Skip to main content
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1508 deletions
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index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/.cvsignore
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--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
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- * Copyright (c) 2008, 2012 QNX Software Systems and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * QNX Software Systems - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import junit.extensions.TestSetup;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.CModelException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICProject;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.CDIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDIFunctionLocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILocator;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDISession;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIStackFrame;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITarget;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICBreakpointType;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.testplugin.CDebugHelper;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.testplugin.CProjectHelper;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-public abstract class AbstractDebugTest extends TestCase {
- IWorkspace workspace;
- IWorkspaceRoot root;
- NullProgressMonitor monitor;
- static ICProject testProject = null;
- static ICDISession session = null;
- static ICDITarget targets[] = null;
- ICDITarget currentTarget;
- static boolean oneTimeSetupDone = false;
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- if (oneTimeSetupDone == false) {
- oneTimeSetUp(); // this can happened when run junit failed test from UI, without invoking suite()
- oneTimeSetupDone = false; // re-set it back so tarDownOnes will run
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- * The tests assume that they have a working workspace and workspace
- * root object to use to create projects/files in, so we need to get
- * them setup first.
- */
- workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
- root = workspace.getRoot();
- monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
- if (workspace == null)
- fail("Workspace was not setup"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if (root == null)
- fail("Workspace root was not setup"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- void createDebugSession() throws IOException, MIException, CModelException {
- session = CDebugHelper.createSession(getProjectBinary(), testProject);
- assertNotNull(session);
- targets = session.getTargets();
- assertNotNull(targets);
- assertTrue(targets.length > 0);
- currentTarget = targets[0];
- }
- /**
- * Sets up the test fixture.
- *
- * Called before every test case method.
- *
- * Example code test the packages in the project
- * ""
- */
- protected void oneTimeSetUp() throws CoreException, InvocationTargetException, IOException {
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getDescription().setAutoBuilding(false);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a new project and import the test source.
- */
- Path imputFile = new Path(getProjectZip());
- testProject = CProjectHelper.createCProjectWithImport(getProjectName(), imputFile);
- if (testProject == null)
- fail("Unable to create project"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- /* Build the test project.. */
- testProject.getProject().build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, null);
- oneTimeSetupDone = true;
- }
- protected String getProjectName() {
- return "filetest";
- }
- protected String getProjectZip() {
- return "resources/";
- }
- protected String getProjectBinary() {
- return "main";
- }
- public static Display getDisplay() {
- return PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay();
- }
- /**
- * Dispatch ui events for at least msec - milliseconds
- *
- * @param msec -
- * milliseconds delay
- */
- public static void uimsleep(int msec) {
- long cur = System.currentTimeMillis();
- long pass = 0;
- Display display = getDisplay();
- while (pass < msec) {
- if (!display.readAndDispatch())
- display.sleep();
- pass = System.currentTimeMillis() - cur;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tears down the test fixture.
- *
- * Called after every test case method.
- */
- protected void oneTimeTearDown() throws CoreException {
- if (targets != null) {
- try {
- targets[0].terminate();
- } catch (CDIException e) {
- }
- }
- if (session != null) {
- try {
- session.terminate();
- } catch (CDIException e) {
- }
- }
- CProjectHelper.delete(testProject);
- if (oneTimeSetupDone == false) {
- oneTimeTearDown(); // this can happened when run junit failed test from UI, without invoking suite()
- }
- }
- static class DebugTestWrapper extends TestSetup {
- private AbstractDebugTest newInstance;
- public DebugTestWrapper(Class clazz) {
- super(new TestSuite(clazz));
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a wrapper suite around the test suite we created above to
- * allow us to only do the general setup once for all the tests. This is
- * needed because the creation of the source and target projects takes a
- * long time and we really only need to do it once. We could do the
- * setup in the constructor, but we need to be able to remove everything
- * when we are done.
