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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director/src/org/eclipse/equinox/prov/director/')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director/src/org/eclipse/equinox/prov/director/ b/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director/src/org/eclipse/equinox/prov/director/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..665cca2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director/src/org/eclipse/equinox/prov/director/
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved. This
+ * program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of
+ * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
+ * available at
+ *
+ * Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+ ******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.equinox.prov.director;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.prov.director.*;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.prov.rollback.FormerState;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.core.eventbus.ProvisioningEventBus;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.core.helpers.ServiceHelper;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.core.location.AgentLocation;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.core.repository.IRepositoryInfo;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.core.repository.IWritableRepositoryInfo;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.engine.*;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.metadata.*;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.metadata.repository.*;
+import org.eclipse.equinox.prov.resolution.ResolutionHelper;
+import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.VersionRange;
+import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
+import org.osgi.framework.Version;
+public class NewSimpleDirector implements IDirector {
+ static final int ExpandWork = 10;
+ static final int OperationWork = 100;
+ private Engine engine;
+ public static void tagAsImplementation(IWritableMetadataRepository repository) {
+ if (repository != null && repository.getProperties().getProperty(IRepositoryInfo.IMPLEMENTATION_ONLY_KEY) == null) {
+ IWritableRepositoryInfo writableInfo = (IWritableRepositoryInfo) repository.getAdapter(IWritableRepositoryInfo.class);
+ if (writableInfo != null)
+ writableInfo.getModifiableProperties().setProperty(IRepositoryInfo.IMPLEMENTATION_ONLY_KEY, Boolean.valueOf(true).toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public NewSimpleDirector() {
+ URL rollbackLocation = null;
+ AgentLocation agentLocation = (AgentLocation) ServiceHelper.getService(DirectorActivator.context, AgentLocation.class.getName());
+ rollbackLocation = agentLocation.getTouchpointDataArea("director");
+ ProvisioningEventBus eventBus = (ProvisioningEventBus) ServiceHelper.getService(DirectorActivator.context, ProvisioningEventBus.class.getName());
+ IMetadataRepositoryManager manager = (IMetadataRepositoryManager) ServiceHelper.getService(DirectorActivator.context, IMetadataRepositoryManager.class.getName());
+ IWritableMetadataRepository rollbackRepo = (IWritableMetadataRepository) manager.loadRepository(rollbackLocation, null);
+ if (rollbackRepo == null)
+ rollbackRepo = (IWritableMetadataRepository) manager.createRepository(rollbackLocation, "Agent rollback repo", "org.eclipse.equinox.prov.metadata.repository.simpleRepository"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
+ if (rollbackRepo == null)
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to open or create Agent's rollback repository");
+ tagAsImplementation(rollbackRepo);
+ new FormerState(eventBus, rollbackRepo);
+ engine = (Engine) ServiceHelper.getService(DirectorActivator.context, Engine.class.getName());
+ }
+ //TODO This is really gross!!!!! We need to make things uniform
+ private IInstallableUnit[] toArray(Iterator it) {
+ ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ result.add(;
+ }
+ return (IInstallableUnit[]) result.toArray(new IInstallableUnit[result.size()]);
+ }
+ protected IInstallableUnit[] createEntryPointHelper(String entryPointName, IInstallableUnit[] content) {
+ if (entryPointName == null)
+ return content;
+ return new IInstallableUnit[] {createEntryPoint(entryPointName, content)};
+ }
+ protected InstallableUnit createEntryPoint(String entryPointName, IInstallableUnit[] content) {
+ InstallableUnit result = new InstallableUnit();
+ result.setId("entry point " + entryPointId(content)); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ result.setVersion(new Version(0, 0, 0, Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis())));
+ result.setRequiredCapabilities(IUTransformationHelper.toRequirements(content, false));
+ result.setProperty(IInstallableUnitConstants.ENTRYPOINT_IU_KEY, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
+ result.setProperty(IInstallableUnitConstants.NAME, entryPointName);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private String entryPointId(IInstallableUnit[] ius) {
+ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < ius.length; i++) {
+ result.append(ius[i].getId());
+ if (i < ius.length - 1)
+ result.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ return result.toString();
+ }
+ public IStatus install(IInstallableUnit[] installRoots, Profile profile, String entryPointName, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ SubMonitor sub = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, ExpandWork + OperationWork);
+ sub.setTaskName(Messages.Director_Task_Resolving_Dependencies);
+ try {
+ MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(DirectorActivator.PI_DIRECTOR, 1, Messages.Director_Install_Problems, null);
+ // Get the list of ius installed in the profile we are installing into
+ IInstallableUnit[] alreadyInstalled = toArray(profile.getInstallableUnits());
+ //Compute the complete closure of things to install to successfully install the installRoots.
