/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved. This * program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is * available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.ServiceHelper; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.URLUtil; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.IRequiredCapability; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.MetadataRepositoryManager; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.eventbus.IProvisioningEventBus; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.director.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.metadata.MetadataFactory; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.metadata.MetadataFactory.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.Version; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.expression.ExpressionUtil; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.query.FragmentQuery; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.query.InstallableUnitQuery; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.planner.IPlanner; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.PublisherInfo; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.eclipse.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.query.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.IRepositoryManager; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.metadata.IMetadataRepository; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.metadata.IMetadataRepositoryManager; import org.eclipse.osgi.service.datalocation.Location; import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.BundleDescription; import org.osgi.framework.*; /** * Base class for provisioning tests with convenience methods used by multiple tests. */ public abstract class AbstractProvisioningTest extends TestCase { protected static final VersionRange ANY_VERSION = VersionRange.emptyRange; protected static final IProvidedCapability[] BUNDLE_CAPABILITY = new IProvidedCapability[] {MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability("eclipse.touchpoint", "bundle", Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0))}; private static final IRequiredCapability[] BUNDLE_REQUIREMENT = new IRequiredCapability[] {MetadataFactory.createRequiredCapability("eclipse.touchpoint", "bundle", VersionRange.emptyRange, null, false, true)}; protected static final Version DEFAULT_VERSION = Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0); public static final ITouchpointType TOUCHPOINT_OSGI = MetadataFactory.createTouchpointType("org.eclipse.equinox.p2.osgi", Version.createOSGi(1, 0, 0)); protected static final Map NO_PROPERTIES = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; protected static final IProvidedCapability[] NO_PROVIDES = new IProvidedCapability[0]; protected static final IRequiredCapability[] NO_REQUIRES = new IRequiredCapability[0]; protected static final ITouchpointData NO_TP_DATA = MetadataFactory.createTouchpointData(new HashMap()); //flag used to disable currently failing (invalid) tests. This should always be set to true protected boolean DISABLED = true; /** * Tracks the metadata repositories created by this test instance. The repositories * will be removed automatically at the end of the test. */ private List metadataRepos = new ArrayList(); /** * Tracks the profile ids created by this test instance. The profiles * will be removed automatically at the end of the test. */ protected List profilesToRemove = new ArrayList(); private File testFolder = null; protected Object previousSelfValue = null; public static void assertEmptyProfile(IProfile profile) { assertNotNull("The profile should not be null", profile); if (getInstallableUnits(profile).hasNext()) fail("The profile should be empty,profileId=" + profile); } protected static void assertNotIUs(IInstallableUnit[] ius, Iterator installableUnits) { Set notexpected = new HashSet(); notexpected.addAll(Arrays.asList(ius)); while (installableUnits.hasNext()) { IInstallableUnit next = (IInstallableUnit) installableUnits.next(); if (notexpected.contains(next)) { fail("not expected [" + next + "]"); } } } protected static void assertNotOK(IStatus result) { assertNotOK("The status should not have been OK", result); } protected static void assertNotOK(String message, IStatus result) { assertTrue(message, !result.isOK()); } protected static void assertOK(String message, IStatus status) { if (status.isOK()) return; // print out the children if we have any IStatus children[] = status.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { IStatus child = children[i]; if (!child.isOK()) new CoreException(child).printStackTrace(); } fail(message + ' ' + status.getMessage(), status.getException()); } /** * Asserts that the given profile contains *only* the given IUs. */ protected static void assertProfileContains(String message, IProfile profile, IInstallableUnit[] expectedUnits) { HashSet expected = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(expectedUnits)); for (Iterator it = getInstallableUnits(profile); it.hasNext();) { IInstallableUnit actual = (IInstallableUnit) it.next(); if (!expected.remove(actual)) fail(message + " profile " + profile.getProfileId() + " contained an unexpected unit: " + actual); } if (!expected.isEmpty()) fail(message + " profile " + profile.getProfileId() + " did not contain expected units: " + expected); } /** * Asserts that the given profile contains all the given IUs. */ protected static void assertProfileContainsAll(String message, IProfile profile2, IInstallableUnit[] expectedUnits) { HashSet expected = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(expectedUnits)); for (Iterator it = getInstallableUnits(profile2); it.hasNext();) { IInstallableUnit actual = (IInstallableUnit) it.next(); expected.remove(actual); } if (!expected.isEmpty()) fail(message + " profile " + profile2.getProfileId() + " did not contain expected units: " + expected); } /* * Copy * - if we have a file, then copy the file * - if we have a directory then merge */ public static void copy(String message, File source, File target) { if (!source.exists()) return; if (source.isDirectory()) { if (target.exists() && target.isFile()) target.delete(); if (!target.exists()) target.mkdirs(); File[] children = source.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) copy(message, children[i], new File(target, children[i].getName())); return; } InputStream input = null; OutputStream output = null; try { input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(source)); output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(target)); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int bytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = input.read(buffer)) != -1) output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } catch (IOException e) { fail(message, e); } finally { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Exception while trying to close input stream on: " + source.