2006-08-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 155826: Duplicate addListener call in Signals view. * SignalsView.java 2006-08-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 136896: View variables in binary format. Applied modified patch from Mark Mitchell (CodeSourcery). * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * PreferenceMessages.properties * CDebugPreferencePage.java * BinaryVariableFormatActionDelegate.java 2006-05-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 144719: [Modules view] Modules from from different sessions are mixed up. * ModulesViewEventHandler.java 2006-05-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 144684: [Modules view] Collapse all action doesn't work. * CollapseAllModulesAction.java * ModulesViewer.java 2006-05-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 144277: No images for source containers types (temporary fix). * SourceContainerLabelProvider.java 2006-05-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 143593: Module's children are not expandable. * CDebugElementAdapterFactory.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2006-05-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 142860: Breakpoint marker is not shown in the editor's ruler. * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2006-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 118274: Condition is not shown in the tooltip of conditional breakpoint. Moved the "getBreakpointText" method and related methods to CDebugUtils. * CDebugModelPresentation.java * CDebugUIMessages.properties 2006-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 109449: Sort globals in "Add Globals" dialog. * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java 2006-04-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the "AddWatchpoint" action to the breakpoints view. * AddWatchpointActionDelegate.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2006-04-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 135118: Modules view is not updated. * ModuleProxyFactory.java * ModulesViewEventHandler.java * ModulesViewModelProxy.java 2006-04-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Corrected the shared library image selection. * CDebugImages.java * CDebugModelPresentation.java - icons/ovr16/symbols_ovr.gif 2006-04-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants See bug 134871: StackOverflowError using AsynchronousViewer. * ModulesView.java 2006-04-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Complying with Eclipse 3.2 M6. AsynchronousTreeModelViewer has been renamed to AsynchronousTreeViewer. * AbstractViewerState.java * ModulesViewer.java * ModulesViewerState.java 2006-03-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Allow clients to contribute IRestart adapters. * RestartActionDelegate.java 2006-03-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants An ICDebuggerPage adapter is added to retain compatibility with old extensions. + CDebuggerPageAdapter.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2006-03-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for Bug 93777: Postmortem and Local launch need a default preference for selected debugger. * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java + DebuggerTypesPage.java * PreferenceMessages.properties * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2006-02-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Discouraged access to EditorsPlugin. Added support for SharedTextColors to CDebugUIPlugin. + SharedTextColors.java * DisassemblyView.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2006-02-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 89429: replaced the usage of the internal SourceLookupUIUtils class by DebugUITools. * AddSourceContainerDialog.java * EditContainerAction.java * SourceContainerLabelProvider.java 2006-02-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added dependency to the org.eclipse.ui.views plugin (needed to use the breakpoint actions in the Outline view). * MANIFEST.MF 2006-02-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants The DirectorySourceContainer's UI now supports the subfolders searching option (see bug 89748). Removed the UI related to CDirectorySourceContainer. - CDirectorySourceContainerBrowser.java - CDirectorySourceContainerDialog.java * SourceContainerWorkbenchAdapter.java * SourceLookupUIMessages.properties * plugin.xml 2006-02-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 122336: Use the asynchronous tree viewer in the Modules view. Adjustments to the platform changes in M5. + src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/elements/adapters (new package) + CDebugElementAdapterFactory.java * AbstractViewerState.java + ModuleContentAdapter.java + ModuleProxyFactory.java * ModulesView.java * ModulesViewer.java * ModulesViewerState.java * ModulesViewEventHandler.java - ModuleTreeContentAdapter.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2006-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants The "ICDebuggerPage" interface and "AbstractCDebuggerPage" class are added. All extensions of the "CDebuggerPage" extension point must implement "ICDebuggerPage". * CDebuggerPage.exsd + AbstractCDebuggerPage.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java + ICDebuggerPage.java 2006-01-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 125561: ClassCastException in Modules view. * ModulesView.java 2006-01-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 60682: No schema for CDebuggerPage extension point. * plugin.xml + schema/CDebuggerPage.exsd 2006-01-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 123702: Prevent Signals view from being automatically added to debugger perspective. * plugin.xml 2005-12-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 122336: Use the asynchronous tree viewer in the Modules view. * LoadSymbolsForAllActionDelegate.java * AbstractViewerState.java * ModulesView.java - ModulesViewContentProvider.java * ModulesViewer.java * ModulesViewerState.java * ModulesViewEventHandler.java + ModulesViewModelProxy.java + ModuleTreeContentAdapter.java 2005-12-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants HTMLTextPresenter implements DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenterExtension instead of deprecated DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter. * HTMLTextPresenter.java 2005-12-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * RetargetAction.java 2005-12-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced deprecated org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList by org.eclipse.core.runtime.ListenerList. * CBreakpointPreferenceStore.java 2005-12-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * HTMLPrinter.java * AbstractViewActionDelegate.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2005-12-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 109526: Support Eclipse-LazyStart and deprecate Eclipse-AutoStart. * MANIFEST.MF 2005-11-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 117754: Stack frame can't display address. * CDebugModelPresentation.java 2005-10-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 113114: Expanding Modules View throws SWTError: No more handles. * ModulesView.java 2005-09-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup: replaced "new Boolean" by the static Boolean objects (Java 1.4). * QuestionStatusHandler.java * ShowFullPathsAction.java * CBreakpointPreferenceStore.java * ModuleProperties.java 2005-08-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 107208: toggle breakpoint with external sources doesn't work. * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2005-07-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 105224: Two identical directory source container types. + icons\obj16\directory_obj.gif * plugin.xml 2005-07-25 Alain Magloire Part fix for PR 100992: The signature was incorrect for structure/unions. