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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-06-22Move the rest of the CDT plugins to java 8Marc Khouzam3-5/+5
2016-01-18Incremented CDT features version to 9.0.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
2016-01-04Fix copyright of all CDT plugins using the copyright tool from platform.Marc Khouzam5-5/+5
2015-06-10Incremented CDT feature version to 8.8.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
2015-05-05Incremented CDT feature version to 8.7.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
2015-01-07Incremented CDT feature version to 8.6.0.Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2014-07-22Inremented branding plugin version to 8.5Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2014-01-24Enabled JDK 1.7.Sergey Prigogin3-5/+5
2014-01-21Bumped up CDT version to 8.4.Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2013-08-27Fixed parent pom version to referenceAndrew Gvozdev1-1/+1
2012-06-28Bumped up feature versions for Kepler.Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2012-01-27@Override annotations and other cleanupAndrew Gvozdev5-27/+36
2011-11-16Switched to Java 1.6 rest of build packages.Andrew Gvozdev3-78/+78
2011-10-20Version number changes missed in the previous commit.Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2011-10-20Updated parent feature version in pom.xml files.Sergey Prigogin1-1/+1
2011-06-28Mavenizing CDT releng.Doug Schaefer1-0/+17
2011-03-21Bug 314101 - add description for new XL UPC project wizardVivian Kong2-2/+6
2010-06-14Missing about.html files in various source plugins.Doug Schaefer1-0/+1
2010-06-03Bug 315645 - fix unmerged xlc/xlupc toolchainsChris Recoskie2-17/+63
2010-06-02Bug 315439 Fix up copyrightVivian Kong1-1/+1
2010-02-01externalize strings in plugin.xml in various pluginsVivian Kong2-1/+3
2009-09-30Update version numbers for changes in features and pluginsVivian Kong1-1/+1
2009-08-27bug 284175 - turn off binary parser for XLC toolchain by defaultVivian Kong1-6/+0
2009-06-10Fixed up a number of legal items.Doug Schaefer2-1/+26
2009-06-08use Eclipse CDT as provider nameVivian Kong1-1/+1
2009-05-27update copyrightsVivian Kong1-0/+10
2009-05-19[277001] UPC toolchain isn't set up propertlyMike Kucera4-9/+125
2009-05-14fixing execution environment for managedbuilder.xlupc.ui plugin... should be ...Chris Recoskie3-3/+9
2009-05-04plugin dependenciesVivian Kong1-2/+2
2009-05-01fixing up version numberVivian Kong2-3/+14
2009-04-30[261232] initial commit of UPC new project wizard and UPC toolchainMike Kucera14-0/+822

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