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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2022-04-20[releng] Make CDT Clean-up profile match Editor on save actionsJonah Graham1-0/+80
The CDT Cleanup profile had a bunch of extra cleanups applied to it, this prevents running the CDT cleanup profile manually to simulate running the save actions on all Java files Change-Id: Iad491e1258a4ba90d81d1457ea0f6779e3663e38
2022-04-13[releng] Update all legal files with update_legal_files.shJonah Graham1-6/+8
The about.html was changed as per Change-Id: Ied879279460a8fc610630fc26794ab3df9eae39f
2022-04-13[releng] Prepare for 10.7.0 with version bumpsJonah Graham1-1/+1
All the about.html files are updated, so every bundle that hasn't already had a bump in 10.7 needs one now Change-Id: I6143d2fbe77a58a3a6d2f4a226d96087117f9ac1
2020-11-20Build with Tycho 2.1.0Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
Change-Id: I7f682ad313ce275f45e0b4adb4c1280d952cf3ac Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <> Also-by: Jonah Graham <>
2020-08-31Bug 566511: [releng] Add missing UTF-8 encoding for all CDT projectsJonah Graham1-0/+2
Includes updates to code cleanliness script Change-Id: Ic495124285e3e002993f34dc12be5ad7337fe13b
2020-08-24Bug 566334: Turn on API Tooling & Analysis for all bundlesJonah Graham1-0/+6
Change-Id: I3cb5645eba52b0cd0e9a71069264d9c589159107
2020-08-24Bug 562494: Update BREE to Java 11Jonah Graham3-11/+33
Change-Id: I0c91aafc0cb1b179936acbd4c9df2d961899e3fa
2019-08-10Remove redundant superinterfaces. Alexander Kurtakov5-8/+5
Change-Id: I0de3509b02a8ef6853f0053c9ee6edd304a05a86 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2019-03-21Bug 519105 - Return checker for functions with noreturnMarco Stornelli2-1/+13
Added check in control flow graph to check if a function has noreturn attribute. Change-Id: Ieaa5984a337493e3aac12c0f6fbeeb91a754358b Signed-off-by: Marco Stornelli <>
2018-11-24Bug 540373: Update the compiler warnings/ignoresJonah Graham1-1/+1
The previous alignment of all the warnings/ignores led to too many warnings that weren't there before. This commit relaxes them a bit. The core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs is still the "master" copy, with releng/scripts/ containing the exceptions that apply to test plug-ins. Change-Id: Ibd4e31ade0b42b31e7cbe5a94f06c6fc15183a56
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Remove '(non-Javadoc)' commentsJonah Graham4-28/+0
These were inserted in the past automatically by Eclipse but newer tooling makes them redundant. These were removed by doing a global find/replace on *.java files using the following regular expression: \t/\*\n\t \* \(non-Javadoc\)[^/]*/\n Change-Id: I59d3248020f10934fde1dda5b5a31e20bb188e19
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Remove redundant type argumentsJonah Graham2-2/+2
This was done by selecting all projects in Eclipse then Source -> Clean Up... -> choosing: - Remove redundant type arguments and completing the wizard Change-Id: Iaecc7010f097b4b1fabd29ccaa34ccb23a716fbf
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Add missing annotationsJonah Graham1-0/+1
This was done by selecting all projects in Eclipse then Source -> Clean Up... -> choosing: - Add missing Annotations - and selecting all three types: - @Override - @Override on interface methods - @Deprecated and completing the wizard Change-Id: I5d367dacb04327107f25e147edc08efc4eb1c2fe
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Cleanup: Format & Remove trailing whitespaceJonah Graham26-158/+158
This was done by selecting all projects in Eclipse then Source -> Clean Up... -> choosing: - Format source code - Remove trailing white spaces on all lines and completing the wizard Change-Id: I63685372c6bcc67719bcf145123bcb72e5b00394
2018-11-22Bug 540373: Standard .settings auto appliedJonah Graham5-34/+506
The releng/scripts/ was run to copy standard settings to all other projects. Change-Id: I4436c947d7f0142f56b709e661379c3eb54f666b
2018-11-22Bug 540371: Update to EPLv2 using releng/scripts/change_to_eplv2.shJonah Graham41-140/+272
Change-Id: Ifbb1d5af2a00bd5634dea200320e8c4303ffca6c
2018-10-30Bug 540610 - Add Automatic-Module-Name headerKarsten Thoms1-0/+1
Change-Id: Ia990b24469751050dd9ec8f9b5550804816308b3 Signed-off-by: Karsten Thoms <>