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/actions/ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2005-07-22 Alain Magloire Fix the copyright. 2005-07-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 103910: The modules view's icon is missing. + icons/view16/memory_view.gif - icons/view16/sharedlibraries_view.gif 2005-07-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 103162: Module View: Missing context menu on detailed pane. * ModulesMessages.properties * ModulesView.java * plugin.xml 2005-07-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 79371: Setting breakpoints in the left hand side ruler of the disassembly view is sluggish. Asynchronous breakpoint handling. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2005-07-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the "IBreakpointTarget" interface. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2005-06-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 102386: double-clicking on a disassembly line in the disassembly view does not add a breakpoint. * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2005-06-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 41725: I can't set a breakpoint in a function where I used attach source. Bug 45514: Breakpoints made is assembly view do not show in C view. + DebugMarkerAnnotationModel.java + DebugMarkerAnnotationModelFactory.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * plugin.xml 2005-06-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed unused imports. * CBreapointWorkbencAdapterFactory.java 2005-06-25 Alain Magloire Fix PR 94735: return an empty object. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/CBreapointWorkbencAdapterFactory.java 2005-06-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 96563: "Go to file" is ghosted on breakpoints (outside projects?). * CDebugModelPresentation.java 2005-06-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 93855: Changing values in detailed pane doesn't work the first time after the view is loaded. + DetailsViewerConfiguration.java * plugin.xml 2005-06-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 99217: NPE thrown when fetching deffered children. * CDebugModelPresentation.java 2005-06-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 100447: NPE generated when Run To Line in Disassembly view. * ResumeAtLineAdapter.java * RunToLineAdapter.java 2005-06-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Temporary fix for bug 79872: Make instruction stepping default in disassembly view. * DisassemblyView.java 2005-06-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 84929: The "Expression to watch" field of the "Add Watchpoint" dialog is editable. * CDebugModelPresentation.java * AddWatchpointActionDelegate.java * AddWatchpointDialog.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * ModulesView.java 2005-06-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 83465: Add "Run to line" and "Resume at line" actions to the context menu of Disassembly view. * plugin.xml 2005-06-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 81353: automatically opening of the disassembly window. * ToggleInstructionStepModeActionDelegate.java * ICDebugUIConstants.java 2005-06-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Warning cleanup. * AddExpressionEditorActionDelegate.java * ExpressionDialog.java * ManageFunctionBreakpointActionDelegate.java * ResumeAtLineActionDelegate.java * RetargetAction.java * RunToLineAdapter.java * ToggleBreakpointRulerAction.java * ToggleWatchpointActionDelegate.java * ThreadFilterEditor.java * DisassemblyAnnotationModel.java * DisassemblyView.java 2005-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Warning cleanup. * CDebugModelPresentation.java 2005-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Warning cleanup. * CBreakpointUpdater.java 2005-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 94139: User-defined register groups. Externalized strings for the "Restore Default Register Groups" action. * RestoreDefaultRegisterGroupsActionDelegate.java * ActionMessages.properties 2005-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 94139: User-defined register groups. Support for the "Restore Default Register Groups" action. + RestoreDefaultRegisterGroupsActionDelegate.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2005-06-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants New images for mapping source containers. * icons/obj16/mapentry_obj.gif * icons/obj16/mapping_obj.gif + icons/wizban/mapentry_obj.gif + icons/wizban/mapping_obj.gif * CDebugImages.java * PathMappingDialog.java 2005-06-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 94139: User-defined register groups. Support fo the "Edit Register Group" action. * AbstractViewActionDelegate.java * ActionMessages.properties * AddRegisterGroupActionDelegate.java + EditRegisterGroupActionDelegate.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2005-05-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 84816: The modification of the signal properties should be done in the background. * SignalPropertyPage.java 2005-05-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 88558: run-to-line not thread oriented. The "Run to Line" action should be enabled on stack frames and threads, not on targets. * RunToLineAdapter.java 2005-05-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 94139: User-defined register groups. UI to add/remove user-defined groups. * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * ActionMessages.properties + AddRegisterGroupActionDelegate.java + RegisterGroupDialog.java + RemoveRegisterGroupActionDelegate.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2005-05-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 80175: Replace the CDT source lookup by the source lookup provided by Eclipse platform. Removed unused images. - icons/dtool16/adddirsource_wiz.gif - icons/dtool16/addprjsource_wiz.gif - icons/etool16/adddirsource_wiz.gif - icons/etool16/addprjsource_wiz.gif - icons/wizban/add_dir_source_location_wiz.gif - icons/wizban/add_prj_source_location_wiz.gif - icons/wizban/add_source_location_wiz.gif * CDebugImages.java 2005-05-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 80175: Replace the CDT source lookup by the source lookup provided by Eclipse platform. Removed CDebugEditor and old source lookup related classes and interfaces. * CDebugModelPresentation.java - CDebugEditor.java - EditorInputDelegate.java - EditorMessages.java - EditorMessages.properties - FileNotFoundElement.java - NoSymbolOrSourceElement.java - AddDirectorySourceLocationBlock.java - AddDirectorySourceLocationWizard.java - AddProjectSourceLocationBlock.java - AddProjectSourceLocationWizard.java - AddSourceLocationWizard.java - SourceLocationSelectionPage.java - SourceLocationWizardNode.java - WizardMessages.java - WizardMessages.properties - INewSourceLocationWizard.java * OldDefaultSourceLocator.java - SourceListDialogField.java - SourceLookupBlock.java - SourceLookupLabelProvider.java * SourceLookupMessages.properties - SourcePropertyPage.