2003-12-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants 'performApply' of 'SourceLookupBlock' should check if the project in configuration is the same as project saved in the block. * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-12-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the message displayed when the source file is not found. * CDebugEditor.java 2003-11-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 47595: Referenced projects are not checked in the list of generic source locations. * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-11-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * AddExpressionActionDelegate.java * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java * AddWatchpointActionDelegate.java * AddWatchpointDialog.java * AutoRefreshAction.java * CBreakpointPreferencePage.java * ExpressionDialog.java * ManageBreakpointRulerAction.java * MemoryFormatAction.java * MemoryNumberOfColumnAction.java * MemorySizeAction.java * RunToLineRulerAction.java * ShowRegisterTypesAction.java * ComboDialogField.java * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotationModel.java * MemoryViewer.java * AddProjectSourceLocationBlock.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java * SourceLookupBlock.java * SourcePropertyPage.java 2003-11-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use "symbol not available" for empty function names when generating a stack frame label. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-11-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use 'StringBuffer' instead of 'String' when generating stack frame labels. Added a label for dummy stack frames instead of using the name provided by the rendered object. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-11-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants The argument type of the 'getBreakpointAddress' of 'ICBreakpointManager' is changed from 'ICBreakpoint' to 'ICBreakpointManager'. * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotationModel.java 2003-11-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 45957: Memory view: last column does not show updates. * MemoryPresentation.java 2003-10-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Applied the changes made to the corresponding classes of 'org.eclipse.debug.ui'. * AbstractDebugActionDelegate.java * AbstractListenerActionDelegate.java * AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate.java * DebuggerConsoleActionDelegate.java * SwitchToDisassemblyActionDelegate.java * SignalZeroWorkbenchActionDelegate.java 2003-10-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed name of source lookup preference page. * plugin.properties 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added support of the old launch configurations. * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the initialization of 'SourceLookupBlock'. * SourceLookupBlock.java * SourcePropertyPage.java 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the 'org.eclipse.debug.core.sourceLocators' extension from the launcher. * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added dependency to 'org.apache.xerces'. * plugin.xml * .classpath * .project 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved 'DefaultSourceLocator' from the 'org.eclipse.cdt.launch' plugin and merge it with 'CUISourceLocator'. * CUISourceLocator.java: removed * DefaultSourceLocator.java: moved from the launcher. * CDebugUIPlugin.java: added the 'createSourceLocator' method. 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Renamed 'SourceLocationFactory' to 'SourceLookupFactory'. * AddDirectorySourceLocationBlock.java * AddProjectSourceLocationBlock.java 2003-10-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added a preference page for the source lookup. It includes two new preferences: 'Source Locations' and 'Search For Duplicate Source Files'. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * SourcePreferencePage.java * SourceListDialogField.java * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-10-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring: converting nested types 'SourceListDialogField' and 'SourceLookupLabelProvider' of 'SourceLookupBlock' to the top level types. Added 'dispose' method to 'SourceLookupBlock'. * SourceLookupBlock.java * SourcePropertyPage.java * SourceListDialogField.java * SourceLookupLabelProvider.java 2003-10-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the "Search subfolders" option for directory source locations. * AddDirectorySourceLocationBlock.java * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-10-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants UI support of the 'Search for duplicate source files' option. * icons/full/obj16/prj_file_obj.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/ext_file_obj.gif: new * CDebugImages.java * CUISourceLocator.java * SourceLookupBlock.java * SourcePropertyPage.java 2003-10-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugEditor.java: changed the message displayed when the source file not found. 2003-10-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants * DebugTextHover.java: check if the result of 'evaluateExpression' is not null before trim it. 2003-10-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Mark the function arguments in the Variables View. * icons\full\ovr16\argument_ovr.gif: new * icons\full\ovr16\castarray_ovr.gif: new * icons\full\ovr16\casttype_ovr.gif: new * CDebugImages.