2018-10-29Bug 540112 - Perform C++14 return type deduction in ReturnCheckerNathan Ridge1-0/+15
As part of this change, ReturnChecker was refactored to compute the return type as an IType, which allowed for removal of some logic in ReturnChecker which duplicated CPPVisitor's type resolution work. Change-Id: I9cd8512164d650a5ee11d2e58fdae477e3c428a2
2018-10-23Bug 540367 - Increment version numbersWilliam Riley1-1/+1
Change-Id: I4a355170a7075f0a98ba3c1a5131c235c89b07d2
2018-06-26Bug 534330 - Only create an index for the project containing the TU being ↵Nathan Ridge1-4/+1
analyzed in CxxModelsCache.getIndex() Change-Id: I3391e1201b51ab32c35c73cfb2f861614da07057
2018-02-08Remove useless code.Alexander Kurtakov1-3/+2
* Else clause. * Unused constructor in private class. Change-Id: I51d9ac08000e9ef6364dac96e96297733335a367 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2017-10-22Bug 513589 - Add support to build CDT projects in a Docker ContainerJeff Johnston1-2/+2
- add IOptionalBuildObjectPropertiesContainer interface to use for objects that supply optional build properties - add new IOptionalBuildProperties interface that defines optional build properties donated by external plug-ins - add new - change IConfiguration to an IOptionalBuildObjectPropertiesContainer - change IManagedProject to be an IOptionalBuildObjectPropertiesContainer - fix ProcessClosure to ensure that readers are not null before accessing them - fix Container launch delegate to look at project optional build properties for active configuration to fetch connection and image info and use said info to find a matching launch or create a new one - have Container launch delegate use the image name as part of the launch config name - have Container launch short-cut also use the project's optional build properties for the active config to get connection and image information before any defaulting - change AutotoolsNewMarkerGenerator to store the command launcher as an ICommandLauncher - add new CommandLauncherFactory extension to cdt.core that allows plug-ins to specify a CommandLauncherFactory that will return an ICommandLauncher based on the project - add macros for new extension to CCorePlugin - add new CommandLauncherManager class that loads CommandLauncherFactory extensions and is used to give an ICommandLauncher wrapper that will go through the list of CommandLauncherFactory extensions until one returns non-null ICommandLauncher - add code to RemoteCommandLauncher so it will use the CommandLauncherManager to get the local launcher - also change RemoteCommandLauncher to check at execution time whether the command is local and in that case use the local command launcher - add new ICommandLauncherFactory interface - add new ContainerCommandLauncher to launch - add new ContainerCommandLauncherFactory class for returning a ContainerCommandLauncher instance to launch commands in a Docker Container - change MakeBuilder to use CommandLauncherManager to get its ICommandLauncher - change CommandBuilder to use CommandLauncherManager too - ditto for Builder and AbstractBuiltinSpecsDetector and ExternalToolInvoker - change Configuration to load/store optional build properties as well as return the properties to get/set - ditto for MultiConfiguration - change ManagedProject to implement IOptionalBuildOptionProperties interface - ditto for ProjectType - create new OptionalBuildProperties class to store optional build properties for a configuration - bump cdt.docker.launcher to 1.1.0 - use CommandLauncherFactory extension to define ContainerCommandLauncherFactory - add optional ContainerPropertyTab which allows the end-user to optionally choose to build a C/C++ project in a Container and specify the connection/image to use - in LanguageSettingsSerializableSettings class, call the CommandLauncherManager getLanguageSettingEntries method to get the massaged language setting entries based on the current list - in LanguageSettingsProviderSerializer, try and get the pooled entries using the cfg description so that it will have the project and can use the CommandLauncherManager to get entries from image - in ContainerCommandLauncherFactory move cached headers under a HEADERS directory in the plug-in area - create a sub-directory for the connection and a sub-directory for the image based on cleansed names - store the real names of the connection and