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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-06-01[467576] Correct Handling of Proxies in ReqEngineMichael Borkowski2-2/+100
2015-05-27Add Mockito Dependency to Borkowski1-1/+3
2015-05-13[458971] Fix infinite loop in Graph.BreadthFirstIterator#prune()Axel Richard1-0/+27
2015-03-17[461224] Fix NoSuchElementException in Graph.Axel Richard1-0/+56
2015-03-17[462203] Child match appear as top-level match.Axel Richard2-1/+114
2015-03-09[457652] Give xmi:ids higher priority than attribute idsStefan Dirix24-96/+351
2015-03-09[461291] Avoid matching proxies with actual objects inStefan Dirix8-2/+212
2015-03-04[458963] EMFCompare object doesn't use EMFCompareRCP registriesAxel Richard1-1/+44
2015-03-02[458147] Apply three-way merging also for rejecting attribute changesPhilip Langer1-24/+269
2015-03-02[460675] Fix differences for noncontained FeatureMapEntries with movedStefan Dirix6-2/+80
2015-03-02[460923] Do not filter FeatureMapChanges on removed ElementsStefan Dirix4-2/+77
2015-03-02[460902] Fix Dependency Calculation for FeatureMap Add and DeleteStefan Dirix4-2/+71
2015-02-18[452147] Fix handling of diffs for interlocked one-to-one refsStefan Dirix6-4/+145
2015-02-06[457034] ProximityEObjectMatcher should support cancellationLaurent Delaigue6-3/+619
2015-01-21[456860] Improve handling of equivalent three-way text changesPhilip Langer1-13/+303
2014-12-17[453218] Add missing FeatureMapChanges concerning MovesStefan Dirix4-7/+169
2014-12-16[455255] Fix determination of TargetFeature in DiffUtilStefan Dirix5-2/+64
2014-12-16Adds unit test for enum3.1.0M4Arthur Daussy15-0/+611
2014-12-16[454579] Fix Nullpointer when element is moved out of FeatureMapStefan Dirix6-0/+172
2014-12-16Adds new node types in the "Nodes" metamodel to test EEnumArthur Daussy12-9/+1203
2014-12-04[442897] Pseudo conflicts under Real Add conflictsAxel Richard20-0/+731
2014-12-03[453749] Fix NullPointer when handling Non-Containment FeatureMapsStefan Dirix4-0/+60
2014-11-18[441172] Extend findMasterEquivalence to not only check eOppositesStefan Dirix4-2/+97
2014-11-17[450949] Avoid shortcuts in DefaultDiffEngine for certain FeatureMapsStefan Dirix5-3/+147
2014-11-04[446252] Issue with feature ordering when merging FeatureMapsAlexandra Buzila6-4/+63
2014-10-29[448464] Source list incorrectly determined when undoing changesAlexandra Buzila1-3/+6
2014-10-27[446947] Adds support for three-way merging multi-line String attributesPhilip Langer5-1/+1127
2014-10-20[441172] Fix merge order of equivalent diffs for one-to-one oppositesStefan Dirix6-2/+223
2014-10-14[446739] Fixes obtaining the target feature in three-way merge of a movePhilip Langer6-1/+211
2014-10-10Adds year of contribution to copyright headerPhilip Langer2-2/+2
2014-10-08Optimize dice coefficient storing bigrams within intsLaurent Goubet1-0/+21
2014-10-08Consider potential duplicates in String similarityLaurent Goubet1-4/+42
2014-10-02Bumping minor for all plugins/features changed since Luna SR13.1.0M2Axel Richard2-2/+2
2014-09-25[443031] Fix NPE on FeatureFilter.referenceIsSetAxel Richard16-100/+888
2014-09-25[443968] Fix NPE in ComparisonUtils.getSubDiffsAxel Richard1-0/+25
2014-09-25[443504] Fix computation of ignored elements when finding insertion idxPhilip Langer4-0/+71
2014-09-19[444351] Fix bug in EqualityHelper.matchingArraysAxel Richard2-1/+107
2014-08-24[442439] Fixes DiffUtil.getSourceList for moved and reordered elementsPhilip Langer4-1/+54
2014-08-22Fix merge-related UI feedback of the Structure viewerLaurent Goubet1-70/+134
2014-08-20[441258] Prevents IllegalArgumentException on merging movesPhilip Langer4-0/+62
2014-08-20Adds test case exposing unsuccessful merge reported in bug 441172Philip Langer4-1/+76
2014-08-13Do not use == to compare primitive types wrapper objectMikaël Barbero1-8/+9
2014-08-13Do not use assertSame for int comparison (2)Mikaël Barbero3-89/+87
2014-08-13Do not use assertSame for int comparisonMikaël Barbero39-1127/+1104
2014-08-07Create a parent pom for test (decl Jacoco)Mikaël Barbero1-3/+3
2014-08-07add tycho.argLine to surefire configMikaël Barbero1-10/+10
2014-08-05[413520] Fixes IndexOutOfBoundsException on merging opposite referencesPhilip Langer4-17/+114
2014-07-31[440679] Avoids NPE when performing a movePhilip Langer7-1/+196
2014-07-18remove unnecessary directive in tests' pom.xmlMikaël Barbero1-3/+0
2014-07-18Adds Item provider preference page.Arthur Daussy1-0/+12

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