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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.osgi.tests/src/org/eclipse/osgi/tests/plugins/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.osgi.tests/src/org/eclipse/osgi/tests/plugins/ b/bundles/org.eclipse.osgi.tests/src/org/eclipse/osgi/tests/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a2eb018c..000000000
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.osgi.tests/src/org/eclipse/osgi/tests/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.osgi.tests.plugins;
-import java.util.*;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.core.tests.harness.CoreTest;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.service.pluginconversion.PluginConverter;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.tests.OSGiTestsActivator;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.tests.bundles.BundleInstaller;
-import org.osgi.framework.*;
-import org.osgi.framework.namespace.*;
-import org.osgi.framework.wiring.*;
-import org.osgi.resource.Namespace;
-public class OldStylePluginTests extends CoreTest {
- public static int BUNDLE_LISTENER = 0x01;
- public static int SYNC_BUNDLE_LISTENER = 0x02;
- public static int SIMPLE_RESULTS = 0x04;
- public static final String BUNDLES_ROOT = "bundle_tests";
- private BundleInstaller installer;
- private boolean compatPluginInstalled = false;
- public static Test suite() {
- return new TestSuite(OldStylePluginTests.class);
- }
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- compatPluginInstalled = false;
- for (BundleWire hostWire : getContext().getBundle(Constants.SYSTEM_BUNDLE_LOCATION).adapt(BundleWiring.class).getProvidedWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE)) {
- if ("org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.plugins".equals(hostWire.getRequirer().getSymbolicName())) {
- compatPluginInstalled = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (compatPluginInstalled) {
- assertTrue("Plugin compatibility fragment not configured.", getContext().getServiceReference(PluginConverter.class) != null);
- }
- installer = new BundleInstaller(BUNDLES_ROOT, OSGiTestsActivator.getContext());
- installer.refreshPackages(null);
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- installer.shutdown();
- installer = null;
- }
- public BundleContext getContext() {
- return OSGiTestsActivator.getContext();
- }
- public void testSimplePlugin() {
- if (!compatPluginInstalled) {
- return;
- }
- String pluginName = "test.plugins.a";
- Version pluginVersion = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0");
- Bundle bundle = installPlugin(pluginName, false);
- BundleRevision revision = bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
- assertIdentity(revision, pluginName, pluginVersion, false);
- assertTrue("Did not expect any requirements.", revision.getDeclaredRequirements(null).isEmpty());
- }
- public void testImportPlugin() {
- if (!compatPluginInstalled) {
- return;
- }
- String pluginName = "test.plugins.b";
- Version pluginVersion = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0");
- Bundle bundle = installPlugin(pluginName, false);
- BundleRevision revision = bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
- assertIdentity(revision, pluginName, pluginVersion, false);
- Collection<BundleRequirement> requirements = revision.getDeclaredRequirements(null);
- assertEquals("Wrong number of requirements: " + requirements, 7, requirements.size());
- int index = 0;
- for (BundleRequirement req : requirements) {
- index++;
- Map<String, Object> matchAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- Map<String, Object> noMatchAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- matchAttributes.put(BundleNamespace.BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "x" + index);
- noMatchAttributes.put(BundleNamespace.BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, "x" + index);
- Version match = null;
- Version noMatch = null;
- switch (index) {
- case 1 :
- match = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0");
- noMatch = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0.x");
- break;
- case 2 :
- match = Version.parseVersion("1.0.100");
- noMatch = Version.parseVersion("1.1");
- break;
- case 4 :
- match = Version.parseVersion("90000");
- noMatch = Version.parseVersion("0.1");
- break;
- default :
- match = Version.parseVersion("1.1");
- noMatch = Version.parseVersion("2.0");
- break;
- }
- matchAttributes.put(AbstractWiringNamespace.CAPABILITY_BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, match);
- noMatchAttributes.put(AbstractWiringNamespace.CAPABILITY_BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, noMatch);
- Filter f = null;
- try {
- f = getContext().createFilter(req.getDirectives().get(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE));
- } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
- fail("Failed to create filter.", e);
- }
- assertTrue("Did not match requirement: " + req + ": against: " + matchAttributes, f.matches(matchAttributes));
- assertFalse("Unexpected match requirement: " + req + ": against: " + matchAttributes, f.matches(noMatchAttributes));
- String resolution = req.getDirectives().get(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE);
- if (resolution == null) {
- resolution = Namespace.RESOLUTION_MANDATORY;
- }
- String visibility = req.getDirectives().get(BundleNamespace.REQUIREMENT_VISIBILITY_DIRECTIVE);
- if (visibility == null) {
- visibility = BundleNamespace.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE;
- }
- if (index == 6) {
- assertEquals("Wrong visibility: " + req, BundleNamespace.VISIBILITY_REEXPORT, visibility);
- } else {
- assertEquals("Wrong visibility: " + req, BundleNamespace.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, visibility);
- }
- if (index == 7) {
- assertEquals("Wrong resolution: " + req, Namespace.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL, resolution);
- } else {
- assertEquals("Wrong resolution: " + req, Namespace.RESOLUTION_MANDATORY, resolution);
- }
- }
- }
- public void testExportSinglePackage() {
- if (!compatPluginInstalled) {
- return;
- }
- String pluginName = "test.plugins.c";
- Version pluginVersion = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0");
- Bundle bundle = installPlugin(pluginName, false);
- BundleRevision revision = bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
- assertIdentity(revision, pluginName, pluginVersion, false);
- assertTrue("Did not expect any requirements.", revision.getDeclaredRequirements(null).isEmpty());
- Collection<BundleCapability> packages = revision.getDeclaredCapabilities(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE);
- assertEquals("Wrong number of exports: " + packages, 1, packages.size());
- assertEquals("Wrong package name.", pluginName + ".exported", packages.iterator().next().getAttributes().get(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE));
- }
- public void testExportAllPackage() {
- if (!compatPluginInstalled) {
- return;
- }
- String pluginName = "test.plugins.d";
- Version pluginVersion = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0");
- Bundle bundle = installPlugin(pluginName, false);
- BundleRevision revision = bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
- assertIdentity(revision, pluginName, pluginVersion, false);
- assertTrue("Did not expect any requirements.", revision.getDeclaredRequirements(null).isEmpty());
- Collection<BundleCapability> packages = revision.getDeclaredCapabilities(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE);
- assertEquals("Wrong number of exports: " + packages, 4, packages.size());
- Iterator<BundleCapability> iPackages = packages.iterator();
- // Note that '.' is exported because scaning for * found a resource (plugin.xml) in root of the bundle.
