Extension point to plugin quick fix for codan markers Contribute codan marker resolution Class that implement IMarkerResolution that provides a fix for the given problem Problem id of the problem for which quick fix is defined. If this is not codan problem (for example gcc error), it can be ommitted. Message pattern must be used in this case. If problem id is not enought to identity the fix messagePattern can be used to apply fix for given message since 1.0 <extension point="org.eclipse.cdt.codan.checkers.ui.codanMarkerResolution"> <resolution class="org.eclipse.cdt.codan.internal.checkers.ui.quickfix.CatchByReferenceQuickFix" problemId="org.eclipse.cdt.codan.internal.checkers.CatchByReference"> </resolution> </extension> Programmatically resolution can be added using CatchByReferenceQuickFix.addResolution method. It is not API yet. see CatchByReferenceQuickFix