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (output != null) { try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Exception while trying to close output stream on: " + target.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Create an eclipse InstallableUnitFragment with the given name that is hosted * by any bundle. The fragment has the default version, and the default self and * fragment provided capabilities are added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnitFragment createBundleFragment(String name) { InstallableUnitFragmentDescription fragment = new InstallableUnitFragmentDescription(); fragment.setId(name); fragment.setVersion(DEFAULT_VERSION); fragment.setProperty(InstallableUnitDescription.PROP_TYPE_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); fragment.setTouchpointType(TOUCHPOINT_OSGI); fragment.addTouchpointData(NO_TP_DATA); fragment.setHost(BUNDLE_REQUIREMENT); return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnitFragment(fragment); // return createIUFragment(null, name, DEFAULT_VERSION, BUNDLE_REQUIREMENT, TOUCHPOINT_OSGI, NO_TP_DATA); } /** * Create an eclipse InstallableUnitFragment with the given name and version * that is hosted by any bundle. The default self and fragment provided capabilities * are added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnitFragment createBundleFragment(String name, Version version, ITouchpointData tpData) { return createIUFragment(null, name, version, BUNDLE_REQUIREMENT, TOUCHPOINT_OSGI, tpData); } public IInstallableUnit createBundleIU(BundleDescription bd, boolean isFolder, IArtifactKey key) { PublisherInfo info = new PublisherInfo(); String shape = isFolder ? IBundleShapeAdvice.DIR : IBundleShapeAdvice.JAR; info.addAdvice(new BundleShapeAdvice(bd.getSymbolicName(), Version.fromOSGiVersion(bd.getVersion()), shape)); return BundlesAction.createBundleIU(bd, key, info); } public static IDirector createDirector() { return (IDirector) getAgent().getService(IDirector.SERVICE_NAME); } /** * Create an Eclipse InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createEclipseIU(String name) { return createEclipseIU(name, DEFAULT_VERSION); } /** * Create an Eclipse InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createEclipseIU(String name, Version version) { return createIU(name, version, null, NO_REQUIRES, BUNDLE_CAPABILITY, NO_PROPERTIES, TOUCHPOINT_OSGI, NO_TP_DATA, false); } public static IInstallableUnit createEclipseIUSingleton(String name, Version version) { return createIU(name, version, null, NO_REQUIRES, BUNDLE_CAPABILITY, NO_PROPERTIES, TOUCHPOINT_OSGI, NO_TP_DATA, true); } /** * Create an Eclipse InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createEclipseIU(String name, Version version, IRequiredCapability[] requires, ITouchpointData touchpointData) { return createIU(name, version, null, requires, BUNDLE_CAPABILITY, NO_PROPERTIES, TOUCHPOINT_OSGI, touchpointData, false); } public static IEngine createEngine() { return (IEngine) getAgent().getService(IEngine.SERVICE_NAME); } /** * Creates and returns a correctly formatted LDAP filter with the given key and value. */ protected static Filter createFilter(String filterKey, String filterValue) { return ExpressionUtil.parseLDAP("(" + filterKey + '=' + filterValue + ')'); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name) { return createIU(name, DEFAULT_VERSION); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides) { return createIU(name, DEFAULT_VERSION, null, NO_REQUIRES, additionalProvides, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, false); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, IRequiredCapability[] requires) { return createIU(name, DEFAULT_VERSION, null, requires, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, false); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, IRequiredCapability[] requires, boolean singleton) { return createIU(name, DEFAULT_VERSION, null, requires, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, singleton); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, String filter, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides) { return createIU(name, ExpressionUtil.parseLDAP(filter), additionalProvides); } public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Filter filter, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides) { return createIU(name, DEFAULT_VERSION, filter, NO_REQUIRES, additionalProvides, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, false); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version) { return createIU(name, version, null, NO_REQUIRES, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, false); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version, boolean singleton) { return createIU(name, version, null, NO_REQUIRES, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, singleton); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides) { return createIU(name, version, null, NO_REQUIRES, additionalProvides, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, false); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version, IRequiredCapability[] required) { return createIU(name, version, null, required, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, false); } public static IInstallableUnit createIUWithMetaRequirement(String name, Version version, boolean singleton, IRequiredCapability[] requirements, IRequiredCapability[] metaRequirements) { return createIU(name, version, null, requirements, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, null, NO_TP_DATA, singleton, null, metaRequirements); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version, IRequiredCapability[] required, Map properties, boolean singleton) { return createIU(name, version, null, required, NO_PROVIDES, properties, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, singleton); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version, String filter, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides) { return createIU(name, version, ExpressionUtil.parseLDAP(filter), additionalProvides); } public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version, Filter filter, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides) { return createIU(name, version, filter, NO_REQUIRES, additionalProvides, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, false); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnit with the given attributes. All other attributes * assume default values, and the default self capability is also added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version, Filter filter, IRequiredCapability[] required, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides, Map properties, ITouchpointType tpType, ITouchpointData tpData, boolean singleton) { return