int new_state) {
- self->state = new_state;
-/* Entry and Exit Codes */
-static void entry_State1(Testee* self) {
- EXPECT_ORDER("state State1 entry code\\n", 2);
-static void entry_State1_State1(Testee* self) {
- EXPECT_ORDER("state State1_State1 entry code\\n", 4);
-static void exit_State1_State1(Testee* self) {
- EXPECT_ORDER("state State1_State1 exit code\\n", 5);
-static void entry_State1_Done(Testee* self) {
- EXPECT_ORDER_END("state State1_Done entry code\\n", 7);
- etUnit_closeAll();
-/* Action Codes */
-static void action_TRANS_INITIAL_TO__State1_tp0(Testee* self) {
- etUnit_openAll("tmp/testlog","GeneratorTest1", "GeneratorTest1", "GeneratorTest1");
- static etInt16 resultlist[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
- EXPECT_ORDER_START(resultlist, 7);
- EXPECT_ORDER("transition init: TRANS_INITIAL_TO__State1_tp0 action code\\n", 1);
-static void action_State1_TRANS_tp0_TO_State1(Testee* self) {
- EXPECT_ORDER("transition tr0: TRANS_tp0_TO_State1 action code\\n", 3);
-static void action_State1_TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_triggertester(Testee* self, InterfaceItemBase ifitem) {
- EXPECT_ORDER("transition tr1: TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_triggertester action code\\n", 6);
- PTestTriggerPort_done(&self->constData->tester) /* tester.done() */;
- * calls exit codes while exiting from the current state to one of its
- * parent states while remembering the history
- * @param current - the current state
- * @param to - the final parent state
- * @param handler - entry and exit codes are called only if not handler (for handler TransitionPoints)
- */
-static void exitTo(Testee* self, int current, int to, boolean handler) {
- while (current!=to) {
- switch (current) {
- case STATE_State1:
- self->history[STATE_TOP] = STATE_State1;
- current = STATE_TOP;
- break;
- case STATE_State1_State1:
- if (!handler) exit_State1_State1(self);
- self->history[STATE_State1] = STATE_State1_State1;
- current = STATE_State1;
- break;
- case STATE_State1_Done:
- self->history[STATE_State1] = STATE_State1_Done;
- current = STATE_State1;
- break;
- }
- }
- * calls action, entry and exit codes along a transition chain. The generic data are cast to typed data
- * matching the trigger of this chain. The ID of the final state is returned
- * @param chain - the chain ID
- * @param generic_data - the generic data pointer
- * @return the ID of the final state
- */
-static int executeTransitionChain(Testee* self, int chain, InterfaceItemBase ifitem, void* generic_data) {
- switch (chain) {
- case CHAIN_TRANS_INITIAL_TO__State1_tp0:
- {
- action_TRANS_INITIAL_TO__State1_tp0(self);
- entry_State1(self);
- action_State1_TRANS_tp0_TO_State1(self);
- return STATE_State1_State1;
- }
- case CHAIN_State1_TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_triggertester:
- {
- action_State1_TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_triggertester(self, ifitem);
- return STATE_State1_Done;
- }
- }
- return NO_STATE;
- * calls entry codes while entering a state's history. The ID of the final leaf state is returned
- * @param state - the state which is entered
- * @param handler - entry code is executed if not handler
- * @return - the ID of the final leaf state
- */
-static int enterHistory(Testee* self, int state, boolean handler, boolean skip_entry) {
- while (TRUE) {
- switch (state) {
- case STATE_State1:
- if (!(skip_entry || handler)) entry_State1(self);
- // state has a sub graph
- // without init transition
- state = self->history[STATE_State1];
- break;
- case STATE_State1_State1:
- if (!(skip_entry || handler)) entry_State1_State1(self);
- // in leaf state: return state id
- return STATE_State1_State1;
- case STATE_State1_Done:
- if (!(skip_entry || handler)) entry_State1_Done(self);
- // in leaf state: return state id
- return STATE_State1_Done;
- case STATE_TOP:
- state = self->history[STATE_TOP];
- break;
- }
- skip_entry = FALSE;
- }
- //return NO_STATE; // required by CDT but detected as unreachable by JDT because of while (true)
-static void executeInitTransition(Testee* self) {
- int chain = CHAIN_TRANS_INITIAL_TO__State1_tp0;
- int next = executeTransitionChain(self, chain, NULL, NULL);
- next = enterHistory(self, next, FALSE, FALSE);
- setState(self, next);
-/* receiveEvent contains the main implementation of the FSM */
-static void receiveEvent(Testee* self, InterfaceItemBase ifitem, int evt, void* generic_data) {
- int trigger = ifitem->localId + EVT_SHIFT*evt;
- int chain = NOT_CAUGHT;
- int catching_state = NO_STATE;
- boolean is_handler = FALSE;