- */
- try {
- newInstance = (AbstractDebugTest) clazz.newInstance();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException,
- InvocationTargetException, CoreException {
- newInstance.oneTimeSetUp();
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, CoreException {
- newInstance.oneTimeTearDown();
- }
- }
- void pause() {
- uimsleep(200);
- }
- public ICDILocator getCurrentLocator() throws CDIException {
- return getCurrentFrame().getLocator();
- }
- public ICDIStackFrame getCurrentFrame() throws CDIException {
- return currentTarget.getCurrentThread().getStackFrames()[0];
- }
- void waitSuspend(ICDITarget currentTarget) {
- int loop;
- loop = 0;
- while ((currentTarget.isSuspended() == false) && (currentTarget.isTerminated() == false) && (loop < 20)) {
- uimsleep(500);
- loop++;
- }
- assertFalse("Target should be suspended, but it is terminated " + currentTarget.isTerminated(), currentTarget
- .isTerminated());
- assertTrue("Target should be suspended but it is not", currentTarget.isSuspended());
- }
- public void resumeCurrentTarget() throws CDIException{
- currentTarget.resume(false);
- }
- void setBreakOnMain() throws CDIException {
- ICDILocation location = null;
- location = currentTarget.createFunctionLocation("", "main"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- currentTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(ICBreakpointType.TEMPORARY, (ICDIFunctionLocation) location, null, false);
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- /* clean up the session */
- if (session == null) {
- session.terminate();
- session = null;
- }
- super.tearDown();
- }
diff --git a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/ b/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 QNX Software Systems and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * QNX Software Systems - Initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
- *
- *
- * This is the main entry point for running this suite of JUnit tests
- * for all tests within the package "org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core"
- *
- * @author Judy N. Green
- * @since Jul 19, 2002
- */
-public class AllDebugTests extends TestSuite {
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite suite = new AllDebugTests();
- // Just add more test cases here as you create them for
- // each class being tested
- suite.addTest(DebugTests.suite());
- suite.addTest(BreakpointTests.suite());
- suite.addTest(LocationTests.suite());
- suite.addTest(EventBreakpointTests.suite());
- return suite;
- }
-} // End of
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index d7acdc6bded..00000000000
--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 QNX Software Systems and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * QNX Software Systems - Initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.CDIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDIAddressLocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDICondition;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDIFunctionLocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILineLocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILocator;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIBreakpoint;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDILocationBreakpoint;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIStackFrame;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITarget;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
- * @author Peter Graves
- *
- * This file contains a set of generic tests for the CDI break point interfaces.
- * It will currenly use the mi implementation.
- *
- */
-public class BreakpointTests extends AbstractDebugTest {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new DebugTestWrapper(BreakpointTests.class) {};
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- createDebugSession();
- assertNotNull(currentTarget);
- currentTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- /* clean up the session */
- targets[0].terminate();
- int x = 0;
- while ((!targets[0].isTerminated()) && (x < 30)) {
- Thread.sleep(100);
- }
- if (!targets[0].isTerminated())
- targets[0].terminate();
- super.tearDown();
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * A couple tests to make sure setting breakpoints on functions works as
- * expected.
- */
- public void testFunctionBreak() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- ICDIFunctionLocation location;
- boolean caught = false;
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on a generic function
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation(null, "func1"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on main
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation(null, "main"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Try to create a break point on a function name that does not exist We
- * expect that this will cause the setLocationBreakpoint to throw a
- * CDIException
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation(null, "badname"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertNotNull(location);
- try {
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- } catch (CDIException e) {
- caught = true;
- }
- assertTrue(caught);
- cdiTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on a generic function and see if it will get hit
- * and stop program execution.
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation(null, "func1"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- targets = session.getTargets();
- /*
- * We better only have one target connected to this session or something
- * is not right...
- */
- assertTrue(targets.length == 1);
- /*
- * Resume the target, this should cause it to run till it hits the
- * breakpoint
- */
- resumeCurrentTarget();
- /**
- * Give the process up to 10 seconds to become either terminated or
- * suspended. It sould hit the breakponint almost immediatly so we
- * should only sleep for max 100 ms
- */
- waitSuspend(cdiTarget);
- ICDILocator locator = getCurrentLocator();
- assertTrue(locator.getLineNumber() == 6);
- assertTrue(locator.getFunction().equals("func1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(locator.getFile().endsWith("main.c")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * A couple tests to make sure setting breakpoints on line numbers works as
- * expected.
