2004-01-21 Anthony Green PR 50397. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java: Add some ELF machine magic numbers. RS6000 is ppc, not mips. Fix some typos. 2004-01-20 Alain Magloire To remove the hardcoded "objdump" we had to lay down some infrastructure. This is base on ideas/patch from Chris Songer. The idea is to define in the IToolsProvider the Objdump class and reuse it to implement IBinaryFile.getContents(). Next step is to come up with ObjdumpEditor, to go this route will be more flexible. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/CygwinToolsProvider.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/ToolsProvider.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/Objdump.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/IToolsProvider.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/CygwinPEParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryFile.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryFilejava * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/GNUElfParser.java 2004-01-19 John Camelon Updated CModelBuilder to access line number information from IASTOffsetableElement. 2004-01-16 Hoda Amer Solution to bug#47552: IEnumerator#getConstantExpression is always empty 2004-01-15 Hoda Amer Moved Content Assist log to the UI plugin 2004-01-13 Alain Magloire Small fix on in the elf parser, we have to check for Elf.Symbol.SHN_HIPROC, Elf.Symbol.SHN_LOPROC that the st_shndx field is not is in this range. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/ElfHelper.java 2004-1-5 David Inglis PR 49851 Fixed deadlock when binary parser was changed while binary runner was running for that project. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java 2004-01-09 Alain Magloire * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryObject.java Fix bug in finding the symbols. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/Symbol.java Implement ISymbol.java 2004-01-09 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/IBinaryParser.java Added ISymbol.getSize(). * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java Fix bug in finding the symbols. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryObject.java Fix bug in finding the symbols. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/Symbol.java Implement ISymbol.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/stabs/Stabs.java New Methods. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/stabs/StabAddre2line.java Work in progress. 2004-01-08 Hoda Amer Added Content assist log capabilities 2004-01-06 Alain Magloire Simple draft implementation of stabs debug format parsing. Not ready. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/stabs: New package implementing Stabs debug format parsing. 2003-12-29 Hoda Amer Content Assist Work : Moved ICompletionRequestor from core to ui 2003-12-19 Alain Magloire Added a getCommandLine() method on the CommandLauncher to help PR 41417. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CommandLauncher.java 2003-12-16 Alain Magloire PR 48921. On windows, Object files (*.o) does not have a particular signature we have to compare to the known CPU flags part of COFF * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/PEParser.java 2003-12-15 Alain Magloire Patch from Thomas F. Update to classify ld warnings as warning markers instead of "problem" marker * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/errorparsers/GLDErrorParser.java 2003-12-11 David Inglis Fixed https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=48596 * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java 2003-12-11 Alain Magloire Call the super() constructor. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/SetCPathEntriesOperation.java 2003-12-04 David Inglis Fixed bug# 48063 * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java 2003-12-03 Hoda Amer Content Assist work :Moved CompletionEngine out of CDT core 2003-11-27 Hoda Amer Content Assist work : Added an ICompletionRequestor interface and a CompletionRequestorAdaptor classe. 2003-11-20 Alain Magloire The profiler need to get the line number of the offset within a Symbol. We provide this functionnality. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/IBinaryParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/Symbol.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/Symbol.java 2003-11-20 Alain Magloire Remove of methods that are JVM 1.4.x * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java 2003-11-19 Alain Magloire Improve performance on the binary parser, and fix a JUnit test. * model/org/eclipose/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryObject.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryObject.java 2003-11-19 Hoda Amer Added a completion engine class. 2003-11-18 Alain Magloire Attempt to address performance problems from the binary parser on big projects. The problem is that files are open multiple times to detect if they are binaries or archives. We can not really rely on the filename or extension. A new method as been added to the IBinaryParser interface, isBinary() taken an intial byte[]. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/NullBinaryParser.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/IBinaryParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/PE.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/PEArchive.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/ARMember.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryArchive.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryObject.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/PEParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/Symbol.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/AR.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/ARMember.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryArchive.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryObject.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/ElfParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/Symbol.java 2003-11-17 Doug Schaefer Nothing just testing the commit logs 2003-11-13 David Inglis Fixed #46431 * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/spawner/EnvironmentReader.java 2003-11-06 David Inglis Fix for 45835 also changed binary runner control to stop running when project closes/open/deleted * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CModelManager.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/BinaryRunner.java 2003-11-06 David Inglis Futher changes for 45736 * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java 2003-10-29 David Inglis Fix for 45734 & 45736, Though this only addresses a small part on the later. Prevents child element creation when releasing parent element Prevent binary file check when have already obtained a translation unit. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CModelManager.java 2003-10-29 Alain Magloire Fix for PR 45733 The BinaryContainer and the ArchiveContainer were not deleted when the CProject was release. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CProject.java 2003-10-27 Alain Magloire Fix PR45609: IWorkspaceRoot.getFileForLocation() does not work well when the resource is linked, we should fall back to IWorkspaceRoot.findFilesForLocation(). * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java 2003-10-23 Alain Magloire Firing deltas on cpathentries modifications. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICElementDelta.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICProject.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CProject.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/CProject.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/SetCPathEntriesOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/LibraryReferenceArchive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/LibraryReferenceShared.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/LibraryReference.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/Archive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/Binary.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/CPathEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/ACPathEntry.java 2003-10-23 Alain Magloire Remove the old Implementation of ICPathEntry and use the new one. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICPathEntry.java: Removed. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CPathEntry.java: Removed. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescription.java: Removed. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java: Removed. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICProject.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/CProject.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/SetCPathEntriesOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/LibraryReferenceArchive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/LibraryReferenceShared.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/LibraryReference.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/Archive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/Binary.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/core/CPathEntry.java 2003-10-22 Hoda Amer Fix for bug#40759: Offsets of macroexpansions are not correct Fix for bug#44633: Outline View : CModelBuilder quits on templated friends 2003-10-21 Alain Magloire Moving the implementation of the ICPathEntry in the Core Model new files: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IIncludeEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IncludeEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IMacroEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IIncludeEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICPathEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CPathEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ILibraryEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/LibraryEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ISourceEntry.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/SourceEntry.java 2003-10-20 Hoda Amer Fixed bug#44507 outline flickers with CDT1.2 RC0 Returned a boolean from IWorkingCopy.reconcile() indicating if there was a real change. 2003-10-20 David Inglis fixed junit breakage - testGetSoname() * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryShared.java 2003-10-18 Alain Magloire Implement a Cygwin PE parser where addr2line, c++filt cygpath can be set. Remove the old implementation in the core model. * plugin.xml: Advertise the new Cygwin PE parser. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryFile.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryObject.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryExcutable.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryShared.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/parser/BinaryArchive.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/ICygwinToolsProvider.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/model/parser/PEBinaryFile.