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Diffstat (limited to 'jaxb/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.ui/property_files/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/jaxb/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.ui/property_files/ b/jaxb/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.ui/property_files/
deleted file mode 100644
index b974d28445..0000000000
--- a/jaxb/plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.ui/property_files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.
-# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
-# terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
-# and is available at
-# Contributors:
-# Oracle - initial API and implementation
-JavaProjectWizardPage_project = Project:
-JavaProjectWizardPage_destinationProject = Select destination project:
-# ClassesGenerator
-ClassesGeneratorProjectWizardPage_title = Java Project
-ClassesGeneratorProjectWizardPage_desc = Specify project for the new classes.
-ClassesGeneratorWizard_title = New JAXB Classes from schema
-ClassesGeneratorWizard_errorDialogTitle = Generate Classes Failed
-ClassesGeneratorWizard_couldNotCreate = Could not create {0}
-Error_openingEditor=Error Opening Editor
-JaxbContent_label=JAXB Content
-SchemasPage_description = Configure JAXB schemas used for validation and content assist
-SchemasPage_revert = &Revert
-SchemasPage_schemas = &Schema namespaces and locations:
-SchemasPage_namespaceColumnLabel = Namespace
-SchemasPage_locationColumnLabel = Location
-SchemasPage_addButtonLabel = &Add ...
-SchemasPage_editButtonLabel = &Edit ...
-SchemasPage_removeButtonLabel = Re&move
-SchemasPage_addSchemaMessage = Enter a new schema namespace and the location where it can be found.
-SchemasPage_editSchemaMessage = Edit an existing schema namespace and the location where it can be found.
-SchemasPage_addSchemaDialogTitle = Add Schema Location
-SchemasPage_editSchemaDialogTitle = Edit Schema Location
-SchemasPage_addSchemaTitle = Add a new schema location
-SchemasPage_editSchemaTitle = Edit an existing schema location
-SchemasPage_locationLabel = &Location:
-SchemasPage_browseButtonLabel = &Browse ...
-SchemasPage_namespaceLabel = &Namespace:
-SchemasPage_noNamespaceText = <no namespace>
-SchemasPage_schemaUnresolvedMessage = Could not resolve chosen schema location.
-SchemasPage_duplicateNamespaceMessage = That namespace is already in use.
-SchemasPage_noLocationMessage = You must specify a location.
-SchemasPage_chooseLocationTitle = Select Schema Location
-SchemaWizardPage_title = Select Schema
-SchemaWizardPage_desc = Specify schema to generate the classes from
-SchemaWizardPage_xmlCatalogTableTitle = XML Catalog
-SchemaWizardPage_xmlCatalogKeyColumn = Key
-SchemaWizardPage_xmlCatalogUriColumn = URI
-SchemaWizardPage_errorUriCannotBeLocated = The selected catalog entry specifies a URI that can not be located.
-SelectFileOrXMLCatalogIdPanel_fileFromWorkspace = Select file from Work&space
-SelectFileOrXMLCatalogIdPanel_xmlCatalogEntry = Select XML Catalo&g entry
-SelectFileOrXMLCatalogIdPanel_importButton = &Import Files...
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_title = Generate Classes from Schema: {0}
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_desc = Configure JAXB class generation.
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_usesMoxyImplementation = Use EclipseLink MO&Xy as the JAXB implementation
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_catalog = Catalo&g:
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_bindingsFiles = B&indings files:
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_browseButton = Brow&se...
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_addButton = &Add...
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_removeButton = Re&move
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_chooseABindingsFile = External Bindings File Selection
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_chooseACatalog = Catalog File Selection
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_sourceFolderSelectionDialog_title = Source Folder Selection
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_chooseSourceFolderDialog_desc = &Choose a source folder:
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_jaxbLibrariesNotAvailable = \
- The classpath for this project does not appear to contain the necessary libraries to proceed with class generation.\
- \nPlease insure that a JAXB implementation is available on the classpath.
-ClassesGeneratorWizardPage_moxyLibrariesNotAvailable = \
- The classpath for this project does not appear to contain the necessary libraries to proceed with class generation.\
- \nPlease insure that EclipseLink MOXy is available on the classpath.