- */
- public void testLineBreak() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- ICDILineLocation location;
- boolean caught = false;
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point in a generic function
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", 7);
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point in main
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", 18);
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Try to create a break point on a line that does not exist We expect
- * that this will cause the setLocationBreakpoint to throw a
- * CDIException
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", 30);
- assertNotNull(location);
- try {
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- } catch (CDIException e) {
- caught = true;
- }
- assertTrue(caught);
- caught = false;
- /***********************************************************************
- * Try to create a break point on a line that does not have code on it
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", 11);
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point in a generic function without passing the source
- * file name. At the time of writing this would just silently fail, so
- * to make sure it works, we will do it once with a valid line number
- * and once with an invalid line number, and the first should always
- * succeed and the second should always throw an exception.
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation(null, 7);
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- caught = false;
- location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation(null, 30);
- assertNotNull(location);
- try {
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- } catch (CDIException e) {
- caught = true;
- }
- assertTrue("Ignoring line numbers with no file specified?", caught);
- cdiTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on a line number and see if it will get hit and
- * stop program execution.
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation(null, 7);
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- targets = session.getTargets();
- /*
- * We better only have one target connected to this session or something
- * is not right...
- */
- assertTrue(targets.length == 1);
- /*
- * Resume the target, this should cause it to run till it hits the
- * breakpoint
- */
- targets[0].resume();
- /**
- * Give the process up to 10 seconds to become either terminated or
- * suspended. It sould hit the breakponint almost immediatly so we
- * should only sleep for max 100 ms
- */
- for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
- if (targets[0].isSuspended() || targets[0].isTerminated())
- break;
- Thread.sleep(100);
- }
- assertTrue("Suspended: " + targets[0].isSuspended() + " Termiunated: " + targets[0].isTerminated(), targets[0]
- .isSuspended());
- ICDILocator locator = getCurrentLocator();
- assertTrue(locator.getLineNumber() == 7);
- assertTrue(locator.getFunction().equals("func1"));
- assertTrue(locator.getFile().endsWith("main.c"));
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * A couple tests to make sure getting breakpoints works as expected
- */
- public void testGetBreak() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- ICDIFunctionLocation location;
- ICDIBreakpoint[] breakpoints;
- ICDILocationBreakpoint curbreak;
- /***********************************************************************
- * Make sure initially we don't have any breakpoints
- **********************************************************************/
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertNotNull(breakpoints);
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 0);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Make sure if we create a simple breakpoint, that we can get it back
- * from the system
- **********************************************************************/
- /* Create a break point on a generic function */
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "func1");
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertNotNull(breakpoints);
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 1);
- if (breakpoints[0] instanceof ICDILocationBreakpoint) {
- curbreak = (ICDILocationBreakpoint) breakpoints[0];
- } else
- curbreak = null;
- assertNotNull(curbreak);
- //assertTrue(curbreak.getLocator().equals(location));
- {
- ICDILocator locator = curbreak.getLocator();
- String file = locator.getFile();
- String function = locator.getFunction();
- assertTrue("main.c".equals(file));
- assertTrue("func1".equals(function));
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- * Make sure if we create multiple break points that we can still get
- * them all back from the system,
- **********************************************************************/
- /* Create another break point on main */
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "main");
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertNotNull(breakpoints);
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 2);
- if (breakpoints[1] instanceof ICDILocationBreakpoint) {
- curbreak = (ICDILocationBreakpoint) breakpoints[1];
- } else
- curbreak = null;
- assertNotNull(curbreak);
- /*
- * Make sure the location still looks like we expect it to.. .
- */
- //assertTrue(curbreak.getLocation().equals(location));
- {
- ICDILocator locator = curbreak.getLocator();
- String file = locator.getFile();
- String function = locator.getFunction();
- assertTrue("main.c".equals(file));
- assertTrue("main".equals(function));
- }
- cdiTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * A couple tests to make sure deleting breakpoints works as expected
- */
- public void testDelBreak() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- ICDIFunctionLocation location;
- ICDILocator savedLocation;
- ICDIBreakpoint[] breakpoints, savedbreakpoints;
- ICDILocationBreakpoint curbreak;
- /* Make sure initially we don't have any breakpoints */
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertNotNull(breakpoints);
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 0);
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Test to make sure if we create a new breakpoint, we can delete it by
- * passing a refrence to it to deleteBreakpoint()
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- /* Create a break point on a generic function */
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "func1");
- assertNotNull(location);
- curbreak = cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- cdiTarget.deleteBreakpoints( new ICDIBreakpoint[] { curbreak } );
- pause();
- /**
- * we should not have any breakpoints left.