createIU(name, version, filter, required, additionalProvides, properties, tpType, tpData, singleton, null, null); } public static IInstallableUnitPatch createIUPatch(String name, Version version, boolean singleton, IRequirementChange[] changes, IRequiredCapability[][] scope, IRequiredCapability lifeCycle) { return createIUPatch(name, version, null, NO_REQUIRES, NO_PROVIDES, NO_PROPERTIES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA, singleton, null, changes, scope, lifeCycle, NO_REQUIRES); } public static IInstallableUnitPatch createIUPatch(String name, Version version, Filter filter, IRequiredCapability[] required, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides, Map properties, ITouchpointType tpType, ITouchpointData tpData, boolean singleton, IUpdateDescriptor update, IRequirementChange[] reqChanges, IRequiredCapability[][] scope, IRequiredCapability lifeCycle, IRequiredCapability[] metaRequirements) { InstallableUnitPatchDescription iu = new MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitPatchDescription(); iu.setId(name); iu.setVersion(version); iu.setFilter(filter); IProvidedCapability[] provides = new IProvidedCapability[additionalProvides.length + 1]; provides[0] = getSelfCapability(name, version); for (int i = 0; i < additionalProvides.length; i++) { provides[i + 1] = additionalProvides[i]; } for (Iterator iter = properties.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String nextKey = (String) iter.next(); String nextValue = (String) properties.get(nextKey); iu.setProperty(nextKey, nextValue); } iu.setCapabilities(provides); iu.setRequiredCapabilities(required); iu.setTouchpointType(tpType); if (tpData != null) iu.addTouchpointData(tpData); iu.setSingleton(singleton); iu.setUpdateDescriptor(update); iu.setRequirementChanges(reqChanges); iu.setApplicabilityScope(scope); iu.setLifeCycle(lifeCycle); iu.setMetaRequiredCapabilities(metaRequirements); return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnitPatch(iu); } public static IInstallableUnit createIU(String name, Version version, Filter filter, IRequiredCapability[] required, IProvidedCapability[] additionalProvides, Map properties, ITouchpointType tpType, ITouchpointData tpData, boolean singleton, IUpdateDescriptor update, IRequiredCapability[] metaRequirements) { InstallableUnitDescription iu = new MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitDescription(); iu.setId(name); iu.setVersion(version); iu.setFilter(filter); IProvidedCapability[] provides = new IProvidedCapability[additionalProvides.length + 1]; provides[0] = getSelfCapability(name, version); for (int i = 0; i < additionalProvides.length; i++) { provides[i + 1] = additionalProvides[i]; } for (Iterator iter = properties.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String nextKey = (String) iter.next(); String nextValue = (String) properties.get(nextKey); iu.setProperty(nextKey, nextValue); } iu.setCapabilities(provides); iu.setRequiredCapabilities(required); iu.setTouchpointType(tpType); if (tpData != null) iu.addTouchpointData(tpData); iu.setSingleton(singleton); iu.setUpdateDescriptor(update); if (metaRequirements == null) metaRequirements = NO_REQUIRES; iu.setMetaRequiredCapabilities(metaRequirements); return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnit(iu); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnitFragment with the given attributes. * The self and fragment provided capabilities are added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnitFragment createIUFragment(IInstallableUnit host, String name, Version version) { return createIUFragment(host, name, version, NO_REQUIRES, ITouchpointType.NONE, NO_TP_DATA); } /** * Create a basic InstallableUnitFragment with the given attributes. * The self and fragment provided capabilities are added to the IU. */ public static IInstallableUnitFragment createIUFragment(IInstallableUnit host, String name, Version version, IRequiredCapability[] required, ITouchpointType tpType, ITouchpointData tpData) { InstallableUnitFragmentDescription fragment = new InstallableUnitFragmentDescription(); fragment.setId(name); fragment.setVersion(version); fragment.setProperty(InstallableUnitDescription.PROP_TYPE_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); fragment.setRequiredCapabilities(required); fragment.setTouchpointType(tpType); if (tpData != null) fragment.addTouchpointData(tpData); if (host != null) { VersionRange hostRange = new VersionRange(host.getVersion(), true, host.getVersion(), true); fragment.setHost(new IRequirement[] {MetadataFactory.createRequiredCapability(IInstallableUnit.NAMESPACE_IU_ID, host.getId(), hostRange, null, false, false)}); } fragment.setCapabilities(new IProvidedCapability[] {getSelfCapability(name, version)}); return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnitFragment(fragment); } public static void changeVersion(InstallableUnitDescription desc, Version newVersion) { List capabilities = new ArrayList(desc.getProvidedCapabilities()); for (int i = 0; i < capabilities.size(); i++) { IProvidedCapability pc = capabilities.get(i); if (desc.getVersion().equals(pc.getVersion())) capabilities.set(i, MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(pc.getNamespace(), pc.getName(), newVersion)); } desc.setVersion(newVersion); desc.setCapabilities(capabilities.toArray(new IProvidedCapability[capabilities.size()])); } public static MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitDescription createIUDescriptor(IInstallableUnit prototype) { InstallableUnitDescription desc = new MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitDescription(); Collection originalArtifacts = prototype.getArtifacts(); desc.setArtifacts(originalArtifacts.toArray(new IArtifactKey[originalArtifacts.size()])); Collection originalCapabilities = prototype.getProvidedCapabilities(); desc.setCapabilities(originalCapabilities.toArray(new IProvidedCapability[originalCapabilities.size()])); desc.setCopyright(prototype.getCopyright()); desc.setFilter(prototype.getFilter()); desc.setId(prototype.getId()); Collection originalLicenses = prototype.getLicenses(); desc.setLicenses(originalLicenses.toArray(new ILicense[originalLicenses.size()])); Collection originalRequirements = prototype.getRequiredCapabilities(); desc.setRequiredCapabilities(originalRequirements.toArray(new IRequirement[originalRequirements.size()])); originalRequirements = prototype.getMetaRequiredCapabilities(); desc.setMetaRequiredCapabilities(originalRequirements.toArray(new IRequirement[originalRequirements.size()])); desc.setSingleton(prototype.isSingleton()); desc.setTouchpointType(MetadataFactory.createTouchpointType(prototype.getTouchpointType().getId(), prototype.getTouchpointType().getVersion())); desc.setUpdateDescriptor(MetadataFactory.createUpdateDescriptor(prototype.getUpdateDescriptor().getId(), prototype.getUpdateDescriptor().getRange(), prototype.getUpdateDescriptor().getSeverity(), prototype.getUpdateDescriptor().getDescription())); desc.setVersion(prototype.getVersion()); Map