/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2018 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Sonatype, Inc. - transport split *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.updatesite; import java.io.*; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.net.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.zip.*; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.LogHelper; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.publisher.eclipse.FeatureParser; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.repository.Transport; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.eclipse.*; import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.BundleDescription; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * @since 1.0 */ public class UpdateSite { private static final String VERSION_SEPARATOR = "_"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String JAR_EXTENSION = ".jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String FEATURE_DIR = "features/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PLUGIN_DIR = "plugins/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String FEATURE_TEMP_FILE = "feature"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String SITE_FILE = "site.xml"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PROTOCOL_FILE = "file"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final int RETRY_COUNT = 2; private static final String DOT_XML = ".xml"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String SITE = "site"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private String checksum; private URI location; private URI rootLocation; private SiteModel site; /* * Some variables for caching. */ // map of String (URI.toString()) to UpdateSite private static Map> siteCache = new HashMap<>(); // map of String (URI.toString()) to UpdateSite (for category xmls) private static Map> categoryCache = new HashMap<>(); // map of String (featureID_featureVersion) to Feature private Map featureCache = new HashMap<>(); // map of String (bundleID_featureVersion) to BundleDescriptr private Map bundleCache = new HashMap<>(); private Transport transport; /* * Return a URI based on the given URI, which points to a site.xml file. */ private static URI getSiteURI(URI baseLocation) { String segment = URIUtil.lastSegment(baseLocation); if (constainsUpdateSiteFileName(segment)) return baseLocation; return URIUtil.append(baseLocation, SITE_FILE); } /** * Be lenient about accepting any location with *site*.xml at the end. */ private static boolean constainsUpdateSiteFileName(String segment) { return segment != null && segment.endsWith(DOT_XML) && segment.indexOf(SITE) != -1; } /** * Loads and returns a category file * @param location * @param monitor * @return A CategoryFile * @throws ProvisionException */ public static synchronized UpdateSite loadCategoryFile(URI location, Transport transport, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException { if (location == null) return null; UpdateSite result = null; if (!PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(location.getScheme()) && categoryCache.containsKey(location.toString())) { result = categoryCache.get(location.toString()).get(); if (result != null) return result; //else soft reference has been cleared, take it out of the cache categoryCache.remove(location.toString()); } InputStream input = null; File siteFile = loadActualSiteFile(location, location, transport, monitor); try { CategoryParser siteParser = new CategoryParser(location); Checksum checksum = new CRC32(); input = new CheckedInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(siteFile)), checksum); SiteModel siteModel = siteParser.parse(input); String checksumString = Long.toString(checksum.getValue()); result = new UpdateSite(siteModel, location, transport, checksumString); if (!PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(location.getScheme())) categoryCache.put(location.toString(), new SoftReference<>(result)); return result; } catch (SAXException e) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingSite, location); throw new ProvisionException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_FAILED_READ, msg, e)); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingSite, location); throw new ProvisionException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_FAILED_READ, msg, e)); } finally { try { if (input != null) input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } if (!PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(location.getScheme())) siteFile.delete(); } } /* * Load and return an update site object from the given location. */ public static synchronized UpdateSite load(URI location, Transport transport, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException { if (location == null) return null; UpdateSite result = null; //only caching remote sites if (!PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(location.getScheme()) && siteCache.containsKey(location.toString())) { result = siteCache.get(location.toString()).get(); if (result != null) return result; //else soft reference has been cleared, take it out of the cache siteCache.remove(location.toString()); } InputStream input = null; File siteFile = loadActualSiteFile(location, getSiteURI(location), transport, monitor); try { DefaultSiteParser siteParser = new DefaultSiteParser(location); Checksum checksum = new CRC32(); input = new CheckedInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(siteFile)), checksum); SiteModel siteModel = siteParser.parse(input); String checksumString = Long.toString(checksum.getValue()); result = new UpdateSite(siteModel, getSiteURI(location), transport, checksumString); if (!PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(location.getScheme())) siteCache.put(location.toString(), new SoftReference<>(result)); return result; } catch (SAXException e) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingSite, location); throw new