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-09-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 39737: Tooltip in debug mode over long strings is not handled properly. Added an internal constant to limit the hover text size. Present the hover text in HTML format. * DebugTextHover.java 2003-09-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 43624: The "Show Types Name" action of the Registers view doesn't work. * ShowRegisterTypesAction.java * RegistersView.java 2003-09-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the 'AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate' action to the 'org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.ui.actions' package. * AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate.java * plugin.xml 2003-09-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * CUISourceLocator.java 2003-09-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Reset the selection of variable after casting. * CastToArrayActionDelegate.java * CastToTypeActionDelegate.java 2003-10-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moving the shared library search paths block to mi UI. * SolibSearchPathBlock.java: moved to mi UI. 2003-09-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants New class - SolibSearchPathBlock. Implements the UI control block to set the shared library search path. * SolibSearchPathBlock.java 2003-08-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Label for target suspended by shared library event. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-08-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants * plugin.properties: "Restore Default Type" changed to "Restore Original Type". 2003-08-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugImages.java: new images for the 'Cast to type" and 'Display As Array' dialogs * CastToTypeActionDelegate.java: new image * CastToArrayActionDelegate.java: removed the 'type' field, added new image 2003-08-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Display the proper image for reference types. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-07-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the 'getReferencedProject' method to 'CDebugUtils'. Added the cycle checking. * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-07-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 40911: Double clicking on breakpoint with no source causes internal error. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java: check if the resource associated with breakpoint is a file. 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Minimize the number of the "evaluate expression" requests when changing the value of the floating point types. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring: moved the 'isNaN', 'isPositiveInfinity' and 'isNegativeInfinity' to the 'CDebugUtils' class. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring: moved the 'CDebugUtils' class to the 'org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core' package - the methods of this class are mostly used in UI plugins. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * CBreakpointPreferencePage.java * MemoryPresentation.java * SharedLibrariesView.java 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. Removed the 'reset' method from the 'ICVaraible' interface. * VariableFormatActionDelegate.java 2003-07-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants New icon for closed projects. * icons/full/obj16/cproject_obj.gif: new * CDebugImages.java * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-07-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants When initializing the generic source locations list filter out non-generic locations. * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-07-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if the value that getName returns is not null. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-07-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Automatically update the list of source locations when the list of the referenced projects is modified. * CheckedListDialogField.java * AddDirectorySourceLocationBlock.java * AddProjectSourceLocationBlock.java * CUISourceLocator.java * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-06-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 39101: No hilight when changing the value of register. * RegistersView.java * RegistersViewer.java 2003-06-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants New icon for shared libraries with loaded symbols. * icons/full/ovr16/symbols_ovr.gif: new * CDebugImages.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-06-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Warnings cleanup. * CDebugPreferencePage.java * MemoryControlArea.java 2003-06-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants In the 'getVariableText' and 'getVariableImage' methods of CDTDebugModelPresentation ignore exceptions thrown by getType. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-06-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Variable bookkeeping (phase 0.1). The 'Enable' and 'Disable' actions added to the Variables view. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * icons/full/obj16/vard_aggr.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/vard_pointer.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/vard_simple.gif: new * icons/full/clc16/disabled_co.gif: new * icons/full/clc16/enabled_co.gif: new * CDebugImages.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * DisableVariablesActionDelegate.java: new * EnableVariablesActionDelegate.java: new 2003-06-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 38788: Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y keys don't work in the address field of the Memory view. Note: Ctrl-Z still doesn't work because there is no support of it in the Text widget. * MemoryViewAction.java: moved to the org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.ui.views.memory package. * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryView.java 2003-06-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fixing "trivial" PR 38788: Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y keys don't work in the address field of the Memory view. * MemoryViewAction.java: new * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryView.java * MemoryViewer.java 2003-06-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring: moved the type and value related methods from ICVariable to ICType and ICValue. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added default format preferences for variables, registers and expressions. * CDebugPreferencePage.java 2003-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Renamed the 'refresh' method of ICVariable to 'reset'. * VariableFormatActionDelegate.java 2003-06-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the presentation of arrays and array types. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-06-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants UI support of infinite values of the floating point types. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-06-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Evaluate expressions of detail panel asynchronously. * CDTValueDetailProvider.java 2003-06-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the UI support of the detail panel. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * CDTValueDetailProvider.java: new 2003-06-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants The presentation of the new types. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-05-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 38047: Unable to save changes in C/C++ debug editor. * CDebugEditor.java * EditorInputDelegate.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2003-05-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants PR 38268: added the image cache for overlay images. * OverlayImageCache.java: new * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-05-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the vizualization of arrays and structures. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-05-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Created preference for the maximum number of disassembly instructions. * CDebugPreferencePage.java 2003-05-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Enable/disable the 'Add Globals' action when the 'Expressions' view is initializing. * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java 2003-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Accumulate the status information when adding multiple globals to the Expression view. * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java 2003-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the generation of expressions for global variables to the mi plugin. * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java 2003-05-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Display the error message and error image in the debug target's label if the error status is set. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-05-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Ruler tooltips in the dissassembly editor. * DisassemblyEditor.java * DisassemblySourceViewerConfiguration.java: new 2003-05-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants New implementation of overlayed images. * OverlayImageDescriptor.java: new * CImageDescriptor.java: removed * CDebugImages.java: new overlay images * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java: presentation of breakpoints and debug elements. * icons/full/ovr16/address_ovr.gif: new * icons/full/ovr16/address_ovr_disabled.gif: new * icons/full/ovr16/function_ovr.gif: new * icons/full/ovr16/function_ovr_disabled.gif: new * icons/full/ovr16/conditional_ovr.gif: new * icons/full/ovr16/conditional_ovr_disabled.gif: new * icons/full/ovr16/error_ovr.gif: new * icons/full/ovr16/warning_ovr.gif: new 2003-04-29 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editor/CDebugDocumentProvider.java (doSetInput): Disconnect the old input from the working manager. 2003-04-27 Alain Magloire Bug PR 36759, the outliner was not updated, when using the CDebugEditor. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editor/CDebugDocumentProvider.java (getBufferFactory): New method overload getBufferFactory() to return the factory of CUIPlugin.getDefault().getDocumentProvider().getBufferFactory(). 2003-04-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 36909. * NoSymbolOrSourceElement.java: new file. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * CUISourceLocator.java 2003-04-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Display error messages in the 'Registers' view. * RegistersView.java 2003-04-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added shortcuts for the C/C++ Debug specific views. * plugin.xml 2003-04-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Update the actions of the 'Shared Libraries' view even if the viewer's input is the same as before. * SharedLibrariesView.java 2003-04-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants If error occurs when acquiring the signal information from gdb the error message should be displayed in the 'Signals' view. * SignalsView.java * SignalsViewer.java * SignalsViewEventHandler.java 2003-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 36682. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Temporary fix for character values. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-04-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Quick fix for variable values. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-04-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added icon to the 'Add/Remove Breakpoint' action for functions and methods. * plugin.xml 2003-04-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Commented default format preferences. * CDebugPreferencePage.java 2003-04-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fixes for toggle actions. * plugin.xml * MemoryFormatAction.java * MemoryNumberOfColumnAction.java * MemorySizeAction.java 2003-04-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Method and function breakpoints. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * icons/full/obj16/brkpd_obj.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/funbrkp_obj.gif: new * icons/full/obj16/funbrkpd_obj.gif: new * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * CDebugImages.java * CBreakpointPreferencePage.java * ManageFunctionBreakpointActionDelegate.java: new * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotation.java * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotationModel.java 2003-04-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed unused private methods and members. * CDebugEditor.java * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryText.java * MemoryViewer.java 2003-04-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Preserving the registers tree structure during the debug session. * ViewerState.java: new * RegistersView.java * RegistersViewEventHandler.java 2003-04-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants No dialog if switch to frame failed. * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2003-04-05 Alain Magloire * CDebugEditor.java Change to make the ContentOutline work. 2003-04-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the labels of the C/C++ specific actions. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2003-04-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'Auto-Refresh' preferences were moved to the code plugin. Changed the preference pages for the Registers and Shared Libraries views to reflect this. * ICDebugPreferenceConstants.java * RegistersViewPreferencePage.java * SharedLibrariesViewPreferencePage.java 2003-04-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed implementation and initialization of 'AutoRefreshAction'. * AutoRefreshAction.java * RegistersView.java * SharedLibrariesView.java 2003-04-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the 'Show Type Names' preference from the Registers view's preference page. * ShowRegisterTypesAction.java * RegistersViewPreferencePage.java * RegistersView.java 2003-03-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants 'Auto-Refresh' and 'Refresh' actions for registers view. * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * RefreshAction.java * ICDebugPreferenceConstants.java * RegistersViewPreferencePage.java * RegistersView.java * RegistersViewContentProvider.java 2003-03-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the default format section for variables, registers and expressions to the debugger preference page. * CDebugPreferencePage.java 2003-03-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants 'Run To C/C++ Line' and 'Resume At C/C++ Line' actions for external files. * JumpToLineActionDelegate.java * RunToLineActionDelegate.java * RunToLineRulerAction.java 2003-03-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 35092. * CDebugImages.java 2003-03-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'logErrorMessage' static method to the 'CDebugUIPlugin' class. * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2003-03-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the gdb-specific variable parsing. * VariableFormatActionDelegate.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-03-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replace range by start index and length in 'Display As Array' action. * CastToArrayActionDelegate.java 2003-03-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for the 'Restore Default Type' action. * RestoreDefaultTypeActionDelegate.java 2003-03-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants The implementation of the "Display As Array" action. * CastToArrayActionDelegate.java * CastToTypeActionDelegate.java 2003-03-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the "Display As Array" action. * plugin.xml * plugin.propeties * CastToArrayActionDelegate.java: new 2003-03-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants The implementation of the "Cast To Type" and "Restore Default Type" actions. * plugin.xml * plugin.propeties * CastToTypeActionDelegate.java: new * RestoreDefaultTypeActionDelegate.java: new 2003-03-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants The extension of CEditor that displays the 'Source Not Found' form. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * AttachSourceEditor.java: removed * AttachSourceEditorInput.java: removed * FileNotFoundElement.java: new * CDebugDocumentProvider.java: new * CDebugEditor.java: new * EditorInputDelegate.java: new * ManageBreakpointRulerActionDelegate.java 2003-02-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if part is not null when set the selection. * AddExpressionActionDelegate.java * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java * JumpToLineActionDelegate.java * RunToLineActionDelegate.java 2003-02-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if page exists before adding a listener. * AbstractListenerActionDelegate.java 2003-02-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Attach Source' editor. * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * icons/full/obj16/filenotfound_obj.gif: new * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * AttachSourceEditor.java: new * AttachSourceEditorInput.java: new * FileNotFoundElement.java: new * CUISourceLocator.java 