+ NewDependencyExpander expander = new NewDependencyExpander(createEntryPointHelper(entryPointName, installRoots), alreadyInstalled, gatherAvailableInstallableUnits(installRoots), profile, true);
+ // NewDependencyExpander expander = new NewDependencyExpander(installRoots, alreadyInstalled, gatherAvailableInstallableUnits(), profile, true);
+ IStatus expanderResult = expander.expand(sub.newChild(ExpandWork));
+ if (!expanderResult.isOK()) {
+ result.merge(expanderResult);
+ return result;
+ }
+ ResolutionHelper oldStateHelper = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), null);
+ Collection oldState = oldStateHelper.attachCUs(Arrays.asList(alreadyInstalled));
+ List oldStateOrder = oldStateHelper.getSorted();
+ ResolutionHelper newStateHelper = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), expander.getRecommendations());
+ Collection newState = newStateHelper.attachCUs(expander.getAllInstallableUnits());
+ List newStateOrder = newStateHelper.getSorted();
+ //TODO Here we need to sort the operations to ensure that the dependents will be treated first (see ensureDependencyOrder)
+ sub.setTaskName(NLS.bind(Messages.Director_Task_Installing, entryPointName, profile.getValue(Profile.PROP_INSTALL_FOLDER)));
+ IStatus engineResult = engine.perform(profile, new DefaultPhaseSet(), generateOperations(oldState, newState, oldStateOrder, newStateOrder), sub.newChild(OperationWork));
+ if (!engineResult.isOK())
+ result.merge(engineResult);
+ return result.isOK() ? Status.OK_STATUS : result;
+ } finally {
+ sub.done();
+ }
+ }
+ private Operand[] generateOperations(Collection fromState, Collection toState, List fromStateOrder, List newStateOrder) {
+ return sortOperations(new OperationGenerator().generateOperation(fromState, toState), newStateOrder, fromStateOrder);
+ }
+ private Operand[] sortOperations(Operand[] toSort, List installOrder, List uninstallOrder) {
+ List updateOp = new ArrayList();
+ for (int i = 0; i < toSort.length; i++) {
+ Operand op = toSort[i];
+ if (op.first() == null && op.second() != null) {
+ installOrder.set(installOrder.indexOf(op.second()), op);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (op.first() != null && op.second() == null) {
+ uninstallOrder.set(uninstallOrder.indexOf(op.first()), op);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (op.first() != null && op.second() != null) {
+ updateOp.add(op);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ int i = 0;
+ for (Iterator iterator = installOrder.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Object elt =;
+ if (elt instanceof Operand) {
+ toSort[i++] = (Operand) elt;
+ }
+ }
+ for (Iterator iterator = uninstallOrder.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Object elt =;
+ if (elt instanceof Operand) {
+ toSort[i++] = (Operand) elt;
+ }
+ }
+ for (Iterator iterator = updateOp.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Object elt =;
+ if (elt instanceof Operand) {
+ toSort[i++] = (Operand) elt;
+ }
+ }
+ return toSort;
+ }
+ public IStatus become(IInstallableUnit target, Profile profile, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ SubMonitor sub = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, OperationWork + ExpandWork);
+ sub.setTaskName(Messages.Director_Task_Resolving_Dependencies);
+ try {
+ MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(DirectorActivator.PI_DIRECTOR, 1, Messages.Director_Become_Problems, null);
+ if (!Boolean.valueOf(target.getProperty(IInstallableUnitConstants.PROFILE_IU_KEY)).booleanValue()) {
+ result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, DirectorActivator.PI_DIRECTOR, NLS.bind(Messages.Director_Unexpected_IU, target.getId())));
+ return result;
+ }
+ //TODO Here we need to deal with the change of properties between the two profiles
+ //Also if the profile changes (locations are being modified, etc), should not we do a full uninstall then an install?