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/model/parser/PEBinaryArchive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/model/parser/ElfBinaryArchive.java Removed 2003-10-17 Alain Magloire A proposed fix from c_ravikanth@xxxx, for a more meaningfull error message. PR 44160 * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/spawner/Spawner.java 2003-10-14 Alain Magloire Change the scheme slightly to keep on looking for pattern for exampel /c/stuff/C:/filename:12 error in Cygwin this error would never be found now we keep on trying. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/intenal/errorparsers/GCCErrorParser.java 2003-10-14 Alain Magloire Always fetch the addr2line/c++path in the .cdtproject * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryFile.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryObject.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryArchive.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/ElfParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/GNUElfParser.java 2003-10-07 Alain Magloire More work on the GNU Elf Binary parser. Move some calls that extends the Addr2line class. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryFile.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryObject.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryArchive.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/ElfParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/GNUElfParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/Addr2line.java 2003-10-06 Alain Magloire Implementation of the GNU Elf parser, where you can change the path of the external commands: addr2line and cppfilt. * plugin.xml: Enable the GNU Elf Parser. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryFile.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryObject.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/BinaryArchive.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/Addr2line.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/CPPFilt.java 2003-10-01 Bogdan Gheorghe Changed DeltaProcessor.updateDependencies to use the CModelManager header file definitions Modified CDTLogWriter: increased max log file size to 10MB; got rid of the stack dumps; added flush to CDTLogWriter * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDTLogWriter.java 2003-10-01 Rob Jackson Avoid a NPE when processing non-absolute FILE references in elf binaries * model/org/eclipse/cdt/intenal/core/model/BinaryElement.java 2003-09-30 Bogdan Gheorghe - Created CDTLogWriter class - Added CDTLogWriter startup/shutdown to CCorePlugin - Changed Util class to make use of ICLogConstants to distinguish between PDE and CDT logs. - Modified the Buffer class to log errors to the CDT log * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICLogConstants.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDTLogWriter.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Util.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Buffer.java 2003-09-25 Bogdan Gheorghe - Got rid of refs to old dependency service; restructured index request section * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java 2003-09-24 Alain Magloire With the removal of the old CDT parser, there was no need to keep this method around parser(InputStream in) in the TranslationUnit. The parser content is retrieve via the IBuffer now. The method parser() calss the CModelBuilder directly. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/TranslationUnit.java 2003-09-24 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java Possible NPE fix, when hitting cancel. 2003-09-24 David Inglis * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CExtensionInfo.java null should removed attributes. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptor.java Fixed bug# 43533 * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java Help with slow IBinary interface. 2003-09-22 Bogdan Gheorghe Took out old CTags code from CCorePlugin * org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin 2003-09-19 Hoda Amer Solution to bug#43162 : Code Assist not showing the right return value: Saved a function return value string in the BasicSearchMatch object. Created a new package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.util and added ASTUtil class with static methods to help convert an ASTFunction return type from IASTAbstractDeclaration to String. Note that this was previously implemented in the CModelBuilder. I just moved it to a common library for others (BasicSearchMatch) to use. 2003-09-16 Alain Magloire Putting the draft work to do a special binary parser that the addr2line and c++filt command could be set via extension in the ui. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/GNUElfParser.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryFile.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryObject.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryExecutable.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryShared.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/BinaryArchive.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/parser/ARMember.java 2003-09-16 David Inglis Deprecate old make builder * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/resources/MakeUtil.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CProjectNature.java 2003-09-12 Alain Magloire Patch from Bogdan Gheorghe, it corrected a NPE, when dealing with file extensions. In a Unix enviroment binaries do not have extensions also some C++ headers do not have extension, for example "cstdio" etc .. The patch guard agains null. Second part added debug loggin trace * .options * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java 2003-09-12 Keith Campbell Added missing dependency on org.eclipse.team.core (this plugin defines extensions to org.eclipse.team.core.fileTypes and org.eclipse.team.core.ignore). * .classpath * .project * plugin.xml 2003-09-10 Sean Evoy Work completed to resolve [Bug 41412] "Restore Default in Managed Build project's settings Not Working". The configuration now has a reset method that removes any user settings and replaces them with the values defined in the plugin manifest. The Configuration class also has a new, safe accessor for getting at the defined tool references. Replaced all the checks for null with the accessor. Added some string constants to the IConfiguration and ITarget interfaces so manifest element lookup will be easier to maintain should the element names change. Switched the Target class to use the new string constants during element lookup. Added back a method in IConfiguration to lookup the parent configuration (which is the plugin element I need to do the reset). * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Configuration.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IConfiguration.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ITarget.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ITool.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Target.java Work to resolve [Bug 42735] "Manage Make will try to generate makefile for Release or Debug directory". Added a new method to return all the configuration names so the generator will know that the directory / should be ignored. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildInfo.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IManagedBuildInfo.java Work to partially implement incremental build. New incremental build logic in the incrementalBuild() method in the GeneratedMakefileBuilder class. It now calls a specialized method in the makefile generator that calculates and generates the needed makefiles and fragments. It then calls build if there are any changes worthy of a build. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/GeneratedMakefileBuilder.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/MakefileGenerator.java 2003-09-05 Bogdan Gheorghe Hooked in the dependency checking on file changes in Delta Processor.java. When a header files' contents change we look up the referencing files in the dep tree table and reindex them. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java 2003-09-05 Alain Magloire The PTY classes are using one instance of the master fd for Input/Output/Error Streams. We need to wrap the fd access, to not throw IOException on multiple close. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/pty/PTY.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/pty/PTYInputStream.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/pty/PTYOutputStream.java 2003-09-04 Hoda Amer - Added references to variables in solution of bug#42453:Expression result types not computed - Solution to bug#42560: Class Cast Exception during Method definition 2003-09-04 Alain Magloire The IProgressMonitor.setCancelled() is incorrect, it tries to access widget withour wrapping things in Display.async(). Even if the IProgressMonitor is a "core" Class. We workaround this by not using the method. PR 42501. When the clock setting is incorrect GNU Make will throw something like: make: *** Warning: clock File`...` has modification in the future It was show as an error. Thanks to Brent for the catch. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CBuilder.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/errorparsers/MakeErrorParser.java 2003-09-04 Hoda Amer - Changed the ASTExpression of the complete package to store the whole ITOkenDuple for the typeId instead of just the string. - Changed the ASTExpression in both quick and complete packages and deleted the "id" parameter. - Added partial solution to bug #42453:Expression result types not computed. Now they are computed for simple types only. 2003-09-03 David Inglis Added shared preference key for error parsers * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java 2003-09-01 Alain Magloire Typo in the class signature. * plugin.xml 2003-08-31 Alain Magloire Add method to save the ErrorParsers Change ErrorParserManger to use the extension point for the ErrorParser. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java 2003-08-31 Alain Magloire Add method to retrieve the Error Parsers in the CCorePlugin. Add extension point for the ErrorParser. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java * plugin.xml * plugin.properties 2003-08-28 Alain Magloire Change the TranslationUnit to not always assume that it has a valid IResource/IFile. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/TranslationUnit.java 2003-08-28 Hoda Amer Solution to bugs #39961 & #39968: -Template Union missing an icon -Template parameter signature documentation 2003-08-28 Hoda Amer - Added resolving references in a method's qualified name in Complete parse mode. Example (.cpp file ): The method "A::B::C::aMethod(){};" used to be an IASTFunction, with name = "A::B::C::aMethod". Now is an IASTMethod, with name = "aMethod", and references to class A, class B and class C. - Added the checking for "isConstructor" and "isDestructor" for an IASTMethod in complete parse mode. 2003-08-26 Bogdan Gheorghe - Modified start up code to set debug trace options - Added trace debug statements to CModelBuilder. - Added IDebugLogConstants which contain ids for all Util.debugLog clients (currently Parser and CModelBuidler) - Modified Util.java to make use of IDebugLogConstants 2003-08-25 Hoda Amer Modified the IASTFactory to take three expression lists for the createNewDescriptor() instead of just one. They are : newPlacementExpressions, newTypeIdExpressions, and newInitializerExpressions. 