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path: root/build
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-06-30Remove old .cvsignore filesMarc Khouzam8-8/+0
Change-Id: Ia66de47055a15d94c0aa45d1198f0a9e78d82ad0
2016-06-22Move the rest of the CDT plugins to java 8Marc Khouzam27-45/+45
This change was generated using the script: releng/scripts/ Change-Id: I2ad96dc682a5acb8529c3edec40de279c331b5a4
2016-06-17autotools: Start using Job.create.Alexander Kurtakov3-161/+144
Making use of lambdas for the sake of showing new APIs and having better code. Change-Id: If03cde0b2ae58d965387b0b224bc5129af78dacc Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2016-06-14Cherry picking changes from the CDT 9 branch for Qt and Arduino.Doug Schaefer3-7/+50
Change-Id: I85eca2b8bb0447d4dd703030c41d90c1f9bcdf89
2016-05-27Create a dummy file in the user doc index when skipDoc.Doug Schaefer1-0/+29
Change-Id: Id5039869212f6b900fb423ea1cd5b27782cc9ad5
2016-05-17Add MSYS2 32-bit support to MinGW GCC toolchain.Doug Schaefer1-7/+46
Change-Id: I185f1b070ce0e97340fc55b1fc0842a6f8e23637
2016-05-16Make sure CMake project property page only shows on CMake projects.Doug Schaefer1-3/+9
Change-Id: I804fcae05e618925d0cbf4b6fbc52b6665789916
2016-05-16Fix a few things for the QML editor.Doug Schaefer1-0/+6
Fixed up content type warning. Hooked up colors for the QMLEditor to the CEditor preferences. Fixed up tabbing in the main.qml template. Fixed the GCC toolchain to find compiler on path on windows. Change-Id: I66a013666d1ab99bfe94a2a558486cc81681c67c
2016-05-16Add a Debug configuration for Autotools projectsJeff Johnston5-12/+151
- set default CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS for debug configuration Autotool projects - pass project when creating a new AutotoolsConfiguration - add new Debug (GNU) configuration - add new build type property to Debug configuration - look for property when initializing AutotoolsConfiguration Change-Id: I95e6fa59f854dad3aff71507a4a85ffa55f4b2bc
2016-05-13Bug 491619 - Choosing a C++ dialect should reindexJeff Johnston4-15/+87
- changed gcc builtin settings providers to prefer non-shared - added isIndexerAffected method override to ToolSettingsTab which looks at new isIndexerAffected boolean - add logic to ToolSettingsTab setOptions() method to look for dirty options that return true for isForScannerDiscovery() or are special options that affect include path or defines - add performok method to ToolSettingsTab to look if isIndexerAffected when user hits OK without hitting APPLY - change the message for bringing up the question dialog for end-user to choose whether to reindex or not Change-Id: Icd740caafe638f272b6f1434d5817f2377ffe04a
2016-05-12Add MSYS2 support for managed build. A few Qt cleanups on Windows.Doug Schaefer4-48/+32
Change-Id: I07ed0cb4a83996de194559570fedf9fb1b21b42d
2016-05-11fixed NPE when loading c descriptorsAlena Laskavaia1-3/+7
Change-Id: I84db8063ab43d00bbed42c40f8a7601031ef8bb1
2016-05-10Add binary parsers to new build system. Clean up some toolchain stuff.Doug Schaefer4-57/+74
new build configs now support binary parsers which are by default driven from the toolchains. Ran into problem with new versions of toolchains. Added versioning info to toolchains to take that into account. Change-Id: Ie1fb7755e84239b525dca0ae11759027a0b44574
2016-04-28Modernize Arduino plug-ins. Adjust APIs to suite.Doug Schaefer6-217/+118
Change-Id: Ic877c8f0992874e647d4b464502165d7bd3ebe0e
2016-04-25Bug 492210 - Remove ChangeLog files from projectAlex Blewitt9-7082/+0
ChangeLog is an archaic format for identifying what has changed in a project. Fortunately more powerful version control systems are capable of generating this information and displaying information such as this paragraph in order to determine what has changed in a project and when. Change-Id: Ia71a05fa51869c1adb193d94f71c28b3b36beb37 Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-25Bug 492304 - Fix NLS warningsAlex Blewitt57-266/+266
Eclipse warns if a String literal does not have a `//$NON-NLS-<n>$` entry at the end of the line. However, for historic or formatting reasons, many such occurrences in the CDT source have an intermediate whitespace, such as `// $NON-NLS-<n>$` Fix these so that the whitespace is removed between the // and $ characters. Change-Id: Idc12398fe6e9d619af1d0b1b73fb8b6180da223c Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-25Bug 492230 - Replace buffer.append(a+b) callsAlex Blewitt21-188/+200
