/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Genuitec, LLC - added license support * EclipseSource - ongoing development *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.io; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; import java.net.URI; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.OrderedProperties; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.ArtifactKey; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.InstallableUnit; import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.persistence.XMLParser; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.MetadataFactory.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.expression.*; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.IRepositoryReference; import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.spi.RepositoryReference; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; public abstract class MetadataParser extends XMLParser implements XMLConstants { static final ILicense[] NO_LICENSES = new ILicense[0]; public MetadataParser(BundleContext context, String bundleId) { super(context, bundleId); } protected abstract class AbstractMetadataHandler extends AbstractHandler { public AbstractMetadataHandler(ContentHandler parentHandler, String elementHandled) { super(parentHandler, elementHandled); } int getOptionalSize(Attributes attributes, int dflt) { String sizeStr = parseOptionalAttribute(attributes, COLLECTION_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE); return sizeStr != null ? Integer.parseInt(sizeStr) : dflt; } } protected class RepositoryReferencesHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private HashSet references; public RepositoryReferencesHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, REPOSITORY_REFERENCES_ELEMENT); references = new HashSet<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 4)); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(REPOSITORY_REFERENCE_ELEMENT)) { new RepositoryReferenceHandler(this, attributes, references); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } public IRepositoryReference[] getReferences() { return references.toArray(new IRepositoryReference[references.size()]); } } protected class RepositoryReferenceHandler extends AbstractHandler { private final String[] required = new String[] {TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, OPTIONS_ATTRIBUTE}; public RepositoryReferenceHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, Set references) { super(parentHandler, REPOSITORY_REFERENCE_ELEMENT); String[] values = parseRequiredAttributes(attributes, required); String name = parseOptionalAttribute(attributes, NAME_ATTRIBUTE); int type = checkInteger(elementHandled, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, values[0]); int options = checkInteger(elementHandled, OPTIONS_ATTRIBUTE, values[1]); URI location = parseURIAttribute(attributes, true); if (location != null) references.add(new RepositoryReference(location, name, type, options)); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } protected class InstallableUnitsHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private ArrayList units; public InstallableUnitsHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, INSTALLABLE_UNITS_ELEMENT); units = new ArrayList<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 4)); } public IInstallableUnit[] getUnits() { int size = units.size(); IInstallableUnit[] result = new IInstallableUnit[size]; int i = 0; for (InstallableUnitDescription desc : units) result[i++] = MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnit(desc); return result; } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(INSTALLABLE_UNIT_ELEMENT)) { new InstallableUnitHandler(this, attributes, units); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class InstallableUnitHandler extends AbstractHandler { InstallableUnitDescription currentUnit = null; private PropertiesHandler propertiesHandler = null; private ProvidedCapabilitiesHandler providedCapabilitiesHandler = null; private RequirementsHandler requiredCapabilitiesHandler = null; private HostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler hostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler = null; private MetaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler metaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler = null; private TextHandler filterHandler = null; private ArtifactsHandler artifactsHandler = null; private TouchpointTypeHandler touchpointTypeHandler = null; private TouchpointDataHandler touchpointDataHandler = null; private UpdateDescriptorHandler updateDescriptorHandler = null; private LicensesHandler licensesHandler = null; private CopyrightHandler copyrightHandler = null; private