2003-08-25 John Camelon Updated Structure.java to keep JDK 1.3 compliance. 2003-08-21 Hoda Amer - C Model cleanups + solutions to bug#38985 & bug#38986 getField(String) Implemented getFields() Implemented getMethod(String) Implemented getMethods() Implemented isAbstract() Implemented getBaseTypes() Has been replaced by getSuperClassesNames() getAccessControl(int) Has been replaced by getSuperClassAccess(String name) - Added some methods to IMethodDeclaration, namely: isFriend(), isInline(), isVirtual(), and isPureVirtual(). 2003-08-20 Alain Magloire When doing the IPlugin.shutdown(). We have to make sure that the binarySearch threads are terminated. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryRunner.java 2003-08-19 Sean Evoy In order to properly support the indexing feature, the scanner has to function as well as the version that ships with the toolset if possible. This is made difficult by the fact that we are trying to be tool-agnostic. One of the things that the scanner should take into account when it runs is the "built-in" symbols and search paths that are defined for a compiler in a given toolchain. While we need to come up with a standard mechanism for the CDT in the future, the managed build system can provide a work-around in the near-term. The easiest solution is to add an optional attribute to a list element that flags the item as a built-in value. When clients like the indexer query the build model, they will receive the union of the built-in values and the user-defined values. Updated the comment for the IScannerInfo::getIncludesPaths() method to explain the content of the return value. * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/IScannerInfo.java Added code to answer the built-ins when IScannerInfo methods are called. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildInfo.java Updated the schema to include the new attribute * schema/ManagedBuildTools.exsd Added a public method to extract the built-in values for an option. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IOption.java Added the code to read, store and persist the built-in list values differently than standard list elements. Also added code to answer those built-ins to conform to the interface change. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Option.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/OptionReference.java 2003-08-20 Hoda Amer Modified the parser's newExpression() to send all its sub expressions to the newDescriptor and check on each expression to find references in the CompleteParserASTFactory.createExpression(). 2003-08-13 Sean Evoy Changed text generated into makefile comments from the rather abstract term 'module' to the more meaningful 'subdirectory'. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CCorePluginResources.properties Added place-holder macro for LIBS and changed the source file look-up code to ignore source it finds in generated directories during a build, even if it has a tool that says it builds for it. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/MakefileGenerator.java Changed class to deal with build targets that do not specify an extension (like POSIX executables). * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildInfo.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Tool.java 2003-08-13 Sean Evoy The major change in the increment of work is the new discovery mechanism that clients will use to find the IScannerInfoProvider for a project. Rather than a simple extension point which requires the client to iterate over all registered providers, the CExtension feature will be used to register the provider at project creation time, and to find the provider at runtime. Changed the plugin entries for the two builders currently described. The schema for the ScannerInfoProvider was removed, and the plugin description was converted to work with the CExtension feature. * plugin.xml * schema/ScannerInfoProvider.exsd (removed) Added a method to find and create the provider described in the extension point. Used by clients at runtime to discover the provider. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java Changed the IScannerInfoProvider interface by removing the 'managesResource' method (no more iteration required) and adding a method so clients can get build information as soon as they get the provider and before they subscribe. * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/IScannerInfoProvider.java Updated the two classes that implemet the interface and made them inherit from AbstractCExtension in order to be managed by the CExtension feature. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildManager.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/standard/StandardBuildManager.java 2003-08-12 Hoda Amer Moved CharOperations and Utils from internal.core.search to internal.core Added CConventions class to validate class names Used the new search (indexer) for Code completion in CCompletionProcessor 2003-08-11 Andrew Niefer Added getSharedWorkingCopies to CCorePlugin. 2003-08-10 Sean Evoy Fix for Bug 41274. Was not saving the library option properly because the value type of the option was not recognized. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Configuration.java 2003-07-30 Hoda Amer The C Model recognizes pointers to functions. 2003-07-30 Sean Evoy The managed build model is going to go through a bit of change over the next while. In order to make that more manageable, I have moved all the hard-coded strings used to access the XML elements of the extension point definition into the appropriate interface classes. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IBuildObject.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IConfiguration.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IOption.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IOptionCategory.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ITool.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Configuration.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Option.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/OptionCategory.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/OptionReference.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Tool.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ToolReference.java: Moved the hard-coded strings used to access the XML elements into appropropriate interfaces. * schema/ManagedBuildTools.exsd: Renamed four attributes optionRef->optionReference, toolRef->toolReference, optionValue->listOptionValue, and optionEnum->enumeratedOptionValue. In the first 2 cases, I was just trying to remove the tech-ese from the names. In the later 2, I tried to use a more descriptive name. 2003-07-29 Alain Magloire To discover if an application has debug info for DWARF-2 format we look for section ".debug*" * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/Elf/elf.java 2003-07-28 Sean Evoy In order to meet certain internal guidelines and to test the makefile generator, the build model replied to some answers with hard-coded information. This patch moves the information into the build model. * schema/ManagedBuildTools.exsd * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ITarget.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Target.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildInfo.java: Added code to correctly extract and persist the make command and clean command from a Target/ITarget. Added the attributes to the schema. Removed the hard-coded answers from the ManagedBuildManager. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/GeneratedMakefileBuilder.java: Removed two methods that were no longer invoked from the builder. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/MakefileGenerator.java: Corrected a bug in the makefile generator whereby the output prefix was applied twice to library targets, i.e. liblibfoo.a instead of libfoo.a. 2003-07-24 Sean Evoy * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/MakefileGenerator.java: Added code to place interproject dependencies in target build rule, added code to properly put output prefixes on library names, and added code to put library link arguments at the end of the depednency list * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IManagedBuildInfo.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IOption.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ITool.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildInfo.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Option.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/OptionReference.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Tool.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ToolReference.java: Added code to managed output prefixes for tools like the librarian. Added code to manage the library options differently. Removed some hard-coding of tool information, such as the output flag. *schema/ManagedBuildTools.exsd: New attributes on tool for output flag and prefix. New value type enum for option to handle libs differently. 2003-07-24 Sean Evoy Changes introduced to make the managed build system work with multi-folder project. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ManagedCProjectNature.java: now removes the cbuilder from a project before it adds its own builder. This is a temporary fix to stop the managed build system from building a project twice. When the new StandardBuildNature is introduced, this code will be removed. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CCorePluginResources.properties: New builder messages added. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/GeneratedMakefileBuilder.java: Moved the actual directory and file creation to a delegate class. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/MakefileGenerator.java: New class that does the grunt work of creating build output directories and makefiles. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildManager.java: Short-term changes to make it possible for build info clients to get the path and symbol information. When a permanent mechanism is implemented for clients to discover this information, these methods (IScannerInfoxxx) will be removed. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IManagedBuildInfo.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildInfo.java: Some minor changes have been made to extract more information from the build model. Currently, the values are hard-coded to simplify some integration testing. This will be addressed in the next patch. 