2003-12-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 49294: Source file doesn't change when switching between stack frames. Do not use the breakpoint's markers for source lookup. * CSourceManager.java 2003-12-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Reset the 'terminating' flag if 'terminate' fails. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-11-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants Extracted the main part of the 'breakpointAdded' method into a separate method to avoid double checking. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-11-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. * CDebugModel.java * CDebugUtils.java * CRegisterManager.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java * CSignalManager.java * CUpdateManager.java * CDebugTarget.java * CThread.java * CVariable.java 2003-11-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Ensure that all breakpoint creation and modification operations are running in the UI thread. * CBreakpointManager.java 2003-11-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added synchronization to some of the 'CBreakpoint' methods. * CBreakpoint.java 2003-11-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 46358: NPE in the "setCurrentThread" method of "CDebugTarget". 'setCurrentThread': check if the old current thread is not null. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-11-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the corresponding methods of 'ICBreakpoint' to set breakpoint properties. * CBreakpointManager.java 2003-11-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 46303: Exception when selecting Debug... menu. Check if the string passed to the 'getCommonSourceLocationsFromMemento' method is not empty. * SourceUtils.java 2003-11-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants 'getCDIBreakpointFile' returns wrong file for address breakpoints. * CBreakpointManager.java 2003-11-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the handling of the breakpoint created event to reflect the CDI changes for deferred breakpoints support. * CBreakpointManager.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-11-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved all breakpoint-related functionality to the new class - 'CBreakpointManager'. * CBreakpointManager.java 2003-11-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants The argument type of the 'getBreakpointAddress' method of 'ICBreakpointManager' is changed from 'ICBreakpoint' to 'ICBreakpointManager'. * ICBreakpointMaanger.java 2003-10-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CSourceManager.java: implements adapters for 'ISourceMode' and 'IPersistableSourceLocator'. 2003-10-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 45818 doesn't solve the problem. Fall back to the previous version. * CDebugElement.java 2003-10-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 45818: NPE when closing the workbench. * CDebugElement.java 2003-10-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CProjectSourceLocation.java: check if the searched element name is not null or empty. 2003-10-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'dispose' method to 'ICSourceLocation'. * ICSourceLocation.java * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java: made 'dispose' public. 2003-10-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CProjectSourceLocation.java: added 'toString' method. 2003-10-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Search only in the parent folders if the given file path is absolute. Return a list only if the number of resulting files is > 1. * CDirectorySourceLocation.java 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Renamed 'SourceLocationFactory' to 'SourceLookupFactory'. Added the 'createSourceLocator' method to 'SourceLookupFactory'. * SourceLookupFactory.java * CSourceLocator.java 2003-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the 'getAdapter' method of 'CSourceManager' to return the adapter of the 'ICSourceLocator' class. * CSourceManager.java 2003-10-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 45534: gdb/MI error in retrieving a register can lead to an empty register pane. * CRegister.java * CRegisterGroup.java 2003-10-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of the new workbench preferences: 'Source Locations' and 'Search For Duplicate Source Files'. * CDebugCorePlugin.java * ICDebugConstants.java * SourceUtils.java: new 2003-10-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of the "Search subfolders" option for directory source locations. * IDirectorySourceLocation.java * SourceLocationFactory.java * CDirectorySourceLocation.java 2003-10-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Do not interrupt the initialization of all additional source locations if the initialization of one fails. * CSourceLocator.java 2003-10-17 Alain Magloire ICDIBreakpointManager new method setLocationBreakpoint(...., deferred); The new boolean "deferred" indicate if yes or not the breakpoint should be on the deferred list if the setting fails. * ICDIBreakpointManager.java 2003-10-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of the 'Search for duplicate source files' option. * ICSourceLocation.java * ICSourceLocator.java * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java * CSourceLocator.java * CSourceManager.java 2003-10-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants If the target is suspended by a line breakpoint the source manager tries to retrieve the file resource from the breakpoint marker. * CSourceManager.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-10-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Improving the source search algorithms. * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java * CSourceLocator.java 2003-10-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Improved the source search algorithm. * CProjectSourceLocation.java 2003-10-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 43372: changed the source lookup procedures to avoid the usage of 'getCanonicalPath'. * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java 2003-10-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants All methods of 'IRuntimeOptions' should throw CDI exceptions in case of failure. * ICDIRuntimeOptions.java 2003-10-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the "isArgument" method to ICVariable. This method is used to distinguish the arguments in the Variables View. * ICVariable.java * CVariable.java 2003-09-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the new 'equals' method of ICDIVaraiableObject to compare variables. * CVariable.java 2003-09-30 Alain Magloire ICDIVariableObject been updated with a new method. * CVariable.java * ICDIVariable.java 2003-09-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 43856: Format doesn't work for wchar_t. * CValue.java 2003-09-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the 'hasStackFrames' method of the 'CThread' class to return true regardless if the thread contains stack frames or not. This method is only used by UI to update the thread label. * CThread.java 2003-09-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Temporary fix for PR 39061: Attach source does not work for applications compiled in CygWin. * CDirectorySourceLocation.java 2003-09-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 38468: Error in files location. Use the 'getCanonicalPath' method of the 'File' class to obtain the file name. * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java * CSourceLocator.java 2003-09-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 43101: Breakpoint exception when source doesn't exist. The 'fireBreakpointChanged' method of 'BreakpointManager' is used to notify the UI components that a breakpoint is added. This is a part of new implementation to support deffered breakpoints. For new breakpoints the 'delta' argument is null. Check if delta is not null to avoid this problem. