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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-06-05Bug 534536 - The planner always reports detailed statusI20180606-1020Todor Boev2-2/+2
- SimplePlanner builds a MultiStatus for successful operations just like it does for failed ones - The DirectorApplication logs the status of successful planner invocations Change-Id: I0886dcf377172f99cf2d26df0f2b3dedfe9a7280 Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2018-06-01Bug 512407 - Let's dump 'ie.wombat.jbdiff' and related from GitI20180601-0915I20180601-0900Alexander Kurtakov2-2/+2
repository Never have been published in our repo so safe to remove. Removed parts that used it but these bundles are not in the repo also so safe again. It is sure that if/when jbdiff is really used it should be added to Orbit and used proper instead of keeping it's source in our repo. Change-Id: Iac3cccd08d3019d70d1d18632a761d20bad444b8 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2018-05-30Bug 535327 - Streamline maven poms hierachyI20180531-2125I20180531-2000I20180531-1245I20180531-0910Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
Needed so tycho-versions:set-versions works properly. Not all modules handled properly but majority are which is good enough for me now. Change-Id: I62d65744ed65d083f3755aab86b925fa780092b5 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2018-04-30Foreach and efficient Map traversal changes.I20180502-0100I20180501-2000I20180430-2000Alexander Kurtakov9-96/+232
Change-Id: I27e76c54d54a7c9d22aec5a124db6f11b7bc6444 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2018-03-20Bug 531345 - Publish product requirement according to <vm>I20180327-0805I20180327-0630I20180326-2000I20180325-2000I20180324-1500I20180323-2000I20180323-0355I20180322-2000I20180322-0645I20180322-0225I20180321-2000I20180320-2000Mickael Istria3-44/+96
Use the EE defined in the <vm> node of product definition to define some capability requirements in product metadata. Add tests to make sure JRE is still included while unit isn't directly referenced by product requirements. Change-Id: Ic2bd5c30215e9936201c70f7268e5c6068979405 Signed-off-by: Mickael Istria <>
2018-03-02Bug 531917 - Remove redundant type parametersAlexander Kurtakov8-42/+84
With Java 8 and properly generified some apis it's not needed to specify the types anymore. Change-Id: Ib758c6f50b1b1fd3f56bd52eb7e664b89b6cc776 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2018-03-01Bug 423715 - Support multiple algorithms for artifact checksumsI20180301-2000Mykola Nikishov7-3/+229
Developer of p2-based software should be able to check integrity of artifact checksums using any MessageDigest implementation available, at his own discretion, without ever touching p2 internals. For the purpose of this bug, limit enabled checksum algorithms to: - MD5 (legacy one, deprecated now, for backward compatibility only) - SHA-256 (more collision-resistant than MD5) See artifactChecksums.exsd for more details. First, encode ID of the checksum algorithm into the name of the property itself so that artifact descriptor now may look like: <artifact classifier='binary' id='testKeyId' version='1.2.3'> <properties size='6'> <property name='download.md5' value='b3788632488d48b850255acf68669651'/> <property name='artifact.md5' value='b3788632488d48b850255acf68669651'/> <property name='download.checksum.sha-256' value='d594816b995d1689c2dfc97dc244859abe6bdb9ebeb4b396e401afd85a97ee16'/> <property name='download.checksum.whirlpool' value='e4f3ece3d3f289cc2686a68f0b1b5a2d03da3a8ccdc3cd6d03209e4c789af724c8fa915bb890079e1abe78df44875cec132885dd6ae1176eed7938dfb3c7b551'/> <property name='artifact.checksum.sha-256' value='d594816b995d1689c2dfc97dc244859abe6bdb9ebeb4b396e401afd85a97ee16'/> <property name='artifact.checksum.tiger' value='462a72a1a593b9e2de8721b8d79335fd03e974f2e2e1f35a'/> </properties> </artifact> Prefix helps to avoid conflicts with other, not checksum-related, properties. To find checksums of specific type, we need all properties with prefix 'artifact.checksum.', Extracting checksum id from the name of the property is also trivial. Store these prefixes in IArtifactDescriptor's DOWNLOAD_CHECKSUM and ARTIFACT_CHECKSUM. ChecksumUtilities provides internal API to deal with