Contributing Patches

Using Gerrit at Eclipse

EGit and JGit projects are using Gerrit Code Review for Git based patch submission and review.

Parts of this chapter are also available in the Eclipse Gerrit wiki.

User Account

Before your first contribution can be accepted, you need to electronically sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA). The ECA is good for three years. Find more information in the ECA FAQ.

Minimally, all Git commits you contribute must have the following:

In addition ensure

With a valid ECA on file, the signed-off commit and the copyright and license header in place, we will be able to accept small patches (<1000 LoC) immediately. For larger patches, we will also have to create a contribution questionnaire for review by the Eclipse IP team, but this usually doesn't require additional actions from you.

To verify whether a contribution requires a CQ, use one of the following git commands to check:

These commands tell you the number of insertions(+), and deletions(-). If the total number of lines inserted (e.g. added) in a contribution is greater than 1000 (yes, this includes comments) then a CQ is required.

Find more details about how to contribute in Contributing via Git (for contributors) and Handling Git Contributions (for committers).


Gerrit Web UI

Logon to the Gerrit Web UI at using the email address you registered with your Eclipse (and Bugzilla) account and your Eclipse password.

Git over SSH

When accessing Gerrit over SSH from git or EGit use the username displayed here and upload your public SSH key to Gerrit here.

Gerrit SSH URl: ssh://

Git over HTTPS

When accessing Gerrit over HTTPS from git or EGit use username and HTTP password displayed here

Gerrit HTTPS URl:

SSH Keys

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
ssh -p 29418

Doing Code Reviews with Gerrit

Using Gerrit with git command line:


git push ssh:// HEAD:refs/for/master


git push ssh:// HEAD:refs/for/master

Adding a dedicated remote

Since git can have multiple remotes, you can define one to be used to refer to Gerrit to save typing. Inside a previously checked-out repository you can run:

cd path/to/jgit
git config ssh://
git config HEAD:refs/for/master

cd path/to/egit 
git config ssh://
git config HEAD:refs/for/master

You can now submit review requests from either repository using:

git push review

Using Gerrit with EGit:

Eclipse will look for your private key in the SSH2 Home location specified in the General>Network Connections>SSH2 Preference Page. If your id_rsa private key makes use of the AES-128-CBC algorithm (view the file as text to confirm), Eclipse will need at least com.jcraft.jsch 0.1.44 to make use of it.

Using the Mylyn Gerrit Connector

The Mylyn Gerrit Connector can be installed from the Mylyn p2 repository, e.g. for juno from

It contains several useful features:

Granularity of Changes


When working with Gerrit, you can create local branches as you wish. When you are ready to push your changes, only the commits from your branch are pushed and are converted to reviews on Gerrit. The branch name itself is not visible on Gerrit.

Do not mix unrelated changes in branches: When you encounter a bug while working on something then create a new branch to fix the bug. Make sure you base it on the state of the remote branch that you want your fix to go to, e.g. origin/master. If you have other changes that depend on the bug being fixed then rebase your work on that new branch.

Merge/Rebase: If you want your branch to include new commits from the remote repository, rebase your local branch. The reason for this is that in Gerrit, changes are reviewed one commit at a time, and modified until all review feedback has been addressed. This is different from a pull request workflow, where the combined changes are reviewed and feedback is addressed with additional commits.

Coding standards

Eclipse has standards for how to write code.

Coding conventions

Use interface guidelines

These documents have links to other document. Browse through them without expecting to learn everything, just so you know roughly what areas and types of details they covert. When you are not sure about how to write a piece of code or design the user interface, these are the two first places to look at.

In addition there is all the worlds collective knowledge on how to write programs that shine. When there is a conflict, the Eclipse guide lines and conventions take precedence.

Breaking the rules is ok if there is a very good reason and you can tell us what that reason is.

In addition to these general rules, we regard performance high. If the EGit plugin is slow in any way, that is a bug and should be reported and fixed. Java isn't slow, but there is a lot of slow Java code.

Braces for one-line statements

Before 3.7.0 both in JGit and EGit, the preferred coding style was to leave off braces around statements with one line (with some exceptions to this rule), e.g.:

if (condition)

Starting with 3.7.0 braces are mandatory independently on the number of lines, without exceptions. The old code will remain as is, but the new changes should use the style below:

if (condition) {

The main reason to the change was to simplify the review process, coding guidelines and to make them more consistent with Eclipse code formatter, see bug 457592.

Removing trailing whitespace

In JGit and EGit we have enabled the save action "Remove trailing white spaces on all lines" for Java sources. This works except for empty comment lines, see bug 414421.

As a workaround, use the following sequence of commands in the Java editor to trick the save action:

Another workaround is to use this little script from the command line to edit away trailing whitespace from changed lines.

Use of the "final" modifier

New code uses the "final" modifier in the following circumstances




Commit message guidelines

Fix the commit dialog to respect the workbench's selection

Originally, the commit dialog would automatically check off all
files in the dialog. This behaviour contradicts a user's expectation
because their selection in the workbench is completely ignored. The
code has been corrected to only preselect what the user has actually

Bug: 12345
CQ: 6031
Change-Id: I71ac4844ab9d2f848352eba9252090c586b4146a
Signed-off-by: Your Name <>

When contributing patches, you have to update the copyright section at the beginning of the file if there is one. Please follow the style that is already present in the file. Some examples follow.

When there is only one copyright present (from a person or a company), like this:

Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Some Name <>

Change it like this (notice the updated year):

Copyright (C) 2010, YEAR Some Name <> and others.

If there is a section Contributors: below the legal text and your change is more than a few lines, you can add your name there and optionally describe the change and link to a bug number. You can also start such a section if you contributed a significant change.

When there are multiple copyright entries there, add yours as a separate line. So, given this:

Copyright (C) 2010 Some Name <>
Copyright (C) 2011 Other Name <>

Add another line:

Copyright (C) 2010 Some Name <>
Copyright (C) 2011 Other Name <>
Copyright (C) YEAR Your Name <>

For new files, copy one of the existing headers and start the copyright section with your name.

Also see for more information.

Test before submitting

See the Manual alpha testing section for some advice about how to test you work yourself.

Sending patches by mail

Although sending patches by mail is the approved way of interacting with, and asking feedback from, the Git project, please don't send patches via git send-email. Instead, please use git format-patch to generate the mbox, and then attach that to an item in bugzilla as per the above SUBMITTING_PATCHES guides.

If you're sending a work-in-progress for a review, be aware that you can also attach work-in-progress (or RFC) items to Bugzilla; it's not just for finished patches.

However, it's generally preferred that you send items which you want comments on via Gerrit as per Contributing_Patches, since Gerrit allows comments to be added in-line and allows the opportunity to send multiple versions of a patch after changes are made. Once a change has been submitted to Gerrit, you can then mail the developer mailing list with a request to review your change via URL or get Gerrit to send the mail on your behalf.