prototypeProperties = prototype.getProperties(); Set entries = prototypeProperties.entrySet(); for (Iterator iterator = entries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next(); desc.setProperty((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue()); } return desc; } public static IPlanner createPlanner() { return (IPlanner) getAgent().getService(IPlanner.SERVICE_NAME); } /** * Creates and returns a required capability with the provided attributes. */ protected static IRequiredCapability[] createRequiredCapabilities(String namespace, String name) { return createRequiredCapabilities(namespace, name, ANY_VERSION, (Filter) null); } protected static IRequiredCapability[] createRequiredCapabilities(String namespace, String name, String filter) { return createRequiredCapabilities(namespace, name, ANY_VERSION, filter); } protected static IRequiredCapability[] createRequiredCapabilities(String namespace, String name, VersionRange range) { return createRequiredCapabilities(namespace, name, range, (Filter) null); } protected static IRequiredCapability[] createRequiredCapabilities(String namespace, String name, VersionRange range, String filter) { return createRequiredCapabilities(namespace, name, range, ExpressionUtil.parseLDAP(filter)); } protected static IRequiredCapability[] createRequiredCapabilities(String namespace, String name, VersionRange range, Filter filter) { return new IRequiredCapability[] {MetadataFactory.createRequiredCapability(namespace, name, range, filter, false, false)}; } public static boolean delete(File file) { if (!file.exists()) return true; if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] children = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) delete(children[i]); } return file.delete(); } /** * Compare two 2-dimensional arrays of strings for equality */ protected static boolean equal(String[][] tuples0, String[][] tuples1) { if (tuples0.length != tuples1.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < tuples0.length; i++) { String[] tuple0 = tuples0[i]; String[] tuple1 = tuples1[i]; if (tuple0.length != tuple1.length) return false; for (int j = 0; j < tuple0.length; j++) { if (!tuple0[j].equals(tuple1[j])) return false; } } return true; } /** * Fails the test due to the given throwable. */ public static void fail(String message, Throwable e) { // If the exception is a CoreException with a multistatus // then print out the multistatus so we can see all the info. if (e instanceof CoreException) { IStatus status = ((CoreException) e).getStatus(); //if the status does not have an exception, print the stack for this one if (status.getException() == null) e.printStackTrace(); write(status, 0, System.err); } else { if (e != null) e.printStackTrace(); } if (e != null) message = message + ": " + e; fail(message); } public static Iterator getInstallableUnits(IProfile profile2) { return profile2.query(InstallableUnitQuery.ANY, null).iterator(); } /** * Get the 'self' capability for the given installable unit. */ protected static IProvidedCapability getSelfCapability(IInstallableUnit iu) { return getSelfCapability(iu.getId(), iu.getVersion()); } /** * Get the 'self' capability for an installable unit with the give id and version. */ protected static IProvidedCapability getSelfCapability(String installableUnitId, Version installableUnitVersion) { return MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(IInstallableUnit.NAMESPACE_IU_ID, installableUnitId, installableUnitVersion); } private static void indent(OutputStream output, int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) try { output.write("\t".getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } public static void writeBuffer(File outputFile, StringBuffer buffer) throws IOException { FileOutputStream stream = null; try { outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); stream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); stream.write(buffer.toString().getBytes()); } finally { if (stream != null) stream.close(); } } public static void writeProperties(File outputFile, Properties properties) throws IOException { FileOutputStream stream = null; try { outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); stream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); properties.store(stream, ""); } finally { if (stream != null) stream.close(); } } public static int queryResultSize(IQueryResult queryResult) { if (queryResult instanceof Collector) return ((Collector) queryResult).size(); int cnt = 0; Iterator itor = queryResult.iterator(); while (itor.hasNext()) { itor.next(); ++cnt; } return cnt; } public static int queryResultUniqueSize(IQueryResult queryResult) { int cnt = 0; Iterator itor = queryResult.iterator(); HashSet uniqueTracker = new HashSet(); while (itor.hasNext()) { if (uniqueTracker.add(itor.next())) ++cnt; } return cnt; } public static void restartBundle(final Bundle bundle) throws BundleException { bundle.stop(Bundle.STOP_TRANSIENT); startBundle(bundle); } public static void startBundle(final Bundle bundle) throws BundleException { //see http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/equinox-dev/msg05917.html bundle.start(Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY); bundle.start(Bundle.START_TRANSIENT); } private static void write(IStatus status, int indent, PrintStream output) { indent(output, indent); output.println("Severity: " + status.getSeverity()); indent(output, indent); output.println("Plugin ID: " + status.getPlugin()); indent(output, indent); output.println("Code: " + status.getCode()); indent(output, indent); output.println("Message: " + status.getMessage()); if (status.getException() != null) { indent(output, indent); output.print("Exception: "); status.getException().printStackTrace(output); } if (status.isMultiStatus()) { IStatus[] children = status.