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_title = Classes Generator Options
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_desc = Configure JAXB compiler options.
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_proxyGroup = Proxy
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_noProxy = N&o proxy
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_proxy = &Proxy:
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_proxyFile = Prox&y file:
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_chooseAProxyFile = Proxy File Selection
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_useStrictValidation = Use strict v&alidation
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_makeReadOnly = Generate &read-only files
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_suppressPackageInfoGen = Suppress pac&kage-info generation
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_suppressesHeaderGen = Suppress generation of file &header
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_target = Target X&JC 2.0
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_verbose = &Verbose
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_quiet = Suppress compiler outp&ut
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_treatsAsXmlSchema = Treat input as &XML schema
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_treatsAsRelaxNg = Treat input as RELAX N&G
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_treatsAsRelaxNgCompact = Treat input as RELAX NG &compact syntax
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_treatsAsDtd = Treat input as XML D&TD
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_treatsAsWsdl = Treat input as WS&DL and compile schema inside it
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_showsVersion = Show vers&ion
-ClassesGeneratorOptionsWizardPage_showsHelp = Show h&elp
-ClassesGeneratorExtensionOptionsWizardPage_title = Classes Generator Extension Configuration
-ClassesGeneratorExtensionOptionsWizardPage_desc = Configure JAXB compiler vendor extensions.
-ClassesGeneratorExtensionOptionsWizardPage_allowExtensions = Allow vendor &extensions
-ClassesGeneratorExtensionOptionsWizardPage_classpath = Class&path:
-ClassesGeneratorExtensionOptionsWizardPage_additionalArguments = Additional ar&guments:
-ClassesGeneratorUi_generatingEntities = Generating JAXB Classes from Schema
-ClassesGeneratorUi_generatingEntitiesTask = Generating classes
-ClassesGeneratorUi_generatingClassesWarningTitle = Generating JAXB Classes
-ClassesGeneratorUi_generatingClassesWarningMessage = \
- Warning: Generating classes will overwrite existing files in your project.\
- \n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
-# SchemaGenerator
-SchemaGeneratorWizard_title = New JAXB Schema File
-SchemaGeneratorWizard_generatingSchema = Generating JAXB Schema
-SchemaGeneratorProjectWizardPage_title = JAXB schema file
-SchemaGeneratorProjectWizardPage_desc = Specify default file name and location
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_title = Generate Schema from Classes
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_desc = Select classes to include.
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_shemaLocation = Schema file:
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_shema = Schema name:
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_packages = Select classes to include in schema:
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_browse = Browse...
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_chooseSchemaDialogTitle = Select Schema File
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_errorNoSchema = Schema name cannot be empty
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_errorNoPackage = No classes included
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_jaxbLibrariesNotAvailable = \
- The classpath for this project does not appear to contain the necessary libraries to proceed with schema generation.\
- \nPlease insure that a JAXB implementation is available on the classpath.
-SchemaGeneratorWizardPage_moxyLibrariesNotAvailable = \
- The classpath for this project does not appear to contain the necessary libraries to proceed with schema generation.\
- \nPlease insure that EclipseLink MOXy is available on the classpath.
-SchemaGeneratorWizard_generateSchemaTask = Generating schema {0}
-NewSchemaFileWizardPage_errorNotJavaProject = Not a Java project
-NewSchemaFileWizardPage_overwriteExistingSchemas = Schema generation may overwrite existing schemas in the specified directory.
-JaxbProjectWizard_title = New JAXB Project
-JaxbProjectWizard_firstPage_title = JAXB Project
-JaxbProjectWizard_firstPage_desc = Configure JAXB project settings.
-JaxbFacetWizardPage_title = JAXB Facet
-JaxbFacetWizardPage_desc = Configure JAXB settings.
-JaxbFacetWizardPage_platformLabel = &Platform
-JaxbFacetWizardPage_facetsPageLink = <a>Change JAXB version ...</a>
-JaxbFacetWizardPage_jaxbImplementationLabel = JAXB implementation

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