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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-01-09[543292] Make GitTestSupport compatible with EGit 5.2Philip Langer1-1/+1
2018-08-16Fix bundle meta-dataPhilip Langer1-0/+1
2018-06-22bump versionslgoubet2-2/+2
2018-06-22EMF Compare is no longer compatible with egit < 4.2lgoubet1-2/+2
2018-06-05Introduce test for merges with multiple ancestorslgoubet3-0/+37
2018-01-30Bump plugin and feature versions for Photon3.3.3M5lgoubet2-2/+2
2018-01-12[529413] Extension point for defining files included in EMFModelProviderPhilip Langer1-0/+3
2017-08-22Separate core & extra buildsLaurent Goubet1-3/+3
2017-05-11Compatibility with guava 21Laurent Goubet1-1/+1
2017-04-10[512562] Diff/merge can't handle multiple reposMartin Fleck1-3/+4
2017-01-24Depend on JDK-7Laurent Delaigue3-8/+9
2016-10-13Miscellaneous Findbugs fixesAxel Richard1-19/+31
2016-09-13Activate checkstyle for Git test frameworkMathieu Cartaud19-35/+480
2016-09-12Add support for additive mergeLaurent Delaigue2-2/+1
2016-07-01Add rebase and cherry-pick operations in test frameworkMathieu Cartaud19-251/+674
2016-06-23Activate checkstyle for test frameworkMathieu Cartaud6-33/+21
2016-06-15Switch to Eclipse mars.2Mathieu Cartaud8-29/+40
2016-06-02Migrate IgnoreDiFileChangesInGitMergeTest to new test frameworkPhilip Langer1-1/+28
2016-06-02Support more flexible parameters of test methods in test frameworkPhilip Langer5-27/+95
2016-05-31Add EMFCompare specific runner for runtime testsMathieu Cartaud28-0/+2065

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