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) write(children[i], indent + 1, output); } } public AbstractProvisioningTest() { super(""); } public AbstractProvisioningTest(String name) { super(name); } protected static void assertEquals(String message, byte[] expected, byte[] actual) { if (expected == null && actual == null) return; if (expected == null) fail(message + " expected null but was: " + actual); if (actual == null) fail(message + " array is unexpectedly null"); if (expected.length != actual.length) fail(message + " expected array length:<" + expected.length + "> but was:<" + actual.length + ">"); for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) assertEquals(message + " arrays differ at position:<" + i + ">", expected[i], actual[i]); } protected static void assertEquals(String message, Object[] expected, Object[] actual) { if (expected == null && actual == null) return; if (expected == null) fail(message + " expected null but was: " + actual); if (actual == null) fail(message + " array is unexpectedly null"); if (expected.length != actual.length) fail(message + " expected array length:<" + expected.length + "> but was:<" + actual.length + ">"); for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) assertEquals(message + " arrays differ at position:<" + i + ">", expected[i], actual[i]); } /** * Creates a profile with the given name. Ensures that no such profile * already exists. The returned profile will be removed automatically * in the tearDown method. */ protected IProfile createProfile(String name) { return createProfile(name, null); } /** * Creates a profile with the given name. Ensures that no such profile * already exists. The returned profile will be removed automatically * in the tearDown method. */ protected IProfile createProfile(String name, Map properties) { //remove any existing profile with the same name IProfileRegistry profileRegistry = getProfileRegistry(); profileRegistry.removeProfile(name); profilesToRemove.add(name); //create and return a new profile try { return profileRegistry.addProfile(name, properties); } catch (ProvisionException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); } } protected IProgressMonitor getMonitor() { return new NullProgressMonitor(); } protected IProfile getProfile(String profileId) { return getProfileRegistry().getProfile(profileId); } /** * Returns a resolved IU corresponding to the given IU, with no attached fragments. */ protected IInstallableUnit createResolvedIU(IInstallableUnit unit) { return MetadataFactory.createResolvedInstallableUnit(unit, new IInstallableUnitFragment[0]); } /** * Adds a test metadata repository to the system that provides the given units. * The repository will automatically be removed in the tearDown method. */ protected IMetadataRepository createTestMetdataRepository(IInstallableUnit[] units) { IMetadataRepository repo = new TestMetadataRepository(getAgent(), units); MetadataRepositoryManager repoMan = (MetadataRepositoryManager) getMetadataRepositoryManager(); assertNotNull(repoMan); repoMan.addRepository(repo); metadataRepos.add(repo); return repo; } protected IArtifactRepository createArtifactRepository(URI location, Map properties) throws ProvisionException { IArtifactRepositoryManager artifactRepositoryManager = getArtifactRepositoryManager(); IArtifactRepository repo = artifactRepositoryManager.createRepository(location, "artifact", IArtifactRepositoryManager.TYPE_SIMPLE_REPOSITORY, properties); artifactRepositoryManager.removeRepository(repo.getLocation()); return repo; } protected static IProvisioningAgent getAgent() { //get the global agent for the currently running system return (IProvisioningAgent) ServiceHelper.getService(TestActivator.getContext(), IProvisioningAgent.SERVICE_NAME); } protected static IProvisioningAgentProvider getAgentProvider() { //get the global agent for the currently running system return (IProvisioningAgentProvider) ServiceHelper.getService(TestActivator.getContext(), IProvisioningAgentProvider.SERVICE_NAME); } protected static IAgentLocation getAgentLocation() { //get the location of the currently running system return (IAgentLocation) getAgent().getService(IAgentLocation.SERVICE_NAME); } protected static IArtifactRepositoryManager getArtifactRepositoryManager() { return (IArtifactRepositoryManager) getAgent().getService(IArtifactRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME); } protected IProfileRegistry getProfileRegistry() { return (IProfileRegistry) getAgent().getService(IProfileRegistry.SERVICE_NAME); } protected IMetadataRepository createMetadataRepository(URI location, Map properties) throws ProvisionException { IMetadataRepositoryManager metadataRepositoryManager = getMetadataRepositoryManager(); IMetadataRepository repo = metadataRepositoryManager.createRepository(location, "metadata", IMetadataRepositoryManager.TYPE_SIMPLE_REPOSITORY, properties); metadataRepos.add(repo); return repo; } protected IMetadataRepository loadMetadataRepository(URI location) throws ProvisionException { IMetadataRepositoryManager metadataRepositoryManager = getMetadataRepositoryManager(); IMetadataRepository repo = metadataRepositoryManager.loadRepository(location, null); metadataRepos.add(repo); return repo; } protected IArtifactRepository loadArtifactRepository(URI location) throws ProvisionException { IArtifactRepositoryManager manager = getArtifactRepositoryManager(); IArtifactRepository repo = manager.loadRepository(location, null); manager.removeRepository(location); return repo; } protected IInstallableUnit getIU(IMetadataRepository repository, String name) { IQueryResult queryResult = repository.query(new InstallableUnitQuery(name), null); IInstallableUnit unit = null; if (!queryResult.isEmpty()) unit = (IInstallableUnit) queryResult.iterator().next(); return unit; } protected static IMetadataRepositoryManager getMetadataRepositoryManager() { return (IMetadataRepositoryManager) getAgent().getService(IMetadataRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME); } public static String getUniqueString() { return System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + Math.random(); } public File getTempFolder() { return getTestFolder(getUniqueString()); } protected File getTestFolder(String name) { Location instanceLocation = (Location) ServiceHelper.getService(TestActivator.getContext(), Location.class.getName(), Location.INSTANCE_FILTER); URL url = instanceLocation != null ? instanceLocation.getURL() : null; if (instanceLocation == null || !instanceLocation.isSet() || url == null) { String tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); testFolder = new File(tempDir, name); } else { File instance = URLUtil.toFile(url); testFolder = new File(instance, name); } if (testFolder.exists()) delete(testFolder); testFolder.mkdirs(); return testFolder; } protected void runTest() throws Throwable { super.runTest(); //clean up after success if (testFolder != null && testFolder.exists()) { delete(testFolder); testFolder = null; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown() */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); //remove all metadata repositories created by this test IMetadataRepositoryManager repoMan = getMetadataRepositoryManager(); if (!metadataRepos.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator it = metadataRepos.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { IMetadataRepository repo = (IMetadataRepository) it.next(); repoMan.removeRepository(repo.getLocation()); } metadataRepos.clear(); } URI[] urls = repoMan.getKnownRepositories(IRepositoryManager.REPOSITORIES_ALL); for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { try { if (urls[i].toString().indexOf("cache") != -1 || urls[i].toString().indexOf("rollback") != -1) repoMan.loadRepository(urls[i], null).removeAll(); } catch (ProvisionException e) { //if the repository didn't load, then it doesn't exist and we don't need to clear it up } } //remove all profiles created by this test IProfileRegistry profileRegistry = getProfileRegistry(); for (Iterator it = profilesToRemove.