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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-01-29Change BREEs to Java 1.6 and activate API error for missing descriptionsLaurent Goubet1-1/+1
2013-10-21Use navigatable instead of navigator.Mikaël Barbero1-1/+0
2013-10-11Enhanced EMFCompareConfigurationMikaël Barbero1-0/+3
2013-10-03Factorized out filtering code.Mikaël Barbero1-1/+1
2013-08-19Prepare for versionël Barbero1-1/+1
2013-06-18Extract and extend comparison scope builder, minimizer, and resolverLaurent Goubet1-1/+2
2013-06-10Move Save Comparison Model Handler from RCP UI to IDE UI PluginAxel Richard1-0/+1
2013-04-17oops..Mikaël Barbero1-2/+1
2013-04-17Bypass logical model when no subscriber is availableLaurent Goubet1-0/+1
2013-04-15Extensible toolbarsAxel Richard1-1/+0
2013-03-13move accessorFactory extension point from ide.ui to rcp.uiMikaël Barbero1-1/+0
2013-03-11[399264] Separate pure RCP code from UI and IDE related codeMikaël Barbero1-1/+2
2013-03-07[401595] Relax constraint on imported packages from Guava toMikaël Barbero1-6/+6
2013-03-05change dependency from Guava 10.0.1 to Guava 11.0.2Mikaël Barbero1-6/+6
2013-01-29[398358] Extension point for filters and groupsAxel Richard1-44/+43
2012-12-14export o.e.e.c.ide.ui.internal.editor as x-internalMikaël Barbero1-3/+7
2012-12-13Compatibility with Eclipse 3.5Laurent Goubet1-1/+1
2012-10-31Renaming ResourceTraversal into StorageTraversal to lgoubet1-1/+2
2012-10-12upgrade pom.xml, MANIFEST.MF feature.xml versions (3.0.0 for MANIFEST.MFMikaël Barbero1-1/+1
2012-10-02Switch to 2.0.1lgoubet1-4/+4
2012-09-24Moving the implementation to IDE.UI. For CVS, we depend onlgoubet1-3/+8
2012-09-24Thread the loading and unloading of resources when resolving the logicallgoubet1-0/+1
2012-09-24Dependencies cleanup, and moving the "logical model" implementation tolgoubet1-9/+2
2012-09-24Removing all "now useless" codelgoubet1-3/+2
2012-09-24Draft implementation of a "logical model" that will not be built uponlgoubet1-1/+2
2012-09-13Expliciting dependencylgoubet1-1/+2
2012-09-13Restricting guava version rangelgoubet1-2/+2
2012-09-12Reduce the lower boundlgoubet1-1/+1
2012-08-31add itemprovider specific implemention for all uml extensionMikaël Barbero1-0/+1
2012-08-31move and refactor merge viewer from ide.ui to rcp.uiMikaël Barbero1-2/+2
2012-08-23Be more strict on guava's dependencies so that we don't ends up usingcbrun1-4/+4
2012-08-21Fix Mikael's choco commit.cbrun1-1/+1
2012-08-21add preliminary support for undo redo in text merge viewerMikaël Barbero1-1/+2
2012-08-20handle undo/redo on copy all non conflicting actionMikaël Barbero1-1/+2
2012-08-09change how groups are handled: no more adaptation to EDiffNode now thatMikaël Barbero1-3/+5
2012-08-06removed unused merge way tip actionMikaël Barbero1-1/+0
2012-08-03move every classes from ide.ui bundle into x-internal packagesMikaël Barbero1-6/+5
2012-08-01Exporting all internal packages as discouragedlgoubet1-0/+11
2012-07-17another step toward the new implementation of the EMFCompare UI v2 (addMikaël Barbero1-7/+3
2012-04-27rename EObject content merge viewerMikaël Barbero1-1/+2
2012-04-27Merging into
2012-04-25Initial commit of the new EMFCompare UIMikaël Barbero1-2/+8
2012-04-20Removing dependency range for nowlgoubet1-1/+1
2012-04-19Configuring all projects to use "UTF-8" as their default encoding.lgoubet1-0/+5
2012-03-20Updating version numbers to 2.0lgoubet1-1/+1
2012-03-13Harmonize checkstyle, compiler, formatter and import order among all of the p...lgoubet1-0/+13

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