RequirementsChangeHandler requirementChangesHandler = null; private ApplicabilityScopesHandler applicabilityScopeHandler = null; private LifeCycleHandler lifeCycleHandler; private String id; private Version version; private boolean singleton; private List units; public InstallableUnitHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List units) { super(parentHandler, INSTALLABLE_UNIT_ELEMENT); String[] values = parseAttributes(attributes, REQUIRED_IU_ATTRIBUTES, OPTIONAL_IU_ATTRIBUTES); this.units = units; //skip entire IU if the id is missing if (values[0] == null) return; id = values[0]; version = checkVersion(INSTALLABLE_UNIT_ELEMENT, VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, values[1]); singleton = checkBoolean(INSTALLABLE_UNIT_ELEMENT, SINGLETON_ATTRIBUTE, values[2], true).booleanValue(); } public IInstallableUnit getInstallableUnit() { return MetadataFactory.createInstallableUnit(currentUnit); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { checkCancel(); if (PROPERTIES_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (propertiesHandler == null) { propertiesHandler = new PropertiesHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (PROVIDED_CAPABILITIES_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (providedCapabilitiesHandler == null) { providedCapabilitiesHandler = new ProvidedCapabilitiesHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (REQUIREMENTS_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (requiredCapabilitiesHandler == null) { requiredCapabilitiesHandler = new RequirementsHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (HOST_REQUIREMENTS_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (hostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler == null) { hostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler = new HostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (META_REQUIREMENTS_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (metaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler == null) { metaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler = new MetaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (IU_FILTER_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (filterHandler == null) { filterHandler = new TextHandler(this, IU_FILTER_ELEMENT, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (ARTIFACT_KEYS_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (artifactsHandler == null) { artifactsHandler = new ArtifactsHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (TOUCHPOINT_TYPE_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (touchpointTypeHandler == null) { touchpointTypeHandler = new TouchpointTypeHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (TOUCHPOINT_DATA_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (touchpointDataHandler == null) { touchpointDataHandler = new TouchpointDataHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (UPDATE_DESCRIPTOR_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (updateDescriptorHandler == null) updateDescriptorHandler = new UpdateDescriptorHandler(this, attributes); else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (LICENSES_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (licensesHandler == null) { licensesHandler = new LicensesHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (REQUIREMENT_CHANGES.equals(name)) { if (requirementChangesHandler == null) { requirementChangesHandler = new RequirementsChangeHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (APPLICABILITY_SCOPE.equals(name)) { if (applicabilityScopeHandler == null) { applicabilityScopeHandler = new ApplicabilityScopesHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (LIFECYCLE.equals(name)) { if (lifeCycleHandler == null) { lifeCycleHandler = new LifeCycleHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else if (COPYRIGHT_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { if (copyrightHandler == null) { copyrightHandler = new CopyrightHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } @Override protected void finished() { if (isValidXML()) { if (requirementChangesHandler != null) { currentUnit = new MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitPatchDescription(); ((InstallableUnitPatchDescription) currentUnit).setRequirementChanges(requirementChangesHandler.getRequirementChanges().toArray(new IRequirementChange[requirementChangesHandler.getRequirementChanges().size()])); if (applicabilityScopeHandler != null) ((InstallableUnitPatchDescription) currentUnit).setApplicabilityScope(applicabilityScopeHandler.getScope()); if (lifeCycleHandler != null) ((InstallableUnitPatchDescription) currentUnit).setLifeCycle(lifeCycleHandler.getLifeCycleRequirement()); } else if (hostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler == null || hostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler.getHostRequiredCapabilities().length == 0) { currentUnit = new InstallableUnitDescription(); } else { currentUnit = new MetadataFactory.InstallableUnitFragmentDescription(); ((InstallableUnitFragmentDescription) currentUnit).setHost(hostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler.getHostRequiredCapabilities()); } currentUnit.setId(id); currentUnit.setVersion(version); currentUnit.setSingleton(singleton); OrderedProperties properties = (propertiesHandler == null ? new OrderedProperties(0) : propertiesHandler.getProperties()); String updateFrom = null; VersionRange updateRange = null; for (Entry e : properties.entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); String value = e.getValue(); //Backward compatibility if (key.equals("equinox.p2.update.from")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ updateFrom = value; continue; } if (key.equals("equinox.p2.update.range")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ updateRange = VersionRange.create(value); continue; } //End of backward compatibility currentUnit.setProperty(key, value); } //Backward compatibility if (updateFrom != null && updateRange != null) currentUnit.setUpdateDescriptor(MetadataFactory.createUpdateDescriptor(updateFrom, updateRange, IUpdateDescriptor.NORMAL, null)); //End of backward compatibility if (licensesHandler != null) { currentUnit.setLicenses(licensesHandler.getLicenses()); } if (copyrightHandler != null) { ICopyright copyright = copyrightHandler.getCopyright(); currentUnit.setCopyright(copyright); } IProvidedCapability[] providedCapabilities = (providedCapabilitiesHandler == null ? new IProvidedCapability[0] : providedCapabilitiesHandler.getProvidedCapabilities()); currentUnit.setCapabilities(providedCapabilities); IRequirement[] requiredCapabilities = (requiredCapabilitiesHandler == null ? new IRequirement[0] : requiredCapabilitiesHandler.getRequirements()); currentUnit.setRequirements(requiredCapabilities); IRequirement[] metaRequiredCapabilities = (metaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler == null ? new IRequirement[0] : metaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler.getMetaRequiredCapabilities()); currentUnit.setMetaRequirements(metaRequiredCapabilities); if (filterHandler != null) { currentUnit.setFilter(filterHandler.getText()); } IArtifactKey[] artifacts = (artifactsHandler == null ? new IArtifactKey[0] : artifactsHandler.getArtifactKeys()); currentUnit.setArtifacts(artifacts); if (touchpointTypeHandler != null) { currentUnit.setTouchpointType(touchpointTypeHandler.getTouchpointType()); } else { // TODO: create an error } ITouchpointData[] touchpointData = (touchpointDataHandler == null ? new ITouchpointData[0] : touchpointDataHandler.getTouchpointData()); for (int i = 0; i < touchpointData.length; i++) currentUnit.addTouchpointData(touchpointData[i]); if (updateDescriptorHandler != null) currentUnit.setUpdateDescriptor(updateDescriptorHandler.getUpdateDescriptor()); units.add(currentUnit); } } } protected class ApplicabilityScopesHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private List scopes; public ApplicabilityScopesHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, APPLICABILITY_SCOPE); scopes = new ArrayList<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 4)); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (APPLY_ON.equals(name)) { new ApplicabilityScopeHandler(this, attributes, scopes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } public IRequirement[][] getScope() { return scopes.toArray(new IRequirement[scopes.size()][]); } } protected class ApplicabilityScopeHandler extends AbstractHandler { private RequirementsHandler children; private List scopes; public ApplicabilityScopeHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List scopes) { super(parentHandler, APPLY_ON); this.scopes = scopes; } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (REQUIREMENTS_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { children = new RequirementsHandler(this, attributes); } else { duplicateElement(this, name, attributes); } } @Override protected void finished() { if (children != null) { scopes.add(children.getRequirements()); } } } protected class RequirementsChangeHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private List requirementChanges; public RequirementsChangeHandler(InstallableUnitHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, REQUIREMENT_CHANGES); requirementChanges = new ArrayList<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 4)); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(REQUIREMENT_CHANGE)) { new RequirementChangeHandler(this, attributes, requirementChanges); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } public List getRequirementChanges() { return requirementChanges; } } protected class RequirementChangeHandler extends AbstractHandler { private List from; private List to; private List requirementChanges; public RequirementChangeHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List requirementChanges) { super(parentHandler, REQUIREMENT_CHANGE); from = new ArrayList<>(1); to = new ArrayList<>(1); this.requirementChanges = requirementChanges; } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(REQUIREMENT_FROM)) { new RequirementChangeEltHandler(this, REQUIREMENT_FROM, attributes, from); return; } if (name.equals(REQUIREMENT_TO)) { new RequirementChangeEltHandler(this, REQUIREMENT_TO, attributes, to); return; } invalidElement(name, attributes); } @Override protected void finished() { requirementChanges.add(MetadataFactory.createRequirementChange(from.size() == 0 ? null : (IRequirement) from.get(0), to.size() == 0 ? null : (IRequirement) to.get(0))); } } protected class RequirementChangeEltHandler extends AbstractHandler { private List requirement; public RequirementChangeEltHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, String parentId, Attributes attributes, List from) { super(parentHandler, parentId); requirement = from; } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT.equals(name)) new RequirementHandler(this, attributes, requirement); else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class LifeCycleHandler extends AbstractHandler { private List lifeCycleRequirement; public LifeCycleHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, LIFECYCLE); lifeCycleRequirement = new ArrayList<>(1); } public IRequirement getLifeCycleRequirement() { if (lifeCycleRequirement.size() == 0) return null; return lifeCycleRequirement.get(0); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT.equals(name)) { new RequirementHandler(this, attributes, lifeCycleRequirement); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class ProvidedCapabilitiesHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private List providedCapabilities; public ProvidedCapabilitiesHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, PROVIDED_CAPABILITIES_ELEMENT); providedCapabilities = new ArrayList<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 4)); } public IProvidedCapability[] getProvidedCapabilities() { return providedCapabilities.toArray(new IProvidedCapability[providedCapabilities.size()]); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(PROVIDED_CAPABILITY_ELEMENT)) { new ProvidedCapabilityHandler(this, attributes, providedCapabilities); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class ProvidedCapabilityHandler extends AbstractHandler { private String namespace; private String name; private Version version; private ProvidedCapabilityPropertiesHandler propertiesHandler; private List capabilities; public ProvidedCapabilityHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List capabilities) { super(parentHandler, PROVIDED_CAPABILITY_ELEMENT); this.capabilities = capabilities; String[] values = parseRequiredAttributes(attributes, REQUIRED_PROVIDED_CAPABILITY_ATTRIBUTES); this.namespace = values[0]; this.name = values[1]; this.version = checkVersion(PROVIDED_CAPABILITY_ELEMENT, VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, values[2]); } @Override public void startElement(String elem, Attributes attributes) { switch (elem) { case PROPERTIES_ELEMENT : this.propertiesHandler = new ProvidedCapabilityPropertiesHandler(this, attributes); break; default : invalidElement(elem, attributes); break; } } @Override protected void finished() { Map properties = (propertiesHandler != null) ? propertiesHandler.getProperties() : new HashMap<>(); properties.put(namespace, name); properties.put(IProvidedCapability.PROPERTY_VERSION, version); IProvidedCapability cap = MetadataFactory.createProvidedCapability(namespace, properties); capabilities.add(cap); } } protected class ProvidedCapabilityPropertiesHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private Map properties; public ProvidedCapabilityPropertiesHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT); this.properties = new HashMap<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 2)); } public Map getProperties() { return properties; } @Override public void startElement(String elem, Attributes attributes) { switch (elem) { case PROPERTY_ELEMENT : new ProvidedCapabilityPropertyHandler(this, attributes, properties); break; default : invalidElement(elem, attributes); break; } } } protected class ProvidedCapabilityPropertyHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { public ProvidedCapabilityPropertyHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, Map