- boolean skip_entry = FALSE;
- if (!handleSystemEvent(ifitem, evt, generic_data)) {
- switch (self->state) {
- case STATE_State1_State1:
- switch(trigger) {
- case TRIG_tester__trigger:
- {
- chain = CHAIN_State1_TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_triggertester;
- catching_state = STATE_State1;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case STATE_State1_Done:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (chain != NOT_CAUGHT) {
- exitTo(self, self->state, catching_state, is_handler);
- int next = executeTransitionChain(self, chain, ifitem, generic_data);
- next = enterHistory(self, next, is_handler, skip_entry);
- setState(self, next);
- }
-// END of generated code for FSM
-void Testee_init(Testee* self){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("Testee", "init")
- self->state = STATE_TOP;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<TESTEE_HISTORY_SIZE; ++i)
- self->history[i] = NO_STATE;
- }
- executeInitTransition(self);
-void Testee_receiveMessage(void* self, void* ifitem, const etMessage* msg){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("Testee", "_receiveMessage")
- receiveEvent(self, (etPort*)ifitem, msg->evtID, (void*)(((char*)msg)+MEM_CEIL(sizeof(etMessage))));
-/*--------------------- operations ---------------------*/
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Testee.h b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Testee.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ff516bb6f..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Testee.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Header File of ActorClass Testee
- *
- */
-#ifndef _TESTEE_H_
-#define _TESTEE_H_
-#include "etDatatypes.h"
-#include "messaging/etMessage.h"
-#include "PTestTrigger.h"
-typedef struct Testee Testee;
-/* const part of ActorClass (ROM) */
-typedef struct Testee_const {
- /* simple ports */
- const PTestTriggerPort tester;
- /* data receive ports */
- /* saps */
- /* replicated ports */
- /* services */
-} Testee_const;
-/* constant for state machine data */
-/* variable part of ActorClass (RAM) */
-struct Testee {
- const Testee_const* const constData;
- /* data send ports */
- /*--------------------- attributes ---------------------*/
- /* state machine variables */
- etInt16 state;
- etInt16 history[TESTEE_HISTORY_SIZE];
-void Testee_init(Testee* self);
-void Testee_receiveMessage(void* self, void* ifitem, const etMessage* msg);
-void Testee_execute(Testee* self);
-/*--------------------- operations ---------------------*/
-#endif /* _TESTEE_H_ */
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Tester.c b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Tester.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 384ee216d..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Tester.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Source File of ActorClass Tester
- *
- */
-#include "Tester.h"
-#include "modelbase/etActor.h"
-#include "debugging/etLogger.h"
-#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
-#include "platform/etMemory.h"
-#include "PTestTrigger.h"
-/* interface item IDs */
-enum interface_items {
- IFITEM_testee = 1
-/* state IDs */
-enum state_ids {
- NO_STATE = 0,
- STATE_TOP = 1,
- STATE_State1 = 2,
- STATE_Done = 3
-/* transition chains */
-enum chain_ids {
- CHAIN_TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_donetestee = 2
-/* triggers */
-enum triggers {
- POLLING = 0,
- TRIG_testee__done = IFITEM_testee + EVT_SHIFT*PTestTrigger_OUT_done
-static void setState(Tester* self, int new_state) {
- self->state = new_state;
-/* Entry and Exit Codes */
-static void entry_State1(Tester* self) {
- PTestTriggerConjPort_trigger(&self->constData->testee) /* testee.trigger() */;
-/* Action Codes */
- * calls exit codes while exiting from the current state to one of its
- * parent states while remembering the history
- * @param current - the current state
- * @param to - the final parent state
- * @param handler - entry and exit codes are called only if not handler (for handler TransitionPoints)
- */
-static void exitTo(Tester* self, int current, int to, boolean handler) {
- while (current!=to) {
- switch (current) {
- case STATE_State1:
- self->history[STATE_TOP] = STATE_State1;
- current = STATE_TOP;
- break;
- case STATE_Done:
- self->history[STATE_TOP] = STATE_Done;
- current = STATE_TOP;
- break;
- }
- }
- * calls action, entry and exit codes along a transition chain. The generic data are cast to typed data
- * matching the trigger of this chain. The ID of the final state is returned