image to use later in the DockerHeaderPreferencePage - modify LanguageSettingsEntriesTab to force the horizontal scroll bar to appear (this is a bug in SWT SashForm support and the fix here isn't quite correct, but is better) - add new DockerHeaderPreferencePage that allows user to remove cached headers from images - change C/C++ Docker preferences to be titled: Docker Container - fix LanguageSettingsWorkspaceProvider.getSettingEntries method to use the CommandLauncherManager so entries will be transformed to use cached headers - add BaseDatabindingModel class - add DataVolumeModel class to model a volume mount - add ContainerPropertyVolumes model to model volume specification and selected volumes - add properties to ContainerCommandLauncher to represent volumes and selected volumes for a configuration - add ContainerDataVolumeDialog for specifying a volume mount by the end-user - add a null detector for cfgDescription in LanguageSettingsSerializableProvider - fix AutotoolsNewMakeGenerator.getWinOSType to not specify "." for working dir - fix GCCBuiltinSpecsDetectorCygwin to not map paths to Cygwin if the current configuration is enabled for container build - add logic to ContainerCommandLauncher to look for Windows file formats and change them to unix format and map any "." working dir to be /tmp - fix ContainerLauncherConfigurationDelegate similarly - fix AbstractBuiltinSpecsDetector to pass in the current configuration description when getting the CommandLauncher since the current configuration may not be the active configuration - change ContainerPropertyTab to add Elf and GNU Elf binary parsers when build in Container is chosen so that output executables are treated as Binaries by the CDT project - add documentationl for the ContainerPropertyTab in Build Settings and the Data Volume dialog pop-up it brings up - change CommandBuilder to accept a project as an argument to its constructor and to pass this as an argument to the CommandLauncherManager - have StepBuilder pass project when creating a CommandBuilder Change-Id: Ia78488b93056e6ec7ca83a6c87b3a9d2b9424943
2017-10-13Bug 525438 - Fix file path comparison in ↵Nathan Ridge1-2/+1
AbstractIndexAstChecker.getLineCommentsForLocation() Using IPath.toPortableString() was causing a forward slash vs. backward slash mismtach in the path comparison on Windows. Change-Id: Ib3eb392065fb473f6b6e70cb1dcddceb34ae7240
2017-10-04Bug 525350 - Ensure a lookup point is always set during indexing, code ↵Nathan Ridge1-0/+3
analysis, and code completion Also push a more accurate lookup point in a few places. Change-Id: I635569178d8d9afd23f7782aeebdaed714f1a10d
2017-02-14releng: Make use of Tycho POM-less functionalityMarc-Andre Laperle1-17/+0
This removes a lot of pom.xml from the source tree. This is using the "POM-less" Tycho functionality. See One advantage of this is that you do not need to update the version in the pom.xml when you change it in the MANIFEST.MF because the pom.xml is automatically generated. This also reduces a lot of the duplicated information and pom.xml repetition. - Maven 3.3 and up is required. - Only eclipse-plugins and eclipse-features can be pom-less. Repositories, target and others still have pom.xml. - New parent poms are added because a parent is necessary directly one level above the plug-in/feature that will have its pom generated - Some test plug-ins had to be renamed .test -> .tests because it's required so that it detects that it's a test plug-in - Some suites were renamed so that they all use the same consistent name "AutomatedIntegrationSuite" - Profiles were added for the more common test configurations. They are activated by the presence of simple .properties files that only serve to activate the correct profile. The profiles: - One for UI tests (UI present and start in UI thread) - One for SWTBot tests (UI present and do not start in UI thread) Other test plug-ins that are too different are kept intact and still have a pom.xml - Fragments are kept intact since they all have different target platform configurations Change-Id: I9d73380eb766f547830c552daf08053a30b1845c Signed-off-by: Marc-Andre Laperle <>
2016-11-16Update version to 9.3.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
Change-Id: Ic953ccc5d38ff3661ca44de21ed8c4b7dad5b246
2016-11-15Update version to 9.2.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