ProvisionException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_FAILED_READ, msg, e)); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingSite, location); throw new ProvisionException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_FAILED_READ, msg, e)); } finally { try { if (input != null) input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } if (!PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(location.getScheme())) siteFile.delete(); } } /** * Returns a local file containing the contents of the update site at the given location. */ private static File loadActualSiteFile(URI location, URI actualLocation, Transport transport, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException { SubMonitor submonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1000); try { File siteFile = null; IStatus transferResult = null; boolean deleteSiteFile = false; try { if (PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(actualLocation.getScheme())) { siteFile = URIUtil.toFile(actualLocation); if (siteFile.exists()) transferResult = Status.OK_STATUS; else { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingSite, location); transferResult = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, ProvisionException.ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND, msg, new FileNotFoundException(siteFile.getAbsolutePath())); } } else { // creating a temp file. In the event of an error we want to delete it. deleteSiteFile = true; OutputStream destination = null; try { siteFile = File.createTempFile("site", ".xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ destination = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(siteFile)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProvisionException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, ProvisionException.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Can not create tempfile for site.xml", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } try { transferResult = transport.download(actualLocation, destination, submonitor.newChild(999)); } finally { try { destination.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProvisionException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, ProvisionException.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failing to close tempfile for site.xml", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException(); if (transferResult.isOK()) { // successful. If the siteFile is the download of a remote site.xml it will get cleaned up later deleteSiteFile = false; return siteFile; } // The transferStatus from download has a well formatted message that should // be used as it contains useful feedback to the user. // The only thing needed is to translate the error code ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND to // REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND as the download does not know what the file represents. // IStatus ms = null; if (transferResult.getException() instanceof FileNotFoundException) ms = new MultiStatus(Activator.ID, // ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND, // (code == ProvisionException.ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND || code == ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND ? ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND : ProvisionException.REPOSITORY_FAILED_READ), // new IStatus[] {transferResult}, // NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingSite, location), null); else ms = transferResult; throw new ProvisionException(ms); } finally { if (deleteSiteFile && siteFile != null) siteFile.delete(); } } finally { if (monitor != null) monitor.done(); } } /* * Parse the feature.xml specified by the given input stream and return the feature object. * In case of failure, the failure is logged and null is returned */ private Feature parseFeature(FeatureParser featureParser, URI featureURI, IProgressMonitor monitor) { File featureFile = null; if (PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(featureURI.getScheme())) { featureFile = URIUtil.toFile(featureURI); return featureParser.parse(featureFile); } try { featureFile = File.createTempFile(FEATURE_TEMP_FILE, JAR_EXTENSION); IStatus transferResult = null; //try the download twice in case of transient network problems for (int i = 0; i < RETRY_COUNT; i++) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException(); OutputStream destination = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(featureFile)); try { transferResult = transport.download(featureURI, destination, monitor); } finally { try { destination.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingFeature, featureURI), e)); return null; } } if (transferResult.isOK()) break; } if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException(); if (!transferResult.isOK()) { LogHelper.log(new ProvisionException(transferResult)); return null; } return featureParser.parse(featureFile); } catch (IOException e) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingFeature, featureURI), e)); } finally { if (featureFile != null) featureFile.delete(); } return null; } /* * Constructor for the class. */ private UpdateSite(SiteModel site, URI location, Transport transport, String checksum) { super(); this.site = site; this.location = location; this.checksum = checksum; this.rootLocation = getRootLocation(); this.transport = transport; } private URI getRootLocation() { String locationString = location.toString(); int slashIndex = locationString.