- assertEquals("Wrong package name.", ".",;
- assertEquals("Wrong package name.", pluginName,;
- assertEquals("Wrong package name.", pluginName + ".exported",;
- assertEquals("Wrong package name.", pluginName + ".exported.sub",;
- }
- public void testActivator() {
- if (!compatPluginInstalled) {
- return;
- }
- String pluginName = "test.plugins.e";
- Version pluginVersion = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0");
- Bundle bundle = installPlugin(pluginName, false);
- BundleRevision revision = bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
- assertIdentity(revision, pluginName, pluginVersion, false);
- try {
- bundle.start();
- Collection<ServiceReference<Object>> testServices = getContext().getServiceReferences(Object.class, "(" + Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME_ATTRIBUTE + "=" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + ")");
- assertFalse("Did not find registered service.", testServices.isEmpty());
- } catch (BundleException e) {
- fail("Failed to start bundle.", e);
- } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
- fail("Failed to create filter.", e);
- }
- }
- public void testExtensionSingleton() {
- if (!compatPluginInstalled) {
- return;
- }
- String pluginName = "test.plugins.f";
- Version pluginVersion = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0");
- Bundle bundle = installPlugin(pluginName, false);
- BundleRevision revision = bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
- assertIdentity(revision, pluginName, pluginVersion, true);
- }
- public void testFragment() {
- if (!compatPluginInstalled) {
- return;
- }
- String pluginName = "test.plugins.g";
- Version pluginVersion = Version.parseVersion("1.0.0");
- Bundle bundle = installPlugin(pluginName, false);
- BundleRevision revision = bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
- assertIdentity(revision, pluginName, pluginVersion, false);
- assertTrue("revision is not a fragment.", (revision.getTypes() & BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) != 0);
- Collection<BundleRequirement> reqs = revision.getDeclaredRequirements(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE);
- assertEquals("Wrong number of host requirements.", 1, reqs.size());
- BundleRequirement req = reqs.iterator().next();
- Map<String, Object> matchAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- Map<String, Object> noMatchAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- matchAttributes.put(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE, "x");
- noMatchAttributes.put(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE, "x");
- Version match = Version.parseVersion("1.1");
- Version noMatch = Version.parseVersion("2.0");
- matchAttributes.put(AbstractWiringNamespace.CAPABILITY_BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, match);
- noMatchAttributes.put(AbstractWiringNamespace.CAPABILITY_BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, noMatch);
- Filter f = null;
- try {
- f = getContext().createFilter(req.getDirectives().get(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE));
- } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
- fail("Failed to create filter.", e);
- }
- assertTrue("Did not match requirement: " + req + ": against: " + matchAttributes, f.matches(matchAttributes));
- assertFalse("Unexpected match requirement: " + req + ": against: " + matchAttributes, f.matches(noMatchAttributes));
- }
- private void assertIdentity(BundleRevision revision, String pluginName, Version pluginVersion, boolean isSingleton) {
- assertEquals("Wrong symbolic name", pluginName, revision.getSymbolicName());
- assertEquals("Wrong version.", pluginVersion, revision.getVersion());
- Collection<BundleCapability> capabilities = new ArrayList<BundleCapability>();
- capabilities.addAll(revision.getDeclaredCapabilities(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE));
- capabilities.addAll(revision.getDeclaredCapabilities(BundleNamespace.BUNDLE_NAMESPACE));
- capabilities.addAll(revision.getDeclaredCapabilities(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE));
- int expectedNumCaps = (revision.getTypes() & BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) == 0 ? 3 : 1;
- assertEquals("Wrong number of capabilities: " + capabilities, expectedNumCaps, capabilities.size());
- for (BundleCapability cap : capabilities) {
- String namespace = cap.getNamespace();
- String versionKey = IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE.equals(namespace) ? IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE : AbstractWiringNamespace.CAPABILITY_BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE;
- Map<String, Object> attrs = cap.getAttributes();
- assertEquals("Wrong name: " + namespace, pluginName, attrs.get(namespace));
- assertEquals("Wrong version: " + namespace, pluginVersion, attrs.get(versionKey));
- String singletonDirective = cap.getDirectives().get(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_SINGLETON_DIRECTIVE);
- singletonDirective = singletonDirective == null ? Boolean.FALSE.toString() : singletonDirective;
- assertEquals("Wrong singleton directive.", isSingleton, Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(singletonDirective));
- }
- }
- private Bundle installPlugin(String plugin, boolean expectedFailure) {
- try {
- return installer.installBundle(plugin);
- } catch (BundleException e) {
- if (!expectedFailure) {
- fail("Failed to install plugin.", e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file

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