properties. Second, map ID of checksum algorithm to the name of MessageDigest implementation with a contribution to a new extension point org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.artifactChecksums: <extension point="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.artifactChecksums"> <artifactChecksum algorithm="SHA-256" id="sha-256" ... /> </extension> Number of actual checksums in artifact descriptor depends on the configuration of the application that created such descriptor because p2 will: - handle MD5 checksums as usual, preserving backward compatibility - calculate other checksums using extensions that contribute to artifactChecksums extension point Last, we use id of specific checksum to get MessageDigest instance with getInstance(String). There is a number of standalone applications (like MirrorApplication) and Ant tasks (like ValidateTask) that allow user to chose specific comparator by id and ArtifactComparatorFactory is responsible for instantiating it. Legacy MD5 comparator requires no special configuration while the new ArtifactChecksumComparator is more generic and needs some parameters to instantiate. ArtifactComparatorFactory handles this by accepting fake comparator id - concatenated ArtifactChecksumComparator's id and checksum algorithm id. In other words, to compare artifacts using SHA-256 algorithm use 'org.eclipse.equinox.artifact.comparator.checksum.sha-256' as comparator id. We generate, consume and compare artifact checksums using all enabled algorithms. Ideally, configuration options should provide more control for both repository publisher and p2 client like: - a priority (compare with SHA-512 first, then SHA-256 and, finally, MD5) - skip specific checksum (do not use MD5 even if provided) - mandatory checksum (require Whirlpool and it's an error if its not available) While I have no good solution for this right now, there are some configuration options provided. Also, number of new enabled checksum algorithms is limited to SHA-256 only (more checksums = more reasons to fail = more reasons to disable). To turn checksum verification off completely: - for p2 client, use property 'eclipse.p2.checksums.disable' (see SimpleArtifactRepository.CHECKSUMS_ENABLED constant). - for p2 publisher, the old PublisherInfo's setArtifactOptions(int) and IPublisherInfo.A_NO_MD5 still could be used. To disable MD5 checksums only, existing properties 'eclipse.p2.MD5Check' and 'eclipse.p2.MD5ArtifactCheck' still can be used. Change-Id: Iacd267e13d5d096694001d34cafbaea5451e7157 Signed-off-by: Mykola Nikishov <>
2018-02-26Bug 218650 - Parse the product <vm> settingI20180228-2000I20180227-2000Mickael Istria2-1/+47
Change-Id: I2aa1af9333619e0a078c8b8a1e7c90960876197d Signed-off-by: Mickael Istria <>
2018-01-30Bug 530486 - Remove useless thrown exceptions.I20180130-2000Alexander Kurtakov2-16/+37
Change-Id: Ieb5178a2eecbeaab88afd5e00bc3806bc615c7ae Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2018-01-29Bug 518031 - Throw exception if unable to create a secured XML factoryMykola Nikishov1-2/+5
Secured XML factory must be either successfully created or fail in an obvious way. Do not hide actual problem by catching an exception and let the caller to decide what to do with it. Change-Id: I8f3c6f29d2874dbb0f4952d1322150923582f642 Signed-off-by: Mykola Nikishov <>
2018-01-23Bug 530150 - Move JREAction default profile to Java 9S4_8_0_M5I20180124-2000I20180124-0800I20180123-2000I20180123-1010I20180123-0800Alexander Kurtakov2-6/+11
People not specifying EE will get some sane default, Java 6 is quire rare nowadays I would say. The version here sould be the maximum compatible profile so a.jre.javase installed allow installing bundles requiring this max profile. Change-Id: I96dfb0c900441c1bf9eccc8994a7425f456ccff7 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2018-01-22Revert "Revert "Bug 528387 - Dedicated xml elements for genericI20180122-2000Alexander Kurtakov9-386/+626
requirements"" This reverts commit 0e3caa9359428dcb20c1dc3a2c580fff64777d3d. Change-Id: Ifafe2feedb963b90f54a19b2e08a49d3b18d475a Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2018-01-22Revert "Bug 528387 - Dedicated xml elements for generic requirements"Thomas Watson9-626/+386
This reverts commit a7a99e1fa49938a8f62d44d5c443d38981afeace.