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2005-04-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added path validation to CDirectorySourceContainerDialog. * CDirectorySourceContainerDialog.java * SourceLookupUIMessages.properties 2005-04-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the new source container type (CDirectorySourceContainer) to provide the UI support for the subfolders search. * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java + CDirectorySourceContainerBrowser.java + CDirectorySourceContainerDialog.java * SourceContainerWorkbenchAdapter.java * SourceLookupUIMessages.properties * plugin.xml 2005-04-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Initalize the particiapants of the source lookup director when converting from an old memento. * DefaultSourceLocator.java 2005-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the labels of the "Source Lookup Path" preference page to "Common Source Lookup Path". * PreferenceMessages.properties * plugin.properties 2005-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 92292: [artwork] "Instruction Stepping Mode" image is same as "Use Step Filters". * icons/dlcl16/instr_step.gif * icons/elcl16/instr_step.gif 2005-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced deprecated methods. * CBreakpointPropertiesAction.java * CBreakpointPropertiesRulerAction.java * ModulesPropertiesActionDelegate.java * SignalPropertiesActionDelegate.java 2005-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 80175: Replace the CDT source lookup by the source lookup provided by Eclipse platform. * CDebugModelPresentation.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * CDebugPreferencePage.java * PreferenceMessages.properties * SourcePreferencePage.java * AddContainerAction.java: new * AddSourceContainerDialog.java: new * DownAction.java: new * EditContainerAction.java: new * MappingSourceContainerBrowser.java * PathMappingDialog.java * RemoveAction.java: new * SourceContainerAction.java: new * SourceContainerLabelProvider.java: new * SourceContainerViewer.java: new * SourceContainerWorkbenchAdapter.java * SourceLookupUIMessages.java: new * SourceLookupUIMessages.properties: new * UpAction.java: new * CDebugUIPlugin.java * DefaultSourceLocator.java * OldDefaultSourceLocator.java: new * plugin.properties 2005-04-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 91155: Wrong icon for "Restart". * icons/dlcl16/restart.gif * icons/elcl16/restart.gif 2005-04-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Applied patch from Dave Daoust (new images). 2005-03-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 80175: Replace the CDT source lookup by the source lookup provided by Eclipse platform. * icons/full/obj16/mapentry_obj.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/mapping_obj.gif: new * CDebugImages.java * CDebugModelPresentation.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/sourcelookup: new package * MappingSourceContainerBrowser.java: new * PathMappingDialog.java: new * SourceContainerAdapterFactory.java: new * SourceContainerWorkbenchAdapter.java: new * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2005-03-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed deprecated "WorkbenchHelp" references. * CBreakpointPropertiesRulerAction.java * EnableDisableBreakpointRulerAction.java * ToggleBreakpointRulerAction.java * ToggleDetailPaneAction.java * CDebugPreferencePage.java * SourcePreferencePage.java 2005-02-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants "Resume At Line" is disabled if the Disassembly view is opened during an active debug session. * ResumeAtLineActionDelegate.java 2005-02-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Applied patch from Tracy Miranda (bug 86533: Breakpoint is set on the wrong line in Disassembly view). * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2005-02-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 84799: Implement Memory View and renderings with new rendering APIs. * plugin.xml 2005-02-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. Removed the Shared Libraries view. * CDebugModelPresentation.java * LoadSymbolsActionDelegate.java * LoadSymbolsForAllActionDelegate.java * SharedLibrariesMessages.java * SharedLibrariesMessages.properties * SharedLibrariesView.java * SharedLibrariesViewContentProvider.java * SharedLibrariesViewEventHandler.java * ICDebugUIConstants.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2005-02-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. No need to compute the module's labels in background. * ModulesView.java 2005-02-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. Replaced the table viewer by text widgets. * PropertyPageMessages.properties * ModulePropertyPage.java 2005-02-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. The symbols file name isn't shown in the detail pane if module's symbols are not loaded. * ModulesView.java 2005-02-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. The "Load Symbols" action doesn't update the detail value. * ModulesViewEventHandler.java 2005-02-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. The "Load Symbols For All" action is added to the Modules view. * plugin.xml * plugin.properties * icons/full/clcl16/load_all_symbols_co.gif * icons/full/dlcl16/load_all_symbols_co.gif * icons/full/elcl16/load_all_symbols_co.gif * ICDebugUIInternalConstants.java: removed (cleanup) 2005-02-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. The Modules view's doesn't update labels when symbols are loaded. * ModulesViewEventHandler.java 2005-02-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. New images for the "Load Symbols" action. * plugin.xml * icons/full/clcl16/load_symbols_co.gif * icons/full/dlcl16/load_symbols_co.gif * icons/full/elcl16/load_symbols_co.gif 2005-02-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. Added the "Load Symbols" action. * LoadModuleSymbolsActionDelegate.java: new * ActionMessages.properties * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2005-02-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. Implementing module's properties. * PropertyPageMessages.properties * ModuleProperties.java (former ModuleProperties.java) * ModulePropertyPage.java 2005-02-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. Implementing module's properties. * PropertyPageMessages.properties * CModuleProperties.java * ModulePropertyPage.java 2005-02-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. Implementing module's properties. * CDebugModelPresentation.java * CDebugUIMessages.properties * ModulesPropertiesActionDelegate.java: new * CModuleProperties.java: new * ModulePropertyPage.java: new * ModulesMessages.properties * ModulesView.java * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2005-02-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. Improved detail information. Save the viewer state. * AbstractViewerState.java: new * ModulesMessages.properties * ModulesView.java * ModulesViewerState.java: new * plugin.xml 2005-02-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. Added the definition of detail pane font. * IInternalCDebugUIConstants.java * ModulesView.java * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2005-02-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 82264: Enhance the Shared Libraries view. * CDebugUIMessages.properties * CDebugImages.java * CDebugModelPresentation.