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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-01-30Cleanup for version bumpingLaurent Goubet3-8/+9
2014-01-28Improve performance of ProjectModelResolverAxel Richard1-1/+4
2013-10-18Minimize the number of events to dispatch.Mikaël Barbero1-0/+91
2013-10-18Comparison fails when files have spaces in their namesLaurent Goubet2-2/+2
2013-10-11[405273] - Fix UI does not detect invalid modelsAxel Richard1-1/+2
2013-09-09Ensure that !EMFResourceMapping.equals(SimpleResourceMapping)Mikaël Barbero4-1/+535
2013-07-23[413511] Do not include root of TreeIteratorMikaël Barbero1-1/+1
2013-07-08[412088] NPE in CVS Team Support due to EMFResourceMappingVictor Roldan Betancort1-176/+170
2013-06-24Invalid path for local file revision, regression introduced in e8c43e5Laurent Goubet1-2/+22
2013-06-24Do not log warning when there are not potential coherence issuesLaurent Goubet1-4/+6
2013-06-24[411464] Dot not use a view for the traversal's sets.Laurent Goubet3-15/+14
2013-06-21Bypass EGit's "repository relative paths".Laurent Goubet5-17/+176
2013-06-20Prevent logical model from containing multiple starting pointsLaurent Goubet4-51/+307
2013-06-19Cache the dependency graph as Team calls it _a lot_Laurent Goubet6-169/+398
2013-06-18Introduce extension point for the model resolvers.Laurent Goubet6-2/+293
2013-06-18Extract and extend comparison scope builder, minimizer, and resolverLaurent Goubet15-721/+1454
2013-04-29Add progress monitor to logical model resolution.Mikaël Barbero2-25/+69
2013-04-19Consider logical model for local comparisons.Laurent Goubet1-0/+97
2013-04-17move all logical model code to internalMikaël Barbero9-8/+897
2013-04-17Bypass logical model when no subscriber is availableLaurent Goubet4-0/+643
2012-09-24Dependencies cleanup, and moving the "logical model" implementation tolgoubet3-834/+0
2012-09-24Removing all "now useless" codelgoubet4-324/+238
2012-09-24Draft implementation of a "logical model" that will not be built uponlgoubet2-0/+597
2012-08-03move every classes from ide.ui bundle into x-internal packagesMikaël Barbero2-0/+323

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