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path: root/releng
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Diffstat (limited to 'releng')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1051 deletions
diff --git a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/.project b/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 56784c44..00000000
--- a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <name>org.eclipse.epp.config</name>
- <comment></comment>
- <projects>
- </projects>
- <buildSpec>
- </buildSpec>
- <natures>
- </natures>
diff --git a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_C_C++_Developers/EclipseCDT_331.xml b/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_C_C++_Developers/EclipseCDT_331.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a0745bc0..00000000
--- a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_C_C++_Developers/EclipseCDT_331.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file
- name of the root file archives -->
- <rcp version="3.3.1" />
- <!-- configIni, the config.ini file to use. -->
- <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
- <product
- name="eclipse-cpp-europa-fall"
- eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.platform.ide"
- initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CPerspective" />
- <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
- <updateSites>
- <!-- local mirrors -->
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/3.3milestones/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/testUpdates-M/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/releases/europa/staging/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/releases/europa/" />
- -->
- <!-- update sites -->
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- -->
- <!-- old and/or test update sites -->
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- -->
- </updateSites>
- <!-- id, a feature id. -->
- <!-- version, the feature version. -->
- <requiredFeatures>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.platform"
- version="3.3.1.R33x_r20070911-_19UEkpF-B7Uh2hKy75y">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.cdt"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.cvs"
- version="1.0.1.R33x_r20070802-7C79_9_KKG-mDM9e3H5D">
- </feature>
- </requiredFeatures>
- <!-- folder, pointing to the packager configuration.
- This folder must contain
- '',
- '' and
- 'customTargetsStub.xml', all of which can be left unmodified. -->
- <packagerConfigurationFolder
- folder="../config" />
- <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of
- the target platforms. -->
- <rootFileFolder folder="../../../../../../packaging/roots" />
- <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created.
- This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
- <extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
- <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
- <targetPlatforms>
- <platform os="win32" ws="win32" arch="x86">
- <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86_64">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform os="macosx" ws="carbon" arch="ppc">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_JEE_Developers/EclipseJavaEE_331.xml b/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_JEE_Developers/EclipseJavaEE_331.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 550d1818..00000000
--- a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_JEE_Developers/EclipseJavaEE_331.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file
- name of the root file archives -->
- <rcp version="3.3.1" />
- <!-- configIni, the config.ini file to use. -->
- <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
- <product
- name="eclipse-jee-europa-fall"
- eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.platform.ide"
- initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.J2EEPerspective" />
- <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
- <updateSites>
- <!-- local mirrors -->
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/3.3milestones/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/testUpdates-M/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/releases/europa/staging/" />
- <!--
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/releases/europa/" />
- -->
- <!-- update sites -->
- <!--
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- -->
- <!-- old and/or test update sites -->
- <!--
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- -->
- </updateSites>
- <!-- id, a feature id. -->
- <!-- version, the feature version. -->
- <requiredFeatures>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.platform"
- version="3.3.1.R33x_r20070911-_19UEkpF-B7Uh2hKy75y">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.cvs"
- version="1.0.1.R33x_r20070802-7C79_9_KKG-mDM9e3H5D">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.jdt"
- version="3.3.1.r331_v20070629-7o7jE72EDlXAbqAcnbmyg1rf8RIL">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.pde_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.common"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.common.ui"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.edit"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.xsd"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.xsd.edit"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.gef"
- version="3.3.1.v20070814">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.wst"
- version="2.0.1.v200709110510-7C-778k0JWNr93WEIHvplSVojWel">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature"
- version="2.0.1.v200709110650-7A1ECGCnbckz0bnr5wCp8KNAjipR">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.designer.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.pde"
- version="3.3.1.R33x_r20070802-7N7M3D1VIA_52JsDFsEC">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.ddl.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id=""
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.jdbc.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.parsers.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.results.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.doc.user"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <!-- optional DB/SQL features -->
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.apache.derby.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.hsqldb.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id=""
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.msft.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.mysql.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.designer.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id=""
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.postgresql.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.sybase.feature"
- version="">
- </feature>
- <!-- optional DB/SQL features / END -->
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.jst"
- version="2.0.1.v200709110510-7B-68dDTNImaz0di_Tvks1JyDPVe">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.jpt.feature"
- version="1.0.1.v200709130000-77-5CYQCCz-D7LQCCCD">
- </feature>
- </requiredFeatures>
- <!-- folder, pointing to the packager configuration. This folder must contain '',
- '' and 'customTargetsStub.xml', all of which can be left unmodified. -->
- <packagerConfigurationFolder
- folder="/home/mknauer/projects/packaging33/org.eclipse.epp/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config" />
- <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of
- the target platforms. -->
- <rootFileFolder folder="/home/mknauer/packaging/roots" />
- <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created.