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java: removed * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * ActionMessages.properties * CollapseAllModulesAction.java: new * ToggleDetailPaneAction.java: new * ICDebugPreferenceConstants.java * DebugViewDecoratingLabelProvider.java: new * DebugViewInterimLabelProvider.java: new * DebugViewLabelDecorator.java: new * org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.ui.views.modules: new package * ModulesMessages.properties: new * ModulesMessages.java: new * ModulesView.java: new * ModulesViewContentProvider.java: new * ModulesViewer.java: new * ModulesViewEventHandler.java: new * CDebugUIPlugin.java * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2005-02-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added images for the "Collapse All" action of the modules view. * icons\full\clcl16\collapseall.gif * icons\full\dlcl16\collapseall.gif * icons\full\elcl16\collapseall.gif 2005-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added new images for the modules view. * icons\full\clcl16\det_pane_hide.gif * icons\full\clcl16\det_pane_right.gif * icons\full\clcl16\det_pane_under.gif * icons\full\dlcl16\det_pane_hide.gif * icons\full\dlcl16\det_pane_right.gif * icons\full\dlcl16\det_pane_under.gif * icons\full\elcl16\det_pane_hide.gif * icons\full\elcl16\det_pane_right.gif * icons\full\elcl16\det_pane_under.gif * icons\full\cview16\modules_view.gif * icons\full\obj16\exec_dbg_obj.gif * icons\full\obj16\exec_obj.gif 2005-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 84402: computeDetail executes in the UI thread. * CValueDetailProvider.java 2005-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 84187: "Toggle Watchpoint" and "Toggle Method Breakpoint" don't work with C editor. ICWatchpoint should extend ILineBreakpoint to allow watchpoints to be shown in editors. * AbstractBreakpointRulerAction.java * CBreakpointPropertyPage.java 2005-02-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants The "INTERNAL_ERROR" constant has been moved from ICDebugUIConstants to IInternalCDebugUIConstants. * IInternalCDebugUIConstants.java * ICDebugUIConstants.java * ResumeAtLineAdapter.java * RunToLineAdapter.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2005-02-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 84187: "Toggle Watchpoint" and "Toggle Method Breakpoint" don't work with C editor. * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2005-01-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Partial fix for bug 83465: Add "Run to line" and "Resume at line" actions to the context menu of Disassembly view. * ResumeAtLineActionDelegate.java * DisassemblyView.java * plugin.xml 2005-01-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 83437: Loading symbols should be run in the background. * ActionMessages.properties * LoadSymbolsActionDelegate.java * LoadSymbolsForAllActionDelegate.java 2005-01-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 83412: Run to line and resume at line should run in the background. * ResumeAtLineAdapter.java * RunToLineAdapter.java * ActionMessages.properties 2005-01-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 83330: Inconsistent in the label for Add expression. * plugin.properties 2005-01-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 83051: Add global variables deletes existing ones when new added. * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java 2005-01-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 82800: Make "Resume At Line" action retargettable. * plugin.xml * CDebugImages.java * EvaluationContextManager.java: new * ActionMessages.properties * IResumeAtLineTarget.java: new * ResumeAtLineActionDelegate.java * ResumeAtLineAdapter.java: new * RetargetAction.java: new * RetargetResumeAtLineAction.java: new * RetargettableActionAdapterFactory.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java * JumpToLineActionDelegate.java: removed * RunToLineActionDelegate.java: removed 2005-01-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 73168: Use memory view provided by Eclipse platform in CDT. Removed the old memory view. * CDebugUIPreferenceInitializer.java * AutoRefreshMemoryAction.java: removed * ClearMemoryAction.java: removed * MemoryActionSelectionGroup.java: removed * MemoryFormatAction.java: removed * MemoryNumberOfColumnAction.java: removed * MemorySizeAction.java: removed * RefreshMemoryAction.java: removed * ShowAsciiAction.java: removed * ActionMessages.properties * PreferenceMessages.properties * MemoryViewPreferencePage.java: removed * ICDebugPreferenceConstants.java * MemoryControlArea.java: removed * MemoryPresentation.java: removed * MemoryText.java: removed * MemoryView.java: removed * MemoryViewAction.java: removed * MemoryViewContentProvider.java: removed * MemoryViewer.java: removed * MemoryViewEventHandler.java: removed * MemoryViewMessages.java: removed * MemoryViewMessages.properties: removed * plugin.xml 2005-01-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced deprecated methods and constants. Cleanup. * SWTUtil.java * EnableVariablesActionDelegate.java * RemoveGlobalsActionDelegate.java * ListDialogField.java * SelectionButtonDialogField.java * StringButtonDialogField.java * CDebugPreferencePage.java * CBreakpointPropertyPage.java 2005-01-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the asynchronous implementation for resume, suspend, step etc provided by eclipse 3.1. * plugin.xml * AbstractDebugActionDelegate.java * RestartActionDelegate.java * SignalZeroWorkbenchActionDelegate.java * SignalZeroObjectActionDelegate.java: removed 2005-01-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the disassembly editor extension. * plugin.xml 2004-12-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants The "ascii" renedering is removed from the default renderings. * plugin.xml 2004-12-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 73168: Use memory view provided by Eclipse platform in CDT. Added rendering bindings and default renderings for CDT memory blocks. * plugin.xml 2004-12-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 62659: Unable to set default for register format via plugin_customization.ini. * CDebugPreferencePage.java 2004-12-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 80055: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in DisassemblyView. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2004-11-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants Do not use "void" if parameter's list is empty when constructing a function or method name for function breakpoints. Name mapping should be done on the implementation level. * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-11-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 79452: Unable to set a breakpoint on a class method. * plugin.xml * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-11-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced the "breakpointRemoved" method of ICBreakpointListener by the "breakpointsRemoved" method that accepts multiple breakpoints. * CBreakpointUpdater.java 2004-11-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Workaround for bug 69728: IndexOutOfBoundsException in TextPresentation. This bug is fixed in Eclipse 3.1. * DisassemblyView.java 2004-11-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 69184: Activate the Expression view when expression is added. * AddExpressionEditorActionDelegate.java 2004-11-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 78604: Disassembly causes Java exception when disassembling beyond fn(?). * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2004-11-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 73801: Function breakpoints set from C View aren't shown in editor. * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-11-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 77437: Disassembly blocks with no associated source code has PC pointer on wrong line. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2004-11-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Partial fix for bug 41725: I can't set a breakpoint in a function where I used attach source. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * CBreakpointPropertyPage.java 2004-11-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 77251: Need protected access to DisassemblyView's createVerticalRuler() method. * DisassemblyView.java 2004-11-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * PreferenceMessages.properties * ActionMessages.properties * plugin.properties 2004-11-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed "Refresh" and "Auto-Refresh" actions from the shared libraries view. * AbstractAutoRefreshActionDelegate.java: removed * AbstractRefreshAction.java: removed * AutoRefreshSharedLibrariesActionDelegate.java: removed * RefreshSharedLibrariesAction.java: removed * CDebugPreferencePage.java * plugin.xml 2004-11-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed "Refresh" and "Auto-Refresh" actions from the registers view. * AutoRefreshRegistersActionDelegate.java: removed * RefreshRegistersAction.java: removed * CDebugPreferencePage.java * plugin.xml 2004-10-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the new expression API of CDI. * CDebugUIMessages.properties * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2004-10-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Corrupted plugin.xml. * plugin.xml 2004-10-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced the "Signal Properties" dialog by the standard property page. * plugin.xml * plugin.properties * CDebugUIMessages.properties * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * ActionMessages.properties * SignalPropertiesActionDelegate.java * PropertyPageMessages.properties * SignalPropertyPage.java: new * SignalPropertiesDialog.java: removed 2004-10-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the bookkeeping of registers and register groups. * CDebugImages.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * EnableVariablesActionDelegate.java * plugin.xml 2004-10-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added images of disabled registers and register groups. * icons/full/obj16/registerd_obj.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/registergroupd_obj.gif: new 2004-10-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Provide a context for expression evaluation. * CDebugUIUtils.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * CDTValueDetailProvider.java renamed to CValueDetailProvider.java * DebugTextHover.java 2004-10-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the same approach to generate expressions and variables labels. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2004-09-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fixed the problems with the Disassembly view and address breakpoints caused by switch to IAddress. * CBreakpointPropertyPage.java * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2004-09-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 73920: Stopping CDT debug at a break point and using a non-text editor throws an error. * ResumeAtLineActionDelegate.java * RunToLineAdapter.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-09-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Evaluate expressions on stack frame instead of target to provide evaluation context. Evaluate the hovering expression for the selected context only. * DebugTextHover.java 2004-09-17 Alain Magloire Support for 64 bits application PR 74056. Pathc from Artyom Kuanbekov To much files to enumerate. 2004-09-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the "ISwitchToThread" and "ISwitchToFrame" interfaces. * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2004-09-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 72555: "Toggle breakpoint" action doesn't remove function breakpoints from editor. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-09-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fixes for breakpoint filtering. * CBreakpointUpdater.java * ThreadFilterEditor.java 2004-09-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 73197: DisassemblyEditorInput.getAddress can crash. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2004-09-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Breakpoint filtering by targets (ui). * PropertyPageMessages.properties * CBreakpointFilteringPage.java * ThreadFilterEditor.java 2004-08-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the "Filtering" page to the breakpoint properties. * CBreakpointWorkbenchAdapterFactory.java: new * CDebugUIMessages.properties * PropertyPageMessages.properties * CBreakpointFilteringPage.java: new * ThreadFilterEditor.java: new * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2004-08-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the property pages and related classes into the newly created package - "org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.ui.propertypages". * PropertyPageMessages.properties: new * CBreakpointPreferenceStore.java * CBreakpointPropertyPage.java * PropertyPageMessages.java: new * ActionMessages.properties 2004-08-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced the "Breakpoint Properties" dialog by standard property pages. * CBreakpointPreferenceStore.java * CBreakpointPropertiesAction.java * CBreakpointPropertiesRulerAction.java * CBreakpointPropertiesRulerActionDelegate.java * CBreakpointPreferencePage.java renamed to CBreakpointPropertyPage.java * CBreakpointPropertiesDialog.java: removed * plugin.xml * plugin.properties * ActionMessages.properties 2004-08-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 70453. Linux: error exiting Eclipse on Linux RedHat or SuSe Enterprise Server 9. Applied modified patch from Sean Evoy. * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2004-08-10 Tanya Wolff Fix for 70943 - externalized strings * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2004-08-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 70902. TVT3.0: Customize Perspective C++ Debug has duplicated strings. * plugin.xml 2004-08-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cosmetic fix. * CDebugUIMessages.properties 2004-08-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants New implementation of the variable types. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * CastToArrayActionDelegate.java * CastToTypeActionDelegate.java * DecVariableFormatActionDelegate.java * HexVariableFormatActionDelegate.java * NaturalVariableFormatActionDelegate.java * RestoreDefaultTypeActionDelegate.java * VariableFormatActionDelegate.java 2004-07-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Display the error message in the variable's label if the value of variable can not be retrieved. * CDebugUIMessages.properties * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2004-07-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants More informative error messages. * CDebugUIMessages.properties * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2004-07-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * ErrorStatusHandler.java * InfoStatusHandler.java * QuestionStatusHandler.java 2004-07-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2004-07-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 70147. TVT3.0: Preferences CDT Editor has non-externalized string. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-07-15 Tanya Wolff Fix for bug 69939. I18N: Memory view contains unexternalized strings. Externalized Memory View Refresh menu item. * RefreshMemoryAction.java * ActionMessages.properties 2004-07-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Renamed "ICDebugElementErrorStatus" to "ICDebugElementStatus". * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2004-07-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 69221: "Show full paths" doesn't work for shared libraries. * SharedLibrariesView.java 2004-06-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Temporary fix for bug 68915: Invalid values in the Variables view. * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2004-06-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced global resource bundles by messages. 