#******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others. # # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ # # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 # # Contributors: # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation # Kevin Cornell (Rational Software Corporation) # Silenio Quarti (IBM) # Sam Robb (TimeSys Corporation) #******************************************************************************* include ../make_version.mak # Makefile for creating the eclipse launcher program. # This makefile expects the following environment variables set: # # PROGRAM_OUTPUT - the filename of the output executable # PROGRAM_LIBRARY - the file of the output shared library # DEFAULT_OS - the default value of the "-os" switch # DEFAULT_OS_ARCH - the default value of the "-arch" switch # DEFAULT_WS - the default value of the "-ws" switch #if PROGRAM_OUTPUT is not set, assume eclipse.exe ifeq ($(PROGRAM_OUTPUT),) PROGRAM_OUTPUT=eclipse.exe endif # Separate filename from extention PROGRAM_NAME=$(PROGRAM_OUTPUT:.exe=) PROGRAM_LIBRARY=eclipse_$(LIB_VERSION).dll # Allow for cross-compiling under linux OSTYPE ?= $(shell if uname -s | grep -iq cygwin ; then echo cygwin; else echo linux; fi) ifeq ($(OSTYPE),cygwin) CCVER = i686 CC = i686-pc-cygwin-gcc-3 RC = windres else CCVER = i586 CC = $(shell which i586-pc-cygwin-gcc) TDIR = $(dir $(shell test -L $(CC) && readlink $(CC) || echo $(CC))) RC = $(TDIR)/i586-pc-cygwin-windres SYSINC = -isystem $(TDIR)/../include/mingw endif ifeq ($(CC),) $(error Unable to find $(CCVER)-pc-cygwin-gcc) endif # Define the object modules to be compiled and flags. MAIN_OBJS = eclipseMain.o COMMON_OBJS = eclipseConfig.o eclipseCommon.o eclipseWinCommon.o DLL_OBJS = eclipse.o eclipseWin.o eclipseUtil.o eclipseJNI.o eclipseShm.o LIBS = -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomctl32 -lmsvcrt -lversion LDFLAGS = -mwindows -mno-cygwin CONSOLEFLAGS = -mconsole -mno-cygwin DLL_LDFLAGS = -mno-cygwin -shared -Wl,--export-all-symbols -Wl,--kill-at,--image-base=0x72000000 RES = $(PROGRAM_NAME).res CONSOLE = $(PROGRAM_NAME)c.exe EXEC = $(PROGRAM_OUTPUT) DLL = $(PROGRAM_LIBRARY) DEBUG = $(CDEBUG) CFLAGS = -g -s -Wall \ -I. -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win32 $(SYSINC) \ -D_WIN32 \ -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN \ -mno-cygwin -D__int64="long long" WCFLAGS = -DUNICODE -I.. -DDEFAULT_OS="\"$(DEFAULT_OS)\"" \ -DDEFAULT_OS_ARCH="\"$(DEFAULT_OS_ARCH)\"" \ -DDEFAULT_WS="\"$(DEFAULT_WS)\"" \ $(DEBUG) $(CFLAGS) all: $(EXEC) $(DLL) $(CONSOLE) eclipseMain.o: ../eclipseUnicode.h ../eclipseCommon.h ../eclipseMain.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ ../eclipseMain.c eclipseCommon.o: ../eclipseCommon.h ../eclipseUnicode.h ../eclipseCommon.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ ../eclipseCommon.c eclipseWinCommon.o: ../eclipseCommon.h eclipseWinCommon.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ eclipseWinCommon.c eclipse.o: ../eclipseOS.h ../eclipseUnicode.h ../eclipseJNI.h ../eclipseCommon.h ../eclipse.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ ../eclipse.c eclipseUtil.o: ../eclipseUtil.h ../eclipseUnicode.h ../eclipseUtil.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ ../eclipseUtil.c eclipseConfig.o: ../eclipseConfig.h ../eclipseUnicode.h ../eclipseConfig.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ ../eclipseConfig.c eclipseWin.o: ../eclipseOS.h ../eclipseUnicode.h eclipseWin.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ eclipseWin.c eclipseJNI.o: ../eclipseUnicode.h ../eclipseJNI.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ ../eclipseJNI.c eclipseShm.o: ../eclipseShm.h ../eclipseUnicode.h ../eclipseShm.c $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -c -o $@ ../eclipseShm.c $(RES): $(PROGRAM_NAME).rc $(RC) --output-format=coff --include-dir=.. -o $@ $< $(EXEC): $(MAIN_OBJS) $(COMMON_OBJS) $(RES) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(EXEC) $(MAIN_OBJS) $(COMMON_OBJS) $(RES) $(LIBS) #the console version needs a flag set, should look for a better way to do this $(CONSOLE): $(MAIN_OBJS) $(COMMON_OBJS) rm -f eclipseConfig.o aeclipseConfig.o $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(WCFLAGS) -D_WIN32_CONSOLE -c -o eclipseConfig.o ../eclipseConfig.c $(CC) $(CONSOLEFLAGS) -o $(CONSOLE) $(MAIN_OBJS) $(COMMON_OBJS) $(LIBS) $(DLL): $(DLL_OBJS) $(COMMON_OBJS) $(CC) $(DLL_LDFLAGS) -o $(DLL) $(DLL_OBJS) $(COMMON_OBJS) $(LIBS) install: all cp $(EXEC) $(DLL) $(CONSOLE) $(OUTPUT_DIR) rm -f $(EXEC) $(DLL_OBJS) $(COMMON_OBJS) $(MAIN_OBJS) $(RES) $(CONSOLE) clean: $(RM) $(EXEC) $(DLL) $(DLL_OBJS) $(COMMON_OBJS) $(MAIN_OBJS) $(RES) $(CONSOLE)