- This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
- <extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
- <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
- <targetPlatforms>
- <platform
- os="win32"
- ws="win32"
- arch="x86">
- <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform
- os="linux"
- ws="gtk"
- arch="x86">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform
- os="linux"
- ws="gtk"
- arch="x86_64">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform
- os="macosx"
- ws="carbon"
- arch="ppc">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_Java_Developers/EclipseJava_331.xml b/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_Java_Developers/EclipseJava_331.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0678905d..00000000
--- a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_IDE_for_Java_Developers/EclipseJava_331.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file
- name of the root file archives -->
- <rcp version="3.3.1" />
- <!-- configIni, the config.ini file to use. -->
- <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
- <product
- name="eclipse-java-europa-fall"
- eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.platform.ide"
- initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective" />
- <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
- <updateSites>
- <!-- local mirrors -->
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/3.3milestones/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/testUpdates-M/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/releases/europa/staging/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/releases/europa/" />
- -->
- <!-- update sites -->
- <!--
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- -->
- <!-- old and/or test update sites -->
- <!--
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- -->
- </updateSites>
- <!-- id, a feature id. -->
- <!-- version, the feature version. -->
- <requiredFeatures>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.platform"
- version="3.3.1.R33x_r20070911-_19UEkpF-B7Uh2hKy75y">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.cvs"
- version="1.0.1.R33x_r20070802-7C79_9_KKG-mDM9e3H5D">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.jdt"
- version="3.3.1.r331_v20070629-7o7jE72EDlXAbqAcnbmyg1rf8RIL">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.common"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.common.ui"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.edit"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.xsd"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.xsd.edit"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.gef"
- version="3.3.1.v20070814">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.wst.common_ui.feature"
- version="2.0.1.v200709110622-7C5EH2E9RvTVnijrspVz0bgOmfz-">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature"
- version="2.0.1.v200709110650-7A1ECGCnbckz0bnr5wCp8KNAjipR">
- </feature>
- </requiredFeatures>
- <!-- folder, pointing to the packager configuration. This folder must contain '',
- '' and 'customTargetsStub.xml', all of which can be left unmodified. -->
- <packagerConfigurationFolder
- folder="/home/mknauer/projects/packaging33/org.eclipse.epp/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config" />
- <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of
- the target platforms. -->
- <rootFileFolder folder="/home/mknauer/packaging/roots" />
- <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created.
- This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
- <extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
- <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
- <targetPlatforms>
- <platform os="win32" ws="win32" arch="x86">
- <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86_64">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform os="macosx" ws="carbon" arch="ppc">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_for_RCP_Plugin_Developers/EclipseRCP_331.xml b/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_for_RCP_Plugin_Developers/EclipseRCP_331.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 011b08c9..00000000
--- a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/Eclipse_for_RCP_Plugin_Developers/EclipseRCP_331.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file
- name of the root file archives -->
- <rcp version="3.3.1" />
- <!-- configIni, the config.ini file to use. -->
- <!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
- <product
- name="eclipse-rcp-europa-fall"
- eclipseProductId="org.eclipse.sdk.ide"
- initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective" />
- <!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
- <updateSites>
- <!-- local mirrors -->
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/3.3milestones/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/testUpdates-M/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/releases/europa/staging/" />
- <updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/releases/europa/" />
- -->
- <!-- update sites -->
- <!--
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- -->
- <!-- old and/or test update sites -->
- <!--
- <updateSite url="" />
- <updateSite url="" />
- -->
- </updateSites>
- <!-- id, a feature id. -->
- <!-- version, the feature version. -->
- <requiredFeatures>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.platform"
- version="3.3.1.R33x_r20070911-_19UEkpF-B7Uh2hKy75y">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.sdk"
- version="3.3.1.R33x_r20070802-7M7J78_mu1mnlRa7A4Ns52XeZ6D0">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.pde_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature"
- version="2.1.0.v20070927-0900">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.common"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.common.ui"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.edit"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.xsd"
- version="2.3.1.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.xsd.edit"
- version="2.3.0.v200709252135">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.gef"
- version="3.3.1.v20070814">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.wst.common_ui.feature"
- version="2.0.1.v200709110622-7C5EH2E9RvTVnijrspVz0bgOmfz-">
- </feature>
- <feature
- id="org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature"
- version="2.0.1.v200709110650-7A1ECGCnbckz0bnr5wCp8KNAjipR">
- </feature>
- </requiredFeatures>
- <!-- folder, pointing to the packager configuration. This folder must contain '',
- '' and 'customTargetsStub.xml', all of which can be left unmodified. -->
- <packagerConfigurationFolder
- folder="/home/mknauer/projects/packaging33/org.eclipse.epp/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config" />
- <!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of
- the target platforms. -->
- <rootFileFolder folder="/home/mknauer/packaging/roots" />
- <!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created.