2018-01-16Bug 528387 - Dedicated xml elements for generic requirementsI20180119-0110I20180118-2000I20180117-2000Todor Boev9-386/+626
- Renamed IProvidedCapability.getAttributes() to getProperties(). This is in sync with other parts of p2 that use "properties" for such data. E.g. the IU properties. - Extended content.xml read/write with a new serialization format for requirements with the "requiredProperties" element. It is used to build an IRequirement that has a standard match expression that applies an LDAP filter to the capability properties. It was not possible to extend the existing "required" element in a way that will make old p2 builds ignore the extended version. - Extended the content.xml read/write shared properties handling logic with "type" attribute. Older p2 builds will ignore it and use strings. Also the "type" attribute only appears in the "properties" extension of "provides" which will be ignored by old p2 builds to begin with. - Some additional cleanup to the content.xml read/write - Increased the current content.xml format version from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0. Old p2 builds declare compatibility with [1.0.0, 2). - Made the handling of the property types supported by a capability safer. E.g. unknown types are converted to Strings. E.g. ProvidedCapability verifies that only supported types are used. - Made the handling of generic requirements reflect the real semantics. E.g. with correct handling of the resolution:=optional|mandatory flag rather than to declare everything optional to avoid breakages in older p2 builds. This is possible because the "requiredProperties" element is completely ignored by older builds. E.g. now if an extender or service is missing provisioning will fail as it is supposed to. - Added factory methods to MetadataFactory for LDAP based requirements. - Added a planner test for LDAP requirements - Cleaned up the AutomatedDirectorTest - Cleaned up some LDAP matching test cases. Change-Id: Ifff77b3ea4c9cea33fd236ed101b1f33c173891d Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2018-01-11Bug 529684 - Failures in testDefaultJavaProfile and testOSGiMinI20180116-2000I20180115-2000I20180114-2000I20180113-1500I20180112-2000I20180111-2000Thomas Watson1-3/+3
Change-Id: I03d36472ad57aa8f5a68d8e719a906e7c29efec8 Signed-off-by: Thomas Watson <>
2018-01-03Bug 529078 - Add header Automatic-Module-Name for Java 9I20180104-2000I20180104-0030I20180103-2000Karsten Thoms2-2/+3
Increment versions for Eclipse 4.8 Photon Change-Id: I678108c1f5afa895be26040184cd8c21e83a8a0e Signed-off-by: Karsten Thoms <>
2018-01-02Fix warnings in p2.tests.I20180103-0140I20180102-2215I20180102-2000Alexander Kurtakov2-9/+11
Useless throws and instanceof checks. Change-Id: I104e88433c551512e68329b4648b8038d9ccd146 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-12-15Remove MaxPermSize from test.xml file.I20180101-2000I20171231-2000I20171230-1500I20171229-2000I20171228-2000I20171227-2000I20171226-2000I20171225-2000I20171224-2000I20171223-1500I20171222-2000I20171221-2000I20171220-2000I20171219-2000I20171218-2000I20171217-2000I20171216-1500I20171215-2000Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
Deprecated and ignored, let's reduce the noise in the log. Change-Id: I151dc01143426532b5b54e33b61d68f4fa69395d Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-12-15Revert "Revert "Bug 528494 - Using the match operator for RequiredCapability""I20171215-0930I20171215-0215Alexander Kurtakov9-172/+295
This reverts commit 07c80afa6a12b3170e1b6b1dd5b7dadc775a501e. Revert the revert - issue is with multiple layers of features they need manual touching. Change-Id: I3b4b8f2d64ed02d79ffd7bd9c7c5b85b45f8bd21
2017-12-15Revert "Bug 528494 - Using the match operator for RequiredCapability"I20171215-0120Alexander Kurtakov9-295/+172
This reverts commit 72c083ed10a1cca83f00befbefc279af09779df0. To ensure that today's build failure is not caused by this change. Change-Id: I3e874183b62a3f6456afa00426f9efb230639b49
2017-12-13Bug 528494 - Using the match operator for RequiredCapabilityI20171214-2000Todor Boev9-172/+295
- Fixed the BundlesAction conversion of open ended OSGi version ranges to agree with the P2 open ended version ranges. - Fixed the publisher tests to rely less on IRequiredCapability Change-Id: Iaf1232bfe361ed4d6bb448cc0b210ddfe120569b Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2017-12-12Bug 528408 - Extract the IRequirement impl from RequiredCapabilityI20171214-0120I20171213-2000I20171212-2000Todor Boev9-107/+224