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-09-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Detail Pane values for casted variables. * CVariable.java: the qualified name should be chached in the InternalVariable instance * CArrayPartition.java: added new field to store the chached value of the qualified name 2003-10-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moving the shared library search paths block to mi UI. * ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.java: moved the 'ATTR_DEBUGGER_SOLIB_PATH' attribute to mi. 2003-09-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants If breakpoint is a line breakpoint check if source locator contains this file instead of container project. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-09-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 42790: Memory view is not cleared when target is terminated. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: fire 'terminate' event when block is disposing. * CMemoryManager.java: implementation of 'dispose'. 2003-09-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 39680: Gash in error message for memory view. * CDebugModel.java 2003-09-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Final fix for PR 39484: Move 'getType' method from ICDIVariable to ICDIVaraibleObject. * CArrayPartition.java * CVariable.java 2003-09-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Regrouping the launch configuration constants. * ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.java 2003-09-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the internal handling of the 'stop-on-shared-library-events' option - will be moved to the mi. Try to set the deferred breakpoints only when: - a shared library is loaded - the symbols of shared library are loaded * CSharedLibararyManager.java * CDebugTarget.java * CThread.java 2003-09-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'getSharedLibraryPaths' and 'setSharedLibraryPaths' methods to the 'ICDISharedLibraryManager' interface. * ICDISharedLibraryManager.java 2003-08-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of deferred breakpoints. * CDebugTarget.java * CThread.java 2003-08-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moving shared library features from mi to CDI. Added new launch configuration constants to ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants. 2003-08-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moving shared library features from mi to CDI. Added new methods to ICDISharedLibraryManager: - isAutoLoadSymbols - isStopOnSolibEvents - setAutoLoadSymbols - setStopOnSolibEvents - supportsAutoLoadSymbols - supportsStopOnSolibEvents * ICDISharedLibraryManager.java 2003-08-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the 'isAccessSpecifier' method from CVaraiable. * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CValue.java * CVariable.java 2003-08-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the names of array's elements returned by CDI. * CVariable.java 2003-08-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Unable to terminate post mortem debugging session. Extended the 'CDebugTarget' class to overload the 'terminate' and 'canTerminate' methods. * CDebugModel.java * CCoreFileDebugTarget.java: new 2003-08-19 Mikhail Khodjaiants Create ICDIVariableObject for each array partition to compute a detail panel's value. * CArrayPartition.java * CVariable.java 2003-08-18 Alain Magloire ICDISharedLibraryEvent.java: New file, to notify a breakpoint from a shared lib event. 2003-08-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants * ICDIVariableManager.java: removed the 'type' parameter from the 'getVariableObjectAsArray' method * ICastToArray.java: removed the 'type' parameter from the 'castToArray' method * CVariable.java: changed the implementation of the 'ICastToArray' interface 2003-08-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants * ICDIVariable.java: removed the 'isEditable' method * ICDIVariableObject.java: added the 'isEditable', 'getQualifiedName' and 'sizeof' methods * ICDIArrayValue.java: added the 'getVariables(int start, int length)' method * ICType.java: added the 'isReference' method * ICValue.java: added the 'dispose' method * CArrayPartition.java * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CGlobalVariable.java * CType.java * CValue.java * CValueFactory.java * CVariable.java Create 'var-objects' only for the requested array partitions. 2003-08-07 Alain Magloire * ICDIVariableManager.java: Remove the unused method getVariableObject(ICDIStackframe, String) and getArgumentObject(ICDIStackframe, String). Rename getVariableObject(String, String, String) to getGlobalVariableObject. * CDebugModel.java: Refactoring of ICDIVariableManager. 2003-08-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the implementation of the 'getType' and 'getTypeName' methods of the 'CVaraible:ErrorVariable' class. * CVariable.java 2003-08-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Uncommented the 'sizeof' method of 'ICDIVariableObject'. * ICDIVariableObject.java * CVariable.java 2003-08-06 Alain Magloire Move some of the methods in ICDIVariableObject. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIVariable.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIVariableObject.java 2003-08-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the 'getReferencedProject' method to obtain all referenced projects. * CDebugUtils.java 2003-08-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Invalidate error variables when the session is resumed. * CVariable.java 2003-07-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the 'getReferencedProject' method to 'CDebugUtils'. Added the cycle checking. * CDebugUtils.java * CSourceLocator.java 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Minimize the number of the "evaluate expression" requests when changing the value of the floating point types. * CDebugUtils.java 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring: moved the 'isNaN', 'isPositiveInfinity' and 'isNegativeInfinity' to the 'CDebugUtils' class. * ICValue.java * CValue.java * CDebugUtils.java 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring: moved the 'CDebugUtils' class to the 'org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core' package - the methods of this class are mostly used in UI plugins. * CDebugUtils.java * CDebugModel.java * DisassemblyStorage.java * CAddressBreakpoint.java * CDebugTarget.java * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java * CDebugElement.java * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java * CSourceLocator.java 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. Removed the unused 'getNumberOfChildren' method from the 'CValue' class. * CValue.java 2003-07-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cleanup. Removed the 'reset' and 'getQualifiedName' methods from the 'ICVaraible' interface. * ICVariable.java * CVariable.java 2003-07-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 40696. If the project contains the reference to a project that is deleted from the workspace the source locator tries to get the location of deleted project. * CProjectSourceLocation.java 2003-07-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Create a special type of ICDIVariable (ErrorVariable) if request to gdb fails. * CVariable.java * CValue.java 2003-07-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the 'getReferencedProjects' method of 'CSourceLocator' to obtain the list of referenced projects. Use the correct tag for additional source locations. * CSourceLocator.java 2003-07-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 39936: GDB hits modified conditional breakpoints when condition not satisfied. This is a work around for GDB PR MI/1289. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-07-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Automatically update the list of source locations when the list of the referenced projects is modified. * ICSourceLocator.java: added new method - 'getProject' * IProjectSourceLocation.java: added new method - 'isGeneric' * SourceLocationFactory.java: new class factory for source locations. * CSourceLocator.java * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java * CSourceManager.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-06-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 39372: Breakpoints don't get activated when symbols are loaded. 2003-06-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 39100: CDT/Debug core is asking value 16 times. * CValue.java 2003-06-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for PR 39087: Cache the MI answer once we know if the variable is writable. * CVariable.java 2003-06-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants All local var_objects are destroyed when a thread other than current is selected. CVariable has to be invalidated if a "destroyed" event has been received. * CVariable.java 2003-06-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for ClassCastException in CStackFrame. * CStackFrame.java 2003-06-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Variable bookkeeping (phase 0.1). * ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.java: add a new attribute - ATTR_DEBUGGER_ENABLE_VARIABLE_BOOKKEEPING. * ICVariable.java: added the 'canEnableDisable', 'isEnabled' and 'setEnabled' methods * CArrayPartition.java * CExpression.java * CModificationVariable.java * CRegister.java * CStackFrame.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Incorrect casting in the 'setChanged' method of CVariable. * CVariable.java 2003-06-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants The unused 'getUnderlyingValueString' method has been removed from ICValue and CValue. The methods 'setChanged' and 'getUnderlyingValue' are only for internal usage and have been removed from ICValue. * ICValue.java * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CValueFactory.java * CValue.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring: moved the type and value related methods from ICVariable to ICType and ICValue. * ICType.java: new * ICVariable.java * ICValue.java * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CType.java * CValue.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added default format preferences for variables, registers and expressions. * CExpression.java * CRegister.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Renamed the 'refresh' method of ICVariable to 'reset'. Added new method - 'reset' to CValue instead of using the 'setChanged' method. * ICVariable.java * CValue.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Mark as changed parent variables. * CVariable.java 2003-06-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refresh only the state of variable when handling a change event. * CVariable.java 2003-06-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Correct presentation of the full names of variables that contain pointers. * CVariable.java 2003-06-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the implementation of the'getName' method of CVariable to return the actual names of array members. * CArrayPartition.java * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of infinite values of the floating point types. * ICVariable.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Renamed the 'computeDetail' method of the 'ICValue' interface to 'evaluateAsExpression'. * ICValue.java * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CValue.java 2003-06-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the redundant methods from the 'ICDIFloatingPointValue' interface. * ICDIFloatingPointValue.java * CValue.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the core support of the detail panel. * ICValue.java * ICVariable.java * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CValue.java * CVariable.java 2003-06-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the processing of reference values. * CValue.java 2003-06-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the core support of UI features for types and internal formating (instead of using the format features provided by gdb). * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/type/ICDIFloatingPointValue.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/type/ICDIPointerValue.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/type/ICDIReferenceValue.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIPointerValue.java: removed * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/model/ICVariable.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/core/model/CVariable.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/model/CValue.java 2003-05-29 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/type/ICDIIntegralValue.java: public long longValue() throws CDIException; public int intValue() throws CDIException; public short shortValue() throws CDIException; public int byteValue() throws CDIException; 2003-05-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added new methods to ICVariable to vizualize arrays and structures based on the new CDI types. * ICVariable.java * CVariable.java 2003-05-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if the location of breakpoint is eligible for the target when setting, removing or changing the propeties. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-03-23 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/type/ICDIVariable.java: (getType): New method. 2003-05-26 Mikhail Khodjaiants First draft of the tracepoints in the CDI. * ICDITraceManager.java * ICDITraceSnapshot.java * ICDITracepoint.java 2003-05-23 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/type/ICDIType.java: extends ICDIObject. 2003-05-23 Alain Magloire First draft of the implementing the types, org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.type.* in the CDI interface. 2003-05-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Created preference for the maximum number of disassembly instructions. * CDebugTarget.java * ICDebugConstants.java * DisassemblyManager.java 2003-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the generation of expressions for global variables to the mi plugin. * CDebugTarget.java * CExpression.java * CDebugModel.java 2003-05-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants When generating disassembly instructions by file name and line number check if the frame address is in the address range of the instruction set. If the instruction set doesn't contain the frame address generate a new instruction set based on the frame address. * DisassemblyManager.java 2003-05-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants In the "terminate" event handler of the session manager check the targets that belong to the current session. * SessionManager.java 2003-05-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Set the error status if the debug target is suspended because of an error. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-05-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if the underlying debugger supports expression evaluation in the "canEvaluate" method. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-05-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added tooltips to breakpoints and watchpoints. * CAddressBreakpoint.java * CBreakpoint.java * CFunctionBreakpoint.java * CLineBreakpoint.java * CWatchpoint.java 2003-05-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added a status functionality to the CDebugElement class. This allows to reflect the problems occured in the element in UI. * ICDebugElementErrorStatus.java: new * CDebugElement.java: implementation * CThread.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-05-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants New method in ICBreakpoint - "isConditional". * ICBreakpoint.java * CBreakpoint.java 2003-05-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Notify the Launch view about stack changes when handling the 'Resumed' event. * CThread.java 2003-05-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of termination policy. * ICDIConfiguration.java: new "terminateSessionOnExit" method added. * SessionManager.java: terminates the launch when all targets are terminated or disconnected. * CDebugCorePlugin.java: provides an access to the current session managers. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-04-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 36909 * DisassemblyManager.java: check if the address of a stack frame is not 0; 2003-04-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check for null pointer in 'isCharacter' and 'isCharPointer'. * CValue.java 2003-04-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Throw DebugException when getSignals() fails. * CSignalManager.java 2003-04-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Additional checks for the situation when the stack depth is not 0 and the frame array is empty. * CThread.java 2003-04-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Disconnect: terminate should be called from the disconnect event handler. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Disconnnect: target should be disconnected before terminate the session because of race condition. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Unnecessary error logging (bug 36682). * CValue.java 2003-04-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Temporary fix for character values. * CValue.java 2003-04-20 Alain Magloire * CValue.java: Was throwing a IndexOutOfBoundException. 2003-04-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if the underlying cdi variable is not null before accessing it. * CVariable.java 2003-04-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Quick fix for variable values. * CValue.java 2003-04-14 Alain Magloire StringBuffer.indexOf() is 1.4.x only * CDebugUtils.java 2003-04-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of function and method breakpoints. * CDebugModel.java * ICFunctionBreakpoint.java * CDebugUtils.java * CFunctionBreakpoint.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-04-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of function breakpoints. * CDebugModel.java * ICFunctionBreakpoint.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-04-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the message text in the 'getStackDepth' method. * CThread.java 2003-04-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the message generated in the 'targetRequestFailed' methods of CDebugElement. * CDebugElement.java 2003-04-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced 'toString()' by 'getMessage()' for CDI exceptions. * CSharedLibraryManager.java * CUpdateManager.java * CDebugTarget.java * CStackFrame.java * CThread.java * CVariable.java 2003-04-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the 'Auto-Refresh' preferences from CDebugUIPlugin to use it for initialization of update managers. * ICDebugConstants.java * CRegisterManager.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java 2003-04-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the 'fDebugTarget' field from CSharedLibraryManager. * CSharedLibraryManager.java 2003-03-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants The new abstract class ('CUpdateManager') is added to provide a basic implementation of ICUpdateManager. CSignalManager, CSharedLibraryManager and CRegisterManager extend this class. * ICRegisterManager.java: new * CRegisterManager.java: new * CSharedLibraryManager.java * CSignalManager.java * CUpdateManager.java: new * CDebugTarget.java * CRegisterGroup.java 2003-03-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the 'exists' method of the 'IFile' interface instead of using 'toFile().exists()' for 'IPath'. * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CSourceLocator.java 2003-03-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Do not log the exceptions thrown by the breakpoint setting methods. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-03-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added default format preference constants for variables, expressions and registers. * ICDebugConstants.java 2003-03-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of the 'Run To C/C++ Line' and 'Resume At C/C++ Line' actions for external files. * IJumpToLine.java * IRunToLine.java * CDebugTarget.java * CThread.java 2003-03-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Applied patch from Chris Songer: Assembly View Fixups * ICDIInstruction.java * DisassemblyStorage.java 2003-03027 Alain Magloire Adjust the code refactor in the CoreModel for IBinary * CDebugTarget.java 2003-03-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Removed the gdb-specific variable parsing. * ICValue.java * CArrayPartition.java * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CModificationVariable.java * CStackFrame.java * CValue.java * CVariable.java * CArrayEntryVariable.java: removed * CLocalVariable.java: removed 2003-03-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replace range by start index and length in 'Display As Array' action. * ICDIVariableManager.java * ICastToArray.java * CVariable.java 2003-03-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'isEditable' and 'hasChildren' methods to the 'ICVariable' interface. * ICVariable.java * CVariable.java * CModificationVariable.java 2003-03-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cross-referencing projects cause the debugger to go into a stack overflow exception. Make sure that there is only one source location for each referenced project. * CSourceLocator.java 2003-03-13 Alain Magloire No longer throw exceptions. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CFormattedMemoryBlock.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CVariable.java 2003-03-13 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIVariable.java: Also extends ICDIVariableObject. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIArgument.java: Also extends ICDIArgumentObject. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIRegister.java: Also extends ICDIRegisterObject * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIVariableManager.java: getLocalVariableObject() new method. 2003-03-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants New ICDIVariableManager methods for the 'DisplayAsArray' and 'CastToType' actions. * CVariable.java 2003-03-11 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIVariableManager.java: New methods getVariableObjectAsArray(), getVariableObjectAsType(). 