2004-06-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added transparency to the icons. * icons/full/cview16/signals_view.gif * icons/full/eview16/signals_view.gif 2004-06-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants String externalization. 2004-06-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Deleted the "C/C++ Debugger Appearance" theme. Moved the diassembly color preferences to the "C/C++ Debug" preference page. * plugin.xml * IInternalCDebugUIConstants.java * CDebugPreferencePage.java * PreferenceMessages.properties: new * PreferenceMessages.java: new 2004-06-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the disassembly font definition to the platform "Debug" theme. * plugin.xml 2004-06-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added support for the "Skip Breakpoints" and "Skip breakpoints during a "Run To Line" operation. * RunToLineAdapter.java 2004-06-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the "Add Address Breakpoint" and "Add Watchpoint" global actions. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate.java 2004-06-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the "Toggle Watchpoint" object contribution action. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * ActionMessages.properties * ToggleWatchpointActionDelegate.java: new * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * icons/full/elcl16/function_brkpt_co.gif: new * icons/full/elcl16/watchpoint_co.gif: new 2004-06-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Breakpoint and expression related actions enablement should not depend on the activation of the debuggger plugin. * plugin.xml 2004-06-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the "Toggle Method Breakpoint" retargettable action. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * ActionMessages.properties * ManageFunctionBreakpointActionDelegate.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-06-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added transparency to the icons. * icons/full/cview16/sharedlibraries_view.gif * icons/full/eview16/sharedlibraries_view.gif 2004-06-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the superclass for action delegates of views different than the Debug view and driven by the selection in the Debug view. All "Auto-refresh" actions implement "Observer" to be notified of changes by the corresponding update managers. * ActionMessages.properties * AbstractAutoRefreshActionDelegate.java * AbstractRefreshActionDelegate.java * AbstractViewActionDelegate.java: new * LoadSymbolsForAllActionDelegate.java * RefreshRegistersAction.java * RefreshSharedLibrariesAction.java 2004-06-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants New implementation of the "Load Symbols For All" action of the Shared Libraries view. Fixes for the "Auto-Refresh" and "refresh" actions. * AbstractAutoRefreshActionDelegate.java * AbstractRefreshActionDelegate.java * LoadSymbolsForAllAction.java: removed * LoadSymbolsForAllActionDelegate.java: new * SharedLibrariesView.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-06-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants New implementation of the "Auto-Refresh" actions for registers and shared libraries. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * AbstractAutoRefreshActionDelegate.java: new * AutoRefreshRegistersAction.java: new * AutoRefreshSharedLibrariesAction.java: new * AutoRefreshAction.java: removed * AbstractRefreshActionDelegate.java 2004-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants New implementation of the "Refresh" actions for registers and shared libraries. * icons/full/clcl16/auto_refresh_co.gif: new * icons/full/clcl16/refresh_co.gif: new * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * CDebugImages.java * AbstractRefreshActionDelegate.java: new * RefreshRegistersAction.java: new * RefreshSharedLibrariesAction.java: new * SharedLibrariesView.java * Refreshaction.java: removed 2004-06-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Warning clean-up. * DebugTextHover.java 2004-06-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added new images for the "Auto-Refresh" and "Refresh" actions. * icons/full/dlcl16/auto_refresh_co.gif * icons/full/dlcl16/refresh_co.gif * icons/full/elcl16/auto_refresh_co.gif * icons/full/elcl16/refresh_co.gif 2004-06-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the breakpoints and watchpoints label resources. * CDebugUIPluginResources.properties * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2004-05-31 Alain Magloire The Extension point "org.eclipse.cdt.ui.textHover" Changed adjust the Debugger. * DebugTextHover.java 2004-05-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Bug 39650: the Memory window has alignment problems. Map the Memory view font to the platform text font which is monospace by default. * ICDebugPreferenceConstants.java 2004-05-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants New implementation of the "Add Expression" editor action. * AddExpressionActionDelegate.java: removed * AddExpressionEditorActionDelegate.java: new * icons/full/dtool16/watch_exp.gif: new * icons/full/etool16/watch_exp.gif: new * plugin.xml 2004-05-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the error handling of the "Add Globals" and "Enable/Disable Variable" actions. * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java * EnableVariablesActionDelegate.java * ActionMessages.properties 2004-05-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed diassembly editor actions. * plugin.xml 2004-05-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Display global variables in the Variables view. * CDebugImages.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java * RemoveAllGlobalsActionDelegate.java: new * RemoveGlobalsActionDelegate.java: new * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * icons/full/dlcl16/rem_all_co.gif: new * icons/full/dlcl16/rem_co.gif: new * icons/full/elcl16/rem_all_co.gif: new * icons/full/elcl16/rem_co.gif: new * icons/full/ovr16/global_ovr.gif: new 2004-05-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants New instructuion pointer images for the Disassembly view. * icons/full/obj16/inst_ptr_top.gif * icons/full/obj16/inst_ptr.gif 2004-05-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced deprecated methods. * CDebugUIPreferenceInitializer.java: new * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2004-05-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 63612: Debugger Pages are not displayed. * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2004-05-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed dependencies on the compatibility plugin and replaced deprecated classes and methods. Warning cleanup. * CDebugImageDescriptorRegistry.java * CDebugImages.java * LineBreakingReader.java * SingleCharReader.java * SubstitutionTextReader.java * AbstractDebugActionDelegate.java * AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate.java * AddExpressionActionDelegate.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * SelectionButtonDialogFieldGroup.java * SourcePreferencePage.java * DisassemblyView.java * SourceLocationSelectionPage.