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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-12-04Ignore failing git tests for nowlgoubet3-0/+13
2018-08-16Fix bundle meta-dataPhilip Langer1-0/+1
2018-06-22bump versionslgoubet2-2/+2
2018-06-22EMF Compare is no longer compatible with egit < 4.2lgoubet2-4/+4
2018-06-05Introduce test for merges with multiple ancestorslgoubet6-1/+105
2018-06-04[535200] Create a new TreeWalk instead reusing oneArthur Daussy2-9/+38
2018-01-30Bump plugin and feature versions for Photon3.3.3M5lgoubet2-2/+2
2018-01-12[529413] Extension point for defining files included in EMFModelProviderPhilip Langer1-0/+22
2017-09-07[518760] Remove legacy JUnit3 artefactsMathieu Cartaud1-22/+0
2017-08-31[520105] [Tests] Maven execution of Git tests fails on MacChristian W. Damus1-1/+1
2017-08-23Bumping versions for Oxygen.13.3.2RC1Laurent Goubet2-2/+2
2017-06-26[514382] Pre-Merge on conflict can lead to data lossMartin Fleck3-6/+172
2017-04-26[512677] Long delay to calculate synchronizationMartin Fleck1-2/+60
2017-04-10[512562] Diff/merge can't handle multiple reposMartin Fleck1-3/+4
2017-04-07Bump versions for EMF Compare 3.3.1Laurent Goubet2-2/+2
2017-02-10Try and give more memory to our overly long testsLaurent Goubet1-0/+1
2017-02-09Try and resolve brittle test problemLaurent Delaigue1-1/+9
2017-01-24Depend on JDK-7Laurent Delaigue3-5/+5
2016-10-17[505983] Pseudo-conflicts should be real on ADD/ADDLaurent Delaigue1-5/+11
2016-09-14Bump versions for EMF Compare 3.3.0Laurent Goubet2-2/+2
2016-09-12Add support for additive mergeLaurent Delaigue6-1/+125
2016-07-01Add rebase and cherry-pick operations in test frameworkMathieu Cartaud2-10/+10
2016-07-01Fix test broken by new default preference on pre-mergeMathieu Cartaud1-1/+26
2016-06-15Switch to Eclipse mars.2Mathieu Cartaud32-663/+546
2016-05-31Add EMFCompare specific runner for runtime testsMathieu Cartaud28-406/+212
2016-02-29Fix git related tests3.2.0M6Mathieu Cartaud1-1/+1
2016-02-25Fix error in Git tests setupMathieu Cartaud2-14/+22
2016-02-19Fix error in the setup of EGit related testsMathieu Cartaud2-3/+4
2015-10-26[473997] wrong logical model proxy resolutionLaurent Delaigue14-566/+1497
2015-10-15Extract EMFCompareConfiguration from EMFCompareRCPUIPluginMathieu Cartaud4-63/+71
2015-09-24Manage move of empty papyrus resourcesLaurent Delaigue1-2/+2
2015-09-24[464739] ResourceLocationChanges become ResourceattachmentChanges.MOVEAxel Richard1-15/+16
2015-09-24[476207] Handle Move kind for ResourceAttachmentChangesAxel Richard1-0/+2
2015-09-24Merge with new remote projectsAxel Richard4-49/+1166
2015-09-23Add RecursiveModelMerge through EGit mergeStrategy extension pointAxel Richard9-105/+1037
2015-09-23Model Merge Tool + classes to do model merges with EGitMathieu Cartaud18-13/+1748
2015-09-11Taking into account new EGit preference about merge strategy in testsAxel Richard1-14/+19
2015-09-04Revert commit ff36ec9 Add RecursiveModelMerge through EGit mergeStrategyAxel Richard15-1740/+41
2015-09-03[475473] Adds git test case regarding moving an unchanged resourcePhilip Langer3-1/+320
2015-09-02[465331] Adds test cases for deleted or added dependent resourcesPhilip Langer1-11/+114
2015-09-02Add RecursiveModelMerge through EGit mergeStrategy extension pointLaurent Delaigue15-38/+1734
2015-08-18Bump version for neon M1Laurent Goubet2-2/+2
2015-07-31Functional tests for the remote resolving and associated round-tripLaurent Goubet6-86/+932
2015-07-30[470332] Resolving a conflict causes loss of previous changesAlexandra Buzila2-0/+97
2015-07-16RevisionedURIConverterTest inner classes as mockito mocksMichael Borkowski1-49/+42
2015-07-10Functional tests for the threaded model resolvingLaurent Goubet1-0/+1880
2015-07-03[470147] Logical model resolution of remote side failsAlexandra Buzila6-3/+645
2015-05-29Unit tests for resource location changes.Laurent Delaigue3-54/+502
2015-05-13Refactoring of ThreadedModelResolver.Laurent Delaigue1-1/+3
2015-05-06Introduce tests for the URIConverter and our path fixingLaurent Goubet5-0/+683

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