- */
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 0);
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Test to make sure if we create multiple new breakpoint, we can delete
- * one of them by passing a refrence to it to deleteBreakpoint()
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- /* Create a break point on a generic function */
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "func1");
- assertNotNull(location);
- curbreak = cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- savedLocation = curbreak.getLocator();
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "main");
- assertNotNull(location);
- curbreak = cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- cdiTarget.deleteBreakpoints( new ICDIBreakpoint[] { curbreak } );
- pause();
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- /***********************************************************************
- * Make sure there is only 1 breakpoint left, and it's the one we expect
- */
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 1);
- curbreak = (ICDILocationBreakpoint) breakpoints[0];
- assertNotNull(curbreak);
- assertTrue(curbreak.getLocator().equals(savedLocation));
- /***********************************************************************
- * Then delete the other breakpoint.
- */
- cdiTarget.deleteBreakpoints( new ICDIBreakpoint[] { curbreak } );
- pause();
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 0);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Make sure deleteBreakpoints works when given 1 breakpoint to delete
- **********************************************************************/
- savedbreakpoints = new ICDIBreakpoint[1];
- int lineStart = 6;
- int maxBreakpoints = 5;
- for (int x = 0; x < maxBreakpoints; x++) {
- ICDILineLocation lineLocation = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", x + lineStart);
- ICDILocationBreakpoint bp = cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, lineLocation, null, false);
- assertNotNull(bp);
- assertEquals(x + lineStart, (bp.getLocator().getLineNumber()));
- savedbreakpoints[0] = bp;
- }
- cdiTarget.deleteBreakpoints(savedbreakpoints);
- pause();
- /* We should now have N-1 breakpoints left. */
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == maxBreakpoints-1);
- /* Make sure we have the correct N-1 breakpoints left, we deleted one at line N */
- for (int x = 0; x < breakpoints.length; x++) {
- curbreak = (ICDILocationBreakpoint) breakpoints[x];
- assertNotEquals(((ICDILocationBreakpoint)savedbreakpoints[0]).getLocator().getLineNumber(), curbreak.getLocator().getLineNumber());
- }
- cdiTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- assertTrue(cdiTarget.getBreakpoints().length == 0);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Make sure deleteBreakpoints works when given more then 1 but less
- * then all breakpoints to delete
- **********************************************************************/
- savedbreakpoints = new ICDIBreakpoint[2];
- for (int x = 0; x < maxBreakpoints; x++) {
- ICDILineLocation lineLocation = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", x + lineStart);
- savedbreakpoints[x % 2] = cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, lineLocation, null, false);
- assertNotNull(savedbreakpoints[x % 2]);
- }
- cdiTarget.deleteBreakpoints(savedbreakpoints);
- pause();
- /* We should now have maxBreakpoints-2 breakpoints left. */
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertEquals(maxBreakpoints-2, breakpoints.length );
- /* Make sure we have the correct 6 breakpoints left */
- for (int x = 0; x < breakpoints.length; x++) {
- curbreak = (ICDILocationBreakpoint) breakpoints[x];
- assertEquals(x+lineStart, curbreak.getLocator().getLineNumber());
- }
- cdiTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- assertTrue(cdiTarget.getBreakpoints().length == 0);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Make sure deleteBreakpoints works when given all the breakpoints
- **********************************************************************/
- savedbreakpoints = new ICDIBreakpoint[maxBreakpoints];
- for (int x = 0; x < maxBreakpoints; x++) {
- ICDILineLocation lineLocation = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", x + lineStart);
- savedbreakpoints[x] = cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, lineLocation, null, false);
- assertNotNull(savedbreakpoints[x]);
- }
- cdiTarget.deleteBreakpoints(savedbreakpoints);
- pause();
- /* We should now have 0 breakpoints left. */
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 0);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Make sure deleteAllBreakpoints works
- **********************************************************************/
- for (int x = 0; x < maxBreakpoints; x++) {
- ICDILineLocation lineLocation = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", x + lineStart);
- curbreak = cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, lineLocation, null, false);
- assertNotNull(curbreak);
- }
- cdiTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- /* We should now have 0 breakpoints left. */
- breakpoints = cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 0);
- }
- private void assertNotEquals(int notExpected, int actual) {
- if (notExpected==actual)
- fail("not expected:<"+actual+">");
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * A couple tests to make sure setting breakpoints with conditions seems to
- * work as expected.