- Fix p2 codebase to use MetadataFactory instead of new RequiredCapabiilty - Work around the implicit restriction that IRequiredCapability must always have maxCard > 1. This is due to the serialization format that does not support maxCard == 0 since it only has optional and multiple flags. Change-Id: Ia8f2c9abd4aee553020018032a22784f1af3b3ba Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2017-11-22Bug 527379 - Remove references to update.configuratorI20171128-0100I20171127-2000I20171126-2000I20171125-1500I20171124-2000I20171123-2000I20171122-2000Karsten Thoms4-12/+4
Change-Id: Iaba644ee46cb1adaad9c9d7359cceacf847d01fa Signed-off-by: Karsten Thoms <>
2017-11-14Bug 527249 - Remove references to update.coreI20171115-0115I20171115-0025I20171114-2000Karsten Thoms2-11/+11
Change-Id: I3608729ecc53373e5632ea03a13ebe3e7c3d2dad Signed-off-by: Karsten Thoms <>
2017-10-04Bug 313553 - Unentangle ProvidedCapability members and attributesTodor Boev2-14/+12
The members are the generic way for p2 queries to describe getters on objects. The capability attributes then participate in queries as the "attributes" member of a ProvidedCapability object. Fixed the IProvidedCapability to follow the OSGi convention that the attributes contain the name of the capability under a key equal to the capability namespace. This is cleaner than to introduce a new "name" attribute for the p2 name that can conflict with an incoming OSGi "name" attribute. Fixed the version of IProvidedCapability to follow the OSGi convention that capabilities with a version have a "version" attribute with a value of type an OSGi version object. Change-Id: Ic9b77c2d103216141035dc3fb5861ca99a3ddccd Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2017-09-29Bug 313553 - Capability: add handling to BundlesActionI20171002-2000Todor Boev1-2/+5
Update BundlesAction to publish the bundle generic capabilities. Fix BundlesActionTest to handle the newly published capabilities. Change-Id: I4b3d11b64706b4fc77b9084f27f8e1583f15580e Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2017-09-28Bug 313553 - Requirement: add handling to BundlesActionI20171001-2000I20170930-1500I20170929-2000I20170928-2000Todor Boev2-68/+97
Added publication of generic requirements. Fixed the requirement advice processing to ignore generic requirements. Fixed the BundlesActionTest to verify the newly published generic requirements Change-Id: I5351e12dbc92090717348e0c495c4993906d07fc Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2017-09-27Remove empty methods and useless overrides in p2.tests andI20170927-2000Alexander Kurtakov8-27/+2
suppresswarnings. Change-Id: Ia0b139c029a84b054ee741bf97606fbeea7b2576 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-25Use varargs Collections.addAll.I20170927-0420I20170926-2000I20170925-2000Alexander Kurtakov3-11/+11
Change-Id: I37ae7c578281c9da2f6faf465bbaacb8c0732b1e Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-23Bug 514333 - Preferences store access can lead to unattended workspaceI20170924-2000I20170923-1500Alexander Kurtakov2-2/+2
location initialization Pass -Dosgi.dataAreaRequiresExplicitInit=false to p2 tests. Change-Id: I514a7130e80725081c61ec100afb2a0051f64ae2 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-22Bug 514333 - Preferences store access can lead to unattended workspaceI20170922-2000Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
location initialization Pass -Dosgi.dataAreaRequiresExplicitInit=false to p2 tests. Change-Id: Ica802b795f38455b95a74bb9573300def0f40da1 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-20Bug 522466 - Fix generification warnings in p2.testsAlexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
Fix compiler warning introduced with previous commits. Change-Id: I8c95949c7719fe216f8503bece716ae74c7b6cfc Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-20Fix deprecated to store.Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
Change-Id: I9a774701d8fbe065f20128a27b2c01259935e3c2 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-19Bug 522466 - Fix generification warnings in p2.testsI20170920-0100I20170919-2000Alexander Kurtakov36-156/+159
Yet another round. Change-Id: Idfcc6a717588ea423249b45ca37c18fc832aaad1 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-19Bug 522466 - Fix generification warnings in p2.tests Alexander Kurtakov70-271/+276