+ //Maybe it depends on the kind of changes in a profile
+ //We need to get all the ius that were part of the profile and give that to be what to become
+ NewDependencyExpander toExpander = new NewDependencyExpander(new IInstallableUnit[] {target}, null, gatherAvailableInstallableUnits(new IInstallableUnit[] {target}), profile, true);
+ toExpander.expand(sub.newChild(ExpandWork));
+ ResolutionHelper newStateHelper = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), toExpander.getRecommendations());
+ Collection newState = newStateHelper.attachCUs(toExpander.getAllInstallableUnits());
+ newState.remove(target);
+ Iterator it = profile.getInstallableUnits();
+ Collection oldIUs = new HashSet();
+ for (; it.hasNext();) {
+ oldIUs.add(;
+ }
+ ResolutionHelper oldStateHelper = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), null);
+ Collection oldState = oldStateHelper.attachCUs(oldIUs);
+ sub.setTaskName(Messages.Director_Task_Updating);
+ IStatus engineResult = engine.perform(profile, new DefaultPhaseSet(), generateOperations(oldState, newState, oldStateHelper.getSorted(), newStateHelper.getSorted()), sub.newChild(OperationWork));
+ if (!engineResult.isOK())
+ result.merge(engineResult);
+ return result;
+ } finally {
+ sub.done();
+ }
+ }
+ private IInstallableUnit[] inProfile(IInstallableUnit[] toFind, Profile profile, boolean found, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ ArrayList result = new ArrayList(toFind.length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < toFind.length; i++) {
+ if (profile.query(toFind[i].getId(), new VersionRange(toFind[i].getVersion(), true, toFind[i].getVersion(), true), null, false, monitor).length > 0) {
+ if (found)
+ result.add(toFind[i]);
+ } else {
+ if (!found)
+ result.add(toFind[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return (IInstallableUnit[]) result.toArray(new IInstallableUnit[result.size()]);
+ }
+ public IStatus uninstall(IInstallableUnit[] uninstallRoots, Profile profile, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ SubMonitor sub = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, OperationWork + ExpandWork);
+ sub.setTaskName(Messages.Director_Task_Resolving_Dependencies);
+ try {
+ IInstallableUnit[] toReallyUninstall = inProfile(uninstallRoots, profile, true, sub.newChild(0));
+ if (toReallyUninstall.length == 0) {
+ return new Status(IStatus.OK, DirectorActivator.PI_DIRECTOR, Messages.Director_Nothing_To_Uninstall);
+ } else if (toReallyUninstall.length != uninstallRoots.length) {
+ uninstallRoots = toReallyUninstall;
+ }
+ MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(DirectorActivator.PI_DIRECTOR, 1, Messages.Director_Uninstall_Problems, null);
+ IInstallableUnit[] alreadyInstalled = toArray(profile.getInstallableUnits());
+ ResolutionHelper oldStateHelper = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), null);
+ Collection oldState = oldStateHelper.attachCUs(Arrays.asList(alreadyInstalled));
+ NewDependencyExpander expander = new NewDependencyExpander(uninstallRoots, new IInstallableUnit[0], alreadyInstalled, profile, true);
+ expander.expand(sub.newChild(ExpandWork / 2));
+ Collection toUninstallClosure = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), null).attachCUs(expander.getAllInstallableUnits());
+ Collection remainingIUs = new HashSet(oldState);
+ remainingIUs.removeAll(toUninstallClosure);
+ NewDependencyExpander finalExpander = new NewDependencyExpander(null, (IInstallableUnit[]) remainingIUs.toArray(new IInstallableUnit[remainingIUs.size()]), gatherAvailableInstallableUnits(uninstallRoots), profile, true);
+ finalExpander.expand(sub.newChild(ExpandWork / 2));
+ ResolutionHelper newStateHelper = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), null);
+ Collection newState = newStateHelper.attachCUs(finalExpander.getAllInstallableUnits());