- */
- public void testCondBreak() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- boolean caught = false;
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- ICDICondition cond;
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on a line number with a condition and make sure
- * it does not suspend execution of the application until the condition
- * is true
- **********************************************************************/
- cdiTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- ICDILineLocation lineLocation = cdiTarget.createLineLocation(null, 23);
- assertNotNull(lineLocation);
- cond = cdiTarget.createCondition(0, "a>10");
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, lineLocation, cond, false);
- pause();
- resumeCurrentTarget();
- /**
- * Give the process up to 10 seconds to become either terminated or
- * suspended. It sould hit the breakponint almost immediatly so we
- * should only sleep for max 100 ms
- */
- waitSuspend(cdiTarget);
- ICDIStackFrame frame = getCurrentFrame();
- ICDILocator locator = getCurrentLocator();
- assertTrue(locator.getLineNumber() == 23);
- assertTrue(locator.getFunction().equals("main"));
- assertTrue(locator.getFile().endsWith("main.c"));
- /* Get the value of a and and make sure it is 11 */
- assertTrue(targets[0].evaluateExpressionToString(frame, "a"), targets[0].evaluateExpressionToString(frame, "a").equals("11"));
- }
- public void testCondBreak2() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on a generic function with an empty condition
- **********************************************************************/
- ICDICondition cond = cdiTarget.createCondition(0, "");
- ICDIFunctionLocation location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation(null, "func1");
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, cond, false);
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on a generic function with an valid condition
- **********************************************************************/
- cond = cdiTarget.createCondition(0, "x<10");
- ICDILineLocation location2 = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", 9);
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location2, cond, false);
- }
- public void testCondBreakError() {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- ICDICondition cond;
- ICDIFunctionLocation location;
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on a generic function with an invalid condition
- * We expect to get a CDIException when we try to set the breakpoint.
- **********************************************************************/
- boolean caught = false;
- cond = cdiTarget.createCondition(0, "nonexist<10");
- location = cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation(null, "func1");
- assertNotNull(location);
- try {
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, cond, false);
- } catch (CDIException e) {
- caught = true;
- }
- assertTrue("Setting wrong condition should fail",caught);
- }
- public void testHitCond() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- setBreakOnMain();
- testCondBreak2();
- resumeCurrentTarget();
- waitSuspend(currentTarget);
- }
- public void xfail_testHitCondWithError() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- // this currently fails sometimes - after set bad breakpoint it does not hit any
- // only reproducible when setting invalid condition breakpoint, reason unknown
- setBreakOnMain();
- testCondBreak2();
- testCondBreakError();
- pause();
- /* We should now have 3 breakpoints left. */
- ICDIBreakpoint[] breakpoints = currentTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length == 3);
- resumeCurrentTarget();
- waitSuspend(currentTarget);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * A test to make sure setting address breakpoints works as
- * expected.
- */
- public void testAddressBreak() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- ICDIAddressLocation location;
- boolean caught = false;
- setBreakOnMain();
- currentTarget.resume(false);
- waitSuspend(currentTarget);
- currentTarget.stepOver(1);
- pause();
- BigInteger address = getCurrentLocator().getAddress();
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point on first instruction
- **********************************************************************/
- location = currentTarget.createAddressLocation(address);
- assertNotNull(location);
- currentTarget.setAddressBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- // restart
- currentTarget.restart();
- pause();
- waitSuspend(currentTarget);
- ICDILocator locator = getCurrentLocator();
- assertTrue(locator.getLineNumber() == 18);
- assertTrue(locator.getFunction().equals("main")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(locator.getFile().endsWith("main.c")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/ b/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 793bcdf43ae..00000000000
--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 QNX Software Systems and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * QNX Software Systems - Initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICProject;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.CDIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDIFunctionLocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDISession;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITarget;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.testplugin.CDebugHelper;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.testplugin.CProjectHelper;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
- * @author Peter Graves
- *
- * This file contains a set of generic tests for the debug stuff. It currenly
- * uses the mi debugger.