properties) { super(parentHandler, PROPERTY_ELEMENT); String[] values = parseAttributes(attributes, PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES, PROPERTY_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES); String name = values[0]; String value = values[1]; String type = values[2] == null ? PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING : values[2]; if (type.startsWith(PROPERTY_TYPE_LIST)) { properties.put(name, parseList(type, value)); } else { properties.put(name, parseScalar(type, value)); } } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { invalidElement(name, attributes); } private List parseList(String type, String value) { final String elType; if (type.length() > PROPERTY_TYPE_LIST.length()) { // Strip the leading "List<" and trailing ">" elType = type.substring(PROPERTY_TYPE_LIST.length() + 1, type.length() - 1); } else { elType = PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING; } return Arrays.stream(value.split("\\s*,\\s*")) //$NON-NLS-1$ .map(val -> parseScalar(elType, val)) .collect(toList()); } private Object parseScalar(String type, String value) { if (PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING.equals(type)) { return value; } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER.equals(type)) { return Integer.parseInt(value); } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_LONG.equals(type)) { return Long.parseLong(value); } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_FLOAT.equals(type)) { return Float.parseFloat(value); } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_DOUBLE.equals(type)) { return Double.parseDouble(value); } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_BYTE.equals(type)) { return Byte.parseByte(value); } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_SHORT.equals(type)) { return Short.parseShort(value); } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_CHARACTER.equals(type)) { return value.charAt(0); } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN.equals(type)) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } if (PROPERTY_TYPE_VERSION.equals(type)) { return Version.create(value); } // String is the default return value; } } protected class HostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private List requiredCapabilities; public HostRequiredCapabilitiesHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, HOST_REQUIREMENTS_ELEMENT); requiredCapabilities = new ArrayList<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 4)); } public IRequirement[] getHostRequiredCapabilities() { return requiredCapabilities.toArray(new IRequirement[requiredCapabilities.size()]); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT)) { new RequirementHandler(this, attributes, requiredCapabilities); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class MetaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private List requiredCapabilities; public MetaRequiredCapabilitiesHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, META_REQUIREMENTS_ELEMENT); requiredCapabilities = new ArrayList<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 4)); } public IRequirement[] getMetaRequiredCapabilities() { return requiredCapabilities.toArray(new IRequirement[requiredCapabilities.size()]); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT)) { new RequirementHandler(this, attributes, requiredCapabilities); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class RequirementsHandler extends AbstractMetadataHandler { private List requirements; public RequirementsHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, REQUIREMENTS_ELEMENT); requirements = new ArrayList<>(getOptionalSize(attributes, 4)); } public IRequirement[] getRequirements() { return requirements.toArray(new IRequirement[requirements.size()]); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { switch (name) { case REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT : new RequirementHandler(this, attributes, requirements); break; case REQUIREMENT_PROPERTIES_ELEMENT : new RequirementPropertiesHandler(this, attributes, requirements); break; default : invalidElement(name, attributes); break; } } } protected class RequirementHandler extends AbstractHandler { private List capabilities; // Expression based requirement private String match; private String matchParams; // Simple requirement private String namespace; private String name; private VersionRange range; private int min; private int max; private boolean greedy; private TextHandler filterHandler = null; private TextHandler descriptionHandler = null; public RequirementHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List capabilities) { super(parentHandler, REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT); this.capabilities = capabilities; // Version range requirement if (attributes.getIndex(NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTE) >= 0) { String[] values = parseAttributes(attributes, REQIURED_CAPABILITY_ATTRIBUTES, REQUIRED_CAPABILITY_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES); namespace = values[0]; name = values[1]; range = checkVersionRange(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT, VERSION_RANGE_ATTRIBUTE, values[2]); boolean isOptional = checkBoolean(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT, REQUIRED_CAPABILITY_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTE, values[3], false).booleanValue(); min = isOptional ? 