- * @param chain - the chain ID
- * @param generic_data - the generic data pointer
- * @return the ID of the final state
- */
-static int executeTransitionChain(Tester* self, int chain, InterfaceItemBase ifitem, void* generic_data) {
- switch (chain) {
- {
- return STATE_State1;
- }
- case CHAIN_TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_donetestee:
- {
- return STATE_Done;
- }
- }
- return NO_STATE;
- * calls entry codes while entering a state's history. The ID of the final leaf state is returned
- * @param state - the state which is entered
- * @param handler - entry code is executed if not handler
- * @return - the ID of the final leaf state
- */
-static int enterHistory(Tester* self, int state, boolean handler, boolean skip_entry) {
- while (TRUE) {
- switch (state) {
- case STATE_State1:
- if (!(skip_entry || handler)) entry_State1(self);
- // in leaf state: return state id
- return STATE_State1;
- case STATE_Done:
- // in leaf state: return state id
- return STATE_Done;
- case STATE_TOP:
- state = self->history[STATE_TOP];
- break;
- }
- skip_entry = FALSE;
- }
- //return NO_STATE; // required by CDT but detected as unreachable by JDT because of while (true)
-static void executeInitTransition(Tester* self) {
- int chain = CHAIN_TRANS_INITIAL_TO__State1;
- int next = executeTransitionChain(self, chain, NULL, NULL);
- next = enterHistory(self, next, FALSE, FALSE);
- setState(self, next);
-/* receiveEvent contains the main implementation of the FSM */
-static void receiveEvent(Tester* self, InterfaceItemBase ifitem, int evt, void* generic_data) {
- int trigger = ifitem->localId + EVT_SHIFT*evt;
- int chain = NOT_CAUGHT;
- int catching_state = NO_STATE;
- boolean is_handler = FALSE;
- boolean skip_entry = FALSE;
- if (!handleSystemEvent(ifitem, evt, generic_data)) {
- switch (self->state) {
- case STATE_State1:
- switch(trigger) {
- case TRIG_testee__done:
- {
- chain = CHAIN_TRANS_State1_TO_Done_BY_donetestee;
- catching_state = STATE_TOP;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case STATE_Done:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (chain != NOT_CAUGHT) {
- exitTo(self, self->state, catching_state, is_handler);
- int next = executeTransitionChain(self, chain, ifitem, generic_data);
- next = enterHistory(self, next, is_handler, skip_entry);
- setState(self, next);
- }
-// END of generated code for FSM
-void Tester_init(Tester* self){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("Tester", "init")
- self->state = STATE_TOP;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<TESTER_HISTORY_SIZE; ++i)
- self->history[i] = NO_STATE;
- }
- executeInitTransition(self);
-void Tester_receiveMessage(void* self, void* ifitem, const etMessage* msg){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("Tester", "_receiveMessage")
- receiveEvent(self, (etPort*)ifitem, msg->evtID, (void*)(((char*)msg)+MEM_CEIL(sizeof(etMessage))));
-/*--------------------- operations ---------------------*/
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Tester.h b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Tester.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9deadbd4..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/GeneratorTest1/Tester.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * @author generated by eTrice
- *
- * Header File of ActorClass Tester
- *
- */
-#ifndef _TESTER_H_
-#define _TESTER_H_
-#include "etDatatypes.h"
-#include "messaging/etMessage.h"
-#include "PTestTrigger.h"
-typedef struct Tester Tester;
-/* const part of ActorClass (ROM) */
-typedef struct Tester_const {
- /* simple ports */
- const PTestTriggerConjPort testee;
- /* data receive ports */
- /* saps */
- /* replicated ports */
- /* services */
-} Tester_const;
-/* constant for state machine data */
-/* variable part of ActorClass (RAM) */
-struct Tester {
- const Tester_const* const constData;
- /* data send ports */
- /*--------------------- attributes ---------------------*/
- /* state machine variables */
- etInt16 state;
- etInt16 history[TESTER_HISTORY_SIZE];
-void Tester_init(Tester* self);
-void Tester_receiveMessage(void* self, void* ifitem, const etMessage* msg);
-void Tester_execute(Tester* self);
-/*--------------------- operations ---------------------*/
-#endif /* _TESTER_H_ */
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c3b99d458..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src-gen/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This directory is an eTrice code generation target.
-It will be erased every time the generator is executed.
