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path: root/codan
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-04-07Bug 546179 - Fix lack of warning for field referencesMarco Stornelli2-0/+20
2019-04-04[releng] Fix baseline repo locationWilliam Riley1-1/+1
2019-03-21Bug 545562 - Fix return checker check for template functionsMarco Stornelli1-0/+11
2019-03-21Bug 519105 - Return checker for functions with noreturnMarco Stornelli3-1/+30
2019-03-04Bug 544980: Added a checker for using directive in header fileMarco Stornelli6-2/+169
2019-03-01[releng] Bump version to 9.8.0Jonah Graham1-1/+1
2019-02-19Bug 509751 - Process function template with non-dependent return type in Retu...Bassem Girgis3-13/+48
2019-02-19Bug 544539: Codan requires universal resolution from pluginsFelix Morgner2-4/+4
2018-12-10[releng] Bump version to 9.7.0Jonah Graham1-1/+1
2018-11-24Bug 540373: Update the compiler warnings/ignoresJonah Graham12-36/+36
2018-11-23Bug 540373: Format some Java files that were missedJonah Graham1-2/+2
2018-11-23Bug 540373: Cleanup: Remove trailing whitespace in properties filesJonah Graham5-10/+10
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Remove '(non-Javadoc)' commentsJonah Graham30-371/+0
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Remove redundant semicolonsJonah Graham1-1/+1
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Remove redundant type argumentsJonah Graham34-64/+64
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Remove unnecessary castsJonah Graham1-1/+1
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Add missing annotationsJonah Graham7-0/+11
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Organize ImportsJonah Graham8-28/+30
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Format & Remove trailing whitespaceJonah Graham184-1119/+1201
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Standard .settings auto appliedJonah Graham50-337/+4950
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Remove invalid javadoc API tagsJonah Graham1-1/+0
2018-11-22Bug 540371: Update to EPLv2 using releng/scripts/change_to_eplv2.shJonah Graham304-1082/+2084
2018-11-22Bug 540371: normalize files before applying EPLv2Jonah Graham1-3/+3
2018-11-20Bug 540373: Normalize newlines with .gitattributesJonah Graham6-548/+548
2018-10-30Bug 540610 - Add Automatic-Module-Name headerKarsten Thoms10-0/+10
2018-10-29Bug 540112 - Perform C++14 return type deduction in ReturnCheckerNathan Ridge3-70/+36
2018-10-23Bug 540367 - Increment version numbersWilliam Riley6-6/+6
2018-10-12Bug 389577 - False positive "Unused static function"Marc-Andre Laperle2-8/+47
2018-10-10Bug 519311 Handle delegating constructor in class templateBassem Girgis2-0/+22
2018-10-10Bug 519473 Fixed member function calling with referencesBassem Girgis2-1/+25
2018-10-01Bug 539307 - Have Codan test suites open files in C editor, not Generic EditorNathan Ridge1-3/+4
2018-09-30Bug 539307 - Set correct project nature in Codan tests to fix wrong content typeMarc-Andre Laperle9-22/+72
2018-09-27Bug 539145 - Avoid NPE in CaseBreakQuickFixFallthroughAttribute.validPosition...Nathan Ridge1-0/+2
2018-09-27Bug 539145 - Avoid opening an editor during CaseBreakQuickFixFallthroughAttri...Nathan Ridge2-11/+9
2018-09-15Bug 538266 - NPE in QuickFixCreateNewClass.isApplicable()Nathan Ridge1-1/+3
2018-07-25Bug 537272 - Offer "Create local variable" based on compiler errorsFelix Morgner2-0/+5
2018-07-08Bug 536268 - Find uses of overloaded operators when checking for unused symbolsNathan Ridge2-0/+13
2018-06-26Bug 534330 - Only create an index for the project containing the TU being ana...Nathan Ridge1-4/+1
2018-06-05[releng] Bump version to 9.6.0Jonah Graham1-1/+1
2018-06-03Bug 532120: Catch by const reference ignores const placement settingFelix Morgner3-51/+138
2018-05-18Bug 534332 - Add a testcase involving a function as wellNathan Ridge1-0/+1
2018-05-11Bug 534332 - In the unused symbol checker, check for 'unused' attribute on th...Nathan Ridge2-0/+8
2018-03-14Bug 525250: "Create local variable" offered outside of local scopesFelix Morgner8-8/+90
2018-02-13[releng] Bump version to 9.5.0Jonah Graham1-1/+1
2018-02-10Bug 529383 - NPE in CheckersRegistry.getResourceProfile()Nathan Ridge2-0/+8
2018-02-08Remove useless code.Alexander Kurtakov1-3/+2
2018-02-06Bug 530481 - NPE in QuickFixSuppressProblem.prepareFor()Nathan Ridge1-1/+4
2018-01-10Bug 529338 - NPE in QuickFixUseDotOperator.apply()Nathan Ridge1-0/+5
2017-12-26Bug 350144 - suppressing the "No break" problem with regexpAlena Laskavaia3-3/+58
2017-11-30Bug 527553: Detect invalid decltype(auto) with a type specifierHansruedi Patzen5-0/+237

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