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String toRemove = (String) it.next(); profileRegistry.removeProfile(toRemove); } profilesToRemove.clear(); } /* * Look up and return a file handle to the given entry in the bundle. */ protected File getTestData(String message, String entry) { if (entry == null) fail(message + " entry is null."); URL base = TestActivator.getContext().getBundle().getEntry(entry); if (base == null) fail(message + " entry not found in bundle: " + entry); try { String osPath = new Path(FileLocator.toFileURL(base).getPath()).toOSString(); File result = new File(osPath); if (!result.getCanonicalPath().equals(result.getPath())) fail(message + " result path: " + result.getPath() + " does not match canonical path: " + result.getCanonicalFile().getPath()); return result; } catch (IOException e) { fail(message, e); } // avoid compile error... should never reach this code return null; } protected static void assertInstallOperand(IProvisioningPlan plan, IInstallableUnit iu) { if (plan.getAdditions().query(new InstallableUnitQuery(iu), null).isEmpty()) fail("Can't find " + iu + " in the plan"); } protected static void assertUninstallOperand(IProvisioningPlan plan, IInstallableUnit iu) { if (plan.getRemovals().query(new InstallableUnitQuery(iu), null).isEmpty()) fail("Can't find " + iu + " in the plan"); } protected static void assertNoOperand(IProvisioningPlan plan, IInstallableUnit iu) { if (!(plan.getRemovals().query(new InstallableUnitQuery(iu), null).isEmpty() && plan.getAdditions().query(new InstallableUnitQuery(iu), null).isEmpty())) fail(iu + " should not be present in this plan."); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); IMetadataRepositoryManager repoMan = getMetadataRepositoryManager(); URI[] repos = repoMan.getKnownRepositories(IRepositoryManager.REPOSITORIES_ALL); for (int i = 0; i < repos.length; i++) { repoMan.removeRepository(repos[i]); } } protected IStatus install(IProfile profile, IInstallableUnit[] ius, boolean strict, IPlanner planner, IEngine engine) { ProfileChangeRequest req = new ProfileChangeRequest(profile); for (int i = 0; i < ius.length; i++) { req.add(ius[i]); req.setInstallableUnitInclusionRules(ius[i], strict ? PlannerHelper.createStrictInclusionRule(ius[i]) : PlannerHelper.createOptionalInclusionRule(ius[i])); } IProvisioningPlan plan = planner.getProvisioningPlan(req, null, null); if (plan.getStatus().getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR || plan.getStatus().getSeverity() == IStatus.CANCEL) return plan.getStatus(); return engine.perform(plan, null); } protected IStatus uninstall(IProfile profile, IInstallableUnit[] ius, IPlanner planner, IEngine engine) { ProfileChangeRequest req = new ProfileChangeRequest(profile); req.removeInstallableUnits(ius); IProvisioningPlan plan = planner.getProvisioningPlan(req, null, null); return engine.perform(plan, null); } protected static void assertEquals(String message, Object[] expected, Object[] actual, boolean orderImportant) { // if the order in the array must match exactly, then call the other method if (orderImportant) { assertEquals(message, expected, actual); return; } // otherwise use this method and check that the arrays are equal in any order if (expected == null && actual == null) return; if (expected == actual) return; if (expected == null || actual == null) assertTrue(message + ".1", false); if (expected.length != actual.length) assertTrue(message + ".2", false); boolean[] found = new boolean[expected.length]; for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < expected.length; j++) { if (!found[j] && expected[i].equals(actual[j])) found[j] = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < found.length; i++) if (!found[i]) assertTrue(message + ".3." + i, false); } /** * Asserts that the first line of text in f equals the content. * @param f * @param content */ public static void assertFileContent(String message, File f, String content) { BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f))); String line = reader.readLine(); assertEquals(message, content, line); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { fail("Getting copy target", e); } catch (IOException e) { fail("reading copy target", e); } finally { try { if (reader != null) reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //ignore } } } protected IProvisioningEventBus getEventBus() { IProvisioningEventBus bus = (IProvisioningEventBus) getAgent().getService(IProvisioningEventBus.SERVICE_NAME); assertNotNull(bus); return bus; } protected static void assertEquals(String message, IInstallableUnit iu1, IInstallableUnit iu2) throws AssertionFailedError { if (iu1 == iu2) return; if (iu1 == null || iu2 == null) { fail(message); } if (!iu1.equals(iu2)) fail(message + " " + iu1 + " is not equal to " + iu2); if (FragmentQuery.isFragment(iu1)) { if (!FragmentQuery.isFragment(iu2)) fail(message + " " + iu1 + " is not a fragment."); try { assertEquals(message, ((IInstallableUnitFragment) iu1).getHost(), ((IInstallableUnitFragment) iu2).getHost()); } catch (AssertionFailedError failure) { fail(message + " Unequal hosts: " + failure.getMessage()); } } else if (FragmentQuery.isFragment(iu2)) { fail(message + " " + iu2 + " is a fragment."); } if (iu1.isSingleton()) { if (!iu2.isSingleton()) fail(message + " " + iu2 + " is not a singleton."); } else if (iu2.isSingleton()) { fail(message + " " + iu2 + " is a singleton."); } assertEquals(message, iu1.getProvidedCapabilities(), iu2.getProvidedCapabilities()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getRequiredCapabilities(), iu2.getRequiredCapabilities()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getArtifacts(), iu2.getArtifacts()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getTouchpointType(), iu2.getTouchpointType()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getTouchpointData(), iu2.getTouchpointData()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getProperties(), iu2.getProperties()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getLicenses(), iu2.getLicenses()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getCopyright(), iu2.getCopyright()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getUpdateDescriptor(), iu2.getUpdateDescriptor()); assertEquals(message, iu1.getFilter(), iu2.getFilter()); if (iu1.isResolved() && iu2.isResolved()) assertEquals(message, iu1.getFragments(), iu2.getFragments()); } /* * Return a boolean value indicating whether or not the given arrays of installable * units representing fragments are considered to be equal. */ protected static void assertEquals(String message, IInstallableUnitFragment[] fragments1, IInstallableUnitFragment[] fragments2) throws