When using a `StringBuilder` or `StringBuffer` to create a string message, using implicit string concatenation inside an `.append()` call will create a nested StringBuilder for the purposes of creating the arguments, which will subsequently be converted to a String and then passed to the outer StringBuilder. Skip the creation of the intermediate object and String by simply replacing such calls with `buffer.append(a).append(b)`. Where values are compile time String constants, leave as is so that the javac compiler can perform compile-time String concatenation. Ensure that NEWLINE isn't appended in such a way since it is not a compile time constant `System.getProperty("line.separator")` Change-Id: I4126aefb2272f06b08332e004d7ea76b6f02cdba Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-24Major change to new build arch to give configs more power.Doug Schaefer9-222/+144
Creates a single central CBuilder builder which find the C Build Config and delegates the builds to it. That give configs full control over the builds. Qt and CMake build configs are adapted to this new structure. More features are added to the default super class for configs. Change-Id: I5ecfc7a4e9b909da6749189a059cdcd4a208fddd
2016-04-21Bug 492200 - Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder where appropriateSergey Prigogin1-11/+12
Change-Id: Ib52b839a211e2068e56da4b62a5b9640fef55d40
2016-04-21Bug 492200 - Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilderAlex Blewitt120-302/+300
There are many opportunities for replacing `StringBuffer` with `StringBuilder` provided that the type isn't visible from the public API and is used only in internal methods. Replace these where appropriate. Change-Id: I769ceb6eaee18d183fb0e00fa0d730651f8a7edb Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-20Bug 491984 - Optimise toString().isEmpty() checksAlex Blewitt2-4/+4
The use of toString().toEmpty() is a potential code smell, and has identified a couple of places where this pattern could be optimised. Change-Id: I1a37e62ed8546a48151a494e9f24fea46d9d2497 Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-19Bug 491984 - Replace .equals("") with .isEmpty()Alex Blewitt33-74/+74
In many cases a String's empty status is tested with `.equals("")`. However, Java 1.6 added `.isEmpty()` which can be more efficient since it compares the internal length parameter only for testing. Replace code using the `.isEmpty()` variant instead. Some tests for `"".equals(expr)` can be replaced with `expr.isEmpty()` where it is already known that the `expr` is not null; however, these have to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Change-Id: I3c6af4d8b7638e757435914ac76cb3a67899a5fd Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-18Bug 491945 - Refactor ToolReference::getToolCommand()Alex Blewitt1-3/+4
The implementation of `ToolReference::getToolCommand()` different from its neighbours by checking if the `parent` was non-null. Change this so it looks for the `parent` being null and swap the bodies of the `if` statement around to maintain compatibility. Change-Id: I8a188b350f94db9b1bd9d240b7a7320a930280a2 Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-18Bug 491945 - Remove new String() from expressionsAlex Blewitt7-31/+25
Replace all occurrences of `new String(expr)` with `expr` provided that the `expr` is not a byte array or a char array. Change-Id: Iecae801b83084908b60b9e146eba87550eac640d Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-18Bug 491945 - Remove new String() literalsAlex Blewitt14-63/+63
Occurrences of `new String("...")` have been replaced with a direct reference to the literal it was wrapping. Change-Id: Iefb49a009f210db59e5724e0a232dba2e13292b1 Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-18Bug 491945 - Remove new String()Alex Blewitt36-124/+122
Occurrences of `new String()` have been replaced with the equivalent `""` and additional NON-NLS tags have been inserted in where appropriate. Change-Id: I54cf71dcd0d5a92a675a71166d66949533de502b Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-16Bug 491825 - Remove primitive wrapper creationAlex Blewitt36-251/+250
Using `new Integer` and other wrapper types such as `new Character` results in potential extra heap utilisation as the values are not cached. The built-in `Integer.valueOf` will perform caching on numbers in the range -128..127 (at least) using a flyweight pattern. In addition, parsing `int` values can be done with `Integer.parseInt` which avoids object construction. Adjust tests such as `"true".equals(expr)` to `Boolean.parseBoolean(expr)`. Change-Id: I0408a5c69afc4ca6ede71acaf6cc4abd67538006 Signed-off-by: Alex Blewitt <>
2016-04-15autotools: Adapt to generified ListenerList.Alexander Kurtakov4-18/+16
Neon generified ListenerList so cleanup here too. Change-Id: I569ddf79d4cc0e805da5083867f3c403aa6d79b9 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2016-04-15Bug 491825 - Remove uses of new Boolean and friendsSergey Prigogin20-189/+184