2003-02-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'Association' column and the 'Restore Defaults' button to the SourceLookupBlock. * SourceLookupBlock.java * SourcePropertyPage.java 2003-02-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added persistency to the source locator. * CUISourceLocator.java * SourceLookupBlock.java * SourcePropertyPage.java 2003-02-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Enable the 'Resume With Signal' action only if target is suspended. * SignalActionDelegate.java 2003-02-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Change the 'Deliver Signal' action name to 'Resume With Signal'. * plugin.properties 2003-02-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Undo changes because the 'asyncExec' method of the 'DebugPlugin' class has added since version 2.1. * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2003-02-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the 'asyncExec' method of the 'DebugPlugin' class. * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2003-02-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'Load Symbole For All' action is added to the 'Shared Libraries' view * CDebugImages.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * LoadSymbolsForAllAction.java: new * SharedLibrariesView.java * ICDebugUIConstants.java * icons/full/clcl16/load_all_symbols_co.gif: new * icons/full/dlcl16/load_all_symbols_co.gif: new * icons/full/elcl16/load_all_symbols_co.gif: new 2003-02-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'Auto-Refresh' and 'Refresh' actions are added to the 'Shared Libraries' view. * RefreshAction.java: new * AutoRefreshAction.java: new * RefreshMemoryAction.java * AutoRefreshMemoryAction.java * SharedLibrariesView.java * CDebugImages.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java 2003-02-09 Alain Magloire Changing the scope of methods to protected to let inner class have access to it. * StringDialogField.java * CheckedListDialogField.java * ComboDialogField.java * ListDialogField.java * SelectionButtonDialogField.java * SelectionButtonDialogFieldGroup.java 2003-02-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the preference page for the 'Shared Libraries' view. * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * ICDebugPreferenceConstants.java * SharedLibrariesViewPreferencePage.java: new * CDebugUIPlugin.java * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2003-02-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants The viewer type of the 'Shared Libraries' view changed to 'TableTreeViewer'. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * AbstractDebugEventHandler.java * SharedLibrariesView.java * SharedLibrariesViewContentProvider.java * SharedLibrariesViewEventHandler.java 2003-02-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'Resume Without Signal' action added to the 'Run' menu of the workbench window. * SignalZeroWorkbenchActionDelegate.java: new * plugin.xml 2003-02-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Rename 'SignalZeroActionDelegate' to 'SignalZeroObjectActionDelegate'. * SignalZeroObjectActionDelegate.java * plugin.xml 2003-02-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed warnings. * AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate.java * AddExpressionActionDelegate.java * CBreakpointPropertiesDialog.java * CUISourceLocator.java * SourceLookupBlock.java 2003-02-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'Resume At C/C++ Line' action. * RunToLineActionDelegate.java * JumpToLineActionDelegate.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml icons/full/clcl16/jump_co.gif icons/full/dlcl16/jump_co.gif icons/full/elcl16/jump_co.gif 2003-02-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'Resume Without Signal' action. * SignalZeroActionDelegate.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml icons/full/clcl16/signal0_co.gif icons/full/dlcl16/signal0_co.gif icons/full/elcl16/signal0_co.gif 2003-02-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants 'DebugException' handling in the 'Signals' view. * SignalsView.java * SignalsViewer.java 2003-02-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the 'Signal' action name to 'Deliver Signal'. * plugin.properties 2003-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Signals' view. * SignalActionDelegate.java * SignalsViewer.java: new * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-01-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Signals' view. * CDebugImages.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * SignalActionDelegate.java * SignalsView.java: new * SignalsViewContentProvider.java: new * SignalsViewer.java: new * SignalsViewEventHandler.java: new * AbstractDebugEventHandler.java * plugin.xml * plugin.properties icons/full/clcl16/signal_co.gif icons/full/dlcl16/signal_co.gif icons/full/elcl16/signal_co.gif icons/full/eview6/signals_view.gif icons/full/cview6/signals_view.gif 2003-01-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Disassembly editor input fix. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-01-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Managing breakpoints from the gdb console. * AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate.java * ManageBreakpointRulerAction.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java 2003-01-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Ignore the text selection when hovering. * DebugTextHovering.java 2003-01-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the viewer of the Shared Libraries view to TreeViewer. * SharedLibrariesView.java * SharedLibrariesViewContentProvider.java * SharedLibrariesViewEventHandler.java 2003-01-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debu/internal/ui/CDTDebugModelPresentation.java (getTargetText): Use Signal. 