2003-03-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of the "Display As Array" action. * ICastToArray.java * CLocalVariable.java * CVariable.java 2003-03-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Core support of the "Cast To Type" and "Restore Default Type" actions. * ICastToType.java: new * CLocalVariable.java * CStackFrame.java * CVariable.java 2003-02-24 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIRegisterObject.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIArgumentObject.java: Reorganized imports. 2003-02-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants No need to set the source search path to the debugger. * ICSourceLocation.java * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-02-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed to 'public' the access modifier of the 'setAssocition' method. * CDirectorySourceLocation.java 2003-02-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added persistency to the source locator. * plugin.xml: added dependency on the 'org.apache.xerces' plugin * ICSourceLocation.java * CDebugUtils.java * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java * CSourceLocator.java * CSourceManager.java 2003-02-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Undo changes because the 'asyncExec' method of the 'DebugPlugin' class has added since version 2.1. * IAsyncExecutor.java: removed * CDebugCorePlugin.java 2003-02-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use the 'asyncExec' method of the 'DebugPlugin' class. * IAsyncExecutor.java: removed * CDebugCorePlugin.java 2003-02-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants The gdb-specific 'setAutoSolibMethod' method is removed from ICDISharedLibraryManager. * ICDISharedLibraryManager.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java 2003-02-12 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/mode/ICDITarget.java (getSharedLibraries): Remove action done via the manager. 2003-02-12 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use ICDIRegisterManager instead of ICDITarget. * ICDITarget.java * CDebugTarget.java * CRegisterGroup.java 2003-02-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'auto load symbols' action support in ICSharedLibraryManager. * ICSharedLibraryManager.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java 2003-02-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'load symbols' actions support in ICSharedLibraryManager. * ICSharedLibraryManager.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java 2003-02-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Support of update ('Refresh', 'Auto-Refresh) actions. * ICUpdateManager.java: new * ICSharedLibraryManager.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java 2003-02-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Disable the address breakpoints to prevent the debugger to insert them prematurely. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-02-05 David Inglis Refactor Constants to debug.core * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.java 2003-02-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Support of the 'Resume At C/C++ Line' action. * IJumpToLine.java: new * IJumpToAddress.java: new * ICDebugTarget.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-02-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Support of the 'Resume Without Signal' action. * IResumeWithoutSignal.java: new * ICDebugTarget.java * CDebugTarget.java * CThread.java * CStackFrame.java * CSignal.java 2003-02-03 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDITarget.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIThread.java: Added methods, signal(), jump() stepReturn(boolean) to mimic gdb "return/finish". 2003-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Filter out breakpoints set in unrelated projects. * CDebugTarget.java * CDebugUtils.java 2003-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implemention of the 'handle' command of the 'Signals' view. * ICDISignal.java: added the 'handle' method * CSignal.java: implementation of the 'handle' command. 2003-02-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Signals' view. * CSignalManager.java: new * CSignal.java: new 2003-02-03 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/event/ICDIExitEvent.java: Extends ICDIDestroyedEvent. (getReason): New method. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDISignalExitInfo.java: New file. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/core/CDebugTarget.java (handleExitEvent): Change to conform to new ICDIExitEvent changes. 2003-02-03 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDISignal.java: (getDescription): new Method replace getMeaning(). (isStopSet): new method. (isIgnore): new method. 2003-01-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Signals' view. * ICSharedLibraryManager.java * ICSignalManager.java: new * ICSignal.java: new * CSignalManager.java: new * CSignal.java: new * CDebugTarget.java 2003-01-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Create an address breakpoint if the source locator can not find the file specified by gdb. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-01-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Managing breakpoints from the gdb console (fixes). * CDebugModel.java * CAddressBreakpoint.java * CBreakpoint.java * CFunctionBreakpoint.java * CLineBreakpoint.java * CWatchpoint.java * CDebugTarget.java 2003-01-29 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDISharedLibraryManger.java (getSharedLibraryPaths): New method. (setSharedLibraryPaths): New method. (setAutoLoadSymbols): New method. 2003-01-28 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIThread.java (setCurrentFrame): New method. 2003-01-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Managing breakpoints from the gdb console. * CDebugCorePlugin.java * CDebugModel.java * IAsyncExecutor.java * ICSourceLocator.java * CAddressBreakpoint.java * CBreakpoint.java * CFunctionBreakpoint.java * CLineBreakpoint.java * CWatchpoint.java * CDebugTarget.java * CSourceLocator.java * CSourceManager.java 2003-01-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Use 'equals' to compare CDI variables instead of names. * CStackFrame.java 2003-01-27 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIVariableObject.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIArgumentObject.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIRegisterObject.java: Move to model package. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIRegisterManager.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIVariableManager.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/core/model/CDebugTarget.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/core/model/CRegisterGroup.java: Refactor/move of the ICDIRegisterObject and ICDIVariableObject 2003-01-25 Alain Magloire Added new Managers: ICDIVariableManager ICDIExpressionManager ICDIRegisterManager ICDIManager. Refactor of CSession to Session, CTarget to Target and CThread to Thread. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDITarget.java (getGlobalVariables): Removed. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIThread.java (getCurrentStackFrame): New method. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIManger.java: New interface for the managers. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIBreakpointManger.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIExpressionManger.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIVariableManger.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIRegisterManger.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDISignalManger.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDISourceManger.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDISharedLibraryManger.java: Extends ICDIManager. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDISession.java: New method to return the managers. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/core/model/CDebuTarget.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/core/model/CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: Use the destroyEvent 2003-01-21 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/event/ICDIConfiguration.java (supportsSharedLibary): New method. 2003-01-21 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/event/ICDISuspendedEvent.java: Use ICDISignalReceived instead. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDISignal.java: New file, element of the SignalManager. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDISignalManager.java: Return model/ICDISignal. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDISignalReceived.java: New file. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/internal/core/model/CDebugTarget.java: Use ICDISignalReceived. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/internal/core/model/CThread.java: Use ICDISignalReceived. 2003-01-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Retry to set breakpoints if shared library's symbols are loaded. * CDebugTarget.java * CThread.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java 2003-01-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for the 'Show breakpoints supported by selected target' action. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-01-20 Alain Maglorei * src/build.properties: Add schema in soure.cdtdebugcore.jar variable. 2003-01-17 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDISharedLibraryManager.java (loadSymbols): new method takes an array of IShareLibrary (loadSymbols): no arguments. 2003-01-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the Shared Libraries view. * ICSharedLibrary.java * ICSharedLibraryManager.java * CDebugElement.java * CDebugTarget.java * CSharedLibrary.java * CSharedLibraryManager.java 2003-01-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants * ICDILoadedEvent.java: Removed. 2003-01-16 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIStringValue.java: Removed. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIArrayValue.java: Removed. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIStructureValue.java: Removed. 2003-01-16 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDISession.java (getSharedLibraryManager): New method. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDISharedLibrary.java (areSymbolsLoaded): Rename symbolsRead() to areSymbolsLoaded(). 2003-01-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'ICDISharedLibraryManager' interface. * ICDISharedLibraryManager.java 2003-01-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added new methods to the 'ICDISharedLibrary' interface. * ICDISharedLibarary.java 2003-01-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if thread is already disposed in the CDI event handler because the array of listeners used by EventManager in some situations is not up to date. * CThread.java 2003-01-14 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIVariableManager.java: New file. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIVariableObject.java: New file. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIArgumentObject.java: New file. 2003-01-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'IRunToAddress' interface to support the 'Run To Line' action in disassembly. * ICDebugTarget.java: extends IRunToAddress * IRunToAddress.java: new interface * CDebugTarget.java: implementation 2003-01-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix in the thread created event handler: do nothing if thread has already created. * CDebugTarget.java 2003-01-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of address breakpoints. * ICAddressBreakpoint.java * ICDebugTarget.java * IDisassemblyStorage.java * CDebugModel.java * ICBreakpointManager.java * CAddressBreakpoint.java * CFunctionBreakpoint.java * CDebugTarget.java * CStackFrame.java * DisassemblyManager.java * DisassemblyStorage.java 2003-01-06 Alain Magloire * build.properties: Patch from Judy Green. 2003-01-06 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if project exists when generating the source locations. * CSourceLocator.java 2003-01-06 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIBreakpointManager.java (createLocation): New method to take an address. 2003-01-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'DisassemblyStorage' class implements an adapter for the 'IResource' class and returns the executable file. * IExecFileInfo.java: added a new method: 'getExecFile' * CDebugTarget.java * DisassemblyStorage.java 2003-01-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants If breakpoint or watchpoint has been disabled before launching the debugger doesn't disable it. * CDebugTarget.java 2002-12-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'Source Lookup' property page. * IDirectorySourceLocation.java: new interface * IProjectSourceLocation.java: new interface * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java * CSourceLocator.java 2002-12-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix in the 'supportsBreakpoints' method of CDebugTarget * CDebugTarget.java: No need to check if the breakpoint file belongs to the source locator. 2002-12-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Source Lookup' property page. * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CProjectSourceLocation.java 2002-12-18 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if CValue has variables before calling 'getCDIVariables'. * CValue.java 2002-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Formatting 'char' types. * CValue.java * CModificationVariable.java 2002-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants The core support of the prompting source locator. * ICSourceLocator.java * CDebugTarget.java * CDirectorySourceLocation.java * CSourceLocator.java * CSourceManager.java * DisassemblyManager.java 2002-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants The 'getLineNumber' method of CStackFrame should return the line number associated with the stack frame if the current source locator does not implement 'ICSourceLocator'. * CStackFrame.java 2002-12-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Changed the implementation of the 'refresh' method of CVariable. * CVariable.java 2002-12-16 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added support of variable formatting. * ICValue.java: new type - TYPE_UNKNOWN * ICVariable: new interface for object contribution, set/get format and refresh methods * CValue.java * CVariable.java 2002-12-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Display message when 'getStackDepth' is timed out. * CThread.java 2002-12-10 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIVariable.java (setFormat): New method to change the variable formats(hexa, octal, etc..) 2002-12-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants If the given source file path is absolute and the source locator can not find it in the all specified locations return a FileStorage object. * CSourceLocator.java 2002-12-09 Mikhail Khodjaiants Split the detail message of ICDIErrorInfo into tokens and trancate aech token if it is too long. * CDebugTarget.java 2002-12-08 Mikhail Khodjaiants Display the error message with details when program is suspended because of ICDIErrorInfo. * CDebugTarget.java 2002-12-05 Alain Magloire Some debuggers like gdb/mi can provide detail information, for example gdb/mi dumps errors in mi "log stream" output. * src/.../cdi/CDIException.java (getDetailMessage): New method to provide more information it need be. * src/.../cdi/ICDIErrorInfo.java (getDetailMessage: New method. 