Change-Id: Ie358c8385c278472f3b86851f6fc219007bb9b5c
2016-04-15autotools; Use try-with-resources.Alexander Kurtakov1-18/+6
Change-Id: I424a07664a587ac65210dbe33b96e3f914a1c274 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <>
2016-04-14Remove build.core from cmake.ui.Doug Schaefer1-1/+0
2016-04-14Remove build.core from cmake.core. How did this pass verification?Doug Schaefer1-2/+1
2016-04-14Tighter integration of new build system with cdt.core.Doug Schaefer58-2420/+263
Move the new build system to cdt.core and remove the previous plugins. Hook the new system into scanner info and environment variable manager. Clean up API in preparation for Neon and API lockdown. Hook up Qt to the new APIs. Add discovery of MSYS2's toolchain and Qt and Qt's MinGW toolchain. Change-Id: I85b1a91da4a44e86f0e9da9310f8106c894623e0
2016-04-05Bug 490995 - [tests] autotools.tests and bundles have ↵Mat Booth1-0/+1
missing resources Change-Id: Icc5d446c00c1d52178440362c49d4cf7325825c2 Signed-off-by: Mat Booth <>
2016-03-22Revert "Bug 489563 - API change for Language Settings Providers."Doug Schaefer13-1300/+1285
This reverts the changes we've made for language settings providers so that I can start again with a cleaner approach. Change-Id: Icddd5a465a8f217594af5b07011a56bf1dfdf014
2016-03-22Cosmetics.Sergey Prigogin2-18/+17
Change-Id: I4022285d11267b77861cc8e4333adbea9c780ea7
2016-03-22Bug 489563 - API change for Language Settings Providers.Sergey Prigogin3-35/+36
Restored binary compatibility of LanguageSettingsSerializableProvider. Change-Id: I02c9c7b0cc98a72ef47798a74f7a6ff99e85cf46
2016-03-21Bug 489563 - API change for Language Settings Providers.Doug Schaefer12-1244/+1259
Use IBuildConfiguration instead of ICConfigurationDescription. Add adapters to convert back and forth between these. Create IBuildConfiguration objects when configuration descriptors are created. Clean up formating of the code involved. Change-Id: Iec5ca132dddbf990f116f96b4680ef5f7318e28b
2016-03-18minor fix, replace == for .equalsAlvaro Sanchez-Leon3-3/+3
Change-Id: I26f949b64d1d5da0f410c76379d51f7edfcf9474
2016-03-15Missing @since tagMarc Khouzam1-0/+3
Change-Id: I96a054aa3c8806bfa642184084a82e33d25bb0ae
2016-03-14Bug 467771 - add basis to support autotools option as NAME=VALUEWainer dos Santos Moschetta10-2/+344
It is not obvious in autotools preferences UI how to set variables like CC=/sbin/gcc Introduces the basis to allow extend the UI to include such as kind of variables. Change-Id: Ife0aada50d8c253f3fff39e7087f5fd54803ba48 Signed-off-by: Wainer dos Santos Moschetta <>
2016-03-14Added property page for CMake projectsJesper Eskilson4-0/+101
Currently only contains a button for launching the CMake GUI (cmake-qt-gui), but we might want to put other things in here as well. Change-Id: Ia89ad409eaad17a170cf1e2f1cd4fb31a7d678e2 Signed-off-by: Jesper Eskilson <>
2016-02-17Incremented version of org.eclipse.cdt.core to 6.0.Sergey Prigogin5-6/+6
Change-Id: I059e7eba9eff7f24c84e08a1cbf658381aaaf19d
2016-02-11Update copyright datesMarc Khouzam12-12/+12
Change-Id: I94ac38c37657e270f62db9bbd2859c2c6de40e5f
2016-02-09Support project scanner info in new build system for new class wiz.Doug Schaefer1-14/+17
The New Class Wizard asks scanner info for include paths for a project. Need to decide whether that's a good thing or not but for now, add support in the Qt config and GCC toolchain for it. Change-Id: I5f037deb13db41fc0a083ea9fdc30ac1f61557e6
2016-02-08Qt - cleanup build cases. Add method to GDBLaunch.Doug Schaefer1-1/+3
Clean up cases when Qt installs aren't registered for a given config. Fix bug on first scanner info request in build config. Clean up the Qt Run launch delegate in extension. Also added a method to GDBLaunch to allow subclasses to override what the default gdb path is. Change-Id: Icf158633e1c1327cc87ce59c1605bb26258f8708
2016-02-05releng: Fix missing about.htmlMarc-Andre Laperle3-2/+5
See Change-Id: Ia285ef3a4c85961464432191389838d5a605f5cb Signed-off-by: Marc-Andre Laperle <>
2016-02-01Missing copyright header.Marc Khouzam12-4/+85
Copyright assigned to company of the committer who did the first commit of the file. Change-Id: Ia133694018c798f9558258810982f5276737a0b0
2016-02-01Bug 461545 Add support of attribute isDisplayable to the Build PropertyGuy Bonneau7-11/+95
of a tool and implement the new interface method. Change-Id: Iee645519c1bf9fbe144021bc81bd6cf7434c3e4b Signed-off-by: Guy Bonneau <>
2016-01-29Qt fixes for scanner info and launching.Doug Schaefer1-1/+1
Qt builds now clear the scanner info cache so that it reloads. Also added Environment tab for Qt Local launch so that you can override the environment. Supported for 'run'. Change-Id: Id6a04a564587411b6a5846f00045f79f5696bfb8

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