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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2022-03-22Remove log4j 1 dependencylgoubet1-2/+1
2021-02-23Open ranges to accept Guava 30.1lgoubet1-3/+3
2019-11-05Switch EMF Compare to Guava 27lgoubet1-3/+3
2018-01-30Bump plugin and feature versions for Photon3.3.3M5lgoubet1-1/+1
2018-01-24Removing the Papyrus plugins and features from the EMF Compare gitlgoubet1-1/+1
2017-05-11Compatibility with guava 21Laurent Goubet1-3/+3
2017-01-24Depend on JDK-7Laurent Delaigue1-1/+1
2017-01-16Replace HashSet by LinkedHashSet in Delaigue1-1/+1
2016-06-10[479449] Introduce MultiplicityElementChangesAlexandra Buzila1-4/+4
2016-01-08Add debug logging for merge actionsMathieu Cartaud1-1/+2
2015-06-18Add new UML DanglingStereotypeApplication conceptAxel Richard1-1/+1
2014-10-10Modify merge to handle implications properlyLaurent Goubet1-1/+1
2014-10-02Bumping minor for all plugins/features changed since Luna SR13.1.0M2Axel Richard1-1/+1
2014-07-07Test integration of profiles in EMF Compare.Arthur Daussy1-1/+1
2014-07-07Unit tests for DecoratorUMLProfileItemProviderAdapterFactoryArthur Daussy1-1/+1
2014-06-20Generates UMLCompare source code with EMF 2.10Arthur Daussy1-0/+1
2014-06-20Unit test for MDT Papyrus differences order.Arthur Daussy1-1/+1
2014-06-02Add Guava 15 to the accepted rangeLaurent Goubet1-3/+3
2014-03-27Update Luna target file to M6Axel Richard1-1/+1
2014-02-17[418163] Manage display and merge of UML Stereotype PropertiesAxel Richard1-0/+2
2014-01-31reverting BREEs to Java 5, and versions along with themLaurent Goubet1-2/+2
2014-01-30Cleanup for version bumpingLaurent Goubet1-1/+1
2014-01-29Change BREEs to Java 1.6 and activate API error for missing descriptionsLaurent Goubet1-1/+1
2013-08-19Prepare for versionël Barbero1-1/+1
2013-03-19Add x-friends between our pluginsMikaël Barbero1-3/+15
2013-03-11refactor UML plugins to make all classes internal before kepler m6Mikaël Barbero1-14/+13
2013-03-07[401595] Relax constraint on imported packages from Guava toMikaël Barbero1-3/+3
2013-03-05change dependency from Guava 10.0.1 to Guava 11.0.2Mikaël Barbero1-3/+3
2013-02-11[400221] More extensible mergers... and use extensions for requirementsLaurent Goubet1-0/+1
2012-12-17[396618] We only support UML 4 and greaterLaurent Goubet1-1/+1
2012-11-30Accurate detection of UML sub-/super-set duplicated differences.Laurent Goubet1-1/+2
2012-11-12Allow use of the UMLCompareUtil in the uml2.edit supportLaurent Goubet1-1/+1
2012-11-09add custom UMLUtil specialization to avoid trying to load staticMikaël Barbero1-0/+1
2012-10-12upgrade pom.xml, MANIFEST.MF feature.xml versions (3.0.0 for MANIFEST.MFMikaël Barbero1-1/+1
2012-10-02Switch to 2.0.1lgoubet1-1/+1
2012-09-13Restricting guava version rangelgoubet1-2/+2
2012-08-08new UML casesCedric Notot1-0/+2
2012-08-07some refactoring in UML compare extensionMikaël Barbero1-4/+2
2012-08-06Fix compilation errorsCedric Notot1-0/+1
2012-08-06UML2 supportCedric Notot1-6/+2
2012-03-20Updating version numbers to 2.0lgoubet1-1/+1
2011-10-11Fixing #360528 : add exported packages in uml2 diff extension by adding x-int...cbrun1-0/+7
2011-10-06[359590] Checkstyle and API Tooling, plus various fixes for the UML2lgoubet1-2/+2
2011-06-08Updating version number to 1.3.0lgoubet1-1/+1
2011-05-17Updating copyrights and licenses, introducing feature for thelgoubet1-1/+1
2011-05-16Initial provisionning of UML-specific comparison engines.lgoubet1-0/+23

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