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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2007-07-30bug 196883Andrew Niefer25-70/+327
2007-07-27Bug 181327 eclipse/osgi hangs using 50% CPU during some osgi operationsThomas Watson1-40/+96
2007-07-25Bug 197811 PKCS7Processor needs to implement hashCodeThomas Watson1-0/+14
2007-07-24bug 195384Andrew Niefer7-127/+167
2007-07-24Bug 197191 timestamp are not persisted correctlyThomas Watson1-0/+2
2007-07-24bug 197385Andrew Niefer1-0/+1
2007-07-23bug 188091v20070723Andrew Niefer1-2/+7
2007-07-19Bug 194943 Europa Crashes During StartupThomas Watson3-2/+105
2007-07-19Bug 197173 console fails if passed a set of initial commandsThomas Watson1-2/+2
2007-07-19Update copyright dates.Thomas Watson7-7/+7
2007-07-18Bug 196871 Make LocationManager.canWrite(...) a utility methodThomas Watson2-24/+25
2007-07-18put range on host versionAndrew Niefer11-11/+11
2007-07-18increment version for 3.4 stream.Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2007-07-18Bug 189153 Improve error message when .SF file has been tampered withThomas Watson1-0/+4
2007-07-18bug 196889Andrew Niefer2-4/+4
2007-07-13Bug 189760 ResolverImpl#unresolvedBundles should be a Setv20070716Thomas Watson1-17/+10
2007-07-13Bug 195845 EventManager.getEventThread creates daemon thread in application t...Thomas Watson3-74/+100
2007-07-11Bug 190868On IBM JDK with opt level=cold, a Stack Overflow occurs when resolv...Thomas Watson1-9/+17
2007-07-11recompileAndrew Niefer5-5/+5
2007-07-11Bug 194149 Thread deadlock during Equinox startupThomas Watson1-4/+3
2007-07-10recompilev20070710Andrew Niefer5-47/+35
2007-07-10update versionv20070709Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2007-07-09*** empty log message ***Andrew Niefer1-1/+1
2007-07-09bug 195809Andrew Niefer3-3/+3
2007-07-09bug 195811Andrew Niefer3-11/+22
2007-07-05Bug 195566 ContextFinder.loadClass should not by synchrounousThomas Watson1-1/+1
2007-07-05Bug 195240 Possible bug in resolving dynamic importsThomas Watson1-1/+1
2007-07-04bug 194261Andrew Niefer1-0/+9
2007-07-04bug 191597Andrew Niefer1-0/+1
2007-07-04bug 193340Andrew Niefer1-1/+2
2007-06-25Fix for mac failuresThomas Watson2-2/+2
2007-06-21Bug 189013 The Signed bundle does not handle additional BundleFileWrapperFact...Thomas Watson2-14/+14
2007-06-21Bug 193201 Malformed Bundle-Classpath can result in an NPE in AbstractBundleThomas Watson2-9/+16
2007-06-21improve dev support for extension bundles.Thomas Watson1-4/+5
2007-06-21Bug 190399 console command line parsing problemThomas Watson1-18/+23
2007-06-20Bug 192722 [resolver] BundleDescription order may effect singleton selectionThomas Watson2-1/+92
2007-06-20Bug 191652 Native code is not updated during bundle updateThomas Watson20-35/+464
2007-06-06bug 191354 - docs: license filesv20070606pre_R3_3R3_3Andrew Niefer3-1/+410
2007-06-06bug 190616Andrew Niefer1-0/+11
2007-06-06bug 180693Andrew Niefer1-0/+2
2007-06-05Bug 189371 - No source for some OSGi bundles?v20070605DJ Houghton4-2/+324
2007-06-04Performance tests should not create large sets of unresolvable bundles.v20070604Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2007-05-31Bug 190149 Do some bundles need service increase?v20070531Thomas Watson4-6/+6
2007-05-30bug 190016v20070530Andrew Niefer1-0/+10
2007-05-30Add generic tests for update and refreshThomas Watson1-0/+141
2007-05-30Bug 189174 Strong performance regression on org.eclipse.osgi componentThomas Watson1-10/+16
2007-05-30bug 189015Andrew Niefer13-18/+18
2007-05-30bug 187401Andrew Niefer2-2/+0
2007-05-30bug 186811Andrew Niefer2-0/+2
2007-05-24bug 187680v20070524Andrew Niefer1-0/+3

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