2003-01-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the icon for the 'Load Symbols' action. icons/full/clcl16/load_symbols_co.gif icons/full/dlcl16/load_symbols_co.gif icons/full/elcl16/load_symbols_co.gif 2003-01-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Set the start or end address value in the shared libraries view to 'Not available' if the address value is 0. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-01-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the C editor instead of the default editor for files without extensions. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-01-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the handlers for the 'Create' and 'Terminate' events to the 'Shared Libraries' view. * SharedLibrariesViewEventHandler.java 2003-01-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the shared library view. * LoadSymbolsActionDelegate.java * SharedLibrariesView.java * SharedLibrariesViewEventHandler.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * CDebugImages.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml 2003-01-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the Shared Libraries view. * SharedLibrariesView.java * SharedLibrariesViewContentProvider.java * SharedLibrariesViewEventHandler.java * CDebugImages.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * icons/full/cview16/sharedlibraries_view.gif * icons/full/eview16/sharedlibraries_view.gif * icons/full/obj16/sharedlibraryl_obj.gif * icons/full/obj16/sharedlibraryu_obj.gif 2003-01-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'getDefaultEditor' method returns 'null' for file names that don't have an extension and are not registered with some editor. Use the default text editor in this case. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2003-01-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'Add Address Breakpoint' action to the workbench 'Run' menu. * AddAddressBreakpointActionDelegate.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml * icons/full/obj16/brkp_obj.gif 2003-01-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'Run To Line' action for disassembly. * RunToLineActionDelegate.java 2003-01-13 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/ui/editors/DebugTextHover.java (getHoverInfo): IndexArrayOutOfBound exception, do no use the index when doing targetList.add(). 2003-01-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added contributions of the breakpoint actions to the disassembly editor. * DisassemblyEditor.java * plugin.xml 2003-01-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of address breakpoints. * CDebugImages.java * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java * BreakpointLocationVerifier.java * CBreakpointPreferencePage.java * ManageBreakpointActionDelegate.java * ManageBreakpointRulerAction.java * ManageBreakpointRulerActionDelegate.java * DisassemblyDocumentProvider.java * DisassemblyEditor.java * DisassemblyEditorInput.java * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotation.java * DisassemblyMarkerAnnotationModel.java * CDebugUIPlugin.java * plugin.properties * plugin.xml New icons: * full/obj16/addrbrkp_obj.gif * full/obj16/addrbrkpd_obj.gif 2003-01-06 Alain Magloire * build.properties: Patch from Judy Green. 2003-01-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 28977: Unable to set breakpoint properties from the Breakpoint view. * plugin.xml 2003-01-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Adapter for 'IResource' in 'DisassemblyEditorInput'. * DisassemblyEditorInput.java 2002-12-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'Source Lookup' property page. * AddDirectorySourceLocationBlock.java (new) * AddDirectorySourceLocationWizard.java (new) * AddProjectSourceLocationBlock.java (new) * AddProjectSourceLocationWizard.java (new) * AddSourceLocationWizard.java * SourceLocationSelectionPage.java (new) * SourceLocationWizardNode.java (new) * CDebugImages.java * AttachSourceLocationBlock.java renamed to AddDirectorySourceLocationBlock.java * AttachSourceLocationDialog.java (deleted - dialog replaced by wizard). * INewSourceLocationWizard.java (new) * SourceLookupBlock.java Added new wizard and tool icons. 2002-12-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Source Lookup' property page. * AddSourceLocationWizard.java * SourceLookupBlock.java * SourcePropertyPage.java icons/full/obj16/project_obj.gif icons/full/obj16/folder_obj.gif 2002-12-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.ui.dialogfields' package. 2002-12-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added new utility class - SWTUtil * SWTUtil.java * AttachSourceLocationBlock.java 2002-12-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added new utility class - PixelConverter * PixelCoverter.java * AttachSourceLocationBlock.java 2002-12-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the "Source Lookup" property page. * SourceLookupBlock.java: common control block. * SourcePropertyPage.java: implementation * plugin.properties: page name * plugin.xml: contribution to ICDebugTarget properties 2002-12-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Do not show the source lookup dialog if file name is not specified. * CUISourceLocator.java 2002-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Disable the association controls in the 'Attach Source Location" dialog if path is not absolute. * AttachSourceLocationBlock.java * CUISourceLocator.java 2002-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Formatting 'char' types. * VariableFormatActionDelegate.java 2002-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the "Primitive type display options" section from the C/C++ Debug preference page because of the different formattong strategy. * CDebugPreferencePage.java 2002-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants The UI part of the prompting source locator. * AttachSourceLocationBlock.java * AttachSourceLocationDialog.java * CUISourceLocator.java * plugin.xml 2002-12-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants New formating actions for variables, registers, and expressions * VariableFormatActionDelegate.java * DecVariableFormatActionDelegate.java * HexVariableFormatActionDelegate.java * NaturalVariableFormatActionDelegate.java * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2002-12-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added new case in the 'getEditorInput' method of CDTDebugModelPresentation for FileStorage objects. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2002-12-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the status handler for core errors. * ErrorStatusHandler.java 2002-12-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Small fix for the Registers view. * RegistersView.java 2002-12-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants If the target is suspended because of error display the error message in the Launch view. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2002-12-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core - UI changes. 2002-12-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants 'Run to line' and 'Add expression' actions for assembly editor. *plugin.xml 2002-12-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Contributing breakpoint actions to asm editor. * plugin.xml * ManageBreakpointRulerActionDelegate.java 2002-11-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cosmetic change for the MemoryView preference page. * plugin.properties * MemoryViewPreferencePage.java 2002-11-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cosmetic fix for the memory view tab's tooltips. * MemoryControlArea.java 2002-11-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fixes for 'Run to line' actions. * RunToLineActionDelegate.java * RunToLineRulerAction.java 2002-11-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Live editing of the memory view. * SaveMemoryChangesAction.java - removed * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryText.java * MemoryViewer.java * MemoryView.java 2002-11-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Render debug target as suspended if no reason is specified. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2002-11-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for evaluation of expression to address in the Memory view. GDB evaluates the array of chars to a string not an address. * MemoryControlArea.java 2002-11-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'Evaluate' button to the Memory view. * MemoryControlArea.java 2002-11-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Reset the tooltips of the memory view tabs on terminate. * MemoryControlArea.java 2002-11-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the TERMINATE event handler to MemoryViewEventHandler. * MemoryViewer.java * MemoryViewEventHandler.java 2002-11-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 26595. Highlight the addresses if the start address of a memory expression has changed. *MemoryPresentation.java *MemoryText.java 2002-11-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added enablement condition to some actions. *plugin.xml 2002-11-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 26693. * SwitchToDisassemblyActionDelegate.java 2002-11-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 26401. * ExpressionDialog.java: Highlight the content of the expression field on intialization. 2002-11-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fixes for the 'Add Global Variables' action's bugs. The action disabled after 'Remove All'. Error message after adding a valid expression. * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java 2002-11-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added presentation for dummy stack frames. * CDTDebugModelPresentation.java 2002-11-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added tooltips to the Memory view's tabs. * MemoryControlArea.java 2002-11-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'Auto-Refresh by default' and 'Show ASCII by default' preferences to the 'Memory Views' preference page. * ICDebugPreferenceConstants.java * MemoryViewPreferencePage.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryView.java 2002-11-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 25988: The 'Padding Character' preference of the Memory view doesn't work. * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryViewPreferencePage.java 2002-11-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the "Add Global Variables" action of the Expressions view. Action images: watch_globals.gif (clcl, dlcl, elcl). * AddGlobalsActionDelegate.java: implementation. * plugin.xml: contribution to the Expression view * plugin.xml: added dependency to org.eclipse.cdt.core * .classpath: added dependency to org.eclipse.cdt.core * .project: added dependency to org.eclipse.cdt.core * plugin.properties: action's label and tooltip text 2002-11-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the "Format/Decimal" and "Format/Unsigned Decimal" actions of the Memory view. * MemoryFormataction.java * MemorySizeAction.java * MemoryNumberOfColumnsAction.java * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryViewer.java * MemoryView.java 2002-11-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing decimal format support of the Memory view. * MemoryPresentation.java 2002-10-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the 'Modified Value Color' field from the 'Debug/Memory Views' preference page. * MemoryViewPreferencePage.java 2002-10-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Refresh Memory' action. * RefreshMemoryAction.