0 : 1; boolean isMultiple = checkBoolean(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT, REQUIRED_CAPABILITY_MULTIPLE_ATTRIBUTE, values[4], false).booleanValue(); max = isMultiple ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 1; greedy = checkBoolean(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT, REQUIREMENT_GREED_ATTRIBUTE, values[5], true).booleanValue(); } // IU match expression requirement else { String[] values = parseAttributes(attributes, REQUIRED_IU_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES, REQUIRED_IU_MATCH_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES); match = values[0]; matchParams = values[1]; min = values[2] == null ? 1 : checkInteger(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT, MIN_ATTRIBUTE, values[2]); max = values[3] == null ? 1 : checkInteger(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT, MAX_ATTRIBUTE, values[3]); greedy = checkBoolean(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT, REQUIREMENT_GREED_ATTRIBUTE, values[4], true).booleanValue(); } } @Override public void startElement(String elem, Attributes attributes) { if (elem.equals(REQUIREMENT_FILTER_ELEMENT)) { filterHandler = new TextHandler(this, REQUIREMENT_FILTER_ELEMENT, attributes); } else if (elem.equals(REQUIREMENT_DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT)) { descriptionHandler = new TextHandler(this, REQUIREMENT_DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT, attributes); } else { invalidElement(elem, attributes); } } @Override protected void finished() { if (!isValidXML()) return; IMatchExpression filter = null; if (filterHandler != null) { try { filter = InstallableUnit.parseFilter(filterHandler.getText()); } catch (ExpressionParseException e) { if (removeWhiteSpace(filterHandler.getText()).equals("(&(|)(|)(|))")) {//$NON-NLS-1$ // We could log this I guess } else { throw e; } } } String description = descriptionHandler == null ? null : descriptionHandler.getText(); IRequirement requirement; if (match != null) { IMatchExpression matchExpr = createMatchExpression(match, matchParams); requirement = MetadataFactory.createRequirement(matchExpr, filter, min, max, greedy, description); } else { requirement = MetadataFactory.createRequirement(namespace, name, range, filter, min, max, greedy, description); } capabilities.add(requirement); } private String removeWhiteSpace(String s) { if (s == null) return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) != ' ') builder.append(s.charAt(i)); } return builder.toString(); } } protected class RequirementPropertiesHandler extends AbstractHandler { private List requirements; private String namespace; private String match; private int min; private int max; private boolean greedy; private TextHandler filterHandler; private TextHandler descriptionHandler; public RequirementPropertiesHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List requirements) { super(parentHandler, REQUIREMENT_PROPERTIES_ELEMENT); this.requirements = requirements; String[] values = parseAttributes(attributes, REQIURED_PROPERTIES_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES, REQIURED_PROPERTIES_MATCH_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES); namespace = values[0]; match = values[1]; min = (values[2] == null) ? 1 : checkInteger(REQUIREMENT_PROPERTIES_ELEMENT, MIN_ATTRIBUTE, values[2]); max = (values[3] == null) ? 