AssertionFailedError { Map map = new HashMap(fragments2.length); for (int i = 0; i < fragments2.length; i++) { map.put(fragments2[i], fragments2[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < fragments1.length; i++) { if (!map.containsKey(fragments1)) fail(message + " Expected fragment '" + fragments1[i] + "' not present."); else { assertEquals(message, fragments1[i], map.remove(fragments1[i])); } } if (map.size() > 0) fail(message + " Unexpected fragment '" + map.entrySet().iterator().next() + "'"); } /* * Return a boolean value indicating whether or not the given update descriptor * objects are considered to be equal. */ protected static void assertEquals(String message, IUpdateDescriptor desc1, IUpdateDescriptor desc2) throws AssertionFailedError { if (desc1 == desc2) return; if (desc1 == null || desc2 == null) fail(); try { assertEquals(message, desc1.getId(), desc2.getId()); assertEquals(message, desc1.getSeverity(), desc2.getSeverity()); assertEquals(message, desc1.getRange(), desc2.getRange()); String d1 = desc1.getDescription(); String d2 = desc2.getDescription(); if (d1 == null) d1 = ""; if (d2 == null) d2 = ""; assertEquals(message, d1, d2); } catch (AssertionFailedError e) { fail(message + " Unequal Update Descriptors: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Assumes each array does not contain more than one IU with a given name and version. */ public static void assertEquals(String message, IInstallableUnit[] ius1, IInstallableUnit[] ius2) { TreeSet set = new TreeSet(new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } }); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(ius2)); for (int i = 0; i < ius1.length; i++) { // + "\0" is a successor for strings SortedSet subset = set.subSet(ius1[i], ius1[i].toString() + "\0"); if (subset.size() == 1) { IInstallableUnit candidate = (IInstallableUnit) subset.first(); try { assertEquals(message, ius1[i], candidate); } catch (AssertionFailedError e) { fail(message + " IUs '" + ius1[i] + "' are unequal : " + e.getMessage()); } subset.remove(candidate); } else if (subset.size() > 1) { //should not happen fail(message + " ERROR: Unexpected failure."); } else { fail(message + " Expected IU " + ius1[i] + " not found."); } } if (set.size() > 0) fail(message + " Unexpected IU " + set.first() + "."); } /* * Compare 2 copyright objects and fail if they are not considered equal. */ protected static void assertEquals(String message, ICopyright cpyrt1, ICopyright cpyrt2) { if (cpyrt1 == cpyrt2) return; if (cpyrt1 == null || cpyrt2 == null) { fail(message); } assertEquals(message, cpyrt1.getBody(), cpyrt2.getBody()); assertEquals(message, cpyrt1.getLocation().toString(), cpyrt2.getLocation().toString()); } /** * matches all descriptors from source in the destination * Note: NOT BICONDITIONAL! assertContains(A, B) is NOT the same as assertContains(B, A) */ protected static void assertContains(String message, IArtifactRepository sourceRepo, IArtifactRepository destinationRepo) { IQueryResult sourceKeys = sourceRepo.query(ArtifactKeyQuery.ALL_KEYS, null); for (Iterator iterator = sourceKeys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { IArtifactKey key = (IArtifactKey) iterator.next(); IArtifactDescriptor[] destinationDescriptors = destinationRepo.getArtifactDescriptors(key); if (destinationDescriptors == null || destinationDescriptors.length == 0) fail(message + ": unmatched key: " + key.toString()); //this implicitly verifies the keys are present IArtifactDescriptor[] sourceDescriptors = sourceRepo.getArtifactDescriptors(key); assertEquals(message, sourceDescriptors, destinationDescriptors, false); //order doesn't matter } } /** * Ensures 2 repositories are equal by ensure all items in repo1 are contained * in repo2 and all items in repo2 are in repo1 */ protected static void assertContentEquals(String message, IArtifactRepository repo1, IArtifactRepository repo2) { assertContains(message, repo1, repo2); assertContains(message, repo2, repo1); } /** * matches all metadata from source in the destination * Note: NOT BICONDITIONAL! assertContains(A, B) is NOT the same as assertContains(B, A) */ protected static void assertContains(String message, IMetadataRepository sourceRepo, IMetadataRepository destinationRepo) { IQueryResult sourceCollector = sourceRepo.query(InstallableUnitQuery.ANY, null); Iterator it = sourceCollector.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { IInstallableUnit sourceIU = (IInstallableUnit) it.next(); IQueryResult destinationCollector = destinationRepo.query(new InstallableUnitQuery(sourceIU), null); assertEquals(message, 1, queryResultSize(destinationCollector)); assertEquals(message, sourceIU, (IInstallableUnit) destinationCollector.iterator().next()); } } /** * Ensures 2 repositories are equal by ensure all items in repo1 are contained * in repo2 and all items in repo2 are in repo1 */ protected static void assertContentEquals(String message, IMetadataRepository repo1, IMetadataRepository repo2) { assertContains(message, repo1, repo2); assertContains(message, repo2, repo1); } public static void assertContains(String message, IQueryable source, IQueryable destination) { IQueryResult sourceCollector = source.query(InstallableUnitQuery.ANY, null); Iterator it = sourceCollector.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { IInstallableUnit sourceIU = (IInstallableUnit) it.next(); IQueryResult destinationCollector = destination.query(new InstallableUnitQuery(sourceIU), null); assertEquals(message, 1, queryResultSize(destinationCollector)); assertTrue(message, sourceIU.equals(destinationCollector.iterator().next())); } } public static void assertContains(String message, IQueryResult result, IQueryResult mustHave) { assertContains(message, result.iterator(), mustHave.iterator()); } public static void assertContains(String message, Iterator result, Iterator mustHave) { HashSet repoSet = new HashSet(); while (mustHave.hasNext()) repoSet.add(mustHave.next()); assertContains(message, result, repoSet); } public static void assertContains(String message, Iterator result, Collection mustHave) { while (result.hasNext()) assertTrue(message, mustHave.contains(result.next())); } public static void assertContains(IQueryResult result, Object value) { assertContains(null, result, value); } public static void assertNotContains(IQueryResult result, Object value) { assertNotContains(null, result, value); } public static void assertContains(String message, IQueryResult result, Object value) { Iterator itor = result.iterator(); while (itor.hasNext()) if (itor.next().equals(value)) return; fail(message); } public static void assertNotContains(String message, IQueryResult result, Object value) { Iterator itor = result.iterator(); while (itor.hasNext()) if (itor.next().equals(value)) fail(message); } public static void assertContains(String message, Collection fromIUs, Iterator