2003-07-24 Alain Magloire * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/Elf.java: Added a case for motorola 68000 CPU. 2003-07-24 Hoda Amer Clean up of CModelBuilder 2003-07-23 Hoda Amer Updated the CModelBuilder to use the AST instead of the DOM 2003-07-16 Alain Magloire Patch from Alex Chapiro Fix an evident bug in CProjectNature implementation of removeFromBuildSpec method. * CProjectNature.java 2003-07-16 Alain Magloire Patch from Thomas Fletcher. Update the core MakeUtil class with a method to support inline replacement of a make target with a different make target. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/resources/MakeUtil.java 2003-07-04 Victor Mozgin Added CTaskTagsReconciler. 2003-07-03 Bogdan Gheorghe Added support for adding individual source files to the index. Added support for removing projects/individual files from index. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java Added a method to cancel indexing requests when a project is deleted. Changed create(ICElement parent, IFile file, IBinaryFile bin) to check if a file is a TranslationUnit before doing anything else. This was done to fix Bug 39574. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java 2003-07-03 Sean Evoy New schema and extension point for registering an interface between the build system (managed and standard) and the scanner clients that need it (like the indexer). * plugin.xml * schema/ScannerInfoProvider.exsd Added some documentation to the schema for managed build information * schema/ManagedBuildTools.exsd Added three new interfaces for getting build information for the scanner. IScannerInfo contains the actual information the scanner needs and is passed to the scanner by the build model. IScannerInfoChangeListener is the interface that must be implemented by the scanner client that uses the IScannerInfo. IScannerInfoProvider is the interface implemented by the build model. It is registered through an extension point so clients can discover providers at run time. IScannerInfoListener implementors subscribe and unsubscribe with the provider and the provider passes them the IScannerInfo when it changes. * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/IScannerInfo.java * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/IScannerInfoChangeListener.java * parser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/parser/IScannerInfoProvider.java Changed the name of some of the managed build system elements. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IManagedBuildInfo.java This resulted in superficial changes to the Target and ManagedBuildManager * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Target.java Implemented the new scanner interfaces in the managed system * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildInfo.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildManager.java Added a new manager for the standard make system that implements the new scanner interfaces. This manager uses the .cdtbuild file to persist include path and symbol information (in otherwords, real build information). Like the managed build manager, it also gives clients access to the build information associated with a project. It does not effect the older preferences which are still managed by the CNature. * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/standard/StandardBuildManager.java Removed the responsibiolity for includes paths and symbols from CNature added in last patch. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CProjectNature.java Added code for persisting the standard build information for includes paths and symbols in a file, and implemented the IScannerInfo interface in the BuildInfoFactory. Did not rename it, although ... * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/BuildInfoFactory.java I did rename the interface it implements since it was the only reference * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/resources/IStandardBuildInfo.java 2003-06-26 Sean Evoy Added methods to add and extract include paths and preprocessor symbols from standard make C and C++ projects. Getter and setter methods in: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/BuildInfoFactory.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CProjectNature.java Added new constant for comma-separated lists * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/resources/IBuildInfo.java 2003-06-25 Bogdan Gheorghe * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java Start the new indexer thread on startup * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java Added some methods to access the IndexManager * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java Added some methods to access the IndexManager * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java Added IndexManager member 2003-06-24 Alain Magloire Patch form ando@park.ruru.ne.jp, to deal with different file cases i.e. TEST.C vs test.c On windows. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java 2003-06-24 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/errorparser/GCCErrorParser.java: New scheme to detect, preprocessor errors. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java: Provide a scratch buffer for the error parser classes. 2003-06-20 Sean Evoy Added two new value types to the ManagedBuildTools schema for include paths and defined symbols. Added interface so clients can query build model for include paths and defined symbols * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/ManagedBuildManager.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IManagedBuildPathInfo.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ResourceBuildInfo.java Changed code in build model to support these new value types * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Configuration.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Option.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/core/build/managed/IOption.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/OptionReference.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/Tool.java * build/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/build/managed/ToolReference.java 2003-06-19 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java: (shutdown): Deregister the listener from the Workspace. 2003-06-16 Victor Mozgin Implemented support for old K&R-style C function declarations. Added oldKRParametersBegin() and oldKRParametersEnd() to DOMBuilder. Added OldKRParameterDeclarationClause.java to dom/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/dom. Added handling of OldKRParameterDeclarationClause to ParameterDeclarationClause. 2003-06-14 Victor Mozgin Added support for pointers to members to DOMBuilder. Added new kind of pointer operator : t_pointer_to_member (PointerOperator). Added nameSpecifier field and set/get operations to PointerOperator. 2003-06-13 Andrew Niefer Added search\org.eclipse.cdt.core.search search\org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.search search\org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.search.matching search\org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.search.processing with skeleton classes based on the JDT search as a beginning for implementing C/CPP search. 2003-06-06 Sean Evoy Added new interface, IResourceBuildInfo, so clients could be shielded from future implementation changes. ManagedBuildManager class has been updated to return an interface, IResourceBuildInfo, instead of the implementing class. For ITool, I added a method to determine if the tool produces an output based on a file extension, and one to determine if it builds an input based on a file extension. I added a method to determine what the output file extension of a build will be based on an input extension. Finally, I added a method to extract a tool command and one to extract its flags. For ITarget, I added more information about the build artifact. I have added artifact name and default extension attributes to the target schema. The artifact name is intended to hold the name the user has selected as the final build object (i.e. test.exe, foo.so, etc). The default extension will be used by the toolchain provider to specify a default extension for the final build object (i.e. .dll.a for Cygwin shared libs vs .so for Linux shared libs). There are getter and setter methods for the name of the final build artifact. There is also a method to extract the default extension that is built for targets of this type. The build model schema was updated to reflect these new bit of information. The GeneratedMakefileBuilder was updated to extract this information and to create a new rule for each input to the build artifact. The resource build information store now remembers the top configuration for a target as selected by the user in the UI. This is needed by the makefile generator and in persisted in the project build file. The test has been updated to reflect these changes. 2003-06-05 Alain Magloire PR #38380, partially fix; would need more detail form the C Parser to know if the include is <...> or "..." * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Include.java (getIncludeName): implemented. 2003-05-29 Alain Magloire PR 38239 BinaryContainer.getBinaries() was returning empty [] * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java (getBinaryRunner): return the runner if is already instanciated. 2003-05-29 David Inglis * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java fixed toString buf for Sestion. added findSesctionByName() method fixed bug where reading DYN section would fail for mips * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/ElfHelper.java use new findSectionByName. cleaup 2003-04-29 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/PEParser.java (getBinary): Catch if path == null. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Archive.java (isReadOnly): Always return true for binary. 2003-04-29 Alain Magloire PR 37064 * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DelatProcessor.java (close): New method, close the openable when content changed to flush the cache. (contentChanged): Remove only use elementChanged(). * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/ElfParser.java (getBinary): Catch if path == null. 2003-04-25 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java (getNeededSharedLibs): JUnit faileds tests. getNeededSharedLibs() should also return for executable. (isReadOnly): is always true for executable. 2003-04-24 Alain Magloire * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/spawner/Spawner.java (raise): Change the scope to be public. 2003-04-12 Alain Magloire Bug 36624 The latest changes broke the old parser, we still need the old parser until the new one is rock solid. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/TranslationUnit.java: 2003-04-12 Alain Magloire Bug 36424, The Binaries/Archives were not deleted in the virtual containers. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java: createElement() checks for the binaries in the virtual containers also. * mode/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java: Remove unused methods. 2003-04-09 Alain Magloire Give a chance to the manager to initialize and shutdown gracefully. The CCorePlugin will call the managers, indexer, coreModel, CDescriptorManager startup() method and shutdown() method. