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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-12-10bug 423628 - False positives warnings in the official build.I20131211-0800I20131210-2000I20131210-0800Krzysztof Daniel3-4/+29
2013-12-09bug 418662 - Get rid of compile warnings in official build -Krzysztof Daniel3-0/+6
2013-10-17Bug 417458: Remote bundle discovery is broken on JDK 7u40I20131023-2000I20131022-1300I20131022-0800Tomasz Zarna2-4/+13
2011-05-02copyright updateIan Bull15-15/+15
2011-03-28Fixed javadocJohn Arthorne1-1/+0
2011-01-18[discovery] Cache jars downloaded by RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategyv20110118Pascal Rapicault6-13/+325
2010-12-25Bug 321819 - [transport] Repository transport API is tightly coupled with the...v20110104v20110102Pascal Rapicault1-4/+5
2010-10-24fixed warningJohn Arthorne1-1/+11
2010-05-18bug 313003 - [discovery] SiteVerifier does not consider composite repositoriesspingel1-1/+1
2010-04-21bug 304843 - [discovery] ensure sufficient extensibility for Eclipse marketpl...spingel1-0/+3
2010-04-20bug 309875 - [discovery] support site verificationspingel3-0/+138
2010-04-20bug 309873 - [discovery] allow arbitrary tags to be specified in bundle catalogsspingel3-5/+47
2010-04-08bug 305277 - [discovery] bundle ids are not handled consistentlyspingel1-2/+11
2010-03-10fixed typo in bundle idspingel1-1/+1
2010-02-23fixed javadoc errorsJohn Arthorne2-7/+7
2010-02-17bug 301292: organized importsspingel9-105/+18
2010-02-17bug 301292: reformated codespingel5-65/+30
2010-02-16bug 295273 - [discovery] move Mylyn Connector Discovery UI into P2spingel13-0/+1580

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