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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-08-19Prepare for versionël Barbero2-4/+4
2013-03-11[399264] Separate pure RCP code from UI and IDE related codeMikaël Barbero1-0/+7
2013-03-07Renaming our source featuresLaurent Goubet1-0/+11
2013-03-07Branding - use distinct names for the distinct featuresLaurent Goubet1-1/+1
2012-10-12upgrade pom.xml, MANIFEST.MF feature.xml versions (3.0.0 for MANIFEST.MFMikaël Barbero2-4/+4
2012-10-02Switch to 2.0.1lgoubet2-4/+4
2012-10-01enable sources for every featurecbrun2-0/+214
2012-06-01Acting the change to CRLF since all projects' settings set this as the file d...lgoubet9-566/+566
2012-04-27Reorganization of the EMF features for the v2.lgoubet10-0/+569

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