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java * plugin.xml * ChangeLog-2003: new 2004-05-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants The "IStackFrameInfo" interface is removed and it's methods moved to "ICStackFrame". * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * FileNotFoundElement.java * DefaultSourceLocator.java * SourceLookupBlock.java * SourceLookupLabelProvider.java 2004-05-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the support of watch expressions. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * CWatchExpressionDelegate.java: new * CDebugUIPluginResources.properties * plugin.xml 2004-05-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refresh the Disassembly view on change events. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * DisassemblyView.java * DisassemblyViewEventHandler.java 2004-05-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed old disassembly implementation. * SwitchToDisassemblyActionDelegate.java: deleted * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editors/DisassemblyDocumentProvider.java: deleted * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editors/DisassemblyEditor.java: deleted * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editors/DisassemblyEditorInput.java: deleted * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editors/DisassemblyMarkerAnnotation.java: deleted * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editors/DisassemblyMarkerAnnotationModel.java: deleted * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editors/DisassemblySourceViewerConfiguration.java: deleted * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * JumpToLineActionDelegate.java * CDebugPreferencePage.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java * DefaultSourceLocator.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-05-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the "Instruction Stepping Mode" action. * ToggleInstructionStepModeActionDelegate.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui/icons/full/clcl16/instr_step.gif: new * org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui/icons/full/dlcl16/instr_step.gif: new * org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui/icons/full/elcl16/instr_step.gif: new 2004-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants The input member of 'DisassemblyAnnotationModel' can be null. * DisassemblyAnnotationModel.java 2004-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Do not log CoreException thrown from the 'decrementInstallCount' method. * CBreakpointUpdater.java 2004-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implemented the color highlighting of the source lines in the Disassembly view. * plugin.xml * IInternalCDebugUIConstants.java * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * DisassemblyView.java 2004-05-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added theme category for CDT debugger. Moved the disassembly font definition to the theme. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * IInternalCDebugUIConstants.java 2004-05-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of mixed disassembly mode. * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * DisassemblyMessages.properties * DisassemblyAnnotationModel.java * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * DisassemblyView.java 2004-05-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if the new stack frame is of the same debug target as the old one. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2004-04-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants New implementation of the "Resume At Line" global action. * plugin.xml * ActionMessages.properties * ResumeAtLineActionDelegate.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-04-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added ruler breakpoint actions to the Disassembly view. * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * IInternalCDebugUIConstants.java * ActionMessages.properties * AbstractBreakpointRulerAction.java * CBreakpointPropertiesRulerAction.java * EnableDisableBreakpointRulerAction.java * EnableDisableBreakpointRulerActionDelegate.java * ManageBreakpointRulerActionDelegate.java * ManageFunctionBreakpointActionDelegate.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * ManageBreakpointRulerAction.java: deleted * ToggleBreakpointRulerAction.java: new * DisassemblyAnnotationModel.java * DisassemblyDocumentProvider.java * DisassemblyView.java 2004-04-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added support of context menu to the Disassembly view. * DisassemblyView.java 2004-04-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the overview ruler to the Disassembly view. * DisassemblyView.java * DisassemblyViewer.java 2004-04-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Breakpoints presentation in the Disassembly view. * HTML2TextReader.java: new * HTMLPrinter.java: new * HTMLTextPresenter.java: new * LineBreakingReader.java: new * SingleCharReader.java: new * SubstitutionTextReader.java: new * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * DisassemblyMessages.properties * DisassemblyAnnotationHover.java: new * DisassemblyAnnotationModel.java: new * DisassemblyDocumentProvider.java * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotationModel.java: deleted * DisassemblyView.java * DisassemblyViewerConfiguration.java: new 2004-04-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 58711: Breakpoint race condition. Notify the Breakpoint Manager when the install count of breakpoint is changed. * CBreakpointUpdater.java 2004-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the Disassembly view. New annotation model is added to show breakpoint markers. * DisassemblyDocumentProvider.java * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * DisassemblyInstructionPointerAnnotation.java * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotationModel.java: new * DisassemblyView.java 2004-04-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 58711: Breakpoint race condition. To avoid race condition all breakpoint marker updates (like increment/decrement the install count, enable/disable etc.) should be done in the UI thread. At the same time installing breakpoint at a target should be synchronized with other gdb commands (bug 58711). A special listener (CBreakpointUpdater) has been added to receive notifications from the event thread and post marker updates to the UI thread. * CDebugUIPlugin.java * CBreakpointUpdater.java: new 2004-04-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing retargettable actions for Disassembly view. * plugin.xml * DisassemblyView.java: new * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * BreakpointLocationVerifier.java * ActionMessages.properties * RunToLineAdapter.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-04-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the Disassembly view. New pacckage: org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.ui.views.disassembly * DisassemblyMessages.properties: new * DisassemblyDocumentProvider.java: new * DisassemblyEditorInput.java: new * DisassemblyInstructionPointerAnnotation.java: new * DisassemblyMessages.java: new * DisassemblyView.java: new * DisassemblyViewer.java: new * DisassemblyViewEventHandler.java: new * IDisassemblyListener.java: new * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * IInternalCDebugUIConstants.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * icons/full/cview16/disassembly_view.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/inst_ptr_top.