- This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
- <extensionSite
- relativeFolder="extension_site">
- </extensionSite>
- <!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
- <targetPlatforms>
- <platform
- os="win32"
- ws="win32"
- arch="x86">
- <archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform
- os="linux"
- ws="gtk"
- arch="x86">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform
- os="linux"
- ws="gtk"
- arch="x86_64">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- <platform
- os="macosx"
- ws="carbon"
- arch="ppc">
- <archiveFormat format="tar" />
- <eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
- </platform>
- </targetPlatforms>
diff --git a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/customTargetsStub.xml b/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/customTargetsStub.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 483a3534..00000000
--- a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/customTargetsStub.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<project name="Custom Targets MyTest" default="noDefault">
- <target name="noDefault" />
- <!-- This goal of this target is to get the packaging map files of the things you care for
- The files must be fetched into the downloadDirectory folder -->
- <target name="getMapFiles" unless="localMaps">
- <!-- if packagerMapURL is not set
- <get src="${packagerMapURL}" dest="${downloadDirectory}/" usetimestamp="true" />
- -->
- </target>
- <target name="init">
- <property name="archiveNamePrefix" value="${buildId}" />
- </target>
- <!-- This file is a stub. It will be completed by EPP at runtime. -->
diff --git a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/ b/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b591f8b..00000000
--- a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#This file is adapted to the needs of the Eclipse Packaging Project.
-#Do not modify.
-#The directory used as a base for the all process
-# Provided by EPP.
-#baseDirectory = <folder>
-#Setting this to true will cause the dependency analysis to only be done on the features and plugins reachable from the ${featureList}.
-# A comma separated list of feature ids that will be part of the archive.
-# Provided by EPP.
-#featureList = <featuresToGather>
-# The list of {os, ws, arch} configurations to build. This
-# value is a '&' separated list of ',' separate triples.
-# By default the value is *,*,* which is platform independant
-# Provided by EPP.
-#config=win32, win32, x86 & \
-# linux, gtk, ppc &\
-# linux, gtk, x86 & \
-# linux, gtk, x86_64 & \
-# linux, motif, x86 & \
-# solaris, motif, sparc & \
-# solaris, gtk, sparc & \
-# aix, motif, ppc & \
-# hpux, motif, PA_RISC & \
-# macosx, carbon, ppc
-#Set this variable to normalize plug-in and feature names while packaging
-################ DOWNLOAD ############################
-#Skip any download and unzipping work because the things to be packaged are already available in ${target}
-#Comment the property if you want the download and unzip to occur.
-#prefilledTarget = true
-#Don't download packager map files, they should already exist in ${downloadDirectory}
-#comment out this property to download the map file from packagerMapURL
-#skipMaps = true
-#localMaps = true
-#The URL from which to download the packager map file. If more than one file needs to be downloaded, edit the getMapFiles target in your customTargets.xml
-#packagerMapURL =
-#Don't download the archives.
-#skipFetch = true
-# A comma seperated list of the component from which the features listed in featureList can be found
-# This is used as a optimization to avoid unnecessary downloads.
-# * should be specified if you don't know
-# A comma separated list of filters used to optimize the download of archives.
-#Values in this filter should match the
-################ FOLDERS ############################
-# The place in which all the scripts will be contained
-workingDirectory = ${baseDirectory}/workingPlace
-buildDirectory = ${workingDirectory}
-# The folder in which all the zips will be downloaded
-downloadDirectory = ${baseDirectory}/toPackage
-# The folder where all the operations are being done
-tempDirectory = ${baseDirectory}/temp
-# The place in which the zips are located
-sourceFolder = ${downloadDirectory}
-################# SOURCES ###########################
-# The name of the root of the archives downloaded. Features and plug-ins will be looked for
-# in ${tempDirectory}/${featurePaths}/features and ${tempDirectory}/${featurePaths}/plugins
-# It is possible to specify a list of roots, see for details.
-#featurePaths = eclipse
-# A comma separated lists of places where plugins and features will be looked for
-target = ${tempDirectory}/eclipse
-################## MISC ##########################
-# This controls the build id in the default name of the archive
-# Type of build. Used in naming the build output. Typically this value is
-# one of I, N, M, S, ...
-#Set the name of the archive that will result from the product build.
-#archiveNamePrefix =RCP
-# Label for the build. Used in naming the build output
-#The format of the archive. By default a zip is created using antZip.
-# Provided by EPP.
-#archivesFormat=win32, win32, x86 - antZip& \
-# linux, gtk, ppc - antZip &\
-# linux, gtk, x86 - antZip& \
-# linux, gtk, x86_64 - antZip& \
-# linux, motif, x86 - antZip& \
-# solaris, motif, sparc - antZip& \
-# solaris, gtk, sparc - antZip& \
-# aix, motif, ppc - antZip& \
-# hpux, motif, PA_RISC - antZip& \
-# macosx, carbon, ppc - antZip
-# extra arguments to be passed to zip / unzip (-y is usually used on unix for zip)
-# the prefix in the archive
-# the folder in which the files that will be added to the archive will be placed
-############### PACKAGING.PROPERTIES #############################
-# a relative path to the file containing the properties for element to package
-packagingProperties =
diff --git a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/ b/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/
deleted file mode 100644
index 01ed1f12..00000000
--- a/releng/org.eclipse.epp.config/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Contributors:
-# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
-# The chmod and links must indicate a path relative to the root directory.
-# This file was modified for the Eclipse Packaging Project. Although it is ready-to-run
-# additional entries will be added at runtime.
-# List the files and folders to be copied into the root of eclipse for all platform
-# configurations
-root=epl-v10.html, notice.html, configuration/, startup.jar, .eclipseproduct, eclipse.ini, readme/
-# EPP generated content follows here

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