1 : checkInteger(REQUIREMENT_PROPERTIES_ELEMENT, MAX_ATTRIBUTE, values[3]); greedy = checkBoolean(REQUIREMENT_PROPERTIES_ELEMENT, REQUIREMENT_GREED_ATTRIBUTE, values[4], true).booleanValue(); } @Override public void startElement(String elem, Attributes attributes) { switch (elem) { case REQUIREMENT_FILTER_ELEMENT : filterHandler = new TextHandler(this, REQUIREMENT_FILTER_ELEMENT, attributes); break; case REQUIREMENT_DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT : descriptionHandler = new TextHandler(this, REQUIREMENT_DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT, attributes); break; default : invalidElement(elem, attributes); break; } } @Override protected void finished() { if (!isValidXML()) { return; } IMatchExpression filter = null; if (filterHandler != null) { try { filter = InstallableUnit.parseFilter(filterHandler.getText()); } catch (ExpressionParseException e) { if (removeWhiteSpace(filterHandler.getText()).equals("(&(|)(|)(|))")) {//$NON-NLS-1$ // We could log this I guess } else { throw e; } } } String description = (descriptionHandler != null) ? descriptionHandler.getText() : null; IFilterExpression attrMatch = ExpressionUtil.parseLDAP(match); IRequirement requirement = MetadataFactory.createRequirement(namespace, attrMatch, filter, min, max, greedy, description); requirements.add(requirement); } private String removeWhiteSpace(String s) { if (s == null) return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) != ' ') builder.append(s.charAt(i)); } return builder.toString(); } } protected class ArtifactsHandler extends AbstractHandler { private List artifacts; public ArtifactsHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, ARTIFACT_KEYS_ELEMENT); String size = parseOptionalAttribute(attributes, COLLECTION_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE); artifacts = (size != null ? new ArrayList<>(Integer.parseInt(size)) : new ArrayList<>(4)); } public IArtifactKey[] getArtifactKeys() { return artifacts.toArray(new IArtifactKey[artifacts.size()]); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(ARTIFACT_KEY_ELEMENT)) { new ArtifactHandler(this, attributes, artifacts); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class ArtifactHandler extends AbstractHandler { private final String[] required = new String[] {CLASSIFIER_ATTRIBUTE, ID_ATTRIBUTE, VERSION_ATTRIBUTE}; public ArtifactHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List artifacts) { super(parentHandler, ARTIFACT_KEY_ELEMENT); String[] values = parseRequiredAttributes(attributes, required); Version version = checkVersion(ARTIFACT_KEY_ELEMENT, VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, values[2]); artifacts.add(new ArtifactKey(values[0], values[1], version)); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } protected class TouchpointTypeHandler extends AbstractHandler { private final String[] required = new String[] {ID_ATTRIBUTE, VERSION_ATTRIBUTE}; ITouchpointType touchpointType = null; public TouchpointTypeHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, TOUCHPOINT_TYPE_ELEMENT); String[] values = parseRequiredAttributes(attributes, required); Version version = checkVersion(TOUCHPOINT_TYPE_ELEMENT, VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, values[1]); touchpointType = MetadataFactory.createTouchpointType(values[0], version); } public ITouchpointType getTouchpointType() { return touchpointType; } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } protected class TouchpointDataHandler extends AbstractHandler { ITouchpointData touchpointData = null; List data = null; public TouchpointDataHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, TOUCHPOINT_DATA_ELEMENT); String size = parseOptionalAttribute(attributes, COLLECTION_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE); data = (size != null ? new ArrayList<>(Integer.parseInt(size)) : new ArrayList<>(4)); } public ITouchpointData[] getTouchpointData() { ITouchpointData[] result = new ITouchpointData[data.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) result[i] = data.get(i).getTouchpointData(); return result; } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(TOUCHPOINT_DATA_INSTRUCTIONS_ELEMENT)) { data.add(new TouchpointInstructionsHandler(this, attributes, data)); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class TouchpointInstructionsHandler extends AbstractHandler { Map instructions = null; public TouchpointInstructionsHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List data) { super(parentHandler, TOUCHPOINT_DATA_INSTRUCTIONS_ELEMENT); String size = parseOptionalAttribute(attributes, COLLECTION_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE); instructions = (size != null ? new LinkedHashMap<>(Integer.parseInt(size)) : new LinkedHashMap<>(4)); } public ITouchpointData getTouchpointData() { return MetadataFactory.createTouchpointData(instructions); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(TOUCHPOINT_DATA_INSTRUCTION_ELEMENT)) { new TouchpointInstructionHandler(this, attributes, instructions); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } protected class TouchpointInstructionHandler extends TextHandler { private final String[] required = new String[] {TOUCHPOINT_DATA_INSTRUCTION_KEY_ATTRIBUTE}; private final String[] optional = new String[] {TOUCHPOINT_DATA_INSTRUCTION_IMPORT_ATTRIBUTE}; Map instructions = null; String key = null; String qualifier = null; public TouchpointInstructionHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, Map instructions) { super(parentHandler, TOUCHPOINT_DATA_INSTRUCTION_ELEMENT); String[] values = parseAttributes(attributes, required, optional); key = values[0]; qualifier = values[1]; this.instructions = instructions; } @Override protected void finished() { if (isValidXML()) { if (key != null) { instructions.put(key, MetadataFactory.createTouchpointInstruction(getText(), qualifier)); } } } } protected class UpdateDescriptorHandler extends TextHandler { private final String[] requiredSimple = new String[] {ID_ATTRIBUTE, VERSION_RANGE_ATTRIBUTE}; private final String[] optionalSimple = new String[] {UPDATE_DESCRIPTOR_SEVERITY, DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE}; private final String[] requiredComplex = new String[] {MATCH_ATTRIBUTE}; private final String[] optionalComplex = new String[] {UPDATE_DESCRIPTOR_SEVERITY, DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE, MATCH_PARAMETERS_ATTRIBUTE}; private IUpdateDescriptor descriptor; public UpdateDescriptorHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, INSTALLABLE_UNIT_ELEMENT); boolean simple = attributes.getIndex(ID_ATTRIBUTE) >= 0; String[] values; int severityIdx; String description; if (simple) { values = parseAttributes(attributes, requiredSimple, optionalSimple); severityIdx = 2; description = values[3]; } else { values = parseAttributes(attributes, requiredComplex, optionalComplex); severityIdx = 1; description = values[2]; } int severity; try { severity = Integer.parseInt(values[severityIdx]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { invalidAttributeValue(UPDATE_DESCRIPTOR_ELEMENT, UPDATE_DESCRIPTOR_SEVERITY, values[severityIdx]); severity = IUpdateDescriptor.NORMAL; } URI location = parseURIAttribute(attributes, false); if (simple) { VersionRange range = checkVersionRange(REQUIREMENT_ELEMENT, VERSION_RANGE_ATTRIBUTE, values[1]); descriptor = MetadataFactory.createUpdateDescriptor(values[0], range, severity, description, location); } else { IMatchExpression r = createMatchExpression(values[0], values[3]); descriptor = MetadataFactory.createUpdateDescriptor(Collections.singleton(r), severity, description, location); } } public IUpdateDescriptor getUpdateDescriptor() { return descriptor; } } /** * Handler for a list of licenses. */ protected class LicensesHandler extends AbstractHandler { // Note this handler is set up to handle multiple license elements, but for now // the API for IInstallableUnit only reflects one. // see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=216911 private List licenses; public LicensesHandler(ContentHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, LICENSES_ELEMENT); String size = parseOptionalAttribute(attributes, COLLECTION_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE); licenses = (size != null ? new ArrayList<>(Integer.parseInt(size)) : new ArrayList<>(2)); } public ILicense[] getLicenses() { if (licenses.size() == 0) return NO_LICENSES; return licenses.toArray(new ILicense[licenses.size()]); } @Override public void startElement(String name, Attributes attributes) { if (name.equals(LICENSE_ELEMENT)) { new LicenseHandler(this, attributes, licenses); } else { invalidElement(name, attributes); } } } /** * Handler for a license in an list of licenses. */ protected class LicenseHandler extends TextHandler { URI location = null; private final List licenses; public LicenseHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes, List licenses) { super(parentHandler, LICENSE_ELEMENT); location = parseURIAttribute(attributes, false); this.licenses = licenses; } @Override protected void finished() { if (isValidXML()) { licenses.add(MetadataFactory.createLicense(location, getText())); } } } /** * Handler for a copyright. */ protected class CopyrightHandler extends TextHandler { URI location = null; private ICopyright copyright; public CopyrightHandler(AbstractHandler parentHandler, Attributes attributes) { super(parentHandler, COPYRIGHT_ELEMENT); location = parseURIAttribute(attributes, false); } @Override protected void finished() { if (isValidXML()) { copyright = MetadataFactory.createCopyright(location, getText()); } } public ICopyright getCopyright() { return copyright; } } static IMatchExpression createMatchExpression(String match, String matchParams) { IExpressionFactory factory = ExpressionUtil.getFactory(); IExpression expr = ExpressionUtil.parse(match); Object[] params; if (matchParams == null) params = new Object[0]; else { IExpression[] arrayExpr = ExpressionUtil.getOperands(ExpressionUtil.parse(matchParams)); params = new Object[arrayExpr.length]; for (int idx = 0; idx < arrayExpr.length; ++idx) params[idx] = arrayExpr[idx].evaluate(null); } return factory.matchExpression(expr, params); } }