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/inst_ptr.gif: new 2004-04-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fixes in the breakpoint-related actions. * ActionMessages.properties * AbstractListenerActionDelegate.java * AddWatchpointActionDelegate.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-04-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the labels of the ruler breakpoint actions. * plugin.properties 2004-04-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing retargettable breakpoint related actions. * AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate.java * AddWatchpointActionDelegate.java * ManageBreakpointRulerAction.java * ManageBreakpointRulerActionDelegate.java * ManageFunctionBreakpointActionDelegate.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotationModel.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-04-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the "Run To Line" retargettable action. * plugin.xml * RetargettableActionAdapterFactory.java * RunToLineAdapter.java * RunToLineRulerAction.java - deleted * RunToLineRulerActionDelegate.java - deleted * ActionMessages.properties 2004-04-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing retargettable actions. * plugin.xml * RetargettableActionAdapterFactory.java * RunToLineAdapter.java * ToggleBreakpointAdapter.java 2004-04-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added breakpoint images and implemented the extension points for breakpoint marker annotations. * plugin.xml * BreakpointImageProvider.java: new * CDebugImages.java * CDebugModelPresentation.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * icons/full/obj16/brkp_obj.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/brkpd_obj.gif: new 2004-04-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Strings externalization fixes and reformatting. * CDebugUIMessages.properties * CDebugModelPresentation.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * ColorManager.java * InfoStatusHandler.java * OverlayImageCache.java * OverlayImageDescriptor.java * PixelConverter.java * QuestionStatusHandler.java * SWTUtil.java 2004-04-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the "Show Debugger Console" action. * DebuggerConsoleActionDelegate.java * ToggelDelegateAction.java * plugin.xml 2004-04-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed dependency to xerces. * DefaultSourceLocator.java * plugin.xml 2004-04-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 57160: Don't override Debug perspective's "autoClose" behavior. * plugin.xml 2004-04-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 57159: Don't add C views to Debug perspective by default. * plugin.xml 2004-04-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changes in the Shared Libraries and the Signals views. * ActionMessages.properties * ActionMessages.java * LoadSymbolsActionDelegate.java * LoadSymbolsForAllAction.java * ShowFullPathsAction.java * SignalActionDelegate.java * SignalPropertiesActionDelegate.java * SignalPropertiesDialog.java * ViewFilterAction.java * AbstractDebugEventHandler.java * AbstractDebugEventHandlerView.java * IDebugExceptionHandler.java * SharedLibrariesMessages.properties * SharedLibrariesMessages.java * SharedLibrariesView.java * SharedLibrariesViewContentProvider.java * SharedLibrariesViewEventHandler.java * SignalsMessages.properties * SignalsMessages.java * SignalsView.java * SignalsViewContentProvider.java * SignalsViewer.java * SignalsViewEventHandler.java * CDebugUIPluginResources.properties * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-04-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the "Show Full Paths" action from toolbars to view's menus. * CDebugModelPresentation.java - new (will replace CDTDebugModelPresentation) * CDebugUIMessages.java - new * CDebugUIMessages.properties - new * ActionMessages.properties - new * ActionMessages.java - new * ShowFullPathsAction.java * ViewFilterAction.java -new * ICDebugPreferenceConstants.java * icons/full/clcl16/show_paths.gif - new (replaced the old icon) * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-03-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added default preferences to the C/C++ Debug preference page. Removed the preference page of the Shared Libraries views. * SharedLibrariesPreferencePage.java - removed * CDebugPreferencePage.java * CDebugUIPluginResources.properties * CDebugUIPlugin.java * plugin.xml 2004-03-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants The Registers view has been contibuted and moved to the Eclipse platform. * org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/views/registers/* - removed * org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui/icons/full/cview16/registers_view.gif - removed * org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui/icons/full/eview16/registers_view.gif - removed * RegistersViewPreferencePage.java - removed * CDebugUIPlugin.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-03-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for Bug 55777: I18N: Memory View is missing key for number_of_columns. * CDebugUIPluginResources.properties 2004-03-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added missing action tooltips. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2004-03-11 Tanya Wolff Externalized remaining strings * debug.internal.ui * debug.internal.ui.actions * debug.internal.ui.editors * debug.ui * debug.ui.sourcelookup 2004-03-11 Tanya Wolff Fix for missing resource in * LoadSymbolsForAllAction.java 2004-03-09 Tanya Wolff Added strings to properties file for views packages * CDebugUIPluginResources.properties 2004-03-02 Tanya Wolff Partial Fix for #51189, completing the externalizing of strings for this plugin. Affected packages are: debug.internal.ui debug.internal.ui.actions debug.internal.ui.editors debug.internal.ui.preferences debug.internal.ui.wizards debug.ui debug.ui.sourcelookup. 2004-02-20 Alain Magloire Partial Fix for #52155, we simply catch the exception. We do not worry about it too much since this code will be rewritten part of catching up with Eclipse 3.0 * CDebugUIPlugin.java: shutdown() 2004-02-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 52135: Debugger should indicate which thread triggered breakpoint. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2004-02-16 Tanya Wolff Partial Fix for bug 51189. Externalized strings in new CDT Debug views. * CDebugUIPluginResources.properties * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryView.java * MemoryViewer.java * RegistersView.java * SharedLibrariesView.java * SignalsViewer.java 2004-02-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 51062: Source locator oddness. * DefualtSourceLocator.java 2004-02-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 40108: The memory view does not handle big/little endian. * MemoryPresentation.java 2004-02-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 51519: Enable 'Format' action if multiple variables are selected. * VariableFormatActionDelegate.java 2004-02-03 Alain Magloire Derived from a patch by Chris Songer. Accept multiple selection when doing setting the format variables. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/actions/VariableFormatActionDelegate.java 2004-01-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 50967: Linux/SWT blows when double click on the register view. * ChangeRegisterValueAction.java 2004-01-22 Alain Magloire Set the sharedLibManager autorefresh to be off by defaul * SharedLibrariesViewPreferencePage.java 2004-01-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 49587: Unable to set breakpoints in the editors that extend CEditor. * ManageBreakpointRulerActionDelegate.java