Round 3 Change-Id: Iecb11d4317c6859b60b6470a629a112735767da5 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-19Bug 522466 - Fix generification warnings in p2.tests Alexander Kurtakov54-356/+330
Second round. Change-Id: I624199cb119e374788521bf20189852e4c15d3cc Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-19Bug 522466 - Fix generification warnings in p2.tests Alexander Kurtakov61-375/+350
First round of generifying everything faced. Change-Id: I78bb9ce2655caf41da22235b0ac85ad6ad922365 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-19Bug 522466 - Fix generification warnings in p2.tests Alexander Kurtakov65-601/+589
Generification of most IQuery* related warnings possible and surrounding other generic warnings. Change-Id: I8516236c712722d7c40ea15c7334d7ba87b7e6b4 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-06Bug 313553 - [publisher] publish metadata for Provide-Capability andAlexander Kurtakov1-1/+2
Require-Capability Remove redundant type declarations introduced with previous patches. Change-Id: Ia3a8826ee3dc93a66eb0ed445c374091b68c354a Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-09-06Bug 313553 - Retrofit the JRE IU with generic capabilitiesTodor Boev1-8/+14
The capabilities can now match both old-style and generic requirements. Change-Id: Id39103123ff2f1ce9d33a353b92e918f706dfa34 Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2017-08-23Bug 313553 - [publisher] publish metadata for Provide-Capability and ↵I20170831-2000I20170830-2000I20170830-0605I20170829-2345I20170829-2000I20170829-0940I20170829-0705I20170828-2000I20170828-1220I20170828-0730I20170827-2000I20170826-1500I20170825-2000I20170824-2000I20170823-2000Todor Boev1-8/+12
Require-Capability Generalize to include attributes. Change-Id: I1135b89842185ed0e3197bfbcf4625a0f4f73510 Signed-off-by: Todor Boev <>
2017-08-23Bug 521301 - Stop using deprecated p2 methods in p2 tests Alexander Kurtakov28-125/+143
Change-Id: I08b47ba0d4219f15b061b759c01f874747a496df Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-07-24Bug 514885 - Added test case for match type greaterOrEqualI20170725-2000Karsten Thoms1-0/+32
Change-Id: I53d9fc1e6ae314d21b76558700d913d344d12eb6 Signed-off-by: Karsten Thoms <>
2017-07-03Bug 512312: Droplets should correctly detect feature group IUs.I20170703-2000Roland Grunberg5-0/+59
This issue has been mostly addressed by 7c95455. The logic for detection of feature groups was wrongly comparing a string and a boolean for equality as well as being computed more times than necessary. Change-Id: Icd714e39b798fba748d88c3aea2845649aa9fee1 Signed-off-by: Roland Grunberg <>
2017-06-22Bug 518587 - Modernize o.e.equinox.p2.testsI20170623-0110I20170622-2000Alexander Kurtakov40-754/+398
Use try-with-resources. Change-Id: I6c1d3efb7f0fd4f5dd0f014d8801ec8e375355f9 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-06-22Bug 517929 - Update POMs in the master for 4.8 releaseI20170622-0950Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
Point to 4.8 parent pom. Change-Id: Ic754058b23731334425f98aaca527bcf90991a7d Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-06-22Bug 518587 - Modernize o.e.equinox.p2.testsAlexander Kurtakov1-0/+4
Add back DictionaryServiceReference.getProperties despite it showing as error in the workspace. It's new method addition in master. Change-Id: I9d40f5101fa7a95624a05edfa490e70a2535052e Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-06-21Bug 518587 - Modernize o.e.equinox.p2.testsI20170621-2000Alexander Kurtakov314-1642/+2196
Move to Java 8, enable more warnings and save actions and go through the codebase to minimize the warnings. Change-Id: I6283bfeef18e250f5283e80f7bfad38e6ef65415 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-06-21Bug 518574 - Use StandardCharsetsAlexander Kurtakov2-14/+10
Bump BREE to 1.8 for bundles that were too low to have StandardCharsets. Change-Id: Iac9e9615c5179b970df893182f5f1c6e3dd4d574 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-06-16Bug 518375 - Update test implementations of ServiceReference to accountY20170617-1235I20170620-2000I20170619-2000I20170618-2355I20170618-2000I20170617-2000I20170616-2000Thomas Watson1-1/+5
for new R7 method Change-Id: I42b1f4ba599faf273c967b3a35a4640aa773b73f Signed-off-by: Thomas Watson <>

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