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slashIndex == -1 || slashIndex == (locationString.length() - 1)) return location; return URI.create(locationString.substring(0, slashIndex + 1)); } /* * Iterate over the archive entries in this site and return the matching URI string for * the given identifier, if there is one. */ private URI getArchiveURI(URI base, String identifier) { URLEntry[] archives = site.getArchives(); for (int i = 0; archives != null && i < archives.length; i++) { URLEntry entry = archives[i]; if (identifier.equals(entry.getAnnotation())) return internalGetURI(base, entry.getURL()); } return null; } /* * Return the checksum for this site. */ public String getChecksum() { return checksum; } /* * Return a URI which represents the location of the given feature. */ public URI getSiteFeatureURI(SiteFeature siteFeature) { URL url = siteFeature.getURL(); try { if (url != null) return URIUtil.toURI(url); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { //fall through and resolve the URI ourselves } URI base = getBaseURI(); String featureURIString = siteFeature.getURLString(); return internalGetURI(base, featureURIString); } /* * Return a URI which represents the location of the given bundle. */ public URI getSiteBundleURI(SiteBundle siteBundle) { URL url = siteBundle.getURL(); try { if (url != null) return URIUtil.toURI(url); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { //fall through and resolve the URI ourselves } URI base = getBaseURI(); String bundleURIString = siteBundle.getURLString(); return internalGetURI(base, bundleURIString); } /* * Return a URI which represents the location of the given feature. */ public URI getFeatureURI(String id, String version) { SiteFeature[] entries = site.getFeatures(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if (id.equals(entries[i].getFeatureIdentifier()) && version.equals(entries[i].getFeatureVersion())) { return getSiteFeatureURI(entries[i]); } } URI base = getBaseURI(); URI url = getArchiveURI(base, FEATURE_DIR + id + VERSION_SEPARATOR + version + JAR_EXTENSION); if (url != null) return url; return URIUtil.append(base, FEATURE_DIR + id + VERSION_SEPARATOR + version + JAR_EXTENSION); } /* * Return a URI which represents the location of the given bundle. */ public URI getBundleURI(String id, String version) { SiteBundle[] entries = site.getBundles(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if (id.equals(entries[i].getBundleIdentifier()) && version.equals(entries[i].getBundleVersion())) { return getSiteBundleURI(entries[i]); } } URI base = getBaseURI(); URI url = getArchiveURI(base, FEATURE_DIR + id + VERSION_SEPARATOR + version + JAR_EXTENSION); if (url != null) return url; return URIUtil.append(base, FEATURE_DIR + id + VERSION_SEPARATOR + version + JAR_EXTENSION); } /* * Return the location of this site. */ public URI getLocation() { return location; } public String getMirrorsURI() { //copy mirror information from update site to p2 repositories String mirrors = site.getMirrorsURI(); if (mirrors == null) return null; //remove site.xml file reference int index = mirrors.indexOf("site.xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (index != -1) mirrors = mirrors.substring(0, index) + mirrors.substring(index + "site.xml".length()); //$NON-NLS-1$ return mirrors; } /* * Return a URI which represents the location of the given plug-in. */ public URI getPluginURI(FeatureEntry plugin) { URI base = getBaseURI(); String path = PLUGIN_DIR + plugin.getId() + VERSION_SEPARATOR + plugin.getVersion() + JAR_EXTENSION; URI url = getArchiveURI(base, path); if (url != null) return url; return URIUtil.append(base, path); } private URI getBaseURI() { URI base = null; String siteURIString = site.getLocationURIString(); if (siteURIString != null) { if (!siteURIString.endsWith("/")) //$NON-NLS-1$ siteURIString += "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ base = internalGetURI(rootLocation, siteURIString); } if (base == null) base = rootLocation; return base; } /* * Return the site model. */ public SiteModel getSite() { return site; } /* * The trailing parameter can be either null, relative or absolute. If it is null, * then return null. If it is absolute, then create a new url and return it. If it is * relative, then make it relative to the given base url. */ private URI internalGetURI(URI base, String trailing) { if (trailing == null) return null; return URIUtil.makeAbsolute(URI.create(trailing), base); } /* * Load and return the features references in this update site. */ public synchronized Feature[] loadFeatures(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException { if (!featureCache.isEmpty()) return featureCache.values().toArray(new Feature[featureCache.size()]); Feature[] result = loadFeaturesFromDigest(monitor); return result == null ? loadFeaturesFromSite(monitor) : result; } /* * Load and return the bundle references in this update site. */ public synchronized BundleDescription[] loadBundles(IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (!bundleCache.isEmpty()) return bundleCache.values().toArray(new BundleDescription[bundleCache.size()]); BundleDescription[] result = null; // TODO loadBundlesFromDigest(monitor); return result == null ? loadBundlesFromSite(monitor) : result; } /* * Try and load the feature information from the update site's * digest file, if it exists. */ private Feature[] loadFeaturesFromDigest(IProgressMonitor monitor) { File digestFile = null; boolean local = false; try { URI digestURI = getDigestURI(); if (PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(digestURI.getScheme())) { digestFile = URIUtil.toFile(digestURI); if (!digestFile.exists()) return null; local = true; } else { digestFile = File.createTempFile("digest", ".zip"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ BufferedOutputStream destination = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(digestFile)); IStatus result = null; try { result = transport.download(digestURI, destination, monitor); } finally { try { destination.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingFeature, location), e)); return null; } } if (result.getSeverity() == IStatus.CANCEL || monitor.