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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-06-11Move away of old non-managed _core jdt formatter.Alexander Kurtakov1-12/+120
2017-09-04Bug 521827 - Move artifact.repository bundle to Java 8 Alexander Kurtakov1-7/+17
2013-12-11bug 423827 - Disable "Treat above errors like fatal compile errors"I20131217-0800I20131212-1600I20131211-2000Krzysztof Daniel1-1/+27
2013-11-13Bug 421339 - Accept java 1.5Krzysztof Daniel1-2/+1
2010-01-13Merging api branch back to HEADv20100113Pascal Rapicault1-7/+7
2008-12-09Fixed compiler warningJohn Arthorne1-2/+19
2008-02-21updated EE for test build.DJ Houghton1-3/+1
2007-12-09fixing up preferencesPascal Rapicault1-15/+1
2007-11-07refactor the repository optimizers and processors and further adapt to API ch...Jeff McAffer1-2/+4
2007-09-30Renamed prov bundles to p2John Arthorne1-0/+343

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