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java: Call {IndexModel,CoreModel}.{startup,shutdown}(). * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java: New methods startup/shutdown. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/mode/CModelManager.java: implement startup/shutdown. * index/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IndexModel.java: New methods startup/shutdown. 2003-04-08 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java: Bug fix, deltas were not generated for non C-Resources. 2003-04-02 Alain Magloire First draft on implementing LibraryReference. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICProject.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CProject.java: New method getLibraryReferences(). * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/LibraryReference.java: New class. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptor.java: Bug fix in readProjectDescription(); fPathEntries was not initialized and decodePathEntry() was call with the wrong argument. 2003-04-01 Alain Magloire Implement SourceRefence and SourceManipulation for IBinary, this is done in BinaryElement, BinaryFunction, BinaryVariable. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryFunction.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryVariable.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryElement.java: Corrected typo ISymbol.getAdress() should be ISymbol.getAddress(). * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/Symbol.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/IBinaryParser.java: 2003-04-01 Alain Magloire Patch form Hoda. IStructure extends IVariableDeclaration. INamespace extends IParent. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IStructure.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/INamespace.java 2003-04-01 Alain Magloire Phasing out the classes ICResource and ICFile. They were no longer part of the C Model. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICFile.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/mode/ICResource.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CFile.java: Removed. 2003-03-30 Alain Magloire First phase of the rewrite on how we treat Binary/Archive in the CoreModel This included suggestions from Chris Songer on augmenting the binary methods to include the address; IBinary IBinaryModule IBinaryFunction IBinaryVariable IBinaryElement * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBinaryElement.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBinaryModule.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBinaryVariable.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBinaryFunction.java: New Classes. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Archive.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryModule.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryFunction.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryVariable.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryElement.java: Implement the IBinaryElement classes. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElement.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelCache.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Openable.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Parent.java: Change the CModelCache to save in the LRU the binaries. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/PEBinaryFile.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/Symbol.java: Implement the method getAddress(). Suggested by Chris Songer * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java: Fix bug, the event was fired for the non-C resources. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java: New method getDefaultBinaryParser(). * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/IBinaryParser.java: Added method getAddress() to ISymbol Suggested by Chris Songer 2003-03-28 David Inglis * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/AbstractCExtension.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICDescriptor.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICExtension.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICExtensionReference.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICOwner.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICOwnerInfo.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICPathEntry.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/CCorePluginResources.properties * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptor.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptorManager.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CExtensionInfo.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CExtensionReference.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/COwner.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CPathEntry.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/InternalCExtension.java Add new ICPathEntry interface with peristancy, access is via the ICDecriptor which uses the .cdtproject file for the store. creation is through CCorePlugin. - included is some copyright header changes and the move of the properties file to 'internal' 2003-03-27 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryContainer.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ArchiveContainer.java: Name is now "Binaries" and "Archives", lib and bin was confusing. 2003-03-27 Alain Magloire The ICElement.getResource() should not throw a CModelException, it returns null or the the resource. This makes us consistent with JDT/IJavaElement.getResource(); 2003-03-27 Alain Magloire Some changes in the Core Model to make it closer to JDT, the hierarchy is now: ICModel ICProject ICContainer ITranslationUnit IArchive IBinary All the C Resources above implements IParent, ICElement and IOpenable. The rationale is that in the old hierarchy, we were putting things in the model that the did not belong to the a C/C++ Model, for example a "README" file was map to CFile or CResource bloating the LRU cache, those resources did not contribute any info to the model and would make the indexer job more complex. A new method been added getNonCResources() to retrieve those elements. Note CResource, CFolder, CFile are removed. Also refactors: - ICOpenable to IOpenable - ICRoot to ICModel - ICRootInfo to ICModelInfo - Move internal/core/model/IBuffer* classes to core/model/IBuffer* * index/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/index/IndexManager.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/BufferChangedEvent.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IArchive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IArchiveContainer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBinary.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBinaryContainer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBinaryContainer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBuffer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IBufferChangedListener.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICContainer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICElement.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICFile.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICFolder.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICModel.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICOpenable.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICProject.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICResource.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICRoot.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IOpenable.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ITranslationUnit.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Archive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ArchiveContainer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ArchiveContainerInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ArchiveInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Binary.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryContainer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryContainerInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryRunner.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Buffer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BufferChangedEvent.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BufferManager.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CContainer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CContainerInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElement.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElementDelta.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElementDeltaBuilder.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElementInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CFile.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CFileInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CFolder.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CFolderInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModel.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelCache.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CProject.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CProjectInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CResource.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CResourceInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CRoot.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CRootInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CommitWorkingCopyOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CopyElementsOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CopyResourceElementsOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CreateElementInTUOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeleteResourceElementsOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/DeltaProcessor.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ElementCache.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/FieldInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/FunctionInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IBuffer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IBufferChangedListener.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IBufferFactory.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IWorkingCopy.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Openable.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/OpenableInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Parent.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/SourceManipulation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/SourceManipulationInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/TranslationUnit.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/TranslationUnitInfo.java 2003-03-20 Alain Magloire Patch from Amer Hoda This patch adds the functionnality of the C Element Deltas for translation unit. It figures the addes/deleted C elements with each elementChanged event. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElement.java: New method isIdentical(). * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElementDeltabuilder.java: First implementation. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/SourceManipulation.java: New method hasSameContentAs() and getModifiers(). 2003-03-19 Alain Magloire Patch from Amer Hoda. Introducing the WorkingCopy in the Core Model. Those changes introduce the same functionnality as JDT. All CElements have a common way of opening/modifying the source. In other words and opening of Translation Unit (ITranslationUnit) is done via the buffer mechanism To commit changes isConsistent and makeConsistent must be called. The Core Model maintains an LRU cache of open elements, and automatically closes elements as they are swapped out of the cache to make room for other elements. Elements with unsaved changes are never removed from the cache, and thus, if the client maintains many open elements with unsaved changes, the LRU cache can grow in size (in this case the cache is not bounded). However, as elements are saved, the cache will shrink back to its original bounded size. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ElementChangeEvent.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICOpenable.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICResource.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ITranslationUnit.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Buffer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BufferChangedEvent.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElement.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElementDeltaBuilder.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElementInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CFile.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CFolder.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelCache.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CommitWorkingCopyOperation.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CProject.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CResource.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CRoot.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CElementCache.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IBuffer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IBufferChangedListener.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/IBufferFactory.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/TranslationUnit.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/TranslationUnitInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Util.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/WorkingCopy.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/WorkingCopyInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/util/ICacheEnumeration.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/util/ILRUCache.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/util/LRUCacheEnumeration.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/util/OverFlowingLRUCache.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/util/ToStringSorter.java 2003-03-12 Alain Magloire * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java: Do a better check when looking for the nearest symbol, a validation is to check if the line number is "0", zero is invalid and keep on iterating. 2003-03-11 Alain Magloire * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java (Symbol:getLineInfo): The address value may not align with the debug information, for example when adding Profiling etc .. we try to get the nearest symbol as a fallback. We've seen this behaviour on PPC and ARM boards. * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/CPPFilt.java: Remove unused fields. 2003-02-26 Alain Magloire The second part to finish the cdt-core-home/docs/binaryparser.html proposal. The plugin.xml changed to reflect this, new format. The binary parser type is now save in the ".cdtproject". * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/IBinaryParserConfiguration.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/BinaryParserConfiguration.java: Removed. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptorManager.java (getDescriptor): Call autosave(). * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptor.java (create): Bug fix (get): Bug fix (remove): Bug fix * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/ElParser.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/PEParser.java: Extends AbstractCDescriptor. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/internal/core/model/NullBinaryParser.java: New file. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java (resetBinaryParser): New method. (getBinaryParserFormat): removed. (setBinaryParserFormat): removed. (setDefaultBinaryParserFormat): removed. (getDefaultBinaryParserFormat): removed. 2003-02-26 Alain Magloire A new proposal was make, see cdt-core-home/docs/binaryparser.html it changed the the signature: public interface IBinaryParser { IBinary getBinary(IPath path); } The getBinary() method no longer takes an IFile, this was necessary to allow the binary parser code to work on files outside of the workspace. The correspondign implementation is updated. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ElfBinaryArchive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ElfBinaryFile.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ElfParser.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/PEBinaryArchive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/PEBinaryFile.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/PEBParser.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ArchiveInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryInfo.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java 2003-02-26 David Inglis * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ArchiveContainer.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryContainer.java Remove warning. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryArchive.java * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/AR.java Improve IBinaryObject creation from IArchive (big speed improvment) 2003-02-24 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Marker.java: Removed, this file was implementing IMarker. 2003-02-24 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Resource.java: Removed, this file was implementing IResource. 2003-02-23 Alain Magloire Remove implementations of IResource and IContainer. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Container.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/BinaryContainerAdapter.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/BinaryFileAdapter.java: Files removed. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Archive.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/ArchiveInfo.java: * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/BinaryInfo.java: Remove references to BinaryFileAdapter. 2003-02-19 David Inglis * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICDescriptor.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICExtensionReference.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ICOwner.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptor.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptorManager.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CExtensionReference.java * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/make/MakeProject.java General cleanup of CDT extensions interfaces from review with Alain. 2003-02-17 Doug Schaefer Merged in Sam Robb's source for the build model. The source can be found in the build source folder. There are new extension point schema in the schema folder. As well a number of extension points and extensions have been added to the plugin.xml file. 2003-02-13 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java: * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/make/Makebuilder.java: Comment out reference to the Builder, for now. * builder/org/eclipse/cdt/core/builder/CIncrementalBuilder.java: Comment reference to the CCorePlugin. 2003-02-05 Doug Schaefer * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/parser.generated: Fix for hang on destructors in namespaces 2003-02-01 Alain Magloire Cleanups and suggestions for Hoda. * mode/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ITemplate.java: New File. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IField.java: Now extedns IVariableDeclaration. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IMethodDeclaration.java: Extends IFunctionDeclaration. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IVariableLocal.java: Removed. 2003-01-29 Alain Magloire * index/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/index/IndexManager.java (shutdown): Typo was calling Thread.interrupted() instead of Thread.interrupt(). (delay): No longer static. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManger.java (readPreferences): Use Class.forName(). * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptorManager.java (resourceChanged): Remove useless declarations. 2003-01-29 Alain Magloire * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java: * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/Coff.java * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/coff/PE.java Cleanup some warnings when accessing static fields. 2003-01-29 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java (addElementChangedListeners): remove static qualifier. (removeElementChangedListeners): remove static qualifier. 2003-01-23 Alain Magloire Cleanups proposed by Amer Hoda. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICRoot.java: No need to extend ICElement * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICProject.java: No need to extend ICElement * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICFolder.java: No need to extend ICElement * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/ICFile.java: No need to extend ICElement * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IMethod.java: Extends ICFunction. 2003-01-23 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/CModelManager.java (getHeaderExtensions): Returns possible C/C++ header extensions name. (getSourceExtensions): Returns possible C/C++ extension. (getTranslationUnitExtensions): Returns possible C/C++ extension. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java: (getHeaderExtensions): New method. (getSourceExtensions): New method. (getTranslationUnitExtensions): New method. 2003-01-23 Alain Magloire Changes proposed by Amer Hoda. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/Structure.java: Extends IVariableDeclaration instead of IVariable. * model/org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/IStructure.java: Extends IVariableDeclaration instead of IVariable. 2003-01-17 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java (addSymbols): The catch IOException was at the wrong place. 