fromRepo) { assertContains(message, fromIUs.iterator(), fromRepo); } /* * Return a boolean value indicating whether or not the given installable units * are considered to be equal. */ protected static boolean isEqual(IInstallableUnit iu1, IInstallableUnit iu2) { try { assertEquals("IUs not equal", iu1, iu2); } catch (AssertionFailedError e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns true if running on Windows, and false otherwise. */ protected boolean isWindows() { return Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_WIN32); } protected IUpdateDescriptor createUpdateDescriptor(String id, Version version) { return MetadataFactory.createUpdateDescriptor(id, new VersionRange(Version.emptyVersion, true, version, false), IUpdateDescriptor.HIGH, "desc"); } /** * Ensures 2 inputed Maps representing repository properties are equivalent * A special assert is needed as the time stamp is expected to change */ protected static void assertRepositoryProperties(String message, Map expected, Map actual) { if (expected == null && actual == null) return; if (expected == null || actual == null) fail(message); Object[] expectedArray = expected.keySet().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < expectedArray.length; i++) { assertTrue(message, actual.containsKey(expectedArray[i])); //Ensure the key exists if (!expectedArray[i].equals("p2.timestamp")) //time stamp value is expected to change assertEquals(message, expected.get(expectedArray[i]), actual.get(expectedArray[i])); } } /* * Search for partial matches in the log file. Assert that all of the specified strings * are found on a single line in the log file. */ public static void assertLogContainsLine(File log, String[] parts) throws IOException { assertNotNull(log); assertTrue(log.exists()); assertTrue(log.length() > 0); assertNotNull(parts); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(log)); try { while (reader.ready()) { String line = reader.readLine(); boolean found = true; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { found = found && line.contains(parts[i]); } if (found) return; } } finally { reader.close(); } assertTrue(false); } /** * Assert that the given log file contains the given message * The message is expected to be contained on a single line */ public static void assertLogContainsLine(File log, String msg) throws Exception { assertLogContainsLines(log, new String[] {msg}); } /** * Assert that the given log file contains the given lines * Lines are expected to appear in order */ public static void assertLogContainsLines(File log, String[] lines) throws Exception { assertNotNull(log); assertTrue(log.exists()); assertTrue(log.length() > 0); int idx = 0; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(log)); try { while (reader.ready()) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line.indexOf(lines[idx]) >= 0) { if (++idx >= lines.length) { return; } } } } finally { reader.close(); } assertTrue(false); } /** * Assert that the given log file doesn't contain the given message * The message is expected to be contained on a single line */ public static void assertLogDoesNotContainLine(File log, String msg) throws Exception { assertLogDoesNotContainLines(log, new String[] {msg}); } /** * Assert that the given log file does not contain the given lines * Lines are expected to appear in order */ public static void assertLogDoesNotContainLines(File log, String[] lines) throws Exception { assertNotNull(log); assertTrue(log.exists()); assertTrue(log.length() > 0); int idx = 0; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(log)); try { while (reader.ready()) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line.indexOf(lines[idx]) >= 0) { if (++idx >= lines.length) { assertTrue(false); } } } } finally { reader.close(); } } public void clearProfileMap(SimpleProfileRegistry profileRegistry) { try { Field profilesMap = SimpleProfileRegistry.class.getDeclaredField("profiles"); profilesMap.setAccessible(true); profilesMap.set(profileRegistry, null); } catch (Throwable t) { fail(); } } protected int getArtifactKeyCount(URI location) { try { return getArtifactKeyCount(getArtifactRepositoryManager().loadRepository(location, null)); } catch (ProvisionException e) { fail("Failed to load repository " + URIUtil.toUnencodedString(location) + " for ArtifactDescriptor count"); return -1; } } protected int getArtifactKeyCount(IArtifactRepository repo) { return queryResultSize(repo.query(ArtifactKeyQuery.ALL_KEYS, null)); } protected int getArtifactDescriptorCount(URI location) { int count = 0; try { IArtifactRepository repo = getArtifactRepositoryManager().loadRepository(location, null); IQueryResult descriptors = repo.descriptorQueryable().query(ArtifactDescriptorQuery.ALL_DESCRIPTORS, null); return queryResultSize(descriptors); } catch (ProvisionException e) { fail("Failed to load repository " + URIUtil.toUnencodedString(location) + " for ArtifactDescriptor count"); } return count; } public int countPlanElements(IProvisioningPlan plan) { return queryResultSize(new CompoundQueryable(plan.getAdditions(), plan.getRemovals()).query(InstallableUnitQuery.ANY, null)); } /** * This method is used by tests that require access to the "self" profile. It spoofs * up a fake self profile is none is already available. Tests should invoke this method * from their {@link #setUp()} method, and invoke {@link #tearDownSelfProfile()} * from their {@link #tearDown()} method. */ protected void setUpSelfProfile() { if (System.getProperty("eclipse.p2.profile") == null) { SimpleProfileRegistry profileRegistry = (SimpleProfileRegistry) getProfileRegistry(); try { Field selfField = SimpleProfileRegistry.class.getDeclaredField("self"); //$NON-NLS-1$ selfField.setAccessible(true); previousSelfValue = selfField.get(profileRegistry); if (previousSelfValue == null) selfField.set(profileRegistry, "agent"); } catch (Throwable t) { fail(); } } createProfile("agent"); } /** * This method is used by tests that require access to the "self" profile. It cleans up * a fake self profile is none is already available. Tests should invoke this method * from their {@link #tearDown()} method, and invoke {@link #setUpSelfProfile()} * from their {@link #setUp()} method. */ protected void tearDownSelfProfile() { if (System.getProperty("eclipse.p2.profile") == null) { SimpleProfileRegistry profileRegistry = (SimpleProfileRegistry) getProfileRegistry(); try { Field selfField = SimpleProfileRegistry.class.getDeclaredField("self"); //$NON-NLS-1$ selfField.setAccessible(true); Object self = selfField.get(profileRegistry); if (self.equals("agent")) selfField.set(profileRegistry, previousSelfValue); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore as we still want to continue tidying up } } } public IEngine getEngine() { return (IEngine) getAgent().getService(IEngine.SERVICE_NAME); } public IPlanner getPlanner(IProvisioningAgent agent) { return (IPlanner) agent.getService(IPlanner.SERVICE_NAME); } }