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+<h1>How to register a template with Eclipse</h1>
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+Once the project template is ready, you need to register it with Eclipse
+to make the template available for use. It is a good practice to group all the
+files and resources related to the project template together in one folder. For
+example, if you are writing a project template for a Hello World Application,
+group all the resources required for this application in a folder
+To register a project template with Eclipse follow the steps given below:
+Create an empty plug-in project from the Eclipse workbench without
+the source folders.
+Create a folder and copy the project template along with all the
+resources required to create the project. For example, all the hearder files,
+source files, resource files etc.
+Open the plug-in manifest editor and select the
+<code class="ProgramOutput">Dependencies</code> page. For more information on plug-in manifest
+editor, refer to <i>PDE
+ Guide &gt; Getting Started &gt; Basic Plug-in Tutorial
+&gt; Plug-in manifest editor</i>.
+Click <code>Add</code> to select
+<code class="filename">org.eclipse.cdt.templateengine</code> plug-in from the list.
+Select the <code>Extensions</code> page in the plug-in manifest
+Click <code>Add</code> to create an extension to the extension-point.
+Select the extension-point with ID
+<code class="filename">org.eclipse.cdt.templateengine.templates</code> from the list of
+Right-click on the newly added extension, and select
+<code class="ProgramOutput">New</code> &gt;
+<code class="ProgramOutput">template</code> from the context menu.
+Choose the new template added in step 6 from the <code class="ProgramOutput">All
+Extensions</code> list.
+Specify the <code class="ProgramOutput">wizardId</code> attribute of the template as
+"<em>org.eclipse.cdt.project.ui.NewProjectWizard</em>". This
+attribute is mandatory.
+Specify the location of the template relative to the plug-in created
+in step 1. This attribute is mandatory.
+Specify a <code class="ProgramOutput">filterPattern</code> to indicate the build
+Configurations for which the template is created. It is a regular expression used
+to filter the build Configurations. If the template is designed for a particular
+Configuration, it is recommended to specify the filter pattern. For example, If
+the template is designed for GCC Configurations, the filter pattern can be ".*gcc".
+ If the template is designed for multiple build Configurations, you can specify
+ the filter patterns delimited by "|" .
+The New Project wizard filters the available build Configurations based on the filter
+pattern for the selected template. The filter patterns are matched against the
+available Configurations' ID to get a list of matching SDKs. This is an optional
+For more information on regular expression patterns, refer to Java
+API document for
+<a href="">java.util.regex.Pattern</a>.
+Select an appropriate project type from the
+<code class="ProgramOutput">projectType</code> drop-down list. This is an optional attribute.
+Specify the <code class="ProgramOutput">usageDescription</code>, which is a notation
+describing how this template is used. Usually used to filter the list of
+templates on offer depending on other wizard attributes. This is an optional
+attribute. For more information, refer to Java API document for
+<a href="">java.util.regex.Pattern</a>.
+The New Project wizard will list only those templates, which are
+relevant for the build Configurations choosen for the project. For a example, if the developer
+choose to create a <code class="ProgramOutput">C++ Application for Symbian OS</code>, the wizard
+will list all the templates with the relevant
+<code class="ProgramOutput">usageDescription</code>. Otherwise, for a standard <code class="ProgramOutput">CDT
+C++ Project</code> the wizard will list all the templates, irrespective of
+whether the <code class="ProgramOutput">usageDescription</code> is specified or not.
+Specify the <code class="ProgramOutput">pagesAfterTemplateSelectionProvider</code>,
+which is a fully qualified name of the class that implements
+<code class="filename">org.eclipse.cdt.templateengine.IPagesAfterTemplateSelectionProvider</code>
+interface. This is an optional attribute.
+After creating the plug-ins and registering the templates, launch a
+runtime workbench and invoke the New Project wizard to check that the template
+you added is listed.
+<a name="1.7"></a>
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+<h2>See also:</h2>
+</div><div class="Bodytext">
+<A href="Howtodeveloptemplates.html#howto%2edevelop%2etemplates">How to develop templates</A>
+<A href="exampletemplate.html#Corona%2ecustomguide%2eexampletemplate">Example template</A>
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