2002-12-23 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CBuilder.java (invokeMake): NPE check the return of launcher.execute(), the executables may not be found. 2002-12-20 Alain Magloire Bug fix, We use a feature of GNU make to help track the directories Entering Directory '...' Leaving Directory '...' It looks like sometimes we loose track, or GNU make does not show a "Leaving Directory" this may actually depend on how it was spawn, you can suppress the message. If you loose track we popDirectories() and try to recover. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java (popDirectory): Is throwing NoSuchElement, check the size of the stack first. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/errorparsers/MakeErrorParser.java (processLine): Recover when loosing track. 2002-12-19 Alain Magloire * model/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/model/parser/BinaryContainerAdapter.java (getFile): Check getParent() it may return null. (getFolder): Check getParent(), it may return null. 2002-12-19 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java (findFilePath): The workspace will throw an Exception if the file is not within the workspace, catch it. (getWorkingDirectory): fallback to the location of the project if no working directory. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/errorparsers/GCCErrorParser.java (processLine): Ignore errors that does not match the pattern. 2002-12-13 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CommandLauncher.java (waitAndRead): Remove hack for J9 VM, filled a PR to IBM about their VM. Only delay when there is nothing to read. 2002-12-13 Alain Magloire Building will never write to the process. having things like all: b='a'; read b; echo $$b could hang the IDE, since the process is waiting for input. to go around, the input of the process is explicitely close. * src/.../internal/core/CBuilder.java (invokeMake): Close the Output stream of the process, since we will never write to it. 2002-12-13 David Inglis Update cdt to be eclipse 2.1 ready. * model/.../internal/core/model/Marker.java: added getCreationTime() * model/.../internal/core/model/Resource.java: added isLinked() * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/BinaryContainerAdapter.java: added createLink() * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/BinaryFileAdapter.java: added createLink() 2002-12-10 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCommandLauncher.java (waitAndRead): Check if the buffer is not null in available(). 2002-12-10 Alain Magloire There is a bug in IMB j9 VM in the PipedInputStream class, when the buffer is full it is returning 0 instead of buffer.length. We go around by overloading the available() method. This should be remove once the bug is fix. * src/org.eclipse.cdt.core/CCommandLauncher.java (waitAndRead): overload available() method in the input stream. Set the error message correctly when the command is canceled. 2002-12-06 Alain Magloire * indexer/.../internal/core/index/CTagsentry.java (parse): Remove The parsing was wrong for Exuberant Ctags. 2002-11-27 Alain Magloire * utils/.../utils/coff/PE.java (getAttribute): Quick fix to return the save value for CPU "x86" instead of "i386" 2002-11-27 Alain Magloire * model/.../cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java: Remove the static qualifiers and force people to use getDefault(). (getBinaryParserFormat): New method to retrieve the format of a project. (setBinaryParserFormat): New method to set the format of a project. (getDefaultBinaryParserFormat): New method to retrieve the default format. (setDefaultBinaryParserFormat): New method to set the default format. * model/.../cdt/core/model/IBinaryParser.java: Move to be is the src directory. * model/.../cdt/core/model/ICElementDelta.java: New Flag for the binary parser. * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/BinaryContainerAdapter.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/BinaryFileAdapter.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryArchive.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/PEBinaryArchive.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/PEBinaryFile.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/PEParser.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfParser.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/Symbol.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/ArchiveInfo.java: * model/.../internal/core/model/BinaryInfo.java: Organize imports. * model/.../internal/core/model/CElementDelta.java (binaryParserChanged): New method. * model/.../internal/core/model/CModelManager.java (releaseCElement): Remove the children of a container in the hashmap. (getDefaultBinaryParserFormat): Return the default format. (setDefaultBinaryParserFormat): set the default format. (setBinaryParserFormat): remove the all the children and fire a binary parser change. * src/../cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java (getBinaryParserConfigurations): New method to search for the extension points. * src/../cdt/core/IBinaryParser.java: New file * src/../cdt/core/IBinaryParserConfiguration.java: New file * src/../internal/cdt/core/BinaryParserConfiguration.java: New file * plugin.xml: Binary parsers extension points. 2002-11-23 Alain Magloire * model/.../cdt/core/model/CoreModel.java (getBinaryParser): New methods to retrieve the parser for a project. * model/.../cdt/core/model/IBinaryParser.java (getFormat): New method return the format supported. * model/.../internal/core/model/CModelManager.java (getBinaryParser): New methods to retrieve the parser for a project. * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java: Move the Symbol class out so it can be shared. * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfParser.java (getFormat): New method. * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/PEBinaryArchive.java: New file. * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/PEBinaryFile.java: New file. * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/PEParser.java: New file. * model/.../internal/core/model/parser/Symbol.java: New file. * src/.../cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java (getBinaryParser): New Methods to retrieve the extension-point. * utils/.../cdt/utils/coff/Coff.java : Parse the symbols. * utils/.../cdt/utils/coff/PE.java (getAttribute): New helper method/class Attribute. * utils/.../cdt/utils/coff/PEArchive.java : New File. * utils/.../cdt/utils/elf/AR.java (finalize): Make sure we do not leak fds. * utils/.../cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java (finalize): Make sure we do not leak fds. * plugin.xml: Define two "parser" extension-point. 2002-11-22 Alain Magloire * src/.../cdt/core/CommandLauncher.java (waitAndRead): Make sure we drain the pipes. (printCommandLine): Use the line.separator property. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/ErrorParserManager.java Check if outputStream is not null before using it. (write): must be synchronized. (checkLine): Break the buffer per line and pass it to processLine(). Takes an argument to flush when we are done(on close()). * src/.../internal/core/CBuilder.java (invokeMake): We have to call close() the same number of times we call ErrorParserManager.getOutputStream(). Move the ErrorParerManager.reportProblem() after the close. * src/.../internal/CCorePluginResources.properties: Updated. 2002-11-22 Alain Magloire The C Builder on error would clear the build. The side effect of that is on every BuildAll or Rebuild on the workspace, it will try to rebuild the projects since it has not states. It seems to work fine for JDT, where the builder has full control and can quickly make a decision The situation is not the same for the CDT, where we spawn an external tool (make) even if nothing changes i.e. the Makefiles rules when properly done will see, it still seems sloppy. So we remove this behaviour. * src/.../internal/core/CBuilder.java (invokeMake): Not to clear the state when errors. 2002-11-22 Alain Magloire * src/.../cdt/core/model/IBinary.java (isCore): New method. * src/.../cdt/core/model/IBinaryParser.java (CORE): New type core. * src/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java (getType): case for CORE. * src/.../internal/core/model/Binary.java (isCore): New method. * src/.../internal/core/model/BinaryInfo.java (isCore): New method. * src/.../internal/core/model/CModelManager.java (isBinary): Check for core. * util/.../utils/elf/Elf.java (getAttributes): Check for Core. 2002-11-22 David Inglis * src/.../cdt/core/CommandLauncher.java: Make CommandLauncher.waitAndRead do the stream writing, since ui components process this stream, and this method may be call in a ui thread. 2002-11-20 David Inglis * src/.../internal/core/CBuilder.java: fix AUTO_BUILDs so that the builder only builds when the resources change in the project. 2002-11-20 David Inglis * plugin.xml fixed bug #26640 2002-11-19 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/core/model/CModelManager.java (resourceChanged): Do nothing for PRE_DELETE and PRE_BUILD events for now. 2002-11-16 Alain Magloire * src/.../model/IBinaryParser.java: New Interface for Binary parsers extension-points. * src/.../model/ICElement.java (getResource): New method added. * src/.../internal/core/model/parser/BinaryContainerAdapter.java: New file adapting an archive to a IContainer. * src/.../internal/core/model/parser/BinaryFiledapter.java: New file adapting a binary to a IFile. * src/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryArchive.java: New file implements IBinaryArchive. * src/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java: New file implements IBinaryObject etc ... * src/.../internal/core/model/parser/ElfBinaryFile.java: New file implements IBinaryParser. * src/.../internal/core/model/Archive.java (isArchive): Removed. (getResource): Added. * src/.../internal/core/model/ArchiveContainer.java (getChildren): Use new method CProject.setBinaryRunner(). * src/.../internal/core/model/ArchiveInfo.java: rewritten to use IBinarParser interface. * src/.../internal/core/model/BinaryContainer.java (getChildren): Use new method CProject.setBinaryRunner(). * src/.../internal/core/model/BinaryInfo.java: rewritten to use IBinarParser interface. * src/.../internal/core/model/BinaryRunner.java: New File replace the ElfRunner.java. * src/.../internal/core/model/CProject.java: Rename the function with *Elf* Binary. * src/.../internal/core/model/ElfRunner.java: Rename to BinaryRunner.java * src/.../internal/core/model/CElement.java: Use getResource() instead of getCorrespondingResource(). * src/.../internal/core/model/CModelManager.java (ReleaseCElement): Bug fix was not passing the key to hash.remove(). (isShared): Use IBinaryParser. (isExecutable): Use IBinaryParser. (isArchive): Use IBinaryParser. * src/.../internal/core/model/Container.java: New file * src/.../internal/core/model/Resource.java: New file * src/.../internal/core/model/Marker.java: New file * src/.../internal/core/model/SourceManipulation.java (getResource): New method. * src/.../internal/core/model/Parent.java (getResource): New method. * plugin.xml: Indentation. 