2002-12-04 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'setChanged' method to ICValue. This method should common for CValue and CArrayPartitionValue to implement 'setChanged' of CVariable correctly. * ICValue.java * CArrayPartitionValue.java * CVariable.java 2002-12-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Refactoring - files moved from org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core to the new package: org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model: * ICBreakpoint.java * ICDebugTarget.java * ICExpressionEvaluator.java * ICFunctionBreakpoint.java * ICLineBreakpoint.java * ICValue.java * ICWatchpoint.java * IDebuggerProcessSupport.java * IDummyStackFrame.java * IExecFileInfo.java * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java * IFormattedMemoryBlockRow.java * IGlobalVariable.java * IInstructionStep.java * IRestart.java * IRunToLine.java * IStackFrameInfo.java * IState.java * ISwitchToFrame.java * ISwitchToThread.java * ICDebugTargetType.java: new interface * IFormattedMemoryRetrieval: removed 2002-12-02 Mikhail Khodjaiants Check if the underlying IFile exists when retrieving the path of global variable. * CDebugTarget.java 2002-12-02 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/ICDIErrorInfo.java: New file. 2002-11-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants 'exec-until' instead of temporary breakpoints for 'run to line'. * CDebugTarget.java * CThread.java 2002-11-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Live editing of the memory view: removed support of the 'Save Changes' action. * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java 2002-11-27 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDITarget.java (runUntil): new method. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIThread.java (runUntil): new method. 2002-11-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Typo in plugin.properties. 2002-11-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fire suspend event for debug target that doesn't have threads. * CDebugTarget.java 2002-11-27 Alain Magloire * src/.../debug/internal/core/model/CDebugTarget.java (isLittleEndian): Use CoreModel.getDefault(). (getGlobals): Use CoreModel.getDefault(). 2002-11-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for watchpoints. * CSourceLocator.java 2002-11-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Cache source elements to optimize search. * CProjectSourceLocator.java 2002-11-22 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix in the source locator's search algorithm. * CProjectSourceLocator.java 2002-11-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants The memory view does not display values if the address expression is '0xFFFFFFFF'. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java 2002-11-21 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the handler of ICDIDestroyedEvent to 'CFormattedMemoryBlock. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java 2002-11-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 26595. The type of the address expression has been changed from String to ICDIExpression to handle changes of the start address. * CDebugModel.java * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java: added the 'isStartAddressChanged' method. 2002-11-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants Partial fix for bug 25956. * DisassemblyManager.java: Filter out the instructions that do not belong to the function. 2002-11-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants If the backtrace is very deep the debugger is unable to parse MI output. The limited number of stack frames will be displayed. * IDummyStackFrame.java * CDummyStackFrame.java * CStackFrame.java * CThread.java 2002-11-14 Alain Magloire This is needed in post-mortem, application doing a very deep recursion and crashing the stack size, for example on GNU/Linux it may reach 200000 levels deep. Trying to bring in the UI a bactrace tree of 200000 nodes is useless. The UI could check the count and do the appropriate action by showing ranges etc .. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/cdi/model/ICDIThread.java (getStackFrames): New method to provide a range lowFrame and highFrame. (getStackFrameCount): New method returns the depth level of the stackframes. 2002-11-13 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for the stepping problem if the selected stack frame is not the topmost one. * CStackFrame.java: The 'stepToFrame' method is temporary replaced by corresponding step method. 2002-11-13 * schema/CDebugger.exsd * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/ICDebugConfiguration.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/internal/core/DebugConfiguration.java Added supported CPU to Debugger extension. 2002-11-07 Mikhail Khodjaiants When a referenced project is deleted it's location is null. The source locator should check this when it returns the path array. * CProjectSourceLocation.java 2002-11-05 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added support of the 'Add Global Variables' action of the Expressions view. * IExecFileInfo.java * IGlobalVariable.java * CDebugTarget.java 2002-11-03 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added support of the formatting actions of the Memory view. * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java * CDebugTarget.java * CDebugUtils.java 2002-11-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added conversion utilities to support decimal format in the Memory View. * CDebugUtils.java 2002-11-01 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added the 'IExecFileInfo' interface to provide access to the executable file information. * IExecFileInfo.java: definition * CDebugTarget.java: implementation 2002-10-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced the 'IProject' argument by 'IFile' in the debug target factory methods - second phase. * CDebugModel.java: removed unused debug target factory methods. * CDebugTarget.java: removed unused constructor. 2002-10-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Replaced the 'IProject' argument by 'IFile' in the debug target factory methods. * CDebugModel.java * CDebugTarget.java 2002-10-31 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fixed the synchronization bug. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java 2002-10-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the 'Refresh Memory' action. * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java: added the 'refresh' method. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: implementation of the 'refresh' method. 2002-10-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementation of the 'SaveMemoryChanges' action. * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java: added the 'saveChanges' method. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: implementation of the 'saveChanges' method. 2002-10-30 Mikhail Khodjaiants Fix for bug 25283. * CDebugTarget.java: in 'setCurrentThread' method set the 'isCurrent' flag to false for the currently current thread. 