+ for (int i = 0; i < uninstallRoots.length; i++) {
+ if (newState.contains(uninstallRoots[i]))
+ result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, DirectorActivator.PI_DIRECTOR, NLS.bind(Messages.Director_Cannot_Uninstall, uninstallRoots[i])));
+ }
+ if (!result.isOK())
+ return result;
+ sub.setTaskName(Messages.Director_Task_Uninstalling);
+ IStatus engineResult = engine.perform(profile, new DefaultPhaseSet(), generateOperations(oldState, newState, oldStateHelper.getSorted(), newStateHelper.getSorted()), sub.newChild(OperationWork));
+ if (!engineResult.isOK())
+ result.merge(engineResult);
+ return result.isOK() ? Status.OK_STATUS : result;
+ } finally {
+ sub.done();
+ }
+ }
+ protected IInstallableUnit[] gatherAvailableInstallableUnits(IInstallableUnit[] additionalSource) {
+ IMetadataRepositoryManager repoMgr = (IMetadataRepositoryManager) ServiceHelper.getService(DirectorActivator.context, IMetadataRepositoryManager.class.getName());
+ IMetadataRepository[] repos = repoMgr.getKnownRepositories();
+ List results = new ArrayList();
+ if (additionalSource != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < additionalSource.length; i++) {
+ results.add(additionalSource[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < repos.length; i++) {
+ results.addAll(Arrays.asList(repos[i].getInstallableUnits(null)));
+ }
+ return (IInstallableUnit[]) results.toArray(new IInstallableUnit[results.size()]);
+ }
+ public IStatus replace(IInstallableUnit[] toUninstall, IInstallableUnit[] toInstall, Profile profile, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ SubMonitor sub = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, OperationWork + ExpandWork);
+ sub.setTaskName(Messages.Director_Task_Resolving_Dependencies);
+ try {
+ MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(DirectorActivator.PI_DIRECTOR, 1, Messages.Director_Replace_Problems, null);
+ //TODO Need to worry about the entry points
+ //find the things being updated in the profile
+ IInstallableUnit[] alreadyInstalled = toArray(profile.getInstallableUnits());
+ IInstallableUnit[] uninstallRoots = toUninstall;
+ //compute the transitive closure and remove them.
+ ResolutionHelper oldStateHelper = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), null);
+ Collection oldState = oldStateHelper.attachCUs(Arrays.asList(alreadyInstalled));
+ NewDependencyExpander expander = new NewDependencyExpander(uninstallRoots, new IInstallableUnit[0], alreadyInstalled, profile, true);
+ expander.expand(sub.newChild(ExpandWork / 2));
+ Collection toUninstallClosure = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), null).attachCUs(expander.getAllInstallableUnits());
+ //add the new set.
+ Collection remainingIUs = new HashSet(oldState);
+ remainingIUs.removeAll(toUninstallClosure);
+ // for (int i = 0; i < updateRoots.length; i++) {
+ // remainingIUs.add(updateRoots[i]);
+ // }
+ NewDependencyExpander finalExpander = new NewDependencyExpander(toInstall, (IInstallableUnit[]) remainingIUs.toArray(new IInstallableUnit[remainingIUs.size()]), gatherAvailableInstallableUnits(null), profile, true);
+ finalExpander.expand(sub.newChild(ExpandWork / 2));
+ ResolutionHelper newStateHelper = new ResolutionHelper(profile.getSelectionContext(), null);
+ Collection newState = newStateHelper.attachCUs(finalExpander.getAllInstallableUnits());
+ sub.setTaskName(Messages.Director_Task_Updating);
+ IStatus engineResult = engine.perform(profile, new DefaultPhaseSet(), generateOperations(oldState, newState, oldStateHelper.getSorted(), newStateHelper.getSorted()), sub.newChild(OperationWork));
+ if (!engineResult.isOK())
+ result.merge(engineResult);
+ return result.isOK() ? Status.OK_STATUS : result;
+ } finally {
+ sub.done();
+ }
+ }

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