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryViewer.java 2002-10-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'SaveMemoryChanges' action. * SaveMemoryChangesAction.java * CDebugImages.java * ICDebugHelpConstants.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryText.java * MemoryViewer.java * MemoryView.java 2002-10-30 Alain Magloire * src/.../ui/CDebugUIPlugin.java (selectionChanged): sameThread() code is commented out amd we let the underlying implementation swith thread. 2002-10-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing editing features of the memory view. * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryText.java 2002-10-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing editing features of the memory view. * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryText.java 2002-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants * MemoryPresentation.java: adding editing features to the memory view. 2002-10-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'Number Of Columns' action. * MemoryNumberOfColumnAction.java: the action class * MemoryViewer.java: support of the action * MemoryView.java: support of the action 2002-10-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced the usage of 'setWordSize' method by the 'reformat' method of 'IFormattedMemoryBlock'. * MemorySizeAction.java * MemoryViewer.java 2002-10-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Set the 'relationship' attribute value to 'stack' for the 'MemoryView' perspective extension. * plugin.xml 2002-10-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'Memory Unit Size' action. * MemorySizeAction.java * MemoryView.java 2002-10-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing Memory view formatting actions. * MemoryActionSelectionGroup.java: implementation of a toggle action group. * MemorySizeAction.java: implementation of the "Memory Unit Size" menu item. * MemoryView.java: add new actions to the view. * MemoryViewer.java: support for new action. * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java: help context id for the new action. * ICDebugUIConstants.java: new menu group - "Format". 2002-10-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants * DebuggerConsoleActionDelegate.java: The debugger/inferrior console should become visible when checking "Show Debug Console". 2002-10-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants "Show Debugger Console" action. Action images: debugger_console.gif (clcl, dlcl, elcl); * DebuggerConsoleActionDelegate.java: implementation of action delegate. * plugin.xml: action extenions * plugin.properties: action label and tooltip text. 2002-10-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the "Show ASCII" action. Action images: show_ascii.gif (clcl, dlcl, elcl). * ShowAsciiAction.java * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryText.java * MemoryView.java * MemoryViewer.java * CDebugImages.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java 2002-10-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Framework tries to refresh memory view before the view controls are created. * MemoryViewer.java: Check if CTabFolder has already created when refreshing the view. 2002-10-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the "Clear" action for the memory view. * ClearMemoryAction.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryView.java * MemoryViewer.java 2002-10-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the "Auto-Refresh" and "Refresh" actions for the memory view. * AutoRefreshMemoryAction.java * RefreshMemoryAction.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryView.java * MemoryViewer.java * MemoryViewEventHandler.java 2002-10-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Display the memory changes in different color in the memory view. * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryText.java * MemoryViewer.java * MemoryViewEventHandler.java 2002-10-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the memory view support: Images for the view's actions: autorefresh_mem.gif (clcl, dlcl, elcl), refresh_mem.gif (clcl, dlcl, elcl), memory_save.gif (clcl, dlcl, elcl), memory_clear.gif (clcl, dlcl, elcl). * RefreshMemoryAction.java * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryText.java * MemoryView.java * MemoryViewer.java * CDebugImages.java * ICDebugHelpContextIds.java * ICDebugUIConstants.java 2002-10-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the memory view support: * MemoryControlArea.java * MemoryPresentation.java * MemoryView.java * MemoryViewer.java 2002-10-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugUIPlugin.java: Moved the memory management functionality to the core. * MemoryControlArea.java: Moved the memory management functionality to the core. 2002-10-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugPreferencePage.java: Implementation of the 'Automatically switch to disassembly mode' preference. 2002-10-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugUIPlugin.java: In the 'selectionChanged' method check if the thread of the new frame is current. If not make it current. 2002-10-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants * SwitchToDisassemblyActionDelegate.java: Implementation of the 'Switch to disassembly mode' action. * plugin.properties: Action label and tooltip. * plugin.xml: Contribution to the 'Launch View'. * icons/full/clcl16/disassembly.gif: Hover icon. * icons/full/dlcl16/disassembly.gif: Disabled icon. * icons/full/elcl16/disassembly.gif: Enabled icon.