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2012-09-17This test suite was never meant to be a sub-suite of the mock comparisonlgoubet1-4/+4
2012-09-17This was used to test the initial implementation of EMF Compare and islgoubet1-5/+4
no longer needed. These are now full-fledged tests.
2012-08-28Add first test for "out-of-scope values" merging, failing.lgoubet1-1/+2
Fixing the merging of out-of-scope values for the tested use case and drafting the implementation for other use-cases.
2012-08-213874611 : Non ID Based Matchingcbrun1-1/+3 Introduces another implementation of EObject matcher which : - browse the scope, indexing the model elements. - browse the indexes, finding matches along the way The indexes are able to return the closest element of an other side. This is implemented by computing the number of differences we have between two elements. This is not free regarding CPU cycles but we are sure to get the optimal result. The new matcher is plugged in the current implementation by introducing the ability for the ID based matcher to delegate to another matcher when an ID is not found. I named it "ProximityEObjectMatcher" as its based on a distance function used to compare two EObjects. The current implementation of the distance function we are using is roughly an "EditionDistance" : it counts the number of changes you have to make to transform one object to the other. How do we do that ? By calling EMF Compare's diffing during the match by the way ! (ok, it may sound twisted). It allows us to fine tune a lot of thing like ignoring some EStructuralFeatures for the distance, or having different weight for different features. No UI is provided to change this so far, its "framework only" but the default behavior will use IDs when available and fall back to the Proximity matching on the remaining objects. Performance-wise the ProximityMatcher is about 10 times slowest than the ID based one on a decent UML model which have very few differences. Have a look on the corresponding test case if you want. By the way all this implementation is fairly provisional. ps : while coding I introduced a few builder interfaces to configure some instances.
2012-06-20Adding tests for all individual diffs that can be detected onlgoubet1-1/+2
attributes. Adding tests for mono-valued references, and the use cases for the remainder of the diffs that can be detected on references. Fixing merging isses with mono-valued attributes and MOVE diffs.
2012-06-15Removing factory_override, using the simple generation-gap patternlgoubet1-13/+1
2012-06-13Post processing implementationCedric Notot1-1/+2
2012-06-07First draft of the merge implementation. We now handle merging of the ↵lgoubet1-1/+3
ReferenceChanges : ADD, DELETE and MOVE.
2012-06-01Acting the change to CRLF since all projects' settings set this as the file ↵lgoubet1-5/+5
delimiter. Adding the necessary logic to determine the insertion index when merging reference and attribute values.
2012-05-30Use of EcoreUtil.CrossReferencer and equivalence computing developmentCedric Notot1-4/+5
2012-05-22Basic testing of the LCS algorithmlgoubet1-1/+2
2012-05-09Requirements computingCedric Notot1-1/+2
2012-05-03Commiting all of the models corresponding to the conflict use cases.lgoubet1-1/+30
2012-04-24Drafting the API of the conflict detection processlgoubet1-1/+1
Listing the potential conflict situtations in order to begin implementing tests for each
2012-04-02Drafting the DiffTest implementationlgoubet1-5/+3
2012-03-28Drafting the future "testing" framework of EMF Comparelgoubet1-1/+3
2012-03-27Introducing the EMFCompare class as an utility to launch comparisons.lgoubet1-2/+4
Annotating the DefaultDiffEngine's limitation for proxy comparison. Extracting the IComparisonScope interface and introducing a simple "filtering" implementation using predicates. Implementing unit tests for the default comparison scope.
2012-03-19First draft of the scope API.lgoubet1-0/+47
First draft of the resoure matching API. First draft of the MatchEngine new API.
2012-03-12Move all features and plugins that will be deprecated by the incoming ↵lgoubet1-43/+0
restructuration into a separate folder.
2012-03-05Adding 2012 to EMF Compare's copyright noticeslgoubet1-1/+1
2012-01-31Convert global test suite to JUnit 4lgoubet1-52/+10
2011-12-16NEW - bug 366948: False Positive Conflict detection for mono-valuedcbrun1-0/+4
attribute enabling tests
2011-05-03Migrate to Checkstyle 5.0lgoubet1-0/+0
2011-03-09Updating copyrights for 2011lgoubet1-1/+1
Changing copyrights for contribution [199745]
2011-03-07enabling a set of JUnit tests for the merge and fix a long standing test ↵Cedric Brun1-1/+3
failure on 3Way compare and merge. Now supporting the diff and merge of non unique multi-valued attributes and the corresponding merge now handle the order and dupplication gracefully.
2011-01-05repository relayout : Brun1-0/+79

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