2002-10-29 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing editing features of the memory view. * IFormattedMemoryBlockRow.java * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java 2002-10-28 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing editing features of the memory view. * IFormattedMemoryBlockRow.java * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java 2002-10-27 Mikhail Khodjaiants * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java: added the 'setItemValue' method. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: implementation of the 'setItemValue' method. 2002-10-16 Alain Magloire * src/.../core/cdi/model/ICDIMemoryBlock.java (refresh): New method. 2002-10-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugUtils.java: Added utilities to convert textual presentation of memory to bytes. 2002-10-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java: Replaced 'MEMORY_BYTES_PER_ROW_...' constants by 'MEMORY_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_...'. 2002-10-25 Mikhail Khodjaiants Remove the 'setWordSize' method from 'IFormattedMemoryBlock' and use 'reformat' instead. * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java: removed the 'setWordSize' method. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: removed the implementation of 'setWordSize' method. 2002-10-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Support of the "Memory Unit Size" action. * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java: added the 'setWordsize' method. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: implementation of the 'setWordSize' method. 2002-10-24 Mikhail Khodjaiants Moved the memory format constants from IFormattedMemoryRetrieval.java to IFormattedMemoryBlock.java. * IFormattedMemoryRetrieval.java * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java 2002-10-24 David Inglis * CDebugTarget.java fix exception on shutdown with a connected target, CDI session was not terminated. 2002-10-23 Mikhail Khodjaiants Support for debugger console. * CDebugModel.java: new factory methods for CDebugTarget * IDebuggerProcessSupport: new interface that defines the debugger process support functionality. * CDebugTarget.java: implementation of IDebuggerProcessSupport interface. 2002-10-22 Alain Magloire * src/.../cdi/ICDISession.java (getSessionProcess): New method to let user acess directly the debugger. 2002-10-20 Mikhail Khodjaiants Added a functionality needed to process ICDIMemoryChangedEvent. * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java 2002-10-20 Alain Magloire * src/.../cdi/model/ICDITarget.java (getMemoryBlock): Remove we use the MemoryManager instead. (evaluateExpressionToValue): Remove not used. * src/.../cdi/model/ICDISourceManager.java (getFile): Remove not use. (setFile): Remove not use. (reset): Remove not use. 2002-10-19 Alain Magloire The UI needs to be told when the memory changes so it can update the memory view. The responsability of this been push to the CDI implementation to generate events(ICDIMemoryChangedEvent) for modified memories. The getSource() method of the class should return an ICDIMemoryBlock. Note that the CDI implementation will only try to generate the event for ICDIMemoryBlock that are not frozen(setFrozen()) since this is a potentially very time consuming operation. * src/.../cdi/event/ICDIMemoryChangedEvent.java: New Class. 2002-10-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the memory view support: * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: implementation of the 'dispose' method added. 2002-10-17 Mikhail Khodjaiants Implementing the memory view support: * CDebugModel.java * ICMemoryManager.java * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java * CDebugUtils.java * CMemoryManager.java 2002-10-16 Alain Magloire In the memory manager a string should be allowed to create a block since an expression can be use. * src/.../debug.core.cdi/ICDIMemoryManager.java (createMemoryBlock): New method that takes a string as the first argument. 2002-10-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugModel.java: Implementing the memory view support. * ICMemoryManager: Implementing the memory view support. * IFormattedMemoryBlock.java: Implementing the memory view support. * CDebugTarget.java: Implementing the memory view support. * CFormattedMemoryBlock.java: Implementing the memory view support. * CMemoryManager.java: Implementing the memory view support. 2002-10-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants * ICDebugConstants.java: New interface that contains the constant definitions for C/C++ debug plug-in. * CSourceManager.java: Implementation of the 'Automatically switch to disassembly mode' preference. 2002-10-15 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CThread.java: The previous fix should be done only when switching between frames of the same thread. 2002-10-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CThread.java: Reset the register's change flag before switching to another frame. 2002-10-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CThread.java: Set the correct detail for 'resume' event to prevent collapsing of the variable's and register's trees after stepping. 2002-10-14 Mikhail Khodjaiants * ISwitchToThread.java: New method to get the current thread. * CDebugTarget.java: Implemented the 'getCurrentThread' method of the 'ISwitchToThread' interface. * CDebugTarget.java: Fix in the 'setCurrentThread' method. 2002-10-12 Alain Magloire * core/cdi/model/ICDIMemoryBlock (supportValueModification): Remove the method, it should be part of a ICDIConfiguration. * core/cdi/ICDIMemoryManager (getBlock): Rename to getMemoryBlock (createMemoryBlock): New method to get a memory block. 2002-10-12 Alain Magloire * core/cdi/ICDILocation (getInstructions): Methods removed is now part of SourceManager. 2002-10-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugTarget.java: Added return for ISourceMode to 'getAdapter'. * CSourceManager.java: Set the real mode when setting the source mode. 2002-10-11 Mikhail Khodjaiants * DisassemblyStorage.java: Changed the format of the disassembly view's output. 2002-10-11 Alain Magloire * ICDISourceManager.java (getMixedInstructions): Three new methods to get the src and the intructions. * ICIDMixedInstruction: New Class that return the mixed of source location and assembly instructions. 2002-10-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CVariable.java: Made the 'fChanged' field protected to access to it from the derived class (CRegister). * CRegister.java: Added the 'hasValueChanged' method to 'CRegister'. 2002-10-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CThread.java: Check if the selected frame is current before calling 'setCurrentStackFrame'. 2002-10-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CStackFrame.java: Added Getter and Setter for 'fRefreshVariables'. 2002-10-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants * DisassemblyManager.java: Replaced 'getInstructions( String fileName, int lineNumber )' by 'getInstructions( String fileName, int lineNumber, int maxLineCount )'. 2002-10-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CDebugTarget.java: Implementing the disassembly mode. * CThread.java: Implementing the disassembly mode. 2002-10-10 Mikhail Khodjaiants * CSourceManager.java: Implementing the disassembly mode. * DisassemblyManager.java: Implementing the disassembly mode. * DisassemblyStorage.java: Implementing the disassembly mode. * CDebugUtils.java: Added the 'toHexAddressString' method. 2002-10-10 Alain Magloire * ICDISourceManager.java: Changing the getInstructions() method to take long instead of String.