Change-Id: I36ad4218b20b8ea70584c89f5be45c757bf4c714
2016-10-26Bug 496720 - Respect scope filters for AST-based checkersNathan Ridge1-2/+2
Change-Id: Ib96879ec50bdc5a14215abbe6d109bcf3767d4f4
2016-10-06More robust implementation of ControlFlowGraphBuilder.isConstant methodSergey Prigogin1-6/+3
Change-Id: I43fd84e8c374a638834be3c2aeb216b96fc6b461
2016-09-16Bug 490475. Support the evaluation of C++14 constexpr functionsToni Suter1-4/+4
Change-Id: I05029f26b6d33cbeeab8138a270b38c4018b64b5 Signed-off-by: Toni Suter <> Signed-off-by: Silvano Brugnoni <>
2016-09-05Bug 500884. Fixed ExternalToolInvoker so it starts the Build Console.Dan Crosscup1-0/+4
Build Console needs to be started before OutputStream and ErrorStream are retrieved for the Sniffer. Change-Id: I1aea84ca9fa2e6806cb07513bb2c9cad47c11617 Signed-off-by: Dan Crosscup <>
2016-08-17Update version to 9.1.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
This commit used the script releng/scripts/ Change-Id: I8274a6e8dd5c0f1e450f07952e138b265a441a62
2016-07-07Bug 496628 - Avoid codan markers that cover an entire class declarationNathan Ridge1-1/+7
This fixes a regression from bug 486610 which introduced these in some cases. Change-Id: I791528ce7f0bc061386aaa97dd9cecb7abeecd72
2016-06-22Move the rest of the CDT plugins to java 8Marc Khouzam3-5/+5
This change was generated using the script: releng/scripts/ Change-Id: I2ad96dc682a5acb8529c3edec40de279c331b5a4
2016-02-23Bug 486610 - Fixed a highlight problem in reportProblem methodAlisson Linhares de Carvalho1-5/+5
Every time we report a problem in a declaration/expression that occupies more than one line, the codan marks the entire line as a problem - including everything before the node. This patch solves this inconvenient behavior. See for a complete explanation. Change-Id: I742cbaac8a1392676695d574355597b0cfc87385 Signed-off-by: Alisson Linhares de Carvalho <>
2016-02-11Update copyright datesMarc Khouzam3-3/+3
Change-Id: I94ac38c37657e270f62db9bbd2859c2c6de40e5f
2016-01-18Incremented CDT features version to 9.0.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
This includes bumping the standalone debugger to 9.0.0 Change-Id: I55fae1cec995b5f6865a5b174c004ed1b76e9bea
2016-01-11Bug 383576 - Ability to ignore codan errors using line commentsAlena Laskavaia3-9/+57
Change-Id: I806e1787fb6cc3be8865cee1d397d581ae4acd8e Signed-off-by: Alena Laskavaia <>
2016-01-08fixing some commentsAlena Laskavaia2-40/+24
Change-Id: I020815ce6099d743067974a97b8b63539e408f15
2016-01-04Fix copyright of all CDT plugins using the copyright tool from platform.Marc Khouzam19-19/+19
This commit does not add missing copyrights, just updates the date on the existing ones. Change-Id: I646f5afd533a1fcc539bdf2e0686b22f406ecf65
2015-06-10Incremented CDT feature version to 8.8.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
Change-Id: Ib1189a08a5f0225fd676b682dc8a10477ad3acc5 Signed-off-by: Marc Khouzam <>
2015-05-05Incremented CDT feature version to 8.7.0Marc Khouzam1-1/+1
Change-Id: Ife0feaaa9263d2b7797e31d628250bd26caff1b5 Signed-off-by: Marc Khouzam <>
2015-04-06Bug 461538 - "noreturn" attribute in destructor is not accounted forSergey Prigogin1-5/+33
Change-Id: Ia3c3bdfdb26ff18092fd20be02f178ebb71848bb Signed-off-by: Sergey Prigogin <>
2015-04-03Cosmetics.Sergey Prigogin1-16/+13
Change-Id: I473deba48684e751905fbfa487df6fe9146781c2 Signed-off-by: Sergey Prigogin <>
2015-04-03Reverted erroneous commits.Sergey Prigogin1-13/+16
Change-Id: I7e914e27413f102d4b84c62f53f300c4ec5d23e8 Signed-off-by: Sergey Prigogin <>
2015-04-03CosmeticsSergey Prigogin1-16/+13
2015-03-19codan: encapsulated builder and added vm var to disable (for tests)Alena Laskavaia1-2/+3
- refactored the code so client who run codan always go though builder to call checkers - added vm arg -Dcodan.disabled=true to be used mostly by junit to not run codan at all Change-Id: Ie85e20f23b6ded8fffe5064adc1f9193a6f9a146
2015-03-08Code streamlining.Sergey Prigogin1-19/+3
2015-03-08Cosmetics.Sergey Prigogin1-30/+25
2015-03-06codan: added AbstractCElementChecker class Alena Laskavaia2-39/+74
this allows to run on translation unit but without index locking useful for externl tools Change-Id: If0788eee7d322aa4cafb7985e0c8f742c31369ae Signed-off-by: Alena Laskavaia <>

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