- *
- */
-public class DebugTests extends TestCase {
- IWorkspace workspace;
- IWorkspaceRoot root;
- ICProject testProject;
- NullProgressMonitor monitor;
- ICDISession session;
- /**
- * Constructor for DebugTests
- * @param name
- */
- public DebugTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- /***
- * The assume that they have a working workspace
- * and workspace root object to use to create projects/files in,
- * so we need to get them setup first.
- */
- workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
- root= workspace.getRoot();
- monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
- if (workspace==null)
- fail("Workspace was not setup");
- if (root==null)
- fail("Workspace root was not setup");
- }
- /**
- * Sets up the test fixture.
- *
- * Called before every test case method.
- *
- * Example code test the packages in the project
- * ""
- */
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws CoreException, InvocationTargetException, IOException {
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getDescription().setAutoBuilding(false);
- /***
- * Create a new project and import the test source.
- */
- IPath importFile = new Path("resources/");
- testProject=CProjectHelper.createCProjectWithImport("filetest", importFile);
- if (testProject==null)
- fail("Unable to create project");
- /* Build the test project.. */
- testProject.getProject().build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, null);
- }
- /**
- * Tears down the test fixture.
- *
- * Called after every test case method.
- */
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws CoreException, CDIException {
- if (session!=null) {
- session.terminate();
- session=null;
- }
- CProjectHelper.delete(testProject);
- }
- public static TestSuite suite() {
- return new TestSuite(DebugTests.class);
- }
- public static void main (String[] args){
- }
- /***
- * Can we setup a debug?
- * This is sort of a catch all sanity tests to make sure we can create a debug
- * session with a break point and start it without having any exceptions thrown.
- * It's not ment to be a real proper test.
- */
- public void testDebug() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget;
- ICDIFunctionLocation location;
- session=CDebugHelper.createSession("main",testProject);
- assertNotNull(session);
- ICDITarget[] targets = session.getTargets();
- assertNotNull(targets);
- assertTrue(targets.length > 0);
- cdiTarget = targets[0];
- assertNotNull(cdiTarget);
- location=cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation(null, "func1");
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- cdiTarget.resume();
- session.terminate();
- session=null;
- }
diff --git a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/ b/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c6120b4ee1..00000000000
--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2008, 2012 QNX Software Systems and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * QNX Software Systems - Initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.CModelException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.CDIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILocator;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIBreakpoint;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIBreakpointManagement3;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIEventBreakpoint;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICBreakpointType;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.gdb.eventbkpts.IEventBreakpointConstants;
-public class EventBreakpointTests extends AbstractDebugTest {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new DebugTestWrapper(EventBreakpointTests.class){};
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProjectName() {
- return "catchpoints";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProjectZip() {
- return "resources/";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProjectBinary() {
- return "catchpoints.exe";
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- createDebugSession();
- assertNotNull(currentTarget);
- currentTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- }
- public void testCatch() throws CModelException, IOException, MIException, CDIException {
- eventbreakpoints(IEventBreakpointConstants.EVENT_TYPE_CATCH, "");
- }
- public void testThrow() throws CModelException, IOException, MIException, CDIException {
- eventbreakpoints(IEventBreakpointConstants.EVENT_TYPE_THROW, "");
- }
- private void eventbreakpoints(String type, String arg) throws CModelException, IOException, MIException, CDIException {
- ICDIBreakpoint[] breakpoints;
- ICDIEventBreakpoint curbreak;
- setBreakOnMain();
- currentTarget.restart();
- waitSuspend(currentTarget);
- ICDILocator locator = getCurrentLocator();
- assertEquals("Debug should be stopped in function 'main' but it is stopped in: " + locator.getFunction(),
- "main", locator.getFunction());
- currentTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- assertTrue(currentTarget instanceof ICDIBreakpointManagement3);
- ((ICDIBreakpointManagement3) currentTarget).setEventBreakpoint(type, arg, ICBreakpointType.REGULAR, null, false, true);
- pause();
- breakpoints = currentTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertNotNull(breakpoints);
- assertEquals(1, breakpoints.length);
- if (breakpoints[0] instanceof ICDIEventBreakpoint) {
- curbreak = (ICDIEventBreakpoint) breakpoints[0];
- } else
- curbreak = null;
- assertNotNull("Found breakpoint is not an event breakpoint",curbreak);
- currentTarget.resume(false);
- waitSuspend(currentTarget);
- // it is stopped we are fine, it did hit breakpoint
- }
diff --git a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/ b/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eb3fa0d70c..00000000000
--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 QNX Software Systems and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * QNX Software Systems - Initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.CDIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDIFunctionLocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILineLocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIBreakpoint;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDILocationBreakpoint;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITarget;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
- * @author Peter Graves
- *
- * This file contains a set of generic tests for the CDI Location interfaces.