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/RunAllTestcases.c b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/RunAllTestcases.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 38bfdfbdb..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/RunAllTestcases.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Thomas Schuetz (initial contribution)
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "test/generator/RunCGeneratorTestcases.h"
-#include "test/runtime/RunCRuntimeTestcases.h"
-#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
-void runTestCases(void);
-int main(void){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_OPEN("RunAllTestcases")
- runTestCases();
- return 0;
-void runTestCases(void){
- ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("RunAllTestcases", "runTestCases")
- RunCGeneratorTestcases();
- RunCRuntimeTestcases();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/RunCGeneratorTestcases.c b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/RunCGeneratorTestcases.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ae0e95690..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/RunCGeneratorTestcases.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Thomas Schuetz (initial contribution)
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- * RunCGeneratorTestcases.c
- *
- * Created on: 12.01.2012
- * Author: tschuetz
- */
-#include "RunCGeneratorTestcases.h"
-#include "TestDataClass.h"
-#include "etUnit/etUnit.h"
-#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
-void RunCGeneratorTestcases(void){
- etUnit_open("tmp/testlog","TestCGenerator");
- TestDataClass_runSuite();
- etUnit_close();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/RunCGeneratorTestcases.h b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/RunCGeneratorTestcases.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 192c00835..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/RunCGeneratorTestcases.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Thomas Schuetz (initial contribution)
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- * RunCGeneratorTestcases.h
- *
- * Created on: 12.01.2012
- * Author: tschuetz
- */
-void RunCGeneratorTestcases(void);
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/TestDataClass.c b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/TestDataClass.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b41cfa60c..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/TestDataClass.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Thomas Schuetz (initial contribution)
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- * TestDataClass.c
- *
- * Created on: 12.01.2012
- * Author: tschuetz
- */
-#include "TestDataClass.h"
-#include "etUnit/etUnit.h"
-#include "../../../src-gen/cGenRef/DataClass1.h"
-void TestDataClass_Operations(void){
- DataClass1 d;
- d.Attr1 = 123;
- d.ComplexAttr.Attr1 = 456;
- d.ComplexAttr.Attr2 = (float32)789.123;
- d.ComplexAttr.Attr3 = 789;
- d.Attr3 = (float32)321.123;
- EXPECT_EQUAL_INT32("Operation DataClass1_MultiplyWithAttr1", 246, DataClass1_MultiplyWithAttr1(&d, 2));
- EXPECT_EQUAL_FLOAT32("Operation DataClass1_MultiplyWithAttr3", (float32)642.246, DataClass1_MultiplyWithAttr3(&d, 2), (float32)0.0001);
-void TestDataClass_testDataClassDeepCopy(void){
- DataClass1 d, e;
- d.Attr1 = 123;
- d.ComplexAttr.Attr1 = 456;
- d.ComplexAttr.Attr2 = (float32)789.123;
- d.ComplexAttr.Attr3 = 789;
- d.Attr3 = (float32)321.123;
- DataClass1_deepCopy(&d,&e);
- EXPECT_EQUAL_INT32("Attr1", 123, e.Attr1);
- EXPECT_EQUAL_INT32("ComplexAttr.Attr1", 456, e.ComplexAttr.Attr1);
- EXPECT_EQUAL_FLOAT32("ComplexAttr.Attr2", (float32)789.123, e.ComplexAttr.Attr2, 0.001f);
- EXPECT_EQUAL_INT32("ComplexAttr.Attr3", 789, e.ComplexAttr.Attr3);
- EXPECT_EQUAL_FLOAT32("Attr3", (float32)321.123, e.Attr3, (float32)0.0001);
-void TestDataClass_runSuite(void){
- etUnit_openTestSuite("TestDataClass");
- ADD_TESTCASE(TestDataClass_Operations);
- ADD_TESTCASE(TestDataClass_testDataClassDeepCopy);
- etUnit_closeTestSuite();
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/TestDataClass.h b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/TestDataClass.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 269a4e2af..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/src/test/generator/TestDataClass.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Thomas Schuetz (initial contribution)
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
- * TestEmDataClass.h
- *
- * Created on: 12.01.2012
- * Author: tschuetz
- */
-void TestDataClass_runSuite(void);
-#endif /* _TESTDATACLASS_H_ */
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/tmp/testlog/GeneratorTest1.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/tmp/testlog/GeneratorTest1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d732b545..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.tests.old/tmp/testlog/GeneratorTest1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<testsuites name="GeneratorTest1" tests="0" failures="0" errors="0" time="0">
- <testsuite name="GeneratorTest1" tests="0" failures="0" errors="0" time="0">
- <testcase name="GeneratorTest1" time="0"/>
- </testsuite>

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