2002-11-13 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/errorparsers/GCCErrorParser.java (processLine): Remove the "warning :" prepend substring since the error is already mark. Remove debuging println()s. 2002-11-13 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/errorparsers/GCCErrorParser.java (processLine): Fix check if the column is valid i.e. a number. 2002-11-13 Judy Green *src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCProjectNature.java added configure() to overwrite CNatures implementation which adds a default CBuilder. We now check that a project having a CCNature added already has a CNature Throws a CoreException if not. *src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/CCorePlugin.java Added a static va CDT_PROJECT_NATURE_ID_MISMATCH to indicate the condition described above in configure() Cleaned up the convert methods to ensure that extra calls to add a CBuilder are not called. 2002-11-13 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/errorparsers/GCCErrorParser.java (processLine): The full semantics seems to be: filename:lineno:column:error_description we did not take to account that the preprocessor was putting the column also. 2002-11-13 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/core/CBuilder.java (invokeMake): Always parse the argument for errors even when the build was cancelled. 2002-11-12 Alain Magloire * index/.../internal/core/index/CTagsRunner.java (run): Remove the quick start code, not necessary. * index/.../core/index/IndexModel.java (setEnabled): Check if it was already enabled. 2002-11-12 Alain Magloire * index/.../internal/core/index/IndexManager.java (removeConatiner): Change the signature of the function to take IContainer. (removeResource): Also remove the request from the requestList. * index/.../internal/core/index/RequestList.java (removeItem): new method. 2002-11-12 Alain Magloire * index/.../core/index/IndexModel.java (isEnabled): New method check if indexing is enable for a project. (setEnabled) : enable/disable indexing for a project. (removeResource): New method, remove resource from the list. * index/.../internal/core/index/IndexManager.java (addContainer): Check if resource is enable for indexing. (addFile): Check if resource is enable for indexing. 2002-11-12 David Inglis * model/.../internal/core/model/CModelManager.java,v fixed model.create(IPath) method so it returns a element which actually exits 2002-11-08 Judy N. Green * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/COwner.java fixed check in constructor to throw error when ownerID is invalid * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptor.java made all constants static and changed visibility of DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME to package to be used by tge CDescriptorManager * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/CDescriptorManager.java Added to event in order to catch when the .cdtprject file is deleted. delete reference to the CDT project Descriptor when a missing file is detected. Added new public method removeExistingCdtProjectFile(IProject project), required when converting a project. 2002-11-06 Alain Magloire * src/org/eclipse/cdt/ErrorParserManager.java (parse): Unused code removed. (checkLine): String.trim() the line to remove trailing newline. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/errorparser/MakeErrorParser.java (processLine): When there is no resources set the lineno to -1. 2002-11-06 David Inglis * index/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/index/CTagsRunner.java fixed NPE when projects are deleted. * src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/ErrorParserManager.java fixed NPE when file exits outside of workspace * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java fixed out of memory failure on bad elf files 2002-11-06 Alain Magloire Deal with some issues of PR 25756. * src/.../internal.errorparsers.java (processLine): When the file is not found append not prepend the name of the file in the description. The check for "(Each undeclared ...)" was done at the wrong place. * src/.../ErrorParserManager.java (findFileName): Check if the file is absolute or relative. 2002-11-05 Alain Magloire * utils/.../utils/coff: New folder. * utils/.../utils/coff/Coff.java: First implementation of a generic COFF binary file parser. * utils/.../utils/coff/Exe.java: First implementation of a generic EXE binary file parser. * utils/.../utils/PE.java: First implementation of a generic PE coff format parser. 2002-11-05 Alain Magloire * src/.../ErrorParserManager.java (parse): Trim the line of unwanted trailing spaces. 2002-11-01 Alain Magloire * model/../internal/core/mode/CProject.java (findElement): Check if the path is Absolute or relative before creating the element. 2002-11-01 David Inglis * utils/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/elf/Elf.java change getCPU to return cpu only and not append endian ("le" or "be"). 2002-10-31 Alain Magloire * src/.../ErrorParserManager.java (findFilePath): Check if the file exists to not to return a phantom resource. 2002-10-30 Alain Magloire * src/.../CProjectNature.java (removeNature): Utility function to remove a nature from a project. (removeCNature): Utility method to remove the C Nature. * src/.../CCProjectNature.java (removeCCNature): Utility method to remove the CC nature. 2002-10-25 Alain Magloire * index/.../internal/core/index/CTagsCmd.java: Indentation. * index/.../internal/core/index/CTagsRunner.java: Implements Runnable. * index/.../internal/core/index/IndexManager.java (init): Set the indexer thread, thread.setDaemon(true). 2002-10-28 David Inglis * src/.../core/resources/ACBuilder.java Added check for duplicate markers. * src/.../internal/core/CBuilder.java Added check for canceled build and throws OperationCanceledException exception 2002-10-25 Alain Magloire The debugger needs to know the endian of a binary. For example int the memory view, to do format. * model/.../model/IBinary (isLittleEndian): New method returns the endian. * model/.../internal/core/model/Binary.java (isLittleEndian): New method. * model/.../internal/core/model/BinaryInfo.java (isLittleEndian): New method implemented by calling Elf. * utils/.../utils/elf/Elf.java (Elf.Attribute.isLittleEndian): New method return the endian. 2002-10-23 Alain Magloire * src/.../core/resource/ACBuilder.java (mapMarkerSeverity): New method to convert IMarkerGenerator to IMarker. * src/.../core/ErrorParserManager.java: New file. * src/.../core/IErrorParser.java: New file. * src/.../core/IMarkerGenerator.java: Define a set of new fields: IMarkerGenerator.SEVERITY_INFO IMarkerGenerator.SEVERITY_WARNING IMarkerGenerator.SEVERITY_ERROR_RESOURCE IMarkerGenerator.SEVERITY_ERROR_BUILD IMarkerGenerator.SEVERITY_INFO * src/.../core/erroparsers: Removed * src/.../core/erroparsers/ErrorParserManager.java: Removed * src/.../core/erroparsers/IErrorParser.java: Removed * src/.../internal/core/CBuilder.java (invokeMake): new field fatalBuild to check return of ErrorParserManager.reporProblems(). * src/.../internal/core/ProcessClosure.java (isAlive): the test shoule be an || the errorstream __or__ the outputstream thread is alive. * src/.../internal/errorparsers/GASErrorParser.java (processLine): * src/.../internal/errorparsers/GCCErrorParser.java (processLine): * src/.../internal/errorparsers/GLDErrorParser.java (processLine): * src/.../internal/errorparsers/VCErrorParser.java (processLine): Use the IMarkerGenerator fields. * src/.../internal/errorparsers/MakeErrorParser.java (processLine): Catch GNU Make build errors, something like: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop." 2002-10-23 David Inglis Error parsing is now done as the streams from the commands are read, this reduces memory usage during the build process, and we can now add options to the build console to only keep 'n' lines of output, again reducing the memory usage. Also refactored IErrorParser and ErrorParserManager out of internal. * src/.../errorparser/ErrorParserManager.java: * src/.../errorparser/IErrorParser.java: * src/.../internal/errorparser/GASErrorParser.java: * src/.../internal/errorparser/GCCErrorParser.java: * src/.../internal/errorparser/GLDErrorParser.java: * src/.../internal/errorparser/MakeErrorParser.java: * src/.../internal/errorparser/VCErrorParser.java: * src/.../internal/core/CBuilder.java: * src/.../internal/core/ProcessCloseure.java: * src/.../core/ConsoleOutputStream.java: 2002-10-22 Alain Magloire * src/.../internal/parser/LinePositionInputStream.java: We use a BufferedInputStream to limit the number of reads. 2002-10-16 Alain Magloire Some of the native functions were throwing exceptions particularly on the windows platform and it was not clearly advertise. Eclipse uses a tool to externalize strings, to prevent this, strings need a comment "//$NON-NLS-1$". This also incorporated some fixes by Alex Chapiro, in Spawner.Reaper Thread an exception can be thrown for example if the application does not exist, the reaper thread will catch the IOException an notify spawner of the failure by setting pid = -1; * utils/../utils/pty/PTYInputStream.java (close0): Advertise that we can throw an IOException. * utils/../utils/pty/PTYOutputStream.java (close): Put the "$NON-NLS-1$" magic. (write0): Advertise we can throw IOException. (close0): Advertise we can throw IOException. * utils/../utils/spawner/ProcessFactory.java: Reformat. * utils/../utils/spawner/Spawner.java (Reaper): The run method when calling exec0 did not catch the exception. And the waitFor() should not be done on a pid == -1; * utils/../utils/spawner/SpawnerInputStream.java: Reformat. * utils/../utils/spawner/SpawnerOutputStream.java: Reformat. 2002-10-15 Alain Magloire By making the native methods package scope, the compiler will not generate synthetic accessor methods to access them in the Reaper inner class * utils/../utils/spawner/Spawner.java (exec0): (exec1): Change scope to be package. (raise): Change scope to be package. (waitFor): Change scope to be package. 2002-10-13 Alain Magloire Boosting the compiler error level to get unused imports. * model/../internal/core/model/ArchiveContainer.java: * model/../core/model/BinaryContainer.java: * model/../core/model/CElementDelta.java: * model/../core/model/CModelManager.java: * model/../core/model/CResourceInfo.java: Remove unused imports. * src/../core/resources/ACBuilder.java: * src/../internal/core/CBuilder.java: Remove unused imports. 2002-10-15 David Inglis * model/../core/model/CoreModel.java * model/../internal/core/model/CModelManager.java * model/../internal/core/model/CModelStatus.java Clean up model - removed plugin and nature id from model refernce core plugin and nature classes for ID. - removed unsed methods in model for adding/removing natures. 2002-10-15 David Inglis * src/../internal/core/CBuilder.java Fixed builder to return referenced projects so that eclipse builder will build increamentaly build projects when they change. Handle "clean" target as special so the build state is cleared allowing the next increamental build to come in as a full build.