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException(); if (!result.isOK()) return null; } Feature[] features = new DigestParser().parse(digestFile, digestURI); if (features == null) return null; Map tmpFeatureCache = new HashMap<>(features.length); for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { String key = features[i].getId() + VERSION_SEPARATOR + features[i].getVersion(); tmpFeatureCache.put(key, features[i]); } featureCache = tmpFeatureCache; return features; } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { // we do not track FNF exceptions as we will fall back to the // standard feature parsing from the site itself, see bug 225587. } catch (IOException e) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingDigest, location), e)); } finally { if (!local && digestFile != null) digestFile.delete(); } return null; } private URI getDigestURI() { URI digestBase = null; String digestURIString = site.getDigestURIString(); if (digestURIString != null) { if (!digestURIString.endsWith("/")) //$NON-NLS-1$ digestURIString += "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ digestBase = internalGetURI(rootLocation, digestURIString); } if (digestBase == null) digestBase = rootLocation; return URIUtil.append(digestBase, "digest.zip"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /* * Load and return the features that are referenced by this update site. Note this * requires downloading and parsing the feature manifest locally. */ private Feature[] loadFeaturesFromSite(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException { SiteFeature[] siteFeatures = site.getFeatures(); FeatureParser featureParser = new FeatureParser(); Map tmpFeatureCache = new HashMap<>(siteFeatures.length); for (int i = 0; i < siteFeatures.length; i++) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } SiteFeature siteFeature = siteFeatures[i]; String key = null; if (siteFeature.getFeatureIdentifier() != null && siteFeature.getFeatureVersion() != null) { key = siteFeature.getFeatureIdentifier() + VERSION_SEPARATOR + siteFeature.getFeatureVersion(); if (tmpFeatureCache.containsKey(key)) continue; } URI featureURI = getSiteFeatureURI(siteFeature); Feature feature = parseFeature(featureParser, featureURI, new NullProgressMonitor()); if (feature == null) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingFeature, featureURI))); } else { if (key == null) { siteFeature.setFeatureIdentifier(feature.getId()); siteFeature.setFeatureVersion(feature.getVersion()); key = siteFeature.getFeatureIdentifier() + VERSION_SEPARATOR + siteFeature.getFeatureVersion(); } tmpFeatureCache.put(key, feature); loadIncludedFeatures(feature, featureParser, tmpFeatureCache, monitor); } } featureCache = tmpFeatureCache; return featureCache.values().toArray(new Feature[featureCache.size()]); } /* * Load the features that are included by the given feature. */ private void loadIncludedFeatures(Feature feature, FeatureParser featureParser, Map features, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ProvisionException { FeatureEntry[] featureEntries = feature.getEntries(); for (int i = 0; i < featureEntries.length; i++) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException(); FeatureEntry entry = featureEntries[i]; if (entry.isRequires() || entry.isPlugin()) continue; String key = entry.getId() + VERSION_SEPARATOR + entry.getVersion(); if (features.containsKey(key)) continue; URI includedFeatureURI = getFeatureURI(entry.getId(), entry.getVersion()); Feature includedFeature = parseFeature(featureParser, includedFeatureURI, monitor); if (includedFeature == null) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingFeature, includedFeatureURI))); } else { features.put(key, includedFeature); loadIncludedFeatures(includedFeature, featureParser, features, monitor); } } } /* * Load and return the bundles that are referenced by this update site. Note this * requires downloading and parsing the feature manifest locally. */ private BundleDescription[] loadBundlesFromSite(IProgressMonitor monitor) { SiteBundle[] siteBundles = site.getBundles(); Map tmpBundleCache = new HashMap<>(siteBundles.length); for (int i = 0; i < siteBundles.length; i++) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } SiteBundle siteBundle = siteBundles[i]; String key = null; if (siteBundle.getBundleIdentifier() != null && siteBundle.getBundleVersion() != null) { key = siteBundle.getBundleIdentifier() + VERSION_SEPARATOR + siteBundle.getBundleVersion(); if (tmpBundleCache.containsKey(key)) continue; } URI bundleURI = getSiteBundleURI(siteBundle); BundleDescription bundle = parseBundleDescription(bundleURI, monitor); if (bundle == null) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingBundle, bundleURI))); } else { if (key == null) { siteBundle.setBundleIdentifier(bundle.getSymbolicName()); siteBundle.setBundleVersion(bundle.getVersion().toString()); key = siteBundle.getBundleIdentifier() + VERSION_SEPARATOR + siteBundle.getBundleVersion().toString(); } tmpBundleCache.put(key, bundle); } } bundleCache = tmpBundleCache; return bundleCache.values().toArray(new BundleDescription[bundleCache.size()]); } /* * Reads a bundle and extract its BundleDescription * In case of failure, the failure is logged and null is returned */ private BundleDescription parseBundleDescription(URI bundleURI, IProgressMonitor monitor) { File bundleFile = null; if (PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(bundleURI.getScheme())) { bundleFile = URIUtil.toFile(bundleURI); } try { bundleFile = File.createTempFile("bundle", JAR_EXTENSION); //$NON-NLS-1$ IStatus transferResult = null; //try the download twice in case of transient network problems for (int i = 0; i < RETRY_COUNT; i++) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException(); OutputStream destination = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(bundleFile)); try { transferResult = transport.download(bundleURI, destination, monitor); } finally { try { destination.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingFeature, bundleURI), e)); return null; } } if (transferResult.isOK()) break; } if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException(); if (!transferResult.isOK()) { LogHelper.log(new ProvisionException(transferResult)); return null; } return BundlesAction.createBundleDescriptionIgnoringExceptions(bundleFile); } catch (IOException e) { LogHelper.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, NLS.bind(Messages.ErrorReadingBundle, bundleURI), e)); } finally { if (bundleFile != null) bundleFile.delete(); } return null; } }