- * It will currenly use the mi implementation.
- *
- */
-public class LocationTests extends AbstractDebugTest {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new DebugTestWrapper(LocationTests.class){};
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- createDebugSession();
- assertNotNull(currentTarget);
- currentTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- }
- /***
- * A couple tests to make sure comparing Locations works as expected.
- */
- public void testIsEquals() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- ICDILineLocation lineLocation, lineLocation2;
- ICDIFunctionLocation functionLocation, functionLocation2;
- ICDIBreakpoint[] breakpoints;
- ICDILocationBreakpoint curbreak;
- /**********************************************************************
- * Simple test.. this should work.
- **********************************************************************/
- functionLocation=cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "func1");
- functionLocation2=cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "func1");
- assertTrue(functionLocation.equals(functionLocation2));
- /**********************************************************************
- * Simple test.. this should work.
- **********************************************************************/
- lineLocation=cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", 10);
- lineLocation2=cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", 10);
- assertTrue(lineLocation.equals(lineLocation2));
- /**********************************************************************
- * make sure that the location returned from getLocation on the
- * ICDILocationBreakpoint.getLocation that is returned from
- * setLocationBreakpoint is the same as the breakpoint returned from
- * BreakpointManager.getBreakpoints.getLocation()
- **********************************************************************/
- functionLocation=cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "func1");
- assertNotNull(functionLocation);
- functionLocation2=cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, functionLocation, null, false).getLocator();
- breakpoints=cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertNotNull(breakpoints);
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length==1);
- if (breakpoints[0] instanceof ICDILocationBreakpoint) {
- curbreak=(ICDILocationBreakpoint) breakpoints[0];
- } else
- curbreak=null;
- assertNotNull(curbreak);
- assertTrue(curbreak.getLocator().equals(functionLocation2));
- cdiTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- /* Create a break point on a generic function with a file name that
- * gdb will change to the relitive path of the source file. This
- * should work, but at the time of writing (Sept 25, 2002) does not.
