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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-05-11Compatibility with guava 21Laurent Goubet1-2/+2
2017-01-26Add missing Bundle-Localization to uml2.ide plug-inPhilip Langer1-1/+2
2017-01-24Depend on JDK-7Laurent Delaigue3-9/+19
2016-09-14Bump versions for EMF Compare 3.3.0Laurent Goubet2-2/+2
2016-06-15Switch to Eclipse mars.2Mathieu Cartaud6-9/+81
2015-08-18Bump version for neon M1Laurent Goubet2-2/+2
2015-06-05Proper loading of the profiles and packages from the SRSLaurent Goubet4-2/+115
2014-12-19Don't unload resources, even for UML. Just clear out the eAdapters.Laurent Goubet3-62/+0
2014-11-07Bump versions and fix new plugins for Mars M3Laurent Goubet1-1/+2
2014-10-14Unloads UML resources thanks to the resource set hooks mechanism.Arthur Daussy17-0/+984
2013-03-13rename UML2 ide(.ui) plugins to rcp(.ui) Mikaël Barbero13-691/+0
2013-03-11move load on demand policy to RCP pluginMikaël Barbero3-3/+3
2013-03-11[399264] Separate pure RCP code from UI and IDE related codeMikaël Barbero1-1/+1
2013-03-07[401595] Relax constraint on imported packages from Guava toMikaël Barbero1-1/+1
2013-03-07Branding - use distinct names for the distinct featuresLaurent Goubet1-1/+1
2013-03-05change dependency from Guava 10.0.1 to Guava 11.0.2Mikaël Barbero1-1/+1
2012-12-19Missing entry in build.propertiesLaurent Goubet1-1/+2
2012-12-17[396618] We only support UML 4 and greaterLaurent Goubet2-8/+8
2012-11-21Make sure that our source bundles contain the necessary files.Laurent Goubet1-0/+1
2012-11-20add to build.propertiesMikaël Barbero1-1/+2
2012-11-13add load on demand policy extension for UML2.Mikaël Barbero13-0/+688

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