- */
- functionLocation=cdiTarget.createFunctionLocation("main.c", "func1");
- assertNotNull(functionLocation);
- cdiTarget.setFunctionBreakpoint(0, functionLocation, null, false);
- breakpoints=cdiTarget.getBreakpoints();
- assertNotNull(breakpoints);
- assertTrue(breakpoints.length==1);
- if (breakpoints[0] instanceof ICDILocationBreakpoint) {
- curbreak=(ICDILocationBreakpoint) breakpoints[0];
- } else
- curbreak=null;
- assertNotNull(curbreak);
- assertTrue("PR:23879",curbreak.getLocator().equals(functionLocation));
- }
diff --git a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/ b/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 10144aa170d..00000000000
--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.sourcelookup.MapEntrySourceContainer;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-public class MapEntrySourceContainerTests extends TestCase {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new TestSuite(MapEntrySourceContainerTests.class);
- }
- public MapEntrySourceContainerTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public void testUNCPath() {
- String uncPath = "//server/path/on/server";
- IPath path = MapEntrySourceContainer.createPath(uncPath);
- assertEquals(uncPath, path.toString());
- uncPath = "\\\\server\\path\\on\\server";
- path = MapEntrySourceContainer.createPath(uncPath);
- assertEquals(uncPath, path.toOSString());
- }
diff --git a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/ b/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8db0d548a51..00000000000
--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 QNX Software Systems and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * QNX Software Systems - Initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.CDIException;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILineLocation;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDILocator;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITarget;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
- * Create a project with space and do sanity test for debugger
- */
-public class ProjectWithSpaceTests extends AbstractDebugTest {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new DebugTestWrapper(ProjectWithSpaceTests.class) {
- };
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProjectName() {
- return "with space";
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- createDebugSession();
- assertNotNull(currentTarget);
- currentTarget.deleteAllBreakpoints();
- pause();
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- /* clean up the session */
- targets[0].terminate();
- int x = 0;
- while ((!targets[0].isTerminated()) && (x < 30)) {
- Thread.sleep(100);
- }
- if (!targets[0].isTerminated())
- targets[0].terminate();
- super.tearDown();
- }
- /**
- * Basic sanity test
- */
- public void testLineBreak() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- ICDITarget cdiTarget = currentTarget;
- ICDILineLocation location;
- boolean caught = false;
- /***********************************************************************
- * Create a break point in a generic function
- **********************************************************************/
- location = cdiTarget.createLineLocation("main.c", 7);
- assertNotNull(location);
- cdiTarget.setLineBreakpoint(0, location, null, false);
- targets = session.getTargets();
- /*
- * We better only have one target connected to this session or something
- * is not right...
- */
- assertTrue(targets.length == 1);
- /*
- * Resume the target, this should cause it to run till it hits the
- * breakpoint
- */
- ICDITarget target = targets[0];
- target.resume(false);
- /**
- * Give the process up to 10 seconds to become either terminated or
- * suspended. It sould hit the breakponint almost immediatly so we
- * should only sleep for max 100 ms
- */
- for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
- if (target.isSuspended() || target.isTerminated())
- break;
- Thread.sleep(100);
- }
- assertTrue("Suspended: " + target.isSuspended() + " Terminated: " + target.isTerminated(),
- target.isSuspended());
- ICDILocator locator = getCurrentLocator();
- assertTrue(locator.getLineNumber() == 7);
- assertTrue(locator.getFunction().equals("func1"));
- assertTrue(locator.getFile().endsWith("main.c"));
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/ b/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index a18ecb7731e..00000000000
--- a/debug/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.tests/core/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/core/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 QNX Software Systems and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * QNX Software Systems - Initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.testplugin.*;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.*;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.*;
-import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.*;
- * @author Peter Graves
- *
- * This file contains a set of generic tests for the CDI Target interfaces.
- * It will currenly use the mi implementation.
- *
- */
-public class TargetTests extends TestCase {
- IWorkspace workspace;
- IWorkspaceRoot root;
- ICProject testProject;
- NullProgressMonitor monitor;
- /**
- * Constructor for TargetTests
- * @param name
- */
- public TargetTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- /***
- * The assume that they have a working workspace
- * and workspace root object to use to create projects/files in,
- * so we need to get them setup first.
- */
- workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
- root= workspace.getRoot();
- monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
- if (workspace==null)
- fail("Workspace was not setup");
- if (root==null)
- fail("Workspace root was not setup");
- }
- /**
- * Sets up the test fixture.
- *
- * Called before every test case method.
- *
- * Example code test the packages in the project
- * ""
- */
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws CoreException,FileNotFoundException {
- /***
- * Setup the various files, paths and projects that are needed by the
- * tests
- */
- testProject=CProjectHelper.createCProject("filetest");
- if (testProject==null)
- fail("Unable to create project");
- }
- /**
- * Tears down the test fixture.
- *
- * Called after every test case method.
- */
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws CoreException {
- CProjectHelper.delete(testProject);
- }
- public static TestSuite suite() {
- return new TestSuite(TargetTests.class);
- }
- public static void main (String[] args){
- }
- /***
- * A couple tests to make sure various evaluations work as expected
- */
- public void testEvaluate() throws CoreException, MIException, IOException, CDIException, InterruptedException {
- /***
- * Tests to come
- */
- }

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